Before fiddle rework i legit played him as support with aftershock, rushed zhonya and redemption as main items and just made aoe engages for team. Loved playing that way.
I remember playing that on support as a pocket pick, just like Sion when his E wasn't awful. But let's be honest here, a poin-and click multitarget silence is healthy for the game in the same vain as Gwen's W, Yasuo's windwall, % health true damage, the chemtech drake or Akali's W on release, and his home has been the jungle since the very beginning due to his R and W. Some sacrifices needed to be made for a great rework.
Max Q first, the crow almost guaranteed to procc spellthief’s every cast, Rylai’s, zhonya’s, Mikhael’s Crucible. I played it with Predator for dumb ganks at like 6 minutes and always tilted mid at the get go. Fun but obnoxious and dropped hard at +25 minutes.
I just love that riot designed and fixed up fiddle's story, making it the primordial demon of fear, one of ten primordial demons to stalk the land since runeterra's beginning.
He *kind of* was that in his second lore before they changed that to remove the reference to Summoners. He was a horrifying monster summoned from another dimension who drove people mad with fear and had stood stationary in a locked summoning vault for 20 years. They could summon him onto the rift and control him normally, but anyone who tried to enter that summoning vault was killed and nobody even knew how he did it. So they used the vault as an execution chamber. Of course, his in game stuff didnt match that and the new one does.
This was the champ that made me enter league, I saw his cinematic and just loved the character, also love his gameplay and for me this will always be the best rework
@@konabos747 Wait, wtf so true, I used to main vel'koz not so long ago XD The best character desings are the not human one's, so sad that riot doesn't see it
I was a fiddlesticks main before his rework, loved his kit but felt he was incredibly dated. His abilities were limited, which limited his playmaking. When I heard he was getting a rework I was ecstatic! I hoped beyond everything that they kept his kit the same but made him feel better to play. Thankfully when he was revealed, he was given the love I believe all champions need in a rework. They might have removed my bouncing crow, but in exchange for brainless plays, we received a high skill cap jungler with a high ceiling for potential. Everything from his kit to his lore, I think he's perfect!
I think his rework's pretty much perfect. While the old E was fun to use it wasn't fun to play against, and everything else was just... improved. There's just nothing you could add or remove from its kit or character design that would make it better at being what it's supposed to be.
His e was the only dependable poke he had. They removed the only consistent poke and silent he had. His new e forces u to be near melee range to use... useless
I started playing a couple of months before his rework and I remember how painful it was to play against in URF. His E (bouncing crow) was like on a 1 sec cooldown, so you could not approach him, as you would just get feared then crowed and silenced to death, nor the minion wave as you would just get hit constantly by homing crows.
I’m happy that we got a small bit of Old Fiddlesticks left with the birthday version of Fiddlesticks. Not exactly the same but would probably be what Fiddlesticks would be if they him more of a spooky scarecrow and not an evil demon
His old E used to bounce up to 11 times, and had a pretty hilarious bug where if 2 units were stood RIGHT ontop of eachother it would oneshot them both. (i think Ryze bounce could do this too)
When the speed in the jungle started ramping up old Fiddle was left behind. Yeah you were sustained in your clear and took little effective damage, but you were a solid 30 seconds slower than most other junglers. He ended up shoehorned into support as a crow spammer. Now post rework he has a drastically faster jungle clear, it's still healthy, and his design actually fulfills that jumpscare horror fantasy
As a fiddlesticks main myself. I genuinley miss his old E. Constantly throwing birds at team fights without doing much while still having an absurd fear duration of his Q is insane. How I miss those days where used to fear jungle camps toward our base in URF.
For me, Fiddlesticks is the best rework ever made, everything from the old one is still there but it was just moved around and changed for better gameplay, and let's not talk about his incredible new design and lore and the good job it does at representing its fantasy, unlike aurelion sol
@@yoelpokeylora9193 ye when enemy botlane killed each other by standing on each other and just ping pong the crow like 4 times and they both were on 25 percent hp from 100
I think it is important to mention that the way all the fears in the game work was changed at some point. Fear effects used to make people run around in random directions, even changing direction if the fear is long enough. At slowed speed of course.
I remember back when his rework teaser showed up in my recommendations, it was what actually got me to look into what league even was. cut to now, it only took a few years but now I'm playing and he's my second highest mastery champ
You know I took a long break from league a couple years ago and didn't think about coming back. But then I saw fiddlesticks rework and was fascinated and decided to come back into league. Now I'm stuck here again. Thanks fiddle
GG Fiddle main myself XD only now see this sry just discovered this channel and i love all these before the rework vids P.S. I now mainly play TFT only but when i do play on the rift it's Fiddle :))
Reqork mad everything better, except the silence. Old silence was much better and much more fun. It allowed Fiddle to be an effective support/mid pick. Now Fiddle is perma-banished into jungle.
the old fiddlesticks was my most favourite champion of all time and ironically i was at best performance with him. after he got reworked (nerfed to the ground for me) i was so devastated.
