Should you Waste your Time on World of Warcraft in 2023?

  • Опубліковано 15 лип 2024
  • World of Warcraft is the biggest MMO ever. And in today's video, we are going to discuss if WoW is still worth playing in 2023.
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  • @Adam_Lutz
    @Adam_Lutz  Рік тому +2

    Thank you for watching! Are you going to try WoW in 2023?

    • @michaelcoffey1991
      @michaelcoffey1991 Рік тому +1

      No left after Legion have NEVER regretted leaving the same has been dog%hit sense.... However with Metzen coming back it has hope for the first time in 9 years..... I pull for the game.

  • @oataoa
    @oataoa Рік тому +8

    You like graphics from 2005, ?
    Outdated gameplay mechanics, ?
    Toxic communities ?
    Grind ?
    Want to feel like you've gone back in time when you were 12 years old playing Wrath of the lich king on a shitty laptop after school ?
    Then congrats, wow is the perfect MMo for you right now 😂

    • @NERDandFun
      @NERDandFun Рік тому +4

      Not to forget the back and forth braindead questing

  • @SnowyNI
    @SnowyNI Рік тому +5

    Very toxic playerbase is right, 90% of pugs dungeons are a pain because there is always a spoiled child stamping his feet to "Go faster, Pull more, wants all the loot, huffs because someone is new and doesn't know tactics of a boss (like you said)".
    I do disagree that it's not alt friendly, as you can now go to most zones and they'll level match to you, so you can go to expansion zones and play them all out of the order they came out in, which I liked. I found ESO more grindy that all my characters did the same zones over and over... Stros M'kai, Betnik, Glenumbra.. etc. over and over.

    • @M4DShow
      @M4DShow Рік тому

      Find a guild. Then you dont have to pug. And I would say that pugs in general are friendly. But again I am a healer main and my perspective can be different the tanks and dps mains. But I would agree that wow suffers alot from the meta gaming. Atm resto druid en evoker are seen as the best healers. But a holy pally is fine they just lack dmg. But because of tier lists they are seen different

    • @SnowyNI
      @SnowyNI Рік тому +1

      @@M4DShow I have one, a guild I mean. I was speaking in general terms, IF you happen to pug (at least on EU servers) they are mostly full of asshats. :)

    • @M4DShow
      @M4DShow Рік тому

      @@SnowyNI after my last few pug dungeons couldt agree more hahahahahahahha

  • @asrea9704
    @asrea9704 Рік тому +10

    i just started playing a week ago after ffxiv being my main game for 6 years. Its very daunting how toxic the community is, all i want to do is tank like i did in ff and have been so scared to even attempt it because people are so mean to you over the dumbest shit. I love the game so far, but the community leaves much to be desired. They forget new people still join the game, and expect everyone to be a seasoned vet and know literally every single thing about the game, its very frustrating.

    • @Mystra
      @Mystra Рік тому +3

      Sadly that's never changing so be warned, it won't stop. You're better off playing FFXIV or trying out GW2

    • @josephismael4613
      @josephismael4613 Рік тому

      What’s your name on the game we can party up if you want

    • @Adroyo
      @Adroyo Рік тому +2

      Harden up. You're fine.

  • @DerpyMcSquirtle
    @DerpyMcSquirtle Рік тому +1

    Don’t own a pc or a laptop so never played WoW although my brother plays it a lot…I’ve always held hope that it somehow makes it’s way to consoles like ffxiv but doesn’t look like that will happen tbh.

  • @tartarfishgforse6046
    @tartarfishgforse6046 Рік тому +6

    My biggest problem with wow was having to grind daily’s to unlock flying .grind to unlock new races , in every new zone . We pay to play but are locked to unlocking

  • @minakatahizuru
    @minakatahizuru Рік тому

    Cool video

  • @Huck9000
    @Huck9000 Рік тому +1

    If I play again it will be wotlk classic. I absolutely hate that they changed the leveling system.

  • @playmaster169
    @playmaster169 Рік тому +1

    Downloading now, never tried it before. Wish me luck XD

    • @playmaster169
      @playmaster169 Рік тому +3

      Well so i tried it and its kind of meh. I deeinstalled it.

    • @hannes0000
      @hannes0000 Рік тому +2

      @@playmaster169 TBH it's only so popular because it can run on potato specs and 90% of those players have somekind of nostalgia with game, tried it also never made past 10 lvl.

