“His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’” (John 2:5) This is the only verse in the entire Bible in which Mary has any authority over anyone (except as a mother over her children). In the Bible, Mary: --never wore a crown --never even was mentioned after Acts 2 --never had anyone bow to her --never was perfect or sinless --never had any "assumption" The Bible specifically says that the magi bowed to Jesus, then they gave gifts to Jesus. Not to Mary, who was right there. Since they did not bow to Mary in person, why do millions of people bow down to a worthless, lifeless statue supposedly of Mary? The phrase "Queen of Heaven" is mentioned repeatedly in Jeremiah. Every ceremony involving this imaginary queen was condemned by God in that book. Yet today, millions say Mary is the Queen of Heaven. After Jesus was born, Mary was no longer a virgin. Jesus had several half-siblings. There was a time when Mary & Jesus' half-siblings thought Jesus was crazy, & they came to take him away. Jesus refused to even go outside to see them (Mark 3:20-35). That’s no way to treat the Queen of Heaven! :P Pathetically, some would insist that the “woman clothed with the sun” in Revelation 12:1-6 is Mary. Obviously this passage is alluding* to Genesis 37:1-9, so clearly the “woman” is the nation of Israel & not Mary. Revelation 12 is about the time before the end of the world. How could Satan attack Mary on earth when she’s already in heaven? Mary was a good woman (that one scene in Mark 3 notwithstanding). She would be horrified to know that millions of people bow down to statues supposedly of her, or that millions try in vain to talk to her. Worship God! Do not worship anyone else. *Many things described in Revelation are allusions to things mentioned in Genesis.
I've heard stories saying that Mary continued with other people spreading the good news about jesus all through Syria,, Lebanon,, Cyprus and possibly other countries as well,,, that is why she is so loved,, and worshiped by people,,though I totally understand how wrong it is .......
Revelation 12 can have multivalent meaning. There are some good reasons for thinking that it is also talking about Mary who is crowned in heaven. The faithful were referring to Mary by this title in prayers before Protestantism was even born.
The concept of "saint-hood" is also wrong in Catholicism. The saints in the Bible are all Christians, not just people who achieved a certain threshold of goodness.
They are seen as righteous and as the Bible says we should ask each other to pray for us we can also ask the righteous. Your concept is wrong, name a single person in the first 1500 years that said different. You have superimposed your falsehood on the church which the bible says the holy sprit will protect. Even Martin Luther had no issue with the saints. I know more about Protestant history than you. You have not even looked into it and have even superimposed the original position. Sit down child humble yourself and learn!!! That why there are so many woke Protestant churches you have no sacred tradition so can be manipulated to bless gay marriage.
Tradition in 2 Thess refers to the cumulative accounts of transmission of the words of God. rather than the accumulation of authoritative commentaries about Scripture. Textual traditions in textual criticism would be an example of this. Mark 7:6-13 uses the term tradition in the same sense used by Talmudist, Catholic, and Eastern Orthdox, as an accumulation of authoritative commentaries that are equal to Scripture or needed to unlock the meaning of Scripture. Jesus refutes the idea that such commentaries have the same footing as Scripture or authority over the interpretation of Scripture, decrying that doctrine as setting aside the commandment of God to observe the doctrines of men. "He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye." -Mark 7:6-13 KJV
Yes, written by the Apostle Paul, referring to himself and the other Apostles NOT written by a pope or referring to popes and councils. A little common sense here. Hello!
What i dislike is that as soon as i say that i am Catholic, people says "I fear for your salvation" and i hate that, it is so humiliating. I fear for THEIR salvation daring messing with mine.
Also, i decided to study Judaism. And i've got certain roots, by family name, by new-france, francoamerican ancestry. Anyways. I know nothing. People tests me with verses. Test yourself, don't test me. I know nothing.
i was indoctinated cath, got born again met Jesus and the Father..no more idol worship and vain repetitive rosary and pope worship!! Jesus is the only way to the Father.. relationship !!
Oui Bay funny you should mention this. I was a Catholic growing up, and as a young boy I never felt the need to ask Mary’s interventions or the saints’. Granted, I didn’t pray much, but I instinctively recognized that Jesus was the most important one to pray to. The first time I realized that no mention of prayers to saints was in the Bible, I stopped the practice. I guess my mind was always geared towards a sola scriptura mindset without knowing what that was.
May as well convert to Islam if you honestly believe most of Christianity (Catholic and Orthodox, for Orthodox also venerate Mary as the Theotokos) to be idolatry.
Urban Desi TV rcc pray to angels and saints and Mary even tho they cannot send prayers to God. Also the rcc changed the second commandment and tried to change the sabbath. Totally against scripture and Mary sinned before
It’s simple for me, I don’t need a priest to forgive me of my sins. He’s a man just like me. I need to repent and tap Into the Holy Spirit through reading, fasting and prayer to flee from sin. After all the kingdom of heaven is within once you’re born again. So what can a man do for me salvation wise.
bubba bug So what you do in this life doesn’t matter? I’m not saying there is a certain number of puppies you have to save before you reach salvation, but to say that Jesus taught to just believe that he existed and you can otherwise do whatever you please, is frankly just not biblical
Some of us are Roman Catholics because we read the BIBLE. Catechism of the Catholic Church 105 God is the author of Sacred Scripture. "The divinely revealed realities, which are contained and presented in the text of Sacred Scripture, have been written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."69 "For Holy Mother Church, relying on the faith of the apostolic age, accepts as sacred and canonical the books of the Old and the New Testaments, whole and entire, with all their parts, on the grounds that, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author, and have been handed on as such to the Church herself." Catechism of the Catholic Church 103 For this reason, the Church has always venerated the Scriptures as she venerates the Lord's Body. She never ceases to present to the faithful the bread of life, taken from the one table of God's Word and Christ's Body. Catechism of the Catholic Church 108 Still, the Christian faith is not a "religion of the book." Christianity is the religion of the "Word" of God, a word which is "not a written and mute word, but the Word is incarnate and living".73 If the Scriptures are not to remain a dead letter, Christ, the eternal Word of the living God, must, through the Holy Spirit, "open [our] minds to understand the Scriptures." Catechism of the Catholic Church 133 The Church "forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful. . . to learn the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ, by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures. Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.
Replacing the Seat of religious governance was not an improvement regardless of the New Covenant. Pope or High Priest? Saul would have approved....Paul, not so much.
Jesus, as the Son of David, establishes His Church in accordance with the Davidic kingdom and as with every kingdom, it has a hierarchy. The office of the Papacy is akin to the office of Steward of the OT Davidic kingdom.
gwademan2 the pope is directly against what Jesus taught. Jesus spoke against the traditions because people started to use man made traditions as if they hold ground or are an authority The papacy is in conflict with the Bible and praying to Mary or to saints or angels or worshipping them is against scripture completely. The Catholic Church tried to change the sabbath to Sunday and that’s against the Bible to change what God has established. I’ll give you a quote from the pope of today and you tell me if this aligns with scripture.]: "We are all the same, all children of God”
gwademan2 It didn't occur to me, and it doesn't have to be like, saying to a boy or a girl: 'You are Jewish, you are Muslim: come, be converted!'" "We are not in the times of the crusades." "In front of an unbeliever the last thing I have to do is try to convince him. Never." "But listen: Never, never bring the gospel by proselytizing." "If someone says they are a disciple of Jesus and comes to you with proselytism, they are not a disciple of Jesus." "The Church does not grow by proselytism." It’s funny because the Catholics were the ones who killed Christians for not submitting to the pope and the Catholic Church removed the second commandments about idols. Mary wasn’t perfect and she was a sinner just like everyone else besides Jesus. Luke 1:47
With respect, Dr. Brown, as a 1989 convert to the Catholic Faith who was born Jewish, we honor, love and specially venerate Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary. We do not worship her, something she would doubtless not want either. We worship God alone. We specially venerate Our Lady (hyperdulia), we venerate the saints (dulia), and we adore and worship the Most Holy Trinity alone (latria). Why do we specially venerate Our Lady? Consider: would we have Jesus without Mary? Of course not. Is it trivial that God chose her since before the foundation of the world to be the Mother of the Incarnate Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity? Of course not. Does Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:1 refer to the Blessed Virgin Mary? Yes, of course. From the beginning to the end of Sacred Scripture Our Lady is present and necessary. Our Lady has much more than a minimal role in salvation history, she is critical to our salvation. Critical. Crucial. At the Crucifixion Jesus gave us to Mary as her children ("Woman, behold your son") and He gave his Mother to us as well ("Behold your Mother"). The words of God on the Cross have depths of meaning that should not be passed over or dismissed. When the Archangel Gabriel addressed Mary as "Full of Grace," he indicated that she had not the slightest stain of sin, ever. Hence, she was conceived without sin. "I am the Immaculate Conception." Our Lady's words to St. Bernadette at Lourdes. October 13, 1917 about 70,000 people witnessed the "Miracle of the Sun" at Fatima, Portugal, even skeptical secular journalists who were there to debunk it vouched for and became witnesses to the truth of the apparitions. Obviously I'm just scratching the surface of this subject. No doubt you are sincere in your beliefs Dr. Brown. But I hope you will reconsider them. God bless you and your family.
IHS 13 ...you say that Catholics don’t worship Mary, yet when you sing songs to Mary such as, “Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above” you are worshiping her. The same would be true if you sang that same song to Jesus...it is worship. And in Gen. 3:15 & Rev. 12:1, neither of these passages are about Mary. How could Mary be present in Genesis, in the garden? How is it that God is speaking to Eve & the serpent, & then somehow speaking about Mary? This doesn’t even make sense. When Jerome translated the Bible from Hebrew in the Old Testament, to Latin, much got lost in the translation. Jerome inserted “her heel” in Latin, instead of “His heel”...meaning Christ. This is the first prophecy of the Messiah to come. Mary has absolutely nothing to do with our salvation! Only Jesus! Then in Rev. 12:1, the woman here is the nation of Israel mentioning the 12 Tribes of Israel, not the 12 apostles. It is Israel who gives birth to the Messiah! Mary did not flee for 1260 days, vs. 6. Now the Catholic Church is mentioned in Rev. 17:7. The mystery of the woman sitting on the beast which has 7 heads & 10 horns. Verse 9 “Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mtns on which the woman sits.” Rome has 7 mountains & this is the revived Roman Empire prophesied in Daniel 7. Anyway, when Gabriel addressed Mary as “ full of grace”, this does not mean “sinless”. It means “highly favored”. Not sinless. In fact, there are none sinless...no not one. Rom. 3:10-12. And Mary even says in Luke 1:47, “and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.” She needed a Savior like the rest of us bc she has sinned. Yes, we need to honor her, but not to the place where Catholics have placed her. And the apparitions of Mary at Lourdes, Fatima etc, are filled with discrepancies that are contrary to Scripture. Please read your Bible! Please come to understand the Truth of God’s Word compared to the man made doctrines of the Catholic Church. I hate to see you trade in the bondage of the Law for more of the same. The Law does not give life! We are Abraham’s offspring, so we are heirs. We are not slaves but sons! Please read your Bible & know that I am speaking the Truth.
On my journey of truth I wanted to become a nun because I thought they were very holy hmmmmm of course man looks on the outside but I got to realize I was worshipping Mary, Joseph, Thaddeus etc and bowing down to their statues to worship them. If you are a catholic you know that the rosary has different prayers and they are all to Mary. When I was a catholic I did not understand the role of Jesus and I never prayed to Him but I knew He was the child of Mary and maybe that’s why He was important. When I read the Bible I learnt that the catholic teaching is not in line with the Bible. Yahweh of the Bible does not share His glory with another: Luke 11:27-28“ when Jesus was speaking in the crowd spoke and said ; blessed is the womb that bore you and blessed are the breasts that nursed you . 28 “But He replied; Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it” if Mary was to be worshipped and prayed to Jesus would not have made this statement.
nandawula elizabeth ...I love your testimony of Jesus redemption! He transforms us from the inside out. My story is similar. I found the Truth in the Word of God...Jesus is the Word! He is the Truth! He is our Life! Amen!
Judaism didn't even know why Melchisedek was in their Tanakh. 1. Another key foreshadowing of the Eucharist -- the sacrifice and food of the New Covenant -- is the bread and wine offered by the priest Melchizedek. Let's see what this means for our understanding of the Eucharist. I'd like to call your attention to the Book of Hebrews. Hebrews, chapter 6 describes how God had made a promise to Abraham and then he changed the promise to an oath. When God swears an oath to Abraham, he makes a covenant. In Genesis 22:18, right after Abraham went to Moriah to sacrifice his firstborn through Sarah, God prevented it and then swore an oath saying, "Surely all the nations of the earth will be blessed through your seed." The New Testament begins, "This is Jesus Christ, the seed of the son of Abraham, the Son of David." Jesus Christ is the one in and through whom God fulfills that oath he swore to Abraham. Where did he swear it? On Moriah, where the temple was later built and where Christ, the New Temple was later destroyed and rebuilt three days afterwards. It talks about this oath and then it goes on to talk about the priesthood of Melchizedek. In chapter 7, the first ten verses, it describes how Abraham met Melchizedek. It talks about the meaning of his name. He's the king of righteousness, that's what Melchizedek means in Hebrew. He is the King of Salem, which means peace, shalom. He is the priest of God Most High and he blessed Abraham, so he was superior to Abraham. Everything is mentioned about the meeting between Abraham and Melchizedek except one thing, the bread and the wine. 2. Now we are going to ask a question. Is that because the bread and the wine was the only thing that was unimportant about Melchizedek and Abraham meeting, or is it because the importance of the bread and the wine is so great but so obvious that it goes without saying? Let's study the next few chapters. For one thing we already saw back in Hebrews 5, verses 5 and 6 where God has sworn an oath to Jesus Christ. He says, "Thou art my Son. Today have I begotten thee." And he also says in another place, "Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek." To be God's Son is like the same thing as being a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Remember way back in the Old Testament before the Golden Calf, fathers were high priests and firstborn sons were priests under their authority. This seemed to be the natural family pattern of Melchizedek. This is how the ancient Jews as well as the ancient Church Fathers understood it. 3. Jesus Christ is not a Levite so Old Testament Jews might be tempted to say, "Well, he can't be a priest, then." But Hebrews is talking all about the wilderness generation under Moses and how they committed idolatry and rebelled against God and how God sent all these punishments. The first rebellion was the Golden Calf, and the first punishment was to take the priesthood away from the firstborn, which had been theirs for centuries, and to give it to the Levites temporarily. What the writer of Hebrews is suggesting is that Jesus Christ, God's Son, is righteous enough to restore the original pattern of the father-son family priesthood, because this is a divine family that God, through Christ, is adopting us into through the sacrifice of Christ. He is a priest after the order of Melchizedek. The word "order" does not mean order like the Dominican Order. It means after the manner of Melchizedek's priesthood. The writer goes on to make a big, sharp contrast between the Levitical priests who continue to offer these animals in sacrifice. They had to offer. They had to kill. They had to sacrifice millions of sheep, millions of goats and millions of cattle with millions of gallons of blood running down through the temple. Why? It was all after and because of the Golden Calf, whereas before all of that, you had a father and a son and a clean priesthood that Melchizedek represents. "After the manner of Melchizedek" suggests that Melchizedek's manner of priestly sacrifice was bread and wine. This is how all the early Fathers understood this, as well.
4. Now, it says in Hebrews 7 in verse 18, "On the one hand a former commandment is set aside because of its weakness and uselessness, for the law made nothing perfect. On the other hand, a better hope is introduced through which we draw near to God." And it was not without an oath and it talks about how God swore this oath, and the oath that has been talked about is the oath that was sworn by God on Moriah where Christ was slain. Verse 22: This makes Jesus the surety of a better covenant. The former priests were many in number because they were prevented by death from continuing in office; whereas Jesus is one. There's the single priesthood, and he lives forever up in heaven. But he holds his priesthood permanently because he continues a priest forever. Consequently, he is able for all times to save those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. "For it was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, blameless, unstained, separated from sinners, exalted above the heavens. He has no need like those high priests to offer sacrifices daily." In other words to kill and to have blood shed continuously. "...first for his own sins and then for those of the people. He did this once for all when he offered up himself. Indeed, the law appoints men in their weakness as high priests." That is the Levitical law that was given after the Golden Calf, "...but the word of the oath which came later than the law appoints a son who has been made perfect forever." Now the point in what we are saying is this. We have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven. Notice that the Lamb is the one enthroned in Revelation. The Lamb and the firstborn Son of the Passover is the priest who ministers in a sanctuary, the heavenly sanctuary. He is a minister in a sanctuary. It isn't complete. He is ministering in the heavenly sanctuary and the true tabernacle which is set up not by man but by the Lord. "For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices. Hence it is necessary for this priest to have something to offer." 5. I read that a hundred times before the obvious meaning hit me like a brick in the face. He is a priest in heaven ministering now in the sanctuary and he's got something to offer and he's continually offering it. He's just not bleeding and dying and suffering any more. He's not killing any more animals, but he's continually offering the once and for all sacrifice which is himself; but it's a continual sacrifice. It's a perpetual offering. He's not dying, but he's still offering. That's exactly what the Catholic Church teaches about the Mass. In fact, we're going to be offering this sacrifice forever in and through and with Christ. Not bloody animal sacrifices but our hearts and our souls and our bodies in union with the One whose body and blood, soul and divinity are perfect and pure -- the only acceptable sacrifice which makes our otherwise unacceptable sacrifices perfectly acceptable. "Holy and righteous," Paul says. He goes on talking about the superiority of the New Covenant that Christ established. "The days will come says the Lord when I will establish a New Covenant with the House of Israel" (Jer. 31:31). Verse 9, "Not like the covenant I made with your fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt. That covenant, they broke." When? At the Golden Calf. The covenant that he made with them out of Egypt they broke at the Golden Calf. It won't be like that covenant because this firstborn Son won't break it, and that's what makes it new. "This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my people." Verse 13, and in speaking of the New Covenant he treats the first as obsolete and what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. The Old Testament only uses "New Covenant one time. Jesus in the gospels only uses the phrase "New Covenant" one time. When? At Passover time. Where? In the Upper Room. Why? To institute the Eucharist.
6. And so he goes on in Hebrews 9 to talk about the superiority. Back in the Old Testament, verse 9, we read, "According to this Old Testament arrangement, gifts and sacrifices were offered which cannot perfect the conscience of the worshipper. What is the contrast implied? Back then sacrifices were offered which couldn't perfect the worshipper's conscience, implying that in the New Covenant, what? Sacrifices are offered which do perfect the conscience of the worshipper. That's what the Eucharist does. It cleanses our soul. It wipes away all venial sin. These Old Testament sacrifices, verse 10, deal only with food and drink and various ablutions, baptismois, in the Greek, regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation. Do you know when the real Reformation came? Not in 1517. The real reformation came in the Upper Room when the Eucharist was instituted, when the Catholic Church was formed. The time of reformation wiped away the weak ineffective Old Testament sacrifices. To do away with all sacrifices altogether? No. To initiate a new sacrifice which has intrinsic power to cleanse our consciences. Verse 11, now, "The one Christ appeared as a High Priest of the good things that have come. Then through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with human hands, that is not of this creation, he entered once and for all into the holy place, that is heaven, taking not the blood of goats and calves but his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption." He took his own blood up there. He's not bleeding in the sense that he's suffering and dying, but he's up there as a Lamb looking as though he's been slain, offering his own blood. That's a Eucharistic Passover sacrifice and that's why the entire structure of Revelation is a Passover liturgy. And it goes on to talk about the Old Testament's weakness in comparison with the New Testament's power. "For if the sprinkling of defiled persons with the blood of goats and bulls or with the ashes of a heifer sanctifies for the purification of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God purify your conscience?" The body was cleansed externally in the Old Testament sacrifices, but with Christ's Passover sacrifice which he continues to administer up in the heavenly sanctuary, our consciences are cleansed as we offer and receive that down here below on earth. "Therefore," verse 15 says, "he is the mediator of a New Covenant." He only said that word covenant one time. "This cup is the blood of the New Covenant," when he instituted the Eucharist. That fulfilled Jeremiah 31. That's when he offered what appeared to be bread and wine. That's when he became a new Melchizedek, feeding the new children of Abraham so that through Abraham's seed, Jesus, all the nations of the world, all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Something which God had sworn but had not performed until Christ, the son of Abraham, was sacrificed on Moriah on the peak called Calvary. And he began it in the Upper Room when he instituted the Eucharist which goes on and on and on here on earth and in heaven above forever and ever. He is the mediator of this new, everlasting covenant so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance which goes back to the promise that God gave to Abraham. Verse 24, "For Christ has entered not into a sanctuary made with hands, a copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf." Abridged from Scott Hahn's audio and video tape presentation, "Eucharist: Holy Meal" as it appears in the "Catholic Adult Education on Video Program" with Scott and Kimberly Hahn.