One quick note though, Fiddlesticks' W cooldown doesn't get refunded if Fiddlesticks cancels it voluntarily. If he moves during the channel, the cooldown doesn't get refunded. The ability must either fully go through, or all tethered targets need to die or get out of range. I feel like there was a bug where it would also work if only minions were still in range, but I could be wrong. Fiddle was my first real main with whom I really clicked, after having tried a bit of Shyvana and Morde back when I started playing league at the start of season 11, and it's nice to see you making a video about him on the channel. His jungle clear is really good and the damage on his ult is just insane, but it still requires a bit of prep work to get the most out of it. And his new design and voice lines are just plain awesome.
My fondest but funniest memory I have with Pre-rework Fiddle was speed waddling with from fountain to mid only to be blasted immediately from Veigar's ult..... I still die laughing today from it
I actually wrote a school critical essay on Fiddlesticks, and what you've said of Fiddlesticks in your video is also what I mainly wrote in my essay! Which is somehow reassuring!
Fiddle was the very first champ i ever played in the game back in season 4 (well beside the tutorial Ashe) and i loved him so much because the design was goofy, the kit suited me at the time and he was the first jungle champ i ever truly mastered. As far as the rework goes, i love the mental torture you can sew with the effigy, and the team fight presence he has with a huge fear is massive. Riot did so well with Fiddle and im so glad they nailed it.
I've been playing Fiddle since Season 3, along with Rammus, they're my favorite junglers. Honestly, the rework he had was masterfully executed. The old one was cool, but as time went on I felt it was inefficient in an increasingly aggressive and mobile jungle, I didn't feel it was worth using in most cases. I remember that when i used it my team will flame me saying "why do you soloQ a champion that doesn't work, better use Rengar, Kha'zix, Elise, Nidalee, Lee Sin, etc". With the rework the problems went away, not only because Fiddle at the canon level was no longer either a forgotten or a meme because of how old his model was. Now making him one of the most interesting and terrifying champions in the game. I love his voice, his actor did great, and his interactions are also some of the best there is. His kit did work more cohesively and, up to a point, it was fine OP. Q is much better, that late-game damage is so potent that you can burst anyone if they roll E, fear, then Q, dealing 30% (+ 6% per 100 AP) of target's current health. The W must always have been in the area, that's what I thought pre-rework and when they implemented it I was very happy. The E now requires more skill and hitting it at maximum range and additionally applying fear is rewarding. The R now as a synergy with the Q is, for me, the best in the entire game. Throwing an ulti to 5 people is one of the best moments in a game and you are no longer forced to have Zhonias to not die instantly because once the 2.5 seconds of fear are over, they are probably dead or fleeing. Additionally, runes such as predator or ultimate hunter further improve the existing one. Sorry for my english.
Fiddle is, in my opinion, the best rework. Closely followed by Warwick. Preserved the main gameplay style, emphasized the idea of jumpscares and making your opponent paranoid, and absolutely knocked it out of the park regarding presentation.
fun fact, one time i started the match as old fiddlesticks while listening to miku's levan polka, and his walk animation matched up perfectly to the rhythm
I loved Invades with Fiddle... The Moment at level 1 when you have exactly 2 Enemys in front and your E removed 40% of the HP of oneand 60% of the other, was so much fun xD
As an ARAM player, I'm glad of this rework. Old fiddle in that map was basically "press E on a minion, hit all the enemy team no matter where they are".
One of the rare reworks that actually updates the champion, Fiddlesticks used to be a hit or miss champ, he is reliant to his ultimate and zhonyas to do something in a team fight
I remember when I first played new Fid and went up against a Nunu. That voice line got to me and I fed first blood because it was just so... unsettling...
Back in the old days, one of his earlier passive used to terrify champs based on random %. His ult aoe circle used to be larger too and ult ap ratio used to be 80% like in season 1. Also, his dark wind (e ability) used to bounce 10 times (doesn't prioritize minions or champs) and silences too but was nerfed to just 5 times and prioritizing minions instead of champs.
Dude i miss old fiddlesticks so much, he was one of the few (if not only) champion to do over a thousand damage level 1, and even had a high chance to get pentas 1v5 at lvl 1, his old E was insanely good, basically a better brand ult that silences but yknow, on a 5 second cool down
I love the theming of the rework as a horror nerd. Only thing I would change on it would bring back the crow throw. It fit his scarecrow theming. Plus the reap is stupid.
On the old passive I'm pretty sure the requirement for fiddlesticks to be visible was a change made later on. The range was fairly long and could reveal his presence to an alert target.
as a fiddlesticks main before and after the rework i can say that they did him right. Keeping similar mechanics while making him more strategic and still not flashy. Which i love, as well as finding new ways to crowstorm over walls and testing the the range on it. You can get pretty far over some walls that the enemy wont suspect.
How did I not get the notification till now I will never know, this is my favorite pre rework champ mainly because for some reason he holds some nostalgia for me. Never played him, or seen my brothers play him, but something about his pre rework self really just feels nice.
In some ways I miss old Fiddlesticks... He was so much fun in ARAM because of his E which would just bounce between everyone. I will say I think his rework works really well in Summoners Rift, but I think his old version was far better in ARAM.
I never played old fiddle, cause I started playing during the end of season 9, only really playing morde until fiddle got changed. However when I did get to play new fiddle, I fell in love, from design and in gameplay. The living jumpscare game play is quite fun! And pulling off effigy shenanigans is also great. I once made a top laner say “OH SH*T! You’re the real one.” One of my favorite moments of all time. Old fiddle seemed like fun, but new fiddle is superior.
