I think this movie is much more educational than our ranger handbook, I seriously doubt if our fellow officer cadets today in ROTC receive as much training and knowledge as these soldiers did 70 years ago
Dude I'm a wannabe armchair general that loves trying real life tactics in the games I play and let me tell you, I thought the military was standardized. But wtf every other unit has a different way of doing things it's insane. I didn't know that.
you have to realize the american and german command structure differs drasticly, in american doctrin a colonel tells each squad how to attack an objective , with what weaponry at what time and from what angle in german doctrine the colonel says what you have to do and it is up to the squad leaders and leutnants to plan out an attack it is more effective as you need to take the enviromental local factors into account and you cannot do that from staring at a map or satelite picture
No third world army would be able to perform like this. These techniques require real professionalism and a high level of intellect. And also nerves of steel.
These guys were fucking badass. What a waste of some the greatest troops to ever walk the earth. They will never get the credit they rightfully deserve.
Must say I find it fascinating the Germans training film always seems more realistic. They show own casualties, some times people trying to retreat of their own men and so forth. And at the same time looking at allied training film they seems more like phantasy and glorifying the situations. Always talking about the German propaganda machine, looks like the allies were far better at it at least when talking about training films.
a military training movie is neither journalism nor any other subject of democratic plurality or whatever you compare it to. Anyway the wartime media stuff was not a climax of sophisticatedness on neither side. War is a time of dumb and primitive instincts by nature. Thus i do not expect much of the allied side to. The main difference is that there was no concentration camps and gas chambers. That alone makes the difference.
They were very weird. Bowing to each other and calling each other Herr Leutnant. Thank God the side who won were relaxed easy-going GIs listening to Benny Goodman and able to joke and relax.
@@sampsonroofing3100 Us did not won the war. geman was already deafeted by the russian US vs Wehrmacht alone the GI were trunning away from the perfect organiezation and discipline of the power of Wehrmacht you also see it agsint Japan the GIs was in fear..lucky for GI with their atomic bombs. i think Japan never surender so far.
German soldiers by the hundreds of thousands, in France and western Grmany, were throwing their weapons away and flooding into allied POW enclosures in 1944-1945, just like French soldiers did four years previously.
the english translation is sometimes commpletly wrong..at around 3:25 he said " so ein Mist" wich means "what a shit"...and they translate it with "the swine missed"...oh boy , so if you dont speak german, be careful with the translation in this video
@@rolfharry4753 No, he is adressed "Herr Oberleutnant" at ua-cam.com/video/yMj16ieMCt4/v-deo.html. This is some ranks less of a OberSTleutnant. Thus, the translation is correct.
Infanteristische Taktiken haben nicht an Bedeutung verloren.Gewiss muß man diese an heutige Verhältnisse anpassen.Doch kampfentscheidend ist immer noch der Soldat nicht die Technik.Das zeigen Kriege in der heutigen Zeit.
@@dscrappylocogolani9555 No but they stood against the USA, UK, French, Netherlands, Polish and Soviets for 7 years.... Not bad for one army.... Credit due to them....
@@dscrappylocogolani9555 The issue with your ignorance is the gross simplification of your statement. With an understanding of the German logistical supply chain, leadership complications, manpower shortages, and an entire continent and the United States bearing down on them, one simple doctrine of battle is not going to win a war, and it never should, as war is not a simple occurrence. It is nuanced and contains depth.
Oh please. They didn't lose because of flawed tactics, they lost because they were fighting on too many fronts, with too little in the way of resources to do so adequately. Cheers!
This goes along with Manen gegen panzer, and Manen gegen manen, two other training films from the same period. Taken together they provide an accurate, if idealized, idea of German army response to various combat situations. Excellent primary source material for historians.
When the first Russian artillery shell exploded the German officer said: Zu kurz! (too short). Not "too close". Later on, after another artillery shot exploded, the German officer said: So ein Mist! (What a bummer!) because they had to throw themselves on the dirty ground again because of those annoying Russian artillery shots. He didn't said "The swine missed!"
@@megatwingo well, I don't... but I want to thank you for bringing the subtlity and subtext of this propaganda to light ! Danke schun, yeah? I probably misspelled it. I'm sorry. But once again,thank you
@@megatwingo Thank you! Hey, could I ask you a question? Are you a German who speaks German , or a German speaker, you know, like, you learned the language because you live there or you work there..?
[incoming artillery fire kills a tree. soldiers duck] "Ich glaube die da drüben haben 'was gegen uns.." "Wegener!" "Herr Oberleutnant?" "Zeigen Sie mal die Skizze" 7:38
These Movies are of a quality far, very far ahead of Hollywood rubbish. Many actors obviously were real soldiers and perform in a way beyond the reaches of Hollywood again. The dramatic composition although propagandistic playing with the hopes of the young recruits for whom these movies were made (the Flamm SPW's action purging the enemy with fire - which in reality was only suitable for City-fighting and usesless in open terrain because of it's extremly limited reach), again are absolute topnotch and not reached by today's productions (with infinitly larger ressources) which all are poisenend by Hollywood garbage. The shown tactics in principle are sound, only the actual execution with 4 x SPW would most likely play out a bit different, since the SPWs were very vulnerable to the ever present 12.7mm Anti Tank Rifle every russian Company had. I would use two dismounted Platoons which advance under cover of the 4 SPW, or use 8 SPW with four covering the first four in advance and replace losses inflicted by ATRs. In presenting quality in movies I only remember an after WWII French production about the May 1940 german attack where a real Ju87 throws a real load of bombs into a forest just for that movie production, a sight one will never forget...
I hope you don't mind my replaying to a three-year-old comment! The impression I got was that the Flammpanzers were primarily being used as a psychological weapon here: the Panzergrenadiers should have already shaken the Soviet morale through the use of their flank attack, and the Flammpanzers are being used as a kind of psychological finishing blow: being attacked by flamethrowers is extremely psychologically damaging, and, while you're correct that the weapon is not really ideal for open-field conflicts like this, panicking people usually don't think straight.
in the attitude of 12:52 the lieutenant answers the question put to him with "Jawol herr Oberstleutnand" it is however translated with "yes lieutenant" instead of lieutenant colonel which one can also clearly recognize by the badge that it is a lieutenant colonel These
@@bravo5997 Wieso? Es sind dieselben Dienstgrade. Seit dem 18. Jahrhundert quasi überall auf der europäisch geprägten Welt dieselben in Frankreich geschaffenen.
Wir wissen darüber bescheid aber diese Englischen Übersetzer die in diesem film mitgewirkt haben anscheinend nicht. Außerdem wenn man die anderen übersetzungsfehler addiert hatten diese Übersetzer nur rudimentäres wissen über die Deutsche sprache. Ich glaube auch das dem zielpublikum für die diese übersetzung angefertigt worden ist aller warscheinlichkeit egal wahr ob es sich um einen Leutnand, Oberleutnand oder Oberstleutnand, Oberst handeld.
@@bravo5997 Wahrscheinlich hatten sie nur rudimentäres Wissen. Sie waren - Einwanderungsland USA - womöglich Kinder oder Enkel von deutschen Einwanderern, deren Deutsch noch so gut war wie das Türkisch der dritten Generation von "Gastarbeiterkindern". Oder sie hatten es vier Jahre in der High School oder oder oder.. Aber immerhin, sie hatten Kenntnisse. Die Leute mit den besten Kenntnissen waren womöglich eher dabei, aufgefangene Funksprüche oder Schriftstücke von militärischer oder politischer Bedeutung zu übersetzen. Insgesamt waren Kenntnisse der deutschen oder japanischen Sprache zu der Zeit was wert und eine Qualifikation, mit der man sich bewerben konnte.
