Please, everyone, stop telling your friends to play the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV with a free trial including the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime.
@@iller3 Its got a good story, the content is fun to play, and it gives you a good variety of things to do. Sure, its a theme park, but its a very well crafted one. And I want to get on the log flume.
@@iller3 I'm a bit… confused at that statement? Most of the content throughout all the levels is fairly well-populated, and (at least pre-EW) the community does a good job of avoiding spoilers. I can only recall one time that I was level-gated, and that was simply because I was levelling multiple jobs at once. I can understand how you might not find any appeal in the aesthetic or gameplay (I assume that's what you meant by the "carebears" and "themepark" remarks), but the levelling remark confuses me.
Pat sounds like me recaping a game's lore to a newcomer, meanwhile expressing my feelings about plot elements when I bring them up. You forget you were suppoused to help, and end up talking more about your feelings on the matter. (it's usually a sad outcome if I end up confusing the guy in the process and turn him off. Happens with some of my games :/ )
its fk'ing hilarious .... just play something else that already had a mostly empty Servers, quit with the stupid F.O.M.O. Yah the economy is already falling off a cliff but this sorta stuff isn't where that "pain" is ever gonna be felt unless you're some kinda NancyBoy
Negligible Spoilers: Speaking to the "where do we even go from here" nature of the story, its obvious that the devs knew the player base would feel that way. Just before the final story beats, a major character basically looks into the camera and says "don't worry, there's loads of places you can go after this. Just trust us."
Yeah that gave me a chuckle. "Nah bro, here is all this other stuff we're planning for future expansions" just right there. Not to mention we're going right into the new storyline in 6.1
11:40 Pat is embellishing a little bit. It's more like 1-2 million people logging in simultaneously every hour, and that compounds until Australians get to the back of a queue of 15 million.
I was down the rabbit hole then and it still hit me like a freight train, because this is the first I'd heard of it. I can't believe something like that just completely went over my head.
A big part of why the entire community for FFXIV is so understanding is the absolute sincerity and transparency from the dev team and the director/producer. They don't sit here and tell us to "shut up and deal with it." They listen, and they say "we heard you, we will work on it." And consistently they do. It's by far the best developer/community relationship right now because they take their users seriously.
It's almost shocking how open they are about the issues. They don't even hesitate to say "look, thos game is running on spaghetti code that is held together with scotch tape and prayers. We've done a lot to fix it but this game is basically a skyscraper built on a cardboard foundation."
Just beat Endwalker. That was the best Final Fantasy thing I’ve experienced in yeeeeeeeears. It’s an MMO. Been playing for years now and I was already impressed long ago. This was amazing. But boy am I excited to be able to sleep
Huh, pointing out the panic causing more people to jam into the servers causing more people to panic and cram in and it feeds back into itself is... interesting now that I have managed to get to a certain plot point.
I mean he just sits there while Pat talks. As Pat's friend first, and co-host second, he just lets him do his thing and respectfully stays quiet only interjecting on points he understands or has meaningful input on. So he still dislike MMOs, but he's not gonna let it dampen Pat's passion for it. TLDR: He's good friend. Get yoself a Woolie if you want to feel good.
I'm super lucky for these queues. I'm an overnight employee, and I get home at the LATEST 8AM CST. The queues would be the lesser of the double digits, and not even an hour later, my FC Homies would be screenshotting their triple digit login queues. The only downside to this is; on my weekends, I wake up to play at around 11 to midnight my time? 2 to 3k login queue and EVEN THEN does that get tackled in less than 2 hours because of it being goddamn Midnight and normal people gotta sleep.
Meanwhile you hop on over to Tonberry during the peak hours and you see 5 digits start appearing, then tears start streaming down your face. It's a lot better now that people have completed MSQ thankfully.
Its hard to completely blame SE for the launch issues. They did the best they could with what they had, plus they were completely blindsided by just how many people suddenly started playing the game out of nowhere cause WoW fucked up so bad it drove everyone away. Hard to plan for growth when it happens all at once.