The only thing I miss on old fiddle was the regular fear on q without the target cooldown. It was nice to have for defence against the sticky assassins like yi or jax.
I enjoyed playing old fiddlesticks a lot, but always felt like it is a champion that can very easily become useless if not getting ahead to deal enough damage, which is probably the reason he mostly ended up as a supporter than a jungler in the more modern league. With the rework I basically ended up as a Fiddlesticks main. I absolutely adore his new look, lore, kit and just… all about him. While the kit did not change too much it is incredibly entertaining to actually be able to fool an enemy with an effigy, land these big ults and just generally clear and jungle with him. And even if you fall behind, you still might be able to provide some help for your team with your cc. I truly believe this might be the best rework in league ever.
i belive the rework is a massive succes due to the q passive encouraging you to control vision which basically tells you the correct way to play fiddle. before the rework i would just ult as a dash to engage more easily but now its way more fun to get the huge fear of and win fights and acidentally help my team with the vision control that i focus on in order to do that. It forces you to play correctly
I wonder if you would consider doing a video on the Malz mini rework. The reason why I think it would be interesting is because they kind of made him worse designed by making him better to play. He doesnt really have a way to "fight" anymore. His Q is his only real dueling attack and its on a fairly long cooldown considering that. His E is better off putting on someone and then running away, and his W is basically just a damage ramp for his E. He has no ability to outplay or show skill expression at all, he just puts E on you and runs away. Of course his Ult got better by mixing it with his puddle, but that just puts him more into "The ult and nothing else" guy he was before. His old playstyle had slightly more skill expression, summoning voidlings at the right time and playing around your puddle, and of course while not exactly skill intensive making sure that your opponent was standing on puddle and your minions were summoned when you ulted.
My favorite time with fiddlesticks was in mid back when his E bounces were 100% random. I could potentially hit the enemy 3 or more times even while there was a full wave. That coupled with his silly walk animation, I felt like such a whimsical troll and always had fun playing to annoy the enemy instead of tactically capitalize on anything.
My first main when I started playing in S2 and he had a 3 sec fear, I loved him so much! His rework was just amazing too, but I miss his old E so much :c
Played Fiddle a ton as mainly jungle before his rework, they did a really good job of keeping his identity intact while updating his kit and I couldn’t have asked for anything better 💯 though I will miss his silly little animations from before his rework :(
I miss the old Fiddle. I loved to play him as a Tank Support in normals. He was my I just want to have Fun Support. I am sad that this is gone, but yeah he is way more modern now. But please Nerf the Passiv, having a Mix of Blue and Red Trinked with such a low Cooldown is stupid OP.
Fiddle was my first jungles before the rework cuz it was quite chill to play as him. Then his rework came and he just became more awesome visually, lore wise and much more interactsble ability wise. Also - I kinda made a small dnd one shot because of him and his terrifyingly beatiful voice.
honestly, as much as it was a very successful rework that kept fiddle's identity intact the best thing riot did with it was removing him from the support role entirely lol he was never meant to be there and the constant point and click poking and silencing was one of the most annoying things to deal with because, as with most point and click things, there was zero counterplay outside of not being in range and i am most glad that riot didn't just decide to make fiddlesticks a jg/sup flex pick when reworking him
Fiddle had rework of the passive before the current one and he had passive that gaved him MS when he stayed still which was of course possible with his W and R
Bouncing a crow off the last minion into the two bot laners as they back off was one of the great joys of league. Also there was this:
The new Fiddle is insane and I love his voice lines and the party voice lines so much but I must admit I miss his old E a bit, it was satisfying to use and I never had to start drake or baron, enemies would start it for me, R over wall, E opponent and yeet the epic monster while probably killing some enemies, with this Fiddle it has become a bit harder to steal like this as u gotta be able to hit the E right after the cast in a short notice. Overall his design and everything is absolutely insane and exactly what I wanted Fiddle to always be
I absolutely love Fiddlesticks lmao Like others said, he too brought me to league So funny omfg, the T pose, his voice lines, his E was so annoying He was like a Shaco that annoyed your team too Also his dance was so absurd
Way back in the day, his E upgrades would scale the bounces, not the damage. At max rank it would bounce up to 10 times, reapplying silence every time. Those were the days lol
From the moment they announced his rework, I played him support and would master him before his rework. So when the rework happen I heard a lot of support plays complain about his new kit but I was ready
Wow. I was expecting old Fiddlesticks to be like old Mordekaiser in the sense that his new model looks infinitely cooler; however, I actually really like the old design! The new one is cooler don’t get me wrong, but I wasn’t expecting him to look THAT good for being as old as he is
Ah I remember maining old fiddle on mid. What wasn’t mentioned in the video you could control who the crow is jumping on. It bounced up to 3 times to the target you drained. I was having so much fun with this crow ;-; I know fiddle is in a much better and healthier spot in the game but man I miss chunking some cocky assassin for 60% hp on lv 2 with e w combo
This whole rework was phenomenal in every way except for one thing. Fiddle used to be a champ you could recommend to beginners in the jungle to have good impact with low skill, taking dragons ez and having strong teamfights due to targeted CC. Now he is very much a high skill floor jungler, as you constantly need to be denying vision too get full use of him. Much better but much harder to play. Great video.
