Great content, thanks for sharing. My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, really love her so much, I can't stop thinking about her. I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life but to no avail, I’m frustrated because i literally can't envision my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.
Your feelings are understandable, It's always difficult to let go of someone you love, i was in a similar situation when my husband of 12 years left me, i couldn't just let him go. I did all I could to get him back, I had to seek the help of a spiritual adviser who helped me bring him back.
@@haynesatteh4463 please seek a Christian Spiritual Counselor for advice. Also, I encourage you to study the biblical meaning of “Idolatry.” We can’t make idols out of people even those we love. If we do, they become our god and the relationship is automatically heading for destruction. When I read your comment, you reminded me of the tragic mistake I made years ago thinking the way you’re thinking about your wife. Without realizing it we can make gods out of people. The Word of God tells us “God is a jealous God!!! Exalting another human being that high in our lives, regardless if it is our spouse is an offense to the Lord our God who created us. When I realized I had made a god out of the man I loved, and my actions said, I was loving him more than God; I repented but only after he died suddenly in a car accident. It was tragic but I learned the hard way “Thou shall have no other gods before me!” The first Commandment of God!🙏🏾
One of the biggest lessons I have learned in communicating with my spouse is when I need to express myself, I lead with the “I know where you’re coming from approach” and find it’s the best way to keep an open line to segue into my concerns.
With the failure rate of true marriages between one adult male and one adult female being so high, even among "professed" Christians, we all need to follow this advice.
My Husband 88 passed Feb22 -24 we talked about the Bible alot he was a Preacher i miss him alot he fell and broke his hip never woke up after surgery i worried alot and he always told me not to worry .I cared for him after several surgeries he always said he was ready when Jesus called him home . I never thought for a moment that it was that day we always told each other we loved each other and one day i shall see him again.
Thanks for sharing. What a wonderful reminder how important it is to spend good enough and precious time talking to our spouses and our children. May God help us all to live a healthy life for Him and His glory. Amen.
Thinking back to Love & Respect book Last time I read the Ephesians passages, I rearranged the verses Very good & thought provoking Ephesians 5 : 1 - 2 ... 17 - 21 Ephesians 5 : 25 - 30 Ephesians 5 : 22 - 24 Ephesians 5 : 31 - 33 Not trying to change Bible reading or order Just was studying Blessings to All
In my opinion Communication is dialog between 2 or more people depending on the topic Monolog is not communication One or the other dumping their "crap" list every time is not communication either I would like to talk as much as possible in a normal level tone of voice Just me Blessings to You on Your Journey 🙂
I have a question. How do males and females bond with each other? I don't see how men and women can bond (especially romantically) with each other. Men and women think very differently from each other. I heard that lesbian relationships are healthier because they understand each other. If both partners understand each other, they won’t want to break up with each other. I also heard that women have higher rates of depression when married (in straight relationships). There is a very small percent of women that are happy in heterosexual relationships. So it's very hard for men and women to bond with each other and have a strong bond with each other. Both men and women think differently, behave differently, react in a different way. The more similar two people are, the easier it is to relate and understand each other, resulting in a better, more fulfilling connection. I also read somewhere that even with the divorce rates what they are, most heterosexual marriages that don't end in divorce are still unhappy, and can absolutely relate to experiencing significantly more depression while married than while single.
@@kimmieM0927 arguing is NOT communication. It’s one side explosively expressing their own opinion and shutting out the other person’s thoughts and opinions. It takes 2 to have a conversation, (for the most part…I am known to carry on a conversation with myself, but that’s only when current company would not provide me with intelligence conversation or even a thought provoking one), it also takes 2 to have an argument or a fight. If one party walks away or requests to discuss later when tempers are not as flared and walks away, then hopefully and most often the wind is removed from the sails of the other. And so…. @kimmieM0927 try suggesting the reconvening after a time certain or until tempers are cooled, might be helpful.
My wife has always been about caring for everyone else first. She came from the most horribly abusive drunk of a father and codependent victim allowing mother. And my wife spent all of her time either working or worrying and feeling guilty about what her parents thought. Looking back at the abuse and utter dysfunction she came from it was no wonder the horror I experienced being around such unbelievable dysfunction. But I allowed it by complaining but never taking action. So in the end I have only myself to blame. We can truly be our own worst enemies.
That's an unfortunate situation.. learning her passsy truma, at least you know where it came from. How you dealt with it is what the Father is concerned about.
This is so true and my husband fails at this. He lost his way and the way he speaks and his tone make me feel like I mean Nothing to him. Unless I do as I’m told. I look to God but he just can’t show emotion. Our grown children see it and feel it themselves. So sad for us all, bc I feel I’m love with him when he could express himself now, I’m just here and have stayed too long bc I don’t want to break my vows but I dream I could be with a man who can show love and be kind and gentle not using his tongue to cut me down to the ground.
A man is the pilot of the family. If you fly it well, you will have a safe landing. If you marry a good woman and she suddenly changes toward you, check yourself. It means she has taken more than enough from you, and she has an elastic limit too. You are the leader of the family. Lead her, treat and respect her the way you want to be treated, and you'll enjoy heaven on earth in your family. Give her love; she'll give full-time joy and peace.
Both parties have an equal share in the marriage therefore the man is not the leader of the family but a co partner in the marriage. Such nonsense is what fuels the mistreatment of women in and outside marriage. Men are poor communicators by and large and when you are in a marriage with a damaged man that mistreats you there is no point in continuing .
@@bernieoconnell5515 statement is contrary to God’s word. Jesus says for the husband to love his wife as Christ loved the church that means unconditionally.
@@kathleenbueter1272 well a lot of husbands don’t love their wives unconditionally that’s my point. What to do then? Let them walk all over you I suppose? Ones first duty is to themselves not to a man who does not appreciate his wife
😂😂😂😂😂 it happened the same situation to me with my husband and he likes to drive fast and i was always tense 😬 and I try to tell him in many ways but there was no way to listen and finally i told him if we are going to travel we gonna drive separately or I’m not going out with him… now he understood… the thing is that I hated that I have to threaten him to understand my problem… 😢 ohhh marriage is the hardest work
My husband has always taken the "respect" thing too has never been a balanced harmony of respect, and therefore, I have never felt nurtured, which also gives due respect to the wife. Listen up men - "respect" is not due to you while you ram-rod your wife at every bend where you feel as though she is just a thorn in your side when it comes to disagreeing with you. My life with my husband has been a nightmare...please pray for us...
Evans is a narcissist and fraud just like most everyone connected to Daystar and Robert Morris. He legitimized Doug’s divorce so he could marry Joni Lamb who were very good ‘friends’ for many years along with her late husband Marcus.