17:17 you know it’s entirely possible it was me who expressed surprise at being able to play ff14 on controller, because I have said that in his chat before years ago
Some of my friends stayed up till 4am on launch. And come sunday night they've just been waiting till tomorrow to try and finish it this weekend. I don't play so it's just been fun absorbing the memes
institute a romance system to have a kid in the time skip... almost everyone would be like half miqo because you would have everyone romancing either Graha or Yshtola. the entire place would be full of lala'qote, hyur'qote, ele'qote, roe'qote, etc
It's kind of a weird situation. I'm very much frustrated and annoyed by the queues, but at the same time I can't possibly be angry at Squenix. Nobody could've possibly predicted FFXIV suddenly blowing up as it did and they've been completely honest and upfront about the situation from the get go while trying their best to soften the impact. It's kinda like when you arrange a nice day out and out of nowhere a thunderstorm comes in, all you can really do is shake your fist in the air
Me being a 1.0 subscriber: I was able to play enough to get a damn job to cap (there were exp caps across ALL classes), and fought the end of the world off (Hyperion server saved the world), I think it would be unfair if I got priority in the queue. Then I start thinking about how bad 1.0 was... I'm so torn lmao.
Tfw u stick ur foot into shadow bringers, see the release date of endwalker just a week away and decide: "yeah I'm gonna go play kingdom hearts for a bit."
Sounds like the Stormbllod launch on steroids. Hopefully this time there won't be any death threats to staff or conspiracy theories about content creators having special server privileges
25:40 hahaha again, because I really really really wanna play UNFORTUNATELY I am playing through the game's story and content with my significant other and THEY dont want to play as much as I want, but also dont want me playing without them so not only am I limited by queue and all this shit, I also gotta get them to cooperate. They are literally the reason why I havent finished the last tiny bit of shadowbringers yet, or did any of the shadowbringers endgame contant because they A) HATE the story (but dont want me to do it solo) B) HATE raids and endgame content in general (but also dont want me doing it without them) C) just want to keep doing roulettes all day for generic dungeons or low level trials.
@@JackgarPrime Yeep, it honestly killed my drive to do FF for a long time, Endwalker re-ignited it, and even been managing to push them to do plot... but they want to do it as Sage, so gotta help them level to 80 first so we can go do the plot again... And its not entirelly their fault on the endgame raid and shit, we both had some REALLY crappy experiences when doing endgame (not even savage or extreme, just the regular raids and trials from such things) content for the first time (mostly thanks to toxic assholes just loosing their shit that we did not know the mechanics outright before even going in... and refusing to explain the mechanics thenselves. I pushed through it, my significant other got permanently scared off doing any endgame content and if I ever convince them to try they generally have a miserable experience. Just wish I was allowed to do them on my own instead T_T
@@JackgarPrime We do, we created one to play with close friends, about halfway through our playthrough of heavensward... all our other friends have since stopped playing or are on different regions now. even managed to get a (tiny) house.
All you gotta do is wake up at 6 am. Queue’s only 50 something long at that hour. I did nothing but the MSQ for 4 days straight because I refused to be spoiled by anyone or anything, and it was 100% worth it.
Same, turned off all the chats except for party and FC. Did some roulettes at first but that just ended with me hitting level cap by the time I hit the 87 quests.
Shout out to the guys uploading the endwalker ost and just posting the name of the bosses and having a big ol' screenshot them as the thumbnail literally hours after release. I've had to rejigger my entire youtube recommendations specifically to keep these people out.
I never crashed. It is funny that I did generally get online around 10:30-11pm this week. Granted I am not so hard-core to play for long periods of time. An hour or two is good for me.
People keeping themselves AFK'd for hours, here's my silly self doing like five Heavensward quests in a morning and then logging off for the day. I clearly lack determination.
Three hours before I leave work I use remote play on my PS5 and check it every hour and when I reach around 500 in the queue every 20 mins till I get home
I bought early access and for 2 of the 3 days I couldn't play. For the record I expected a lot of problems, but this time around the queue problems was a whole new level. Fortunately we all got a week of free sub to make up for it.
