My husband and I struggled with infertility for almost 8 years. We had one miscarriage about 4 years ago. God used the miscarriage to lead us to become foster parents. We adopted our daughter and our foster license is still active. My doctor told me I needed IVF to become pregnant. I felt very strong conviction over that and decided that IVF was not for us, we will continue on the path God has planned for us. I'm now 19 weeks pregnant, and got pregnant naturally. I believe God opens and closes wombs as He has done in the Bible, even to this day.
God is good! Congratulations! We struggled with secondary infertility for 8 years as well, and had 8 miscarriages. Eventually got pregnant naturally, and then got pregnant with identical twins not long after. Our twins were born at 26 weeks, after a horribly complicated pregnancy and in utero surgery. We were told they wouldn’t make it, then if they did that they’d have so many problems… they’re 2 now and the sweetest, smartest little boys. The hole has closed in baby bs heart, and they are just perfect. Thank you, Father! Praying for a healthy and uneventful pregnancy, and a safe delivery, in Jesus mighty name.
Folic acid is the reason my daughter was able to carry a baby almost to term her baby was born 3 weeks early Jamie took a bottle of folic acid with her prenatal vitamins and she was able to carry this baby almost to term. When Jamie ran out of her folic acid she didn't replace that and she miscarried 3 weeks early but the baby was developed enough that she was just considered a preemie and she is doing very well she is now 19 years old. How could God get the information to you or even put it in your spirit to think that you might be deficient in a mineral that is why you're not carrying babies my daughter Jamie who was deficient in folic acid was also is very low in progesterone and estrogen. These are simple fixes in today's society we can supplement with vitamins and even natural hormones.
After our 4th child our church deacons pressured my husband to get a vasectomy. The night before my husband had a dream and God warned him! We went on to have 4 more children and I wrote a book called Birthing Gods Mighty Warriors! We now have 8 children and 14 grands! Having more children was the bEST thing we EVER did! ❤
You are so blessed with a big family 🙏❤ I'm pregnant with our 4th and can't wait to get my tubes tied. I would love to have more children but being pregnant is awful for me. Perhaps later on we can adopt.
My 2 year old was dx with brain cancer and died when he was 6. The whole experience completely changed me and brought me back to Christ. I never felt so helpless and fearful but found hope and peace in Christ Jesus
My husband and I had two children and they were both a few years old. Pregnancies were hard on me and I wasn’t wanting to be pregnant again since I had a difficult time with our first two. I should have trusted God with His plan for our family but my husband and I decided two kids would be enough and he ended up getting a vasectomy. A week after he had the procedure I found out I was pregnant with our third child. While the third pregnancy was also hard, I can’t imagine our lives without our youngest. And over the past 10 years I have often regretted not being able to have more kids with my husband because he is an amazing father and God has blessed our family so much. We fostered last year and are now beginning to look into adoption. We know only by God’s grace will we adopt, and we’re content with whatever happens, and also prayerfully seeking His will in our decisions.
I for one am so happy for the vasectomy procedure. Never in my life was I suicidal until I became pregnant. Depression both during and after pregnancy with both our kids. God gave me a boy and a girl, and we decided we were done. Better to have healthy, present mother, than a dead or lethargic one. When he speaks around minute 14 about the devil speaking to him about ending things, that is exactly how I felt during and after my pregnancies. We do not get to choose our health afflictions. The Lord knows we are but men with weak bodies. You may mourn not being able to have biological children, but your family needs a healthy mom. If pregnancies were very hard for you, you did the right thing in caring for the family God had gifted you. Let the regret go and move forward with the blessings God has given you.
I’m so glad that this came out. After 4 years of trying and finally finding out why I haven’t gotten pregnant from my tubes bein damaged from scar tissue and being told IVF is our only way of getting pregnant. After lots and lots of prayer have to decided not to go that route and go towards adoption cause the Lord always guides us
I suffered from infertility for many years. In my struggle with God, I came to realize that whatever path He ultimately had for me was His BEST plan for me, not second best, even when it felt like it to me at the time. I pray for God's best for you.
We are forever changed by our children from embryo adoption. We struggled through infertility and held firm against going through IVF due to all the loss of life through the man made process, instead we sought to save ones already created. We have a daughter and son that are genetic full siblings. I wondered if I would always have a longing for my genetics to be passed on, and with such delight I can say my heart is full beyond belief and I rejoice in the path He gave us and do not need to see my nose on a little face, but rather am constantly amazed at the features of my children. The Lord binds up wounds and replaced pain with joy
I’m Protestant, but have learned so much about Catholicism since being ill & mostly home bound, & the Catholic Church is the only Church that still teaches the Christian truth regarding sexuality, birth control, marriage as a vocation, etc. I wish the entire Christian world would read Humanae Vitae & learn about Theology of the Body. As Christians, we can’t participate in enslaving poor & working class women as surrogates. They are often single mothers & American, military wives. What happens to their children when they die or are disabled by a paid pregnancy?
@@southbug27 Thank you for posting this! Evangelium Vitae is one of several encyclicals. Father Robert Spitzzer, S.J. has written books - large volumes -- on the topics of Personhood, why we say human life is sacred and deserves to be created responsibly with the concept of allowing People God wants to be created for His purpose. Reading these books, a little at a time, sink deeply into the sound, mind, spirit. A Catholic woman Law Professor who has spoken for years on the Sanctity of Life is Helen Lavare. She is brilliant and speaks to the hearts and minds of young adult women. She has written several books. She is a sociologist and tracks the decline of marriage in the U.S.
