  • Опубліковано 2 гру 2024


  • @user-zl5cm8ii7c
    @user-zl5cm8ii7c Місяць тому

    Alas we had to repost this summary because of technical problems.
    Roman was the last of the original members of the Homin Ukrainian Male choir based in Manchester UK. Roman was born in Ukraine and ended up in a POW camp in Rimini, where a Male Voice Choir called Burlaka was formed. From the warmth of Italy to the wet climes of Lancashire (via a camp in Sheffield) Roman toured industrial areas with a choir where he met his wife Oxana at a concert in Bolton soon married and settled in Rochdale. He joined Homin in Manchester that initially was led by Eugene Pasika and then by Jaroslav Babuniak for a number of decades. Roman's early work at Marland hospital, led him to save a number of patients from. a fire and on one of the trips that the Homin choir took to participate in the LLangollen Eistedfodd saved a child from the river that flows through the picturesque village.
    The Homin choir lasted for many decades and many participated in it. It was inordinately kind of those members who were left to attend the mass and panachyda for Roman. Ironically, because of careers and Universities, this was the only event where the three Paraszczak brothers sang in Homin together. Luckily Danyo brought his DAT recorder which did an outstanding job given that it was placed behind the choir and helped by the acoustics of this fine church
    The members of Homin who made the effort to attend and sing at the Ukrainian Catholic Church of St Mary and St James on John Street include:
    Петро Вихрій (диригент) Peter Vychrij (conductor and excellent soloist), Стефан Мороз (Stephen Moroz who was in Roman's troop at the Scouts camp in Llysfaen Wales and whose father helped create that camp and was himself a Plastun), Славко Сиваник ( Slavko Sywanyk, who together with his brother MIke and father were the mainstays of Homin for decades), Славко Копчик (Slawko Kopczyk), Мирось Паращак (Myros Paraszczak the middle of 3 sons of Roman and Oxana and the Doctor in the Family,), Мирось Остапюк(Myros Ostapiuk), Стефан Ґалій (Stephen Galij), Отець Богдан Матвійчук (Father Bohdan Matvijczuk a good friend of the family who grew up on West Street and rode tricycles with the Paraszczak brothers) Роман Литвинів, (Roman Lytvyniv), Михайло Сиваник (Mike Sywanyk a founder member of the Homin :"luxury club"), Отець Євген Небесняк (Father Eugene Nebesniak), Михайло Ониськів (Michael Onyskiw), Стефан Замолінський (Stephem Zamolinskyj), Борис Рейнчук (Boris Reynchuk), Богдан “ Даньо“ Паращак ( the youngest of the 3 Paraszcak brothers and the musician responsible for helping the ROH with their "Songs for Ukraine" series), Славко Тимчишин (Slavko Tymczyshyn), Юрко Паращак (Jurij Paraszczak, the oldest of the 3 brothers), Славко Бабуняк (Slavko Babyniak, son of Jaroslav, the conductor of the original Homin choir and a terrific Basss voice), Славко Кривонос( Slavko Kryvonos, son of Kryvonos who predecessed his son as a bass and passed on that resonant voice to his son). Our friends Олег Шкандрій (Oleh Shkandrij) and Іван Кулик (Ivan Kulyk).
    The entire Paraszczak family came to this mass after having attended a similar one for Roman's wife Oxana, only a few months earlier in the same location.
    Despite the fact that the various mambers of Homin had not practised this mass together ,the sound is authentically Homin and supported by the melodious tones of Father Ben, who has an excellent voice.