I think that, if you were a jungle fiddle, the rework was perfect. However, as a support main, the rework took him from a fun pocket pick to now being a sub-par at best pick due to the changes to e and the large aoe threat moved to the relatively short range of w. It has made him overly predictable in lane and too easy to punish while severely reducing his harass and poke.
Honestly, I miss the old goofy design, it was my main back then, especially because I played him only as supp and I still do it - and it works at least
I miss old fiddlesticks E. It was hillarious and so much fun to use especially in aram it was his main source of damage. Now you have to be in melee range its pretty bad. The rest of his kit is fine just bring back his E.
The problem with Fiddlestick is his E, that's all. It's too satisfying to play because it's a dumb point and click bouncing silence and it has no counterplayability for the enemy. I get that dumb gimmick like this are fun, but not at the cost of other people's fun as well. The new E fixes that. It asks you for more attention and decision. Other than that, I enjoy new Fiddle. His Q and W are massive upgrade and his passive has built in trinket effect is very neat to deny ward early on
Something that was unmentioned (perhaps for a reason) is Crittlesticks, a phenomenon risen from Fiddles piss poor autoattack animation and damage. A challenge of sorts, to forgo all magic damage and rely on his hard CC to deal moderate amount of attack damage with dozens of autos.
Also there was a short burst of tank Fiddle in one of the seasons. Dude had like 4k HP with solid resistances and his drain would heal like 30-40% of that in 1 cast.
I know this video is too old to make a correction but the entry on Fiddle's old passive in the wiki is wrong. Fiddle did not have to be visible for his passive to be active. You could actually tell a split second before fiddle R completed that you were about to be blasted because the passive would show up first. You would know if he was hiding in bushes and such by the passive debuff showing up on your bar.
I think the thing I missed most was losing Fiddle Support as a viable pick. Old fiddle E was one of the most annoying abilities ever made, and it's a real shame it's gone.
Old Fiddle was pretty much one of my go to "lets do dumb shit" champs alongside old Nunu, nothing was more fun than getting him in ARAM and hitting someone with the bing bong crow behind their tower through an entire wave, just for them to slowly die to the old Liadrys/Rylais empowered burn combo...still missing it every day. Then after the rework and before the Mythic forge full tank with Iceborn Gauntlet and Spirit Visage was so strong if the enemy team didnt stop you in your W. Then Mythic Forge happend and league started to not be fun anymore. What do we learn from this? BRING BACK SEASON 10 (and also the Fates TFT set before the Mid-Set update since that was the by far best TFT set)
Meh, I preferred rise of the elements and galaxies, but fates was great as well. As for the mythic forge, yeah I was really excited for it at first but now I think league would have been better without it, or at least without mythic items.
Does anyone remember when his E could bounce off himself? so if you ever got into a 1v1 you could throw a crow at them and drain them for their entire life bar XD
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get that bread bro
Yes, but no
Yeah I gotta dislike for this garbage sponsor
The old fiddlestick was so remarkably hilarious especially his Q, he literally T-posed to an enemy and they're scared to death
I miss that so much :/
Especially with the weird praetorian sound effect, it was perfection.
keep laughing at this comment lmao
Before fiddle rework i legit played him as support with aftershock, rushed zhonya and redemption as main items and just made aoe engages for team. Loved playing that way.
I still play him as supp while rushing zhonyas and then going into more AP with Crown/Everfrost/Rocketbelt or into a tank supp with evenshroud
I played him at supp too. but with a more peeling playstyle his q and e were too good against assasins
Same.. i miss the e poke ;(
I remember playing that on support as a pocket pick, just like Sion when his E wasn't awful. But let's be honest here, a poin-and click multitarget silence is healthy for the game in the same vain as Gwen's W, Yasuo's windwall, % health true damage, the chemtech drake or Akali's W on release, and his home has been the jungle since the very beginning due to his R and W. Some sacrifices needed to be made for a great rework.
Max Q first, the crow almost guaranteed to procc spellthief’s every cast, Rylai’s, zhonya’s, Mikhael’s Crucible. I played it with Predator for dumb ganks at like 6 minutes and always tilted mid at the get go.
Fun but obnoxious and dropped hard at +25 minutes.
I just love that riot designed and fixed up fiddle's story, making it the primordial demon of fear, one of ten primordial demons to stalk the land since runeterra's beginning.
He *kind of* was that in his second lore before they changed that to remove the reference to Summoners. He was a horrifying monster summoned from another dimension who drove people mad with fear and had stood stationary in a locked summoning vault for 20 years. They could summon him onto the rift and control him normally, but anyone who tried to enter that summoning vault was killed and nobody even knew how he did it. So they used the vault as an execution chamber.
Of course, his in game stuff didnt match that and the new one does.
damn bro save some pssy for the rest of us
This was the champ that made me enter league, I saw his cinematic and just loved the character, also love his gameplay and for me this will always be the best rework
Same. Him and velkoz
@@konabos747 Wait, wtf so true, I used to main vel'koz not so long ago XD
The best character desings are the not human one's, so sad that riot doesn't see it
@@konabos747 yeaaaah, vel was the one for me :)
Same with me
Same i saw his cinematic and voice lines loved it downloaded league played him sucked bollacks then became a jax main with mastery 5 almost 6
I was a fiddlesticks main before his rework, loved his kit but felt he was incredibly dated. His abilities were limited, which limited his playmaking. When I heard he was getting a rework I was ecstatic! I hoped beyond everything that they kept his kit the same but made him feel better to play. Thankfully when he was revealed, he was given the love I believe all champions need in a rework.
