The old generation - Jury members get mad at you 4 playing the game. The new generation of Survivor - Jury members be mad at you 4 not playing the game.
I would place Nicaragua as the last old school season. New School is characterised by bad experimental additions like redemption island (etc) and an overkill of returning players
"I'm gonna speak and you're not gonna comment." "I will if I feel the need." "No you're not." "Yes I will, I'm doing it now." is such a great exchange lol
Bless Monica. I felt bad for her. She WAS a puppy dog, but I do think she's a "neat lady" with a great personality. I think of Dawn similarly, although I hated Dawn's gameplay more than Monica's.
Lex has to be the most hypocritical and bitter juror in Survivor history. He voted off his friends (Ethan, Colby, Jerri), and he’s so pissed at Rob for voting him out.
There was this cute moment were Ethan was mad because jerri got to say and he tried to look mad but he is just too adorable. Lex is an even bigger hypocrite because his closest relationship prior to entering was with Ethan. Off topic but my comments have always included Ethan, Colby, Tom, John Kenney, Ken, or Aras recently on survivor videos but they are so damn cute.
It was that way because of how the betrayals were not only just breaking game alliances but also alliances and relationships outside of the game. The other seasons tho, just stupid jury.
+Haiku Fishbach Stephen honestly should've won that season. He did all JT's dirty work and JT came out looking like the hero. I say real fans know who the real hero of Tocantins was.
+Erin L Tocantins is the only season where I wished they could split the million between two people. Stephen has a great strategic mind, but he needed JT to pull it off because JT has a natural social game that you can't fake. I would have been perfectly fine with 2 winners that season!
Yeah it is so unfair how Stephen was looked at like some evil nerd mastermind. Someone said jt is a better winner than Kim, tony, Tom, Brian, and hatch bc of that. How he road the coattails of a scrawny nerd. When he came back the second time he was not inner for as a winner like Ethan, Tina, and Tom (what is dubbed by me as the Ethan Zohn aka cute Jew fro effect) despite being deceitful. I don’t hate JT but am angered at a stupid jury.
I think that Erinn would've won had Stephen won final immunity because the jury would've been so pissed at him for voting Taj and JT out in succession.
+Sukuun Tom was a jerk to one person. Katie was a jerk to everybody. She betrayed more people than Tom did, she was nasty and definitely had an overinflated ego and opinion of herself. Ten years after the fact and she is still one of my least favorite Survivor people ever.
+teheyepatch Katie was not a good survivor player, but if you have a sense of humor you'll love her after you listen to her golden survivoroz interview.
Leonard Rockstein Julie was the most bitter juror even though she had no right to be. What did she do in that game? Nothing, other than help her tribe throw a challenge to boot somebody. And yet she says "none of you played a respectable game".
I mean, hey, if I knew I wasn’t going to get a single vote I’d just take the opportunity to tell the jury off. The thing is, Phillip is so stupid and delusional, he probably thought he had a shot to win.
jake yeah They are now, not then. She had someone waiting at home during South Pacific, and she has the nerve to chastise Albert for the playing the game (albeit, a very obviously disingenuous social one, sometimes painfully so).
I know some people will disagree, but I really liked Fiji, for one main reason. Yau-Man. One of my favorite and most likeable to play the game. Should have won Fiji because Dreamz should have known he wasn't going to win no matter what decision he made. So sad he went home so early in Micronesia. Then he couldn't get work leave for heroes vs villains. Yauman for third time player.
I agree & feel as though Yau was just constantly backstabbed by everyone. My god he at least tried to make a deal with Alex, Mookie and Edgardo, but lets be honest, they were dicks and wanted him out immediately, so Earl took him under his wing..... ....JUST to be voted out at 4.
No, Clay almost beat Brian by insulting or pissing off almost half the jury members. Later, it was revealed had Helen known about something that occurred she would have voted for Clay. Clay would have been Tony without any strength or a spy shack.
...? Are you dumber than Dreamz or... She was being sarcastic with her question. She was calling him stupid by saying she didn't think that he'd know, and thats why she asked. She knew, and she knew that he'd know, but she was trying to passive-aggressively state that she thought he was a dumbass.
Okay, everyone is saying how bitter these people are, but you fail to empathize with them. When you spend days and weeks with them and are so depleted of food, water, sleep and comfort, you get emotionally attached to the people you're with. When you work so hard to get on the show, survive so long and then get stabbed in the back by the people you bonded with, you can't help but feel betrayed. You can call them bitter all you want, but you will never know what it feels like until it happens to you. The only thing I don't condone is personally attacking someone's character. That's crossing a line.