My macro technology is asking my brother to wiggle my character in ff14 when I have to go do afk tasks. classics like "If you want drive through food, wiggle my character." But they are ALSO equally as invested in the game if not more than I am. DARK KNIGHT NOTES - as I am also suffering in this realm : Dark knight is partially fucked right now, I am assigning it partially to Esteem eating up most of our potency budget. Like the salted earth QoL and upgrade that gives us the reactivation is the only Drk knight specific nice thing we got without losing other things. Like the last move we get has a metal af name, but then esteem ALSO gets buffed by that and is eating so much of our budget. ...gimmie some spoiler power source stuff that aligns well with drk.
Just in time is pretty much the norm with most stuff nowadays, and when you stop it affects EVERYTHING. Also i don't understand the drks complaining, sure carve and spit is shared now but you get a ground explosion from salted earth and another line aoe with 2 stacks and both of these are ogcd. Also TBN is so good which is probably the reason they added just a regular defensive cd.
i am lucky that i work from home so i can log in early and alt + tab between the game and work for every 20 minutes to stay online. but when i have to make dinner or grocery shopping... oh boy....
13:54 haha HAHAHA I have those, a lot, ever since I upgraded to win 10 I once waited 4 hours in queue, got in, queued in for a raid, not even halfway through I got a direct X error and crashed
...Suddenly I feel very thankful I never played a minute of FF14. No fault of the game of course, my ADHD probably makes me genetically disposed to playing MMOs. But even if I wasn't, this would be Hell.
I actually had 5+ years to throw away on just getting the ol' ADHD diagnosed, treated, relapsed, and then addressed in a different way all while still hooked on MMORPGs. Having something equally as autistic like minecraft to act as your methadone is also another coping strat when the entire industry has literally nothing NEW to offer. Haven't touched an MMO grindfest in 6 months.
I actually tried playing Minecraft several times but I always burn out after an hour or two. Getting fucked over by a skeleton or Creeper tanks my motivation.
When your games so good it becomes the only know available female bathroom in existence, but the bathroom is the size of Texas! But remember Texas can only hold so many!
Canadian ex bagger who plays video games for a living and failed micro gives me a fantastic hour long supply chain lecture simply out of how fucked it is to play a mmo
I think I got it super lucky as in I have to get up early in the morning before work so I just get up a couple hours early to get what time I want in the day in. When work no chance but close to when I goto bed the queue can be between 5000 to 2000 so if 2000 I play my switch which I wait.
With that, I am reinforced that I am not crazy in not liking FFXIV, I tried to play it once afew years ago, even if what Pat was describing wasn't a Nightmare in reality I just CAN'T get into the controls. So I think this is the nail in the coffin of "Am I nuts for not liking it?" Sticking with Warframe it is!
I've largely managed to avoid the problems of multiplayer games (cheaters, toxicity, player economies, etc.) by exclusively playing single-player games not sure if there's a correlation there, better look into it
I wish SE would care just a little bit less about clipping. It's very frustrating being a Viera and not getting to wear any hats or helmets, and having almost none of hairstyles that everyone else has. EW's done a little to fix that, but not much. Been suffering this since Shadowbringers, and I wonder how many bunny boys are going to give up and change back when they realize how few options there are.
this a great lesson on why you have a bit more stricter regulations sure most people are cool, but there are some absolute freaks who'd grind the whole system to a halt given a chance out of their own stupid selfishness
Pat describing the situation to Woolie like it's a senate hearing.
That's the only reason it's fun to listen to him
thats the best thing about the mmo talk
I feel like I am on a congress hearing
To Woolie, MMO and MOBA talk is essentially a podcast filibuster lol.
Nanomachines, son
Please, everyone, stop telling your friends to play the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV with a free trial including the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime.
It is becoming too powerful
that's cool and all, but it's also the most Carebear "level-creep" Themepark in the industry.
@@iller3 Its got a good story, the content is fun to play, and it gives you a good variety of things to do. Sure, its a theme park, but its a very well crafted one. And I want to get on the log flume.