They might have removed my bouncing crow, but in exchange for brainless plays, we received a high skill cap jungler with a high ceiling for potential. Everything from his kit to his lore, I think he's perfect!
I mained him and prefere old fiddelstick personaly. Just for the taunt dance, I miss that :')
I think his rework's pretty much perfect. While the old E was fun to use it wasn't fun to play against, and everything else was just... improved. There's just nothing you could add or remove from its kit or character design that would make it better at being what it's supposed to be.
His e was the only dependable poke he had. They removed the only consistent poke and silent he had. His new e forces u to be near melee range to use... useless
@@thelameone9651 yes give the assasin poke. fiddle is not zed and hes not supposed to be
@@Valyoww It allowed Fiddle to lane, particularly in botlane, opening up alternate playstyles.
@@Valyoww Also like...Leblanc, Diana, Qiyaba, Katarina, Talon, etc all have poke. Many assassins can poke.
@@chaotixthefox but Arent supposed to
I started playing a couple of months before his rework and I remember how painful it was to play against in URF. His E (bouncing crow) was like on a 1 sec cooldown, so you could not approach him, as you would just get feared then crowed and silenced to death, nor the minion wave as you would just get hit constantly by homing crows.
I’m happy that we got a small bit of Old Fiddlesticks left with the birthday version of Fiddlesticks. Not exactly the same but would probably be what Fiddlesticks would be if they him more of a spooky scarecrow and not an evil demon
His old E used to bounce up to 11 times, and had a pretty hilarious bug where if 2 units were stood RIGHT ontop of eachother it would oneshot them both. (i think Ryze bounce could do this too)
I miss his E when playing support :(
watching the enemy's kill themselves if they dont move away from each other >:)
When the speed in the jungle started ramping up old Fiddle was left behind. Yeah you were sustained in your clear and took little effective damage, but you were a solid 30 seconds slower than most other junglers. He ended up shoehorned into support as a crow spammer. Now post rework he has a drastically faster jungle clear, it's still healthy, and his design actually fulfills that jumpscare horror fantasy
As a fiddlesticks main myself. I genuinley miss his old E. Constantly throwing birds at team fights without doing much while still having an absurd fear duration of his Q is insane. How I miss those days where used to fear jungle camps toward our base in URF.
For me, Fiddlesticks is the best rework ever made, everything from the old one is still there but it was just moved around and changed for better gameplay, and let's not talk about his incredible new design and lore and the good job it does at representing its fantasy, unlike aurelion sol
But I want my bouncy crow!!!!
@@laszlomatyasovszky7696 :c
@@laszlomatyasovszky7696 I remember that one time that crow made me scream or rage when playing botlane
@@yoelpokeylora9193 ye when enemy botlane killed each other by standing on each other and just ping pong the crow like 4 times and they both were on 25 percent hp from 100
I think it is important to mention that the way all the fears in the game work was changed at some point. Fear effects used to make people run around in random directions, even changing direction if the fear is long enough. At slowed speed of course.
I loved him before the rework, I still play him but his old kit just felt more fun to play
I remember back when his rework teaser showed up in my recommendations, it was what actually got me to look into what league even was. cut to now, it only took a few years but now I'm playing and he's my second highest mastery champ
You know I took a long break from league a couple years ago and didn't think about coming back. But then I saw fiddlesticks rework and was fascinated and decided to come back into league. Now I'm stuck here again. Thanks fiddle
putting you back again in the game, feeling fear and despair all around.
This Fiddle rework really works well as intended
Fiddle main myself
XD only now see this sry just discovered this channel and i love all these before the rework vids
P.S. I now mainly play TFT only but when i do play on the rift it's Fiddle :))
I'm a simple man: i see RAID ad, i stop the video and watch something else.
Reqork mad everything better, except the silence. Old silence was much better and much more fun. It allowed Fiddle to be an effective support/mid pick. Now Fiddle is perma-banished into jungle.
the old fiddlesticks was my most favourite champion of all time and ironically i was at best performance with him. after he got reworked (nerfed to the ground for me) i was so devastated.
One quick note though, Fiddlesticks' W cooldown doesn't get refunded if Fiddlesticks cancels it voluntarily. If he moves during the channel, the cooldown doesn't get refunded. The ability must either fully go through, or all tethered targets need to die or get out of range. I feel like there was a bug where it would also work if only minions were still in range, but I could be wrong.
Fiddle was my first real main with whom I really clicked, after having tried a bit of Shyvana and Morde back when I started playing league at the start of season 11, and it's nice to see you making a video about him on the channel. His jungle clear is really good and the damage on his ult is just insane, but it still requires a bit of prep work to get the most out of it. And his new design and voice lines are just plain awesome.
My fondest but funniest memory I have with Pre-rework Fiddle was speed waddling with from fountain to mid only to be blasted immediately from Veigar's ult..... I still die laughing today from it
I actually wrote a school critical essay on Fiddlesticks, and what you've said of Fiddlesticks in your video is also what I mainly wrote in my essay! Which is somehow reassuring!