We lift up your marriage in Jesus name and continue to hold him accountable for his actions and words and vice versa God hates liars the truth is so important
You cant communicate with someone without some degree of honesty. Sounds like you have three choices..smack him with a cast iron skillet..accept his lies..or move on until you can find someone whos honest.
I can't answer that question even after 30 years in but ...I CANNNN tell you this ! ! They certainly can't take wut the mess they dish out THATS for sure !!! Liars ?? They JUST HATE TO BE LIED TO !!!! THIEVES??? They don't like you touching let alone STEALING their stuff .... AVOIDERS??? .. HATE !!! to be ignored!!!!! You do that ??? And You will catch the fury of double hockey sticks !! Oh let me add CHEATERS??? Will check you for everything who u talking to ?? Whose that person... Who you texting!!!? Where you going??
Yes, in communication you SHOULD BE ABLE TO RESOLVE conflict or anything else, but problems are exacerbated when a spouse refuses to have discussions. You start out talking "normally." When you are ignored for years on end, that heightens frustration and words don't come out soft & kind any more. Then, you just stop trying. Listening to your spouse go on and on and on when they want you to listen to them talk about EVERYTHING ELSE but what is most pertinent DOES NOT breed "connection!!!" When you want to talk and have them listen to you, they don't even have the courtesy to stop what they're doing to make eye contact and ACTIVELY LISTEN when you speak. Why bother?! Silence is golden; if your spouse doesn't care to listen to you, why talk?! Lawwwwwwwwd! I could literally throw the spouse's phone in the ocean, as it is definitely the master. In denial to the hilt!!!!!! Used to be the computer, now it's the hand-held computer that is called a smart phone. Acts like the phone is oxygen or blood that can't be lived without.
Yep Hear that loud & clear It's phone bubble games Then dumb a%&s TV shows Then bad a%&s news Should be a reasonably steady diet of Faith Family Friends
Been there done that for 30 years!! Then my narcissistic pastor/husband discarded me and moved 750 miles away with our youngest son!! 💔 Received much needed teaching and support encouragement from Flying Free (Natalie Hoffman), Dr. Les Carter (Surviving Narcissism) and RC Blakes. Blessings and healing to you!!
Very nice picks. I am aligned with all the firearms you showed. Just got mostly that same .308 except its in ODG. Pricey but fun. I always enjoy your videos.
The hard part is not receiving, but putting it in practice. So I pray for perseverant and successful practice of this message in your marriage just as I do mine, sister. 🙏
Won't listen to Jimmy Evans any more after his spiritual abuse with Joni Lamb & Daystar.....being a bully is not Biblical, & neither is claiming "Joni is the voice of God" to force her son to go against his convictions to publicly endorse a marriage that the Marriage counsellors (from Doug's marriage of almost 30 years he left) warned her to not marry into in the first place.... Doug rebelliously went against the godly advice to NOT leave his first wife, & Joni rebelliously ignored her warning given by "the voice of God" from the pastors who were Doug's first marriage counsellors to NOT marry that creepy man. Yet Jimmy thinks rebellious Joni who is a bully is "the voice of God", & Jimmy then proceeds to bully Jonathan Lamb into ignoring his godly convictions does not work that way Jimmy, & you are not only a bully but are off track with you unBiblical advice & the way it was delivered.... NOT acceptable Jimmy! And Jimmy where were you to bully Joni BEFORE she entered into her adulterous marriage with Doug the "sex therapist", following the advice from the warning of the Pastors counselling Doug & his wife of almost 30 years (who warned Joni to stay away from Doug & NOT to marry him).....& you see yourself as an "authority" on Biblical marriage?!😂😂 That pastor's advice was also in line with Jonathan's personal convictions....the very convictions you bullyied him into ignoring ....shame on you Jimmy, & we will not be sitting under your advice, counsel, or "marriage teaching" when you clearly do not follow the very definition of Biblical counsel by pastors who are Marriage counsellors. We pray for all to repent from their spiritual abuse & rebellion against God's Word & Biblical counsel 🙏🙏✝️🕊📖
Doug was married twice before Joni and knew Joni for years before Marcus death! A lady has investigated Doug and posted links on Suzy’s instagram. Doug has had many lawsuits and got his so-called degree from an online college! He even pretended to be happily married to his clients while divorcing Lisa! Lisa was probably forced to sign NDA or divorce contract just like everyone at Daystar just to keep business and house.
The Lord is Head over the Christian marriage...He comes first ...then your husband and just like your husband or wife ...if you don't take time to talk with Him ..the relationship will fall apart !
In ORDER: Christ Husband Wife Children Leave everything else in God's hands. If you are in the correct order, in love - then He will get the glory. He is more than capable.
Christ, he will help you with what to do about the daughter and the wife who is being Christ like wife should never have a reason to hate your child don't let her abuse your child but also your child should respect your wife Paul talks about the relationship between servants and master and children and parents your are the head of the house lead them in the by example
I'm sorry but I can't accept advice from a counselor who is trying to force a 30some year old man to accept a marriage that he has strong convictions not to. I can't after hearing the son being spiritually whipped for over an hour and a half by Jimmy evans, hold respect for Mr. Evans anymore
How do you talk with someone who doesn't trust anyone and doesn't take the time to get to know just how you are because they have been hurt by so many people in their lives
Some people who claim they been hurt by others use that as an excuse to explain the hang ups they have..its also an excuse to be rude and insensitive. I've known people like that. They often feel that the world revolves around them. If you become their friend their problems will become your problems. I leave people like that alone. I prefer people who are down to earth.
@@ZgBT8 And all that I have done for the last 10 years and she still doesn't have a clue about what makes me happy she still thinks I try to "run game" on her ect but though it all I just let her see my love.
@@thomasvincent9027and how has that worked? I’m sorry to read you’re hurting and it kills to share, but don’t be surprised if you never stop loving her, just accept you don’t work together in that way any longer. I’ve been there…there and, (to me), worse Quite honestly, as I read the words you wrote…word by word… it sounds as though you’re actually frustrated by it all as you should be…not angry…give yourself time outs and ask her to respect your doing so…maybe suggest (nicely) that it could help you both … together … if she tries doing the same with you. Take your 5 mins and try again with a clear head. Don’t let ego rear its head and force you to stop using that moment to decide if what you’re about to say is the best thing to say or way to say it. (Might be helpful if I take some of my own advice, doubt I will, but I bet it’d help me out as well.)
Heard that. It's about submitting to God Will for you in the Marriage. Pray and submit (even if it's unnatural). Be the light. Keep in mind there are biblical terms for divorce. Praying for you.