I've always been a catholic in name, but recently (1-2 years) I've been revising theology, scripture, catechism etc. One thing that bugs me a lot is that some Catholics use verses to defend their interest, and people take that as what the church teachings. It happens so much that often you can't find what's really been established, if anything at all. So with this I want to remind you, Dr. Brown, that sometimes people only want to persuade you of their own stance on the matter.
I'm a ex-catholic I started to read the Bible and realize Catholicism has many man made traditions I wanted nothing to do with Man's tradition but GOD way to live my life as best of my ability like My Lord and savior Jesus.
You left the Church of Jesus Christ with Peter as Christ's representative and main shepherd for a heresy. Congratulations, you exchanged the truth of God for a lie. You exchanged the truth of the Church of God for a confusing Heresy. Protestants and Orthodox Christians are schismatics and in those two Chuches lies confusion. Protestants are separated into thousands of denominations, a confusing mess. Just to name a few. You have got your - Lutherans - Anglicans - Calvinists - Presbyterians - Pentacostals - Baptists - Evangelicals - Non Denominationals - Inter Denominationals - Methodists - Trans Denominationals - Episcopalians - Church of Scotland All these and more denominations that make the Protestant Church aboslute mess that is not qualified to be the Church of Christ. Two of the denominations have names of Mere men in them (Lutherans - Followers of Luther, Calvinists - Followers of Calvin) instead of the name of Christ, which is above all of men's names. Two of the denominations have names of their countries in them (Anglicans, Church of Scotland) not qualified to be the universal Church of Christ. Six of the denominations have one specific part of Christianity in them (Presbyterians, Pentacostals, Baptists, Evangelicals, Methodists, Episcopalians) All these are only a single part of Christianity. Putting focus on only one thing they have different theology on, not worthy of being the One true Church of Christ. And you have your Non Denominationals, who distance themselves from any denomination, not realizing that they are Baptists. Also not realizing that they just created a denomination. Their so called "Worship" is just a concert in megachurches with a feel better attitude that has nothing to do with serious worship in Spirit and Truth as in Mass. The pastors in these churches teach more about the Prosperity Gospel, talk nothing of Jesus, and enjoy being worshiped themselves instead of Jesus. "In vain do they worship me" And you have the Inter-Trans Denominationals who try to combine denominations together, created even more mess than before. Confusing Church it is, the Protestant Church. All these confusing Protestant churches are the work of Satan himself, trying to devide the Church of Christ, the Body of Christ into denominations and much garbage. Protestant Church is not of God because it is confusing and split up. 1 Corinthians 14:3 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. This is the Protestant Church, a confusing pile of garbage. With all the thousands of denominations and differences in theology. Where as the Catholic Church is one Church, with one theology, one mind and the same judgment. Not split into any confusion as the Protestant Heretical Church. This is because you have no Pope. You have no leader to lead the Church established by Christ. The word "Pope" is not anything special. Pope means Father. We call Priests fathers, Cardinals fathers, Bishops fathers. As Apostle Paul called himself a Spiritual father. "Pope" is simply the Bishop of Rome who has authority over all clergy. Christ gave Simon Peter this authority because Christ is not an idiot, God forbid, and Christ knows with infinite knowledge that he needs to have a representative on Earth to avoid confusion. Everyone could claim "I follow Christ" and do not follow Him. That's why Christ set up a Special Bishop, the Bishop of Rome to have authority over all clergy. To have dominion over the theology of the Church, in order to preserve the Church. Why Rome? Because at the time of Christ and the Apostles it was the centre of the world. They wanted to share the gospel to all the world, and took the most influencial of places to do it. In order to spread it more efficently, to get people saved. Without a leader in the Church, confusion will happen. God is not the author of confusion. Satan is. Orthodox Church is the same. They have conflicts within the Single Church itself. Greek Orthodox Church vs Russian Orthodox Church Ukrainian Orthodox Church vs Russian Orthodox Church..... They have no Pope, no leader to lead the Church. That created confusion. Protestants and Orthodox are schismatics, the One Catholic Church within which is no conflict and all are of one mind concerning the Church, is therefore the one true Church, pillar of truth. 1 Timothy 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
Although we may have our differences, we are all one in Christ. The term catholic or Christian is only a name. What matters is our faith in Jesus. So we should never consider ourselves rivals or different. Let not the name be the barrier.
Dylan Johnson ...we are not one with Catholics. They are not our brothers and sisters in the faith. They worship a different Jesus that is completely contrary to the Scriptures. When we begin including faiths that are anti-Christ into Christianity, we end up with a one world religion. This is exactly where we are headed.
"Catholic" means Universal. We are Catholic Christians "Universal Christians" unlike the "Lutherans - meaning followers of Luther" or "Calvinists - meaning followers of Calvin" or "Anglicans - named after a country" or "Baptists - named after only one part of Christianity that they disagree with other about" Even the label "Protestant" is faulty because it only shows you are protesting something, the First Church. Protestantism didn't exist before Luther, and he made it so to protest the Church that is historically proven to be First.
As always, Dr. Brown expresses his point well. I was born, reared & continue to be Catholic. The cornerstone of my faith is my belief in the True Presence in the Eucharist. I also believe that every person who follows his/her conscience will achieve salvation....regardless of their faith.
@@michaeldukes4108 John 6 cannot be more clear about the truth of transubstantiation. When you incorporate typology to it, it become even more bulletproof. How Protestants can claim to be bible believing Christians and not believe in the real presence is beyond me. Watch this video. ua-cam.com/video/P45BHDRA7pU/v-deo.html
Am ex Catholic but now the Bible is my sole Authority plus I reject any works based including (catholic) and I reject any prayers to the saints and angels for there is Only One Mediator Jesus the Son of God and The Holy Spirit our Intercessor!
Show me in the Bible a verse, where the Bible is the sole authority of all matter of faith and practice. Actually, the Church is called, the pillar of truth, not the Scripture. 1 Timothy 3:15 NRSVCI if I am delayed, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the *church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth.* Let me prove that both Tradition of Scripture and Oral Tradition are valid according to the Holy Bible, as we Catholics believe that Bible and Tradition have equal authority. Let me prove the Bible agrees. 2 Thessalonians 2:15 NRSVCI So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by our letter. Christ the the only mediator, not the only intercessor. Jesus Christ is the only mediator, yet there are many intercessors. There's difference between Intercessor and Mediator. The Bible never says that the Holy Spirit is the ONLY intercessor.
Mass as the Continuation of Levitic Sacrifice. GOD does not need the third physical Temple of Judaism. It will never be erected forever. The true Living Third Temple has arlready been erected by YEHOVAH: The Body of Yeshua haMasiach, Ben ADONAY. Only in Catholic Church the continuation of the sacrifice of the True Temple of GOD was preserved in order of Melchizedek: The Eucharistic Mass. Only in Catholic there is still Priest/ Kohanim as it was in Leviticus, someone who performs offering, in any non-Catholic believer of Jesus there is only a Preacher, someone who speaks/ preaches but not make offering). Even in modern Judaism there is no more Priest/ kohanim, now they only have rabbis & chazzan. (Judaism devoid of it's Temple, it's sacrifices & kohanim has no longer it's raison d'etre) The Mass: 1. It is not re-sacrificing Jesus everyday. In the Mass it is the same body & blood of Jesus Christ of Calvary, the eternal redemption's body & blood of Christ is 'just' represented by the priest. Btw that's what 'eternal' means, right...or i would say: the presentation/ the reality of the eternity of the divine body & blood of Christ. So until the end of time all people can make an encounter with the real body & blood of Christ Redemptor; that the real Christ Redemptor really presents for all people through every ages. ... (It is why only in Catholic there is Priest/ Kohanim as it was in Leviticus, someone who makes offering, in any non-Catholic believer of Jesus there is only a Preacher, someone who speaks/ preaches). 2. Jesus himself instituted the Eucharist: 1Corinthians 11: 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body, which is for[a] you. DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME .”[b] 25 In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. DO THIS, as often as you drink it, IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME.” 3. Eucharist (from Greek eukharistia "thanksgiving, gratitude,") in Paul's time: 1 Corinthians 10:16: "Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?" 4. Malachi: “For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name is great among the nations, and in every place incense is offered to my name, and a PURE OFFERING; for my name is great among the nations, says the LORD of hosts.” (Mal 1:11) 5. The fullness of old Judaism, especially the Levitic aspect will only be found in Catholicism. Once there was only one true Judaism & now only One True Christianity, i.e Catholic Church.
Hi Dr. Brown! Perhaps you should consider talking with Dr. Brant Pitre or try listening to his talks on: "Jesus and the Jewish roots of Mary" "Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist" "Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Papacy" "Jesus, the Tribulation, and the End of the Exile" Former agnostic here and now a Roman Catholic by God's grace! God bless you! Catholicism IS Judaism fulfilled! I don't worship Mary as a Roman Catholic. I venerate her because of her role when understood using 1st century Jewish lenses. I'd like to recall your attention to the Annunciation in Luke 1. Here, Gabriel greets Miryam of Nazareth not by her given name, but he greets her with: "Kaire, kecharitomene" which is translated in English as, "Hail, favored one!" or "Hail, full of grace!" which when understood using 1st century Jewish lenses, it means that she is filled with God's grace before the angel came.Its as if she is the "woman" of whom the serpent of old (the shining one of Genesis known later as Satan) will fight against in Genesis 3:15. Eve wasn't called Eve until after the Fall in Genesis 3, but Woman. Similarly, after the Annunciation, Mary wasn't called Mary now by Jesus but "Woman" during His ministry, implying that she is now the new Eve. The earliest Fathers who were the students of the Jewish disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, saw this in Mary and since then, Christians make devotion to Mary part of the Christian life. Let's go back to the Annunciation. The surrounding context of the Annunciation is this: - There was no Davidic king on the throne of Israel (The Hasmoneans were ruling Judea) - There is no Ark - Israel still never learned their lesson after the Babylonian captivity - Rome invaded Judea and installed Herod the Great as the "king of the Jews" who imposed Roman law - The Jews were hoping for the Messiah to come now in their timeframe under Roman rule as per Daniel's prophecy Listen to what the angel said: But [f]when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. 30 Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. 32 He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. 33 And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.” (Luke 1:30-33, NKJV) Notice, Gabriel is now telling Mary that her Son will not just be a human messiah, but God Himself! The Lord who is also the Son of David (recall Psalm 110:1, "Yahweh said to my Adonai") and will be given an everlasting kingdom like in Daniel 2. Of course Miryam of Nazareth knew what these words meant because she's a Jew! She's been hearing this every Sabbath! Also, by implication of Jesus as the Messianic King from the line of David, Mary is now the QUEEN MOTHER of this Messianic Kingdom that Jesus will establish! The structure of the kingdom of David then has: - The Davidic King - The Prime Minister - The Queen Mother (who is the powerful intercessor before the king) And this was what the Jews were expecting during the Second Temple era! What Mary merely asked isn't similar to what Zechariah said, but she merely asked for elaboration. The angel Gabriel said this: And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. 36 Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. 37 For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:35-37, NKJV) Recall the surrounding context: There was no Ark and so the Jews were hoping that the Shekinah would come to the Temple like in Solomon's time. Here Gabriel now applies to Mary what was said by God concerning the Ark: - The Holy Spirit will come upon you - The power of the Most High will overshadow you (like the Ark in the days of Moses in the Torah) By implication, Gabriel is now saying that SHE is now the New Ark from whom the true God will dwell upon. The Ark during the days of Moses contains: - The Staff of Aaron - The Ten Commandments - The Manna or the showbread The New Ark (Mary) now contains: - The Good Shepherd - The Lawgiver like Moses but who is greater than Moses - The Bread of Life ""who is the Holy One to be born of you (Mary), the Son of God" So if you read the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, the Holy Spirit prompted Elizabeth to call Mary with the same words Catholics now repeat to her when they recite the Rosary: "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb!" Which is taken from Luke's report below of this event: And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? (Luke 1:41-43, NKJV) Actually, what Elizabeth said to Mary is, "Who am I that the mother of my Adonai (the substitute for YHWH) should come to me?", considering that Elizabeth here is filled with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth knew that her cousin bears not an ordinary Jewish boy, but the Messianic King who is Adonai. Devotion to Mary makes sense Dr. Brown!
Dr Brown is not a catholic because he has his own interpretation of the Bible. His own religion/belief system. Culturally from what I have heard him speak, he is on the good side of most all societies problems. He is a good person. I was raised catholic myself and left because I disagreed with what they taught. The difference though I did not start my own religion/belief system. I went to the people who wrote the first books of my Bible, the Torah. ( The New Testament authors, who we are not really sure who they were, had their own belief system of the Torah writings just like Dr Brown ). There to my astonishment Jesus is no where to be found yet that is not what I had been taught. Think about it. Why would God give the Torah to Moses to teach, allowing him to falsely teach his chosen people who he made a nation of priest, all the wrong things/belief system. He didn't. Those who went against Moses did not fare well. Islam did the same thing, they have their own beliefs, Mormons same thing, atheist same thing. Hold tight to the very first commandment. You will have no other gods before me. It doesn't say don't have other beliefs, just other gods you give your heart/belief in.
Hello there! I'm a catholic priest and here are three simple points to think about for starters: 1. Church and Scriptures. Jesus chose apostles, who at Pentecost became the Church. Apostles founded local churches and apointed bishops. The bishops continue to this day, in unbroke succession, to teach what has been handed down to them with ever more understanding (the Spirit will guide you into all Truth, John 16). Jesus didn´t give us a Book (we are not muslims), he gave us a living body, which represents his continuos presence. This living body (as the People of Israel before it) produced the Scriptures out of its living actions and experience of certain moments in time. They are like photos made with a divine lense. So you Sola scriptura guys actually try to interpret those photos without the context of the living body (= Tradition), who lived and made them. Outside the Body, the Book is sealed and you can never properly understand some things (for example John 6:52-58). 2. Authority. As many did before them (see the many many heresies), suddenly there came the reformatory Saviors (Luther and Co.) and established a new tradition (you can call it what you want, but it is that and it's a pure product of its time, especially of the nominalistic philosophy). Suddenly the tradition of the family became highly doubtful (= nominalistic scepticism) and they felt themselves forced to look solo on the photos. I'm not saying there weren't problems in the Church, even big problems, because people remain people. There's always a Judas around. But those were bad practices, not bad teachings! And God took care of that (as He does today). So in the end I have to ask you: Who are you listening to? Christ through his Apostles and his living Body or nominalistic tower-sinners? Or are you the next savior who finally got it right? 3. Worship and veneration. There are actually three stages, all found in the Sctriptures. - normal veneration (τιμᾶν, or δουλεια), as in Romans 13:7 or Mt 15:4 (for parents) - special veneration (μακαριζειν or υπερδουλεια), as in Lk 1:48 or what Gabriel and Elisabeth do (Lk 1:28.30.42) - I think Dr. Brown could be interested in checking those in Hebrew - adoration (λατρεια) - reserved only for God, as described in Exodus 20:1-5 Question for thinkers: Why doesn't Daniel react to what happens in Daniel 2:46? Also, what Dr. Brown says at 1:34-36 here in the video is very interesting considering John 20:25. Nothing without touching the Body! As for who Mary is and does she deserve the "special treatment" - go read about Guadalupe, Lourdes or Fatima.
Good morning. Special treatment...? What do u mean by this.... praying to Mary. ? Or worshipping Mary...is this ur term special treatment mean. Or r u meaning that we need to request Mary to intercede for us through prayers to Jesus. To me, everything u say is just standing on hollow ground. Jesus is my father and o dont c y I wud need intercession here...and he is the one who bore the horrific pain and embarassment for my sins as a one sacrifice. If ur take is so surefooted why don't u do a debate with this BRown or whoever he is to prove to everyone the truth....this will help the whole world and now u commenting here is not going any far....so pls do that ASAP father. Praise the lord 🙏
@@rajeshpeter4772 Sorry, I didn't get a notification of your reply. Special treatment of Mary means the following: Holy Mother of God, Holy Virgin of virgins, Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church, Mother of mercy, Mother of divine grace, Mother of hope, Mother most pure, Mother most chaste, Mother inviolate, Mother undefiled, Mother most amiable, Mother most admirable, Mother of good counsel, Mother of our Creator, Mother of our Saviour, Virgin most prudent, Virgin most venerable, Virgin most renowned, Virgin most powerful, Virgin most merciful, Virgin most faithful, Mirror of justice, Seat of wisdom, Cause of our joy, Spiritual vessel, Vessel of honour, Singular vessel of devotion, Mystical rose, Tower of David, Tower of ivory, House of gold, Ark of the covenant, Gate of heaven, Morning star, Health of the sick, Refuge of sinners, Solace of migrants, Comforter of the afflicted, Help of Christians, Queen of Angels, Queen of Patriarchs, Queen of Prophets, Queen of Apostles, Queen of Martyrs, Queen of Confessors, Queen of Virgins, Queen of all Saints, Queen conceived without original sin, Queen assumed into heaven, Queen of the most holy Rosary, Queen of Families, Queen of Peace. If she is all that and you're not in contact with her, you're missing something BIG, brother..
datchet11 are you upset that most orthodox country’s like Greece Serbia Russia Macedonia etc are like 90% or more christians. Faith is strong in orthodox people. Why do u want to disrespect any Christian.
@@spartag9682 I grew up as an Orthodox Christian. Yes, faith is strong with them, but as much as I love my heritage and the people of my former church, I couldn’t feel the repetitive ritual as touching me spiritually. Also the service was mostly in Slavonic church language which didn’t help since we had to follow in English with a book. I didn’t learn the Bible much. Personally this wasn’t for me, so for most of my long life I’ve worshiped at Protestant churches where the Bible is preached so I can better know and understand the Word of God.
The meaning of pray is to ask. When we pray to Mary is to ask her to pray for us to ask her Son for the things we need. That’s why we always say “Mary pray for us a sinner, or I always say to The Blessed Mother please ask your Son for my so and so request. It’s always Christ we invoke you get it right? Christ gave us His Mother and in the Catholic Church she is our spiritual mother so we are like her children. Since Mary is a lot closer to God He cannot say no to her so if Mary ask her Son for our sake those prayers will be heard a lot faster compare if as a sinner will go to Him directly. Mary expedite our request faster than a normal person.
Jesus builded a visible Church guided by the ones he chose, his disciples. He gave authority to them to guide his church and what ever they thought we have to listen them. Thats the way i see it.
Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep away from any brother who is walking in idleness and not in accord with the tradition that you received from us. 2 Thess. 3:6
Jamie Jaegel You can use tradition but the tradition was written so we know what tradition was. Fact Mary was not prayed to by scripture or anyone by tradition for the first 300 yrs of Christianity. So now show me the tradition in Catholism that allows Christians to pray/talk to/ or petition Mary or any Saint? Big hint there is none it’s heresy to do so!
The idea that the way the RCC is now with theology, doctrine, tradition, mass, and overall church structure is false. Pope Gregory finally solidified much of what we call the mass; how we worship and how we connect with God. Up until then many church members in the Levant had their own ways of worship that weren’t necessarily heretical. And by the way, they did so without any letters or gospels. The truth of the gospel and the Holy Spirit sustains us.
Jamie Jaegel ...before the New Testament was written, Paul is talking about holding to the traditions that were taught until the New Testament was put together. Never was it to mean that the traditions were CONTRARY to the written Word as in Catholicism. Nor were traditions ever to have equal status with the God breathed, God inspired Word of God.
The Catholic church but they never mention this. They use a Catholic book to attack Catholics. The Bible is a Catholic book the New Testament anyway. It came from the Catholics their Bishops approved books and rejected books and that's just the way it is.
@Lover of Truth Okay, so show where anyone else declared all 27 books of the NT to be canon? Luther, didn't feel alll 27 books were "canon". How do you know, it isn't 23 books for example?