@@iller3 I'm a bit… confused at that statement? Most of the content throughout all the levels is fairly well-populated, and (at least pre-EW) the community does a good job of avoiding spoilers. I can only recall one time that I was level-gated, and that was simply because I was levelling multiple jobs at once.
I can understand how you might not find any appeal in the aesthetic or gameplay (I assume that's what you meant by the "carebears" and "themepark" remarks), but the levelling remark confuses me.
Holy shit its CasualCoreK
Pat’s always so dire when describing these sorts of things. It’s like he’s on the stand or something.
Pat sounds like me recaping a game's lore to a newcomer, meanwhile expressing my feelings about plot elements when I bring them up.
You forget you were suppoused to help, and end up talking more about your feelings on the matter.
(it's usually a sad outcome if I end up confusing the guy in the process and turn him off. Happens with some of my games :/ )
It’s almost like he really enjoys the game, weird right??
@@conked944 That's the point. You get so into your own conversation because you like the game.
its fk'ing hilarious .... just play something else that already had a mostly empty Servers, quit with the stupid F.O.M.O. Yah the economy is already falling off a cliff but this sorta stuff isn't where that "pain" is ever gonna be felt unless you're some kinda NancyBoy
About his favorite topic and game no less
Listening to Pat describe his subcultures to Woolie has kept me warm for almost a decade.
Negligible Spoilers: Speaking to the "where do we even go from here" nature of the story, its obvious that the devs knew the player base would feel that way. Just before the final story beats, a major character basically looks into the camera and says "don't worry, there's loads of places you can go after this. Just trust us."
Yeah that gave me a chuckle. "Nah bro, here is all this other stuff we're planning for future expansions" just right there. Not to mention we're going right into the new storyline in 6.1
@@JackgarPrime I'm betting on Meracydia or Not!America
@@Scaevola9449 Yeah they called those two out in particular.
I mean, it's more of a "you haven't even gone here, here, here, or even here yet! Why are you worried?" vibe
"You thought this shit was over? Fuck you, here's some cool shit you haven't done. 😎"
“Suffering From Success”
An album by Yoshi P.
I liked the Song: Awesome Game Awesome songs- by Souken ❤
When Pat said the trailer lied I had the biggest Smile
The video and audio quality jumping all over the place during this perfectly sums up the Endwalker launch.
Glad I'm not the only one, thought my computer was throwing a fit.
"It's an mmo! Splitting the servers between platforms makes no sense."
Elder Scrolls Online: *Pulls thumbs out of ass to plug ears*
The best part of FF14 is Woolie's alter ego constantly asking "when's Mahvel", more or less.
11:40 Pat is embellishing a little bit. It's more like 1-2 million people logging in simultaneously every hour, and that compounds until Australians get to the back of a queue of 15 million.
But are Australias actually people though?
@@jorgamund07 No, we're just a series of spiders and snakes in trenchcoats.
Getting a house is no longer the end game ,the new true end game is trying to get into the game.
Woolie looks like he is about to fall asleep the entire hour monologue
That good ol' Resting Madden Face
That’s just woolie
Just-in time manufacturing: 'Everything is expendable - until its not'
Sometimes there's benefits to being on nightshift. I get to go home around 9am and wait 5 minutes in queue.
I know they’ve referenced it before, but Pat just saying the word “Hololive” hit me like a fuckin brick
Okay good, I wasn't the only one who had to pause and stop because of that.
It reminds me of the time my boss asked me what futanari was, he read it on facebook and I almost died
I was down the rabbit hole then and it still hit me like a freight train, because this is the first I'd heard of it. I can't believe something like that just completely went over my head.
57:00 reminds me of seeing oboro, the ninja trainer, actually involved in background stuff in stormblood
Or in bozja
A big part of why the entire community for FFXIV is so understanding is the absolute sincerity and transparency from the dev team and the director/producer.
They don't sit here and tell us to "shut up and deal with it." They listen, and they say "we heard you, we will work on it." And consistently they do.
It's by far the best developer/community relationship right now because they take their users seriously.
