I LOVE AD AHRI BUILDS AND YOUR VIDEOS there's an issue with this playstyle tho. not taking ultimate hunter means your ult cd will be WAY too high. and maxing Q 2nd actually helps with waveclear a lot along with statikk shiv can try ult hunter and maxing Q 2nd instead. but otherwise AD Ahri is really fun WOOOOOO
Thanks for spreading bile, violate top lane more. I.e. I am an Urgot main and I'm spiteful with 350 range recieving full ranged nerfes on dedicated items because of your kind.
Ahri immediately replaced Leblanc after she got nerfed straight through the floor, high elo top laners were already facing Ahri top until Hullbreaker got nerfed. The current new meta build is really weird and it won't be surprising if Leblanc top gets picked up again since the build for late game is full AP now instead of buying Hull. Current build is Statikk Shiv and Tri Force core into Shojin/Zhonya/Rabadon/RFC/Void Staff dependent on the enemy team comp, there's also the Iceborn into Demonic and Abyssal Mask build that's catching more steam compared to Tri Force because you do good damage while also being hella tanky AND annoying.
Wait till you see the Iceborn Ahri build that is catching more attention, I entered a GM game(EUW) into it and my top laner mentally snapped facing the Ahri because he was kited like a wheelchair bound vegetable.
even irelking knows that early phase irelia is pretty trash; any enemy that lets the irelia get a free full passive early by not getting/forcing early prio is just simply a bot
It's similar logic to LeBlanc: ADC has two weaknesses in being squishy and not having good CC (which they rely on support for). Mages like Ahri have good dashes to mitigate their frailty and also have reliable CC.
"Counter: .... Malphite" Idk bro, unlike a Jayce or Quinn, Ahri can just see that you are going Malphite on champ select and just swap to AP build. Malphite gonna be rekt.
I wouldnt say excactly rekt. A bit annoying for malphite maybe. Youre still playing burst mage into a tank. And usually you want your top lane to draw pressure either in teamfights or sidelanes which malphite can do better than ap ahri.
@@Bobster536 Ahri can't really burst anyone, let alone tank Malphite. Also the problem comes from Malph's laning phase, he doesn't interact with anyone and just Q comet your face. Ahri's squishy and would only take a few rocks to send her home.
he doesn't need to, ahri's second half of Q is true damage anyways. You can(as malphite) q her to death. You got slow + speed at your q she can not fight back. If she uses ult, she basically inted. Now she can not escape you after eating R-rock into her face. You will have more burst than she does :D@@PaladineAvenger1
Some year ago i played jax into regular ap ahri in top and it felt quite impossible. Not enough damage to deal with her pre 6, and after that every engage attempt can easily end with her ulting and leaving no room to fight back.
actually i saw someone do jg seraphine, early clear is a nightmare but after u get ur items her ganks are a nightmare. she just gets to lane and ults while her teammates cleanup, nasty.@@micaheiber1419
Feels like you could accomplish the same thing by building statikk first and then transitioning into a normal ahri build so that you're more useful for the rest of the game. This is more of a top playstyle than a top build.
i actually do this, hybrid ap/ad ahri build. i build the ad item first then go into ludens. the burst is insane and when i do run out of mana i can just fall back into my autos.
Its funny how a lot of my dumb ideas from years back are now becoming the meta xD. My friends laughed at me when i tried AD LB and AD ahri or morgana long time ago, like 7 years ago or something, and look at this xD
AD ahri and lb has been a thing since season 5 or probably older if i remember. However the reason it works so well in top lane is because it's the weakest lane holding stuff like tanks or juggernauts and finally bruisers, tanks and juggernauts are easily kiteable since being a ranged champion is a huge advantage in itself if you have a brain and can space, while bruisers mobility is spell based so high mobility champions can easily counter most melees that aint stuff like riven or yas and yone etc.
It doesnt "work so well". If It did, way more people would be abusing it. It just can work. Especially when ppl dont know how to play against it and take wrong runes.