Fiddle was the very first champ i ever played in the game back in season 4 (well beside the tutorial Ashe) and i loved him so much because the design was goofy, the kit suited me at the time and he was the first jungle champ i ever truly mastered. As far as the rework goes, i love the mental torture you can sew with the effigy, and the team fight presence he has with a huge fear is massive. Riot did so well with Fiddle and im so glad they nailed it.
I've been playing Fiddle since Season 3, along with Rammus, they're my favorite junglers.
Honestly, the rework he had was masterfully executed.
The old one was cool, but as time went on I felt it was inefficient in an increasingly aggressive and mobile jungle, I didn't feel it was worth using in most cases.
I remember that when i used it my team will flame me saying "why do you soloQ a champion that doesn't work, better use Rengar, Kha'zix, Elise, Nidalee, Lee Sin, etc".
With the rework the problems went away, not only because Fiddle at the canon level was no longer either a forgotten or a meme because of how old his model was. Now making him one of the most interesting and terrifying champions in the game. I love his voice, his actor did great, and his interactions are also some of the best there is.
His kit did work more cohesively and, up to a point, it was fine OP.
Q is much better, that late-game damage is so potent that you can burst anyone if they roll E, fear, then Q, dealing 30% (+ 6% per 100 AP) of target's current health.
The W must always have been in the area, that's what I thought pre-rework and when they implemented it I was very happy.
The E now requires more skill and hitting it at maximum range and additionally applying fear is rewarding.
The R now as a synergy with the Q is, for me, the best in the entire game. Throwing an ulti to 5 people is one of the best moments in a game and you are no longer forced to have Zhonias to not die instantly because once the 2.5 seconds of fear are over, they are probably dead or fleeing.
Additionally, runes such as predator or ultimate hunter further improve the existing one.
Sorry for my english.
Fiddle is, in my opinion, the best rework. Closely followed by Warwick. Preserved the main gameplay style, emphasized the idea of jumpscares and making your opponent paranoid, and absolutely knocked it out of the park regarding presentation.
Nunu rework is better
fun fact, one time i started the match as old fiddlesticks while listening to miku's levan polka, and his walk animation matched up perfectly to the rhythm
I loved Invades with Fiddle... The Moment at level 1 when you have exactly 2 Enemys in front and your E removed 40% of the HP of oneand 60% of the other, was so much fun xD
As an ARAM player, I'm glad of this rework. Old fiddle in that map was basically "press E on a minion, hit all the enemy team no matter where they are".
One of the rare reworks that actually updates the champion, Fiddlesticks used to be a hit or miss champ, he is reliant to his ultimate and zhonyas to do something in a team fight
I remember when I first played new Fid and went up against a Nunu. That voice line got to me and I fed first blood because it was just so... unsettling...
Back in the old days, one of his earlier passive used to terrify champs based on random %. His ult aoe circle used to be larger too and ult ap ratio used to be 80% like in season 1. Also, his dark wind (e ability) used to bounce 10 times (doesn't prioritize minions or champs) and silences too but was nerfed to just 5 times and prioritizing minions instead of champs.
Nothing beat the "5 man bait, fiddle ult from a bush" penta it was SO rewarding.
Dude i miss old fiddlesticks so much, he was one of the few (if not only) champion to do over a thousand damage level 1, and even had a high chance to get pentas 1v5 at lvl 1, his old E was insanely good, basically a better brand ult that silences but yknow, on a 5 second cool down
seeing that crow bouncing E brings back traumatic memories of support Fiddlesticks
Fiddlesticks in 2013: *Goofy Ahh Scarecrow*
Fiddlesticks in 2020: *Literally a fucking paralysis demon*
I love the theming of the rework as a horror nerd. Only thing I would change on it would bring back the crow throw. It fit his scarecrow theming. Plus the reap is stupid.
On the old passive I'm pretty sure the requirement for fiddlesticks to be visible was a change made later on. The range was fairly long and could reveal his presence to an alert target.
as a fiddlesticks main before and after the rework i can say that they did him right. Keeping similar mechanics while making him more strategic and still not flashy. Which i love, as well as finding new ways to crowstorm over walls and testing the the range on it. You can get pretty far over some walls that the enemy wont suspect.
How did I not get the notification till now I will never know, this is my favorite pre rework champ mainly because for some reason he holds some nostalgia for me. Never played him, or seen my brothers play him, but something about his pre rework self really just feels nice.
Im rank 1 fiddle right now, i used to love old fiddlestick and mained him, and still do. Old fiddle had that nostalgic feel, and i loved his E
Ever since the rework, I haven't stopped playing this masterpiece of a champion! Very solid video!
I loved the old fiddlestick the E was epic i loved that ability
Yea when you bounce chained the adc and support to almost death was hilarious
haha point and click aoe silence such fun gameplay :)
In some ways I miss old Fiddlesticks... He was so much fun in ARAM because of his E which would just bounce between everyone. I will say I think his rework works really well in Summoners Rift, but I think his old version was far better in ARAM.