It's almost shocking how open they are about the issues. They don't even hesitate to say "look, thos game is running on spaghetti code that is held together with scotch tape and prayers. We've done a lot to fix it but this game is basically a skyscraper built on a cardboard foundation."
Just beat Endwalker. That was the best Final Fantasy thing I’ve experienced in yeeeeeeeears. It’s an MMO. Been playing for years now and I was already impressed long ago. This was amazing. But boy am I excited to be able to sleep
Huh, pointing out the panic causing more people to jam into the servers causing more people to panic and cram in and it feeds back into itself is... interesting now that I have managed to get to a certain plot point.
Literally why the most dangerous part of large crowds is trampling.
@@JackgarPrime Not even trampling. Crowd Crush is no joke.
the same thing happens in IRL economics
the THREAT of a economic crash alone is ENOUGH to actually cause one
Pat, this is a message from the future. You were wrong about the log-in getting better and I'm mad at you for it.
Pat, this is a message from further in the future. The log-in times eventually got better.
I found that not being an FF14 player helped me avoid queues.
It's worked wonders for my mental health, though I do prefer a few eyes on the inside.
Same, weird huh
A bit unrelated but also related in a way, KanColle's wait times on their gatchas made me lose instrest in gatcha games and saved tons of money.
This podcast was 4 hours long and you turned a QUARTER of it into a single VOD.and Woolie says he doesn't like MMOs...
its called SEO and relevant content.
I mean he just sits there while Pat talks. As Pat's friend first, and co-host second, he just lets him do his thing and respectfully stays quiet only interjecting on points he understands or has meaningful input on. So he still dislike MMOs, but he's not gonna let it dampen Pat's passion for it. TLDR: He's good friend. Get yoself a Woolie if you want to feel good.
I wasn't expecting Endwalker to top the final boss fight of Shadowbringers main story, but good lord did they go hard for the finale.
I'm super lucky for these queues. I'm an overnight employee, and I get home at the LATEST 8AM CST. The queues would be the lesser of the double digits, and not even an hour later, my FC Homies would be screenshotting their triple digit login queues.
The only downside to this is; on my weekends, I wake up to play at around 11 to midnight my time? 2 to 3k login queue and EVEN THEN does that get tackled in less than 2 hours because of it being goddamn Midnight and normal people gotta sleep.
Same, I work 6pm - 6am so I get home when there is almost no que
Meanwhile you hop on over to Tonberry during the peak hours and you see 5 digits start appearing, then tears start streaming down your face. It's a lot better now that people have completed MSQ thankfully.
@@n00bified96 MSQ? What's that...main story quest?
Yea night shift has been awesome for avoiding the queue
Get home at 8, work out, shower, have a snack, and enjoy the at most 60 second queue
Its hard to completely blame SE for the launch issues. They did the best they could with what they had, plus they were completely blindsided by just how many people suddenly started playing the game out of nowhere cause WoW fucked up so bad it drove everyone away. Hard to plan for growth when it happens all at once.
I don't expect most companies plan for their main competitors suddenly doing literally everything wrong.
Not to mention popular content creators like Asmongold and Hololive introducing a bunch of their fans to the game at once.
@@masterofbloopers Of course, even all that wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the semiconductor shortage.
Happens alot in industry, you either take in the growth and become super successful or you crash and burn.
They also very clearly communicated what the issues were. It wasn't just a vague "we're working on it" and nothing else
We complete the trilogy of woolie's MMO aneurysms.
17:17 you know it’s entirely possible it was me who expressed surprise at being able to play ff14 on controller, because I have said that in his chat before years ago
Some of my friends stayed up till 4am on launch. And come sunday night they've just been waiting till tomorrow to try and finish it this weekend. I don't play so it's just been fun absorbing the memes
People acting like crack addicts trying to get into the game for a week straight to no avail
Basically, it takes less time to listen to a Podcast episode, than it does to log in lol. All the best to Square on a serious note.
Ah yes, the Child of the Hero of Light, Woolie Jr. Jr.