If this will help, see what I shared / wrote couple of days ago on Ephesians 5 Hope it helps And no, I have not arrived Still a work in process Blessings to you
Felt led to add this as well Great Book out there called ... Love & Respect Very well written ... Very well balanced Summary of it is this ... Men need Respect, Women need Love Both submit to God ... then to each other Just sharing ... Not an authority on marriage Been married more than once
Do you really think it's a good idea to drop the teaching of men need respect just because some immature and insecure men don't recognize what respect / disrespect looks like? What about just dropping the teaching that women need security because some women are insecure or have daddy issues or whatever other thing you can come up with? What about the men and women who are not insecure or immature who need to hear this?
@@gentlegiant3533security isn't needed just because someone may have had "daddy issues " or previous issues with men/insecurities. Wanting to feel safe and secure is a basic human right & essential in a marriage especially for a woman. Especially if that man expects her to produce children, love & respect him. You can still argue & disagree in a marriage that feels totally safe and secure, that's normal. Only a woman who intentionally wants to wear the pants constantly and be the leader doesn't need to feel safe... she is safe by doing all the leading & making sure stuff gets done, if she's playing that role because the husband is useless/misunderstanding then she's not doing it from a safe/secure place & its out of fear or insecurity. When I was single, I made lots of stupid decisions that made me vulnerable but I felt safe & secure within myself because I was the master of my ship & where I was going and had full control of where my life/daily routine was going. All that changes once you're married. Who wants to have to have the mental capacity to be in charge all the time? You want to be able to feel safe and secure that your spouse can get stuff done too/make sound decisions & has your back. That includes understanding each others insecurities & boundaries too & respecting them so you can feel safe & accepted to be who you really are or who you wish to grow into. And it goes both ways. Both spouses need to feel safe and respected. I'd heard all of these terms etc. But didn't truly understand the nitty gritty of it until I got married.
Wife can’t put husband first because God comes first right I’m over it now my marriage is dead my fault I’m very hard to live with I accept this I hope she finds a companion who will love her the way she wants to be loved and treat her like she should be treated she grew I didn’t
I'm so sorry you are going through that. I have three kids with my wife right now and one on the way and our oldest is 18 and the youngest is two and everything is more important than my needs. It could be people at work or ordering something off Amazon for 3 hours. Honestly I'm not even sure how she got pregnant since lately we only have sex once every six weeks or so. But because she lost some weight and now she's going to gain some from the pregnancy everything is my fault again not that everything wasn't my fault before but it's more prominent now than before. I know I keep praying for God to soften my wife's heart and I hope she does the same for your spouse. We should all be able to put God first our spouses second then our children than our work and I'm not even sure work should be up that high. God bless you and I will pray for you and your spouse and I hope things get better
@@wesv8743 I have been praying and I need prayer myself to not harden my own heart towards my husband. I see evil trying to destroy. I get so hurt when I get spoken with so much disrespect and disdain but I hear how soft and tender he speaks to his daughter. At the beginning he treated me like a queen, now I am just a person in his way, tells me to shut up, not speak. We can not discuss our issues, it's just one way. No forgiveness in his heart towards people who hurt him. I think I get the brunt of it. It is a roller coaster I was on with my first marriage, now this one seems even more extreme. The fact that I am in almost the same situation again, frustrates and upset me. I left him last year, he begged me to come back. I did, then it became worse... I am not sure what to do, I am loosing myself, who I am... It is emotionally very draining. I grew up in a very loving and caring family, I wanted what my parents had... not that it was perfect but there was communication, respect and love.
@maritalouwrens4037 sadly once you leave them and come back they think it gives them a license and a right to treat you however they want. Sorry to hear you are going through that!
@Marita Lowrens @Wes V, I’m sorry for what you both going through. I’m no expert in marriage but please permit me to share with you how I’m learning to view relationships. You can’t control what your spouse does or doesn’t do but you can control your actions. You can control how you react or process your feelings. I choose to be the punching bag just as God does for me when I throw tantrums. I’m the more spiritually mature so to whom much is given, much is expected. I pour out my heart to God and pray He transforms the heart of my partner. I know God has done it and the manifestation is unfolding slowly. It requires a lot of patience. We can only work on ourselves and not another.
Texting is just ruinous for emoting intonation and inflection in speech. Had many an argument because of misinterpreted tone by myself or her. Unfortunately, the downfall was due to dishonesty….no, not by me … I have plenty of other faults but not that one. Looking back, I believe many disagreements were bec were from different countries and cultures. Made recognition of intonation almost an impossibility. Well…there went 20 yrs down the drain 😂 and, for the most part, the 7 afterwards.
If a man can't work out conflicts in his present marriage, what makes him think he can divorce his wife and marry someone else, using scripture to justify why he was justified in doing what he was doing. How does that Honor God in a commitment that was made until death do you part?
When you counseled Jonathan Lamb, in those recordings at Daystar, you did not follow this biblical principle. That's a tragedy. You counseled to take his mother's side, which is completely unbiblical and counter productive to what you teach. Thankfully, him and Suzie are still together or you would have to account for that.
I’m last in every area of my marriage.. she is withholding all forms of intimacy.. she won’t even kiss me ..I can’t do no contact marriage… I’m starting to resent her
I know exactly how you feel, my husband does the same! It's not that you want to feel this way however over many years of the same treatment it becomes natural and then things turn on you.
Check Yourself first, be honest: do you have bad breath? Are you unwilling to be clean and smell good? Overweight? Have you said hurtful things? Addicted to porn? Have you been neglectful somewhere? (Maybe even ask a buddy to honestly assess you.) Sometimes we can all be stubborn. It makes us feel bad when our partner points out a fault. But we should try and improve! Now, if after examining Yourself, you cant find an issue, ask your wife, where does she find fault and that you are truly listening. LISTEN to what she says. Then think on it. If she is truly just being mean and hateful, move on. You dont deserve to be neglected!!
You should have communicated this to Doug Weiss with his first wife, rather than marrying him and his second wife after he divorced her. I used to respect you. And Joni Lamb IS NOT GODS VOICE ANYWHERE, you need to repent and step down.
Lisa was Doug’s second wife of thirty years and Joni has been‘friends’ with Doug for many years. Doug has lawsuits and pretended to be happily married to his clients while going through his divorce. Evans is bought by Joni and legitimized Doug’s divorce just so Joni could marry him. Other pastor would not.
How do I communicate with my husband he is texting to women he mentioned to me that god told him to do it need help am praying and asking the holy spirit to help and guide me thanks.
Listening to unbiblical teachings that I tried to force on my spouse. Trying to fit him into a role God did not create him for. Reading the word, and playing to our strength is key. At times, its not possiable to put your spouse "first". Just another way of making folk feel guilty.
UNSUBSCRIBED after hearing what you said on tape concerning Day Star. I always respected your opinion and teachings but now I can't even look at you the same way.
@@debbiewayman9059 wow, really?? Very shady business going on there. Such a shame that they are marring the reputation of real pastors trying to awaken the church. Breaks my heart.