All this stuff was normal back in the day, then riot enforced meta and changed items around so builds like this are super rare. I remember full tank katarina where most of your damage was from sunfire cape lmao
A really easy fix could be that, like most things that would help a ton, would be to implement certain items to have 'X for melee, Y for ranged' properties. I don't know why, when Mythics began and Yasuo and Yone were the ones abusing Shieldbow, they didn't just make it so that melee users got less shielding and lifesteal from it so that ranged users could still benefit from it as a whole. I know it cuts down build diversity, but instead of nerfing an item as a whole, they could pull the ol' Hullbreaker where ranged users benefit less from it than melee.
@@verythreatening238 how about the stats? Cause mythics are kinda op in some cases, like tri force even before they buffed the item is good for ad sheen users like gp and ezreal, idk why people crying about the item being ass. Or ghostblade giving extra lethality for no reason
Quite the opposite, they had to buff shieldbow specifically for melee champs because Yas and Yone got gutted when they nerfed it during the Vayne/Ashe shieldbow meta. I can't think of a single case where they made an item weaker for melee than for ranged, because that would be make no sense, ranged champs can always abuse the same stats harder. Classic silver player thinking Yas/Yone are incredibly op when the reality is that Vayne was like 54% winrate with pre-nerf mythic shieldbow and Yas hit like 46% winrate after they nerfed it.
@@aprofessionalateverything7585 yasuo is fine but yone is op. He has ad, ap, and true damage in his kit. Can build lifesteal, attack speed, on hit and will still be useful
Now this was my unlucky match when I was playing Sett. Funny I didn’t lose, we lose because my mid Akali let her mid Yasou roam free too and not, that’s what got me behind.
This is where league should be, characters shouldnt be tied based on AD or AP, I think itemization and runes should allow them to transform into a completely new type of character.
League did was used to be known to build anything and still have fun, now it's only fun if you had been carried. Now everyone that's not an AA champ has very low base attack speed and very low per level atkspeed, their AA animation is also dragged out longer. To add more, everyone has a scaling for attackspeed items, like if u get Nashors, others will only get like 40 cause of the attackspeed scaling stat. Crit Alistar used to be a thing back then, suits a guy with big muscles does high AA damage, now his AA animation is too slow even with Atkspeed items to work.
It used to be that way until it was changed in like S3. S1~2 League was completely different. Look at the old rune system and things people used many different builds that didn't normally work with a champion
Why not just rush Nashors? You get the same benefit as doing damage with autos while still stacking AP so your abilities can still deal damage. You could still even build Statikk Shiv since it scales from AP, so you would actually deal more damage with that item.
hybrid ahri is so cracked imo. u get self peel with charm and a gazillion dashes, and if u run out of mana u can always fall back on ur autos. should be illegal tbh. got 11 kills my first try lol
Honestly it looks like it will fail to anybody building armor. Since you have no armor penetration from statik shiv and trinity force... which are pretty much required to build 1st and 2nd
A comunidade vendo high elo fazendo algo inusitado com o champ nem se compara com as análises que nossos ytubers fazem no ferro e bronze kkkkk, até hj morro de rir da análise do Keio sobre o Kayn do ferro kkk
Can anyone please explain what is the point of not taking q at all? Are those grains of CD per w really more important than the extra waveclear and 100 damage to the combo if just do it lvl 1?
Kinda surprised people has troubles with that (though it's surely a problem). Like nobody has ever met dashy ranged top opponent. "Oh no, hullbraker, yadda yadda" - build one. It's no less broken on your champ, even if it's Yummi (exaggeration, suppose you get the idea).
@@PaladineAvenger1, man, half of top lane is dashfest. And half of ranged top picks are dashy, has true damage, self peel, etc. in various combinations. I thought it's pretty basic for high elo to deal with ranged picks... No? Some of them can splitpush quite well too. Some doesn't need it. Some just scale as safely as possible and then delete you and all your family, etc. To set it clear - for sure shown stuff is cringe. I am, as Urgot main, especially dread it, since I'm sure nerfs to items will come, and my crab boi will recieve them fully, despite being an intended user of items, not abuser. But... Like top lane has never seen shit. Lulu crit, Janna 2nd jg, ol' classic Vayne, mid control mages, list go on. Yet it happens to be a precedent. For me it's strange.