Why are you not Orthodox Christian? We have traditions too but Holy Tradition was held by the Apostles (2 Thess. 2:15) for discussion or debate. Do you know that the Bible cannot be exist without the Holy Tradition? The Gospels themselves were first passed on orally for many years before they were written down.
Ok. Let's clarify something here: The Bible is a JEWISH document that is inspired by God and handed down by the church, but it's NOT the church that decides the Canon. The Canon is the sacred collection of writings inpired and dictated by the Holy Spirit, as well as the Prophets are instruments of God on earth. In other words, GOD determines the Canon since He is the one who inspires it. We don't venerate the bible nor prophets , nor apostles, because we EVANGELICALS know they are instruments of God and that don't have power by themselves. Protestants love traditions, chiefly because we have our own, but we NEVER deify any tradition or creature that by the way, desevers only punishment and hell but is miraculously saved by Christ through his infinite Mercy. With all respect, you should leave this path of idolatry and repent. Turn back to the Gospel that is the confirmation of the jewish scriptures and become evangelical. Repent, there is still time.
You must understand that the Scriptures must be interpreted through a lens; For the Eastern Orthodox, this is generally the Councils and the consensus of the Church Fathers, holy men filled with the Spirit of God and His wisdom throughout history. The Church wrote the Scriptures by the inspiration of God, and interpreted them the same way. So, the Church and its Fathers are where I can turn to receive instruction on the Orthodox faith and worship of God; If I lean to my own understanding, or that of teachers who have not been instructed by the Church(and correspondingly, by God), there is a high probability I will land in error. This is not an admonition to forget reading the Scriptures, but to do so thoughtfully, prayerfully, and when anything is in question, to know that the Church has an answer(even the Church admonishes the faithful to read Scripture daily); Not everyone is comfortable with these answers or comes to the same conclusion, but that's generally how heresies rise up and have risen up. God strongly condemns heresy and all who teach or follow them, so we must do our part to ensure we receive and hand on the Truth. We must move towards obtaining an Orthodox phronema(or mindset, "mind of the Church") if we are to have a reliable worldview, faith, and praxis for obtaining salvation.
We have an example of this in Acts 15. The leaders of the Church met as a council. And, when they reached a decree, they said "For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us ..." (Acts 15:28).
No where does the Bible command “sola scriptura.” On the other hand, Paul commands adherence to tradition. “Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle.” (2 Thessalonians 2:15). Papacy, “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church." (Matthew 16: 18). Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven."(Matthew 16:19). Priests forgiving sins, “Receive the Holy Spirit, whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven, whose sins you retain, they are retained."(John 20:23) As far as the Mass is concerned, “Do this in memory of Me." (Luke 22:19) Those are just a few. Dr. Brown, I beg you to not straw man Catholic views (such as your characterization of Catholic veneration of the Blessed Mother, ever Virgin) and follow your promise to the Lord to follow the Truth wherever it leads. The Catholic Church is the only church that can claim to have been founded by Christ personally. Every other church traces its lineage back to a mere human person such as Martin Luther or John Wesley. The Catholic Church can trace its lineage back to Jesus Christ who appointed St. Peter as the first pope. This line of popes has continued unbroken for almost 2,000 years. Protestantism stands for the idea that man can interpret the scriptures according to his own thoughts. Catholicism rejects this, counting on the Holy Spirit to guide the Magisterium in protecting the Deposit of Faith.
@@johnslay4322 The first Church that Peter founded is Christianity not Catholicism.In Acts 11:26 Believers called to be Christians in Antioch not Catholics.
I agree. I can say I'm disappointed that Mr Brown chose to strawman Catholic doctrine, instead of discussing them. There are very intelligent Protestant arguments out there, but I didn't hear any today.
You can have your tradition as much as you want but for the numbers the Catholic Church has killed, I don't see any example of that in the apostles. I don't see the funding of elaborate building projects with the sale of Indulgences. The Bible specifically states NOT to forbid marriage. And the Catholic Church decided in 1100 to change this. I do see in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Need I go into the numbers of nuns who have given birth, of babies which were killed? How much in settlements the church has paid out because it negated the Bible. There was no authority give to deny scripture. And it didn't work out too well, did it? Many people have felt that Christ is there in spirit but the bread is suppose to change into the actual body of Jesus Christ. Well, some checked on this, they took the host before being blessed and some which was blessed and had a DNA test done on the wafers and they were made of wheat before the blessing and they had NO HUMAN DNA after being blessed. But because some people used their common sense and wanted to see this a doing this in remembrance as it was supposed to be, do you know how many were killed over that one? Now, the Catholic church has a different take on it, not admitting those that did not agree with them as right, but none the less, transubstantiation is proven not to be true. Being full of one's self and making people suffer for being foolish and pigheaded and claiming to be the same church Jesus founded is absurd. Jesus never would have killed anyone over this. The fact that people left for conscience sake, is understandable. The Catholic church finally gave up with trying to destroy the Bibles rolling off the printing press and came out just before the King James Version with their own. And your still using a mistranslation in Genesis 2 trying to make the "seed" feminine, when at best it can be seen as at least male whereas it is actually neuter. Just can't admit you can make a mistake. People die or miss heaven trusting in the wrong means of salvation. Salvation still is in the precious blood of Jesus. The one who judges the quick and the dead is NOT your church! Salvation is a Free Gift! Yet you just keep charging people for mass cards at funerals to get as much funds coming in and never ever being sure that the loved one is out of a mythical place called "purgatory". We either are directly with the Lord as St. Paul taught or every one is waiting in their dead body which may have entirely rotten away, some being burned, some buried at sea. I think Paul got it right. But in any case, God does not need money. And the Catholic church does not need any more statues or marble pillars. They need to stand up for Western civilization and stop the Muslim immigration into Europe as it stands now, there will be no more Christianity because as with every other place the Muslims go, they get in the majority and persecute the hell out of everyone else until it is like Turkey which was once all Christian and not even 5% is left. Jesus Christ has not failed but your church surely has!!!!! And BTW, you can't support evolution which Darwin popularized which has led to the destruction of morals. We have a faith based on miracles. May as well stand on the scripture because what you teach is sinking ground. We need the ethics taught by scripture or our civilization will not stand. All survival of the fittest boils down to is might makes right. But that is what the church has strong armed their way in the past, did. It was not right then and supporting ideas concocted by men, not one of them has served you well at all. Jesus is the one and only mediator, Mary is not a Mediatrix. This is not some spiritual Mario video game where you collect merit or grace from saints and Mary and attending church and what is the nonsense that Jesus only died for menial sins, the kind you don't go to hell for anyway? Jesus paid it all. He deserves the all the credit. What's with saying Muslims and you worship the same God in your catechism? You've banned the actual name of God, YHWH, so that no one will notice when you start calling God, "Allah!" The Lord Jesus is God and His name literally means "Yah saves!" It is a form of the name "Joshua"! In the midst of all the attacks Europe had to endure, that you couldn't stand being corrected, and so much of northern Europe rebelled, it is only by God's Grace the the Turks were kicked out of Vienna. God is still on the throne, He still cares about the people.
courag1 Calm down and be rational for a moment. 1. What killing specifically are you talking about? Surely I don’t need to tell you that some killings are justified and others aren’t. As for the unjustified killings, the Catholic Church has never claimed to be made up of people who never sin. That much should be obvious today as much of the leadership has been exposed. The Church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum of saints. 2. Those who attack the Church for its use of indulgences rely upon-and take advantage of-the ignorance of both Catholics and non-Catholics. You should be careful. Our Lord says “But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.“ (Matthew 18:6). What is an indulgence? The Church explains, “An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain defined conditions through the Church’s help when, as a minister of redemption, she dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions won by Christ and the saints” (Indulgentarium Doctrina 1). The definition of indulgences presupposes that forgiveness has already taken place: “An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven” (Indulgentarium Doctrina 1, emphasis added). Indulgences in no way forgive sins. They deal only with punishments left after sins have been forgiven. Indulgences developed from reflection on the sacrament of reconciliation. They are a way of shortening the penance of sacramental discipline and were in use centuries before money-related problems appeared. The number of days which used to be attached to indulgences were references to the period of penance one might undergo during life on earth. The Catholic Church does not claim to know anything about how long or short purgatory is in general, much less in a specific person’s case. One never could “buy” indulgences. The financial scandal surrounding indulgences that gave Martin Luther an excuse for his heresy, involved indulgences in which the giving of alms to some charitable fund or foundation was used as the occasion to grant the indulgence. There was no selling of indulgences. 3. The Church has never forbidden marriage. What are you even referring to here? 4. Your explanation of the DNA test demonstrates you have no idea about the doctrine of transubstantiation. I understand by this point that you’ve been lied to by Protestant leaders, but I’m inviting you to learn about it now. If you refuse you’ll have to account for it one day. 5. What genesis controversy are you talking about? Of all the anti-Catholic nonsense I’ve heard before, that’s a new one. 6. The Catholic Church cannot make a mistake when teaching on matters of faith and morals because it was instituted by Christ himself and is guided by the Holy Spirit. This is totally biblical and to say otherwise is heresy. 7. Salvation is an undeserved gift, yes. But “once saved, always saved” is anti-biblical nonsense. James, the second chapter, “What shall it profit, my brethren, if a man say he hath faith, but hath not works? Shall faith be able to save him?... So faith also, if it have not works, is dead in itself.” 8. What are “Mass cards at funerals”? 9. We should beautify the places of worship and have statutes and art that turn our minds to God. 10. The Catholic Church created Western Civilization, so even if you’re a non-believer you should show some respect. Of course we should oppose Mohammedan immigration, all faithful, traditional Catholics do. St. Thomas Aquinas reasoned that we should not welcome immigrants unless they are prepared to assimilate into our nation and mode of worship and I agree with that. 11. The post-conciliar Church has some serious problems, for sure, but it has not failed. Last I checked Western Civ is still standing and souls are still being saved. That’s the supreme law and always will be. Christ promised “the gates of Hell will never prevail [against the Church].” (Matthew 16:18). So to state the Church has failed is, once again, heresy. 12. Jesus is the only Redeemer. But Mary, for saying yes to God, and bringing our Savior into the world, deserves reverence as our Co-Redemptrix (don’t be confused this is, and always has been, a subordinate position to that of Christ). 13. I don’t know what a “menial” sin is. Perhaps “venial” is the word you’re looking for. The Church has never taught that Jesus only died for venial sins. Who is teaching you things like this? 14. The Church’s understanding is that Mohammedans do worship God. Now, they don’t understand God the same way we do; for example, they don’t believe that Jesus is God, and they don’t believe that the Holy Spirit is God. So they have an incomplete understanding of the divine nature, and in some degree an erroneous understanding of the divine nature. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t genuinely directing their prayers towards the Creator of the universe-they are. That doesn’t mean they’re not genuinely directing their prayers toward the God who appeared to Abraham-they are. And so in that sense they are worshiping God, and they’re worshiping the true God, they just have some incomplete and to some extent erroneous understandings about God. Just like Jews and many non-Trinitarian Protestants, I might add. 15. I don’t mean to be rude. Just a fraternal correction for your erroneous statements. I invite you to look into Catholicism more and see if other things you miss understand about the faith are based on lies. I pray for you and hope for your salvation. 16. In the name of Christ Jesus, King of the Universe. Amen.
Holy Spirit reveals Scripture. I agree! But why should has the Holy Spirit left the Successors of the Apostles in "guiding them into all truth" (Joh 16:13)?
Holy Spirit inspires the Church with intepretation which it explains to public. Holy Spirit does not, like protestants think, inspire every individual with an interpretation. That only creates confusion. We have two Protestants, one of Baptist, one is Evangelical, both claim to have the intepretation of the Holy Spirit, yet their intepretations are both different. This is confusion. Bible says "God is not the author of confusion" Holy Spirit does not inspire every individual to understand the Word of God. Holy Spirit inspired the Church Fathers to present One, Unchanged Theology and Interpretation which does not change unlike the Protestant mess where everyone claims to have the Interpretation of the Holy Spirit, yet all have different theology. The Church has one Interpretation without discussion, if you don't believe it, you're not catholic, go to protestantism for personal intepretation where everyone can claim the Holy Spirit intepreted stuff for them, and pretend it's true. Scripture is clear. 2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. Scripture is clear. Acts 8:30-31 Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. "Do you understand what you are reading?" Philip asked. "How can I," he said, "unless someone explains it to me?" So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
Great video Dr Brown..I am a catholic but am shocked at the worship / prayer to Mary a human . Yes Mary is important but she is not to be prayed too nor is there any scripture to support this. Not to mention all the pagan statues of Jesus and the additional worship / prayer to saints . And the biggest #1 offense by the Catholic Church which proves it has corrupted itself is.......... the pope kissing the satanic book of the Quran (devils book Islam ) and acknowledgment as a true religion. Every historian knows Muhammad was a false prophet who copied from Jews and Christians to make up his own cult religion .
There was teaching and tradition before there was the Bible. If you look at the explosion of “denominations” that have flourished since the reformation based on Sola Scriptura how can the Catholic Church be so rejected?
The legacy of Protestantism in the US; “if you disagree with your elder over doctrine, simply move, lease a former RadioShack down the road and find your new pastor who is so spirituality and intellectually superior to other churches”.
Just a couple of points you might reconsider... 1. Is it significant that our Lord was content to ascend to heaven without leaving us even one New Testament book? 2. Is it significant that He never even predicted that the New Testament would be coming along in 20 or 30 years or so? (It does seem to me that if He was wanting for us to shift gears generations down the road and become Bible-only-Protestants, then He probably would have at least predicted it) 3. Is it significant that He did see fit to leave us with an identifiable baptizing and teaching organization made of flawed humans known as the Church, with the Holy Spirit to guide her and the promise that she would prevail over the gates of hell?
kneelingcatholic You forget your error Jesus clearly taught the OT and revealed the hidden in it after the ressurection the apostles instructed the church from the Torah the only reason we gave the NT is because of the heresies and sent out the letters to the congregation to further instruct and preserve the bodily personage of our lord!
@@kyz8390 That is precisely not what he is saying. Please improve your reading comprehension. He is saying that early heresies crept into the early Church after they received teaching from the apostles, and the letters we now recognize as holy scripture were written to correct and straighten the early Christians.
I'm not a Roman Catholic, but sola scriptura has obviously created a whirlpool of confusion; although the Body of Christ is spiritual and cannot be prevailed against, Christianity (on the intellectual level) is a house divided against itself. A good Catholic friend once told me, "Christ gave us a Church, not a book." And he's right-the book belongs to the outward Church; the Bible emerged from the outward Church, and the outward Church canonized the Bible. But no one, as far as I can tell, and this includes myself, has any right any longer to speak authoritatively regarding the Bible. We've long since entered an age wherein the personal relationship with God is paramount, and the sole challenge confronting each and every one of us is to live as brothers and sisters, in and with the love and grace of God.
- Catechism of the Catholic Church 105 God is the author of Sacred Scripture. "The divinely revealed realities, which are contained and presented in the text of Sacred Scripture, have been written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."69 "For Holy Mother Church, relying on the faith of the apostolic age, accepts as sacred and canonical the books of the Old and the New Testaments, whole and entire, with all their parts, on the grounds that, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author, and have been handed on as such to the Church herself." - Catechism of the Catholic Church 108 Still, the Christian faith is not a "religion of the book." Christianity is the religion of the "Word" of God, a word which is "not a written and mute word, but the Word is incarnate and living".73 If the Scriptures are not to remain a dead letter, Christ, the eternal Word of the living God, must, through the Holy Spirit, "open [our] minds to understand the Scriptures."
UnamSanctam Catholicam You don’t read the Bible you run to apologetic sites to get your answers. Protestants read the entire Bible far more then any Catholic that’s just fact! And yes I was raised Roman Catholic who left once I became a Christian so no you actually do not read the Bible!
Tradition is completely compatible with Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant views of the Christian faith. Protestants should consider John Wesley who is credited with the widely accepted Wesleyan Quadrilateral view of the interplay between scripture, tradition, reason and experience. For those who think tradition has no role to play in the faith then try to answer how old Mary was when she gave birth to Jesus by simply referring to the Bible alone. You likely already believe she was in her mid to late teens and are happy to tell people that this is the case but don't stop to think that you are passing on traditional teaching rather than scripture. Its okay, you don't need to stop. If you enjoy watching the movie The passion of the Christ, then you are following tradition that it is okay to make images of God in the form of Jesus because God presented Jesus to us visibly in flesh for us to behold. Try to find this teaching in the Bible. It's okay to watch your video of the passion, you don't need to burn your dvd, and you dont need to burn your kid's picture Bible. Tradition has its place for all Christians, whether Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant. God's blessings and grace be with you all.
In vain do they worship me, teaching the tradituons of men! So, did the prophet right prophesied in God's name. It doesn't matter whosoever does it, I'll only agree with traditions I it's true according to the scriptures, bh the Spirit of God. Simple.
Are we to read scripture by your understanding of the bible Dr. Brown? I read the scriptures and I see Catholic teaching from Genesis through Revelation. All those things that you object to are in the scriptures or the result of your misunderstanding of Church teaching, so who's understanding of the scriptures are we to go with Dr Brown? "It is incumbent to obey the presbyters who are in the Church-those who, as I have shown, possess the succession from the apostles; those who, together with the succession of the episcopate, have received the infallible charism of truth, according to the good pleasure of the Father. But [it is also incumbent] to hold in suspicion others who depart from the primitive succession, and assemble themselves together in any place whatsoever, either as heretics of perverse minds, or as schismatics puffed up and self-pleasing, or again as hypocrites, acting thus for the sake of lucre and vainglory. For all these have fallen from the truth". - Ireneaus of Lyons, Against Heresies, 4:26:2, 180 AD
Dr. Brown. It wouldve been nice for you to atleast List where you think catholicism is contradicting scripture, instead of just say that "it does"?. The closest you will get is "some things in Catholicism is not explicitly in scripture" But you will not find the actual Catholic Teaching truly contradicting scripture. Just read the Cathecism if you dont believe me, and if you want the truth. God bless you.
I respect you greatly Dr Brown but I cannot agree with you on Catholicism. The idea of tradition makes absolute sense to me, in fact I don't think it could have been otherwise. It is spoken of by great Church Fathers like St Augustine. Tradition need not be opposed to scripture, personally I think it gives a more comprehensive view of scriptures meaning which is sometimes hard to understand. I hope one day you will become Catholic. God bless.
With all due respect, examine how the written Word came into being. There was no bible for the first 400 years until the Canon of Scripture was finally approved by the Catholic Church. The Word passed on by family to their children. They had the faith and clearly exercised it. They had communion. The real presence of Christ was not in question for the first 1000 years. You clearly lack understanding of Scripture. Please reach out to Catholic Answers as they have an array of ex-protestants who have returned home. To everyone else who have problems with Mary, what did she ever do to you than to say yes to God? Without her, we would not have Christ. She was chosen from the beginning of time as the Mother of God. Don't be a fool by just asking people to refer to Scripture as the sole source of authority. Where does it even say that? It only says the Church is the pillar and truth. Jesus gave us a Church and not a book. To understand this, you need to look at the Word in it's entirety and not pick and choose what you like. No wonder there are 33,000 of you. I know there will be a lot of haters here but just so you know I have disabled notification of any comments.
I'm not a Catholic because the Bible is Ultimate. I won't put the traditions of men over what the Bible is saying. For Catholics reading this, I know many of you were born into this system of belief. But I won't u to look beyond what you have been taught by men and study the scriptures for yourself. God wants to use you so do not let the traditions of men entangle you. #mrkwakuofficial
No one needs a priest to confess their sins to and do penance. That is humanistic, not spirituality. Jesus says He is the only way to the Father. Why would I go to anyone else for forgiveness of my sins? It's not logical and neither is it biblically true. Most Catholics believe everything a pipe tells them to do. For once, get on your knees without your rosary and talk with Jesus and ask Him for repentance. After all He loved us enough to die for our sins on a cross. ♥️. I have many Catholic friends and I love them with all my heart.
I respect Dr. Brown very much but it is intellectually dishonest to say that Catholics worship St. Mary. It’s the oldest fallacy in the book and a way that Protestants try to get the upper hand during polemics. Veneration is entirely different in substance than worship, and veneration stems from a different understanding of sainthood. If one can’t see the merits of that scripturally, fine, but perpetuating a false understanding of marian devotion does not help the cause of truth. Thanks, Dr, you are an important cultural voice.