Yikes Joanie the very thing you’re trying to protect the brand and the money is what’s gonna do you in Marion is Doug Weise guy why because he wants your money he left his wife for 30 years OK I’m sure she never thought her husband would leave her money more than welcome to infatuation never ever ever compromise your immediate family your innocent granddaughter over a man just because you’re catching feelings and it feels goodthis is hard advice that man wants your money man wants your money as far as Jimmy Evan’s opinion employees still have rights and most importantly what about the innocent child!
Marriage comes first and not sin ? So we can leave our wives of thirty years because we want to be married to someone else and in your eyes that’s ok ?
My wife puts her disabled son 1st. He's mid 40s and disabled because of living a life of homosexual behaviour for decades! Even though he's supposed to be a Christian! He's been living in our home for over 13 months & he's waited on 24/7! My marriage was rocky to begin with, before this guy showed up
@@fallonbernard4499 but then sickness comes upon her From all the weight of caring for someone's bad choices .. it's so weird wen you play GOD it never works!!!¡
Romantic relationships are not a beautiful thing. Romance causes a lot of problems in this world. Life is a lot better without romance than it is with it. Romantic love is not special at all, and I think that the romantic type of love isn't real. More than half of romantic couples either break up with each other or divorce each other, And most couples who are still together are usually not happy being together. Also, there are a lot of toxic romantic relationships. Like an example is that abuse happens a lot in romantic relationships. Also, studies prove single, childless, women are the HAPPIEST demographic. Women are the happiest when single and focused on themselves.
I think the western world view has done injustice to other people cultures. Whenever my wife says communication, she actually means arguments ....when she says partnership, she means Co headship of a home. It just creates such disharmony and she further says...difference is okay.
It is ok to talk down to daughters and wives? what in the world. Why say it hurts a son. Why soecify a gender which implies my first sentence. Men, as good as they are, show their blind spots.
@@deirdremorris9234 unfortunately no :( sad thing is my in laws moved here and we got them a place across the street and they refuse to watch their grand kids at all and the rest of our family is 3000 miles away
Try find a special needs program, u may find one u qualify for based on low income, which u can then get a lil break & special needs child may also qualify for SSI, which may help with a lil money monthly.
@@deirdremorris9234 they’ll give some positive attention to our 3 year old, but they always ignore or are mean to our 7 year old, the one with special needs, so it’s to the point we don’t want them to even. Be around him because they make him feel bad about himself
Daystar. Did Joni pay you? Why would you not talk to Lisa Weiss, only Doug Weiss? Guess you changed your mind about stepping down from your MARRIAGE BUSINESS.
@@kent266 Do you live close to your mom? If so, you may need to move away. I also suggest you have a good talking with her. She either honors your wife or you go no contact. My mom started disrespecting my husband. I put her in her place. Boundaries are our responsibility.
Technology free?!?!? A chair is technology, so is your house and the lights etc. How can one do anything technology free outside of sitting naked, on a log, in a forest without your glasses on?
@@Rancid-Jane Yes, they are inventions. Everything in life besides nature is basically an invention. What I mean is that when people use the word "technology," they aren't talking about chairs and furniture. Most people, when they use the word technology, are talking about electronics. Do you really walk around and use the word technology to describe your house furniture? LOL
Evans talks good and sweet and kind and loving full of love but he keeps the face and the countenance of a wicked evil man. I am not judging Evans but his countenance is not of God more of the devil.
It sounds like the man is a door mat to the woman like this,,when do you talk about how woman ate to treat men,,,it always how men treat woman ,,STOP it not one sided,,I sick of hearing how fragile woman are,,guess what woman ask to be treated harshly thru woman liberation
Christian feminists were the ones pushing to raise the age of consent in the 1800s so men would stop having sex with children. Where were the men? Men have been treating women harshly way before Women's lib. If women had been treated as the 'co-heirs' they are it probably never would have happened.
Agree. Spouse comes first. For wife it should be her husband and for husband it should be the wife. Mutual respect and love.❤
Great content, thanks for sharing. My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, really love her so much, I can't stop thinking about her. I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life but to no avail, I’m frustrated because i literally can't envision my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.
Your feelings are understandable, It's always difficult to let go of someone you love, i was in a similar situation when my husband of 12 years left me, i couldn't just let him go. I did all I could to get him back, I had to seek the help of a spiritual adviser who helped me bring him back.
@@nikascupcakebar Wow, how did you get a spiritual adviser, and how do i reach him/her?
@@haynesatteh4463 her name is MONICA ERLENE MORA, and she is a great spiritual adviser as well as a caster and healer
@@nikascupcakebar Thank you for this valuable information, I just looked her up online. impressive.
@@haynesatteh4463 please seek a Christian Spiritual Counselor for advice.
Also, I encourage you to study the biblical meaning of “Idolatry.” We can’t make idols out of people even those we love. If we do, they become our god and the relationship is automatically heading for destruction.
When I read your comment, you reminded me of the tragic mistake I made years ago thinking the way you’re thinking about your wife.
Without realizing it we can make gods out of people.
The Word of God tells us “God is a jealous God!!!
Exalting another human being that high in our lives, regardless if it is our spouse is an offense to the Lord our God who created us.
When I realized I had made a god out of the man I loved, and my actions said, I was loving him more than God; I repented but only after he died suddenly in a car accident.
It was tragic but I learned the hard way “Thou shall have no other gods before me!” The first Commandment of God!🙏🏾
One of the biggest lessons I have learned in communicating with my spouse is when I need to express myself, I lead with the “I know where you’re coming from approach” and find it’s the best way to keep an open line to segue into my concerns.
With the failure rate of true marriages between one adult male and one adult female being so high, even among "professed" Christians, we all need to follow this advice.
My Husband 88 passed Feb22 -24 we talked about the Bible alot he was a Preacher i miss him alot he fell and broke his hip never woke up after surgery i worried alot and he always told me not to worry .I cared for him after several surgeries he always said he was ready when Jesus called him home . I never thought for a moment that it was that day we always told each other we loved each other and one day i shall see him again.
Sorry for your loss. How many years were you married?
Thanks for sharing. What a wonderful reminder how important it is to spend good enough and precious time talking to our spouses and our children. May God help us all to live a healthy life for Him and His glory. Amen.
This is a great video for todays marriage issues and a guide on how to fix the problems
Thinking back to Love & Respect book
Last time I read the Ephesians passages, I rearranged the verses
Very good & thought provoking
Ephesians 5 : 1 - 2 ... 17 - 21
Ephesians 5 : 25 - 30
Ephesians 5 : 22 - 24
Ephesians 5 : 31 - 33
Not trying to change Bible reading or order
Just was studying
Blessings to All
Bare Marriage podcast
Some men or women think communication is arguing. 😢 it’s a never ending struggle.