...Forgotten Soldier, indeed. DUDE, my last name before I changed it was "Silver-Green-Kaplan-Gold-BernStein-Berkowitz-Berg-Diamond-Blatt-Mann-Marx-Finkel-Rubin-Red-Kopper-Bronfman-Fisch, so we may be related? Money is everything & communism's great! Btw, now it's just "Stern".
Deux histoires familiales. La première concerne mon second grand père maternel, le second mari de ma grand mère car le père à ma mère est décédé. Il s'agit de Nicolas. Anecdote concernant mon grand-père et le ME 163 Komet, l'avion-fusée, son histoire est très intéressante. Il a été dans la Luftwaffe. C'est un Malgré-nous c'est à dire un soldat incorporé de force parce qu'il est Mosellan. Il vient de terminer son CAP de mécanicien à la SNCF, il a 17 ans, 1943. Départ pour l'Allemagne, pelle et pioche pour creuser des tranchées autour des villes allemandes bombardées, construction d'abris sommaires préfabriqués pour les populations. Puis un jour il troque sa pelle pour un fusil et part dans une caserne pour son instruction de base. A la fin de cette période assez difficile comme on l'imagine, ils sont tous mis en rang. Les officiers recherchent des techniciens. « Les techniciens un pas en avant, vorwärts march », la moitié pour la Luftwaffe l'autre pour la Kriegsmarine. Ceux qui n'avaient pas de qualification technique direction la Werhmacht et la Russie. Affaire réglée en 10 minutes. École d'aviation où il devient mécanicien d'armement sur Messerschmitt 109 et Focke Wulf 190. Il est noyé dans une masse d'Allemands car ceux-ci n'ont pas confiance dans les Malgré-nous. Il croise le Général Galland sur un terrain ( bien plus tard il se moquera de l'image célèbre où l'on voit Galland avec un cigare aux lèvres dans le cockpit d'un 109. Pure propagande me dira-t-il.) Il fêtera ses 18 ans dans la Luftwaffe alors qu'il est stationné au Danemark. Il me racontera qu'en 1943 la résistance danoise attaquait souvent les bases allemandes et qu'une nuit alors qu’il était de garde avec un pistolet-mitrailleur dans un hangar il faisait très froid et surtout il avait peur de tomber sur des résistants et de se faire égorger. Le vent soufflait et faisait trembler les tôles bref il n'en menait pas large. Dans un moment de panique il a vidé son chargeur au hasard et sur les avions. La garde est rapidement arrivée et il a fallut qu'il explique pourquoi il avait ouvert le feu. Absolument impossible de dire que c'est parce qu’il avait eu la trouille d'autant qu'il y avait des impacts sur les appareils. Alors il a raconté à ses chefs qu'il avait aperçu des intrus et il a même été félicité... Les ingénieurs de chez Messerschmitt développaient un avion fusée, le ME 163 Komet, à Peenemünde. Cet endroit avait déjà été le lieu de bombardements alliés parce que Werner von Braun et les nazis y construisaient et développaient les fusées V2. Néanmoins c'est là que mon grand père a été convoqué, dans une base complètement isolée. C'est la Gestapo qui l'a accueilli et l'a prit en photo en lui faisant la remarque suivante : s'il évoquait quoi que se soit de son travail ou de ce qu'il verrait, sa famille serait immédiatement déportée. Motus et bouche cousue. Il n’était qu’un simple aviateur, de plus Lorrain, dans un programme ultra-secret allemand et il s'est toujours demandé ce qu’il faisait là mais comme il était loin des différents théâtres d'opérations allemands il n'a pas fait la fine bouche surtout avec la Gestapo qui rôdait. Son travail consistait à armer les deux canons de 30 mm des avions d'essais, qui connaissaient d'ailleurs beaucoup de problèmes de carburant. Dans sa partie c'est à dire l'armement, ça fonctionnait très bien au sol mais à haute altitude les canons s'enrayaient à cause du froid. Deux systèmes étaient testés, l'hydraulique et le pneumatique. L’accélération de cet engin était démoniaque et il se rappelait encore du nom de l’ingénieur-pilote de chez Messerschmitt, moi pas (Opitz) ! Cet homme avait la trentaine mais les traits de son visage étaient déformés par les G et il en paraissait soixante. Nicolas n'a pas terminé les essais du ME 163 et il s'est retrouvé dans une base aérienne au bord d'un lac en Allemagne. Toujours pas sur le front Ouest ni surtout en Russie, plutôt chanceux. Un jour en prenant le train pour récupérer un camion-atelier, il croise sur le quai d'une gare son frère qui est dans la Werhmacht, le dernier Eugène sera incorporé en 1944 mais dans des conditions spéciales et terribles et séjournera dans le célèbre camp russe de Tambow. Ceci est encore une autre histoire familiale. Bref mon grand père poursuit sa vie de mécanicien. Il me disait qu’il avait eu de la chance car dans la Luftwaffe il y avait peu de nazis c’était plutôt des techniciens du combat aérien mais à partir de 1944 les choses changèrent car il y avait beaucoup de pertes parmi les pilotes allemands. En effet la Luftwaffe ne pratiquait de tours d’opérations comme les alliés, les pilotes étaient constamment sur la brèche. Le petit personnel et même les pilotes se permettaient des remarques et des blagues sur Adolf Hitler. Et puis un jour sont arrivés de très jeunes pilotes issus des Jeunesses Hitlériennes, en une seconde le temps des blagues sur Tonton Adolf était révolu, un coup à se retrouver embarqué par la Gestapo pour défaitisme… Ces jeunes pilotes avaient très peu de chance de survie, leur formation était trop rapide par faute de carburant et de temps, les aspects tactiques et techniques étaient négligés pour appuyer sur la discipline et l’idéal politique. Au fur et à mesure des décollages, Nicolas voyait de moins en moins de pilotes rentrer. Une hécatombe parmi les jeunes où comme mon grand père me disait : ils n'avaient même pas le permis pour une voiture et ils pilotaient un chasseur. Bref la vie en escadrille en temps de guerre dans la défense du Reich jusqu’au jour où une alerte aérienne résonne. Pris d'un pressentiment il prend les jambes à son cou et ne pénètre pas dans le bunker de protection prévu à cet effet. Ses jambes de vingt ans le propulsent vers une forêt lointaine, il court comme si sa vie en dépendait, ce qui était certainement le cas. Le ciel était noir, réellement noir de bombardiers américains, des box innombrables d'avions. L'enfer sur terre, le sol tremblait dans un bruit d'apocalypse. Après leur passage c’était plutôt la Lune. Que des cratères fumants, plus d'avions, plus de munitions, plus de carburant, plus de pistes, plus de hangars, bref plus rien et beaucoup de ses camarades étaient morts. Résultats des courses le voilà muté chez les parachutistes qui dépendent à cette époque de la Luftwaffe. Il n'a jamais sauté d'un avion, il a juste perçu un fusil. Direction la Hollande où ça barde. Les camions arrivent à destination en même temps que le contrordre : retour en Allemagne pour défendre Berlin. Oups, Nicolas rigole nettement moins, c'est du suicide. Heureusement il n'y a plus de carburant, toute la troupe reste sur place. Mon grand-père sera capturé par des parachutistes polonais et son retour en France sera rocambolesque mais c'est une autre histoire. Et voici l'histoire de mon "vrai" grand père Armand. Le père à ma mère qui est décédé alors qu'elle n'avait que 15 ans. Donc tous mes grands-pères lorrains ont été incorporés de force dans l'armée allemande. Il s'agit de "Malgré-Nous" mosellans qui avaient été obligés de se présenter aux autorités allemandes sous peine de voir leur famille déportée dans un camp de concentration. En effet la Moselle et l'Alsace faisaient à nouveau partie du III Reich. Donc le père à ma mère qui venait de terminer son service militaire dans l'armée française, cavalerie légère, s'est retrouvé comme estafette à moto sur le front russe dans la Werhmacht. Il était pro-communiste, travaillait à la SNCF et détestait l'uniforme qu'il portait ainsi qu'Hitler. Fin 1943 il décide de déserter lors d'une permission. A cette époque les soldats allemands rentraient avec leur arme, en l'occurrence un fusil Mauser 98k et des munitions, car au retour ils ignoraient où se trouverait leur régiment sur une ligne de front très mouvante. A son arrivée son arme était déposée soit à la gendarmerie française, institution que l'occupant avait gardée, soit à la Kommandantur. On tamponnait son Soldbuch, son livret militaire, pour prouver qu'il était bien arrivé. Avant