Wow this was fantastic! When he was talking about children and said that no child is here accidentally, that hit home for me. One of my children is medically complex and when we found out some diagnosis’ prenatally, an abortion was offered immediately. I am a Christian and once I realized even though I was in shock, God was not and this was not a mistake. It brought me and still provides me a comfort I can’t describe other than biblical. Thank you for this, what a testament to our God 🤍
My experience having my youngest was very similar. Once prenatally found he had Down Syndrome the pressure was on from medical practitioners involved to terminate. After having had a miscarriage before catching pregnant this time I had the fire of a mama bear and the Christian upbringing I had made me adamant that wasn't an option and I had the courage to tell them to write it in my notes that I didn't want to hear anything about termination again after already being asked multiple times about my "choice". I never wanted the testing done but son had alot of fluid build up in his chest and advice was amnio as may have been a treatment available for the fluid issues in utero including surgery for baby in the womb. To which I agreed as was told he had a very high chance of passing away in the womb. This news made me cry out to God, having been backsliden for many years, I rededicated my life to the Lord and felt his presence through all the difficulties. At this time God gave us the name "Ishmael" translated from Hebrew to English means God hears/ God listens, so I knew he had heard my prayers to save my son and it gave me the strength I needed through a very difficult pregnancy, being told baby would be very premature and likely not survive. However God gave me confirmation my boy would be full term and he was born at 37+ 3 days, a healthy 7.1lbs! God is faithful and good and my Son and his name are a reminder to me everyday, and every time I look at him.I literally cannot forget how good God has been.
@@adelesullivan1844 thank you for sharing! Our God is good 🤍 we chose the middle name Hope because it was very apparent early on that hope would not be offered by anyone else other than the Lord and that we’d need a reminder of this. The journey has been incredibly challenging and difficult but this life is not all there is and we can do whatever our path requires through Christ. The Holy Spirit guided us then and continues to guide us in this very moment. There’s purpose in EVERY life. God bless you and your son 🤍
On behalf of myself and my sister, both adopted from birth to wonderful parents who could not seem to have children of their own, I want to thank you for this episode. To this day (50 years) I only know one thing about my birth mother, that she had me baptized in the hospital when I was born and just before giving me up to an adoption agency and to the parents I know today. I would highly encourage everyone to consider adoption, even IF they can have children of their own; you could be offering a loving home and family to a child that might not know one otherwise. Thank you
I am a birth mother of a 35 year old son who I placed with "the most perfect parents for him", his words. We reunited a year ago and it's been nothing but wildly amazing. #adoption!
18:58 thank you for explaining this this way. I have a rare autoimmune disorder and in my darkest moments I have heard that voice tell me to seek out help comfort of death and “relieve my family of the burden of myself” but that’s not it. It is ultimately selfish for me to remove myself from my family even if it seems like I am a burden sometimes. For the record, they tell me constantly that I am not but it’s hard not to think of it when I’m down but I have a daughter and husband and I am still here by the grace of God. Romans 8:38-39
That dark voice he heard I also heard as a drug addict. Everyday it would tell me death is easier than living this life. But I would still pray I would pray to god to please help me get through this and save my life before I destroy it. And he did, I found out I was pregnant with my baby girl and I have been clean a year and a half. Thank you Jesus ❤
What an interview! It made me cry😢 I started following Amber and Grange on Instagram shortly after they had lost their son. I had recently lost my husband of 26 years in a car accident. Their faith , togetherness and love for each other were palpable on their posts . They started a clothing company and a nonprofit in memory of River. I looked forward every week to their posts . They helped me so much on my grief journey! God Bless Them!! What courage and testimony!! Thank you Allie for this interview ❤
Thank you. I’m so sorry for your loss!! I also lost my husband of 25 years 3 years ago. I’m just getting ready to delve into grieving. I’ll look them up, thanks again.
Fifty years ago I attempted suicide and I agree with you both - it's self love, an attempt to escape the pain without considering, really considering, what it will do to those who love us.
I struggle a lot with the conversation about IVF, because I have always been adamantly against it, but the older I get and remain single the more I fear that if I ever do marry, I'm going to be in a situation where I'm tempted to go down that road. I'm currently mid 30s. Please pray for people like myself.
@reepicheepsfriend: Consider that the primary Chistian objection is the disposal of embryos and fertilized eggs. These are wrong viewed as human....but they are NOT Neither of these will ever be human,.ever develop in to human. Only an implanted fertilized egg will ever be human. Often fertilized eggs naturally are eliminated from the woman's body. We do not morn this as a human loss, because it is not a human. Seven is not human. Embryo is not human. A fertilized egg is not human. These are not human because they cannot become something more than they are....will never be human. An fertilized egg implanted in the uterus, is human. So, I accept you may have other sound reasons to object to IVF, but there is no moral issue against it.
I didn't meet my now husband until just before my 30th b-day. We got married when I was 31 & he 34. We now have 7 biological children conceived naturally & 4 in heaven. I'm not saying that that will be everyone's story, but to encourage you that that is still possible. Praying for you.
I am praying for you that God will show you He’s there for you in all of these thoughts you have. His peace passes understanding. I’m sorry you’re going through this.
I’m with you. I’m 30 in a year and a half and I desperately am no where near being married or having babies and I want to be so badly…. And while I know god says not to idolize it’s been on my heart since I was 16. 😭 I pray he hears us and gives us a miracle
@@L.Fontein7 No, faith is not a gift from God.....but grace is a gift from God. Faith is believing something is true, or believing it is false. Generally, we think of faith in the positive, i.e., " I have faith (believe) my wife loves me." "I have faith ( believe) my wife will cheat." in a negative. With respect to faith and a gift from God: God gifted humans with the ability to observe, to listen and to form a belief about what the saw, heard or read. THAT ability is the gift from God, NOT any particular belief. Think of Pentecost and the order of events the apostles experienced. Read those passages carefully. The apostles, assembled together, already had faith in Jesus when the H.S. GRACED them with conviction of their mission.
@@gabrielle-d1b Read more carefully: Ep 2: By grace through faith. The title clearly says "Through." It is the faith that grace comes through. It does not say grace brings or causes faith. Faith is not the gift. Those with faith are given grace, a gift. See the passages on Pentecost. The faithful Apostles were gifted the H.S, were gifted grace.....not gifted faith which they had. Grace comes to the faithful, it does not cause faith. Yours is a calvinist interpretation, not how scripture reads
I think of Granger and his family often. Their story is heartbreaking. This was so encouraging to listen to and you can really tell how much he has grown in his faith. It is amazing the way the Lord has used him and worked in his life. His grace is sufficient!!!!!