In my opinion
Communication is dialog between 2 or more people depending on the topic
Monolog is not communication
One or the other dumping their "crap" list every time is not communication either
I would like to talk as much as possible in a normal level tone of voice
Just me
Blessings to You on Your Journey 🙂
I have a question. How do males and females bond with each other? I don't see how men and women can bond (especially romantically) with each other. Men and women think very differently from each other.
I heard that lesbian relationships are healthier because they understand each other. If both partners understand each other, they won’t want to break up with each other. I also heard that women have higher rates of depression when married (in straight relationships). There is a very small percent of women that are happy in heterosexual relationships.
So it's very hard for men and women to bond with each other and have a strong bond with each other. Both men and women think differently, behave differently, react in a different way.
The more similar two people are, the easier it is to relate and understand each other, resulting in a better, more fulfilling connection. I also read somewhere that even with the divorce rates what they are, most heterosexual marriages that don't end in divorce are still unhappy, and can absolutely relate to experiencing significantly more depression while married than while single.
@@kimmieM0927 arguing is NOT communication. It’s one side explosively expressing their own opinion and shutting out the other person’s thoughts and opinions. It takes 2 to have a conversation, (for the most part…I am known to carry on a conversation with myself, but that’s only when current company would not provide me with intelligence conversation or even a thought provoking one), it also takes 2 to have an argument or a fight. If one party walks away or requests to discuss later when tempers are not as flared and walks away, then hopefully and most often the wind is removed from the sails of the other. And so…. @kimmieM0927 try suggesting the reconvening after a time certain or until tempers are cooled, might be helpful.
Thank God for this teaching. Thank God for Jimmy Evans.
My wife has always been about caring for everyone else first. She came from the most horribly abusive drunk of a father and codependent victim allowing mother. And my wife spent all of her time either working or worrying and feeling guilty about what her parents thought. Looking back at the abuse and utter dysfunction she came from it was no wonder the horror I experienced being around such unbelievable dysfunction. But I allowed it by complaining but never taking action. So in the end I have only myself to blame. We can truly be our own worst enemies.
That's an unfortunate situation.. learning her passsy truma, at least you know where it came from. How you dealt with it is what the Father is concerned about.
Thank you for being so real.
I think many folks dont know the depth of issues their partner faced/faces.
Did you divorce her? How could you have taken action?
Such a great message! so much needed to hear. I pray that we can apply this to our marriage.🙏
This is so true and my husband fails at this. He lost his way and the way he speaks and his tone make me feel like I mean Nothing to him. Unless I do as I’m told. I look to God but he just can’t show emotion. Our grown children see it and feel it themselves. So sad for us all, bc I feel I’m love with him when he could express himself now, I’m just here and have stayed too long bc I don’t want to break my vows but I dream I could be with a man who can show love and be kind and gentle not using his tongue to cut me down to the ground.
I understand what you are going through Just have to trust God and pray that God change you both and that you learn how to forgive him
A man is the pilot of the family. If you fly it well, you will have a safe landing. If you marry a good woman and she suddenly changes toward you, check yourself. It means she has taken more than enough from you, and she has an elastic limit too. You are the leader of the family. Lead her, treat and respect her the way you want to be treated, and you'll enjoy heaven on earth in your family. Give her love; she'll give full-time joy and peace.
Both parties have an equal share in the marriage therefore the man is not the leader of the family but a co partner in the marriage. Such nonsense is what fuels the mistreatment of women in and outside marriage. Men are poor communicators by and large and when you are in a marriage with a damaged man that mistreats you there is no point in continuing .
@@bernieoconnell5515 statement is contrary to God’s word. Jesus says for the husband to love his wife as Christ loved the church that means unconditionally.
@@kathleenbueter1272 well a lot of husbands don’t love their wives unconditionally that’s my point. What to do then? Let them walk all over you I suppose? Ones first duty is to themselves not to a man who does not appreciate his wife
Amen ❤
@@bernieoconnell5515 Well said. Relationships are FAR more complicated and pat answers or solutions cant cover the plethora of issues.
😂😂😂😂😂 it happened the same situation to me with my husband and he likes to drive fast and i was always tense 😬 and I try to tell him in many ways but there was no way to listen and finally i told him if we are going to travel we gonna drive separately or I’m not going out with him… now he understood… the thing is that I hated that I have to threaten him to understand my problem… 😢 ohhh marriage is the hardest work
My husband has always taken the "respect" thing too has never been a balanced harmony of respect, and therefore, I have never felt nurtured, which also gives due respect to the wife. Listen up men - "respect" is not due to you while you ram-rod your wife at every bend where you feel as though she is just a thorn in your side when it comes to disagreeing with you. My life with my husband has been a nightmare...please pray for us...
Evans is a narcissist and fraud just like most everyone connected to Daystar and Robert Morris. He legitimized Doug’s divorce so he could marry Joni Lamb who were very good ‘friends’ for many years along with her late husband Marcus.
You need love..
He needs respect
How do you Communicate with someone who has lied to you so often that you don't know how to really have a relationship with Them any more?
expose the truth and pray for change and honesty
Submit and pray. If he cheats the arrangement no longer valid
We lift up your marriage in Jesus name and continue to hold him accountable for his actions and words and vice versa God hates liars the truth is so important
You cant communicate with someone without some degree of honesty.
Sounds like you have three choices..smack him with a cast iron skillet..accept his lies..or move on until you can find someone whos honest.
I can't answer that question even after 30 years in but ...I CANNNN tell you this ! !
They certainly can't take wut the mess they dish out THATS for sure !!!
Liars ?? They JUST HATE TO BE LIED TO !!!!
THIEVES??? They don't like you touching let alone STEALING their stuff ....
AVOIDERS??? .. HATE !!! to be ignored!!!!!
You do that ??? And You will catch the fury of double hockey sticks !!
Oh let me add CHEATERS??? Will check you for everything who u talking to ?? Whose that person... Who you texting!!!? Where you going??
How may we watch this in it's entirety? Please! 😊
You are helping so many!! ❤
Yes, in communication you SHOULD BE ABLE TO RESOLVE conflict or anything else, but problems are exacerbated when a spouse refuses to have discussions. You start out talking "normally." When you are ignored for years on end, that heightens frustration and words don't come out soft & kind any more. Then, you just stop trying.
Listening to your spouse go on and on and on when they want you to listen to them talk about EVERYTHING ELSE but what is most pertinent DOES NOT breed "connection!!!" When you want to talk and have them listen to you, they don't even have the courtesy to stop what they're doing to make eye contact and ACTIVELY LISTEN when you speak. Why bother?! Silence is golden; if your spouse doesn't care to listen to you, why talk?!