The Serpent King There's no book that says what the best way to play is. It's up to the jury to decide. THATS the spirit of the game - you have to manage to convince the people you screwed that you deserve their votes. The jury can vote any way they want. Jury management is one of the most important parts of the game. Not everyone is gonna respect the liar that made flashy moves over the kind and respectful person that didn't play as hard, and you have to know that going into the game. Were some of these people bitter? Yes, but they had their reasons, and we've had enough bitter jurors to be able to anticipate that. Getting to the end is one thing, and winning is another, but its not like FTC is a separate entity. What you did along the way affects the end.
if youre gonna play that game then you better sit next to people who did the same otherwise most cases you don't win. someone like Tony got lucky the jury looked past his backstabbing and gave him their vote
Here’s what gets me about jury’s that pisses me off. On one hand they berate players for stabbing them in the back but then turn around and berate players for not making big moves.
Monica's final tribal performance was awful oh my God. She dug her own grave, really. I'm so glad Tyson won instead (though he did do the whole cry for the jury thing, but it was less over the top and a little more believable and less annoying).
I never saw the entire season of Fiji, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Alex being a bit hypocritical by calling Dreamz a liar, backstabber, etc. when Alex himself backstabbled Lisi by telling Mookie where the idol was? I know that wasn't quite an alliance in the same way the Horsemen was, but isn't there still some hypocrisy from Alex?
This is what happened with Dreamz. Yau-Man Gave him the car he won in a challenge in exchange for him not being voted out in the final four if Dreamz won Immunity so Dreamz wins immunity and votes Yau-Man out.
Philip Neilsen I know that, but I'm saying, what gives Alex the right to judge Dreamz and not vote for him because of his immorality when Alex did the same kind of thing to Lisi?
Everyone is being hypocritical with Dreamz. They underestimated him and thought he was stupid all game. The guy managed to form one alliance, destroy it, form another, win a free truck, not honor the promise and make the final 3. He should have won hands down. One of the best games ever played. Yau-Man was stupid for making that deal in the first place.
Honestly dreamz had it coming, he played the WROST jury management game I have ever see. His fate was sealed when he took a CAR away from yau-man that was the rudest, most selfish move I have ever seen. He was in such a good position, he didn't need the immunity necklace!
I think Survivor jurors make themselves look like jackasses. It's all bitterness. These people preach trust as if 6 people can make it to the end. It's like they expect people to lie dead and hand them the win and not play for themselves. I understand it's a social game but how can you hand a game to someone who did nothing while someone else worked night and day and influenced and controlled every vote. That's why I respected Spencer's jury speech for Tony.
8:20 - 11:50. Why do you think Yau Man appologize? Because before the challenge. ALL castaways agreed that they will give Dreamz the truck. Dreamz didn't know this. So YauMan who happen to win the Truck decided to use the truck as leverage. Remember Yauman and everyone else knows about Dreamz situation. Oh and btw people forget that the reason why Dreamz flipped away from his alliance was because how they were talking about Yauman. Dreamz felt like they made horrible remarks about Yau. It also helped that Earl and Cassandra who are black came to him and spoke to him. But he saw that he was LAST in his alliance.
6:30 As much as I like Steph, that is a really dumb thing to say. One should give respect to the juror by saying something along the lines of "You're a very good player. I think you're going to win if I sit next to you therefore I have to vote you out."
Dreamz: “No i see it as just a lie” Yes because telling the opposition of your alliance that “Mookie has an idol” and they plan around it and correctly guessed it, you definitely lied. Very smart Dreamz
Judd is just dumb, he was targeting Stephanie but when it comes back to him he is mad. TBH Stephanie deserved to win that season, Danni won it by personal vengeance.
dencod18 Well, if Steph had a good social game she wouldn't have had so many angry people at her. She's had a history through all three seasons of being a bitch, we just didn't get to see it during Palau. She did nothing but whine, complain, and backstab during Guatemala, and nothing about those three words are respectable.
dencod18 True, but I refer to Brian Heidik. He also backstabbed people, but he was able to keep enough of their respect to accumulate their votes. Steph never kept peoples' respect. Sure she had it while they were playing, but once they were taken out of the game, they no longer remained star struck by her, and she offered no good qualities for them to admire or respect.
wow 3 amigos for Fiji's on dreamz. Alex was a complete jackass right before getting to him at 9:08 toward Cassie. "Stacy - ...." "STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING"
It think Russell's strategy in the game was brilliant. Since he was already a multi millionaire, he didn't care about the money, so he instead thought of how he can divide the strong from the weak at the very beginning by dumping all of the tribes water and burning their socks. His mindset was to make all of the contestants his pawns in his realistic game of chess. He is a really good psychological strategist and I think he deserves to win.(but everyone else hated him so that was a long shot)
+Sean Gillespie His strategy wasn't brilliant though. It was a great one to get to the end, however it wasn't a winning strategy. You can't go into a Social game like survivor and treat people the way that he did and expect to win. Hell, even if he used the same "strategy" but brought some social dynamics into it, then he could have won easily. However, because he didn't do that, not only once, but 3 times of playing, he never deserves to win.
