Often, it's less about catching your opponent in the trap, and more about forcing them to avoid interacting with it - but even then, it feels sort of off-brand for Space Wolves: I'd expect that sort of "I *dare* you to come closer," attitude more from Blood Angels or something.
Personally I think it's fine, but if I have those types of strats or abilities I try to always point out the potential use of them when I suspect that the opponent might have forgotten etc, especially if my opponent does the same for me. If my opponent clearly does not play this way however, I answer in kind so to speak.
As a TSons player, I'm just glad we didn't get thrown in the dumpster by ourselves. At least the furries got coal for Christmas too. All according to plan.
You know, as a Space Wolves player, i both love and hate this rivalry, because there are some TSons players who are chill, but there are also a bunch who will cuss you out for having decided that Vikings in power armor are awesome
I actually thought the thousand sons one wasn’t that bad. Maybe at top level comeptitive it doesn’t work but everything below that it’s decent, I’d say it’s as good as the index one now it’s been nerfed and ahrimans been nerfed.
GW really said "save the worst for last", after finally making Champions of Russ playable they drop this pile of shit detachment where you have to work extra hard to make it work like it's launch of 10th CoR
Overall I think grotmas has been a lot of fun, but I agree that it kind of ended on a low note with this detachment. Not the end of the world, but a bit odd.
It's the epitome of "I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed" for me. It took over a full year of 10th Edition for their BASE detachment to be playable, before then you had to use another chapter's rule to be playable and it made them overpowered so people hated playing against it. Now that it's mellowed out you have options but it's just impressive to see GW hasn't learned a damn thing about their mistakes with launch Champions of Russ having to work to get their rules and they did it again with Champions of Fenris
@@arn1345 I feel bad for the Sisters one because they obviously wrote it prior to the rules update that kneecaped Miracle Dice. I think if they had the prior rules the Grotmas department would be middling to decent depending on the list.
@@arn1345i dunno, nurgle daemons probably still have the title of the worst one... at least sisters and tzeentch wont have games where their detachment rule doesnt actually work.
The Great Wolf is Logan Grimnar, not Russ. Funny that a detachment themed to Champions of Fenris (Grimnars great company) still has the Blackmanes icon all over the place and the detachment rule doesn't affect units that Grimnar on Stormrider can join...
Quick note, SW have the Pack Leader in Terminator Armor that can be attached to Blood Claws and Grey Hunters, giving them the Terminator keyword. It's not much but it does make them OC 3
While Adeptus Astartes Terminator units from your army are not Battle‑shocked,add 1 to the Objective Control characteristic of models in those units. Learn to read, sped.
Sorry man but I’m 99% sure that the wording specifies models with the terminator keyword and that means that only the wolf guard model would benefit from the strat.
Calling it now - They’ll use “Eat, drink, and be merry!” In the Emperor’s Children news tomorrow I mean all three of those are exceptionally Emperor’s Children
Not bad but not good, the incentive to use termies is cool, but does not address the problem of them being a mediocre unit right now. No access to +1 to wound and increasing AP also hurts. Overall CoR is just better tbh, much more versatile. Looks like it's still wolf jail or CoR when it comes to playing in a competitive sense, but I could be wrong
GW management: “okay rules Team, tomorrow’s Christmas Eve and we need that Space Wolves detachment. Now, I know it’s 3 minutes to quitting time, but if you guys get this thing to me before you leave today, you can all have tomorrow off. Rules Team 2 minutes later: Champions of Fenris
I play Wolfspear, which are meant to be an infantry focused, fast attack army, but their lore mainly focuses on Phobos units, so that's what I have the most of. It might've been a good Wolfspear style detachment if it wasn't so terminator focused. Guess I'll stick to Vanguard Spearhead. Or because I have a bunch of Phobos librarians, librarius conclave
I do the same thing but made my own chapter because I didn’t know wolf spears were a thing. I 1000% would’ve chosen them had I known. I also would regularly use vanguard before I got addicted to army wide lethal and sustained hits
@@mereal250 if you do decide to ever play them, their paint scheme is kind of hard to find a good tutorial on. The best way I've found is a base of grey seer over black primer, and then a layer of corax white. Tell me about your chapter though? Any fun lore?
