2- Islamic Beliefs (Aqa’ed) - Existence of God and Law of Probability - Sayed Mohammad Baqer Qazwini

  • Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
  • Islamic Beliefs (Aqa’ed) 01, offered in 2017-2018, is now available to take online at Al-Hujjah Islamic Seminary. The first five classes are available to view as a demo to get an idea of how the course is instructed. To register for this class, see all class videos, and take the exams, visit hujjahseminary.com. For any questions, email us at info@hujjahseminary.com


  • @rafiashahid8329
    @rafiashahid8329 5 днів тому

    Excellent lecture

  • @user-yz3cw2ih4b
    @user-yz3cw2ih4b Місяць тому

    اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد

  • @brothersinf8h
    @brothersinf8h 2 роки тому

    To help brothers in need wf aid

  • @psibarpsi
    @psibarpsi 4 роки тому +1

    I don't find the argument of pervasiveness to be correct.
    For example, someone could say that "the _absence_ of God has no (practical) opposites. We can not conceive of a creation with the presence of God. If we could, theoretically, see a world with a God the idea of absence of God will be super clear. the absence of God is so pervasive, it is so clear, that right from the start of your life to the end that's all you see and therefore due its immense clarity it is unclear to see this pervasive, continuos, constant fact." And even after saying this statement, his statement is equivalent, in terms of being rational, to your statement.
    Please help.

    • @ali-55928
      @ali-55928 Рік тому +1

      still need help?

    • @psibarpsi
      @psibarpsi Рік тому

      @@ali-55928 yes.

    • @ali-55928
      @ali-55928 Рік тому

      @@psibarpsi If I understood correctly, what you are saying is that if we could see a world with a God it would be clear from the beginning to the end of the life and that would be all we can see. And you argue that someone could say that is not the case. is that right ?

    • @psibarpsi
      @psibarpsi Рік тому

      @@ali-55928 Basically, yes. I am saying that someone could use the same argument that maulana uses in the video, flip it over, and try to prove the inexistence of God and it would make just as much logical sense as the one presented initially.

    • @ali-55928
      @ali-55928 Рік тому +1

      @@psibarpsi To be honest with you I did not watch the video yet so I don't know which argument was used but I will still adress the point you raised. The response will be long, sorry.
      First, Can we say that the existence of God is evident from the start of our life ? yes, you may have heard that we say we have fitrah, a natural disposition to believe in God. There is multiple studies that you can find with a bit of research, where multiple kids from different backgrounds all have the intuition in the belief of God. Pew research center (reliable) says that 90% of american believe in a higher power despite not necessarly ascribing to a religion. You will notice that all devlopped cultures historically have a belief in 'God', of course many are polytheistic, nevertheless they still believed in also a single all powerfull God over all 'gods'. See hinduiusm, Daoism, Confucianism, ancient greco-roman religions. This universal notion of a being that maintains universe still exist despite differences. How come all those people from different places of the globe, different cultures and lifestyle and influences all independently believed in a supreme being ? Not only that, even agreeing on some attribute, such as immortality omnipotence, intellect, purpose, reward punishment etc. Its impossible that such an alignment occur purely by chance. How ? due to human nature (fitrah) Our human nature is born with an intuitive God concept. This belief is part of what makes us human. This is agreed on psychology and cognitive science.
      Paul Bloom runs the Mind and Development Lab at Yale University. He says that humans have a tendency to believe in God:
      …. the universal themes of religion are not learned. They emerge as accidental by-products of our mental systems. They are part of human nature.”
      Deborah Keleman studies cognitive development in children and Josh Rottman is a PhD student working with her. In a chapter in Science and the World’s Religions they write (p206, 7):
      …. religion primarily stems from within the person rather than from external, socially organised sources …. evolved components of the human mind tend to lead people towards religiosity early in life.
      As not to go into to much detail I will let you research yourself on this if you wish to know more, there is many interesting studies. but I belive it is evident enough.
      Even the principle of causation is also intuitive, If a kid will say why x thing happen, you answer because y, he will say why ' y ' happen ? this why will not stop until its stopped. we have the intuition to seek ultimate causal ends. Which is why many religion independently produced cosmological arguments where the utlimate cause is God.
      So, then why are there atheists now and the belief in God is not a constant belief for some ? Its very simple, when one grows up and is surrounded by different ideas, take a child who is born in a secular atheistic environement, these ideas will be imposed in him and his fitrah will be buried, nevertheless it still exists and can resurface on critical moments, like an atheist at sea on the dark storm and his ship might drown, he will call out to God help me even if he was an atheist. The fitrah can manifest in extreme situations when its buried. This is one example but there may be other reasons why this intuition is buried you could research about it if you wish.
      Next is exactly where the fallacy of the argument is, the fact that people doubt the existence of God does not make his existence false. People believe the earth is flat does not make it any less true that the earth is round. However it is true that the proof of God is everywhere and very clear. The signs of God are everywhere. But sometimes when something is incredibly obvious or ever-present, we could become blind to it. A simple example is: a fish who wants to know what is water, water is everywhere around him but he cant realise it because he has always been in water. We have been showered by the blessings of Allah before we even did our first step in life, we found the signs of God in every particle of surroundings. It is so much present that we are blinded from it that someone could doubt. We dont appreciate light without contrasting it with darkness for example
      Still, we can reach this state where we see signs of God everywhere in our life, for example, realising that anything material is dependant and need external help to be into existence, even existence itself at a continuous momment each seconds require that Allah sustains us. Or by looking and reflecting upon the design of creation. I can recommend you some books on these if you want dear brother/sister.
      Don't hesitate if you have something to ask!