Kelly in all-stars was so full of herself. She cut throats in Marquasas and got angry at Neleh when it was done to her, and in All-Stars she got another dose of Karma when she minimalized Shii-Ann's role in her alliance and Rob played her just because she thought sharing a previous season was to her advantage. If memory serves me right, in Marqueasa, she voted out Rob, so if anything it came full circle!
Matthew Enriquez "Better game" is at best subjective to opinions and even biases. They were both great, just Rob forgot to give respect, because there were points in the game where he should have kept his mouth shut.
I'm glad you put Dreamz on this list. Dreamz & Mike, from Survivor White Collar vs Blue Collar vs No Collar, are my least favorite male contestants on Survivor.
And keeping in mind that Danielle had to make her own case to her own jury, she understands exactly how the voting process works. There's a reason she ripped Russell apart.
Russell telling Danielle he’s not going to sit there and tell her what she wants to hear is the definition of poor jury management. In order to win, you need the jury members on your side. Statements like that are both arrogant and alienating.
What I don't understand when it comes to the jury & lying is why do some jury members come at the final members for lying in the game & being deceitful when they were the same exact way & some of them were way worse? I don't get it & never will understand it. I guess that is where the term "Bitter Jury Member" came about
Ashley already said she's not voting Phillip out loud basically so Phillip shouldn't have to sit there and be quiet like she says when he's not getting her vote anyway
I thought Monica's thrashing was unnecessary. It became way too personal and the jury didn't say anything to Gervase, who played a lazy game compared to her. She didn't deserve that, honestly.
QUESTION I never watched the season with Stephanie Lagrossa. But all the clips I saw are about bashing her, and all they are saying is that she is a liar and not loyal etc etc All I want to know is why was she on the heroes tribe then?
I felt bad for Dreamz. I never saw Dreamz as a person who was very rude to other people. It’s just that this jury did not appreciate the betrayal, but it is what it is. Dreamz did amazing, I have to say.
Great list. I tried to predict the top 4 after watching the first 11, I got 3/4 right. I'm impressed that Katie is here, there's no way she shouldn't have been. There's a few more I think could or should have been here. Tony from Cagayan should definitely be here, especially after his speech from Trish. Missy and Kelly got burned with one speech so including them was a possibility but I think not including them makes more sense. Rob or Natalie from RI could also be here. Tony is the only one who should be here though I think, Speeches against him from Jefra, Sarah, Jeremiah and Trish. He should definitely be here over Mick, Albert, Chase, Monica or Stephenie.
I don't understand why people get so upset about lies, blindside, and breaking "friendships". This is a game!!! The objective is to get to Day 39 and win a million dollars. You have to do what you have to do. The goal is to Survive.
"You may have outwitted us, outplayed us, and outlasted us, but you have not outclassed us." Actually, Alicia, they have. They're not pissing on people for shit they did in a FUCKING GAME, and that easily makes them 100% classier than you and the rest of that jury.
I mean she pretty much did for a lot of it. Notably Alicia flat-out called both of them ass-kissers. The jury just found her less detestable than Rob, which is the name of the game.
The season with dreamz bothered me the most. Morally correct or not dreamz did what he had to do. I gotta say I hate when people forget its about lying and betrayal.
actually I thought Monica did a fairly good job at tribal even though she could have done better, but I think a lot of the hate she got was unwarranted. It didn't feel like any of her criticisms made that much sense
The old generation - Jury members get mad at you 4 playing the game.
The new generation of Survivor - Jury members be mad at you 4 not playing the game.
Duster Man well said
So true
Where does old generation end and new generation begin?
Cos Brenda vs Dawn was pretty intense in Final Tribal Council on s26
Bradley Carter I think after Redemption island when Rob won the new generation began
I would place Nicaragua as the last old school season. New School is characterised by bad experimental additions like redemption island (etc) and an overkill of returning players
"I'm gonna speak and you're not gonna comment."
"I will if I feel the need."
"No you're not."
"Yes I will, I'm doing it now."
is such a great exchange lol
Fillup! was annoying
It was childish as fuck but funny as hell.