It appears ahris W and Ult are doing most the dmg earlyish game. From what I'm seeing here the real problem is Ahris base dmg is too high. That enables her to build this way where it gets crazy later.
your far off. Its so good bc most melees top cant ever catch a ahri or leblanc, mixed damage, dumb easy playstyle to guarantee leads and dumb items like hullbreaker that will prevent you for a looong time to ever do seomthing 1v1. Most tops would straight up win if both are 6 items - Cuz ad leb / ahri isnt really a strong build, just disgusting for snowballing. Even when the bruiser is stronger later tehy can always escape.. and this game all resolves around pushing waves prio snowballing etc. Its pure cheese and actually toxic to excist Just like Varus tank top that oneshots you. Ranged champions in toplane generally are fkd up for most melees. Having champs that have more dashes tahn you, mixed damage and cc - playwise this kit is jsut toxic in top. If you have counterpick I would probably go champs that do well into range or a simply midlaner in top^^
This might sound crazy but hear me out! I think it's a skill shot tax, since a character is balanced for having some skillshot abilities, other departments are good, Ezreal was mostly a mage / enchanter(pre-pre-pre-pre-reworked W) back in the day, And do I need to mention Tristana had all magic damage abilities with only AP ratios? Kayle was also like a TF that can spam spells and a point&click target slow and somewhat OK heal. I might had missed others but these are some of the champs that had evolved toward how people often play them, irony to their kit. I may risk summoning the ire of the fanboys saying this but there's nothing too unique about Ahri's kit except her Charm.
How can top lane be usefull , full of counter picks , vayne varus and ahri . when you cant even fight back in half of matches how is top lane usefull .
I've seen my fair share of AD on-hit Ahri and considering it works in mid as well as in top, the only conclusion that can be reached is that AP Ahri is simply not good enough. That is because AP in general just feels weak, and it has been for a while - no one can hypercarry from an AP slot sans Gwen who gets 88% of her damage from her unblockable Q True Damage. AD Ahri solves the champ's issues - taking advantage of her above average attack speed for a Mage to safely use basics from range against melees, utilizing W's prioritization mechanic with basic attacks more seamlessly, and just being the best at abusing Statikk and Triforce's movement speed steroids to make her literally the perfect champ: Tanky, fantastic damage, has DPS and burst as opposed to only having the latter, and infinite dashes which Riven deeply envies, considering Ahri enjoys immense movement speed that Riven can never have access to.
b4 i watch the video im gonna say the build includes stormazor and hullbreaker, ill see if im right well i was wrong but i t does use stormrazor so im 50% right
i mean...it makes sense, you have multiple dashes that can resent per kill, movement speed boost with low cool down, a heal, and a fucking charm, its so stupid but it really fucking works dear god its ridiculous
Bruh I legit started playing it last week because I wanted to try if it's still viable (played it back when Q was giving movement speed buff), was proud I came up with it again. Now turns out I'm far from first one to really go for it : (
After "Ryze" adjust, Statikk still a broken item that even any long range champ could use and still work, just give us old Statikk Riot (Yes i use Ryze as adjective)
If a pro player could pick up top AD Ahri in worlds that would probably be one of the most game defining league esports moments. I think it’s really strong and has all the tools to play against top laners and in the top lane, and even in high level coordination. I think it’s just up to the player themselves to practice it and the organization allowing it.
@@leprosy9894 i don’t think that aspect is inherently true, frontline. i think it’s just bc it’s a whole other playstyle that changes how the rest of your own team would play and it wouldn’t be smart to play something super new UNLESS the team organization wants them too. Top Ahri can still frontline really hard, can basically do more, it’s just a ranged top laner. different and new playstyles do require different and new things, and it’s not a massive difference playing darius and garen top than preferred other top champs like ksante who are tanks rather than bruiser. in pro play, it slightly changes the game plan, so as a ranged top or ahri top i think the key is practice, live performance (pressure), and resilience of the team and players.
Take a moment to ponder why those squishy ranged top laner players in Master/Grandmaster didn't make it into pro play or even Challenger if top AD Ahri, Quinn, Vayne... are so good. The answer is simple. Players there know how to counter ranged tops. They've tried, mastered and countered that playstyle long before you and me know about it through this video. Look at how Master+ rank players like Naayil, Spear Shot, xPetu, Keegun... play against ranged top laners.