son départ son arme lui était remise et il avait droit à un nouveau coup de tampon. Un fois dans le train mon grand-père se met en civil, glisse le fusil dans un étui de canne à pêche et déserte. Quelques semaines plus tard la Gestapo est à ses trousses. Lors d'une perquisition il échappe de peu à la capture et on l'aurait exécuté sans pitié. Il sont plusieurs déserteurs qui survivent tant bien que mal en se gardant des bandes de SS qui patrouillent pour pendre les lâches, les déserteurs et les résistants. Et puis un jour trois nazis, deux Feldgendarmen et un agent de la Polizeï accompagné d'un chien, se dirigent directement vers leur cachette c'est à dire sous un petit pont du ruisseau la Bibiche près de Metzeresche 57. Il est probable qu'ils ont été dénoncés. Mon grand-père attend que ses poursuivants soient à bonne distance et les tue tous. Les Allemands plein d'arrogance ne s'attendaient certainement pas à une embuscade. Ce jour-là il a également sauvé la vie de ses copains déserteurs et la sienne. Il a gagné sa liberté en se battant. Heureusement l'armée du général Patton a traversé la rivière Moselle peu après. Mon grand-père maternel était sauvé. Ma famille regorge d'histoires concernant la WW2 et elle a beaucoup souffert de l'occupation allemande. Encore merci à tous ces soldats Alliés et aux résistants qui ont souffert pour notre liberté. Votre souvenir reste gravé dans nos cœurs et nos mémoires. 🇫🇷🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇺🇬🇧
Look at the map at the end, I don't think the enemy would choose such an unfavorable position to attack at the first place. The German troops hold a vantage point (the hill), there is a chance to get flanked from behind the hill and the terrain prevented further break through once the first German line is broken. Instead, I think in real life this might happen with the following fashion: The Red Army feint attack this company's front, along with a few other fronts to force the German forces in the rear camouflaged as reserve forces out. With the pre-infiltrated observers, the enemy's strength can be evaluated. Then, the major attack (for the red army who lacks tanks and APCs) should happen along the K-L company line. In the forest the Germans would lose the advantage of their mechanized infantry. Once break through, the red army will circle around and support the feint group to attack the German reserve from the rear. The vantage point (the hill) should be taken later at night.
Every exercise will choose a certain scenario and ofcourse real events will deviate from the scenario. But it's impossible to prepare for each and every possible event. So any preparation is better then no preparation at all. The main purpose of the exercise is probably that different units (infantry/artillery/cavalry) are getting used to work together.
I would circle around completely, with the woods behind the advantage of the hill is negligible once captured and you're back on the assault. Although we don't see the rest of what's behind the lines, heavy mgs, bunkers, artillery, at guns and mortars are missing. There's not a lot of men on that hill which makes me question where the rest are, likely enforcing the other hills around and the low valley. There's should be about three or four mgs around to hold the defence and there's a good chance there's an artillery battalion around for support as well as the handful of spg
I tried to Google maps the two cities these panzergrenadiers were trying to defend. One was in Ukraine and the other in czechoslovakia, so I'm guessing this was a fictitious location for the training lesson.
Vehicle and Artillery camouflage become important in WW1 and have nothing to do with air superiority, Spy Planes can Spot your Vehicles, anyway you have Air superiority or not, if there is no friendly fighter Plane there at the right Time...
The translation is false though in some places. That's just the first 4 minutes i just watched. He says "too short" not "too close" at 0:58. 3:25 he says what would in english probably mean "damn" not "the swine missed"
is that why they lost to US Army units, who are inferior to Marines? is that why German soldiers of WWI nicknamed US Marines Teufelhunden because of their ferocity and unrelenting aggression on the battlefield? you dont know what youre talking about
Well most of the German army on the western front in 1944 were made up of volks grenadier divisions which were basically people who couldn't join the army before, old men and young boys. Also the Americans and British had air supremacy in 1944. And in Africa the german panzer divisions their were getting barely any supplies dew to their supply convoys getting destroyed. But nevertheless I think Panzer grenadiers were the best mechanized units at that time period. btw I was talking about modern day marines in Iraq
+Tsundere Shyvana "it's not like I wanted to get a penta or anything...b...b...Baka!" the germans were lucky that they didnt face off against the Marines a second time. the Japanese are the ones who got skullfucked. its funny that you claim a force who didnt even face off against our shock troops and still lost the war is somehow superior. you can put any bullshit into a book or in film, but the great thing about war is that it never goes down the way you plan it. The US Marines are experts in small unit doctrine. they are fast, aggressive and fight with suicidal tenacity. they have over 230 years of tradition and will be around for a long time. deal with it
+Mautiks The German solders cant called them Teufelhunden this is grammaticaly wrong. The right word is Teufelshunde . And also German divisions was used against the UDSSR on this time where the invasion was placed. Marines are the elite of the US Army, so the never fight against a eqaul enemy. And of course German elite units did faced numerical superior enemies, for example a single company of the 5.SS Panzerdivision-Wiking a whole Soviet division in 1941. (sry for the bad english im from Germany) Greetings :D
This tactic does not work in the actual soviet assault. The soviets used shock armies in their breakthroughs which means the Germans will face massive artillery fire, hordes of t34s, penal battalions, red air force, and katyusha rocket fire. The flammgruppe, panzerjager IV, and the panzergrenadiers is long gone.
It was summer 1944 and probably this was filmed before June 1944. My guess is May 1944. Up until that time the Germans, mainly in the south, did a good job holding back the Russians break-throughs, although they were constantly retreating. If the vehicles were Pzjager IV's, they were issued in January 1944 and even by May were rather rare, but extremely effective. As for this specific attack, this was a low-level affair; my guess is at most a Soviet Infantry Regiment. The Germans had a platoon of Panzer-Jaeger’s supporting an infantry company, so this would be been a localised break-through. The Panzer Grenadiers were mostly used as a fire bridge to counter-attack or hold against soviet forces which had earlier broken through, so this could have been a localised defensive line against such a major break-through. The only issue with the video is at that troop density i would not have expected so much artillery fire, unless it was mortars which were being used. As they claimed 4,000 m was safe from enemy fire i suspect it may have all been mortars. I saw a German 8 cm GrW 34 in the video, but of course no Russian mortars. After June 1944 the story changed a great deal.
@@peterfmodel agreed. this must have been a local defense (quietest sector in the front) and not the main defensive line.. Soviet Penal Battalions were notorious for reconnoitring German lines relentlessly. always looking for weak points, POWs, intel, etc.
DER „SCHWARZE BARON“ - Erfolgreichster Panzerkommandant der Welt - oding.org/index.php/poesie-2/poesie/2514-der-schwarze-baron-erfolgreichster-panzerkommandant-der-welt
--> Merziger, der Apfelsaft. DEnglisch ist halt zu einfach strukturiert. Die haben versucht, Deutsch zu vereinfachen/kopieren. Enstanden ist DEnglish. Gecheitert sind DIE(!) an der "Gra-ma-tik" (-Gra, tik-ma), am "Der,Die,Das", unzureichender Definitionen und und und... Die "billigsten Produktpiraten" scheitern immer.