You pray to her and talk to her, kiss her feet and call her the co redemtrix of our salvation,. The word veneration has been used, but its still classified as worship
I agree with you BUT BUT BUT....could you please use the term "ROMAN Catholic." All Christians are catholic. It really bothers me that Roman Catholics use the descriptor "catholic" when that refers to ALL Christians, as in "one holy catholic and apostolic church."
Cathy Prince..... A Christian is not catholic and a catholic is not a christian. Catholicism is a religion where as christianity is not. Catholicism, hinduism, Buddism, Islam, Judaism etc are religions which are going down. Only Christianity will remain standing because it is not a religion.
It’s interesting how Protestant churchs seem to cherry pick what they want from the Catholic Church, some being closer and some being further away. Every time someone disagrees with something a new denomination pops up, saying theirs is the right one. I guess everyone who lived before scripture was put together (by the Catholic Church) was not saved and everyone who lived before the 16th century when faith alone came about also weren’t saved
Seth Hem The Catholic did not put together the scriptures the OT was all ready compiled, in fact we actually didn’t need the NT Christianity can exist in The OT!
Not sure why evangelicals are treated as protestants, because we have very different doctrines from them. Christian need to be call by there believe, so this nonsense we have the same believe is not. Jesus said, fallow mi and he had a doctrine. 1Timothy 6 3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; 4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, 5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. So we believe in the same God but we are not following his teachings, in conclusion then we are not the same.
Dr brown i have been watching for a long time and love your humble heart and love for christ, but the moment this video began and you said catholic worship Mary tells me you have no clue what your talking about i am a catholic and no we do not worship Mary shes not God plain and simple. and you when you say bible plus tradition no we dont not believe that either we believe in the church Jesus established and the bible is a trradition Dr brown without tradition you wouldnt even know what the bible is such a simple thought but never seems to cross people mind. God bless you always dr brown and i cant wait to keep watching and learning more and more thank you for all that you do.
@@urbandesitv3529 Catholics DO pray to Mary to pray for them. Now, think about it for a second. Where is Mary? Is she here on earth? No! Even if she's here, in order that she can pray for you, you will have to meet her, or at least call her via phone.. or Video call her.. or email her or text her!! You don't just say in your room "Dear Mary, please pray for me that God hears my prayer" while you have no contact at all with Mary! That does not make any sense! But that is what Roman Catholics do! Don't you?
@@urbandesitv3529 The statues of Mary are more like Nehushtan. People actually do bow to them and worship them.. especially the illiterate... Catholics are no different from Buddhist, Hindhus, Muslims, and ancient religious adherents, who all bow down to man-made structures, which is strictly prohibited by YHWH, the God of Israel. Jesus already told us to worship the Father in Truth and Spirit...
@@urbandesitv3529 The Bible is the relics of revelation... it's not the pope who decided which books to include in the Bible!! When was a Roman pope start to rule? How many popes were there in the 1st century? 2nd century? You had a Pentarchy.. and that includes all Christianity.. not just the Roman! and they already had the Bible!
Guess what, we don't. We venerate her, which was done by ancient Christians such as Irenaeus who was directly connected to the Apostles. Protestants make the faults of not venerating her. As for God, we worship One God. And to Him there is no equal. "We firmly believe and confess without reservation that there is only one true God, eternal infinite (immensus) and unchangeable, incomprehensible, almighty and ineffable, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; three persons indeed, but one essence, substance or nature entirely simple" - Catechism of the Catholic Church 202
I dont want to be catholic in err i hristened my son Catholic ,they make us take vow.to bri g child up to k ow "holy stholic church and God"can we get out of it? Oma died cathllic i didnt t get to tell her i just said thank you for sheltering me☹️😱💔i dont think it was pleasing to God i did te truth about my daubhter either when she ssked who she was we said friend .its friends name from.kindergarten.no churches dont look out for us abandoned mums they always seek to adopt involve fsyher or it gets to cintroling when itz not sppropriste whrn we need to explain people keep om pushing anout fatherd but yhey just rub salt into wound when its tjere failyt in firstbplsce for not telling us about bible or reading it in school since when did we ever see preavhrrs at or outside schools.or any o e publicly going on national TV showing catholicism is fslsd.but servus Christian says jou mix with some one from.word of faith ? ☹️i wish some had told me not just catholics thst intimacy begore marrisge rayher than.me having to figure it out the damage my strp dad fid sayi g id been brainwashed by catholic church i had no idea.i wasn't brought ip at all to know sny of this i beleived intimacy before msrrisge wss not ok too late a d them holocaust . was against God its really really bad what they do in schopls i want all cstholic schools to be abolished smashed down raised to ground
Hmmm why I’m not Catholic 1. First commandment thou shalt have no other Gods before me? Pope says he’s the Vicar for Christ The Priests claim to forgive our sins Praying to Mary and Saints 2. Thou shalt not have have any graven images of any kind in heaven, under the sea or beneath the earth Full of graven images 3. Thou shalt not bow down to them Or worship They have you bow to Christ on the Cross upon entering with every graven images there as well 4. Remember to keep the Sabbath Hmmm it was changed with the Catholic to do it on Sunday Not to mention baby baptism where a child can’t even decide to walk with Jesus Christ plus it was done in full emergence of the body dying to the sins and rising to walk with Jesus The list is way too long for listing
Another ignoramus who has never read any actual Catholic material. Let me debunk you because you are clearly a lost Christian in a heretical Church. Let me debunk your claims. One by One. 1. Catholics have no other god or gods except YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Catechism of the Catholic Church 202 We firmly believe and confess without reservation that there is only one true God, eternal infinite (immensus) and unchangeable, incomprehensible, almighty and ineffable, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; three persons indeed, but one essence, substance or nature entirely simple. Catechism of the Catholic Church 201 To Israel, his chosen, God revealed himself as the only One: "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD; and you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might."4 Through the prophets, God calls Israel and all nations to turn to him, the one and only God: "Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.. . To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. 'Only in the LORD, it shall be said of me, are righteousness and strength.'" Catechism of the Catholic Church 2112 The first commandment condemns polytheism. It requires man neither to believe in, nor to venerate, other divinities than the one true God. Scripture constantly recalls this rejection of "idols … Catechism of the Catholic Church 2113 Idolatry not only refers to false pagan worship. It remains a constant temptation to faith. Idolatry consists in divinizing what is not God. Man commits idolatry whenever he honors and reveres a creature in place of God … Many martyrs died for not adoring “the Beast” refusing even to simulate such worship. Idolatry rejects the unique Lordship of God; it is therefore incompatible with communion with God. Catechism of the Catholic Church 202 We firmly believe and confess without reservation that there is only one true God, eternal infinite (immensus) and unchangeable, incomprehensible, almighty and ineffable, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; three persons indeed, but one essence, substance or nature entirely simple. 2. Pope says he's the Vicar of Christ. "Vicar" means representative. Every single bishop is a vicar of Christ according to the II Vatican Council. And every believer is supposed to be a vicar (representative) of Christ. You should be a vicar of Christ as well. Nothing wrong, neither heretical about calling Bishop of Rome, ordinary Bishop or even a normal believer "vicar of Christ" The word Pope simply means father. Apostle Peter called himself a spiritual father (1 Corinthians 4:15 For though ye have ten thousand instructers in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.) We call Priests, Bishops, Cardinals all "father" because it is not forbidden. Pope "father" is simply the Bishop of Rome who has authority over all other bishops. In the time of the Christ and the Apostles, Rome was the center of the world. In order to spread Christianity in the most effective way, the supreme bishop, leader over the Church while Christ is ascended, is of Rome. In order to spread Christianity in the most influential of places. Christianity would have not spread if the supreme bishop was for instance in Jerusalem or in Antioch. Therfore - Bishop of Rome. Bishop of Rome is the first among equals. 3. "The Priests claim to forgive our sins" no priest has ever made that claim. Catholic Church does not claim that. Priests can never forgive anyone's sin, because of their own fallen nature. Only Christ who appears through the priests can forgive the sins. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) something called "In persona Christi" happens, that is when Christ appears through the priest to hear and forgive the sins of that person. 4. Praying to Mary and Saints. Which is never forbidden in the Holy Scripture one time. According to the Oxford Dictionary "prayer" has 3 meanings 1 solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or another deity. 2 prayers a religious service, especially a regular one, at which people gather in order to pray together. 3 An earnest hope or wish. In our case it is the 3rd. 5. Keeping the Sabbath As Catholics, we are commanded to keep the Sabbath, abstain from working, shoping and thinking about work, and attend Church, not doing these are considered sins, not attending Church is a mortal sin, venial sin, or not sin at all depending on the situation [ie. sickness, coma, not having a church in your city]. We Catholics acknowledge that Sabbath is on Saturday, however it's celebration is moved on Sunday. Our Sabbath Celabration is of course the Eucharist, breaking of the body of Christ in remembrance of Him. On the first day of the week, Sunday, as it is stated in the Holy Bible. Acts 20:7 And upon the *first day of the week,* when the disciples came together *to break bread,* Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight. Yes, in the Bible, first day of the week is Sunday, not Monday. We break bread (celebrate Sabbath) on Sunday because of Acts 20:7 where the disciples did it on the first day of the week [Sunday]
The Primacy of Peter in Scripture Matt. to Rev. - Peter is mentioned 155 times and the rest of apostles combined are only mentioned 130 times. Peter is also always listed first except in 1 Cor. 3:22 and Gal. 2:9 (which are obvious exceptions to the rule). Matt. 10:2; Mark 1:36; 3:16; Luke 6:14-16; Acts 1:3; 2:37; 5:29 - these are some of many examples where Peter is mentioned first among the apostles. Matt. 14:28-29 - only Peter has the faith to walk on water. No other man in Scripture is said to have the faith to walk on water. This faith ultimately did not fail. Matt. 16:16, Mark 8:29; John 6:69 - Peter is first among the apostles to confess the divinity of Christ. Matt. 16:17 - Peter alone is told he has received divine knowledge by a special revelation from God the Father. Matt. 16:18 - Jesus builds the Church only on Peter, the rock, with the other apostles as the foundation and Jesus as the Head. Matt. 16:19 - only Peter receives the keys, which represent authority over the Church and facilitate dynastic succession to his authority. Matt. 17:24-25 - the tax collector approaches Peter for Jesus’ tax. Peter is the spokesman for Jesus. He is the Vicar of Christ. Matt. 17:26-27 - Jesus pays the half-shekel tax with one shekel, for both Jesus and Peter. Peter is Christ’s representative on earth. Matt. 18:21 - in the presence of the disciples, Peter asks Jesus about the rule of forgiveness. One of many examples where Peter takes a leadership role among the apostles in understanding Jesus’ teachings. Matt. 19:27 - Peter speaks on behalf of the apostles by telling Jesus that they have left everything to follow Him. Mark 10:28 - here also, Peter speaks on behalf of the disciples by declaring that they have left everything to follow Him. Mark 11:21 - Peter speaks on behalf of the disciples in remembering Jesus’ curse on the fig tree. Mark 14:37 - at Gethsemane, Jesus asks Peter, and no one else, why he was asleep. Peter is accountable to Jesus for his actions on behalf of the apostles because he has been appointed by Jesus as their leader. Mark 16:7 - Peter is specified by an angel as the leader of the apostles as the angel confirms the resurrection of Christ. Luke 5:3 - Jesus teaches from Peter’s boat which is metaphor for the Church. Jesus guides Peter and the Church into all truth. Luke 5:4,10 - Jesus instructs Peter to let down the nets for a catch, and the miraculous catch follows. Peter, the Pope, is the “fisher of men.” Luke 7:40-50- Jesus addresses Peter regarding the rule of forgiveness and Peter answers on behalf of the disciples. Jesus also singles Peter out and judges his conduct vis-à-vis the conduct of the woman who anointed Him. Luke 8:45 - when Jesus asked who touched His garment, it is Peter who answers on behalf of the disciples. Luke 8:51; 9:28; 22:8; Acts 1:13; 3:1,3,11; 4:13,19; 8:14 - Peter is always mentioned before John, the disciple whom Jesus loved. Luke 9:28;33 - Peter is mentioned first as going to mountain of transfiguration and the only one to speak at the transfiguration. Luke 12:41 - Peter seeks clarification of a parable on behalf on the disciples. This is part of Peter’s formation as the chief shepherd of the flock after Jesus ascended into heaven. Luke 22:31-32 - Jesus prays for Peter alone, that his faith may not fail, and charges him to strengthen the rest of the apostles. Luke 24:12, John 20:4-6 - John arrived at the tomb first but stopped and waited for Peter. Peter then arrived and entered the tomb first. Luke 24:34 - the two disciples distinguish Peter even though they both had seen the risen Jesus the previous hour. See Luke 24:33. John 6:68 - after the disciples leave, Peter is the first to speak and confess his belief in Christ after the Eucharistic discourse. John 13:6-9 - Peter speaks out to the Lord in front of the apostles concerning the washing of feet. John 13:36; 21:18 - Jesus predicts Peter’s death. Peter was martyred at Rome in 67 A.D. Several hundred years of papal successors were also martyred. John 21:2-3,11 - Peter leads the fishing and his net does not break. The boat (the “barque of Peter”) is a metaphor for the Church. John 21:7 - only Peter got out of the boat and ran to the shore to meet Jesus. Peter is the earthly shepherd leading us to God. John 21:15 - in front of the apostles, Jesus asks Peter if he loves Jesus “more than these,” which refers to the other apostles. Peter is the head of the apostolic see. John 21:15-17 - Jesus charges Peter to “feed my lambs,” “tend my sheep,” “feed my sheep.” Sheep means all people, even the apostles. Acts 1:13 - Peter is first when entering upper room after our Lord’s ascension. The first Eucharist and Pentecost were given in this room. Acts 1:15 - Peter initiates the selection of a successor to Judas right after Jesus ascended into heaven, and no one questions him. Further, if the Church needed a successor to Judas, wouldn’t it need one to Peter? Of course. Acts 2:14 - Peter is first to speak for the apostles after the Holy Spirit descended upon them at Pentecost. Peter is the first to preach the Gospel. Acts 2:38 - Peter gives first preaching in the early Church on repentance and baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. Acts 3:1,3,4 - Peter is mentioned first as going to the Temple to pray. Acts 3:6-7 - Peter works the first healing of the apostles. Acts 3:12-26, 4:8-12 - Peter teaches the early Church the healing through Jesus and that there is no salvation other than Christ. Acts 5:3 - Peter declares the first anathema of Ananias and Sapphira which is ratified by God, and brings about their death. Peter exercises his binding authority. Acts 5:15 - Peter’s shadow has healing power. No other apostle is said to have this power. Acts 8:14 - Peter is mentioned first in conferring the sacrament of confirmation. Acts 8:20-23 - Peter casts judgment on Simon’s quest for gaining authority through the laying on of hands. Peter exercises his binding and loosing authority. Acts 9:32-34 - Peter is mentioned first among the apostles and works the healing of Aeneas. Acts 9:38-40 - Peter is mentioned first among the apostles and raises Tabitha from the dead. Acts 10:5 - Cornelius is told by an angel to call upon Peter. Angels are messengers of God. Peter was granted this divine vision. Acts 10:34-48, 11:1-18 - Peter is first to teach about salvation for all (Jews and Gentiles). Acts 12:5 - this verse implies that the “whole Church” offered “earnest prayers” for Peter, their leader, during his imprisonment. Acts 12:6-11 - Peter is freed from jail by an angel. He is the first object of divine intervention in the early Church. Acts 15:7-12 - Peter resolves the first doctrinal issue on circumcision at the Church’s first council at Jerusalem, and no one questions him. After Peter the Papa spoke, all were kept silent. Acts 15:12 - only after Peter (the Pope) speaks do Paul and Barnabas (bishops) speak in support of Peter’s definitive teaching. Acts 15:13-14 - then James speaks to further acknowledge Peter’s definitive teaching. “Simeon (Peter) has related how God first visited…” Rom. 15:20 - Paul says he doesn’t want to build on “another man’s foundation” referring to Peter, who built the Church in Rome. 1 Cor. 9:5 - Peter is distinguished from the rest of the apostles and brethren of the Lord. 1 Cor. 15:4-8 - Paul distinguishes Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances to Peter from those of the other apostles. Christ appeared “to Cephas, then to the twelve.” Gal.1:18 - Paul spends fifteen days with Peter privately before beginning his ministry, even after Christ’s Revelation to Paul. 1 Peter 5:1 - Peter acts as the chief bishop by “exhorting” all the other bishops and elders of the Church. 1 Peter 5:13 - Some Protestants argue against the Papacy by trying to prove Peter was never in Rome. First, this argument is irrelevant to whether Jesus instituted the Papacy. Secondly, this verse demonstrates that Peter was in fact in Rome. Peter writes from “Babylon” which was a code name for Rome during these days of persecution. See, for example, Rev. 14:8, 16:19, 17:5, 18:2,10,21, which show that “Babylon” meant Rome. Rome was the “great city” of the New Testament period. Because Rome during this age was considered the center of the world, the Lord wanted His Church to be established in Rome. 2 Peter 1:14 - Peter writes about Jesus’ prediction of Peter’s death, embracing the eventual martyrdom that he would suffer. 2 Peter 3:16 - Peter is making a judgment on the proper interpretation of Paul’s letters. Peter is the chief shepherd of the flock. Matt. 23:11; Mark 9:35; 10:44 - yet Peter, as the first, humbled himself to be the last and servant of all servants.
“His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’” (John 2:5)
This is the only verse in the entire Bible in which Mary has any authority over anyone (except as a mother over her children).
In the Bible, Mary:
--never wore a crown
--never even was mentioned after Acts 2
--never had anyone bow to her
--never was perfect or sinless
--never had any "assumption"
The Bible specifically says that the magi bowed to Jesus, then they gave gifts to Jesus. Not to Mary, who was right there. Since they did not bow to Mary in person, why do millions of people bow down to a worthless, lifeless statue supposedly of Mary?
The phrase "Queen of Heaven" is mentioned repeatedly in Jeremiah. Every ceremony involving this imaginary queen was condemned by God in that book. Yet today, millions say Mary is the Queen of Heaven.
After Jesus was born, Mary was no longer a virgin. Jesus had several half-siblings. There was a time when Mary & Jesus' half-siblings thought Jesus was crazy, & they came to take him away. Jesus refused to even go outside to see them (Mark 3:20-35). That’s no way to treat the Queen of Heaven! :P
Pathetically, some would insist that the “woman clothed with the sun” in Revelation 12:1-6 is Mary. Obviously this passage is alluding* to Genesis 37:1-9, so clearly the “woman” is the nation of Israel & not Mary. Revelation 12 is about the time before the end of the world. How could Satan attack Mary on earth when she’s already in heaven?
Mary was a good woman (that one scene in Mark 3 notwithstanding). She would be horrified to know that millions of people bow down to statues supposedly of her, or that millions try in vain to talk to her.
Worship God! Do not worship anyone else.
*Many things described in Revelation are allusions to things mentioned in Genesis.
I've heard stories saying that Mary continued with other people spreading the good news about jesus all through Syria,, Lebanon,, Cyprus and possibly other countries as well,,, that is why she is so loved,, and worshiped by people,,though I totally understand how wrong it is .......
Revelation 12 can have multivalent meaning. There are some good reasons for thinking that it is also talking about Mary who is crowned in heaven.
The faithful were referring to Mary by this title in prayers before Protestantism was even born.
Amen but our Catholic brothers and sisters would try to intrepret Luke 1:42.
Don't think that I am a catholic I just a mere Protestant.I just asked that Catholics would try to intrepret Luke 1:42.
@@urbandesitv3529 catholics worships Mary as the Mother of the Divine God.
The concept of "saint-hood" is also wrong in Catholicism. The saints in the Bible are all Christians, not just people who achieved a certain threshold of goodness.
They are seen as righteous and as the Bible says we should ask each other to pray for us we can also ask the righteous. Your concept is wrong, name a single person in the first 1500 years that said different. You have superimposed your falsehood on the church which the bible says the holy sprit will protect. Even Martin Luther had no issue with the saints. I know more about Protestant history than you. You have not even looked into it and have even superimposed the original position. Sit down child humble yourself and learn!!! That why there are so many woke Protestant churches you have no sacred tradition so can be manipulated to bless gay marriage.
So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter. 2 Thess 2:15
paradosis (παραδόσεις ) in this context is teaching, doctrine.