Lawwwwwwwwd! I could literally throw the spouse's phone in the ocean, as it is definitely the master. In denial to the hilt!!!!!! Used to be the computer, now it's the hand-held computer that is called a smart phone. Acts like the phone is oxygen or blood that can't be lived without.
Hear that loud & clear
It's phone bubble games
Then dumb a%&s TV shows
Then bad a%&s news
Should be a reasonably steady diet of Faith Family Friends
In need of tech break. Set aside time each week no tech. Praying for you both
Speakrighttogod, I’m with you 100%!
The pain and anguish of rejection, especially to a thing-phone, T.V., etc.!
Been there done that for 30 years!! Then my narcissistic pastor/husband discarded me and moved 750 miles away with our youngest son!! 💔
Received much needed teaching and support encouragement from Flying Free (Natalie Hoffman), Dr. Les Carter (Surviving Narcissism) and RC Blakes. Blessings and healing to you!!
@@lindabueckert9559 Same here. It's so frustrating 😫
Thank you for this.
Very nice picks. I am aligned with all the firearms you showed. Just got mostly that same .308 except its in ODG. Pricey but fun. I always enjoy your videos.
Amen Hallelujah I receive it in Jesus name for Odell and I 🙌🙌🎺🎺Thank you LORD HALLELUJAH 🙏❤Thank you Pastor Jimmy
The hard part is not receiving, but putting it in practice. So I pray for perseverant and successful practice of this message in your marriage just as I do mine, sister. 🙏
The other person needs to be willing to be open and honest to have effective communication
Loving the Three Dog Night
Fell in love to their songs ❤️
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Blessings, love and prayers from Pakistan
Won't listen to Jimmy Evans any more after his spiritual abuse with Joni Lamb & Daystar.....being a bully is not Biblical, & neither is claiming "Joni is the voice of God" to force her son to go against his convictions to publicly endorse a marriage that the Marriage counsellors (from Doug's marriage of almost 30 years he left) warned her to not marry into in the first place.... Doug rebelliously went against the godly advice to NOT leave his first wife, & Joni rebelliously ignored her warning given by "the voice of God" from the pastors who were Doug's first marriage counsellors to NOT marry that creepy man. Yet Jimmy thinks rebellious Joni who is a bully is "the voice of God", & Jimmy then proceeds to bully Jonathan Lamb into ignoring his godly convictions does not work that way Jimmy, & you are not only a bully but are off track with you unBiblical advice & the way it was delivered.... NOT acceptable Jimmy!
And Jimmy where were you to bully Joni BEFORE she entered into her adulterous marriage with Doug the "sex therapist", following the advice from the warning of the Pastors counselling Doug & his wife of almost 30 years (who warned Joni to stay away from Doug & NOT to marry him).....& you see yourself as an "authority" on Biblical marriage?!😂😂
That pastor's advice was also in line with Jonathan's personal convictions....the very convictions you bullyied him into ignoring
....shame on you Jimmy, & we will not be sitting under your advice, counsel, or "marriage teaching" when you clearly do not follow the very definition of Biblical counsel by pastors who are Marriage counsellors.
We pray for all to repent from their spiritual abuse & rebellion against God's Word & Biblical counsel
Doug was married twice before Joni and knew Joni for years before Marcus death! A lady has investigated Doug and posted links on Suzy’s instagram. Doug has had many lawsuits and got his so-called degree from an online college! He even pretended to be happily married to his clients while divorcing Lisa! Lisa was probably forced to sign NDA or divorce contract just like everyone at Daystar just to keep business and house.
Communication indeed 💯💯💯
The Lord is Head over the Christian marriage...He comes first ...then your husband and just like your husband or wife ...if you don't take time to talk with Him ..the relationship will fall apart !
Someone who knows what they are talking about. Well said. And the Holy Scriptures back that statement up completely.
Whom should you choose? An unloving wife or your daughter whom she hates?
Leave everything else in God's hands. If you are in the correct order, in love - then He will get the glory. He is more than capable.
ASK HER why she is acting that way.
Choose you wife first and i believe she will love your daughter too.😊
Christ, he will help you with what to do about the daughter and the wife who is being Christ like wife should never have a reason to hate your child don't let her abuse your child but also your child should respect your wife Paul talks about the relationship between servants and master and children and parents your are the head of the house lead them in the by example
I'm sorry but I can't accept advice from a counselor who is trying to force a 30some year old man to accept a marriage that he has strong convictions not to. I can't after hearing the son being spiritually whipped for over an hour and a half by Jimmy evans, hold respect for Mr. Evans anymore
How do you talk with someone who doesn't trust anyone and doesn't take the time to get to know just how you are because they have been hurt by so many people in their lives
Some people who claim they been hurt by others use that as an excuse to explain the hang ups they have..its also an excuse to be rude and insensitive.
I've known people like that.
They often feel that the world revolves around them.
If you become their friend their problems will become your problems.
I leave people like that alone.
I prefer people who are down to earth.
@@ZgBT8 And all that I have done for the last 10 years and she still doesn't have a clue about what makes me happy she still thinks I try to "run game" on her ect but though it all I just let her see my love.
@@thomasvincent9027and how has that worked?
I’m sorry to read you’re hurting and it kills to share, but don’t be surprised if you never stop loving her, just accept you don’t work together in that way any longer. I’ve been there…there and, (to me), worse
Quite honestly, as I read the words you wrote…word by word… it sounds as though you’re actually frustrated by it all as you should be…not angry…give yourself time outs and ask her to respect your doing so…maybe suggest (nicely) that it could help you both … together … if she tries doing the same with you. Take your 5 mins and try again with a clear head.
Don’t let ego rear its head and force you to stop using that moment to decide if what you’re about to say is the best thing to say or way to say it. (Might be helpful if I take some of my own advice, doubt I will, but I bet it’d help me out as well.)
Don't ever commit to a broken person. You'll never out love their trauma
Technology is a good servant
but a horrible master
What if he never wants to do anything with you???
How do you give respect when you don't get respect?
Heard that. It's about submitting to God Will for you in the Marriage. Pray and submit (even if it's unnatural). Be the light. Keep in mind there are biblical terms for divorce. Praying for you.
The same way God expects you to love your enemies. Respect is not given because of who THEY are but because of WHO'S you are.
If this will help, see what I shared / wrote couple of days ago on Ephesians 5
Hope it helps
And no, I have not arrived
Still a work in process
Blessings to you
Felt led to add this as well
Great Book out there called ... Love & Respect
Very well written ... Very well balanced
Summary of it is this ... Men need Respect, Women need Love
Both submit to God ... then to each other
Just sharing ... Not an authority on marriage
Been married more than once
You are not required to submit to abuse.
ptl for this!!1
Amen. I am blessed. God bless all the Young couples. Thanks.🥰♥️🙏
Insecure men think everything is disrespectful including tears from him being awful to her. Drop the respect thing it gets blown out of proportion
Do you really think it's a good idea to drop the teaching of men need respect just because some immature and insecure men don't recognize what respect / disrespect looks like? What about just dropping the teaching that women need security because some women are insecure or have daddy issues or whatever other thing you can come up with? What about the men and women who are not insecure or immature who need to hear this?