When confronted by an army of Russians with tanks and well equipped infantry I would do what King Arthur did with his knights of the round table. As in the movie The Search for the Holy Grail. RUN AWAY RUN AWAY!
Propaganda film they are CONSTANTLY showing the KFZ 251 halftrack when in reality there was literally only *7* per Panzergrenadier division, only in the Recon unit, the Infantry Battalions got none, just Opel blitzes and Unarmored halftracks.
+gOtze1337 Unarmored ones yes (which were used a lot in the Panzergrenadier divisions alongside the Opel blitzes) But Armored ones (the ones i'm talking about) no. They only made 15,000 KFZ 251's (8 tonnes, 10 passangers) and 6,600 KFZ 250's (6 tonnes, 4 passangers) for a total of 21,600 The Americans on the otherhand built 50,000 M2, M3 and M5 halftracks (9 tonnes 10 passengers) during the war, and they were more well designed ulimately aswell.
i know u meant the 251´s and the 251 wasnt the only armored one... anyways the number 7 per divsion is just way to low. let´s say germany had at 1944 around 4000 sdkfz´s, other were lost in combat or attrition. that would mean germany had over 500+ tank-divsions/panzergrenadier-divisions, *if they only had 7 in one division
No, it is not too low, they're was barely any Armored cars and halftrack in there. watch this video ua-cam.com/video/e2HD2ZTs_Kg/v-deo.html and Tank Divisions are *NOT* the same as Panzergrenadiers, *THATS* where all the armored half-tracks are, all 3 Infantry regiments in a Panzer division are completely transported by Armored half-track
Não estão com vontade de doar os tanques de guerra para a UCRÂNIA 🇺🇦 espulsar os rússos das suas terras então doem para eles pelo menos uma grande quantidade de mísseis de grande performance de destruição para o povo Ucraniano 🇺🇦 si defender dos rússos eu fasso esse pedido para vocêis povo da origem da minha avó German 🔥🔥🇩🇪🔥🔥 ss ass: Isaías do 🇧🇷 apoiando a 🇺🇦 apoiando TAIWAN 🇹🇼 apoiando também índia 🇮🇳
why id the germans assumed that russians will not infiltrate the wooded area first??? Stalin issued order to use raveens and/or ridges where possible...
Way Way more than 20 millions -double that amount Russian did not registered people -just pushed against machine guns and mine field's drunk or sober will make no difrend
I hate all the ideology and philosophy of National-Socialism in Germany, Socialism-Communism in the USSR and any form of socialism. But the german soldiers were great soldiers, second to none, the same with the US Marines, warriors second to none, there is a lot of stupidity in the commentaries. Also the US Army was a force based in a different philosophy. We make a huge mistake in WW2, our tanks were worse than the german tanks, but our overall strategies and tactics were far better. We, the British, the Canadian and other brave people invaded Normandy, push through France, suffering a terrible defeat in the operation Market Garden, we hold the lines in the battle of the Bulge, there the US Army without air cover defeat the best and the lost forces the germans had, at the same time we were fighting in Italy, and in the Pacific, the invasion in Okinawa was a tremendous effort, the US fought a real world war, across the world in two different places. We had the capacity thanks to our great industrial, economical, technological and the human superiority both in quality and quantity. And for all the people comparing casualties numbers: We don't waste manpower, we waste bullets.
US Tanks werent inferior. Around their combat performance around Arracourt, Multiple of these supposed "Inferior tanks" got the Panthers defeated around 60% of the time. They had a good performance in the Battle of the bulge too winning 80% of the time. The shermans need to have a slightly bigger ammount of tanks to get these statistics though.
I think this movie is much more educational than our ranger handbook, I seriously doubt if our fellow officer cadets today in ROTC receive as much training and knowledge as these soldiers did 70 years ago
There's good attention paid to movement, positioning, good order in the unit, timing, etc.
Dude I'm a wannabe armchair general that loves trying real life tactics in the games I play and let me tell you, I thought the military was standardized. But wtf every other unit has a different way of doing things it's insane. I didn't know that.
you have to realize the american and german command structure differs drasticly, in american doctrin a colonel tells each squad how to attack an objective , with what weaponry at what time and from what angle
in german doctrine the colonel says what you have to do and it is up to the squad leaders and leutnants to plan out an attack
it is more effective as you need to take the enviromental local factors into account and you cannot do that from staring at a map or satelite picture
No third world army would be able to perform like this. These techniques require real professionalism and a high level of intellect. And also nerves of steel.
Kkkkkkkkk yes we can not do even a little bit close what german generals did in 80 yrs ago kkkkkk
These guys were fucking badass. What a waste of some the greatest troops to ever walk the earth. They will never get the credit they rightfully deserve.
All thanks to those Nazs and that blundering idiot Hitler.
Those German lads sure had the best uniforms
If the war had been decided on style they would have won hands down.
Hugo Boss
MarkH10 what about him?
@@MarkH10 Hogo Boss made them, but did not design them
Their uniforms were good for combat too though. Just look at the camo they developed (still good to this day).
Ya actually the combat uniform was extremely functional aside from looking so very sharp.
Must say I find it fascinating the Germans training film always seems more realistic. They show own casualties, some times people trying to retreat of their own men and so forth. And at the same time looking at allied training film they seems more like phantasy and glorifying the situations. Always talking about the German propaganda machine, looks like the allies were far better at it at least when talking about training films.
a military training movie is neither journalism nor any other subject of democratic plurality or whatever you compare it to. Anyway the wartime media stuff was not a climax of sophisticatedness on neither side. War is a time of dumb and primitive instincts by nature. Thus i do not expect much of the allied side to.
The main difference is that there was no concentration camps and gas chambers. That alone makes the difference.
They were very weird. Bowing to each other and calling each other Herr Leutnant. Thank God the side who won were relaxed easy-going GIs listening to Benny Goodman and able to joke and relax.
@@sampsonroofing3100 Us did not won the war. geman was already deafeted by the russian US vs Wehrmacht alone the GI were trunning away from the perfect organiezation and discipline of the power of Wehrmacht
you also see it agsint Japan the GIs was in fear..lucky for GI with their atomic bombs. i think Japan never surender so far.
German soldiers by the hundreds of thousands, in France and western Grmany, were throwing their weapons away and flooding into allied POW enclosures in 1944-1945, just like French soldiers did four years previously.
@Michael Müller if only
ich bin kein Mensch, ich bin kein Tier, ich bin ein Panzergrenadier !
Those battle scenes looks better than in most of modern war movies today...
German army was 30%-40% more effective than any other army of the time.
the english translation is sometimes commpletly wrong..at around 3:25 he said " so ein Mist" wich means "what a shit"...and they translate it with "the swine missed"...oh boy , so if you dont speak german, be careful with the translation in this video
And the officer with the knights cross is a Lieutenant colonel (Oberstleutnant), not a Lieutenant.
@@rolfharry4753 No, he is adressed "Herr Oberleutnant" at ua-cam.com/video/yMj16ieMCt4/v-deo.html. This is some ranks less of a OberSTleutnant. Thus, the translation is correct.
@@michaelmuller6890 The bizarre American 'equivalents' show up elsewhere though - for example "corporal' for "unteroffizier".
@@HandGrenadeDivision do you think that is not proper? what would you consider to be the proper equivalent?