“That’s really pathetic”
Good banter! Phillip was right
Everything about redemption island is plain shit ..
I really love the logo just sitting there. Huge and proud. Isn't so nice to have something interrupt your vision like that?
That logo is kind of like a nose, you're always staring right at it but you stare at it so long your sight eventually starts neglecting it.
Now I noticed it because of you
Yea I stopped spent too much time complaining about it so it’s all you saw!
So Leo, 5 Years later, how do you still feel about the logo?
@@nickforde8036 yo. this is a trip and a half lmfao
Lex to Ethan- "this season is strictly business"
Lex the rob- "you sold out your friends"
Boy what
Sah 22 lex did a AMA on Reddit he explained that him and Ethan agreed that they wouldn’t have bias to work together
So true. How hypocritical. Don't even care if he had an agreement with Ethan or not. He lost my respect.
Right? My mom was like "He can't be mad at Rob because that's exactly what he did to Ethan."
I think the difference in Lex's mind was that Rob asked Lex to do something for him and Lex never did that to Ethan.
Feckless: lacking initiative or strength of character; irrisponsible
blue-haired-lord google
I️ used it too
If that is really then definition then Shamboo was actually spot on lol. Mick was pretty feckless
That describes Mick to a tee. Had to be the dumbest doctor I’ve ever seen. Couldn’t solve simple puzzles.
poor Monica, I thought she could of done so much better in tribal but her insecurities got the better of her
She was a goat. Tyson played a perfect game.
I low-key wanted to hug her it was sad 😢
Philipp`s final tribal council performance is legendary. "No you`re not. Yes I`m doing it now". Absolute gold.
Jim: If you start with a complement that would lose my vote
Albert: *starts with a complement
Me: * facepalms than proceeds to laughs my head off*
Bless Monica. I felt bad for her. She WAS a puppy dog, but I do think she's a "neat lady" with a great personality. I think of Dawn similarly, although I hated Dawn's gameplay more than Monica's.
dembonez19 I don't recall Dawn's gameplay anymore as she became irrelevant to me but I do remember how much I detest her.
Ryse Maxwell Dawn was so manipulative with her continual tears.
Dawn = awful human being
I always hated dawn even in south Pacific. She always came off as fake to me
I’ve got nothing against Dawn but I’d take Monica over her any day
Lex has to be the most hypocritical and bitter juror in Survivor history. He voted off his friends (Ethan, Colby, Jerri), and he’s so pissed at Rob for voting him out.
And it's fucking hilarious to watch
There was this cute moment were Ethan was mad because jerri got to say and he tried to look mad but he is just too adorable. Lex is an even bigger hypocrite because his closest relationship prior to entering was with Ethan. Off topic but my comments have always included Ethan, Colby, Tom, John Kenney, Ken, or Aras recently on survivor videos but they are so damn cute.
Ya, what a whiner...
All stars had the most bitter jury
It was that way because of how the betrayals were not only just breaking game alliances but also alliances and relationships outside of the game. The other seasons tho, just stupid jury.
Samoa says Hold My Beer
Stephen Fishbach better be on this list. The jury treated him terribly because he was against JT and everyone loved him so much.
+Haiku Fishbach Stephen honestly should've won that season. He did all JT's dirty work and JT came out looking like the hero. I say real fans know who the real hero of Tocantins was.
+Erin L Tocantins is the only season where I wished they could split the million between two people. Stephen has a great strategic mind, but he needed JT to pull it off because JT has a natural social game that you can't fake. I would have been perfectly fine with 2 winners that season!
trentmcjiivers me too. They made a great team.
Yeah it is so unfair how Stephen was looked at like some evil nerd mastermind. Someone said jt is a better winner than Kim, tony, Tom, Brian, and hatch bc of that. How he road the coattails of a scrawny nerd. When he came back the second time he was not inner for as a winner like Ethan, Tina, and Tom (what is dubbed by me as the Ethan Zohn aka cute Jew fro effect) despite being deceitful. I don’t hate JT but am angered at a stupid jury.
I think that Erinn would've won had Stephen won final immunity because the jury would've been so pissed at him for voting Taj and JT out in succession.
I'm sure the #1 choice for this video has Russell'd a fair few feathers.
"Beauty fades, dumb is forever." ZING!And man oh man, I REALLY enjoyed the jury trashing Katie in Palau, because man she deserved it.
+teheyepatch Did she? Tom was much more of a jerkass towards Ian than she was.
+Sukuun Tom was a jerk to one person. Katie was a jerk to everybody. She betrayed more people than Tom did, she was nasty and definitely had an overinflated ego and opinion of herself. Ten years after the fact and she is still one of my least favorite Survivor people ever.