@@RedHrodbert likewise! At the very least, Erik Morkai likes them for their similar fighting tactics, so here's hoping he at least gets a good detachment. Also just on the wishlist, Njal Stormcaller in Gravis armor. Would love to field a Gravis Rune Priest
@ Thanks for the tip, and sure yeah, the whole chapter is a meme. They’re the West Khan Wolves, based on a local college mascot that was recently changed to a wolf. My friend who I started the hobby with went there before the change and so he despises the new mascot and color scheme. I had just transferred there and thought it was funny, so because he was helping paint the models at that time I figured it would be even more funny to torture him by forcing him to paint the color scheme and mascot. I have since (found out I quite enjoy the night lords and) written them to pretty much just be a pseudo polish faction cause winged hussar wolf riding space marines sounded very cool, and I had to fit some white scars influence in to make the name check out. I had originally liked raven guard so I had settled on an army style of fast attack with sneaky scouts and support with a heavy emphasis on spears because they’re cool. I wrote an entire lore tome so there’s a bunch of our games that I’ve tried to inscribe as events in chapter history. For example their chapter master was stolen by trazyn the infinite and they have never elected another as they know he still lives. I’ve had to do a lot of shenanigans with the writing to make my friends reluctantly accept it, but they since have as have thusly been inundated with hours of lore. (they listen because I include their models too.) I even added them to the homebrew wiki if you wanna see more. Again I put all this effort into it solely to make my friend seethe with rage at the fact that they’re not only one massive meme at his expense but a fully fleshed out chapter as well that he was forced to help create. Thanks for offering me an opportunity to rant.
Champions of Beer Chugging. Also wow this detachment is pretty sorry. I knew it was going to be hard for any detachment to compete with Righteous Crusaders and Champions of Russ because how do you make one more viable than basically 4 in 1. Also that fall back and shooting would be nice if Terminators didn't suck at shooting or have none.
Tbh thats the same with most of the index factions, they kinda had to shove everything the faction could need to function into it so the grotmas detachment just never stood a chance. After their codex comes out these detachments will prob look much more desirable
Feels oddly fitting that the thing Games Workshop chose to drop on Christmas Eve is a resounding 'meh.' And I was just about to 3D Print a bunch of Space Viking Furries too...
Lethal or sustained strat is broken. Dunno if detachment is worth taking though. At least in gives bonuses to all infantry and walkers, not like the DA one which benefits only deathwing infantry
Totally agree. I feel like the value from the pick up terminators Strat and the lethals or sustained Strat are being heavily slept on. Compared to CoR it does seem weaker, but 2 units of terminators with librarians can put out 40 sustained and lethal shots while covering each other from charges and having 2 OC. Not to mention the venerable dreadnaught granting reroll 1s to hit and wound and being able to cover those squads with the army rule. It’s very interesting.
Not really, you can already flex into sustained / lethals in CoR with a character unit, and I take a lot of characters. Plus the upgraded version of Strats in CoR when a saga is done, which includes Warrior Pride anyway
We had to wait until last (as usual) for THIS?! As soon as I saw that it was just one word off the already-existing detachment, I knew there wasn't going to be much thought put into this. They really just gave us a worse version of our 9th edition army rule...
It’s a fun skew list that throws a lot of the momentum in your court cause your opponent has to play around you. And while it’s not as strong or flexible as the champions of russ it could be fun to try as a termie, dreadnought heavy list
Admittedly, there are a few things I would like to see. Now, I am not expecting to get all of these, but if I did I would be very happy. I'm also not a Chaos player. Even so, I would like to see these things added to ranges to bring more variety. The first one is what I'm expecting to see. The rest I don't think are likely, but I'd love to see them. 1) Fulgrim & the Emperor's Children, including Lucius the Eternal, one or more generic characters, Noise Marines, Phoenix Guard (their elite Terminators), maybe some kind of drugged and tortured monsters/possessed (to take the place of Mutaliths, Eightbound, and drones + blighthaulers ), and a Poxwalker/Tzaangor/Jakhal equivalent. 2) Red Butcher Terminators for World Eaters. 3) Plastic Dreadnoughts, Caladius/Pallas, and Sag. Guard for Adeptus Custodes. 4) Leman Russ or Jag'hatai Khan (A box of White Scars with Jag'hatai vs Emperor's Children with Fulgrim would be dope, but after giving Space Wolves players this cheeky buns detachment they deserve a Primarch)
I honestly dont know what to think here, like at face value its incredibly underwhelming i dont think the whole 3" counter charge thing is going to be that impactful but i just feel like we are missing something, i think theres room to play around and make this deceptively strong im liking the play with pack leader's and the extra oc
The Terminator Squad rule is there to prevent attaching a Wolf Guard Pack Leader in Terminator armor attach to Long Fangs and give the Long Fangs Deep Strike.