@@HandGrenadeDivision Corporal is the english equivalent for unteroffizier, just so you know
the counter attack tactics are awesome
Interesting - same tactics as we still use today, did all this several times - only our tanks are better than the SPWs these days.
yups , manuver of oleat ops
Infanteristische Taktiken haben nicht an Bedeutung verloren.Gewiss muß man diese an heutige Verhältnisse anpassen.Doch kampfentscheidend ist immer noch der Soldat nicht die Technik.Das zeigen Kriege in der heutigen Zeit.
I was a Panzergrenadier in the Austrian Army! Pz.Ab.9 Baden
I figured if I was going to learn tactics,
Who better than the panzergrenadiers to teach it?
Nope mate coz they are...
@@dscrappylocogolani9555 No but they stood against the USA, UK, French, Netherlands, Polish and Soviets for 7 years.... Not bad for one army....
Credit due to them....
@@dscrappylocogolani9555 Brainless virgin boy comment
@@dscrappylocogolani9555 The issue with your ignorance is the gross simplification of your statement. With an understanding of the German logistical supply chain, leadership complications, manpower shortages, and an entire continent and the United States bearing down on them, one simple doctrine of battle is not going to win a war, and it never should, as war is not a simple occurrence. It is nuanced and contains depth.
Oh please. They didn't lose because of flawed tactics, they lost because they were fighting on too many fronts, with too little in the way of resources to do so adequately. Cheers!
Some parts are badly translated
Teacher: *We’re gonna have a field trip in the forest tomorrow!*
Girls: *Ew, the forest stinks and there are no Wi-Fi!!*
Make the girls dig up the bodies of those liquidated by the Soviets
@Robo Redneck I like the joke
it is probably the explanation of the Soviet casualties
Russishe shvaine.
watching these dudes jumping out of a moving vehicle in full kit makes my knees and ankles hurt. XD
You tried it enough times it seems
Those hobnail boots, too... Ugh.
Die alte Zdv 3/11 ( Das Dschungelbuch) beruht auf diesen Grundlagen. Noch heute.
Estou aqui por indicação do canal Hoje na Segunda Guerra.
This goes along with Manen gegen panzer, and Manen gegen manen, two other training films from the same period. Taken together they provide an accurate, if idealized, idea of German army response to various combat situations. Excellent primary source material for historians.
official education stuff might give anything else but a proper image of the reality :)
When the first Russian artillery shell exploded the German officer said:
Zu kurz! (too short). Not "too close".
Later on, after another artillery shot exploded, the German officer said:
So ein Mist! (What a bummer!) because they had to throw themselves on the dirty ground again because of those annoying Russian artillery shots.
He didn't said "The swine missed!"
You speak German!
So ist es...
@@megatwingo well, I don't... but I want to thank you for bringing the subtlity and subtext of this propaganda to light ! Danke schun, yeah? I probably misspelled it. I'm sorry. But once again,thank you
"Danke schön". But "Danke" is enough, too. Greetings
@@megatwingo Thank you! Hey, could I ask you a question? Are you a German who speaks German , or a German speaker, you know, like, you learned the language because you live there or you work there..?
[incoming artillery fire kills a tree. soldiers duck]
"Ich glaube die da drüben haben 'was gegen uns.."
"Wegener!" "Herr Oberleutnant?"
"Zeigen Sie mal die Skizze" 7:38
headline „Panzergeist heisst angreifen“ that is ‚tank spirit that means attacking‘
Mein Opa war auch bei der Wehrmacht!
Meiner bei der Kriegsmarine.
@@teutonalex Ach Bois. Das war doch auch die Wehrmacht. Ihr seid mir Experten.
Meiner war in Kursk und Charkov dabei in einem französischen Beutepanzer
Mein Opa auch so wie viele andere Opas auch
@@teutonalex uboot w kretsma
3:26 He actually says "So ein Mist - Such a crap" or simply "damn".
Our grandfathers 😢🇩🇪♥️
These Movies are of a quality far, very far ahead of Hollywood rubbish. Many actors obviously were real soldiers and perform in a way beyond the reaches of Hollywood again. The dramatic composition although propagandistic playing with the hopes of the young recruits for whom these movies were made (the Flamm SPW's action purging the enemy with fire - which in reality was only suitable for City-fighting and usesless in open terrain because of it's extremly limited reach), again are absolute topnotch and not reached by today's productions (with infinitly larger ressources) which all are poisenend by Hollywood garbage. The shown tactics in principle are sound, only the actual execution with 4 x SPW would most likely play out a bit different, since the SPWs were very vulnerable to the ever present 12.7mm Anti Tank Rifle every russian Company had. I would use two dismounted Platoons which advance under cover of the 4 SPW, or use 8 SPW with four covering the first four in advance and replace losses inflicted by ATRs. In presenting quality in movies I only remember an after WWII French production about the May 1940 german attack where a real Ju87 throws a real load of bombs into a forest just for that movie production, a sight one will never forget...
I hope you don't mind my replaying to a three-year-old comment! The impression I got was that the Flammpanzers were primarily being used as a psychological weapon here: the Panzergrenadiers should have already shaken the Soviet morale through the use of their flank attack, and the Flammpanzers are being used as a kind of psychological finishing blow: being attacked by flamethrowers is extremely psychologically damaging, and, while you're correct that the weapon is not really ideal for open-field conflicts like this, panicking people usually don't think straight.
in the attitude of 12:52 the lieutenant answers the question put to him with "Jawol herr Oberstleutnand" it is however translated with "yes lieutenant" instead of lieutenant colonel which one can also clearly recognize by the badge that it is a lieutenant colonel These
the translators probably did not get the fact that there is a lieutenant colonel as well as a first lieutenant among the actors :)
Das deutsche rangordnung system ist auch eine schwierige sache besonders für den englischsprachigen raum ;)
@@bravo5997 Wieso? Es sind dieselben Dienstgrade. Seit dem 18. Jahrhundert quasi überall auf der europäisch geprägten Welt dieselben in Frankreich geschaffenen.
Wir wissen darüber bescheid aber diese Englischen Übersetzer die in diesem film mitgewirkt haben anscheinend nicht. Außerdem wenn man die anderen übersetzungsfehler addiert hatten diese Übersetzer nur rudimentäres wissen über die Deutsche sprache. Ich glaube auch das dem zielpublikum für die diese übersetzung angefertigt worden ist aller warscheinlichkeit egal wahr ob es sich um einen Leutnand, Oberleutnand oder Oberstleutnand, Oberst handeld.
@@bravo5997 Wahrscheinlich hatten sie nur rudimentäres Wissen. Sie waren - Einwanderungsland USA - womöglich Kinder oder Enkel von deutschen Einwanderern, deren Deutsch noch so gut war wie das Türkisch der dritten Generation von "Gastarbeiterkindern". Oder sie hatten es vier Jahre in der High School oder oder oder.. Aber immerhin, sie hatten Kenntnisse.
Die Leute mit den besten Kenntnissen waren womöglich eher dabei, aufgefangene Funksprüche oder Schriftstücke von militärischer oder politischer Bedeutung zu übersetzen.
Insgesamt waren Kenntnisse der deutschen oder japanischen Sprache zu der Zeit was wert und eine Qualifikation, mit der man sich bewerben konnte.
Always neat to see the enemies training videos.
wir haben ganze menge zu tun hier! haha 1:01
Величайший народ, величайшие люди
many translation mistakes
3:25 "what a crap" - if it would be "the swine missed" i would say there is some hatred taking place
...Forgotten Soldier, indeed. DUDE, my last name before I changed it was "Silver-Green-Kaplan-Gold-BernStein-Berkowitz-Berg-Diamond-Blatt-Mann-Marx-Finkel-Rubin-Red-Kopper-Bronfman-Fisch, so we may be related? Money is everything & communism's great!
Btw, now it's just "Stern".
Deux histoires familiales. La première concerne mon second grand père maternel, le second mari de ma grand mère car le père à ma mère est décédé. Il s'agit de Nicolas.