Tradition in 2 Thess refers to the cumulative accounts of transmission of the words of God. rather than the accumulation of authoritative commentaries about Scripture. Textual traditions in textual criticism would be an example of this.
Mark 7:6-13 uses the term tradition in the same sense used by Talmudist, Catholic, and Eastern Orthdox, as an accumulation of authoritative commentaries that are equal to Scripture or needed to unlock the meaning of Scripture. Jesus refutes the idea that such commentaries have the same footing as Scripture or authority over the interpretation of Scripture, decrying that doctrine as setting aside the commandment of God to observe the doctrines of men.
"He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye." -Mark 7:6-13 KJV
@@DCGideon Hahahaha good answer!!! People like you is what I really admire!
Yes, written by the Apostle Paul, referring to himself and the other Apostles NOT written by a pope or referring to popes and councils. A little common sense here. Hello!
What i dislike is that as soon as i say that i am Catholic, people says "I fear for your salvation" and i hate that, it is so humiliating. I fear for THEIR salvation daring messing with mine.
I've been into Pentecostals for a while. IT'S been a nice experience. I live my faith as a hermit. It only concerns me.
Of course i don't worship Mary. I never understood the big deal.
Also, i decided to study Judaism. And i've got certain roots, by family name, by new-france, francoamerican ancestry. Anyways. I know nothing. People tests me with verses. Test yourself, don't test me. I know nothing.
i was indoctinated cath, got born again met Jesus and the Father..no more idol worship and vain repetitive rosary and pope worship!! Jesus is the only way to the Father.. relationship !!
Oui Bay funny you should mention this. I was a Catholic growing up, and as a young boy I never felt the need to ask Mary’s interventions or the saints’. Granted, I didn’t pray much, but I instinctively recognized that Jesus was the most important one to pray to. The first time I realized that no mention of prayers to saints was in the Bible, I stopped the practice. I guess my mind was always geared towards a sola scriptura mindset without knowing what that was.
Any thoughts on Jews who prayed for interventions from angels to Yahweh?
May as well convert to Islam if you honestly believe most of Christianity (Catholic and Orthodox, for Orthodox also venerate Mary as the Theotokos) to be idolatry.
Oui Bay lol
Urban Desi TV rcc pray to angels and saints and Mary even tho they cannot send prayers to God. Also the rcc changed the second commandment and tried to change the sabbath. Totally against scripture and Mary sinned before
It’s simple for me, I don’t need a priest to forgive me of my sins. He’s a man just like me. I need to repent and tap Into the Holy Spirit through reading, fasting and prayer to flee from sin. After all the kingdom of heaven is within once you’re born again. So what can a man do for me salvation wise.
That's a false dichotomy. The Sacrament of Penance is an expression of true repentance.
SmoothView so what role do pastors, bishops, etc have in the church,l? Are they set apart?
@@kyz8390 Pastors take care of sheeps full time, that's all.
David Ahumada what does that mean, take care? They’re not set apart?
Child of Messiah interesting
We are all Catholics. Some of us just ain't Roman Catholics because we read the BIBLE!
bubba bug So what you do in this life doesn’t matter? I’m not saying there is a certain number of puppies you have to save before you reach salvation, but to say that Jesus taught to just believe that he existed and you can otherwise do whatever you please, is frankly just not biblical
Some of us are Roman Catholics because we read the BIBLE.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 105
God is the author of Sacred Scripture. "The divinely revealed realities, which are contained and presented in the text of Sacred Scripture, have been written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."69
"For Holy Mother Church, relying on the faith of the apostolic age, accepts as sacred and canonical the books of the Old and the New Testaments, whole and entire, with all their parts, on the grounds that, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author, and have been handed on as such to the Church herself."
Catechism of the Catholic Church 103
For this reason, the Church has always venerated the Scriptures as she venerates the Lord's Body. She never ceases to present to the faithful the bread of life, taken from the one table of God's Word and Christ's Body.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 108
Still, the Christian faith is not a "religion of the book." Christianity is the religion of the "Word" of God, a word which is "not a written and mute word, but the Word is incarnate and living".73 If the Scriptures are not to remain a dead letter, Christ, the eternal Word of the living God, must, through the Holy Spirit, "open [our] minds to understand the Scriptures."
Catechism of the Catholic Church 133
The Church "forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful. . . to learn the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ, by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures. Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.
"we" are NOT all catholics. some of us have the common sense to reject the papacy.
It seems to me that Roman Catholicism became a replacement for Temple Judaism, the bureaucracy and top down rule remained.
Serquss do you pray to Mary and why was the second commandment removed?
Replacing the Seat of religious governance was not an improvement regardless of the New Covenant. Pope or High Priest? Saul would have approved....Paul, not so much.
Jesus, as the Son of David, establishes His Church in accordance with the Davidic kingdom and as with every kingdom, it has a hierarchy. The office of the Papacy is akin to the office of Steward of the OT Davidic kingdom.
gwademan2 the pope is directly against what Jesus taught. Jesus spoke against the traditions because people started to use man made traditions as if they hold ground or are an authority The papacy is in conflict with the Bible and praying to Mary or to saints or angels or worshipping them is against scripture completely. The Catholic Church tried to change the sabbath to Sunday and that’s against the Bible to change what God has established. I’ll give you a quote from the pope of today and you tell me if this aligns with scripture.]: "We are all the same, all children of God”
gwademan2 It didn't occur to me, and it doesn't have to be like, saying to a boy or a girl: 'You are Jewish, you are Muslim: come, be converted!'"
"We are not in the times of the crusades."
"In front of an unbeliever the last thing I have to do is try to convince him. Never."
"But listen: Never, never bring the gospel by proselytizing."
"If someone says they are a disciple of Jesus and comes to you with proselytism, they are not a disciple of Jesus."
"The Church does not grow by proselytism."
It’s funny because the Catholics were the ones who killed Christians for not submitting to the pope and the Catholic Church removed the second commandments about idols. Mary wasn’t perfect and she was a sinner just like everyone else besides Jesus. Luke 1:47
With respect, Dr. Brown, as a 1989 convert to the Catholic Faith who was born Jewish, we honor, love and specially venerate Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary. We do not worship her, something she would doubtless not want either. We worship God alone. We specially venerate Our Lady (hyperdulia), we venerate the saints (dulia), and we adore and worship the Most Holy Trinity alone (latria). Why do we specially venerate Our Lady? Consider: would we have Jesus without Mary? Of course not. Is it trivial that God chose her since before the foundation of the world to be the Mother of the Incarnate Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity? Of course not. Does Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:1 refer to the Blessed Virgin Mary? Yes, of course. From the beginning to the end of Sacred Scripture Our Lady is present and necessary. Our Lady has much more than a minimal role in salvation history, she is critical to our salvation. Critical. Crucial. At the Crucifixion Jesus gave us to Mary as her children ("Woman, behold your son") and He gave his Mother to us as well ("Behold your Mother"). The words of God on the Cross have depths of meaning that should not be passed over or dismissed. When the Archangel Gabriel addressed Mary as "Full of Grace," he indicated that she had not the slightest stain of sin, ever. Hence, she was conceived without sin. "I am the Immaculate Conception." Our Lady's words to St. Bernadette at Lourdes. October 13, 1917 about 70,000 people witnessed the "Miracle of the Sun" at Fatima, Portugal, even skeptical secular journalists who were there to debunk it vouched for and became witnesses to the truth of the apparitions. Obviously I'm just scratching the surface of this subject. No doubt you are sincere in your beliefs Dr. Brown. But I hope you will reconsider them. God bless you and your family.
IHS 13 ...you say that Catholics don’t worship Mary, yet when you sing songs to Mary such as, “Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above” you are worshiping her. The same would be true if you sang that same song to Jesus...it is worship. And in Gen. 3:15 & Rev. 12:1, neither of these passages are about Mary. How could Mary be present in Genesis, in the garden? How is it that God is speaking to Eve & the serpent, & then somehow speaking about Mary? This doesn’t even make sense. When Jerome translated the Bible from Hebrew in the Old Testament, to Latin, much got lost in the translation. Jerome inserted “her heel” in Latin, instead of “His heel”...meaning Christ. This is the first prophecy of the Messiah to come. Mary has absolutely nothing to do with our salvation! Only Jesus! Then in Rev. 12:1, the woman here is the nation of Israel mentioning the 12 Tribes of Israel, not the 12 apostles. It is Israel who gives birth to the Messiah! Mary did not flee for 1260 days, vs. 6. Now the Catholic Church is mentioned in Rev. 17:7. The mystery of the woman sitting on the beast which has 7 heads & 10 horns. Verse 9 “Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mtns on which the woman sits.” Rome has 7 mountains & this is the revived Roman Empire prophesied in Daniel 7. Anyway, when Gabriel addressed Mary as “ full of grace”, this does not mean “sinless”. It means “highly favored”. Not sinless. In fact, there are none sinless...no not one. Rom. 3:10-12. And Mary even says in Luke 1:47, “and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.” She needed a Savior like the rest of us bc she has sinned. Yes, we need to honor her, but not to the place where Catholics have placed her. And the apparitions of Mary at Lourdes, Fatima etc, are filled with discrepancies that are contrary to Scripture. Please read your Bible! Please come to understand the Truth of God’s Word compared to the man made doctrines of the Catholic Church. I hate to see you trade in the bondage of the Law for more of the same. The Law does not give life! We are Abraham’s offspring, so we are heirs. We are not slaves but sons! Please read your Bible & know that I am speaking the Truth.
On my journey of truth I wanted to become a nun because I thought they were very holy hmmmmm of course man looks on the outside but I got to realize I was worshipping Mary, Joseph, Thaddeus etc and bowing down to their statues to worship them. If you are a catholic you know that the rosary has different prayers and they are all to Mary. When I was a catholic I did not understand the role of Jesus and I never prayed to Him but I knew He was the child of Mary and maybe that’s why He was important. When I read the Bible I learnt that the catholic teaching is not in line with the Bible. Yahweh of the Bible does not share His glory with another: Luke 11:27-28“ when Jesus was speaking in the crowd spoke and said ; blessed is the womb that bore you and blessed are the breasts that nursed you . 28 “But He replied; Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it” if Mary was to be worshipped and prayed to Jesus would not have made this statement.
nandawula elizabeth ...I love your testimony of Jesus redemption! He transforms us from the inside out. My story is similar. I found the Truth in the Word of God...Jesus is the Word! He is the Truth! He is our Life! Amen!
Judaism didn't even know why Melchisedek was in their Tanakh.
1. Another key foreshadowing of the Eucharist -- the sacrifice and food of the New Covenant -- is the bread and wine offered by the priest Melchizedek. Let's see what this means for our understanding of the Eucharist.
I'd like to call your attention to the Book of Hebrews. Hebrews, chapter 6 describes how God had made a promise to Abraham and then he changed the promise to an oath. When God swears an oath to Abraham, he makes a covenant. In Genesis 22:18, right after Abraham went to Moriah to sacrifice his firstborn through Sarah, God prevented it and then swore an oath saying, "Surely all the nations of the earth will be blessed through your seed."
The New Testament begins, "This is Jesus Christ, the seed of the son of Abraham, the Son of David." Jesus Christ is the one in and through whom God fulfills that oath he swore to Abraham. Where did he swear it? On Moriah, where the temple was later built and where Christ, the New Temple was later destroyed and rebuilt three days afterwards. It talks about this oath and then it goes on to talk about the priesthood of Melchizedek. In chapter 7, the first ten verses, it describes how Abraham met Melchizedek. It talks about the meaning of his name. He's the king of righteousness, that's what Melchizedek means in Hebrew. He is the King of Salem, which means peace, shalom. He is the priest of God Most High and he blessed Abraham, so he was superior to Abraham. Everything is mentioned about the meeting between Abraham and Melchizedek except one thing, the bread and the wine.
2. Now we are going to ask a question. Is that because the bread and the wine was the only thing that was unimportant about Melchizedek and Abraham meeting, or is it because the importance of the bread and the wine is so great but so obvious that it goes without saying? Let's study the next few chapters.
For one thing we already saw back in Hebrews 5, verses 5 and 6 where God has sworn an oath to Jesus Christ. He says, "Thou art my Son. Today have I begotten thee." And he also says in another place, "Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek." To be God's Son is like the same thing as being a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Remember way back in the Old Testament before the Golden Calf, fathers were high priests and firstborn sons were priests under their authority. This seemed to be the natural family pattern of Melchizedek. This is how the ancient Jews as well as the ancient Church Fathers understood it.
3. Jesus Christ is not a Levite so Old Testament Jews might be tempted to say, "Well, he can't be a priest, then." But Hebrews is talking all about the wilderness generation under Moses and how they committed idolatry and rebelled against God and how God sent all these punishments. The first rebellion was the Golden Calf, and the first punishment was to take the priesthood away from the firstborn, which had been theirs for centuries, and to give it to the Levites temporarily. What the writer of Hebrews is suggesting is that Jesus Christ, God's Son, is righteous enough to restore the original pattern of the father-son family priesthood, because this is a divine family that God, through Christ, is adopting us into through the sacrifice of Christ.
He is a priest after the order of Melchizedek. The word "order" does not mean order like the Dominican Order. It means after the manner of Melchizedek's priesthood. The writer goes on to make a big, sharp contrast between the Levitical priests who continue to offer these animals in sacrifice. They had to offer. They had to kill. They had to sacrifice millions of sheep, millions of goats and millions of cattle with millions of gallons of blood running down through the temple. Why? It was all after and because of the Golden Calf, whereas before all of that, you had a father and a son and a clean priesthood that Melchizedek represents. "After the manner of Melchizedek" suggests that Melchizedek's manner of priestly sacrifice was bread and wine. This is how all the early Fathers understood this, as well.
4. Now, it says in Hebrews 7 in verse 18, "On the one hand a former commandment is set aside because of its weakness and uselessness, for the law made nothing perfect. On the other hand, a better hope is introduced through which we draw near to God." And it was not without an oath and it talks about how God swore this oath, and the oath that has been talked about is the oath that was sworn by God on Moriah where Christ was slain. Verse 22: This makes Jesus the surety of a better covenant. The former priests were many in number because they were prevented by death from continuing in office; whereas Jesus is one. There's the single priesthood, and he lives forever up in heaven. But he holds his priesthood permanently because he continues a priest forever. Consequently, he is able for all times to save those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.
"For it was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, blameless, unstained, separated from sinners, exalted above the heavens. He has no need like those high priests to offer sacrifices daily." In other words to kill and to have blood shed continuously. "...first for his own sins and then for those of the people. He did this once for all when he offered up himself. Indeed, the law appoints men in their weakness as high priests." That is the Levitical law that was given after the Golden Calf, "...but the word of the oath which came later than the law appoints a son who has been made perfect forever."
Now the point in what we are saying is this. We have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven. Notice that the Lamb is the one enthroned in Revelation. The Lamb and the firstborn Son of the Passover is the priest who ministers in a sanctuary, the heavenly sanctuary. He is a minister in a sanctuary. It isn't complete. He is ministering in the heavenly sanctuary and the true tabernacle which is set up not by man but by the Lord. "For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices. Hence it is necessary for this priest to have something to offer."
5. I read that a hundred times before the obvious meaning hit me like a brick in the face. He is a priest in heaven ministering now in the sanctuary and he's got something to offer and he's continually offering it. He's just not bleeding and dying and suffering any more. He's not killing any more animals, but he's continually offering the once and for all sacrifice which is himself; but it's a continual sacrifice. It's a perpetual offering. He's not dying, but he's still offering. That's exactly what the Catholic Church teaches about the Mass.
In fact, we're going to be offering this sacrifice forever in and through and with Christ. Not bloody animal sacrifices but our hearts and our souls and our bodies in union with the One whose body and blood, soul and divinity are perfect and pure -- the only acceptable sacrifice which makes our otherwise unacceptable sacrifices perfectly acceptable. "Holy and righteous," Paul says. He goes on talking about the superiority of the New Covenant that Christ established. "The days will come says the Lord when I will establish a New Covenant with the House of Israel" (Jer. 31:31). Verse 9, "Not like the covenant I made with your fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt. That covenant, they broke." When? At the Golden Calf. The covenant that he made with them out of Egypt they broke at the Golden Calf.
It won't be like that covenant because this firstborn Son won't break it, and that's what makes it new. "This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my people." Verse 13, and in speaking of the New Covenant he treats the first as obsolete and what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. The Old Testament only uses "New Covenant one time. Jesus in the gospels only uses the phrase "New Covenant" one time. When? At Passover time. Where? In the Upper Room. Why? To institute the Eucharist.
6. And so he goes on in Hebrews 9 to talk about the superiority. Back in the Old Testament, verse 9, we read, "According to this Old Testament arrangement, gifts and sacrifices were offered which cannot perfect the conscience of the worshipper. What is the contrast implied? Back then sacrifices were offered which couldn't perfect the worshipper's conscience, implying that in the New Covenant, what? Sacrifices are offered which do perfect the conscience of the worshipper.
That's what the Eucharist does. It cleanses our soul. It wipes away all venial sin. These Old Testament sacrifices, verse 10, deal only with food and drink and various ablutions, baptismois, in the Greek, regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation. Do you know when the real Reformation came? Not in 1517. The real reformation came in the Upper Room when the Eucharist was instituted, when the Catholic Church was formed. The time of reformation wiped away the weak ineffective Old Testament sacrifices. To do away with all sacrifices altogether? No. To initiate a new sacrifice which has intrinsic power to cleanse our consciences.
Verse 11, now, "The one Christ appeared as a High Priest of the good things that have come. Then through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with human hands, that is not of this creation, he entered once and for all into the holy place, that is heaven, taking not the blood of goats and calves but his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption." He took his own blood up there. He's not bleeding in the sense that he's suffering and dying, but he's up there as a Lamb looking as though he's been slain, offering his own blood. That's a Eucharistic Passover sacrifice and that's why the entire structure of Revelation is a Passover liturgy.
And it goes on to talk about the Old Testament's weakness in comparison with the New Testament's power. "For if the sprinkling of defiled persons with the blood of goats and bulls or with the ashes of a heifer sanctifies for the purification of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God purify your conscience?" The body was cleansed externally in the Old Testament sacrifices, but with Christ's Passover sacrifice which he continues to administer up in the heavenly sanctuary, our consciences are cleansed as we offer and receive that down here below on earth.
"Therefore," verse 15 says, "he is the mediator of a New Covenant." He only said that word covenant one time. "This cup is the blood of the New Covenant," when he instituted the Eucharist. That fulfilled Jeremiah 31. That's when he offered what appeared to be bread and wine. That's when he became a new Melchizedek, feeding the new children of Abraham so that through Abraham's seed, Jesus, all the nations of the world, all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Something which God had sworn but had not performed until Christ, the son of Abraham, was sacrificed on Moriah on the peak called Calvary.
And he began it in the Upper Room when he instituted the Eucharist which goes on and on and on here on earth and in heaven above forever and ever. He is the mediator of this new, everlasting covenant so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance which goes back to the promise that God gave to Abraham. Verse 24, "For Christ has entered not into a sanctuary made with hands, a copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf."
Abridged from Scott Hahn's audio and video tape presentation,
"Eucharist: Holy Meal" as it appears in the "Catholic Adult Education
on Video Program" with Scott and Kimberly Hahn.
I've always been a catholic in name, but recently (1-2 years) I've been revising theology, scripture, catechism etc. One thing that bugs me a lot is that some Catholics use verses to defend their interest, and people take that as what the church teachings. It happens so much that often you can't find what's really been established, if anything at all. So with this I want to remind you, Dr. Brown, that sometimes people only want to persuade you of their own stance on the matter.
I'm a ex-catholic I started to read the Bible and realize Catholicism has many man made traditions I wanted nothing to do with Man's tradition but GOD way to live my life as best of my ability like My Lord and savior Jesus.
You left the Church of Jesus Christ with Peter as Christ's representative and main shepherd for a heresy. Congratulations, you exchanged the truth of God for a lie. You exchanged the truth of the Church of God for a confusing Heresy.
Protestants and Orthodox Christians are schismatics and in those two Chuches lies confusion.
Protestants are separated into thousands of denominations, a confusing mess.
Just to name a few. You have got your
- Lutherans
- Anglicans
- Calvinists
- Presbyterians
- Pentacostals
- Baptists
- Evangelicals
- Non Denominationals
- Inter Denominationals
- Methodists
- Trans Denominationals
- Episcopalians
- Church of Scotland
All these and more denominations that make the Protestant Church aboslute mess that is not qualified to be the Church of Christ.