If you read the strat description it says a gunship picks them up, so that sounds like it should. Plus it puts them in reserve, it doesn’t give them deep strike like the Deathwatch one. It’s just bad, bad, bad as written
Run your business how you see fit but if you want to not post a video on Christmas day so you can just relax or whatever, I will watch whatever you put out on Boxing Day or the 27th or whenever. Take a break mate. Though I will be listening to some Wolves content from days gone by as I have my Wolves Combat Patrol that I bought for myself and am arbitrariliy keeping as a "Christmas present" to myself. Got a game on Boxing day! Not impressed with the detachment at face value but I'm not wildly experienced with Wolves.
Man this looks like the Champions of Russ detatchment before it was made playable but worse in every single way. Whoever made this rule set should be fired instantly.
The strategems and enhancments are solid, very good overall. The detachment rule is a bit lack luster but we wont really be able to tell until we put it on the tabletop. I think it will be underrated
What's most embarrassing about this detachment? It's 100% themed on Logan Grimnar's Great Company - the Champions of Fenris On the plus side, at least we didn't get The Blackmanes yet again? (...guess GW is saving that for the codex itself? >.< ) Oh well, at least that means there's still a chance we see a detachment for The Firehowlers? My guess would be our codex detachments, if they stay themed on the actual Great Companies, with the 3 likeliest candidates being; 1. The Blackmanes, for Ragnar 2. The Deathwolves, for a Thunderwolf cav & Fenrisian Wolves theme 3. The Drakeslayers (unless Krom gets mercifully sent into Legends!?!) Honestly not impressed at all... would much prefer GW starts looking at some of the long ignored Great Companies and give us instead, The Blackmanes + Firehowlers, OR, Hounds of Morkai + Redmaws (...give us freaking giant half-wolfman Bran Redmaw!!)
For the onrushing storm stratagem, it would work for wolf guard terminators. They have both terminators keyword and wolf guard terminators keyword. Unless im mistaken.
Ya i dont get either. Wolfguard termis have all those keywords so why it would not work? It eould be so dumb and make this already bottom 3 detatchement even worse lol
@@glennschubitzke1116 the keyword that the strategem specifies is Adeptus Astartes Terminator SQUAD… wolf guard have the terminator keyword but only the default codex terminators have the Terminator Squad keyword so rules as written the strategem will only work for them. Which is dumb and personally would assume it’s a typo that’ll get changed eventually.
So it is a really dumb distinction, but it does not work with wolf guard. The "TERMINATOR SQUAD" keyword is one specific to vanilla marine terminators as a keyword, wolf guard terminators do not have it and neither do assault terminators. Because it adds that squad to the end of the keyword it locks out those two units. This was likely done to prevent a pack leader joining a bloodclaw squad and giving them deepstrike but inadvertently made it so that space wolf special units do not benefit from their own detachment strategem.
It definitely feels like an area denial/anti-fall back detachment. Fine for bullying shooting armies, but not really general purpose. Some okay stratagems at least.
the re roll charge rolls is something terminator captains already do so now you can have two units that threaten more reliable charges. That's kinda cool. In general I think this is a decent melee army, more of a 'punish you for attacking' type of army and making terminators able to take and hold points more reliably. But this also means it's on your opponent to either make mistakes, or force the opponent to make difficult descisions(Which usually requires you to be winning and in the commanding position) so it's not great, but we'll see I suppose.
1:38 I don’t think I’ve liked a single name they’ve came up with for these detachments. So many of them just sound so boring or non descriptive in the slightest
As a space wolves player, whos friend is playing thousand sons, I was really hoping for an anti-psyker kind of detachment or some stuff, but this... this just feels lack luster. It feels like little effort or thought was put into this.