After I had my second child, I had severe postpartum depression. I have two boys, 13 months apart, the younger was premature and was in the NICU for 4 weeks. We live over an hour from the hospital he was at and I had so much guilt for not being there as much as I feel I should have, while also feeling guilty for not being with my older son who was at home with my mother in law while my husband was at work, after being in the hospital for a week before the baby was born and seeing my older son maybe three times for 30min. This was all on top of the exhaustion of having a newborn who was tiny and helpless and a young toddler who wasn’t even sleeping through the night. In my worst moments, I heard that same evil voice telling me there was only one way to get the rest and peace I desired. I have never heard someone else put it into words. I would tell myself that the voice wasn’t my own but I didn’t always believe it. At times I was convinced they were my own thoughts. Praise the Lord for walking with me through that valley.
I am so happy you’re here! Praise the Lord! I completely understand your story, and I have been there too. 32 days in the hospital before I gave birth at 26 weeks to my twins. 96 days in the Nicu after, and we lived over an hour away with 2 kids at home already. This was also during Covid so visitors were very much sparse. I spent over 100 days on my knees during that time and I struggled immensely. Only by Gods grace are we all here today. Sending you lots of love, sister in Christ ❤
I am relieved to know that you survived. I have fought depression for many years and have been through those feelings many times. I've made it to 65 and doing well.
As someone who wouldn’t have my children if it weren’t for IVF. I don’t understand how anyone would be against it, and bringing beautiful babies in this world
Many people using IVF are letting their babies fetuses to be killed or frozen. You pick a child an killed others in the process. The octuplets happened because the mothers didn't want to go to an elective abortion
Amen! When he said he heard evil and he discerned it wasn’t him, I have dealt with that too. The enemy comes but to steal, kill, and destroy. Praise God he is so gracious to hear our cry. Hallelujah!!
I was diagnosed as infertile at age 23 and did years of research before deciding to adopt at 43.. I always thought ivf was un natural and would cause problems down the road including cancer .. so glad I listened to my gut and adopted
As a former self mutilator and have had multiple suicide attempts- you are correct about self love- you hit the nail on the head - thank you and this message should go out everywhere !!! Brilliant statement
My husband and I are going through IVF. We had our daughter through IVF and I really wrestled with playing God instead of waiting on God’s timing. We had been trying for 5 years at that point. Our first embryo did not implant. We grieve our boy to this day. I’m blessed that we have 1 embryo left that we are trying to get pregnant with at the end of this year. I’ve heard a couple who had 17 embryos left! It is so unethical to fertilize that many and many get destroyed.
I'm a biomedical scientist and I know many embryos are lost naturally shortly after or before implanting into the womb. This happened to me, when i miscarried 3 times, until after much praying I conceived my twins by ivf with the help of the wonderful national health service in the UK where one cycle was given free of charge. I'm a grandma now. God can answer prayers in many ways. Praying for those who are going through the anguish of infertility.
I like how honest he is about spending a lot of time in nominal Christianity and how that bled into his life and time during being born-again but unlearned/ new to his own study of the Bible. And how honest he was about doing things for the praise
The good Lord brought me to this interview! All that Granger spoke about his spiritual life gave me the understanding and gift of how to gain spiritual maturity! What a powerful gift!!! Thank you Allie!
Ultimately, we are here to SERVE THE LORD - it's really just that simple. Everything else is a distraction from that. It took me many years to truly realize that....And while I start my day asking Jesus how can I serve you today ? And I think about the things I'm doing and how does this or that serve Jesus ...and there's things I do that I don't think serve God, they are not sins, but maybe don't serve God....but the important thing is is it your hearts desire to serve God ?
Our grandsons 7 and 4, love the song ‘buy a boy a baseball’. This song has lead to conversations about God and praying, this is glorifying God by speaking of Him and who he is! Please watch out for the pietism that is in so many churches. God created this world and there is a lot of good that points to Him!
I often wondered how Granger reconciled himself to the fact that they did IVF. It's good to hear him speak on it. Blessings to Granger and Amber for tackling the tough subjects. They've been thru so much and they still wake up every day and choose God and the goodness he brings.
Looking at this video I realized that every person goes through different struggles. I lost my husband tragically and I know that feeling of loosing hope but I have rhe greatest gift he and God given me becoming a mother of 2 beautiful boys. There is hope in God only in God.
I don’t listen to country music so I did not know Granger. His eyes and vulnerability was captivating. I loved the way he articulated his experiences and gave all glory to God. He was using scripture after scripture. Really cool to see his transformation.
I wanted to perform a snowflake adoption but I couldn’t find information on it and we thought about adopting from China. They were so different. They wanted us to have a certain BMI, so much income, etc.
Absolutely transparent and humbling interview. I could listen to the both of you for hours. Allie - I glean so much from your interviews and greatly appreciate the honesty. Granger and Amber are the sweetest couple along with their darling children. They have all openly shared their heartache, trials and journey with others and that takes amazing courage. God Bless you all.
I love when believers see and seek the importance of reading and understanding the Bible. I follow the McCheyne Bible reading plan, too. I'm a little over a year of faithfully reading it daily, but the shared joy and excitement of the Bible is amazing. I never knew such a good, good Father existed.
Thank the Lord for this biblically sound conversation!!! One thing that struck me is how we all work through issues anr the Lord speaks trough His Word. It is how He speaks to us. It is living and active. We are on solid ground as we trust in His Word alone❣️❣️🙏🙏. And I love how you changed your mind as studied and continued to grow. I love the Smiths .❤
This was a wonderful conversation! I had not heard of Granger Smith before this interview, but he has earned my utmost respect because of his desire to follow Jesus and stay in His Word. Thank you to him- we need to see more male role models who are willing to give their lives to Christ.