@@gentlegiant3533 EVERYONE needs respect.
@@gentlegiant3533security isn't needed just because someone may have had "daddy issues " or previous issues with men/insecurities. Wanting to feel safe and secure is a basic human right & essential in a marriage especially for a woman. Especially if that man expects her to produce children, love & respect him. You can still argue & disagree in a marriage that feels totally safe and secure, that's normal. Only a woman who intentionally wants to wear the pants constantly and be the leader doesn't need to feel safe... she is safe by doing all the leading & making sure stuff gets done, if she's playing that role because the husband is useless/misunderstanding then she's not doing it from a safe/secure place & its out of fear or insecurity. When I was single, I made lots of stupid decisions that made me vulnerable but I felt safe & secure within myself because I was the master of my ship & where I was going and had full control of where my life/daily routine was going. All that changes once you're married. Who wants to have to have the mental capacity to be in charge all the time? You want to be able to feel safe and secure that your spouse can get stuff done too/make sound decisions & has your back. That includes understanding each others insecurities & boundaries too & respecting them so you can feel safe & accepted to be who you really are or who you wish to grow into. And it goes both ways. Both spouses need to feel safe and respected. I'd heard all of these terms etc. But didn't truly understand the nitty gritty of it until I got married.
You're projecting your own insecurities onto men who don't like to be disrespected and you're justifying your own disrespectful behavior.
Wife can’t put husband first because God comes first right I’m over it now my marriage is dead my fault I’m very hard to live with I accept this I hope she finds a companion who will love her the way she wants to be loved and treat her like she should be treated she grew I didn’t
Sad to say that not in my marriage, my step daughter comes first... so sad
I'm so sorry you are going through that. I have three kids with my wife right now and one on the way and our oldest is 18 and the youngest is two and everything is more important than my needs. It could be people at work or ordering something off Amazon for 3 hours. Honestly I'm not even sure how she got pregnant since lately we only have sex once every six weeks or so. But because she lost some weight and now she's going to gain some from the pregnancy everything is my fault again not that everything wasn't my fault before but it's more prominent now than before. I know I keep praying for God to soften my wife's heart and I hope she does the same for your spouse. We should all be able to put God first our spouses second then our children than our work and I'm not even sure work should be up that high. God bless you and I will pray for you and your spouse and I hope things get better
@@wesv8743 I have been praying and I need prayer myself to not harden my own heart towards my husband. I see evil trying to destroy. I get so hurt when I get spoken with so much disrespect and disdain but I hear how soft and tender he speaks to his daughter. At the beginning he treated me like a queen, now I am just a person in his way, tells me to shut up, not speak. We can not discuss our issues, it's just one way. No forgiveness in his heart towards people who hurt him. I think I get the brunt of it. It is a roller coaster I was on with my first marriage, now this one seems even more extreme. The fact that I am in almost the same situation again, frustrates and upset me. I left him last year, he begged me to come back. I did, then it became worse... I am not sure what to do, I am loosing myself, who I am... It is emotionally very draining. I grew up in a very loving and caring family, I wanted what my parents had... not that it was perfect but there was communication, respect and love.
@maritalouwrens4037 sadly once you leave them and come back they think it gives them a license and a right to treat you however they want. Sorry to hear you are going through that!
@Marita Lowrens @Wes V, I’m sorry for what you both going through. I’m no expert in marriage but please permit me to share with you how I’m learning to view relationships. You can’t control what your spouse does or doesn’t do but you can control your actions. You can control how you react or process your feelings. I choose to be the punching bag just as God does for me when I throw tantrums. I’m the more spiritually mature so to whom much is given, much is expected. I pour out my heart to God and pray He transforms the heart of my partner. I know God has done it and the manifestation is unfolding slowly. It requires a lot of patience. We can only work on ourselves and not another.
If she was your biological daughter, you'd definitely put her first. You're biased because she's not yours.
Texting is just ruinous for emoting intonation and inflection in speech. Had many an argument because of misinterpreted tone by myself or her. Unfortunately, the downfall was due to dishonesty….no, not by me … I have plenty of other faults but not that one. Looking back, I believe many disagreements were bec were from different countries and cultures. Made recognition of intonation almost an impossibility. Well…there went 20 yrs down the drain 😂 and, for the most part, the 7 afterwards.
After 30+ years I Am honestly shocked to hear Karen is still alive & still married
If a man can't work out conflicts in his present marriage, what makes him think he can divorce his wife and marry someone else, using scripture to justify why he was justified in doing what he was doing. How does that Honor God in a commitment that was made until death do you part?
When you counseled Jonathan Lamb, in those recordings at Daystar, you did not follow this biblical principle. That's a tragedy. You counseled to take his mother's side, which is completely unbiblical and counter productive to what you teach. Thankfully, him and Suzie are still together or you would have to account for that.
I’m last in every area of my marriage.. she is withholding all forms of intimacy.. she won’t even kiss me ..I can’t do no contact marriage… I’m starting to resent her
Yes..... I'm always put last also.... 😔
I know exactly how you feel, my husband does the same! It's not that you want to feel this way however over many years of the same treatment it becomes natural and then things turn on you.
Check Yourself first, be honest: do you have bad breath? Are you unwilling to be clean and smell good? Overweight? Have you said hurtful things? Addicted to porn? Have you been neglectful somewhere? (Maybe even ask a buddy to honestly assess you.)
Sometimes we can all be stubborn. It makes us feel bad when our partner points out a fault. But we should try and improve!
Now, if after examining Yourself, you cant find an issue, ask your wife, where does she find fault and that you are truly listening. LISTEN to what she says. Then think on it.
If she is truly just being mean and hateful, move on. You dont deserve to be neglected!!
You should have communicated this to Doug Weiss with his first wife, rather than marrying him and his second wife after he divorced her. I used to respect you. And Joni Lamb IS NOT GODS VOICE ANYWHERE, you need to repent and step down.
Lisa was Doug’s second wife of thirty years and Joni has been‘friends’ with Doug for many years. Doug has lawsuits and pretended to be happily married to his clients while going through his divorce. Evans is bought by Joni and legitimized Doug’s divorce just so Joni could marry him. Other pastor would not.
@ I didn’t realize Joni was #3 but not too surprised
I know all this my husband doesn't 😂
Hilarious, that’s not what you said to Jonathan lamb, you told him his mommy is voice of god to him, disgusting
GOD first
Purpose. second
Wife third
Kids fourth
Family fifth
Others Last
Once you break any of that
Your life will be mismanaged
And where are u in that list?