Problem with that is that anything so narrowly focused on anti-psyker is going to be awful the majority of the time. It's a big part of why hounds of morkai never see play
I am not a big fan of this, however...it does bring back the excuse to place Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour into sqauds as leaders. Even a Wolf Lord's or Battle Leaders (Leiutenants) could take charge of a large unit of assault/Blood Claws and threaten 3" charges or arrea denial around objectives while wolf scouts and deep stricking Terminators secure secondaries and threarten the enemy backfield. 😊 wins for everyone 🎉🎉🎉😅😅😅😅
This is why we SW players are a different breed haha 😂 we know that we will be the last to receive anything and that it will most likely be crap! 😅😂 At least we will always have Primal Hounds to make our minis exciting if GW will not!
Sadly no, Great Wolf is the chapter master, Russ is the Wolf King, kind of a respect thing like Washington being a 6 star general posthumously to make it so he has no equal in rank.
This detachment is absolute garbage. Not only did they need to fix CoR TWICE before they got it right, but now they've given us another detachment that's shit. All they need to do is just frankly fix everything and you can maybe get a good detachment: 1.) Make it so that they get bonuses to charge (I.E. First Strike) 2.) Make the Sustained/Lethal Hit Strategem apply also to every friendly astartes unit that charged this round 3.) Make the return to reserves strategem apply to any infantry unit You do those 3 things, and you magically have a detachment that isn't good, but I would see the purpose! This was a disgraceful showing by GW, and soured my Christmas spirit. Next time GW can just forget us, because Leman Russ doesn't need to return to this sort of embarrassment.
A lot of the Grotmas stuff comes off a bit underwhelming. It's nice, especially if something strikes a chord narratively and that happens to be your playstyle. It goes back to the old saying "what do you want for free?".
the only cool combos i see with this are making invictors beyyer HoM bodyguards, murderfang becoming even more of a monster, wulfen dread/chaplain with jump pack MW and maybe two blocks of termies with stealth. so not that great against non melee armies
I'm not a fan of reactive play styles especially one that requires your opponent to make mistakes. Feels bad for both sides.
Often, it's less about catching your opponent in the trap, and more about forcing them to avoid interacting with it - but even then, it feels sort of off-brand for Space Wolves: I'd expect that sort of "I *dare* you to come closer," attitude more from Blood Angels or something.
You nailed it. I don’t like this detachment at all
Personally I think it's fine, but if I have those types of strats or abilities I try to always point out the potential use of them when I suspect that the opponent might have forgotten etc, especially if my opponent does the same for me. If my opponent clearly does not play this way however, I answer in kind so to speak.
Don't think of it as them making a mistake. Think of it as an aura of 3" don't stand here.
@@runeh3022 exactly this! This kind of rule is worst when the players are gonna be dicks about it
As a TSons player, I'm just glad we didn't get thrown in the dumpster by ourselves. At least the furries got coal for Christmas too. All according to plan.
As did eldar
You know, as a Space Wolves player, i both love and hate this rivalry, because there are some TSons players who are chill, but there are also a bunch who will cuss you out for having decided that Vikings in power armor are awesome
I actually thought the thousand sons one wasn’t that bad. Maybe at top level comeptitive it doesn’t work but everything below that it’s decent, I’d say it’s as good as the index one now it’s been nerfed and ahrimans been nerfed.
They really had to put us on the same level as you in order to keep it in melee range for the endless feud
@evanfish4505 While you were out sailing the high seas, I studied the blade... okay, no, I just studied.
GW really said "save the worst for last", after finally making Champions of Russ playable they drop this pile of shit detachment where you have to work extra hard to make it work like it's launch of 10th CoR
Overall I think grotmas has been a lot of fun, but I agree that it kind of ended on a low note with this detachment. Not the end of the world, but a bit odd.
It's the epitome of "I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed" for me. It took over a full year of 10th Edition for their BASE detachment to be playable, before then you had to use another chapter's rule to be playable and it made them overpowered so people hated playing against it. Now that it's mellowed out you have options but it's just impressive to see GW hasn't learned a damn thing about their mistakes with launch Champions of Russ having to work to get their rules and they did it again with Champions of Fenris
Tzeentch and Sisters are the only ones that are worse lmao. Actually dogwater, this detachment.