This was a great interview! I’ve honestly never heard of him. I have so much respect for his wife when he said she’s never, ever blamed him for their son dying. I want to believe I’d be that strong, but I’m not sure.
I love the Smiths!!! Such a precious family! I started following them in 2019 after their sweet baby boy passed away. It was heart wrenching but also encouraging as they sought the Lord through it all. My brother died by suicide July 2019 & the smiths channel was an encouragement to me as I was grieving as well. They are a beautiful inspiration & I love how Grangers faith has grown. So proud of him for going where the Lord is calling him in ministry! Great job as always Allie Beth❤
Grateful for your discussion on IVF. I would only remind us that God can use anything for good. Social media bares evil fruit, and yet I also find Gods word through it at times. Ambers journey with IVF was a sweet time for me as I watched her faithfulness through the process. She gave me hope that I too could follow Gods promptings for more children despite my age and my husband’s vasectomy. Through much prayer and repentance we now have a beautiful baby girl! And Ambers sweet videos of her pregnancy journey were a part of my prayerful journey and needing a mentor. So though the IVF industry bares bad fruit at times, God can use it to bear beautiful fruit too!
I watched her journey with IVF too. I think that telling people not to use it--after they used it and got what they wanted from it--is highly hypocritical.
@@simfimpimthank you. I’ve noticed a trend- Christians get what they want through IVF and then later “repent”, telling the rest of us we’re sinners. Cool cool.
Powerful interview! Absolutely love how these very tough topics were so respectfully discussed. Granger, the Lord has done GREAT THINGS IN YOU! Powerful… don’t stop sharing. Praise God for bold and faithful servants like the both of you!
Love this. I'm a follower of The Smith TV (Granger and Amber's family) and have been for a long time. I remember watching their IVF journey and feeling their pain and wanting what they wanted (another baby after tubal ligation.) However, the cost of IVF is just too much for us. So, I just started praying for God to restore my tubes and for God to bless us and create a miracle pregnancy. I'm believing for it. To all you women/Mommys out there... don't tie your tubes! Don't try to design your own family. God has plans for you and they are far better than the plans we have for ourselves ❤
For anyone here who has lost a child, i cant imagine what youre going through & i pray the Lord doesnt test me in this specific way, but i did lose my mother when i was 11 and it still hurts. But what helps the most is knowing this life is SO incredibly short. Like the blink of an eye. We will all be with our lost loved ones forever in God's kingdom
The Good Lord has a plan. He is so forgiving and loving. You're never ever alone. God Bless you Granger and your beautiful family. "Your" babyboy is safe, loved and in Jesus arms. You'll see him again❤️
Allie what a beautiful conversation!! So many things Granger said have made me think 🙏. I was just praising God this morning for the miracle of the Bible. I said to Him how would we know You and your character without it!🙏.
I've spent the last 45 mins reading through all these comments while listening to the podcast. Allie, honestly, your comment section has some of the most wonderful people in it and I'm crying reading these stories. Thank you to everyone sharing your experiences.
What an absolute amazing interview! Been a huge granger fan for many years and was grateful to have met him last year during his final tour. His testimony is beyond inspiring and praise the Lord for what he is doing in his life.
As far as Bible reading plans go, I started The Bible Recap in January 2024 and the intimacy I’ve experienced with God has been a tremendous blessing as He continuously reveals Himself to me. I highly highly recommend TBR chronological plan, because He’s where the joy is.
As a person who has lost a child I know how your life changes and your faith grows stronger. I never was angry at God, I only prayed that I would be worthy enough to be able to be in heaven with my child. I’ve read the book and will be reading it again and again. I live what I believe. I try to teach the younger generation about grace, integrity, forgiveness and kindness
None of us is worthy enough. But by faith alone in Christ alone, we are promised eternal life as a free gift. That’s what “grace” means. It’s getting what we don’t deserve, eternal life. Please don’t try to get to Heaven by working for it. You’ve failed before you even start. Believe in Jesus Christ and you will see your child again for sure.
Really amazing testimony !! I have listened to him before and I followed them before they lost River. I remember him and his wife talking about why they did IVF and how they felt God calling them to do it and I felt sad because I felt like he was becoming so strong as a Christian but I knew this wasn’t the Godly path for them to take. So this is so beautiful how God is leading them to speak out about it! God is not done with them yet. Keep learning more and more about God. He really is incredible.
Love this! Kieth green had to wrestle giving up his music for God too. And God gave it back to him. I love how God is on a quest for man's soul and either way he's going to get the glory through each crushed spiritual house that he's rebuilding.
I loved and followed Keith Green in his day and still sing his songs and believe they're among the strongest and deepest truths in song out there. I've often wondered though if it was a grace that God took Keith in that crash because he was getting out of control in his judgments against anyone who was not signing up right away to go off to a mission field overseas, after having gone on a thoroughly out of control rampage against the Catholic Church. Not to say that either of his prophetic declarations against Catholics or against non-missionaries was not of God, but they seemed even at the time to be lacking in love. I am not a Catholic and I do (and did even then) support overseas missions, but was getting really uncomfortable with his message and not out of conviction, but out of concern about the lack of love. I hope God sweeps me out of here too if I go overboard in my prophetic preaching, which I do have an inclination towards. I only want to say the words of God. And, as you say, God has crushed my spiritual house a few times to rebuild it again, to the point that now I just sort of expect that as part of sanctification and when I sense it's coming I just relax my hold on whatever I'm doing and open my hands and say, "bring it on, Lord. I surrender." If Keith was saying the words of God, I'll find out when I see him again!! Blessings everyone.