I never played old fiddle, cause I started playing during the end of season 9, only really playing morde until fiddle got changed. However when I did get to play new fiddle, I fell in love, from design and in gameplay. The living jumpscare game play is quite fun! And pulling off effigy shenanigans is also great. I once made a top laner say “OH SH*T! You’re the real one.” One of my favorite moments of all time. Old fiddle seemed like fun, but new fiddle is superior.
Fun enough, what got me into LoL was actually Fiddlesticks rework teaser and I've main it since there.
The only thing I miss on old fiddle was the regular fear on q without the target cooldown. It was nice to have for defence against the sticky assassins like yi or jax.
I enjoyed playing old fiddlesticks a lot, but always felt like it is a champion that can very easily become useless if not getting ahead to deal enough damage, which is probably the reason he mostly ended up as a supporter than a jungler in the more modern league.
With the rework I basically ended up as a Fiddlesticks main. I absolutely adore his new look, lore, kit and just… all about him. While the kit did not change too much it is incredibly entertaining to actually be able to fool an enemy with an effigy, land these big ults and just generally clear and jungle with him. And even if you fall behind, you still might be able to provide some help for your team with your cc. I truly believe this might be the best rework in league ever.
I liked playing old Fiddlesticks. Never touched new one. I remember how my classmate showed him to and I started one tricking him.
i belive the rework is a massive succes due to the q passive encouraging you to control vision which basically tells you the correct way to play fiddle. before the rework i would just ult as a dash to engage more easily but now its way more fun to get the huge fear of and win fights and acidentally help my team with the vision control that i focus on in order to do that. It forces you to play correctly
I wonder if you would consider doing a video on the Malz mini rework. The reason why I think it would be interesting is because they kind of made him worse designed by making him better to play. He doesnt really have a way to "fight" anymore. His Q is his only real dueling attack and its on a fairly long cooldown considering that. His E is better off putting on someone and then running away, and his W is basically just a damage ramp for his E. He has no ability to outplay or show skill expression at all, he just puts E on you and runs away.
Of course his Ult got better by mixing it with his puddle, but that just puts him more into "The ult and nothing else" guy he was before.
His old playstyle had slightly more skill expression, summoning voidlings at the right time and playing around your puddle, and of course while not exactly skill intensive making sure that your opponent was standing on puddle and your minions were summoned when you ulted.
New fid feels clunky. Miss when the old w used to actually do damage and was viable to use against a full health enemy.
My favorite time with fiddlesticks was in mid back when his E bounces were 100% random. I could potentially hit the enemy 3 or more times even while there was a full wave. That coupled with his silly walk animation, I felt like such a whimsical troll and always had fun playing to annoy the enemy instead of tactically capitalize on anything.
I played new fiddle non stop for months. Hands down my favorite rework and probably the best designed kit in the game
As a Fiddle main before and after rework - 10/10 at every category !
My first main when I started playing in S2 and he had a 3 sec fear, I loved him so much! His rework was just amazing too, but I miss his old E so much :c
Played Fiddle a ton as mainly jungle before his rework, they did a really good job of keeping his identity intact while updating his kit and I couldn’t have asked for anything better 💯 though I will miss his silly little animations from before his rework :(
man i miss the old fiddle
he was my fave, always made him supp with aerie, legit NO ONE could outpocke me on lane
I miss the old Fiddle. I loved to play him as a Tank Support in normals. He was my I just want to have Fun Support.
I am sad that this is gone, but yeah he is way more modern now.
But please Nerf the Passiv, having a Mix of Blue and Red Trinked with such a low Cooldown is stupid OP.
Fiddle was my first jungles before the rework cuz it was quite chill to play as him. Then his rework came and he just became more awesome visually, lore wise and much more interactsble ability wise. Also - I kinda made a small dnd one shot because of him and his terrifyingly beatiful voice.
old crowstorm ult had a more intense sound for some reason. I guess it was changed for audio clarity.
honestly, as much as it was a very successful rework that kept fiddle's identity intact the best thing riot did with it was removing him from the support role entirely lol he was never meant to be there and the constant point and click poking and silencing was one of the most annoying things to deal with because, as with most point and click things, there was zero counterplay outside of not being in range and i am most glad that riot didn't just decide to make fiddlesticks a jg/sup flex pick when reworking him
His old E actually used to bounce up to TEN times. It was then lowered to 5.
Fiddle had rework of the passive before the current one and he had passive that gaved him MS when he stayed still which was of course possible with his W and R
With the change of Fiddle we also lost one of my favorite CC. Fears. May you rip in piece
Bouncing a crow off the last minion into the two bot laners as they back off was one of the great joys of league. Also there was this:
The new Fiddle is insane and I love his voice lines and the party voice lines so much but I must admit I miss his old E a bit, it was satisfying to use and I never had to start drake or baron, enemies would start it for me, R over wall, E opponent and yeet the epic monster while probably killing some enemies, with this Fiddle it has become a bit harder to steal like this as u gotta be able to hit the E right after the cast in a short notice. Overall his design and everything is absolutely insane and exactly what I wanted Fiddle to always be
I absolutely love Fiddlesticks lmao
Like others said, he too brought me to league
So funny omfg, the T pose, his voice lines, his E was so annoying
He was like a Shaco that annoyed your team too
Also his dance was so absurd
This video was great! I loved how in depth it was. It let me learn about the champions before their reworks. Keep up the great work!