@@arn1345 I feel bad for the Sisters one because they obviously wrote it prior to the rules update that kneecaped Miracle Dice. I think if they had the prior rules the Grotmas department would be middling to decent depending on the list.
@@arn1345i dunno, nurgle daemons probably still have the title of the worst one... at least sisters and tzeentch wont have games where their detachment rule doesnt actually work.
The Great Wolf is Logan Grimnar, not Russ. Funny that a detachment themed to Champions of Fenris (Grimnars great company) still has the Blackmanes icon all over the place and the detachment rule doesn't affect units that Grimnar on Stormrider can join...
It's SO dumb. Any detachment rules that requires your opponent to let you use it is just a steaming pile of crap.
Quick note, SW have the Pack Leader in Terminator Armor that can be attached to Blood Claws and Grey Hunters, giving them the Terminator keyword. It's not much but it does make them OC 3
Need terminator squad keyword only generic has that. Total trash don't defend this garbage
While Adeptus Astartes Terminator units from your army are not Battle‑shocked,add 1 to the Objective Control characteristic of models in those units.
Learn to read, sped.
Sorry man but I’m 99% sure that the wording specifies models with the terminator keyword and that means that only the wolf guard model would benefit from the strat.
This seems scummy. Because it's obvious that they clearly AREN'T terminators. But someone wants the points anyway...
@@beardwierd2783 the strat is trash, you are absolutely correct. I'm just talking about the detachment rule, which only requires Terminator units.
Merry Christmas AT! Hope you have a good one! I dived into miniature wargaming this year and have really enjoyed your content!
Calling it now - They’ll use “Eat, drink, and be merry!” In the Emperor’s Children news tomorrow
I mean all three of those are exceptionally Emperor’s Children
They already used it for world eaters. Eat drink and be furious
Not bad but not good, the incentive to use termies is cool, but does not address the problem of them being a mediocre unit right now. No access to +1 to wound and increasing AP also hurts. Overall CoR is just better tbh, much more versatile. Looks like it's still wolf jail or CoR when it comes to playing in a competitive sense, but I could be wrong
Please don't feel obliged to cover the reveals tomorrow! After the monumental effort of Grotmas, you've earned a break!
GW management: “okay rules Team, tomorrow’s Christmas Eve and we need that Space Wolves detachment. Now, I know it’s 3 minutes to quitting time, but if you guys get this thing to me before you leave today, you can all have tomorrow off.
Rules Team 2 minutes later: Champions of Fenris
I play Wolfspear, which are meant to be an infantry focused, fast attack army, but their lore mainly focuses on Phobos units, so that's what I have the most of. It might've been a good Wolfspear style detachment if it wasn't so terminator focused. Guess I'll stick to Vanguard Spearhead. Or because I have a bunch of Phobos librarians, librarius conclave
I do the same thing but made my own chapter because I didn’t know wolf spears were a thing. I 1000% would’ve chosen them had I known. I also would regularly use vanguard before I got addicted to army wide lethal and sustained hits
Fingers crossed for the codex as they are our main successor that they get a detachment themed on them
@@mereal250 if you do decide to ever play them, their paint scheme is kind of hard to find a good tutorial on. The best way I've found is a base of grey seer over black primer, and then a layer of corax white. Tell me about your chapter though? Any fun lore?
@@RedHrodbert likewise! At the very least, Erik Morkai likes them for their similar fighting tactics, so here's hoping he at least gets a good detachment. Also just on the wishlist, Njal Stormcaller in Gravis armor. Would love to field a Gravis Rune Priest
@ Thanks for the tip, and sure yeah, the whole chapter is a meme. They’re the West Khan Wolves, based on a local college mascot that was recently changed to a wolf. My friend who I started the hobby with went there before the change and so he despises the new mascot and color scheme. I had just transferred there and thought it was funny, so because he was helping paint the models at that time I figured it would be even more funny to torture him by forcing him to paint the color scheme and mascot. I have since (found out I quite enjoy the night lords and) written them to pretty much just be a pseudo polish faction cause winged hussar wolf riding space marines sounded very cool, and I had to fit some white scars influence in to make the name check out. I had originally liked raven guard so I had settled on an army style of fast attack with sneaky scouts and support with a heavy emphasis on spears because they’re cool. I wrote an entire lore tome so there’s a bunch of our games that I’ve tried to inscribe as events in chapter history. For example their chapter master was stolen by trazyn the infinite and they have never elected another as they know he still lives. I’ve had to do a lot of shenanigans with the writing to make my friends reluctantly accept it, but they since have as have thusly been inundated with hours of lore. (they listen because I include their models too.) I even added them to the homebrew wiki if you wanna see more. Again I put all this effort into it solely to make my friend seethe with rage at the fact that they’re not only one massive meme at his expense but a fully fleshed out chapter as well that he was forced to help create. Thanks for offering me an opportunity to rant.