+teheyepatch Katie was not a good survivor player, but if you have a sense of humor you'll love her after you listen to her golden survivoroz interview.
He must be a judge judy fan, she says that.
Phillip was so ridiculous, my god. "To hell with you!", hahahahahahaha
PersonaX Not just any 20 year old. A mentally unstable nutcase who should not have been brought back.
Leonard Rockstein Julie was the most bitter juror even though she had no right to be. What did she do in that game? Nothing, other than help her tribe throw a challenge to boot somebody. And yet she says "none of you played a respectable game".
I mean, hey, if I knew I wasn’t going to get a single vote I’d just take the opportunity to tell the jury off. The thing is, Phillip is so stupid and delusional, he probably thought he had a shot to win.
I also feel it's hypocritical how Whitney calls Albert sleazy, yet she flirts and does all this stuff with Keith when she has someone at home.
whit and keith are engaged
jake yeah They are now, not then. She had someone waiting at home during South Pacific, and she has the nerve to chastise Albert for the playing the game (albeit, a very obviously disingenuous social one, sometimes painfully so).
Her ex was a bit of an abusive twat though
Whitney is an underrated despicable castaway.
Stephanie’s answer to Lydia is possibly the worst answer to any question at any final tribal in survivor history
Idk Amanda’s answer to Cirie in Micronesia comes close lol
I know some people will disagree, but I really liked Fiji, for one main reason. Yau-Man. One of my favorite and most likeable to play the game. Should have won Fiji because Dreamz should have known he wasn't going to win no matter what decision he made. So sad he went home so early in Micronesia. Then he couldn't get work leave for heroes vs villains. Yauman for third time player.
I agree & feel as though Yau was just constantly backstabbed by everyone. My god he at least tried to make a deal with Alex, Mookie and Edgardo, but lets be honest, they were dicks and wanted him out immediately, so Earl took him under his wing.....
....JUST to be voted out at 4.
Aidan Pfeifer I was thinking this today ...
Imagine a final 3 of Russell Hantz, Johnny Fairplay and Sash.
Jeremy Scott Hantz, Sash, and Heidik would be better
Why sash?
What about Hantz, Colton, and Phillip Shepard in the Final 3? That would be the worst Final 3.
2 great characters and one boring douche. Replace sash with Brian Heijdik
iLLBiLLsRoastBeats Russell sucked. He was so arrogant and cocky. And he always felt like he was the best player when he wasn’t.
14:Sherri(Fans vs favorites 2)
10:Hannah(Millennials vs Gen x)
9:Troyzan(Game changers)
8:Russell(Heroes Vs Villains)
3:Albert(South pacific)
No, Clay almost beat Brian by insulting or pissing off almost half the jury members. Later, it was revealed had Helen known about something that occurred she would have voted for Clay. Clay would have been Tony without any strength or a spy shack.
The girl who asked Dreamz how many zeros there are in a million did not know there were six zeros in a million...haha
She did she wanted to make him look like the dumb liar that he is
...? Are you dumber than Dreamz or...
She was being sarcastic with her question. She was calling him stupid by saying she didn't think that he'd know, and thats why she asked. She knew, and she knew that he'd know, but she was trying to passive-aggressively state that she thought he was a dumbass.
i don't know some people think that she was just being dumb
I think she really thought it was more than 6
She is one of the worst players in history
Maybe she was thinking of 1 million dollars and 0 cents, which would have two bonus zeros after the decimal.
Okay, everyone is saying how bitter these people are, but you fail to empathize with them. When you spend days and weeks with them and are so depleted of food, water, sleep and comfort, you get emotionally attached to the people you're with. When you work so hard to get on the show, survive so long and then get stabbed in the back by the people you bonded with, you can't help but feel betrayed. You can call them bitter all you want, but you will never know what it feels like until it happens to you.
The only thing I don't condone is personally attacking someone's character. That's crossing a line.
Rhea H Almost everyone was doing that though
The Serpent King There's no book that says what the best way to play is. It's up to the jury to decide. THATS the spirit of the game - you have to manage to convince the people you screwed that you deserve their votes. The jury can vote any way they want. Jury management is one of the most important parts of the game. Not everyone is gonna respect the liar that made flashy moves over the kind and respectful person that didn't play as hard, and you have to know that going into the game. Were some of these people bitter? Yes, but they had their reasons, and we've had enough bitter jurors to be able to anticipate that. Getting to the end is one thing, and winning is another, but its not like FTC is a separate entity. What you did along the way affects the end.
if youre gonna play that game then you better sit next to people who did the same otherwise most cases you don't win. someone like Tony got lucky the jury looked past his backstabbing and gave him their vote
Rhea H Say it louder for the people in the back!