Anecdote concernant mon grand-père et le ME 163 Komet, l'avion-fusée, son histoire est très intéressante. Il a été dans la Luftwaffe. C'est un Malgré-nous c'est à dire un soldat incorporé de force parce qu'il est Mosellan. Il vient de terminer son CAP de mécanicien à la SNCF, il a 17 ans, 1943. Départ pour l'Allemagne, pelle et pioche pour creuser des tranchées autour des villes allemandes bombardées, construction d'abris sommaires préfabriqués pour les populations. Puis un jour il troque sa pelle pour un fusil et part dans une caserne pour son instruction de base. A la fin de cette période assez difficile comme on l'imagine, ils sont tous mis en rang. Les officiers recherchent des techniciens. « Les techniciens un pas en avant, vorwärts march », la moitié pour la Luftwaffe l'autre pour la Kriegsmarine. Ceux qui n'avaient pas de qualification technique direction la Werhmacht et la Russie. Affaire réglée en 10 minutes. École d'aviation où il devient mécanicien d'armement sur Messerschmitt 109 et Focke Wulf 190. Il est noyé dans une masse d'Allemands car ceux-ci n'ont pas confiance dans les Malgré-nous. Il croise le Général Galland sur un terrain ( bien plus tard il se moquera de l'image célèbre où l'on voit Galland avec un cigare aux lèvres dans le cockpit d'un 109. Pure propagande me dira-t-il.) Il fêtera ses 18 ans dans la Luftwaffe alors qu'il est stationné au Danemark. Il me racontera qu'en 1943 la résistance danoise attaquait souvent les bases allemandes et qu'une nuit alors qu’il était de garde avec un pistolet-mitrailleur dans un hangar il faisait très froid et surtout il avait peur de tomber sur des résistants et de se faire égorger. Le vent soufflait et faisait trembler les tôles bref il n'en menait pas large. Dans un moment de panique il a vidé son chargeur au hasard et sur les avions. La garde est rapidement arrivée et il a fallut qu'il explique pourquoi il avait ouvert le feu. Absolument impossible de dire que c'est parce qu’il avait eu la trouille d'autant qu'il y avait des impacts sur les appareils. Alors il a raconté à ses chefs qu'il avait aperçu des intrus et il a même été félicité...
Les ingénieurs de chez Messerschmitt développaient un avion fusée, le ME 163 Komet, à Peenemünde. Cet endroit avait déjà été le lieu de bombardements alliés parce que Werner von Braun et les nazis y construisaient et développaient les fusées V2. Néanmoins c'est là que mon grand père a été convoqué, dans une base complètement isolée. C'est la Gestapo qui l'a accueilli et l'a prit en photo en lui faisant la remarque suivante : s'il évoquait quoi que se soit de son travail ou de ce qu'il verrait, sa famille serait immédiatement déportée. Motus et bouche cousue. Il n’était qu’un simple aviateur, de plus Lorrain, dans un programme ultra-secret allemand et il s'est toujours demandé ce qu’il faisait là mais comme il était loin des différents théâtres d'opérations allemands il n'a pas fait la fine bouche surtout avec la Gestapo qui rôdait. Son travail consistait à armer les deux canons de 30 mm des avions d'essais, qui connaissaient d'ailleurs beaucoup de problèmes de carburant. Dans sa partie c'est à dire l'armement, ça fonctionnait très bien au sol mais à haute altitude les canons s'enrayaient à cause du froid. Deux systèmes étaient testés, l'hydraulique et le pneumatique. L’accélération de cet engin était démoniaque et il se rappelait encore du nom de l’ingénieur-pilote de chez Messerschmitt, moi pas (Opitz) ! Cet homme avait la trentaine mais les traits de son visage étaient déformés par les G et il en paraissait soixante. Nicolas n'a pas terminé les essais du ME 163 et il s'est retrouvé dans une base aérienne au bord d'un lac en Allemagne. Toujours pas sur le front Ouest ni surtout en Russie, plutôt chanceux. Un jour en prenant le train pour récupérer un camion-atelier, il croise sur le quai d'une gare son frère qui est dans la Werhmacht, le dernier Eugène sera incorporé en 1944 mais dans des conditions spéciales et terribles et séjournera dans le célèbre camp russe de Tambow. Ceci est encore une autre histoire familiale.
Bref mon grand père poursuit sa vie de mécanicien. Il me disait qu’il avait eu de la chance car dans la Luftwaffe il y avait peu de nazis c’était plutôt des techniciens du combat aérien mais à partir de 1944 les choses changèrent car il y avait beaucoup de pertes parmi les pilotes allemands. En effet la Luftwaffe ne pratiquait de tours d’opérations comme les alliés, les pilotes étaient constamment sur la brèche. Le petit personnel et même les pilotes se permettaient des remarques et des blagues sur Adolf Hitler. Et puis un jour sont arrivés de très jeunes pilotes issus des Jeunesses Hitlériennes, en une seconde le temps des blagues sur Tonton Adolf était révolu, un coup à se retrouver embarqué par la Gestapo pour défaitisme…
Ces jeunes pilotes avaient très peu de chance de survie, leur formation était trop rapide par faute de carburant et de temps, les aspects tactiques et techniques étaient négligés pour appuyer sur la discipline et l’idéal politique. Au fur et à mesure des décollages, Nicolas voyait de moins en moins de pilotes rentrer. Une hécatombe parmi les jeunes où comme mon grand père me disait : ils n'avaient même pas le permis pour une voiture et ils pilotaient un chasseur. Bref la vie en escadrille en temps de guerre dans la défense du Reich jusqu’au jour où une alerte aérienne résonne. Pris d'un pressentiment il prend les jambes à son cou et ne pénètre pas dans le bunker de protection prévu à cet effet. Ses jambes de vingt ans le propulsent vers une forêt lointaine, il court comme si sa vie en dépendait, ce qui était certainement le cas. Le ciel était noir, réellement noir de bombardiers américains, des box innombrables d'avions. L'enfer sur terre, le sol tremblait dans un bruit d'apocalypse. Après leur passage c’était plutôt la Lune. Que des cratères fumants, plus d'avions, plus de munitions, plus de carburant, plus de pistes, plus de hangars, bref plus rien et beaucoup de ses camarades étaient morts.
Résultats des courses le voilà muté chez les parachutistes qui dépendent à cette époque de la Luftwaffe. Il n'a jamais sauté d'un avion, il a juste perçu un fusil. Direction la Hollande où ça barde. Les camions arrivent à destination en même temps que le contrordre : retour en Allemagne pour défendre Berlin. Oups, Nicolas rigole nettement moins, c'est du suicide. Heureusement il n'y a plus de carburant, toute la troupe reste sur place. Mon grand-père sera capturé par des parachutistes polonais et son retour en France sera rocambolesque mais c'est une autre histoire.
Et voici l'histoire de mon "vrai" grand père Armand. Le père à ma mère qui est décédé alors qu'elle n'avait que 15 ans.