Champions of Beer Chugging.
Also wow this detachment is pretty sorry. I knew it was going to be hard for any detachment to compete with Righteous Crusaders and Champions of Russ because how do you make one more viable than basically 4 in 1. Also that fall back and shooting would be nice if Terminators didn't suck at shooting or have none.
Tbh thats the same with most of the index factions, they kinda had to shove everything the faction could need to function into it so the grotmas detachment just never stood a chance.
After their codex comes out these detachments will prob look much more desirable
Feels oddly fitting that the thing Games Workshop chose to drop on Christmas Eve is a resounding 'meh.' And I was just about to 3D Print a bunch of Space Viking Furries too...
Not great to be honest. The loyalist marine detachments pretty meh overall.
I guess the main codex Librarian one has some decent tricks tho
Honestly I think that one works more as a fluffy blood angels (or blood ravens) detachment than the actual BA one
This detachment is directly themed around the Champions of Fenris great company. So yes, it deserves the name.
Lethal or sustained strat is broken. Dunno if detachment is worth taking though. At least in gives bonuses to all infantry and walkers, not like the DA one which benefits only deathwing infantry
Totally agree. I feel like the value from the pick up terminators Strat and the lethals or sustained Strat are being heavily slept on. Compared to CoR it does seem weaker, but 2 units of terminators with librarians can put out 40 sustained and lethal shots while covering each other from charges and having 2 OC. Not to mention the venerable dreadnaught granting reroll 1s to hit and wound and being able to cover those squads with the army rule. It’s very interesting.
Not really, you can already flex into sustained / lethals in CoR with a character unit, and I take a lot of characters. Plus the upgraded version of Strats in CoR when a saga is done, which includes Warrior Pride anyway
We had to wait until last (as usual) for THIS?! As soon as I saw that it was just one word off the already-existing detachment, I knew there wasn't going to be much thought put into this. They really just gave us a worse version of our 9th edition army rule...
It’s a fun skew list that throws a lot of the momentum in your court cause your opponent has to play around you. And while it’s not as strong or flexible as the champions of russ it could be fun to try as a termie, dreadnought heavy list
Hey man, please go and enjoy the holidays. We love your videos and Space Wolves, but please take some time for yourself ❤️
Don't get me wrong, i don't think its a great detachment. But i feel people are really underselling how good army wide HI actually was in 9th edition.
Admittedly, there are a few things I would like to see. Now, I am not expecting to get all of these, but if I did I would be very happy. I'm also not a Chaos player. Even so, I would like to see these things added to ranges to bring more variety. The first one is what I'm expecting to see. The rest I don't think are likely, but I'd love to see them.
1) Fulgrim & the Emperor's Children, including Lucius the Eternal, one or more generic characters, Noise Marines, Phoenix Guard (their elite Terminators), maybe some kind of drugged and tortured monsters/possessed (to take the place of Mutaliths, Eightbound, and drones + blighthaulers ), and a Poxwalker/Tzaangor/Jakhal equivalent.
2) Red Butcher Terminators for World Eaters.
3) Plastic Dreadnoughts, Caladius/Pallas, and Sag. Guard for Adeptus Custodes.
4) Leman Russ or Jag'hatai Khan (A box of White Scars with Jag'hatai vs Emperor's Children with Fulgrim would be dope, but after giving Space Wolves players this cheeky buns detachment they deserve a Primarch)
I honestly dont know what to think here, like at face value its incredibly underwhelming i dont think the whole 3" counter charge thing is going to be that impactful but i just feel like we are missing something, i think theres room to play around and make this deceptively strong im liking the play with pack leader's and the extra oc
Merry Christmas everyone!
The Terminator Squad rule is there to prevent attaching a Wolf Guard Pack Leader in Terminator armor attach to Long Fangs and give the Long Fangs Deep Strike.