Two of the denominations have names of Mere men in them (Lutherans - Followers of Luther, Calvinists - Followers of Calvin) instead of the name of Christ, which is above all of men's names.
Two of the denominations have names of their countries in them (Anglicans, Church of Scotland) not qualified to be the universal Church of Christ.
Six of the denominations have one specific part of Christianity in them (Presbyterians, Pentacostals, Baptists, Evangelicals, Methodists, Episcopalians)
All these are only a single part of Christianity. Putting focus on only one thing they have different theology on, not worthy of being the One true Church of Christ.
And you have your Non Denominationals, who distance themselves from any denomination, not realizing that they are Baptists.
Also not realizing that they just created a denomination. Their so called "Worship" is just a concert in megachurches with a feel better attitude that has nothing to do with serious worship in Spirit and Truth as in Mass. The pastors in these churches teach more about the Prosperity Gospel, talk nothing of Jesus, and enjoy being worshiped themselves instead of Jesus. "In vain do they worship me"
And you have the Inter-Trans Denominationals who try to combine denominations together, created even more mess than before.
Confusing Church it is, the Protestant Church.
All these confusing Protestant churches are the work of Satan himself, trying to devide the Church of Christ, the Body of Christ into denominations and much garbage.
Protestant Church is not of God because it is confusing and split up.
1 Corinthians 14:3
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
1 Corinthians 1:10
Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
Romans 16:17
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
This is the Protestant Church, a confusing pile of garbage. With all the thousands of denominations and differences in theology. Where as the Catholic Church is one Church, with one theology, one mind and the same judgment. Not split into any confusion as the Protestant Heretical Church.
This is because you have no Pope. You have no leader to lead the Church established by Christ.
The word "Pope" is not anything special. Pope means Father. We call Priests fathers, Cardinals fathers, Bishops fathers.
As Apostle Paul called himself a Spiritual father.
"Pope" is simply the Bishop of Rome who has authority over all clergy. Christ gave Simon Peter this authority because Christ is not an idiot, God forbid, and Christ knows with infinite knowledge that he needs to have a representative on Earth to avoid confusion. Everyone could claim "I follow Christ" and do not follow Him. That's why Christ set up a Special Bishop, the Bishop of Rome to have authority over all clergy. To have dominion over the theology of the Church, in order to preserve the Church. Why Rome? Because at the time of Christ and the Apostles it was the centre of the world. They wanted to share the gospel to all the world, and took the most influencial of places to do it. In order to spread it more efficently, to get people saved. Without a leader in the Church, confusion will happen. God is not the author of confusion. Satan is.
Orthodox Church is the same. They have conflicts within the Single Church itself.
Greek Orthodox Church vs Russian Orthodox Church
Ukrainian Orthodox Church vs Russian Orthodox Church.....
They have no Pope, no leader to lead the Church. That created confusion. Protestants and Orthodox are schismatics, the One Catholic Church within which is no conflict and all are of one mind concerning the Church, is therefore the one true Church, pillar of truth.
1 Timothy 3:15
But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
Although we may have our differences, we are all one in Christ. The term catholic or Christian is only a name. What matters is our faith in Jesus. So we should never consider ourselves rivals or different. Let not the name be the barrier.
Dylan Johnson ...we are not one with Catholics. They are not our brothers and sisters in the faith. They worship a different Jesus that is completely contrary to the Scriptures. When we begin including faiths that are anti-Christ into Christianity, we end up with a one world religion. This is exactly where we are headed.
"Catholic" means Universal.
We are Catholic Christians
"Universal Christians"
unlike the "Lutherans - meaning followers of Luther" or "Calvinists - meaning followers of Calvin" or "Anglicans - named after a country" or "Baptists - named after only one part of Christianity that they disagree with other about"
Even the label "Protestant" is faulty because it only shows you are protesting something, the First Church. Protestantism didn't exist before Luther, and he made it so to protest the Church that is historically proven to be First.
As always, Dr. Brown expresses his point well. I was born, reared & continue to be Catholic. The cornerstone of my faith is my belief in the True Presence in the Eucharist. I also believe that every person who follows his/her conscience will achieve salvation....regardless of their faith.
Mark Koenig ... That last bit is, ironically, even more unbiblical than the concept of transubstantiation.
@@michaeldukes4108 John 6 cannot be more clear about the truth of transubstantiation. When you incorporate typology to it, it become even more bulletproof. How Protestants can claim to be bible believing Christians and not believe in the real presence is beyond me.
Watch this video. ua-cam.com/video/P45BHDRA7pU/v-deo.html
It depends what 'catholic' refers to.
The term itself simply means 'universal' ...
Am ex Catholic but now the Bible is my sole Authority plus I reject any works based including (catholic) and I reject any prayers to the saints and angels for there is Only One Mediator Jesus the Son of God and The Holy Spirit our Intercessor!
Show me in the Bible a verse, where the Bible is the sole authority of all matter of faith and practice.
Actually, the Church is called, the pillar of truth, not the Scripture.
1 Timothy 3:15 NRSVCI
if I am delayed, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the *church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth.*
Let me prove that both Tradition of Scripture and Oral Tradition are valid according to the Holy Bible, as we Catholics believe that Bible and Tradition have equal authority. Let me prove the Bible agrees.
2 Thessalonians 2:15 NRSVCI
So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by our letter.
Christ the the only mediator, not the only intercessor. Jesus Christ is the only mediator, yet there are many intercessors.
There's difference between Intercessor and Mediator. The Bible never says that the Holy Spirit is the ONLY intercessor.
Mass as the Continuation of Levitic Sacrifice.
GOD does not need the third physical Temple of Judaism. It will never be erected forever. The true Living Third Temple has arlready been erected by YEHOVAH: The Body of Yeshua haMasiach, Ben ADONAY. Only in Catholic Church the continuation of the sacrifice of the True Temple of GOD was preserved in order of Melchizedek: The Eucharistic Mass.
Only in Catholic there is still Priest/ Kohanim as it was in Leviticus, someone who performs offering, in any non-Catholic believer of Jesus there is only a Preacher, someone who speaks/ preaches but not make offering). Even in modern Judaism there is no more Priest/ kohanim, now they only have rabbis & chazzan. (Judaism devoid of it's Temple, it's sacrifices & kohanim has no longer it's raison d'etre)
The Mass:
1. It is not re-sacrificing Jesus everyday. In the Mass it is the same body & blood of Jesus Christ of Calvary, the eternal redemption's body & blood of Christ is 'just' represented by the priest. Btw that's what 'eternal' means, right...or i would say: the presentation/ the reality of the eternity of the divine body & blood of Christ. So until the end of time all people can make an encounter with the real body & blood of Christ Redemptor; that the real Christ Redemptor really presents for all people through every ages.
... (It is why only in Catholic there is Priest/ Kohanim as it was in Leviticus, someone who makes offering, in any non-Catholic believer of Jesus there is only a Preacher, someone who speaks/ preaches).
2. Jesus himself instituted the Eucharist: 1Corinthians 11: 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body, which is for[a] you. DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME .”[b] 25 In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. DO THIS, as often as you drink it, IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME.”
3. Eucharist (from Greek eukharistia "thanksgiving, gratitude,") in Paul's time: 1 Corinthians 10:16: "Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?"
4. Malachi: “For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name is great among the nations, and in every place incense is offered to my name, and a PURE OFFERING; for my name is great among the nations, says the LORD of hosts.” (Mal 1:11)
5. The fullness of old Judaism, especially the Levitic aspect will only be found in Catholicism. Once there was only one true Judaism & now only One True Christianity, i.e Catholic Church.
Hi Dr. Brown! Perhaps you should consider talking with Dr. Brant Pitre or try listening to his talks on:
"Jesus and the Jewish roots of Mary"
"Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist"
"Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Papacy"
"Jesus, the Tribulation, and the End of the Exile"
Former agnostic here and now a Roman Catholic by God's grace! God bless you! Catholicism IS Judaism fulfilled!
I don't worship Mary as a Roman Catholic. I venerate her because of her role when understood using 1st century Jewish lenses. I'd like to recall your attention to the Annunciation in Luke 1. Here, Gabriel greets Miryam of Nazareth not by her given name, but he greets her with:
"Kaire, kecharitomene" which is translated in English as, "Hail, favored one!" or "Hail, full of grace!" which when understood using 1st century Jewish lenses, it means that she is filled with God's grace before the angel came.Its as if she is the "woman" of whom the serpent of old (the shining one of Genesis known later as Satan) will fight against in Genesis 3:15. Eve wasn't called Eve until after the Fall in Genesis 3, but Woman. Similarly, after the Annunciation, Mary wasn't called Mary now by Jesus but "Woman" during His ministry, implying that she is now the new Eve.
The earliest Fathers who were the students of the Jewish disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, saw this in Mary and since then, Christians make devotion to Mary part of the Christian life. Let's go back to the Annunciation.
The surrounding context of the Annunciation is this:
- There was no Davidic king on the throne of Israel (The Hasmoneans were ruling Judea)
- There is no Ark
- Israel still never learned their lesson after the Babylonian captivity
- Rome invaded Judea and installed Herod the Great as the "king of the Jews" who imposed Roman law
- The Jews were hoping for the Messiah to come now in their timeframe under Roman rule as per Daniel's prophecy
Listen to what the angel said:
But [f]when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. 30 Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. 32 He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. 33 And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.”
(Luke 1:30-33, NKJV)
Notice, Gabriel is now telling Mary that her Son will not just be a human messiah, but God Himself! The Lord who is also the Son of David (recall Psalm 110:1, "Yahweh said to my Adonai") and will be given an everlasting kingdom like in Daniel 2. Of course Miryam of Nazareth knew what these words meant because she's a Jew! She's been hearing this every Sabbath! Also, by implication of Jesus as the Messianic King from the line of David, Mary is now the QUEEN MOTHER of this Messianic Kingdom that Jesus will establish!
The structure of the kingdom of David then has:
- The Davidic King
- The Prime Minister
- The Queen Mother (who is the powerful intercessor before the king)
And this was what the Jews were expecting during the Second Temple era!
What Mary merely asked isn't similar to what Zechariah said, but she merely asked for elaboration. The angel Gabriel said this:
And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. 36 Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. 37 For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:35-37, NKJV)
Recall the surrounding context: There was no Ark and so the Jews were hoping that the Shekinah would come to the Temple like in Solomon's time. Here Gabriel now applies to Mary what was said by God concerning the Ark:
- The Holy Spirit will come upon you
- The power of the Most High will overshadow you (like the Ark in the days of Moses in the Torah)
By implication, Gabriel is now saying that SHE is now the New Ark from whom the true God will dwell upon.
The Ark during the days of Moses contains:
- The Staff of Aaron
- The Ten Commandments
- The Manna or the showbread
The New Ark (Mary) now contains:
- The Good Shepherd
- The Lawgiver like Moses but who is greater than Moses
- The Bread of Life
""who is the Holy One to be born of you (Mary), the Son of God"
So if you read the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, the Holy Spirit prompted Elizabeth to call Mary with the same words Catholics now repeat to her when they recite the Rosary:
"Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb!"
Which is taken from Luke's report below of this event:
And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? (Luke 1:41-43, NKJV)
Actually, what Elizabeth said to Mary is, "Who am I that the mother of my Adonai (the substitute for YHWH) should come to me?", considering that Elizabeth here is filled with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth knew that her cousin bears not an ordinary Jewish boy, but the Messianic King who is Adonai.
Devotion to Mary makes sense Dr. Brown!
Don't they say " Tradition is just peer pressure from the dead"
@Oui Bay .... It's not mine, help yourself
@@Serquss .... I didn't do it from tradition ..... I do it from truth and experience.
Dr Brown is not a catholic because he has his own interpretation of the Bible. His own religion/belief system. Culturally from what I have heard him speak, he is on the good side of most all societies problems. He is a good person. I was raised catholic myself and left because I disagreed with what they taught. The difference though I did not start my own religion/belief system.
I went to the people who wrote the first books of my Bible, the Torah. ( The New Testament authors, who we are not really sure who they were, had their own belief system of the Torah writings just like Dr Brown ). There to my astonishment Jesus is no where to be found yet that is not what I had been taught. Think about it. Why would God give the Torah to Moses to teach, allowing him to falsely teach his chosen people who he made a nation of priest, all the wrong things/belief system. He didn't. Those who went against Moses did not fare well. Islam did the same thing, they have their own beliefs, Mormons same thing, atheist same thing. Hold tight to the very first commandment. You will have no other gods before me. It doesn't say don't have other beliefs, just other gods you give your heart/belief in.
Hello there! I'm a catholic priest and here are three simple points to think about for starters:
1. Church and Scriptures. Jesus chose apostles, who at Pentecost became the Church. Apostles founded local churches and apointed bishops. The bishops continue to this day, in unbroke succession, to teach what has been handed down to them with ever more understanding (the Spirit will guide you into all Truth, John 16). Jesus didn´t give us a Book (we are not muslims), he gave us a living body, which represents his continuos presence. This living body (as the People of Israel before it) produced the Scriptures out of its living actions and experience of certain moments in time. They are like photos made with a divine lense. So you Sola scriptura guys actually try to interpret those photos without the context of the living body (= Tradition), who lived and made them. Outside the Body, the Book is sealed and you can never properly understand some things (for example John 6:52-58).
2. Authority. As many did before them (see the many many heresies), suddenly there came the reformatory Saviors (Luther and Co.) and established a new tradition (you can call it what you want, but it is that and it's a pure product of its time, especially of the nominalistic philosophy). Suddenly the tradition of the family became highly doubtful (= nominalistic scepticism) and they felt themselves forced to look solo on the photos. I'm not saying there weren't problems in the Church, even big problems, because people remain people. There's always a Judas around. But those were bad practices, not bad teachings! And God took care of that (as He does today). So in the end I have to ask you: Who are you listening to? Christ through his Apostles and his living Body or nominalistic tower-sinners? Or are you the next savior who finally got it right?
3. Worship and veneration. There are actually three stages, all found in the Sctriptures.
- normal veneration (τιμᾶν, or δουλεια), as in Romans 13:7 or Mt 15:4 (for parents)
- special veneration (μακαριζειν or υπερδουλεια), as in Lk 1:48 or what Gabriel and Elisabeth do (Lk 1:28.30.42) - I think Dr. Brown could be interested in checking those in Hebrew
- adoration (λατρεια) - reserved only for God, as described in Exodus 20:1-5
Question for thinkers: Why doesn't Daniel react to what happens in Daniel 2:46?
Also, what Dr. Brown says at 1:34-36 here in the video is very interesting considering John 20:25. Nothing without touching the Body!
As for who Mary is and does she deserve the "special treatment" - go read about Guadalupe, Lourdes or Fatima.
well said!
"Evangelicals" can be amusing, but mostly they are repeating the same nonsense over and over again.
Good morning. Special treatment...? What do u mean by this.... praying to Mary. ? Or worshipping Mary...is this ur term special treatment mean. Or r u meaning that we need to request Mary to intercede for us through prayers to Jesus. To me, everything u say is just standing on hollow ground. Jesus is my father and o dont c y I wud need intercession here...and he is the one who bore the horrific pain and embarassment for my sins as a one sacrifice. If ur take is so surefooted why don't u do a debate with this BRown or whoever he is to prove to everyone the truth....this will help the whole world and now u commenting here is not going any far....so pls do that ASAP father. Praise the lord 🙏
@@rajeshpeter4772 Sorry, I didn't get a notification of your reply.
Special treatment of Mary means the following:
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
Mother of Christ,
Mother of the Church,
Mother of mercy,
Mother of divine grace,
Mother of hope,
Mother most pure,
Mother most chaste,
Mother inviolate,
Mother undefiled,
Mother most amiable,
Mother most admirable,
Mother of good counsel,
Mother of our Creator,
Mother of our Saviour,
Virgin most prudent,
Virgin most venerable,
Virgin most renowned,
Virgin most powerful,
Virgin most merciful,
Virgin most faithful,
Mirror of justice,
Seat of wisdom,
Cause of our joy,
Spiritual vessel,
Vessel of honour,
Singular vessel of devotion,
Mystical rose,
Tower of David,
Tower of ivory,
House of gold,
Ark of the covenant,
Gate of heaven,
Morning star,
Health of the sick,
Refuge of sinners,
Solace of migrants,
Comforter of the afflicted,
Help of Christians,
Queen of Angels,
Queen of Patriarchs,
Queen of Prophets,
Queen of Apostles,
Queen of Martyrs,
Queen of Confessors,
Queen of Virgins,
Queen of all Saints,
Queen conceived without original sin,
Queen assumed into heaven,
Queen of the most holy Rosary,
Queen of Families,
Queen of Peace.
If she is all that and you're not in contact with her, you're missing something BIG, brother..
Simple and well put 👍🏼
Can you do a video on why I'm not eastern orthodox?
datchet11 are you upset that most orthodox country’s like Greece Serbia Russia Macedonia etc are like 90% or more christians. Faith is strong in orthodox people. Why do u want to disrespect any Christian.
Morgh123 yeah they do. Go visit the churches there as see first hand. These countries are blessed with miracles.and numbers at churches are high.
@@spartag9682 I grew up as an Orthodox Christian. Yes, faith is strong with them, but as much as I love my heritage and the people of my former church, I couldn’t feel the repetitive ritual as touching me spiritually. Also the service was mostly in Slavonic church language which didn’t help since we had to follow in English with a book. I didn’t learn the Bible much. Personally this wasn’t for me, so for most of my long life I’ve worshiped at Protestant churches where the Bible is preached so I can better know and understand the Word of God.
@@spartag9682 I'm not I'm just curious.
@sneksnekitsasnek I don't know I just wondered.
Any Catholics out there I have a question? Do you pray to Mary and angels? And if yes can you show me reasoning from scripture
I know they say "Mary, pray for us" or they wish that the Saints or the angels pray for them. I don't know this is pray TO or not.
First question: No
second question: No
The meaning of pray is to ask. When we pray to Mary is to ask her to pray for us to ask her Son for the things we need. That’s why we always say “Mary pray for us a sinner, or I always say to The Blessed Mother please ask your Son for my so and so request. It’s always Christ we invoke you get it right? Christ gave us His Mother and in the Catholic Church she is our spiritual mother so we are like her children. Since Mary is a lot closer to God He cannot say no to her so if Mary ask her Son for our sake those prayers will be heard a lot faster compare if as a sinner will go to Him directly. Mary expedite our request faster than a normal person.
Jesus builded a visible Church guided by the ones he chose, his disciples. He gave authority to them to guide his church and what ever they thought we have to listen them. Thats the way i see it.
If you dig deep enough, you will know that it is all about Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz.
May God make the blind see...
Not just catholic, but orthodox as well.
Michael Lawlor what’s wrong with orthodox. Are you upset that we speak Greek.
Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep away from any brother who is walking in idleness and not in accord with the tradition that you received from us.
2 Thess. 3:6
Jamie Jaegel
You can use tradition but the tradition was written so we know what tradition was.
Fact Mary was not prayed to by scripture or anyone by tradition for the first 300 yrs of Christianity.
So now show me the tradition in Catholism that allows Christians to pray/talk to/ or petition Mary or any Saint? Big hint there is none it’s heresy to do so!
The idea that the way the RCC is now with theology, doctrine, tradition, mass, and overall church structure is false. Pope Gregory finally solidified much of what we call the mass; how we worship and how we connect with God. Up until then many church members in the Levant had their own ways of worship that weren’t necessarily heretical. And by the way, they did so without any letters or gospels. The truth of the gospel and the Holy Spirit sustains us.
The Catholic Church is the tradition we received from them. The Protestant approach is way more recent
Jamie Jaegel ...before the New Testament was written, Paul is talking about holding to the traditions that were taught until the New Testament was put together. Never was it to mean that the traditions were CONTRARY to the written Word as in Catholicism. Nor were traditions ever to have equal status with the God breathed, God inspired Word of God.
And who decided the scriptures for them to quote???
שבילים בה - טיולים מודרכים ופעילויות העשרה בישראל The Catholic Church 😁
Matty Schmatty do you pray to Mary?
The Catholic church but they never mention this. They use a Catholic book to attack Catholics. The Bible is a Catholic book the New Testament anyway. It came from the Catholics their Bishops approved books and rejected books and that's just the way it is.
Who put the New Testament together? The Catholic Church.