Donc tous mes grands-pères lorrains ont été incorporés de force dans l'armée allemande. Il s'agit de "Malgré-Nous" mosellans qui avaient été obligés de se présenter aux autorités allemandes sous peine de voir leur famille déportée dans un camp de concentration. En effet la Moselle et l'Alsace faisaient à nouveau partie du III Reich. Donc le père à ma mère qui venait de terminer son service militaire dans l'armée française, cavalerie légère, s'est retrouvé comme estafette à moto sur le front russe dans la Werhmacht. Il était pro-communiste, travaillait à la SNCF et détestait l'uniforme qu'il portait ainsi qu'Hitler. Fin 1943 il décide de déserter lors d'une permission. A cette époque les soldats allemands rentraient avec leur arme, en l'occurrence un fusil Mauser 98k et des munitions, car au retour ils ignoraient où se trouverait leur régiment sur une ligne de front très mouvante. A son arrivée son arme était déposée soit à la gendarmerie française, institution que l'occupant avait gardée, soit à la Kommandantur. On tamponnait son Soldbuch, son livret militaire, pour prouver qu'il était bien arrivé. Avant son départ son arme lui était remise et il avait droit à un nouveau coup de tampon. Un fois dans le train mon grand-père se met en civil, glisse le fusil dans un étui de canne à pêche et déserte. Quelques semaines plus tard la Gestapo est à ses trousses. Lors d'une perquisition il échappe de peu à la capture et on l'aurait exécuté sans pitié. Il sont plusieurs déserteurs qui survivent tant bien que mal en se gardant des bandes de SS qui patrouillent pour pendre les lâches, les déserteurs et les résistants. Et puis un jour trois nazis, deux Feldgendarmen et un agent de la Polizeï accompagné d'un chien, se dirigent directement vers leur cachette c'est à dire sous un petit pont du ruisseau la Bibiche près de Metzeresche 57. Il est probable qu'ils ont été dénoncés. Mon grand-père attend que ses poursuivants soient à bonne distance et les tue tous. Les Allemands plein d'arrogance ne s'attendaient certainement pas à une embuscade. Ce jour-là il a également sauvé la vie de ses copains déserteurs et la sienne. Il a gagné sa liberté en se battant. Heureusement l'armée du général Patton a traversé la rivière Moselle peu après. Mon grand-père maternel était sauvé. Ma famille regorge d'histoires concernant la WW2 et elle a beaucoup souffert de l'occupation allemande.
Encore merci à tous ces soldats Alliés et aux résistants qui ont souffert pour notre liberté. Votre souvenir reste gravé dans nos cœurs et nos mémoires. 🇫🇷🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇺🇬🇧
Finally them arrows on war maps started to make sense to me.
lesson about "oleat operation" ... 🙏
If this had been an english film, the Germans would have used the most time heiling...
is that authentic film?
Sure looks like it.
Nope, this film has been digitized. How else would they get it on UA-cam. Not the "authentic film' ...😛
Look at the map at the end, I don't think the enemy would choose such an unfavorable position to attack at the first place. The German troops hold a vantage point (the hill), there is a chance to get flanked from behind the hill and the terrain prevented further break through once the first German line is broken. Instead, I think in real life this might happen with the following fashion:
The Red Army feint attack this company's front, along with a few other fronts to force the German forces in the rear camouflaged as reserve forces out. With the pre-infiltrated observers, the enemy's strength can be evaluated. Then, the major attack (for the red army who lacks tanks and APCs) should happen along the K-L company line. In the forest the Germans would lose the advantage of their mechanized infantry. Once break through, the red army will circle around and support the feint group to attack the German reserve from the rear. The vantage point (the hill) should be taken later at night.
Every exercise will choose a certain scenario and ofcourse real events will deviate from the scenario. But it's impossible to prepare for each and every possible event. So any preparation is better then no preparation at all. The main purpose of the exercise is probably that different units (infantry/artillery/cavalry) are getting used to work together.
I would circle around completely, with the woods behind the advantage of the hill is negligible once captured and you're back on the assault.
Although we don't see the rest of what's behind the lines, heavy mgs, bunkers, artillery, at guns and mortars are missing. There's not a lot of men on that hill which makes me question where the rest are, likely enforcing the other hills around and the low valley. There's should be about three or four mgs around to hold the defence and there's a good chance there's an artillery battalion around for support as well as the handful of spg
They didn't "choose such an unfavorable position to attack at the first place"; they simply broke through in that area.
Interesting cheers
Lieber Ivan , jetzt raucht´s :D 18:47
This is great.
Kein Mensch kein Tier... Ein Panzergrenadier...
4:32 HAHAHAHA The slow head turn to acknowledge the presence of the truck
Haha very true
“See I camouflaged it well, so well in fact that I can barely see it!” Is what he is thinking.
Where can I watch the this video in better definition?
In 1943
@@RasEli03 "44"
Note how wrinkled many of the tunics are? Definitely summer weight/poplin or hbt tunics there....
An era when infantry tactics combined with machine weapons were the special forces,marines,paratroopers or whatever special in the world.Brutal years.
28:10 Flammwerfer, a painful Death.
proper prerp prevents poor performabce
Du habst ein fiebelbuch mit die gwehr
2:00 Corpral Neumann on zee Flammenwurfer....lol....awsome.
crazy times
I tried to Google maps the two cities these panzergrenadiers were trying to defend. One was in Ukraine and the other in czechoslovakia, so I'm guessing this was a fictitious location for the training lesson.
Magnetic mines and gallium shells can blow out the treads
I presume, at the front it isn´t going so well. More hastier and not so good prepared. Speed is urgent nessesary.
But as a Trainingfilm suitable.
Exactly, its nice theory. But in reality, they didn't have fuel, food or air coverage. So they were hiding from enemy planes most of the time.
Do you know when this is filmed?
Jagdpanzer IV was introduced in 1944 so this must have been filmed in 1944/45.
kokopelli0815 That fits, vehicle camouflage didn't become important until the Luftwaffe lost air superiority.
+Draggis92 It was filmed in summer 1944(0:27 minute).
Vehicle and Artillery camouflage become important in WW1 and have nothing to do with air superiority, Spy Planes can Spot your Vehicles, anyway you have Air superiority or not, if there is no friendly fighter Plane there at the right Time...
No circlejerks in the comment section? This is new
This comment hasn't aged well looking at some of the more recent comments
@@D3ADSY now I'm interested in what y'all are talking about..
The translation in the subtitles is partly very incorrect
Was muss der Baumwollzupfer sein Kommentar dazu abgeben
The translation is false though in some places. That's just the first 4 minutes i just watched.
He says "too short" not "too close" at 0:58.
3:25 he says what would in english probably mean "damn" not "the swine missed"
Kolz! Kommse ma her!
Es ist kein Mensch, es ist kein Tier, es ist ein .....
deutscher Panzergrenadier !
Panzergrenadier! 💪🏻
Amazing 😱
Interressting. But to you can't disable the badly translated subtitles
4km from the front is out of party range? They have to extreme info on their opponents available arms.
4km is next to nothing.
Bro. Where I'm from you're *never out of party range!
Were there any German in comments? Who can re translate it from this bad translation?
Ojalá estuviera con subtítulos en español o francés. Así no caso
jesus christ there tactics are better then marines.
is that why they lost to US Army units, who are inferior to Marines? is that why German soldiers of WWI nicknamed US Marines Teufelhunden because of their ferocity and unrelenting aggression on the battlefield? you dont know what youre talking about
+Mautiks german were being overwhelmed but US marines were not.
Well most of the German army on the western front in 1944 were made up of volks grenadier divisions which were basically people who couldn't join the army before, old men and young boys. Also the Americans and British had air supremacy in 1944.
And in Africa the german panzer divisions their were getting barely any supplies dew to their supply convoys getting destroyed.
But nevertheless I think Panzer grenadiers were the best mechanized units at that time period.
btw I was talking about modern day marines in Iraq
+Tsundere Shyvana "it's not like I wanted to get a penta or anything...b...b...Baka!" the germans were lucky that they didnt face off against the Marines a second time. the Japanese are the ones who got skullfucked. its funny that you claim a force who didnt even face off against our shock troops and still lost the war is somehow superior. you can put any bullshit into a book or in film, but the great thing about war is that it never goes down the way you plan it. The US Marines are experts in small unit doctrine. they are fast, aggressive and fight with suicidal tenacity. they have over 230 years of tradition and will be around for a long time. deal with it
+Mautiks The German solders cant called them Teufelhunden this is grammaticaly wrong. The right word is Teufelshunde .