It's like training hard enough, in the room of spirited time, ready to work out a Cell problem, only to find Buu is right there waiting for his fight
I get the impression that Woolie would absolutely love FFXIV if it weren’t an MMO, or even if he’d play it to level 30 or so
Meanwhile blizzard employees stealing breast milk bottles from nursing fridge
Western developers be like, sexual harrasment > gameplay
Wait...that's a weird thing to...that's not real is it? *Googles* Oh is...
Eastern developers avoid this problem by having like three women in the office lmao
@@yukiminsan based
Eastern developers: “Save it for the subway system everyone”
institute a romance system to have a kid in the time skip... almost everyone would be like half miqo because you would have everyone romancing either Graha or Yshtola.
the entire place would be full of lala'qote, hyur'qote, ele'qote, roe'qote, etc
Give me all the unholy lala'roe and lala'hrothgar offspring.
Final Fantasy XIV: Moon's Haunted/Let Me In
With added Eric Andre let me. In for effect
Moon's Haunted, 5G towers and attacking and dethroning God. Come on down to FF14, we've got it all.
The queue stability is much better now. No more constant 2002 errors, and haven't had a single 4004 error.
A few days ago i tried to play. Queue was 4800 people. Yesterday it was 5700. Today it was 6100. I figure ill get to play it in february at this rate
Can't wait to play Endwalker in 2023
Perfect to listen to while I try to log in and get kicked back in the queue for the 8th time.
It's kind of a weird situation. I'm very much frustrated and annoyed by the queues, but at the same time I can't possibly be angry at Squenix. Nobody could've possibly predicted FFXIV suddenly blowing up as it did and they've been completely honest and upfront about the situation from the get go while trying their best to soften the impact. It's kinda like when you arrange a nice day out and out of nowhere a thunderstorm comes in, all you can really do is shake your fist in the air
Alright, I have to ask. Who is this mysterious name Pat hasn’t seen in a long time at 17:36? Was it one of the other two from the old days?
From the reaction, probably someone he played the game with ages ago or from the stream rather than the other two
Thankfully EU queues were not very bad at any time of day so you'd be in queue for an hour max. NA queues hitting 10k is pretty spooky though.
As someone who spent 5 hours logging into Spriggan yesterday, I can attest that this is not the case.
@@Gitskreig same for Cerberus
Me being a 1.0 subscriber: I was able to play enough to get a damn job to cap (there were exp caps across ALL classes), and fought the end of the world off (Hyperion server saved the world), I think it would be unfair if I got priority in the queue. Then I start thinking about how bad 1.0 was... I'm so torn lmao.
Dude, you had to navigate the old Shroud, I think you should be allowed to be bumped up a bit in the queue.
i suddenly feel really lucky that not only do i work from home i also work from the afternoon to midnight so i play in the morning
Tfw u stick ur foot into shadow bringers, see the release date of endwalker just a week away and decide: "yeah I'm gonna go play kingdom hearts for a bit."
Sounds like the Stormbllod launch on steroids. Hopefully this time there won't be any death threats to staff or conspiracy theories about content creators having special server privileges
25:40 hahaha again, because I really really really wanna play
UNFORTUNATELY I am playing through the game's story and content with my significant other
and THEY dont want to play as much as I want, but also dont want me playing without them
so not only am I limited by queue and all this shit, I also gotta get them to cooperate.
They are literally the reason why I havent finished the last tiny bit of shadowbringers yet, or did any of the shadowbringers endgame contant
because they A) HATE the story (but dont want me to do it solo)
B) HATE raids and endgame content in general (but also dont want me doing it without them)
C) just want to keep doing roulettes all day for generic dungeons or low level trials.
Oof, that's a tough spot. If someone only wanted to do roulette all day I would lose my mind.
@@JackgarPrime Yeep, it honestly killed my drive to do FF for a long time, Endwalker re-ignited it, and even been managing to push them to do plot... but they want to do it as Sage, so gotta help them level to 80 first so we can go do the plot again...