I love playing ap champs as ad ive been playing akali top with sunderer/(iceborne /frostborne whatever the fuck its called now) and build hull titanic. With my sunderer + passive auto i have plenty of damage and counterplay to tanks and well as sustain
Now that I stopped playing league, I can't believe thos has become a thing now, I used to get flamed a lot of playing ahri top ended up carrying them, Who would've thought. Anyway aside from ahri top try support nunu with smite and fck them enemy jungle
there's an issue with this playstyle tho. not taking ultimate hunter means your ult cd will be WAY too high. and maxing Q 2nd actually helps with waveclear a lot along with statikk shiv
can try ult hunter and maxing Q 2nd instead. but otherwise AD Ahri is really fun WOOOOOO
bobqin stop cooking pls 😢 i can only play 2 champs and Ahri is one of them
1.2s of cc from lv1 e is too short for a top lane fight
Thanks for spreading bile, violate top lane more.
I.e. I am an Urgot main and I'm spiteful with 350 range recieving full ranged nerfes on dedicated items because of your kind.
Oh I love your leblanc !!
Thank you for tips :>
Bob ur sick srsly
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"- said top laners knowing they will face way more Top AD Ahri players thanks to this video.
Fuck top lane - Riot games probably.
Tbf Bob alr kinda did that
Ahri immediately replaced Leblanc after she got nerfed straight through the floor, high elo top laners were already facing Ahri top until Hullbreaker got nerfed. The current new meta build is really weird and it won't be surprising if Leblanc top gets picked up again since the build for late game is full AP now instead of buying Hull. Current build is Statikk Shiv and Tri Force core into Shojin/Zhonya/Rabadon/RFC/Void Staff dependent on the enemy team comp, there's also the Iceborn into Demonic and Abyssal Mask build that's catching more steam compared to Tri Force because you do good damage while also being hella tanky AND annoying.
so? ez troll pick
ranged xd RANGED xd RANGED xddddd ranged XDDDDD character that can auto you from far away XDDDDD
Wait till you see the Iceborn Ahri build that is catching more attention, I entered a GM game(EUW) into it and my top laner mentally snapped facing the Ahri because he was kited like a wheelchair bound vegetable.
Like a wheelchair bound vegetable LMAOOO
Vocabulary is astounding
That phrase... perhaps you are one of my lost people?
do you have the opgg of that player you faced?
i cant find any resources on this
Bobquin really spreading joy to the whole community
spreading cancer
fucking bobby been doing it for months and now is spreading everywhere.
Joy is a strong word
Yeah. Enemie top is annoyed and your own team too because her wr top is like 45% emerald+.
"Counters: Irelia" *2 minutes of the video is Ahri not letting Irelia play the game*
also the Triforce as mythic, and shows a ton of players with Navori
Literally my thoughts
That's a level one Irelia everyone does that. And for the tower dive, that's just player diff.
even irelking knows that early phase irelia is pretty trash; any enemy that lets the irelia get a free full passive early by not getting/forcing early prio is just simply a bot
Iron comment
It's similar logic to LeBlanc: ADC has two weaknesses in being squishy and not having good CC (which they rely on support for). Mages like Ahri have good dashes to mitigate their frailty and also have reliable CC.
"Counter: .... Malphite"
Idk bro, unlike a Jayce or Quinn, Ahri can just see that you are going Malphite on champ select and just swap to AP build. Malphite gonna be rekt.
I wouldnt say excactly rekt. A bit annoying for malphite maybe. Youre still playing burst mage into a tank. And usually you want your top lane to draw pressure either in teamfights or sidelanes which malphite can do better than ap ahri.
but then you are playing ap ahri top lane, inting the game lol
@@Bobster536 Ahri can't really burst anyone, let alone tank Malphite. Also the problem comes from Malph's laning phase, he doesn't interact with anyone and just Q comet your face. Ahri's squishy and would only take a few rocks to send her home.