This was a fantastic, challenging interview. Not a follower of country music, so had never heard of Granger. Very insightful and should cause many of us to examine our own hearts. Thank you both
He sounds very Catholic! It was very edifying listening to him articulate his conversion story. He had an Interior conversion vs just an intellectual conversion. This is what saints are made of! Litany of Humility is a prayer that matches his disposition. Also, his devotion schedule sounds like what Catholics do when we read the divine office daily. His view on contraception is in line what the Catholic Church teaches. His story and realization of the error of getting tubes tied and using ivf is exactly why the Church teaches against “playing God” when it comes to conceiving a child. There’s so much more to unpack here. The Church has always existed to save souls. It is a good thing to teach the wisdom of the Church on Natural Law to help others avoid these same pitfalls. It’s sad when people think they’re wiser than the Catholic Church. That’s one of the downfalls/errors of Protestantism. It’s harmful to throw away the old just so you can eventually (after it’s too late) figure out that the wisdom or deposit of faith was true all along. God Bless him and his family for wanting to do God’s will and not their own. With that being said God uses this all for His glory and for the sanctification of our souls. He brings good out of evil. Jesus Christ died for everything that harms us (all evils) and that’s why we are redeemed by his sacrifice on Calvary. We are saved when we follow HIM (the truth and the light) vs our own thoughts and desires.
Commenting on the daily Bible reading time/“daily feast.” This is something I feel is so overlooked by Christians and it does need to be daily. God‘s word is like medicine to us. We would never skip a day of a medicine that was prescribed to us daily. We may not recognize how reading the Bible and prayer works in us each day to keep us healthy and close to the Lord and knowing Him. But if we begin to miss time, reading His word, it will reflect in our lives eventually. It causes weakness in our life and give opportunity for Satan to attack.
Loved this interview. First time watching Relatable but not the last! I absolutely Love Granger and Amber and everything they stand for and are doing in their lives. Through them I was encouraged to buy my very first Bible and I’m now working my way through it for the 2nd time. They changed my life by offering the Gospel. I’m a 50yr old mother of 2 who has always loved the Lord but as I now know….i never knew Him. I walk with him daily now and could never thank Granger and Amber enough for their kindness. They both have podcasts that are amazing, plus they have a UA-cam channel called The Smiths. If you’ve never watched strongly suggest you do. Amazing family full of God’s grace. Wishing you well ❤😊
We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
I am so pleased by this! The Smiths are a wonderful family! I am amazed at their spiritual growth. I learn so much from Amber and her Arise podcast. This has blessed me today. 🙏 Praise God for this family and I pray God's hedge of protection to surround them continually. In Jesus name, Amen!
Allie, I love that you and granger on! I just read his book in April and it was so encouraging and impactful and I’m so glad many others are hearing his story and understanding hope in grief!
Yes and amen. I have been looking forward to this interview for a long time. It is such a delight to watch him and Amber live out their sanctification through their UA-cam channel.
My sister was having a hard time conceiving and turned to IVF. She now has two beautiful twin boys who are thriving and living their best life. I truly believe God had a hand in this miracle. Not everyone's stories are the same and God works differently in every individual's lives. You should not demonize because of your own personal struggles about something that has brought so much joy and happiness to others.
I’m really sorry for what they went through. This is why solid Church teaching is so valuable- we don’t need to rely on our own logic because we can convince ourselves God wants just about anything. Like the tree seed planting story. Perfect example of why I am Catholic. Clear set of what’s of God and what’s not. Clear boundaries work well and helps avoid so many problems. Again I sympathize and am sorry for them.
About 26 years ago, I was in my late 20’s and considered pursuing IVF but God clearly told me not to! I was confused about what it meant to be “faithful” to do MY part. But through Hagar and Sarah’s story, God showed me and assured me that what He wanted from Sarah was for her to TRUST and WAIT in Him. She decided to do HER part and got Hagar involved in the infertility treatment of her time. And literally the history of the world was changed as a result. God assured me that TRUSTING and WAITING in Him and His will WAS doing “my part”. And with that I let go of my striving and surrendered my will to His. I assumed and hoped that God would eventually do a miracle to give us children. But the miracle He did was in my heart. We never had children but we did have God’s peace and nothing can compare to that! 🙌🏼
Thank you for sharing. Being obedient honors the Lord so much and most people aren't willing to lay down their desires and truly trust the Lord. It's hard! So encouraged by your faithfulness
Yes Ty for sharing. I always knew when I read that Hagar ans Sarah story, people tried to be God and we must trust God ans be faithful …Church doesn’t talk about this to many Christian’s and that IVF is so relate to Hagar ans Sarah story. Even though God still blessed Hagar. …It’s all selfish reason and peopke don’t trust God…very rare in churches bc many pastors don’t want to get attended by people…🥵🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
I love Granger and Amber and family. I’ve followed them for a long time now and am always so encouraged by their walk of faith. Amber has a podcast called Arise that is so so good. Just a wonderful family!!❤️ Thank you Allie for all you do as well. GOD bless you my dear.
I'm with you. I had my tubes tied to please a worthless, faithless husband and when I had to leave him to save myself and my children, it left me unable to give the ensuing husband that God chose for me a child of his own that would have changed his life for the better.😢😢😢
I had my first child 23 days before I turned 18. By 24 I had 4 children. My family pushed me to get my tubes tied, especially my mom's oldest sister who has no children of her own(lesbian). She felt that we were going to not be able to provide properly for the 4 or any more we might have. I scheduled the tubal and as I went into the hospital I prayed that if it wasn't what God wanted for me that I would already be pregnant and they wouldn't be able to proceed. I wasn't pregnant and I went ahead and did the procedure. After I regretted it so much for many years but the Lord brought other children into our lives through friends and family and foster care that we got to love on and care for. They are all grown now with the youngest being 20 on Christmas Day. We are in a time in our life where we are enjoying grandkids but last year I told my husband let's have my tubes untied and have one more before it's too late. He was in! I started having bleeding issues and went to the doctor. He said that my options would be birth control or a hysterectomy. I asked him about undoing the tubal and he recommended an ultrasound and biopsy beforehand. Those tests revealed that the doctor who tied my tubes all those years ago didn't actually tie my tubes, he removed them. In February I had my hysterectomy. To anyone who has read this far DONT TIE YOUR TUBES AND DON'T TAKE BIRTH CONTROL! IT REALLY IS HARMFUL TO YOUR BODY.