4:40 Well, Mick, "feckless" means lacking initiative or strength of character, or simply, irresponsible.
I'd say it was a spot-on adjective...
"Beaty fades, dumb is forever" most underrated line
Fabio smiling while the jury hates on his opponents for the million dollars is hilarious to me
Here’s what gets me about jury’s that pisses me off. On one hand they berate players for stabbing them in the back but then turn around and berate players for not making big moves.
Monica's final tribal performance was awful oh my God. She dug her own grave, really. I'm so glad Tyson won instead (though he did do the whole cry for the jury thing, but it was less over the top and a little more believable and less annoying).
Dick face
Chase: *looks at Jeff* Do I have to answer Marty’s question?
Jeff’s face: Leave me out of this, dude.
This channel is amazing! BUT WHY THE WONDERSHARE
lampshades120 copyright?
It's the watermark, you have to pay a subscription to remove it. It's like a ton of other programs like Bandicam.
poor Caleb rip
I just love how people who have lost somehow think they’re getting a leg up by berating people who beat them
I never saw the entire season of Fiji, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Alex being a bit hypocritical by calling Dreamz a liar, backstabber, etc. when Alex himself backstabbled Lisi by telling Mookie where the idol was? I know that wasn't quite an alliance in the same way the Horsemen was, but isn't there still some hypocrisy from Alex?
This is what happened with Dreamz. Yau-Man Gave him the car he won in a challenge in exchange for him not being voted out in the final four if Dreamz won Immunity so Dreamz wins immunity and votes Yau-Man out.
Philip Neilsen I know that, but I'm saying, what gives Alex the right to judge Dreamz and not vote for him because of his immorality when Alex did the same kind of thing to Lisi?
He was being a hypocrite but Dreamz betrayed Yau-Man Really Quite bad
Everyone is being hypocritical with Dreamz. They underestimated him and thought he was stupid all game. The guy managed to form one alliance, destroy it, form another, win a free truck, not honor the promise and make the final 3. He should have won hands down. One of the best games ever played. Yau-Man was stupid for making that deal in the first place.
John Smith I like Yau, but even he admitted that it was a stupid move.
Production: America will love Dreamz.
Dreamz: Hold my coconut milk.
Honestly dreamz had it coming, he played the WROST jury management game I have ever see. His fate was sealed when he took a CAR away from yau-man that was the rudest, most selfish move I have ever seen. He was in such a good position, he didn't need the immunity necklace!
+Cooley PlaysMC Would he have won even for snitching on his alliance?
I think Dreamz would’ve been voted out because of fear of his homeless background enticing pity votes.
WillJay8130 No, He would not have won. I'm not they even cared for him even before Dreamz betrayed them.
He got racked over the coals for the truck deal "as a Christian man" it was beautiful to watch him dig his hole deeper and Earl was loving it lol
6:33 Stephanie telling Lydia straight to her face she's a huge goat when she wants her jury vote isn't a great strategy lmfao
13:02 When Albert knew he lost the game
21:54 Gregg's speech is a total roast, like not the meanest delivery or most aggressive but the content against Katie is enormous.
On the jury it only stops being “just a game” when you lose.
I think Survivor jurors make themselves look like jackasses. It's all bitterness. These people preach trust as if 6 people can make it to the end. It's like they expect people to lie dead and hand them the win and not play for themselves. I understand it's a social game but how can you hand a game to someone who did nothing while someone else worked night and day and influenced and controlled every vote. That's why I respected Spencer's jury speech for Tony.
"I understand it's a social game but" uh, sounds like you don't fucking understand.
I can't still understand, how could Lex cried about betreyed of friendship. He did same to Colby, Ethan and Jerri.
CptLedlos So stupid! They made it to jury so they were left and right betraying people!
6:35 It means you made a stupid move
aceee06 lol.
Once betrayed, everyone is a delicate flower. You JUST met these people and won't see them again likely....the money IS worth it...duh
8:20 - 11:50. Why do you think Yau Man appologize? Because before the challenge. ALL castaways agreed that they will give Dreamz the truck. Dreamz didn't know this. So YauMan who happen to win the Truck decided to use the truck as leverage. Remember Yauman and everyone else knows about Dreamz situation. Oh and btw people forget that the reason why Dreamz flipped away from his alliance was because how they were talking about Yauman. Dreamz felt like they made horrible remarks about Yau. It also helped that Earl and Cassandra who are black came to him and spoke to him. But he saw that he was LAST in his alliance.