And its not entirelly their fault on the endgame raid and shit, we both had some REALLY crappy experiences when doing endgame (not even savage or extreme, just the regular raids and trials from such things) content for the first time (mostly thanks to toxic assholes just loosing their shit that we did not know the mechanics outright before even going in... and refusing to explain the mechanics thenselves.
I pushed through it, my significant other got permanently scared off doing any endgame content and if I ever convince them to try they generally have a miserable experience.
Just wish I was allowed to do them on my own instead T_T
@@Maioly Thats a bummer. Do you guys have an FC? Joining a good fc can make a big difference on these sorts of experiences.
@@JackgarPrime We do, we created one to play with close friends, about halfway through our playthrough of heavensward... all our other friends have since stopped playing or are on different regions now.
even managed to get a (tiny) house.
But... Why?
What's the point of doing the roulettes and everything else if you hate both the story and all the content?
Pat talking about FF14 is 5x more interesting than Woolie talking about fighting games
Pat thinking he can get the bulldog from the Hunts within 2 months, lmao.
That shit is 9 months minimum.
Thumbnails are still fantastic lol
Am watching this while waiting in the queue lmao
All you gotta do is wake up at 6 am. Queue’s only 50 something long at that hour. I did nothing but the MSQ for 4 days straight because I refused to be spoiled by anyone or anything, and it was 100% worth it.
Same, turned off all the chats except for party and FC. Did some roulettes at first but that just ended with me hitting level cap by the time I hit the 87 quests.
this sounds like someone unwillingly admitting they have a _problem_
@@iller3 yeah my problem was the long queue time but I got around it so I DON’T have a problem anymore.
Oh no. My brain goblins.
I'm going to have to cap every job now.
Shout out to the guys uploading the endwalker ost and just posting the name of the bosses and having a big ol' screenshot them as the thumbnail literally hours after release.
I've had to rejigger my entire youtube recommendations specifically to keep these people out.
Dang...this is definitely some video games.
When the white mage mentioned me being a white mage during the meetup, I legit burst into tears
I never crashed. It is funny that I did generally get online around 10:30-11pm this week. Granted I am not so hard-core to play for long periods of time. An hour or two is good for me.
People keeping themselves AFK'd for hours, here's my silly self doing like five Heavensward quests in a morning and then logging off for the day. I clearly lack determination.
Just get ActiBlizz to sell Square some server space. They won't need much of it anymore
Discussions in which Pat yells about Final Fantasy 14
I'm just waiting till player base calms a little before jumping into Endwalker
Three hours before I leave work I use remote play on my PS5 and check it every hour and when I reach around 500 in the queue every 20 mins till I get home
I bought early access and for 2 of the 3 days I couldn't play. For the record I expected a lot of problems, but this time around the queue problems was a whole new level. Fortunately we all got a week of free sub to make up for it.
And they just gave another 14 days on top of that
What a great time to be on a JP datacentre
My macro technology is asking my brother to wiggle my character in ff14 when I have to go do afk tasks. classics like "If you want drive through food, wiggle my character." But they are ALSO equally as invested in the game if not more than I am. DARK KNIGHT NOTES - as I am also suffering in this realm : Dark knight is partially fucked right now, I am assigning it partially to Esteem eating up most of our potency budget. Like the salted earth QoL and upgrade that gives us the reactivation is the only Drk knight specific nice thing we got without losing other things. Like the last move we get has a metal af name, but then esteem ALSO gets buffed by that and is eating so much of our budget. ...gimmie some spoiler power source stuff that aligns well with drk.
Pats crazytalk 28:50
Being a Dark Knight is suffering.
Both in storyband in gameplay
Is it on me or is the video really laggy at some points?
The XIV CGI trailers almost always lie. Even the one with the most actual spoilers for HW, which has you fighting Hraesvalgr to get to Ishgard.
What lie is there in the trailer? I mean their is the thing with alisae but it still happens it’s just slightly different
Just in time is pretty much the norm with most stuff nowadays, and when you stop it affects EVERYTHING. Also i don't understand the drks complaining, sure carve and spit is shared now but you get a ground explosion from salted earth and another line aoe with 2 stacks and both of these are ogcd. Also TBN is so good which is probably the reason they added just a regular defensive cd.