Which is fine, but screwing over Wolfguard termi squads is dumb.
If you read the strat description it says a gunship picks them up, so that sounds like it should.
Plus it puts them in reserve, it doesn’t give them deep strike like the Deathwatch one.
It’s just bad, bad, bad as written
Run your business how you see fit but if you want to not post a video on Christmas day so you can just relax or whatever, I will watch whatever you put out on Boxing Day or the 27th or whenever. Take a break mate.
Though I will be listening to some Wolves content from days gone by as I have my Wolves Combat Patrol that I bought for myself and am arbitrariliy keeping as a "Christmas present" to myself. Got a game on Boxing day!
Not impressed with the detachment at face value but I'm not wildly experienced with Wolves.
Man this looks like the Champions of Russ detatchment before it was made playable but worse in every single way. Whoever made this rule set should be fired instantly.
At least the new system used "KEYWORD" to trigger abilities or counters. But agree, it seems clumsy to call infantry 'champions'.
Last and certainly least of the detachments.
The strategems and enhancments are solid, very good overall. The detachment rule is a bit lack luster but we wont really be able to tell until we put it on the tabletop. I think it will be underrated
Another reason I shouldn't wait for the codex. If this is what they have in store I should probably just wait for 11E
I thought they would copy and paste the Dark Angels one NOT 9th edition
and tomorow we will see if Emperor's Children get a surprise detachment as a present :D
As long as you play for defense, great. If not, half of your units don't get their attacker bonus, which is in most cases absolut useless.
What's most embarrassing about this detachment?
It's 100% themed on Logan Grimnar's Great Company - the Champions of Fenris
On the plus side, at least we didn't get The Blackmanes yet again? (...guess GW is saving that for the codex itself? >.< )
Oh well, at least that means there's still a chance we see a detachment for The Firehowlers?
My guess would be our codex detachments, if they stay themed on the actual Great Companies, with the 3 likeliest candidates being;
1. The Blackmanes, for Ragnar
2. The Deathwolves, for a Thunderwolf cav & Fenrisian Wolves theme
3. The Drakeslayers (unless Krom gets mercifully sent into Legends!?!)
Honestly not impressed at all... would much prefer GW starts looking at some of the long ignored Great Companies and give us instead, The Blackmanes + Firehowlers, OR, Hounds of Morkai + Redmaws (...give us freaking giant half-wolfman Bran Redmaw!!)
Hey Auspex, in light of the recent Outrider changes, do you think the new DA detachment can be any good?
For the onrushing storm stratagem, it would work for wolf guard terminators. They have both terminators keyword and wolf guard terminators keyword.
Unless im mistaken.
Ya i dont get either. Wolfguard termis have all those keywords so why it would not work? It eould be so dumb and make this already bottom 3 detatchement even worse lol
@@glennschubitzke1116 the keyword that the strategem specifies is Adeptus Astartes Terminator SQUAD… wolf guard have the terminator keyword but only the default codex terminators have the Terminator Squad keyword so rules as written the strategem will only work for them. Which is dumb and personally would assume it’s a typo that’ll get changed eventually.
So it is a really dumb distinction, but it does not work with wolf guard. The "TERMINATOR SQUAD" keyword is one specific to vanilla marine terminators as a keyword, wolf guard terminators do not have it and neither do assault terminators. Because it adds that squad to the end of the keyword it locks out those two units. This was likely done to prevent a pack leader joining a bloodclaw squad and giving them deepstrike but inadvertently made it so that space wolf special units do not benefit from their own detachment strategem.
@fenrirhelvetr7479 damn thats terrible then :( oh well. Tx for the info :)
But are there two wolves inside of them?
well it's time to put 3 wulfen dreadnought and 3 brutalis dreadnought and 3 x 10 jump pack inter.
Space Wolves don't trust teleporters
Me, a custodes player: "first time?"
It definitely feels like an area denial/anti-fall back detachment. Fine for bullying shooting armies, but not really general purpose. Some okay stratagems at least.
the re roll charge rolls is something terminator captains already do so now you can have two units that threaten more reliable charges. That's kinda cool.