  • @Doreai
    @Doreai Рік тому +1

    The only thing I can say when responding to your suggestion of choosing a class that can make or break the experience. As someone who used to play WoW a lot, I had at least 1 of each class and enjoyed them all. (Except Druid, I can't play Druid to save my life.) Reason being, while yes, I do enjoy Ret Paladin or Fury Warrior, I'm not always in the mood to be a melee fighter. Sometimes I want to blast out magic from a distance or sneak behind and backstab enemies with massive crit damage. It all depends on what I'm feeling, which is why I liked having alts. Also, the sole reason I quit WoW during Shadowlands considering it wasn't alt friendly and haven't bothered coming back after Dragonflight's launch.
    Heh ... you think WoW's community is toxic? Try getting into Overwatch, you'll see what a true toxic community is.

  • @sylverfanai8005
    @sylverfanai8005 Рік тому +3

    I thought I would never go back to WoW after the disappointments I went through. But then I had friends trying dragonflight and calling it fun. They managed to bulldoze my bf to play who ended up having fun as well. Eventually they convinced me to return though I was extremely skeptical and I must say, it is indeed fun. I am still holding on to my doubts as I don’t want to be disappointed but so far, I am having so much fun in dungeons and gearing up isn’t stressful. Nothing feels like a chore anymore. Sometimes I don’t log for 5 days and still dont feel like I’ve fallen behind.
    So, if you’ve played and loved wow in the past, keep an open mind and I think the current expansion is worth trying out.
    As for the community, yes it can be pretty toxic if you’re strictly pugging. My suggestion would be to join a guild, any active guild. I have joined many random guilds in the past couple years through my phases (farming phase, m+ phase, raiding phase etc.) and found that guilds are sickeningly nice. Even if you are absolute trash at the game, they will go out of their way to be extra nice to you which sometimes catches me off guard and I find myself feeling uncomfortable from their politeness even after I messed up a boss pull (lol). Many of my friends have similar experiences with guilds. I think the game’s toxicity reputation has triggered the phenomenon of guilds going out of their way to be extra nice. It wasn’t always like this, 7-8ish years ago guildies would easily shit talk each other. So try guilds if you’re playing :)

    • @CandysChannel
      @CandysChannel Рік тому

      I might try Wow again since I left a level 20 when the pandaren expansion was new, so I would be a total newbie all over again. Can you recommend any particular Guilds?

    • @sylverfanai8005
      @sylverfanai8005 Рік тому

      @@CandysChannel it depends on which realm you’re playing in. There’s an in-game guild finder tool that lets you filter the type of content you’re interested in and find suitable guilds on your realm.
      I personally rejoined only a couple days ago so I don’t know much about current active guilds

    • @akcat11
      @akcat11 Рік тому

      Dragontrash is by far the most boring and recycled bullshit so far, its crazy how low iq people get fooled into playing this game and saying its a good addon, while it literally is recycled and shortened mechanics that have been there in a better form before.

  • @elliottjames8020
    @elliottjames8020 Рік тому +1

    I started WoW when in came out. Played up until Burning Crusade. Gave up. Tried coming back about 3 years ago. The game was different. When I started you had to explore, do the zone quests and explore. Now you made it to lvl 10 and then just queued Dungeons to grind to level.
    Then I found out how Blizzard was treating Chinese dissidents. Deleted account and will not go back. Playing ESO and Star Citizen now.

  • @TheKensei777
    @TheKensei777 Рік тому

    i feel wow retail isnt grindy enough, by a long shot. so i play classic for a challenge but retail is fun in a different way:)

  • @ymk516
    @ymk516 11 місяців тому

    If the PUGGING - Was socially chiller. They game would be perfect at user experience. Or else you need a social network , to get the best + experience. I wish they could incentivize people to behave and improve as a whole in LFG's.

  • @TheMetalProject
    @TheMetalProject Рік тому

    spent many hours leveling a toon on the wotlk classic server. hit max level and for 4 hours spammed trade chat to try to get a group together on one of the highest pop servers. My toon still sits because there is a large gap between fresh 80's and established 80's. Instead of releasing a random dungeon finder to help they released heroic plus which shares a lockout with regular heroic dungeons. Now if you are a fresh 80 there is no incentive for anyone to run a regular heroic dungeon with you.
    In retail the first 4 weeks of raid tier were so god awful to pug i lost all semblance of drive to play the game. With the last patch they changed a dragon energy charging talent so that it's useless if you don't (or haven't already) invested 40 profession points in a separate system.
    I Really want to enjoy the game, but everytime i get to a bottleneck created by blizzard (either intentionally or by poor management). Think im finally giving up on blizzard games