I am literally watching this video waiting in the queue after that DX11 crash Pat mentioned. It's genuinely stupid XD
Warrior of Light, Ishgard remembers!
i am lucky that i work from home so i can log in early and alt + tab between the game and work for every 20 minutes to stay online. but when i have to make dinner or grocery shopping... oh boy....
Is it still a clip of it's an hour long?
I've been in queue since early access.
Honestly what was the point.
13:54 haha
I have those, a lot, ever since I upgraded to win 10
I once waited 4 hours in queue, got in, queued in for a raid, not even halfway through I got a direct X error and crashed
it's been 5 months has this changed
Dude, I decided to get the free trial for the game just 1 week before they became fucked. Slid right under the door
Slid under the door then pulled that membership with you like Indiana Jones
Wait you can map your 3 hit combo rotation to a single slot NOW?! LIKE in PVP??? HOW HOW??!
...Suddenly I feel very thankful I never played a minute of FF14. No fault of the game of course, my ADHD probably makes me genetically disposed to playing MMOs. But even if I wasn't, this would be Hell.
I actually had 5+ years to throw away on just getting the ol' ADHD diagnosed, treated, relapsed, and then addressed in a different way all while still hooked on MMORPGs. Having something equally as autistic like minecraft to act as your methadone is also another coping strat when the entire industry has literally nothing NEW to offer. Haven't touched an MMO grindfest in 6 months.
@@iller3 id take that over this constant fucking doom scrolling.
I actually tried playing Minecraft several times but I always burn out after an hour or two. Getting fucked over by a skeleton or Creeper tanks my motivation.
When your games so good it becomes the only know available female bathroom in existence, but the bathroom is the size of Texas! But remember Texas can only hold so many!
Canadian ex bagger who plays video games for a living and failed micro gives me a fantastic hour long supply chain lecture simply out of how fucked it is to play a mmo
Pat has flanderized himself so bad, jesus christ
I found out that if you log in at around 7-8am est you have little to no queue times so I was able to play Saturday, Sunday, and Monday with no issue.
FFXIV:Endwalker:Suffering from Success
Bruh i dont even use 6-0 on my keyboard. I use my letters
I think I got it super lucky as in I have to get up early in the morning before work so I just get up a couple hours early to get what time I want in the day in. When work no chance but close to when I goto bed the queue can be between 5000 to 2000 so if 2000 I play my switch which I wait.
I am on queue right now.
I don't even care about queue, it's the constant disconnections from queue that suck. They seem to have mostly fixed that, thankfully.
I heard "Moon's haunted" and realized that I should maybe try out ff14
Times I am glad I play guild wars 2
With that, I am reinforced that I am not crazy in not liking FFXIV, I tried to play it once afew years ago, even if what Pat was describing wasn't a Nightmare in reality I just CAN'T get into the controls.
So I think this is the nail in the coffin of "Am I nuts for not liking it?"
Sticking with Warframe it is!
I can understand that, and it sucks that youre not able to. Have you also tried it on controller?
@@katthemischievous2167 yeah I was playing Contoller, it just didn't feel like I was actually DOING anything along with the size of the HUD
Everyone who wants to play the hip new game now shoulda done that a month ago lol
I've largely managed to avoid the problems of multiplayer games (cheaters, toxicity, player economies, etc.) by exclusively playing single-player games
not sure if there's a correlation there, better look into it
I wish SE would care just a little bit less about clipping. It's very frustrating being a Viera and not getting to wear any hats or helmets, and having almost none of hairstyles that everyone else has. EW's done a little to fix that, but not much.
Been suffering this since Shadowbringers, and I wonder how many bunny boys are going to give up and change back when they realize how few options there are.
Ive got a friend that plays a Hrothgar. He cant even change his hair style with out totally redoing his character.
A second button would be incredible. Final Fantasy XIV-2.
this a great lesson on why you have a bit more stricter regulations
sure most people are cool, but there are some absolute freaks who'd grind the whole system to a halt given a chance out of their own stupid selfishness