And also German divisions was used against the UDSSR on this time where the invasion was placed.
Marines are the elite of the US Army, so the never fight against a eqaul enemy.
And of course German elite units did faced numerical superior enemies, for example a single company of the 5.SS Panzerdivision-Wiking a whole Soviet division in 1941. (sry for the bad english im from Germany)
Greetings :D
Vim pelo Marcelo.
This tactic does not work in the actual soviet assault. The soviets used shock armies in their breakthroughs which means the Germans will face massive artillery fire, hordes of t34s, penal battalions, red air force, and katyusha rocket fire. The flammgruppe, panzerjager IV, and the panzergrenadiers is long gone.
It was summer 1944 and probably this was filmed before June 1944. My guess is May 1944. Up until that time the Germans, mainly in the south, did a good job holding back the Russians break-throughs, although they were constantly retreating. If the vehicles were Pzjager IV's, they were issued in January 1944 and even by May were rather rare, but extremely effective.
As for this specific attack, this was a low-level affair; my guess is at most a Soviet Infantry Regiment. The Germans had a platoon of Panzer-Jaeger’s supporting an infantry company, so this would be been a localised break-through.
The Panzer Grenadiers were mostly used as a fire bridge to counter-attack or hold against soviet forces which had earlier broken through, so this could have been a localised defensive line against such a major break-through.
The only issue with the video is at that troop density i would not have expected so much artillery fire, unless it was mortars which were being used. As they claimed 4,000 m was safe from enemy fire i suspect it may have all been mortars. I saw a German 8 cm GrW 34 in the video, but of course no Russian mortars.
After June 1944 the story changed a great deal.
@@peterfmodel agreed. this must have been a local defense (quietest sector in the front) and not the main defensive line.. Soviet Penal Battalions were notorious for reconnoitring German lines relentlessly. always looking for weak points, POWs, intel, etc.
Nienburg 94
DER „SCHWARZE BARON“ - Erfolgreichster Panzerkommandant der Welt - oding.org/index.php/poesie-2/poesie/2514-der-schwarze-baron-erfolgreichster-panzerkommandant-der-welt
War is far more messy than this...
translation in english is just wrong XD
Imo this strategy could cause friendly fire
.....only if Americans were using this startegy...lmao!
There using the nazi instead of the traditional military salute this mush have been after the july plot
I was told that pulling the pin from a hand grenade with your teeth was only done in "hollywood", but what about that string from a stick grenade?
These subtitles are among the worst and most wrongly translated ones I have ever seen in over a decade of youtube.
The translation in EN was made by the winner (USA or GreatBritain) after the war. From an xXx (mother tongue english).
4:10 lmao
Unsere Großväter ✋🏻
ah yes, because in airsoft, you'll have artillery and panzer support.
Oberleutnant and not 'Lieutenant' , and it's not 'the swine missed', he said "So ein Mist!", next time maybe don't use Google translate.
I'm pretty sure they didn't
--> Merziger, der Apfelsaft. DEnglisch ist halt zu einfach strukturiert. Die haben versucht, Deutsch zu vereinfachen/kopieren. Enstanden ist DEnglish. Gecheitert sind DIE(!) an der "Gra-ma-tik" (-Gra, tik-ma), am "Der,Die,Das", unzureichender Definitionen und und und... Die "billigsten Produktpiraten" scheitern immer.
When confronted by an army of Russians with tanks and well equipped infantry I would do what King Arthur did with his knights of the round table. As in the movie The Search for the Holy Grail. RUN AWAY RUN AWAY!
3,14 до расы
Propaganda film
they are CONSTANTLY showing the KFZ 251 halftrack when in reality there was literally only *7* per Panzergrenadier division, only in the Recon unit, the Infantry Battalions got none, just Opel blitzes and Unarmored halftracks.
panzergrenadier divisions were not fully "half-tracked" but germany produced more halftracks than any other nation in ww2.
Unarmored ones yes (which were used a lot in the Panzergrenadier divisions alongside the Opel blitzes)
But Armored ones (the ones i'm talking about) no.
They only made 15,000 KFZ 251's (8 tonnes, 10 passangers)
and 6,600 KFZ 250's (6 tonnes, 4 passangers)
for a total of 21,600
The Americans on the otherhand built 50,000 M2, M3 and M5 halftracks
(9 tonnes 10 passengers) during the war, and they were more well designed ulimately aswell.
i know u meant the 251´s and the 251 wasnt the only armored one... anyways the number 7 per divsion is just way to low. let´s say germany had at 1944 around 4000 sdkfz´s, other were lost in combat or attrition. that would mean germany had over 500+ tank-divsions/panzergrenadier-divisions, *if they only had 7 in one division
No, it is not too low, they're was barely any Armored cars and halftrack in there.
watch this video
and Tank Divisions are *NOT* the same as Panzergrenadiers, *THATS* where all the armored half-tracks are, all 3 Infantry regiments in a Panzer division are completely transported by Armored half-track
My dads unit had plenty of 251
Die besser weiter für die kliein kuntz
The Translation is wrong
After counter-attacking, the Germans should have gone straight to Moscow 😁😂
Não estão com vontade de doar os tanques de guerra para a UCRÂNIA 🇺🇦 espulsar os rússos das suas terras então doem para eles pelo menos uma grande quantidade de mísseis de grande performance de destruição para o povo Ucraniano 🇺🇦 si defender dos rússos eu fasso esse pedido para vocêis povo da origem da minha avó German 🔥🔥🇩🇪🔥🔥 ss ass: Isaías do 🇧🇷 apoiando a 🇺🇦 apoiando TAIWAN 🇹🇼 apoiando também índia 🇮🇳
why id the germans assumed that russians will not infiltrate the wooded area first???
Stalin issued order to use raveens and/or ridges where possible...
Jarle Storm 20 millons dead Russians prove you wrong
Way Way more than 20 millions -double that amount Russian did not registered people -just pushed against machine guns and mine field's drunk or sober will make no difrend
I hate all the ideology and philosophy of National-Socialism in Germany, Socialism-Communism in the USSR and any form of socialism. But the german soldiers were great soldiers, second to none, the same with the US Marines, warriors second to none, there is a lot of stupidity in the commentaries.
Also the US Army was a force based in a different philosophy. We make a huge mistake in WW2, our tanks were worse than the german tanks, but our overall strategies and tactics were far better. We, the British, the Canadian and other brave people invaded Normandy, push through France, suffering a terrible defeat in the operation Market Garden, we hold the lines in the battle of the Bulge, there the US Army without air cover defeat the best and the lost forces the germans had, at the same time we were fighting in Italy, and in the Pacific, the invasion in Okinawa was a tremendous effort, the US fought a real world war, across the world in two different places. We had the capacity thanks to our great industrial, economical, technological and the human superiority both in quality and quantity.
And for all the people comparing casualties numbers:
We don't waste manpower, we waste bullets.
You waste words
fucking disgrace
USA burn in Hell you devil, then you went in and raped all the little babies, Germany forever, God with us amen.
US Tanks werent inferior.
Around their combat performance around Arracourt, Multiple of these supposed "Inferior tanks" got the Panthers defeated around 60% of the time. They had a good performance in the Battle of the bulge too winning 80% of the time. The shermans need to have a slightly bigger ammount of tanks to get these statistics though.
@@processtax450 Make up more fake statistics...lol
Mostraban demasiado, el enemigo copiaba todo.👈
I'm guessing, judging from the salutes, this was after the attempt on Hitler's life that resulted in the death of Erwin Rommel.
I thought the same thing, but then I noticed SS insignia on their tunics.