Not too connected, We are to connected to the wrong things!!!!
How do I communicate with my husband he is texting to women he mentioned to me that god told him to do it need help am praying and asking the holy spirit to help and guide me thanks.
What mistakes have you made in marriage and what have you learned from them?
I married a narcissist..... biggest mistake of my life !! It's a very lonely & painful life !! 💔 I need prayers.....
Painful.yes.sooo sad.but thank God we have Him.
Listening to unbiblical teachings that I tried to force on my spouse. Trying to fit him into a role God did not create him for. Reading the word, and playing to our strength is key. At times, its not possiable to put your spouse "first". Just another way of making folk feel guilty.
UNSUBSCRIBED after hearing what you said on tape concerning Day Star. I always respected your opinion and teachings but now I can't even look at you the same way.
He is controlled by Joni and legitimized Doug’s divorce to his 2nd wife, Lisa, of thirty years so Joni could marry her longtime‘friend’ Doug!
@@debbiewayman9059 wow, really?? Very shady business going on there. Such a shame that they are marring the reputation of real pastors trying to awaken the church. Breaks my heart.
@@Lexi_________ Denise Boggs came out with more facts so Joni had to get her employees to back her scripted damage control on her show Table Talk.
Your ministry isn't credible anymore. You're disqualified.
Yikes Joanie the very thing you’re trying to protect the brand and the money is what’s gonna do you in Marion is Doug Weise guy why because he wants your money he left his wife for 30 years OK I’m sure she never thought her husband would leave her money more than welcome to infatuation never ever ever compromise your immediate family your innocent granddaughter over a man just because you’re catching feelings and it feels goodthis is hard advice that man wants your money man wants your money as far as Jimmy Evan’s opinion employees still have rights and most importantly what about the innocent child!
Maybe he should tell Dr Weisse first and not support his divorce.
Marriage comes first and not sin ? So we can leave our wives of thirty years because we want to be married to someone else and in your eyes that’s ok ?
My wife puts her disabled son 1st. He's mid 40s and disabled because of living a life of homosexual behaviour for decades! Even though he's supposed to be a Christian! He's been living in our home for over 13 months & he's waited on 24/7! My marriage was rocky to begin with, before this guy showed up
She’ll eventually get tired of the hand and foot care. It’s not sustainable.
@@fallonbernard4499 but then sickness comes upon her From all the weight of caring for someone's bad choices .. it's so weird wen you play GOD it never works!!!¡
I’m sorry to hear this.
Why didn’t he give that advise to Dr Doug Weiss? Oh because divorce was convenient for him.
Romantic relationships are not a beautiful thing. Romance causes a lot of problems in this world. Life is a lot better without romance than it is with it. Romantic love is not special at all, and I think that the romantic type of love isn't real. More than half of romantic couples either break up with each other or divorce each other, And most couples who are still together are usually not happy being together.
Also, there are a lot of toxic romantic relationships. Like an example is that abuse happens a lot in romantic relationships.
Also, studies prove single, childless, women are the HAPPIEST demographic. Women are the happiest when single and focused on themselves.
I think the western world view has done injustice to other people cultures. Whenever my wife says communication, she actually means arguments ....when she says partnership, she means Co headship of a home. It just creates such disharmony and she further says...difference is okay.
It is ok to talk down to daughters and wives? what in the world. Why say it hurts a son. Why soecify a gender which implies my first sentence.
Men, as good as they are, show their blind spots.
I had no audio😮
count your blessings....I'm very serious
What do you do when you have young special needs kids and family and no money for help and can’t even communicate with each other
Wow!! That is a lot!! I felt that!
Is there any family that can give you some small breaks?
@@deirdremorris9234 unfortunately no :( sad thing is my in laws moved here and we got them a place across the street and they refuse to watch their grand kids at all and the rest of our family is 3000 miles away
Try find a special needs program, u may find one u qualify for based on low income, which u can then get a lil break & special needs child may also qualify for SSI, which may help with a lil money monthly.
@@Breeandfree Wow. That is rotten. Do they like 'visiting' with the kids? Maybe they feel inadeqaute to babysit?
@@deirdremorris9234 they’ll give some positive attention to our 3 year old, but they always ignore or are mean to our 7 year old, the one with special needs, so it’s to the point we don’t want them to even. Be around him because they make him feel bad about himself
But never say no to God!
Daystar. Did Joni pay you? Why would you not talk to Lisa Weiss, only Doug Weiss? Guess you changed your mind about stepping down from your MARRIAGE BUSINESS.
Biggest issue in marriages today. Not putting GOD first and. Female hypergamy.
I think Doug should have stayed with lisa it is biblical
My mother still thinks she should be more important than my wife.
Does she have a spouse ?
@@shansays1991 No. Dad passed 20 years ago. I've been married 39 years and my mother has been this way from day 1.
@@kent266 Do you live close to your mom? If so, you may need to move away. I also suggest you have a good talking with her. She either honors your wife or you go no contact. My mom started disrespecting my husband. I put her in her place. Boundaries are our responsibility.
Sever that emeshment.
@smokingcrab2290 Thank you. Unfortunately yes, I had to sever the relationship with my mother.
I dont want to listen to you anymore
Some of the most terribly destructive advice I have ever heard.
Technology free?!?!? A chair is technology, so is your house and the lights etc. How can one do anything technology free outside of sitting naked, on a log, in a forest without your glasses on?
Those are inventions. Technology in today's world means electronic devices.
LOL! Id actually be down for doing that for a little bit.
@@weightlosswithjohanna Electronic devices are just as much inventions as the things I listed. .
@@deirdremorris9234 😆
@@Rancid-Jane Yes, they are inventions. Everything in life besides nature is basically an invention. What I mean is that when people use the word "technology," they aren't talking about chairs and furniture. Most people, when they use the word technology, are talking about electronics. Do you really walk around and use the word technology to describe your house furniture? LOL
Evans talks good and sweet and kind and loving full of love
but he keeps the face and the countenance of a wicked evil man. I am not judging Evans but his countenance is not of God more of the devil.
It sounds like the man is a door mat to the woman like this,,when do you talk about how woman ate to treat men,,,it always how men treat woman ,,STOP it not one sided,,I sick of hearing how fragile woman are,,guess what woman ask to be treated harshly thru woman liberation
Your comma key makes doubles and triples. Looks weird.
@@Rancid-Jane what even that means
@@christophercriss5888 Your post has multiple commas where normally one comma is used at any one time.
@Rancid Jane sorry,,
Christian feminists were the ones pushing to raise the age of consent in the 1800s so men would stop having sex with children. Where were the men? Men have been treating women harshly way before Women's lib. If women had been treated as the 'co-heirs' they are it probably never would have happened.