@@Bobster536 malphite doesnt like to build mr though, cause he will do a much less damage than usual
he doesn't need to, ahri's second half of Q is true damage anyways. You can(as malphite) q her to death. You got slow + speed at your q she can not fight back. If she uses ult, she basically inted. Now she can not escape you after eating R-rock into her face. You will have more burst than she does :D@@PaladineAvenger1
Was already doing this since bobqin started it after Leblanc. It's surprisingly good
Some year ago i played jax into regular ap ahri in top and it felt quite impossible. Not enough damage to deal with her pre 6, and after that every engage attempt can easily end with her ulting and leaving no room to fight back.
even brand top lane can counter shit tons of melee champion
actually i saw someone do jg seraphine, early clear is a nightmare but after u get ur items her ganks are a nightmare. she just gets to lane and ults while her teammates cleanup, nasty.@@micaheiber1419
Nice video I like the intro section with the animations betwen. Shout out to the 76% WR masters ahri.
Feels like you could accomplish the same thing by building statikk first and then transitioning into a normal ahri build so that you're more useful for the rest of the game. This is more of a top playstyle than a top build.
bobqin made trinity hullbreaker statik then ap
i actually do this, hybrid ap/ad ahri build. i build the ad item first then go into ludens. the burst is insane and when i do run out of mana i can just fall back into my autos.
Another counter: all these champs that use the perfectly balanced item known as hullbreaker :^)
Stattiks broke it because of the waveclear. Fixed all weaknesses with the ad lb and ahri build.
Ahri can build hullbreaker too XD
Hullbreaker should not be buildable on ranged champs
I swear If I see another ranged statikk+hullbreaker in the top lane I'ma kms
incoming rammus in solo queue
hullbreaker is balanced, for melee.. broken for ranged
Its funny how a lot of my dumb ideas from years back are now becoming the meta xD. My friends laughed at me when i tried AD LB and AD ahri or morgana long time ago, like 7 years ago or something, and look at this xD
I really wonder what is the spaghetti code behind that void taking 2000 true damage at 5.54
had enemy ad ahri top into malphite when her team was full ad. Ty dobby
AD ahri and lb has been a thing since season 5 or probably older if i remember. However the reason it works so well in top lane is because it's the weakest lane holding stuff like tanks or juggernauts and finally bruisers, tanks and juggernauts are easily kiteable since being a ranged champion is a huge advantage in itself if you have a brain and can space, while bruisers mobility is spell based so high mobility champions can easily counter most melees that aint stuff like riven or yas and yone etc.
"Top lane is the weakest lane when you don't count some of the strongest champions in the game" - Actual muppet
@@xxRiseatdawNxx You're a muppet? Or are you just some silly silver player crying because they got one shot by riots favorite champions.
It doesnt "work so well". If It did, way more people would be abusing it. It just can work. Especially when ppl dont know how to play against it and take wrong runes.
ah yes the bobqin special
finding items in league that are just so over-buffed that you can build them on anyone
All this stuff was normal back in the day, then riot enforced meta and changed items around so builds like this are super rare. I remember full tank katarina where most of your damage was from sunfire cape lmao
Building katarina to be tanky is pretty good now
Current katevolved build is sunfire,heartsteel titanic hydra and stuff. literally full tank kata being 15 2 every game
As someone who does this since season 5, I felt like being found out red handed
It's exceptionally strong right now due to MS buff on W
Really reminds old Irelia in some way, but ranged =)
"Respectable ranged top pick". If only there was such a thing.
Would love to mentioned that Stanley played Manamune + TriForce/DS like yrs ago, or once a yr, he love trying different things
A really easy fix could be that, like most things that would help a ton, would be to implement certain items to have 'X for melee, Y for ranged' properties. I don't know why, when Mythics began and Yasuo and Yone were the ones abusing Shieldbow, they didn't just make it so that melee users got less shielding and lifesteal from it so that ranged users could still benefit from it as a whole.
I know it cuts down build diversity, but instead of nerfing an item as a whole, they could pull the ol' Hullbreaker where ranged users benefit less from it than melee.
relax bro they are removing mythics anyway, fucking finally
@@verythreatening238 how about the stats? Cause mythics are kinda op in some cases, like tri force even before they buffed the item is good for ad sheen users like gp and ezreal, idk why people crying about the item being ass. Or ghostblade giving extra lethality for no reason
Quite the opposite, they had to buff shieldbow specifically for melee champs because Yas and Yone got gutted when they nerfed it during the Vayne/Ashe shieldbow meta. I can't think of a single case where they made an item weaker for melee than for ranged, because that would be make no sense, ranged champs can always abuse the same stats harder. Classic silver player thinking Yas/Yone are incredibly op when the reality is that Vayne was like 54% winrate with pre-nerf mythic shieldbow and Yas hit like 46% winrate after they nerfed it.