Way back in the day, his E upgrades would scale the bounces, not the damage. At max rank it would bounce up to 10 times, reapplying silence every time. Those were the days lol
It was absolutely criminal in aram
From the moment they announced his rework, I played him support and would master him before his rework. So when the rework happen I heard a lot of support plays complain about his new kit but I was ready
Wow. I was expecting old Fiddlesticks to be like old Mordekaiser in the sense that his new model looks infinitely cooler; however, I actually really like the old design! The new one is cooler don’t get me wrong, but I wasn’t expecting him to look THAT good for being as old as he is
Been a fiddle main since rhe beginning, love the scarecrow
Ah I remember maining old fiddle on mid. What wasn’t mentioned in the video you could control who the crow is jumping on. It bounced up to 3 times to the target you drained. I was having so much fun with this crow ;-;
I know fiddle is in a much better and healthier spot in the game but man I miss chunking some cocky assassin for 60% hp on lv 2 with e w combo
Good job getting that raid sponsorship, but ngl every time i hear anyone segway into a raid sponsorship, i cant help laughing
His old silence was really fun to use in urf
This whole rework was phenomenal in every way except for one thing. Fiddle used to be a champ you could recommend to beginners in the jungle to have good impact with low skill, taking dragons ez and having strong teamfights due to targeted CC. Now he is very much a high skill floor jungler, as you constantly need to be denying vision too get full use of him. Much better but much harder to play. Great video.
You forgot to mention Q damage increases dramatically if the opponent has been feared recently.
I think that, if you were a jungle fiddle, the rework was perfect. However, as a support main, the rework took him from a fun pocket pick to now being a sub-par at best pick due to the changes to e and the large aoe threat moved to the relatively short range of w. It has made him overly predictable in lane and too easy to punish while severely reducing his harass and poke.
Honestly, I miss the old goofy design, it was my main back then, especially because I played him only as supp and I still do it - and it works at least
Lavender Town was a nice pick for the background music on this one 👻
Can't wait for Rell - Before the Rework
I miss old fiddlesticks E. It was hillarious and so much fun to use especially in aram it was his main source of damage. Now you have to be in melee range its pretty bad. The rest of his kit is fine just bring back his E.
I miss old fiddle a lot, I can't play the new one at all
we get it you love old champs cause they're "nostalgic"
The problem with Fiddlestick is his E, that's all. It's too satisfying to play because it's a dumb point and click bouncing silence and it has no counterplayability for the enemy. I get that dumb gimmick like this are fun, but not at the cost of other people's fun as well. The new E fixes that. It asks you for more attention and decision. Other than that, I enjoy new Fiddle. His Q and W are massive upgrade and his passive has built in trinket effect is very neat to deny ward early on
I think that alongside Warwick this is oneof the best reworks overall.
It is the same champ save the E, but everything is just better and polished
Something that was unmentioned (perhaps for a reason) is Crittlesticks, a phenomenon risen from Fiddles piss poor autoattack animation and damage. A challenge of sorts, to forgo all magic damage and rely on his hard CC to deal moderate amount of attack damage with dozens of autos.
Also there was a short burst of tank Fiddle in one of the seasons. Dude had like 4k HP with solid resistances and his drain would heal like 30-40% of that in 1 cast.
Old Fiddlesticks was My favourite support.
I know this video is too old to make a correction but the entry on Fiddle's old passive in the wiki is wrong. Fiddle did not have to be visible for his passive to be active. You could actually tell a split second before fiddle R completed that you were about to be blasted because the passive would show up first. You would know if he was hiding in bushes and such by the passive debuff showing up on your bar.
i really miss his old e and animations it was so funny to use
I think the thing I missed most was losing Fiddle Support as a viable pick. Old fiddle E was one of the most annoying abilities ever made, and it's a real shame it's gone.
Used to feel so good to throw a crow and get a triple kill off it bouncing back and forth between enemy champions haha.
Petition to give fiddlesticks a old god skin
Old FiddleStick E on ARAM was Goated
I miss the bird, but otherwise I love him post rework. Don't get to play him much as support main though, but I pull him out sometimes
Old Fiddle was pretty much one of my go to "lets do dumb shit" champs alongside old Nunu, nothing was more fun than getting him in ARAM and hitting someone with the bing bong crow behind their tower through an entire wave, just for them to slowly die to the old Liadrys/Rylais empowered burn combo...still missing it every day.
Then after the rework and before the Mythic forge full tank with Iceborn Gauntlet and Spirit Visage was so strong if the enemy team didnt stop you in your W.
Then Mythic Forge happend and league started to not be fun anymore.
What do we learn from this? BRING BACK SEASON 10 (and also the Fates TFT set before the Mid-Set update since that was the by far best TFT set)
Meh, I preferred rise of the elements and galaxies, but fates was great as well. As for the mythic forge, yeah I was really excited for it at first but now I think league would have been better without it, or at least without mythic items.
New fiddle is certainly a great change for summoner's rift, but they killed his viability in ARAM with the rework.
I hated getting hit with that evil crow….but I kinda miss it
I still want old E back. Literally give back old E and I am completely in love with Fiddle.
he did get some mini adjustments before the main rework
Does anyone remember when his E could bounce off himself? so if you ever got into a 1v1 you could throw a crow at them and drain them for their entire life bar XD