Yes, Sola Scriptura makes so sense to me primarily because of this
@Lover of Truth Okay, so show where anyone else declared all 27 books of the NT to be canon? Luther, didn't feel alll 27 books were "canon". How do you know, it isn't 23 books for example?
Why are you not Orthodox Christian? We have traditions too but Holy Tradition was held by the Apostles (2 Thess. 2:15) for discussion or debate. Do you know that the Bible cannot be exist without the Holy Tradition? The Gospels themselves were first passed on orally for many years before they were written down.
Let's clarify something here:
The Bible is a JEWISH document that is inspired by God and handed down by the church, but it's NOT the church that decides the Canon.
The Canon is the sacred collection of writings inpired and dictated by the Holy Spirit, as well as the Prophets are instruments of God on earth.
In other words, GOD determines the Canon since He is the one who inspires it.
We don't venerate the bible nor prophets , nor apostles, because we EVANGELICALS know they are instruments of God and that don't have power by themselves.
Protestants love traditions, chiefly because we have our own, but we NEVER deify any tradition or creature that by the way, desevers only punishment and hell but is miraculously saved by Christ through his infinite Mercy.
With all respect, you should leave this path of idolatry and repent. Turn back to the Gospel that is the confirmation of the jewish scriptures and become evangelical. Repent, there is still time.
You must understand that the Scriptures must be interpreted through a lens; For the Eastern Orthodox, this is generally the Councils and the consensus of the Church Fathers, holy men filled with the Spirit of God and His wisdom throughout history. The Church wrote the Scriptures by the inspiration of God, and interpreted them the same way.
So, the Church and its Fathers are where I can turn to receive instruction on the Orthodox faith and worship of God; If I lean to my own understanding, or that of teachers who have not been instructed by the Church(and correspondingly, by God), there is a high probability I will land in error.
This is not an admonition to forget reading the Scriptures, but to do so thoughtfully, prayerfully, and when anything is in question, to know that the Church has an answer(even the Church admonishes the faithful to read Scripture daily); Not everyone is comfortable with these answers or comes to the same conclusion, but that's generally how heresies rise up and have risen up. God strongly condemns heresy and all who teach or follow them, so we must do our part to ensure we receive and hand on the Truth.
We must move towards obtaining an Orthodox phronema(or mindset, "mind of the Church") if we are to have a reliable worldview, faith, and praxis for obtaining salvation.
We have an example of this in Acts 15. The leaders of the Church met as a council. And, when they reached a decree, they said "For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us ..." (Acts 15:28).
Love Love
But once written the written word is of God so the written is to judge anything claimed Christian.
Henrique Alexandre so any image of a creature in a house of worship is idolatry?
No where does the Bible command “sola scriptura.”
On the other hand, Paul commands adherence to tradition. “Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle.” (2 Thessalonians 2:15).
Papacy, “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church." (Matthew 16: 18). Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven."(Matthew 16:19).
Priests forgiving sins, “Receive the Holy Spirit, whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven, whose sins you retain, they are retained."(John 20:23)
As far as the Mass is concerned, “Do this in memory of Me." (Luke 22:19)
Those are just a few.
Dr. Brown, I beg you to not straw man Catholic views (such as your characterization of Catholic veneration of the Blessed Mother, ever Virgin) and follow your promise to the Lord to follow the Truth wherever it leads.
The Catholic Church is the only church that can claim to have been founded by Christ personally. Every other church traces its lineage back to a mere human person such as Martin Luther or John Wesley. The Catholic Church can trace its lineage back to Jesus Christ who appointed St. Peter as the first pope. This line of popes has continued unbroken for almost 2,000 years.
Protestantism stands for the idea that man can interpret the scriptures according to his own thoughts. Catholicism rejects this, counting on the Holy Spirit to guide the Magisterium in protecting the Deposit of Faith.
Old Testament is filled with examples of the Israelites honoring those who have fallen asleep in the peace of the Lord as well
@@johnslay4322 The first Church that Peter founded is Christianity not Catholicism.In Acts 11:26 Believers called to be Christians in Antioch not Catholics.
I agree. I can say I'm disappointed that Mr Brown chose to strawman Catholic doctrine, instead of discussing them. There are very intelligent Protestant arguments out there, but I didn't hear any today.
You can have your tradition as much as you want but for the numbers the Catholic Church has killed, I don't see any example of that in the apostles. I don't see the funding of elaborate building projects with the sale of Indulgences. The Bible specifically states NOT to forbid marriage. And the Catholic Church decided in 1100 to change this. I do see in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Need I go into the numbers of nuns who have given birth, of babies which were killed? How much in settlements the church has paid out because it negated the Bible. There was no authority give to deny scripture. And it didn't work out too well, did it?
Many people have felt that Christ is there in spirit but the bread is suppose to change into the actual body of Jesus Christ. Well, some checked on this, they took the host before being blessed and some which was blessed and had a DNA test done on the wafers and they were made of wheat before the blessing and they had NO HUMAN DNA after being blessed. But because some people used their common sense and wanted to see this a doing this in remembrance as it was supposed to be, do you know how many were killed over that one? Now, the Catholic church has a different take on it, not admitting those that did not agree with them as right, but none the less, transubstantiation is proven not to be true. Being full of one's self and making people suffer for being foolish and pigheaded and claiming to be the same church Jesus founded is absurd. Jesus never would have killed anyone over this. The fact that people left for conscience sake, is understandable. The Catholic church finally gave up with trying to destroy the Bibles rolling off the printing press and came out just before the King James Version with their own. And your still using a mistranslation in Genesis 2 trying to make the "seed" feminine, when at best it can be seen as at least male whereas it is actually neuter. Just can't admit you can make a mistake. People die or miss heaven trusting in the wrong means of salvation. Salvation still is in the precious blood of Jesus. The one who judges the quick and the dead is NOT your church! Salvation is a Free Gift! Yet you just keep charging people for mass cards at funerals to get as much funds coming in and never ever being sure that the loved one is out of a mythical place called "purgatory". We either are directly with the Lord as St. Paul taught or every one is waiting in their dead body which may have entirely rotten away, some being burned, some buried at sea. I think Paul got it right. But in any case, God does not need money. And the Catholic church does not need any more statues or marble pillars. They need to stand up for Western civilization and stop the Muslim immigration into Europe as it stands now, there will be no more Christianity because as with every other place the Muslims go, they get in the majority and persecute the hell out of everyone else until it is like Turkey which was once all Christian and not even 5% is left. Jesus Christ has not failed but your church surely has!!!!!
And BTW, you can't support evolution which Darwin popularized which has led to the destruction of morals. We have a faith based on miracles. May as well stand on the scripture because what you teach is sinking ground. We need the ethics taught by scripture or our civilization will not stand. All survival of the fittest boils down to is might makes right. But that is what the church has strong armed their way in the past, did. It was not right then and supporting ideas concocted by men, not one of them has served you well at all.
Jesus is the one and only mediator, Mary is not a Mediatrix. This is not some spiritual Mario video game where you collect merit or grace from saints and Mary and attending church and what is the nonsense that Jesus only died for menial sins, the kind you don't go to hell for anyway? Jesus paid it all. He deserves the all the credit.
What's with saying Muslims and you worship the same God in your catechism? You've banned the actual name of God, YHWH, so that no one will notice when you start calling God, "Allah!" The Lord Jesus is God and His name literally means "Yah saves!" It is a form of the name "Joshua"!
In the midst of all the attacks Europe had to endure, that you couldn't stand being corrected, and so much of northern Europe rebelled, it is only by God's Grace the the Turks were kicked out of Vienna. God is still on the throne, He still cares about the people.
courag1 Calm down and be rational for a moment.
1. What killing specifically are you talking about? Surely I don’t need to tell you that some killings are justified and others aren’t. As for the unjustified killings, the Catholic Church has never claimed to be made up of people who never sin. That much should be obvious today as much of the leadership has been exposed. The Church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum of saints.
2. Those who attack the Church for its use of indulgences rely upon-and take advantage of-the ignorance of both Catholics and non-Catholics. You should be careful. Our Lord says “But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.“ (Matthew 18:6). What is an indulgence? The Church explains, “An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain defined conditions through the Church’s help when, as a minister of redemption, she dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions won by Christ and the saints” (Indulgentarium Doctrina 1). The definition of indulgences presupposes that forgiveness has already taken place: “An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven” (Indulgentarium Doctrina 1, emphasis added). Indulgences in no way forgive sins. They deal only with punishments left after sins have been forgiven. Indulgences developed from reflection on the sacrament of reconciliation. They are a way of shortening the penance of sacramental discipline and were in use centuries before money-related problems appeared. The number of days which used to be attached to indulgences were references to the period of penance one might undergo during life on earth. The Catholic Church does not claim to know anything about how long or short purgatory is in general, much less in a specific person’s case. One never could “buy” indulgences. The financial scandal surrounding indulgences that gave Martin Luther an excuse for his heresy, involved indulgences in which the giving of alms to some charitable fund or foundation was used as the occasion to grant the indulgence. There was no selling of indulgences.
3. The Church has never forbidden marriage. What are you even referring to here?
4. Your explanation of the DNA test demonstrates you have no idea about the doctrine of transubstantiation. I understand by this point that you’ve been lied to by Protestant leaders, but I’m inviting you to learn about it now. If you refuse you’ll have to account for it one day.
5. What genesis controversy are you talking about? Of all the anti-Catholic nonsense I’ve heard before, that’s a new one.
6. The Catholic Church cannot make a mistake when teaching on matters of faith and morals because it was instituted by Christ himself and is guided by the Holy Spirit. This is totally biblical and to say otherwise is heresy.
7. Salvation is an undeserved gift, yes. But “once saved, always saved” is anti-biblical nonsense. James, the second chapter, “What shall it profit, my brethren, if a man say he hath faith, but hath not works? Shall faith be able to save him?... So faith also, if it have not works, is dead in itself.”
8. What are “Mass cards at funerals”?
9. We should beautify the places of worship and have statutes and art that turn our minds to God.
10. The Catholic Church created Western Civilization, so even if you’re a non-believer you should show some respect. Of course we should oppose Mohammedan immigration, all faithful, traditional Catholics do. St. Thomas Aquinas reasoned that we should not welcome immigrants unless they are prepared to assimilate into our nation and mode of worship and I agree with that.
11. The post-conciliar Church has some serious problems, for sure, but it has not failed. Last I checked Western Civ is still standing and souls are still being saved. That’s the supreme law and always will be. Christ promised “the gates of Hell will never prevail [against the Church].” (Matthew 16:18). So to state the Church has failed is, once again, heresy.
12. Jesus is the only Redeemer. But Mary, for saying yes to God, and bringing our Savior into the world, deserves reverence as our Co-Redemptrix (don’t be confused this is, and always has been, a subordinate position to that of Christ).
13. I don’t know what a “menial” sin is. Perhaps “venial” is the word you’re looking for. The Church has never taught that Jesus only died for venial sins. Who is teaching you things like this?
14. The Church’s understanding is that Mohammedans do worship God. Now, they don’t understand God the same way we do; for example, they don’t believe that Jesus is God, and they don’t believe that the Holy Spirit is God. So they have an incomplete understanding of the divine nature, and in some degree an erroneous understanding of the divine nature. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t genuinely directing their prayers towards the Creator of the universe-they are. That doesn’t mean they’re not genuinely directing their prayers toward the God who appeared to Abraham-they are. And so in that sense they are worshiping God, and they’re worshiping the true God, they just have some incomplete and to some extent erroneous understandings about God. Just like Jews and many non-Trinitarian Protestants, I might add.
15. I don’t mean to be rude. Just a fraternal correction for your erroneous statements. I invite you to look into Catholicism more and see if other things you miss understand about the faith are based on lies. I pray for you and hope for your salvation.
16. In the name of Christ Jesus, King of the Universe. Amen.
But how do we know which Interpretation of the Scripture is right? Scripture isnt that obvious, it is very deep.
xTheSchnitzel you need the Holy Spirit. The other reality is some things are mysteries God hasn’t and may never reveal.
Holy Spirit reveals Scripture. I agree! But why should has the Holy Spirit left the Successors of the Apostles in "guiding them into all truth" (Joh 16:13)?
Holy Spirit inspires the Church with intepretation which it explains to public.
Holy Spirit does not, like protestants think, inspire every individual with an interpretation. That only creates confusion. We have two Protestants, one of Baptist, one is Evangelical, both claim to have the intepretation of the Holy Spirit, yet their intepretations are both different. This is confusion. Bible says "God is not the author of confusion"
Holy Spirit does not inspire every individual to understand the Word of God.
Holy Spirit inspired the Church Fathers to present One, Unchanged Theology and Interpretation which does not change unlike the Protestant mess where everyone claims to have the Interpretation of the Holy Spirit, yet all have different theology. The Church has one Interpretation without discussion, if you don't believe it, you're not catholic, go to protestantism for personal intepretation where everyone can claim the Holy Spirit intepreted stuff for them, and pretend it's true.
Scripture is clear.
2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
Scripture is clear.
Acts 8:30-31
Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. "Do you understand what you are reading?" Philip asked.
"How can I," he said, "unless someone explains it to me?" So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
A question to sola scriptura guys: Where does the Bible says that the Bible is the authority on earth?
Who has the authority to interpret it?
Nowhere, because we are supposed to hold to the Traditions of tongue and the Traditions of letter.
I think that is very well explained exegetically and so forth but I still have a feeling that Catholics would not be happy with that explanation.
Great video Dr Brown..I am a catholic but am shocked at the worship / prayer to Mary a human . Yes Mary is important but she is not to be prayed too nor is there any scripture to support this. Not to mention all the pagan statues of Jesus and the additional worship / prayer to saints . And the biggest #1 offense by the Catholic Church which proves it has corrupted itself is.......... the pope kissing the satanic book of the Quran (devils book Islam ) and acknowledgment as a true religion. Every historian knows Muhammad was a false prophet who copied from Jews and Christians to make up his own cult religion .
There was teaching and tradition before there was the Bible. If you look at the explosion of “denominations” that have flourished since the reformation based on Sola Scriptura how can the Catholic Church be so rejected?
Jamie Jaegel
The Catholic Church can be rejected by its actions and how it has moved away from the written scriptures
The legacy of Protestantism in the US; “if you disagree with your elder over doctrine, simply move, lease a former RadioShack down the road and find your new pastor who is so spirituality and intellectually superior to other churches”.
Just a couple of points you might reconsider...
1. Is it significant that our Lord was content to ascend to heaven without leaving us even one New Testament book?
2. Is it significant that He never even predicted that the New Testament would be coming along in 20 or 30 years or so? (It does seem to me that if He was wanting for us to shift gears generations down the road and become Bible-only-Protestants, then He probably would have at least predicted it)
3. Is it significant that He did see fit to leave us with an identifiable baptizing and teaching organization made of flawed humans known as the Church, with the Holy Spirit to guide her and the promise that she would prevail over the gates of hell?
You forget your error Jesus clearly taught the OT and revealed the hidden in it after the ressurection the apostles instructed the church from the Torah the only reason we gave the NT is because of the heresies and sent out the letters to the congregation to further instruct and preserve the bodily personage of our lord!
pkicker, what 'error', friend?
pkicker so you’re saying we don’t need the NT?
@@kyz8390 That is precisely not what he is saying. Please improve your reading comprehension.
He is saying that early heresies crept into the early Church after they received teaching from the apostles, and the letters we now recognize as holy scripture were written to correct and straighten the early Christians.
I'm not a Roman Catholic, but sola scriptura has obviously created a whirlpool of confusion; although the Body of Christ is spiritual and cannot be prevailed against, Christianity (on the intellectual level) is a house divided against itself.
A good Catholic friend once told me, "Christ gave us a Church, not a book." And he's right-the book belongs to the outward Church; the Bible emerged from the outward Church, and the outward Church canonized the Bible. But no one, as far as I can tell, and this includes myself, has any right any longer to speak authoritatively regarding the Bible. We've long since entered an age wherein the personal relationship with God is paramount, and the sole challenge confronting each and every one of us is to live as brothers and sisters, in and with the love and grace of God.
- Catechism of the Catholic Church 105
God is the author of Sacred Scripture. "The divinely revealed realities, which are contained and presented in the text of Sacred Scripture, have been written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."69
"For Holy Mother Church, relying on the faith of the apostolic age, accepts as sacred and canonical the books of the Old and the New Testaments, whole and entire, with all their parts, on the grounds that, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author, and have been handed on as such to the Church herself."
- Catechism of the Catholic Church 108
Still, the Christian faith is not a "religion of the book." Christianity is the religion of the "Word" of God, a word which is "not a written and mute word, but the Word is incarnate and living".73 If the Scriptures are not to remain a dead letter, Christ, the eternal Word of the living God, must, through the Holy Spirit, "open [our] minds to understand the Scriptures."
"The Gospel According to Rome" by James G McCarthy was a good read along these lines.
UnamSanctam Catholicam
You don’t read the Bible you run to apologetic sites to get your answers. Protestants read the entire Bible far more then any Catholic that’s just fact!
And yes I was raised Roman Catholic who left once I became a Christian so no you actually do not read the Bible!
pkicker well said
I totally agree! So, why are some Messianics aligning themselves to Rome with TJCII? Please would you help me understand as it does trouble me.
Tradition is completely compatible with Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant views of the Christian faith. Protestants should consider John Wesley who is credited with the widely accepted Wesleyan Quadrilateral view of the interplay between scripture, tradition, reason and experience. For those who think tradition has no role to play in the faith then try to answer how old Mary was when she gave birth to Jesus by simply referring to the Bible alone. You likely already believe she was in her mid to late teens and are happy to tell people that this is the case but don't stop to think that you are passing on traditional teaching rather than scripture. Its okay, you don't need to stop. If you enjoy watching the movie The passion of the Christ, then you are following tradition that it is okay to make images of God in the form of Jesus because God presented Jesus to us visibly in flesh for us to behold. Try to find this teaching in the Bible. It's okay to watch your video of the passion, you don't need to burn your dvd, and you dont need to burn your kid's picture Bible. Tradition has its place for all Christians, whether Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant. God's blessings and grace be with you all.
In vain do they worship me, teaching the tradituons of men!
So, did the prophet right prophesied in God's name.
It doesn't matter whosoever does it, I'll only agree with traditions I it's true according to the scriptures, bh the Spirit of God.
And who determines what is scripture?
Are we to read scripture by your understanding of the bible Dr. Brown? I read the scriptures and I see Catholic teaching from Genesis through Revelation. All those things that you object to are in the scriptures or the result of your misunderstanding of Church teaching, so who's understanding of the scriptures are we to go with Dr Brown?
"It is incumbent to obey the presbyters who are in the Church-those who, as I have shown, possess the succession from the apostles; those who, together with the succession of the episcopate, have received the infallible charism of truth, according to the good pleasure of the Father. But [it is also incumbent] to hold in suspicion others who depart from the primitive succession, and assemble themselves together in any place whatsoever, either as heretics of perverse minds, or as schismatics puffed up and self-pleasing, or again as hypocrites, acting thus for the sake of lucre and vainglory. For all these have fallen from the truth".
- Ireneaus of Lyons, Against Heresies, 4:26:2, 180 AD
I don't know.. why can't they be right about Christ and wrong about Mary? lets not get silly.. I know there is MUCH more to this.. just saying
Dr. Brown. It wouldve been nice for you to atleast List where you think catholicism is contradicting scripture, instead of just say that "it does"?. The closest you will get is "some things in Catholicism is not explicitly in scripture" But you will not find the actual Catholic Teaching truly contradicting scripture. Just read the Cathecism if you dont believe me, and if you want the truth. God bless you.
I respect you greatly Dr Brown but I cannot agree with you on Catholicism. The idea of tradition makes absolute sense to me, in fact I don't think it could have been otherwise. It is spoken of by great Church Fathers like St Augustine. Tradition need not be opposed to scripture, personally I think it gives a more comprehensive view of scriptures meaning which is sometimes hard to understand. I hope one day you will become Catholic. God bless.
With all due respect, examine how the written Word came into being. There was no bible for the first 400 years until the Canon of Scripture was finally approved by the Catholic Church. The Word passed on by family to their children. They had the faith and clearly exercised it. They had communion. The real presence of Christ was not in question for the first 1000 years. You clearly lack understanding of Scripture. Please reach out to Catholic Answers as they have an array of ex-protestants who have returned home.