Eric from Samoa is so odd I love him
The only All-Stars juror who had a right to be upset and eloquently spoke to their feelings was Kathy. Everyone else was dumb.
You should do top 15 jury speeches
Monica, Monica, Monica, what the shit are you thinking?
6:30 As much as I like Steph, that is a really dumb thing to say. One should give respect to the juror by saying something along the lines of "You're a very good player. I think you're going to win if I sit next to you therefore I have to vote you out."
Dreamz: “No i see it as just a lie”
Yes because telling the opposition of your alliance that “Mookie has an idol” and they plan around it and correctly guessed it, you definitely lied. Very smart Dreamz
Judd is just dumb, he was targeting Stephanie but when it comes back to him he is mad. TBH Stephanie deserved to win that season, Danni won it by personal vengeance.
Agreed! What a bitter bunch they were. Steph got screwed up!
dencod18 Well, if Steph had a good social game she wouldn't have had so many angry people at her. She's had a history through all three seasons of being a bitch, we just didn't get to see it during Palau. She did nothing but whine, complain, and backstab during Guatemala, and nothing about those three words are respectable.
Ike the Nerd LOL the only reason why he needed to backstab was because he built to much friendship, she had to kick them out sometime.
dencod18 True, but I refer to Brian Heidik. He also backstabbed people, but he was able to keep enough of their respect to accumulate their votes. Steph never kept peoples' respect. Sure she had it while they were playing, but once they were taken out of the game, they no longer remained star struck by her, and she offered no good qualities for them to admire or respect.
dencod18 Judd is the most stupid, idiotic, short tempered person ive ever seen on the show!!
Amber and Rob reinvented the game
Fillup is and will always be best goat in survivor history, he played just to follow not for winning .
Albert’s social unawareness will get me every time
You know what Lex, two $1 million checks and four daughters later, I’d say Rob and amber think it was worth it.
wow 3 amigos for Fiji's on dreamz. Alex was a complete jackass right before getting to him at 9:08 toward Cassie. "Stacy - ...." "STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING STOP TALKING"
It think Russell's strategy in the game was brilliant. Since he was already a multi millionaire, he didn't care about the money, so he instead thought of how he can divide the strong from the weak at the very beginning by dumping all of the tribes water and burning their socks. His mindset was to make all of the contestants his pawns in his realistic game of chess. He is a really good psychological strategist and I think he deserves to win.(but everyone else hated him so that was a long shot)
+Sean Gillespie No, he cared about winning the game. Even if he didn't need the money, he wanted to win and was angry he didn't.
Carrie Whitmore oh yeah. i forgot about that.
+Sean Gillespie His strategy wasn't brilliant though. It was a great one to get to the end, however it wasn't a winning strategy. You can't go into a Social game like survivor and treat people the way that he did and expect to win. Hell, even if he used the same "strategy" but brought some social dynamics into it, then he could have won easily. However, because he didn't do that, not only once, but 3 times of playing, he never deserves to win.
His social game always bites him in the ass
Kelly in all-stars was so full of herself. She cut throats in Marquasas and got angry at Neleh when it was done to her, and in All-Stars she got another dose of Karma when she minimalized Shii-Ann's role in her alliance and Rob played her just because she thought sharing a previous season was to her advantage. If memory serves me right, in Marqueasa, she voted out Rob, so if anything it came full circle!
Kelly? Don't you mean Kathy?
I did.
She didn't. Rob received votes from V, Neleh, Paschal, and the core Rotu 4 alliance
+Debachi Well, she at least voted for Rob still, who did play the better game.
Matthew Enriquez "Better game" is at best subjective to opinions and even biases. They were both great, just Rob forgot to give respect, because there were points in the game where he should have kept his mouth shut.
I'm glad you put Dreamz on this list. Dreamz & Mike, from Survivor White Collar vs Blue Collar vs No Collar, are my least favorite male contestants on Survivor.
Dan his only moment in Nicaragua was his Ftc trashing.
Hey what video editing software do you use?
+PepperAndFries nice one
Windows media player duhhhhhh
Not sure.....
Corrine is such a 🤬🤬🤬 for what she said to Sugar!!!!!!!
Some of these are unnecessary hate and some of it is straight up B U L L Y I N G!
"Waaa! You voted me out! Waaaa!"
Dont people know that you cant take the entire cast to the final 2.
Don't go to any casting calls, then.
I love how Brian's here and he still won
And keeping in mind that Danielle had to make her own case to her own jury, she understands exactly how the voting process works. There's a reason she ripped Russell apart.