@@aprofessionalateverything7585 yasuo is fine but yone is op. He has ad, ap, and true damage in his kit. Can build lifesteal, attack speed, on hit and will still be useful
@@aprofessionalateverything7585 pretty sure vayne dropped as well after shieldbow nerf. What kinda logic is that OMEGALUL
what to build after the first three items? ap? more ad?
what items do u go after the three core of shiv, triforce and stomrazor?
Ad Leblanc: Im going to bully everyone.
Ad Ahri: Are you sure about that? :trollface:
Lil bro bobqin cooked and deliciously
Im assuming you go overheal into heavy all in champs or comps? Seeing that ahri was sometimes taking overheal > pom into matchups like irelia?
i was already doing crit ahri top, but this one seems more fun
It’s interesting that this style of play looks VERY similar to how I play Ahri in Wild Rift…
I tried it and it actually works really well!
I would actually still max Q because you need the wave clear
Megaatron is a BR GrandMaster and OTP Ahri Adc
Has a dude in Brazil who plays ad ahri for seasons...
Now this was my unlucky match when I was playing Sett.
Funny I didn’t lose, we lose because my mid Akali let her mid Yasou roam free too and not, that’s what got me behind.
Wouldn’t this work with normal ap ahri but with nashor’s tooth
Is malphite a counter if all you have to do is change your build to a regular Ahri in champ select?
Jax honest reaction: 🗿🗿🗿
This is where league should be, characters shouldnt be tied based on AD or AP, I think itemization and runes should allow them to transform into a completely new type of character.
League did was used to be known to build anything and still have fun, now it's only fun if you had been carried.
Now everyone that's not an AA champ has very low base attack speed and very low per level atkspeed, their AA animation is also dragged out longer. To add more, everyone has a scaling for attackspeed items, like if u get Nashors, others will only get like 40 cause of the attackspeed scaling stat.
Crit Alistar used to be a thing back then, suits a guy with big muscles does high AA damage, now his AA animation is too slow even with Atkspeed items to work.
I miss my early season ASPD Cho'Gath. 😂😂 The spike was a passive skill back then.
It used to be that way until it was changed in like S3. S1~2 League was completely different. Look at the old rune system and things people used many different builds that didn't normally work with a champion
do u think this will apply in Wild Rift too?
Ive played AD Ahri bot a few years ago. Everyone called me crazy.
ikrrrr broooo
any ranged top will work if you are against a melee champ
I tried on normal game, and it's .... AMAZING XD ! It works really well !
a full build exemple?
Why not just rush Nashors? You get the same benefit as doing damage with autos while still stacking AP so your abilities can still deal damage. You could still even build Statikk Shiv since it scales from AP, so you would actually deal more damage with that item.
Because sheen and nashors are a bad thing you could say that lich bane exists but trinity gives bonus AD per stack
hybrid ahri is so cracked imo. u get self peel with charm and a gazillion dashes, and if u run out of mana u can always fall back on ur autos. should be illegal tbh. got 11 kills my first try lol
The only time Ahri really maxed Q was on S5 or S4 or something. She has always been W Max because of the nerfs on Q in mid Season 5.
Insane and makes sense gg, diana top ??
AD Ahri has been a thing since Season 5 as a Kassadin counter though
9:42 there's now way that fully fed kaisa lose to a 1/5 ad ahri top. who found this build??
kaisa is at half hp and doesnt have her ult obviously
@@PaladineAvenger1 fair enough. But still you can't get melted by 1/5 ahri ad top who's severely behind in items 😭
@@jaynnwillver5675 almost as if ad items are op and they both have 2 items + the above said
@@misscharm6844 that's what im saying. Like ad items are op so why couldn't the AD CARRY melt the ahri instead
what skin is in the first min of this video?
Honestly it looks like it will fail to anybody building armor. Since you have no armor penetration from statik shiv and trinity force... which are pretty much required to build 1st and 2nd
is she works after the nerfs?