  • @bustsomecaps
    @bustsomecaps Рік тому

    im 41 and nope its not for me and i never tried it though i dont hate wow its just not for me anymore perhaps if i started playing way earlier

  • @oscarrosenfield2780
    @oscarrosenfield2780 Рік тому +1

    "Systems added gave meaning and depth" Are you sure? AFAIK Toghast became irrelevant after Dragonflight release, just like their old systems that are attached to expansions (warfronts, island expeditions, scenarios, etc).
    "World feels populated" Maybe in capital cities and Dragonflight zones, but from my previous experience the old expansion zones were always deserted. Thats why I like ESO's megaserver approach 10x more than WoW idea of splitting population in realms.
    The most attractive thing in WoW for me is the cartoonish art style, combat mechanics, and class variety and identity.

  • @JReyesTbn46
    @JReyesTbn46 Рік тому

    Sticking to my guns. I want to see what people say about the game after 10.1.5. Even then, I'm tired of being burned by MMOs. Only playing New World casually since I'm not paying a sub.

  • @plummleys4514
    @plummleys4514 Рік тому +1

    Im in the EU and i play WOW, GW2 snd ESO. it must be region wise as i barely have experienced any toxicty in and of my playtime in any of these games. there will be always someone that is toxic in any game but if it happened once out of 20 dungoens it s not worth bringing it up for the sake of a negative.
    i think GW2 and ESO need better rewards for playing. i like loot drops in my games and WOW has these a plenty. GW2, has AWESOME loot drops but they are super rare!!!!! ESO i feel needs more rewards.... i mean if you pay a monthy sub then you should be getting rewards rather than coins that are pointless. put more drops in the game to keep me playing...... i dont want a full on cash shop in a game that i pay a monthy fee for.. as im paying, most of those shop items should be in the game world for me to earn... do not care about crafting bank..... even fallout 76 has a similar model but you can earn so many rewards for free for just playing. i like ESO but the game needs a full rework in my opinion.. I love the story quests and the zones and always enjoy running dungeons bu there are no rewrds to earn for playing just the game... LOT DROPS ARE NEEDED!!!!! ( mounts and good armour and weapons, cosmetics )

  • @TheLOSTJoker
    @TheLOSTJoker Рік тому

    "Not alt friendly" ........ what game are you playing?

  • @SnowyNI
    @SnowyNI Рік тому

    Another good tip is to join a Discord group that does Pre-mades, they are cross server and because you'll be kicked if you are acting like a dick they tend to be full of nice/helpful players from both sides.
    Another bad tip is, plz DO NOT play for boosts through dungeons/raids, these people only want your money/gold.
    Happy New Year! :)

  • @johnnymartinjohansen
    @johnnymartinjohansen Рік тому

    "Toxic community, in pugs". True when it comes to raids, untrue for dungeons. In dungeons (at least via LFG), no one talks - ever. At best you have a "hi" or "hello" at the beginning. Probably because dungeons are super-easy nowadays, dying is quite rare but wasn't in the old days.
    Btw, I am not the biggest fan of the new expansion. When you're done with the quest series in all zones, the rest is quite boring:
    - Fewer world quest than ever before (also with worse rewards)
    - Bad crafting system with TONS of mats to fill your inventory because of the new quality tiers system
    - The new crafting orders system is a hit or miss depending on which server cluster you're on. An utter disaster on mine, since no one orders anything.
    - Would prefer normal flyer instead of that stupid dragon
    - etc, etc, etc.

  • @nooptions101
    @nooptions101 Рік тому +1

    Personally, the only thing IMO in WoW that is better is the pvp and the trans mog system. I played it last year and had a blast but I disliked almost everything else. I hate the mythic system for the dungeons, raids are fine. Though WoW has druid which is my favorite healer.

  • @thehardcorecasual9444
    @thehardcorecasual9444 Рік тому +6

    Pushing buttons in WOW is amazing while pushing them in ESO, literally cancer, cancer combat systems, cancer pvp... shame...

    • @Stephkatty
      @Stephkatty Рік тому

      I actually wanna learn to play this haha

  • @toddhoward1111
    @toddhoward1111 Рік тому

    WoW is a better game but ESO has better combat in my opinion

  • @Mystra
    @Mystra Рік тому +2

    FFXIV is just alot better imo

  • @drammanothtenebris
    @drammanothtenebris Рік тому

    haha, WoW better than ESO - YES! :D