Also goes for Colby, because he also knew what it was like to have to make a case for the jury
Poor Rob and Amber. That jury was so pissed. In order to whoop a group of All Stars without some lying
I love how the jury gets pissed about "backstabbing ". That's how you're supposed to play. Get them before they get you
Albert was yelled at by Brandon
Russell telling Danielle he’s not going to sit there and tell her what she wants to hear is the definition of poor jury management. In order to win, you need the jury members on your side. Statements like that are both arrogant and alienating.
What I don't understand when it comes to the jury & lying is why do some jury members come at the final members for lying in the game & being deceitful when they were the same exact way & some of them were way worse? I don't get it & never will understand it. I guess that is where the term "Bitter Jury Member" came about
The survivor drinking game take a shot every time judd says man
Chase actually did well in his FTC imo. He looked decisive and honed his game and prob picked up a vote or two
Monica is kinda underrated, but she could have defiantly handled the jury better
It's "definitely," you fucking idiot. There's no 'a' in it.
hAvE yoU nEveR mEt a NeaT LaDy?
@@encycl07pedia- Chill level: -3278
Ashley already said she's not voting Phillip out loud basically so Phillip shouldn't have to sit there and be quiet like she says when he's not getting her vote anyway
I love amy's speech to twila.
I thought Monica's thrashing was unnecessary. It became way too personal and the jury didn't say anything to Gervase, who played a lazy game compared to her. She didn't deserve that, honestly.
I never watched the season with Stephanie Lagrossa. But all the clips I saw are about bashing her, and all they are saying is that she is a liar and not loyal etc etc
All I want to know is why was she on the heroes tribe then?
She also competed the season before
I felt bad for Dreamz. I never saw Dreamz as a person who was very rude to other people. It’s just that this jury did not appreciate the betrayal, but it is what it is. Dreamz did amazing, I have to say.
Great list. I tried to predict the top 4 after watching the first 11, I got 3/4 right. I'm impressed that Katie is here, there's no way she shouldn't have been. There's a few more I think could or should have been here. Tony from Cagayan should definitely be here, especially after his speech from Trish. Missy and Kelly got burned with one speech so including them was a possibility but I think not including them makes more sense. Rob or Natalie from RI could also be here. Tony is the only one who should be here though I think, Speeches against him from Jefra, Sarah, Jeremiah and Trish. He should definitely be here over Mick, Albert, Chase, Monica or Stephenie.
I don't understand why people get so upset about lies, blindside, and breaking "friendships". This is a game!!! The objective is to get to Day 39 and win a million dollars. You have to do what you have to do. The goal is to Survive.
I just came to play an online survivor and thats what i exactly did and jury didnt vote for me because i wasnt their follower.
25:04 Rob can't believe how easy it is.
Boo still has a promise in his hort
"You may have outwitted us, outplayed us, and outlasted us, but you have not outclassed us."
Actually, Alicia, they have. They're not pissing on people for shit they did in a FUCKING GAME, and that easily makes them 100% classier than you and the rest of that jury.
Looking back at it, most of them played great and even better games than the winner. It was just the bitter jury (Twila, Dawn & Rob)
Amber should have shared Final Tribal Thrashing with Rob
I mean she pretty much did for a lot of it. Notably Alicia flat-out called both of them ass-kissers. The jury just found her less detestable than Rob, which is the name of the game.
"Dangle all the money you want in front of me, I reject you satan" waooooo did you see Dreamz looking down???
That guy is so cute he started the original spy shack. He walked so tony could run and build the spy shack.
The random bug logo has better quality than the clips.
Hey that watermark isn’t quite big enough could you make it bigger
Where's Brenda vs Dawn
i will forever hate wondershare after this
Why is the logo across the screen? And video quality sucks.
they were really hard on Dreamz cor crying out loud it's a game!!!! Of course, he didn't
give his immunity up his ass would have gone home
I’d have voted for mick just for the way he said feckless
It was the abs for me
The season with dreamz bothered me the most. Morally correct or not dreamz did what he had to do. I gotta say I hate when people forget its about lying and betrayal.
I came here for one speech and one speech only
Reed trashes missy and Baylor cries about it
Both back the Jury speeches survivor!!!!!!!
Beauty fades...dumb is forever 😂😂😂
I couldn’t stand Chase from day 1 and I could watch people dog him on repeat for the rest of my life
Wouldnt Natalie Tenerelli on Redemption Island also merit inclusion or atleast an honorable mention
actually I thought Monica did a fairly good job at tribal even though she could have done better, but I think a lot of the hate she got was unwarranted. It didn't feel like any of her criticisms made that much sense
Her only vote was literally because Vytas didn't want Gervaise and her to tie for second