Which skin is the thumbnail ?
kda ahri prestige i believe
Anything goes when your E is as long as Morgana's Q.
megatron visionário tava 10 anos a frente
megatronn já lançava esse meta na bot lane do diamante no servidor brasileiro.
A comunidade vendo high elo fazendo algo inusitado com o champ nem se compara com as análises que nossos ytubers fazem no ferro e bronze kkkkk, até hj morro de rir da análise do Keio sobre o Kayn do ferro kkk
that's a lie, whoever invented ahri ad was the megatron of the Brazilian server
Played 2 games of ranked doing this without warmup and stomped both :/ felt pretty strong to me. Not sure if that's healthy though.
I quit LOL some time ago. I want to go back to playing lol. But it's like Riot is trying their best to prevent it.
So its a less tanky, less mobile, less damage version of Ksante. Only it has a sexier splash art.
imagine ad crit items being so strong that they outclass traditional mage playstyle kekw
Can anyone please explain what is the point of not taking q at all? Are those grains of CD per w really more important than the extra waveclear and 100 damage to the combo if just do it lvl 1?
Probably mana too but idk
Would this be viable in wild rift?
Kinda surprised people has troubles with that (though it's surely a problem).
Like nobody has ever met dashy ranged top opponent.
"Oh no, hullbraker, yadda yadda" - build one. It's no less broken on your champ, even if it's Yummi (exaggeration, suppose you get the idea).
sure, every toplaner has infinite amound of dashes, a lot of movespeed, cc, true damage and building crit. Excluding fiora, who else has that?
@@PaladineAvenger1, man, half of top lane is dashfest. And half of ranged top picks are dashy, has true damage, self peel, etc. in various combinations.
I thought it's pretty basic for high elo to deal with ranged picks... No? Some of them can splitpush quite well too. Some doesn't need it. Some just scale as safely as possible and then delete you and all your family, etc.
To set it clear - for sure shown stuff is cringe. I am, as Urgot main, especially dread it, since I'm sure nerfs to items will come, and my crab boi will recieve them fully, despite being an intended user of items, not abuser. But...
Like top lane has never seen shit. Lulu crit, Janna 2nd jg, ol' classic Vayne, mid control mages, list go on.
Yet it happens to be a precedent. For me it's strange.
does this pick still work?
It appears ahris W and Ult are doing most the dmg earlyish game. From what I'm seeing here the real problem is Ahris base dmg is too high. That enables her to build this way where it gets crazy later.
your far off. Its so good bc most melees top cant ever catch a ahri or leblanc, mixed damage, dumb easy playstyle to guarantee leads and dumb items like hullbreaker that will prevent you for a looong time to ever do seomthing 1v1. Most tops would straight up win if both are 6 items - Cuz ad leb / ahri isnt really a strong build, just disgusting for snowballing. Even when the bruiser is stronger later tehy can always escape.. and this game all resolves around pushing waves prio snowballing etc. Its pure cheese and actually toxic to excist Just like Varus tank top that oneshots you.
Ranged champions in toplane generally are fkd up for most melees. Having champs that have more dashes tahn you, mixed damage and cc - playwise this kit is jsut toxic in top.
If you have counterpick I would probably go champs that do well into range or a simply midlaner in top^^
now imagine what that guy can do if he was on vayne
Isnt riot nerfing her attack speed ratio though?
Rune and stuff ?
Still waiting for the Ahri support boom video :(
This might sound crazy but hear me out! I think it's a skill shot tax, since a character is balanced for having some skillshot abilities, other departments are good, Ezreal was mostly a mage / enchanter(pre-pre-pre-pre-reworked W) back in the day, And do I need to mention Tristana had all magic damage abilities with only AP ratios? Kayle was also like a TF that can spam spells and a point&click target slow and somewhat OK heal. I might had missed others but these are some of the champs that had evolved toward how people often play them, irony to their kit.
I may risk summoning the ire of the fanboys saying this but there's nothing too unique about Ahri's kit except her Charm.
Megatronn from BR were always right...