It so interesting listening to you about suicide, I have a friend whose Pastor father committed suicide and she felt her father was saved even tho he committed suicide and being a Pastor who knew the Word. I always felt uncomfortable when she talked about her father in front of a group of people, because I felt it was sending the wrong message to young Christians. You opened up a whole new idea with saying this was a form of self love. Your testimony has really made me think of several things. Thank you for opening up.
My recommendation for someone who wants to start reading the Bible: don't be afraid to go through it fast. What I mean is, if one sentence or verse doesn't hit you with a deep insight, don't spend a lot of time camped there trying to wring something out of it. Move on to the next one. Maybe there'll be something that hits you in the passage as a whole... and even if you have a "dry day," you'll be back tomorrow!
A couple not trusting God to make a family in our modern culture and turning to IVF is the same as Sarah telling Abraham to go with her maid and save the family line through Hagar.
"oh, I think I have underestimated who Jesus is." Profound realization. Who of us hasn't experienced that? We probably all do constantly. And how many will not realize that until it's too late?
Always had these incomplete thoughts related to IVF; he puts its very well the conclusion to my thoughts a belief at this point. But it’s a very difficult matter if one has experienced childlessness
So grateful to hear this testimony. I would like prayer to read my Bible. I have discipline issues and I just have excuses. Need a breakthrough for this issue. Thank you
Congratulations to everyone who was able to move on and conceive naturally. However, God has placed medical breakthroughs and miracles in our path to help those people have the joy of a family if that is the path they choose. I find this interview highly disturbing because I watched every video on UA-cam and prayed for God to bless them with a baby with their only embryo left.
My husband and I struggled with infertility for almost 8 years. We had one miscarriage about 4 years ago. God used the miscarriage to lead us to become foster parents. We adopted our daughter and our foster license is still active. My doctor told me I needed IVF to become pregnant. I felt very strong conviction over that and decided that IVF was not for us, we will continue on the path God has planned for us. I'm now 19 weeks pregnant, and got pregnant naturally. I believe God opens and closes wombs as He has done in the Bible, even to this day.
God is good! Congratulations! We struggled with secondary infertility for 8 years as well, and had 8 miscarriages. Eventually got pregnant naturally, and then got pregnant with identical twins not long after. Our twins were born at 26 weeks, after a horribly complicated pregnancy and in utero surgery. We were told they wouldn’t make it, then if they did that they’d have so many problems… they’re 2 now and the sweetest, smartest little boys. The hole has closed in baby bs heart, and they are just perfect. Thank you, Father! Praying for a healthy and uneventful pregnancy, and a safe delivery, in Jesus mighty name.
Such beautiful testimonies 🙏🙏🙏
Congratulations ladies on your beautiful babies 😍
@@beegenuine1478 thank you! All glory to God! Love sharing my miracles and testimony!
@@KelseyMc6 Amen!
That's how we encourage others and overcome the enemy 🙏 Rev 12:11
Folic acid is the reason my daughter was able to carry a baby almost to term her baby was born 3 weeks early Jamie took a bottle of folic acid with her prenatal vitamins and she was able to carry this baby almost to term. When Jamie ran out of her folic acid she didn't replace that and she miscarried 3 weeks early but the baby was developed enough that she was just considered a preemie and she is doing very well she is now 19 years old. How could God get the information to you or even put it in your spirit to think that you might be deficient in a mineral that is why you're not carrying babies my daughter Jamie who was deficient in folic acid was also is very low in progesterone and estrogen. These are simple fixes in today's society we can supplement with vitamins and even natural hormones.
After our 4th child our church deacons pressured my husband to get a vasectomy. The night before my husband had a dream and God warned him! We went on to have 4 more children and I wrote a book called Birthing Gods Mighty Warriors! We now have 8 children and 14 grands! Having more children was the bEST thing we EVER did! ❤
Wow what an amazing story all around. I can't believe someone thinks they get to decide for your family what needs to be done. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, church deacons telling men “time to have a vasectomy.”
What the heck? MYOB!
Wow how awful to pressure someone into that kind of thing. Bless you and yours ❤
You are so blessed with a big family 🙏❤
I'm pregnant with our 4th and can't wait to get my tubes tied. I would love to have more children but being pregnant is awful for me. Perhaps later on we can adopt.
What kind of church says that to someone?
My 2 year old was dx with brain cancer and died when he was 6. The whole experience completely changed me and brought me back to Christ. I never felt so helpless and fearful but found hope and peace in Christ Jesus
I’m so sorry; God love you🙏✝️
So so sorry for your loss. Prayers for comfort & strength.
So sorry for your loss!
My husband and I had two children and they were both a few years old. Pregnancies were hard on me and I wasn’t wanting to be pregnant again since I had a difficult time with our first two. I should have trusted God with His plan for our family but my husband and I decided two kids would be enough and he ended up getting a vasectomy. A week after he had the procedure I found out I was pregnant with our third child. While the third pregnancy was also hard, I can’t imagine our lives without our youngest. And over the past 10 years I have often regretted not being able to have more kids with my husband because he is an amazing father and God has blessed our family so much. We fostered last year and are now beginning to look into adoption. We know only by God’s grace will we adopt, and we’re content with whatever happens, and also prayerfully seeking His will in our decisions.
Vasectomies can be reversed. It’s pretty common.
God bless you on the path to adoption
Vasectomies are rarely reversable, Grats on the little one
@@xodroid9853my husband had a reversal 5 yrs after his vasectomy. He was 37 yrs old. We had 4 more kids.
