Looking for advice if have around 200k. Where to invest. I know its less as per dubai property market but its depreciating just lying in banks… Please if you can advise based in your experience
Sure. We can pick an option , put your money into a nice rental unit and generate 6-8% in yearly returns from rent . Plus appreciation of property . Combined it will be better than having that money in bank account . Get in touch via WA link in discription if you want to proceed and have a call
Looking for advice if have around 200k. Where to invest. I know its less as per dubai property market but its depreciating just lying in banks… Please if you can advise based in your experience
Sure. We can pick an option , put your money into a nice rental unit and generate 6-8% in yearly returns from rent . Plus appreciation of property .
Combined it will be better than having that money in bank account . Get in touch via WA link in discription if you want to proceed and have a call