Doesnt look cancer at all
Ad ahri is a bit more logical ranged top than vayne, teemo, quinn and even akshan
@@sotongmenari3759If there’s one thing top laners love more than ranged top laners are kits with tons of dashes, true damage, AP and a charm 🙃
@@sotongmenari3759 maybe shes a bit more "logical" but ranged top defy all logic and reason, they're not rational picks
How can top lane be usefull , full of counter picks , vayne varus and ahri . when you cant even fight back in half of matches how is top lane usefull .
When mages suck so badly they start to build AD items and go to top lane
nashors viable?
seksi ad thicc ahri
MIND YOU i started doing it even from season 4....
Another Dobby banger 🔥
playing this in na is impossible because teammates mental boom just seeing ahri top and nonstop type about it
I've seen my fair share of AD on-hit Ahri and considering it works in mid as well as in top, the only conclusion that can be reached is that AP Ahri is simply not good enough. That is because AP in general just feels weak, and it has been for a while - no one can hypercarry from an AP slot sans Gwen who gets 88% of her damage from her unblockable Q True Damage.
AD Ahri solves the champ's issues - taking advantage of her above average attack speed for a Mage to safely use basics from range against melees, utilizing W's prioritization mechanic with basic attacks more seamlessly, and just being the best at abusing Statikk and Triforce's movement speed steroids to make her literally the perfect champ: Tanky, fantastic damage, has DPS and burst as opposed to only having the latter, and infinite dashes which Riven deeply envies, considering Ahri enjoys immense movement speed that Riven can never have access to.
b4 i watch the video im gonna say the build includes stormazor and hullbreaker, ill see if im right
well i was wrong but i t does use stormrazor so im 50% right
0:32 my charm would have hit the minions blocking just saying
i mean...it makes sense, you have multiple dashes that can resent per kill, movement speed boost with low cool down, a heal, and a fucking charm, its so stupid but it really fucking works dear god its ridiculous
People were going to to play this anyway after Ahri's autoattack got buffed
Bruh I legit started playing it last week because I wanted to try if it's still viable (played it back when Q was giving movement speed buff), was proud I came up with it again. Now turns out I'm far from first one to really go for it : (
megatron vendo isso chora de rir
oh well, im glad i already finish the diamond climb
After "Ryze" adjust, Statikk still a broken item that even any long range champ could use and still work, just give us old Statikk Riot
(Yes i use Ryze as adjective)
why no hullbreaker?
If a pro player could pick up top AD Ahri in worlds that would probably be one of the most game defining league esports moments. I think it’s really strong and has all the tools to play against top laners and in the top lane, and even in high level coordination. I think it’s just up to the player themselves to practice it and the organization allowing it.
i think they dont do such picks because of lack of the frontline, in teamfights even 0 4 mundo can do much more input than this ahri
@@leprosy9894 i don’t think that aspect is inherently true, frontline. i think it’s just bc it’s a whole other playstyle that changes how the rest of your own team would play and it wouldn’t be smart to play something super new UNLESS the team organization wants them too. Top Ahri can still frontline really hard, can basically do more, it’s just a ranged top laner. different and new playstyles do require different and new things, and it’s not a massive difference playing darius and garen top than preferred other top champs like ksante who are tanks rather than bruiser. in pro play, it slightly changes the game plan, so as a ranged top or ahri top i think the key is practice, live performance (pressure), and resilience of the team and players.
Take a moment to ponder why those squishy ranged top laner players in Master/Grandmaster didn't make it into pro play or even Challenger if top AD Ahri, Quinn, Vayne... are so good.
The answer is simple. Players there know how to counter ranged tops. They've tried, mastered and countered that playstyle long before you and me know about it through this video. Look at how Master+ rank players like Naayil, Spear Shot, xPetu, Keegun... play against ranged top laners.
that's what happens when the items in the game matter more than champions...
isso me lembra o MEGATRONN
I love playing ap champs as ad ive been playing akali top with sunderer/(iceborne /frostborne whatever the fuck its called now) and build hull titanic. With my sunderer + passive auto i have plenty of damage and counterplay to tanks and well as sustain
And Riot just buffed Attack speed haste, growth and windup on Ahri.
You cant make this shit up
Now that I stopped playing league, I can't believe thos has become a thing now, I used to get flamed a lot of playing ahri top ended up carrying them, Who would've thought. Anyway aside from ahri top try support nunu with smite and fck them enemy jungle