To everyone else who have problems with Mary, what did she ever do to you than to say yes to God? Without her, we would not have Christ. She was chosen from the beginning of time as the Mother of God. Don't be a fool by just asking people to refer to Scripture as the sole source of authority. Where does it even say that? It only says the Church is the pillar and truth. Jesus gave us a Church and not a book. To understand this, you need to look at the Word in it's entirety and not pick and choose what you like. No wonder there are 33,000 of you.
I know there will be a lot of haters here but just so you know I have disabled notification of any comments.
The original church in rome was not what it is today period.
I'm not a Catholic because the Bible is Ultimate. I won't put the traditions of men over what the Bible is saying.
For Catholics reading this, I know many of you were born into this system of belief. But I won't u to look beyond what you have been taught by men and study the scriptures for yourself.
God wants to use you so do not let the traditions of men entangle you. #mrkwakuofficial
Is dr brown Jewish?
You must be new here
Anne Lane
Yes Dr Brown is a Messanic Jew
No one needs a priest to confess their sins to and do penance. That is humanistic, not spirituality.
Jesus says He is the only way to the Father. Why would I go to anyone else for forgiveness of my sins?
It's not logical and neither is it biblically true.
Most Catholics believe everything a pipe tells them to do.
For once, get on your knees without your rosary and talk with Jesus and ask Him for repentance.
After all He loved us enough to die for our sins on a cross. ♥️. I have many Catholic friends and I love them with all my heart.
I respect Dr. Brown very much but it is intellectually dishonest to say that Catholics worship St. Mary. It’s the oldest fallacy in the book and a way that Protestants try to get the upper hand during polemics. Veneration is entirely different in substance than worship, and veneration stems from a different understanding of sainthood. If one can’t see the merits of that scripturally, fine, but perpetuating a false understanding of marian devotion does not help the cause of truth. Thanks, Dr, you are an important cultural voice.
You pray to her and talk to her, kiss her feet and call her the co redemtrix of our salvation,. The word veneration has been used, but its still classified as worship
Have a discussion/debate with Tim Staples on this very topic
I agree with you BUT BUT BUT....could you please use the term "ROMAN Catholic." All Christians are catholic. It really bothers me that Roman Catholics use the descriptor "catholic" when that refers to ALL Christians, as in "one holy catholic and apostolic church."
Cathy Prince..... A Christian is not catholic and a catholic is not a christian. Catholicism is a religion where as christianity is not. Catholicism, hinduism, Buddism, Islam, Judaism etc are religions which are going down. Only Christianity will remain standing because it is not a religion.
It’s interesting how Protestant churchs seem to cherry pick what they want from the Catholic Church, some being closer and some being further away. Every time someone disagrees with something a new denomination pops up, saying theirs is the right one. I guess everyone who lived before scripture was put together (by the Catholic Church) was not saved and everyone who lived before the 16th century when faith alone came about also weren’t saved
Seth Hem
The Catholic did not put together the scriptures the OT was all ready compiled, in fact we actually didn’t need the NT Christianity can exist in The OT!
pkicker Of course the Catholic Church didn’t put the OT together
Tradition, reason, and prayful interpretation impacted the church long before Rome was the last man standing.
Not sure why evangelicals are treated as protestants, because we have very different doctrines from them. Christian need to be call by there believe, so this nonsense we have the same believe is not. Jesus said, fallow mi and he had a doctrine. 1Timothy 6 3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;
4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. So we believe in the same God but we are not following his teachings, in conclusion then we are not the same.
Dr brown i have been watching for a long time and love your humble heart and love for christ, but the moment this video began and you said catholic worship Mary tells me you have no clue what your talking about i am a catholic and no we do not worship Mary shes not God plain and simple. and you when you say bible plus tradition no we dont not believe that either we believe in the church Jesus established and the bible is a trradition Dr brown without tradition you wouldnt even know what the bible is such a simple thought but never seems to cross people mind. God bless you always dr brown and i cant wait to keep watching and learning more and more thank you for all that you do.
As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. I suggest you actually read the RCC catechisms so that your eyes are open!
Shadowskill_S550 ...tradition became of equal authority with the Bible, according to the Catholic Church in1545 at the Council of Trent
@@urbandesitv3529 Catholics DO pray to Mary to pray for them. Now, think about it for a second. Where is Mary? Is she here on earth? No! Even if she's here, in order that she can pray for you, you will have to meet her, or at least call her via phone.. or Video call her.. or email her or text her!! You don't just say in your room "Dear Mary, please pray for me that God hears my prayer" while you have no contact at all with Mary! That does not make any sense! But that is what Roman Catholics do! Don't you?
@@urbandesitv3529 The statues of Mary are more like Nehushtan. People actually do bow to them and worship them.. especially the illiterate... Catholics are no different from Buddhist, Hindhus, Muslims, and ancient religious adherents, who all bow down to man-made structures, which is strictly prohibited by YHWH, the God of Israel. Jesus already told us to worship the Father in Truth and Spirit...
@@urbandesitv3529 The Bible is the relics of revelation... it's not the pope who decided which books to include in the Bible!! When was a Roman pope start to rule? How many popes were there in the 1st century? 2nd century? You had a Pentarchy.. and that includes all Christianity.. not just the Roman! and they already had the Bible!
I think because people were worshiping mary al lah thought that Christians worship mary as God hahaha
Brought to you by CatholicTV.com LOL! Silly algorithms...
I don't think so that Catholics worship Mary!!!
Guess what, we don't. We venerate her, which was done by ancient Christians such as Irenaeus who was directly connected to the Apostles. Protestants make the faults of not venerating her. As for God, we worship One God. And to Him there is no equal.
"We firmly believe and confess without reservation that there is only one true God, eternal infinite (immensus) and unchangeable, incomprehensible, almighty and ineffable, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; three persons indeed, but one essence, substance or nature entirely simple" - Catechism of the Catholic Church 202
I dont want to be catholic in err i hristened my son Catholic ,they make us take vow.to bri g child up to k ow "holy stholic church and God"can we get out of it? Oma died cathllic i didnt t get to tell her i just said thank you for sheltering me☹️😱💔i dont think it was pleasing to God i did te truth about my daubhter either when she ssked who she was we said friend .its friends name from.kindergarten.no churches dont look out for us abandoned mums they always seek to adopt involve fsyher or it gets to cintroling when itz not sppropriste whrn we need to explain people keep om pushing anout fatherd but yhey just rub salt into wound when its tjere failyt in firstbplsce for not telling us about bible or reading it in school since when did we ever see preavhrrs at or outside schools.or any o e publicly going on national TV showing catholicism is fslsd.but servus Christian says jou mix with some one from.word of faith ? ☹️i wish some had told me not just catholics thst intimacy begore marrisge rayher than.me having to figure it out the damage my strp dad fid sayi g id been brainwashed by catholic church i had no idea.i wasn't brought ip at all to know sny of this i beleived intimacy before msrrisge wss not ok too late a d them holocaust . was against God its really really bad what they do in schopls i want all cstholic schools to be abolished smashed down raised to ground
People often find it odd that I feel the same way, whether they be Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, or Non-religious.
You feel the same way *as what*
Ok fine! Now tell us why your not a preterist! Thanks
Or their demonic symbolism.
@Oui Bay God is going to expose them in the near future just look at all of the people they have led a stray.
Oui Bay such as?
eva lynn I hope God exposes all the trash sects of extreme Protestantism in the US.
Or your sick and twisted conspiracies against the Church of Christ
Hmmm why I’m not Catholic
1. First commandment thou shalt have no other Gods before me?
Pope says he’s the Vicar for Christ
The Priests claim to forgive our sins
Praying to Mary and Saints
2. Thou shalt not have have any graven images of any kind in heaven, under the sea or beneath the earth
Full of graven images
3. Thou shalt not bow down to them
Or worship
They have you bow to Christ on the Cross upon entering with every graven images there as well
4. Remember to keep the Sabbath
Hmmm it was changed with the Catholic to do it on Sunday
Not to mention baby baptism where a child can’t even decide to walk with Jesus Christ plus it was done in full emergence of the body dying to the sins and rising to walk with Jesus
The list is way too long for listing
What is a mediator and what is an intercessor? Also, if it wrong to have an image of a creature in a house of worship icon or statue?
Another ignoramus who has never read any actual Catholic material. Let me debunk you because you are clearly a lost Christian in a heretical Church.
Let me debunk your claims. One by One.
1. Catholics have no other god or gods except YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 202
We firmly believe and confess without reservation that there is only one true God, eternal infinite (immensus) and unchangeable, incomprehensible, almighty and ineffable, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; three persons indeed, but one essence, substance or nature entirely simple.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 201
To Israel, his chosen, God revealed himself as the only One: "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD; and you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might."4 Through the prophets, God calls Israel and all nations to turn to him, the one and only God: "Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.. . To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. 'Only in the LORD, it shall be said of me, are righteousness and strength.'"
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2112
The first commandment condemns polytheism. It requires man neither to believe in, nor to venerate, other divinities than the one true God. Scripture constantly recalls this rejection of "idols …
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2113
Idolatry not only refers to false pagan worship. It remains a constant temptation to faith. Idolatry consists in divinizing what is not God. Man commits idolatry whenever he honors and reveres a creature in place of God … Many martyrs died for not adoring “the Beast” refusing even to simulate such worship. Idolatry rejects the unique Lordship of God; it is therefore incompatible with communion with God.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 202
We firmly believe and confess without reservation that there is only one true God, eternal infinite (immensus) and unchangeable, incomprehensible, almighty and ineffable, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; three persons indeed, but one essence, substance or nature entirely simple.
2. Pope says he's the Vicar of Christ.
"Vicar" means representative.
Every single bishop is a vicar of Christ according to the II Vatican Council. And every believer is supposed to be a vicar (representative) of Christ. You should be a vicar of Christ as well. Nothing wrong, neither heretical about calling Bishop of Rome, ordinary Bishop or even a normal believer "vicar of Christ"
The word Pope simply means father. Apostle Peter called himself a spiritual father (1 Corinthians 4:15 For though ye have ten thousand instructers in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.)
We call Priests, Bishops, Cardinals all "father" because it is not forbidden.
Pope "father" is simply the Bishop of Rome who has authority over all other bishops. In the time of the Christ and the Apostles, Rome was the center of the world. In order to spread Christianity in the most effective way, the supreme bishop, leader over the Church while Christ is ascended, is of Rome. In order to spread Christianity in the most influential of places. Christianity would have not spread if the supreme bishop was for instance in Jerusalem or in Antioch. Therfore - Bishop of Rome. Bishop of Rome is the first among equals.
3. "The Priests claim to forgive our sins" no priest has ever made that claim. Catholic Church does not claim that.
Priests can never forgive anyone's sin, because of their own fallen nature. Only Christ who appears through the priests can forgive the sins. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) something called "In persona Christi" happens, that is when Christ appears through the priest to hear and forgive the sins of that person.
4. Praying to Mary and Saints. Which is never forbidden in the Holy Scripture one time. According to the Oxford Dictionary "prayer" has 3 meanings
1 solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or another deity.
2 prayers a religious service, especially a regular one, at which people gather in order to pray together.
3 An earnest hope or wish.
In our case it is the 3rd.
5. Keeping the Sabbath
As Catholics, we are commanded to keep the Sabbath, abstain from working, shoping and thinking about work, and attend Church, not doing these are considered sins, not attending Church is a mortal sin, venial sin, or not sin at all depending on the situation [ie. sickness, coma, not having a church in your city].
We Catholics acknowledge that Sabbath is on Saturday, however it's celebration is moved on Sunday. Our Sabbath Celabration is of course the Eucharist, breaking of the body of Christ in remembrance of Him. On the first day of the week, Sunday, as it is stated in the Holy Bible.
Acts 20:7
And upon the *first day of the week,* when the disciples came together *to break bread,* Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.
Yes, in the Bible, first day of the week is Sunday, not Monday.
We break bread (celebrate Sabbath) on Sunday because of Acts 20:7 where the disciples did it on the first day of the week [Sunday]
The Primacy of Peter in Scripture
Matt. to Rev. - Peter is mentioned 155 times and the rest of apostles combined are only mentioned 130 times. Peter is also always listed first except in 1 Cor. 3:22 and Gal. 2:9 (which are obvious exceptions to the rule).
Matt. 10:2; Mark 1:36; 3:16; Luke 6:14-16; Acts 1:3; 2:37; 5:29 - these are some of many examples where Peter is mentioned first among the apostles.
Matt. 14:28-29 - only Peter has the faith to walk on water. No other man in Scripture is said to have the faith to walk on water. This faith ultimately did not fail.
Matt. 16:16, Mark 8:29; John 6:69 - Peter is first among the apostles to confess the divinity of Christ.
Matt. 16:17 - Peter alone is told he has received divine knowledge by a special revelation from God the Father.
Matt. 16:18 - Jesus builds the Church only on Peter, the rock, with the other apostles as the foundation and Jesus as the Head.
Matt. 16:19 - only Peter receives the keys, which represent authority over the Church and facilitate dynastic succession to his authority.
Matt. 17:24-25 - the tax collector approaches Peter for Jesus’ tax. Peter is the spokesman for Jesus. He is the Vicar of Christ.
Matt. 17:26-27 - Jesus pays the half-shekel tax with one shekel, for both Jesus and Peter. Peter is Christ’s representative on earth.
Matt. 18:21 - in the presence of the disciples, Peter asks Jesus about the rule of forgiveness. One of many examples where Peter takes a leadership role among the apostles in understanding Jesus’ teachings.
Matt. 19:27 - Peter speaks on behalf of the apostles by telling Jesus that they have left everything to follow Him.
Mark 10:28 - here also, Peter speaks on behalf of the disciples by declaring that they have left everything to follow Him.
Mark 11:21 - Peter speaks on behalf of the disciples in remembering Jesus’ curse on the fig tree.
Mark 14:37 - at Gethsemane, Jesus asks Peter, and no one else, why he was asleep. Peter is accountable to Jesus for his actions on behalf of the apostles because he has been appointed by Jesus as their leader.
Mark 16:7 - Peter is specified by an angel as the leader of the apostles as the angel confirms the resurrection of Christ.
Luke 5:3 - Jesus teaches from Peter’s boat which is metaphor for the Church. Jesus guides Peter and the Church into all truth.
Luke 5:4,10 - Jesus instructs Peter to let down the nets for a catch, and the miraculous catch follows. Peter, the Pope, is the “fisher of men.”
Luke 7:40-50- Jesus addresses Peter regarding the rule of forgiveness and Peter answers on behalf of the disciples. Jesus also singles Peter out and judges his conduct vis-à-vis the conduct of the woman who anointed Him.
Luke 8:45 - when Jesus asked who touched His garment, it is Peter who answers on behalf of the disciples.
Luke 8:51; 9:28; 22:8; Acts 1:13; 3:1,3,11; 4:13,19; 8:14 - Peter is always mentioned before John, the disciple whom Jesus loved.
Luke 9:28;33 - Peter is mentioned first as going to mountain of transfiguration and the only one to speak at the transfiguration.
Luke 12:41 - Peter seeks clarification of a parable on behalf on the disciples. This is part of Peter’s formation as the chief shepherd of the flock after Jesus ascended into heaven.
Luke 22:31-32 - Jesus prays for Peter alone, that his faith may not fail, and charges him to strengthen the rest of the apostles.
Luke 24:12, John 20:4-6 - John arrived at the tomb first but stopped and waited for Peter. Peter then arrived and entered the tomb first.
Luke 24:34 - the two disciples distinguish Peter even though they both had seen the risen Jesus the previous hour. See Luke 24:33.
John 6:68 - after the disciples leave, Peter is the first to speak and confess his belief in Christ after the Eucharistic discourse.
John 13:6-9 - Peter speaks out to the Lord in front of the apostles concerning the washing of feet.
John 13:36; 21:18 - Jesus predicts Peter’s death. Peter was martyred at Rome in 67 A.D. Several hundred years of papal successors were also martyred.
John 21:2-3,11 - Peter leads the fishing and his net does not break. The boat (the “barque of Peter”) is a metaphor for the Church.
John 21:7 - only Peter got out of the boat and ran to the shore to meet Jesus. Peter is the earthly shepherd leading us to God.
John 21:15 - in front of the apostles, Jesus asks Peter if he loves Jesus “more than these,” which refers to the other apostles. Peter is the head of the apostolic see.
John 21:15-17 - Jesus charges Peter to “feed my lambs,” “tend my sheep,” “feed my sheep.” Sheep means all people, even the apostles.
Acts 1:13 - Peter is first when entering upper room after our Lord’s ascension. The first Eucharist and Pentecost were given in this room.
Acts 1:15 - Peter initiates the selection of a successor to Judas right after Jesus ascended into heaven, and no one questions him. Further, if the Church needed a successor to Judas, wouldn’t it need one to Peter? Of course.
Acts 2:14 - Peter is first to speak for the apostles after the Holy Spirit descended upon them at Pentecost. Peter is the first to preach the Gospel.
Acts 2:38 - Peter gives first preaching in the early Church on repentance and baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.
Acts 3:1,3,4 - Peter is mentioned first as going to the Temple to pray.
Acts 3:6-7 - Peter works the first healing of the apostles.
Acts 3:12-26, 4:8-12 - Peter teaches the early Church the healing through Jesus and that there is no salvation other than Christ.
Acts 5:3 - Peter declares the first anathema of Ananias and Sapphira which is ratified by God, and brings about their death. Peter exercises his binding authority.
Acts 5:15 - Peter’s shadow has healing power. No other apostle is said to have this power.
Acts 8:14 - Peter is mentioned first in conferring the sacrament of confirmation.
Acts 8:20-23 - Peter casts judgment on Simon’s quest for gaining authority through the laying on of hands. Peter exercises his binding and loosing authority.
Acts 9:32-34 - Peter is mentioned first among the apostles and works the healing of Aeneas.
Acts 9:38-40 - Peter is mentioned first among the apostles and raises Tabitha from the dead.
Acts 10:5 - Cornelius is told by an angel to call upon Peter. Angels are messengers of God. Peter was granted this divine vision.
Acts 10:34-48, 11:1-18 - Peter is first to teach about salvation for all (Jews and Gentiles).
Acts 12:5 - this verse implies that the “whole Church” offered “earnest prayers” for Peter, their leader, during his imprisonment.
Acts 12:6-11 - Peter is freed from jail by an angel. He is the first object of divine intervention in the early Church.
Acts 15:7-12 - Peter resolves the first doctrinal issue on circumcision at the Church’s first council at Jerusalem, and no one questions him. After Peter the Papa spoke, all were kept silent.
Acts 15:12 - only after Peter (the Pope) speaks do Paul and Barnabas (bishops) speak in support of Peter’s definitive teaching.
Acts 15:13-14 - then James speaks to further acknowledge Peter’s definitive teaching. “Simeon (Peter) has related how God first visited…”
Rom. 15:20 - Paul says he doesn’t want to build on “another man’s foundation” referring to Peter, who built the Church in Rome.
1 Cor. 9:5 - Peter is distinguished from the rest of the apostles and brethren of the Lord.
1 Cor. 15:4-8 - Paul distinguishes Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances to Peter from those of the other apostles. Christ appeared “to Cephas, then to the twelve.”
Gal.1:18 - Paul spends fifteen days with Peter privately before beginning his ministry, even after Christ’s Revelation to Paul.
1 Peter 5:1 - Peter acts as the chief bishop by “exhorting” all the other bishops and elders of the Church.
1 Peter 5:13 - Some Protestants argue against the Papacy by trying to prove Peter was never in Rome. First, this argument is irrelevant to whether Jesus instituted the Papacy. Secondly, this verse demonstrates that Peter was in fact in Rome. Peter writes from “Babylon” which was a code name for Rome during these days of persecution. See, for example, Rev. 14:8, 16:19, 17:5, 18:2,10,21, which show that “Babylon” meant Rome. Rome was the “great city” of the New Testament period. Because Rome during this age was considered the center of the world, the Lord wanted His Church to be established in Rome.
2 Peter 1:14 - Peter writes about Jesus’ prediction of Peter’s death, embracing the eventual martyrdom that he would suffer.
2 Peter 3:16 - Peter is making a judgment on the proper interpretation of Paul’s letters. Peter is the chief shepherd of the flock.
Matt. 23:11; Mark 9:35; 10:44 - yet Peter, as the first, humbled himself to be the last and servant of all servants.