I for one am so happy for the vasectomy procedure. Never in my life was I suicidal until I became pregnant. Depression both during and after pregnancy with both our kids. God gave me a boy and a girl, and we decided we were done. Better to have healthy, present mother, than a dead or lethargic one. When he speaks around minute 14 about the devil speaking to him about ending things, that is exactly how I felt during and after my pregnancies. We do not get to choose our health afflictions. The Lord knows we are but men with weak bodies. You may mourn not being able to have biological children, but your family needs a healthy mom. If pregnancies were very hard for you, you did the right thing in caring for the family God had gifted you. Let the regret go and move forward with the blessings God has given you.
I’m so glad that this came out. After 4 years of trying and finally finding out why I haven’t gotten pregnant from my tubes bein damaged from scar tissue and being told IVF is our only way of getting pregnant. After lots and lots of prayer have to decided not to go that route and go towards adoption cause the Lord always guides us
Praying for a baby for you soon
Look in to serrapeptase. It’s an enzyme and OTC; I’ve heard of people taking it for 1 reason and getting pregnant because it unblocked their tubes.
May Allah bless you with a baby soon, Insha'Allah
Bless you
I suffered from infertility for many years. In my struggle with God, I came to realize that whatever path He ultimately had for me was His BEST plan for me, not second best, even when it felt like it to me at the time. I pray for God's best for you.
We are forever changed by our children from embryo adoption. We struggled through infertility and held firm against going through IVF due to all the loss of life through the man made process, instead we sought to save ones already created. We have a daughter and son that are genetic full siblings. I wondered if I would always have a longing for my genetics to be passed on, and with such delight I can say my heart is full beyond belief and I rejoice in the path He gave us and do not need to see my nose on a little face, but rather am constantly amazed at the features of my children. The Lord binds up wounds and replaced pain with joy
My mother in law, who adopted 5 kids as babies, told me, instead of looking for herself in her kids, she looked for who they were.
@@winonahdemars579unless they were gay. Then you pray that away.
@@HunterKellyOur sexuality does not define us.
@@letfreedomring7330 Only people who hate gay people say that.
@@HunterKelly how do you know what my MIL would do?
As a Catholic, I am encouraged more Christians are seeing the truth of IVF.
I’m Protestant, but have learned so much about Catholicism since being ill & mostly home bound, & the Catholic Church is the only Church that still teaches the Christian truth regarding sexuality, birth control, marriage as a vocation, etc. I wish the entire Christian world would read Humanae Vitae & learn about Theology of the Body. As Christians, we can’t participate in enslaving poor & working class women as surrogates. They are often single mothers & American, military wives. What happens to their children when they die or are disabled by a paid pregnancy?
Me too!!! It’s really beautiful to me! 👏
@@southbug27Check out the Orthodox Church too
It's not natural that's why..
@@southbug27 Thank you for posting this! Evangelium Vitae is one of several encyclicals. Father Robert Spitzzer, S.J. has written books - large volumes -- on the topics of Personhood, why we say human life is sacred and deserves to be created responsibly with the concept of allowing People God wants to be created for His purpose. Reading these books, a little at a time, sink deeply into the sound, mind, spirit. A Catholic woman Law Professor who has spoken for years on the Sanctity of Life is Helen Lavare. She is brilliant and speaks to the hearts and minds of young adult women. She has written several books. She is a sociologist and tracks the decline of marriage in the U.S.
Wow this was fantastic! When he was talking about children and said that no child is here accidentally, that hit home for me. One of my children is medically complex and when we found out some diagnosis’ prenatally, an abortion was offered immediately. I am a Christian and once I realized even though I was in shock, God was not and this was not a mistake. It brought me and still provides me a comfort I can’t describe other than biblical. Thank you for this, what a testament to our God 🤍
My experience having my youngest was very similar. Once prenatally found he had Down Syndrome the pressure was on from medical practitioners involved to terminate. After having had a miscarriage before catching pregnant this time I had the fire of a mama bear and the Christian upbringing I had made me adamant that wasn't an option and I had the courage to tell them to write it in my notes that I didn't want to hear anything about termination again after already being asked multiple times about my "choice". I never wanted the testing done but son had alot of fluid build up in his chest and advice was amnio as may have been a treatment available for the fluid issues in utero including surgery for baby in the womb. To which I agreed as was told he had a very high chance of passing away in the womb.
This news made me cry out to God, having been backsliden for many years, I rededicated my life to the Lord and felt his presence through all the difficulties. At this time God gave us the name "Ishmael" translated from Hebrew to English means God hears/ God listens, so I knew he had heard my prayers to save my son and it gave me the strength I needed through a very difficult pregnancy, being told baby would be very premature and likely not survive. However God gave me confirmation my boy would be full term and he was born at 37+ 3 days, a healthy 7.1lbs! God is faithful and good and my Son and his name are a reminder to me everyday, and every time I look at him.I literally cannot forget how good God has been.
@@adelesullivan1844 thank you for sharing! Our God is good 🤍 we chose the middle name Hope because it was very apparent early on that hope would not be offered by anyone else other than the Lord and that we’d need a reminder of this. The journey has been incredibly challenging and difficult but this life is not all there is and we can do whatever our path requires through Christ. The Holy Spirit guided us then and continues to guide us in this very moment. There’s purpose in EVERY life. God bless you and your son 🤍
On behalf of myself and my sister, both adopted from birth to wonderful parents who could not seem to have children of their own, I want to thank you for this episode. To this day (50 years) I only know one thing about my birth mother, that she had me baptized in the hospital when I was born and just before giving me up to an adoption agency and to the parents I know today. I would highly encourage everyone to consider adoption, even IF they can have children of their own; you could be offering a loving home and family to a child that might not know one otherwise. Thank you
Beautiful message. ❤ I always thought I would adopt. My husband didn't want to, and I feel sad he wasn't on the same page.
❤ agree ❤
Beautiful story❣️
I am a birth mother of a 35 year old son who I placed with "the most perfect parents for him", his words.
We reunited a year ago and it's been nothing but wildly amazing.