In general I think this is a decent melee army, more of a 'punish you for attacking' type of army and making terminators able to take and hold points more reliably. But this also means it's on your opponent to either make mistakes, or force the opponent to make difficult descisions(Which usually requires you to be winning and in the commanding position) so it's not great, but we'll see I suppose.
1:38 I don’t think I’ve liked a single name they’ve came up with for these detachments. So many of them just sound so boring or non descriptive in the slightest
Yeah they said that they saved the last detachment for the goodest boys… I don’t think that coal is ment for the goodest of boys…
As far as I’m concerned, this detachment doesn’t exist.
🐺 first wolf head
There's no flavour
As a space wolves player, whos friend is playing thousand sons, I was really hoping for an anti-psyker kind of detachment or some stuff, but this... this just feels lack luster. It feels like little effort or thought was put into this.
Problem with that is that anything so narrowly focused on anti-psyker is going to be awful the majority of the time. It's a big part of why hounds of morkai never see play
I simply wanted a Fenrisian Wolves and cavalry themed detachment
@@Kalemvir1 I would suggest storm lance detachment, I'm going to use it next match as champions is good but not the best atm in my experience.
@@Scion_40k A very fair point.
We all know Fulgrim is coming tomorrow in all his glory
God I hope!!!! Would be happy with seeing some noise marines tbh
So GW has completely made current SW terminators into what Deathwing terminators used to be. The design team is just a family of squirrels
So finally GW put Wolves on Space Wolves, huh?
There are no wolves on Fenris.
Hmmm... No die of embarrassment stratagem?
I am not a big fan of this, however...it does bring back the excuse to place Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour into sqauds as leaders. Even a Wolf Lord's or Battle Leaders (Leiutenants) could take charge of a large unit of assault/Blood Claws and threaten 3" charges or arrea denial around objectives while wolf scouts and deep stricking Terminators secure secondaries and threarten the enemy backfield. 😊 wins for everyone 🎉🎉🎉😅😅😅😅
Name should have been, "Mediocre Infantry on Ice."
This is why we SW players are a different breed haha 😂 we know that we will be the last to receive anything and that it will most likely be crap! 😅😂 At least we will always have Primal Hounds to make our minis exciting if GW will not!
Worst detachement rules released in the grotmas selection box by a country mile!
>great wolf is watching.
The Great Wolf is the title given to the Chapter Master as well.
Sadly no, Great Wolf is the chapter master, Russ is the Wolf King, kind of a respect thing like Washington being a 6 star general posthumously to make it so he has no equal in rank.
This is a really lame detachment. They saved the worst for last.
Silliest Chapter in 40K.
Exactly why I chose them.
I guess that makes it a furry special Christmas after all...
I would reqlly like it if GW would stop giving the job of writing SW rules to someone who clearly hates the army.
This detachment is absolute garbage. Not only did they need to fix CoR TWICE before they got it right, but now they've given us another detachment that's shit. All they need to do is just frankly fix everything and you can maybe get a good detachment:
1.) Make it so that they get bonuses to charge (I.E. First Strike)
2.) Make the Sustained/Lethal Hit Strategem apply also to every friendly astartes unit that charged this round
3.) Make the return to reserves strategem apply to any infantry unit
You do those 3 things, and you magically have a detachment that isn't good, but I would see the purpose!
This was a disgraceful showing by GW, and soured my Christmas spirit. Next time GW can just forget us, because Leman Russ doesn't need to return to this sort of embarrassment.
Alternatively, change the detachment rule to 6” for everyone, and change the 6” enhancement to something else.
Add a comment...😂
Save you 15 minutes. ITS CRAP
A lot of the Grotmas stuff comes off a bit underwhelming. It's nice, especially if something strikes a chord narratively and that happens to be your playstyle. It goes back to the old saying "what do you want for free?".
I want to be excited about this one but I can’t it’s trash
the only cool combos i see with this are making invictors beyyer HoM bodyguards, murderfang becoming even more of a monster, wulfen dread/chaplain with jump pack MW and maybe two blocks of termies with stealth. so not that great against non melee armies
This is abject garbage. GW should get a Guiness wirld record for shitting the bed.
Thanks for nothing gw
Any day the Space Wolves take an L is a good day for me
This detachment is insanely strong if you spec for it and play it well. It's techy and hits hard. Exactly my playstyle.
Honestly feels like an afterthought. Even the name itself is massively uninspired.