18:58 thank you for explaining this this way. I have a rare autoimmune disorder and in my darkest moments I have heard that voice tell me to seek out help comfort of death and “relieve my family of the burden of myself” but that’s not it. It is ultimately selfish for me to remove myself from my family even if it seems like I am a burden sometimes. For the record, they tell me constantly that I am not but it’s hard not to think of it when I’m down but I have a daughter and husband and I am still here by the grace of God. Romans 8:38-39
That dark voice he heard I also heard as a drug addict. Everyday it would tell me death is easier than living this life. But I would still pray I would pray to god to please help me get through this and save my life before I destroy it. And he did, I found out I was pregnant with my baby girl and I have been clean a year and a half. Thank you Jesus ❤
You are a wonderful mother, congratulations on your beautiful baby daughter and your sobriety! ❤
It’s so crazy, that’s exactly what I was thinking. I actually mentioned it tonight in a different comment on UA-cam!
What an interview! It made me cry😢
I started following Amber and Grange on Instagram shortly after they had lost their son. I had recently lost my husband of 26 years in a car accident. Their faith , togetherness and love for each other were palpable on their posts . They started a clothing company and a nonprofit in memory of River. I looked forward every week to their posts . They helped me so much on my grief journey! God Bless Them!! What courage and testimony!! Thank you Allie for this interview ❤
God bless You. He is by You. Trust me
Thank you. I’m so sorry for your loss!!
I also lost my husband of 25 years 3 years ago. I’m just getting ready to delve into grieving. I’ll look them up, thanks again.
So very sorry for your loss. 😢🙏
I’ve been blessed with my son via IVF and it was wonderful.
What happened to all his other IVF siblings?
@@lindaakguest4ever50why do you assume that she discarded her embryos or ever got more than one? That’s a very very hurtful statement.
Fifty years ago I attempted suicide and I agree with you both - it's self love, an attempt to escape the pain without considering, really considering, what it will do to those who love us.
I struggle a lot with the conversation about IVF, because I have always been adamantly against it, but the older I get and remain single the more I fear that if I ever do marry, I'm going to be in a situation where I'm tempted to go down that road. I'm currently mid 30s. Please pray for people like myself.
@reepicheepsfriend: Consider that the primary Chistian objection is the disposal of embryos and fertilized eggs. These are wrong viewed as human....but they are NOT
Neither of these will ever be human,.ever develop in to human.
Only an implanted fertilized egg will ever be human. Often fertilized eggs naturally are eliminated from the woman's body. We do not morn this as a human loss, because it is not a human.
Seven is not human.
Embryo is not human.
A fertilized egg is not human.
These are not human because they cannot become something more than they are....will never be human.
An fertilized egg implanted in the uterus, is human.
So, I accept you may have other sound reasons to object to IVF, but there is no moral issue against it.
I didn't meet my now husband until just before my 30th b-day. We got married when I was 31 & he 34. We now have 7 biological children conceived naturally & 4 in heaven. I'm not saying that that will be everyone's story, but to encourage you that that is still possible. Praying for you.
Ree's friend, you might Consider embryo adoption "Snowflake Adoption."
I am praying for you that God will show you He’s there for you in all of these thoughts you have. His peace passes understanding. I’m sorry you’re going through this.
I’m with you. I’m 30 in a year and a half and I desperately am no where near being married or having babies and I want to be so badly…. And while I know god says not to idolize it’s been on my heart since I was 16. 😭 I pray he hears us and gives us a miracle
Never forget that grace is what saved you. Faith through grace, not the other way around. Proud of you man
@HighCottonYT: Spoken like a true Calvinist.
No grace is given to the faithful, not grace brings faith.
@@SheilaSmith-z8g people are not capable of good. We are depraved, we can’t save ourselves. We can’t even control our next breath
Faith is a gift from God, as is grace.
@@L.Fontein7 No, faith is not a gift from God.....but grace is a gift from God.
Faith is believing something is true, or believing it is false. Generally, we think of faith in the positive, i.e., " I have faith (believe) my wife loves me."
"I have faith ( believe) my wife will cheat." in a negative.
With respect to faith and a gift from God: God gifted humans with the ability to observe, to listen and to form a belief about what the saw, heard or read. THAT ability is the gift from God, NOT any particular belief.
Think of Pentecost and the order of events the apostles experienced. Read those passages carefully. The apostles, assembled together, already had faith in Jesus when the H.S. GRACED them with conviction of their mission.
@@gabrielle-d1b Read more carefully: Ep 2: By grace through faith.
The title clearly says "Through."
It is the faith that grace comes through. It does not say grace brings or causes faith.
Faith is not the gift. Those with faith are given grace, a gift.
See the passages on Pentecost. The faithful Apostles were gifted the H.S, were gifted grace.....not gifted faith which they had.
Grace comes to the faithful, it does not cause faith.
Yours is a calvinist interpretation, not how scripture reads
I think of Granger and his family often. Their story is heartbreaking. This was so encouraging to listen to and you can really tell how much he has grown in his faith. It is amazing the way the Lord has used him and worked in his life. His grace is sufficient!!!!!
My brother and his wife adopted 5 embryos in Canada and one baby made it full term. My amazing 5 year old nephew ♡
Simply beautiful!
After I had my second child, I had severe postpartum depression. I have two boys, 13 months apart, the younger was premature and was in the NICU for 4 weeks. We live over an hour from the hospital he was at and I had so much guilt for not being there as much as I feel I should have, while also feeling guilty for not being with my older son who was at home with my mother in law while my husband was at work, after being in the hospital for a week before the baby was born and seeing my older son maybe three times for 30min. This was all on top of the exhaustion of having a newborn who was tiny and helpless and a young toddler who wasn’t even sleeping through the night. In my worst moments, I heard that same evil voice telling me there was only one way to get the rest and peace I desired. I have never heard someone else put it into words. I would tell myself that the voice wasn’t my own but I didn’t always believe it. At times I was convinced they were my own thoughts. Praise the Lord for walking with me through that valley.
@@courtneymellinger7540 I can relate to a lot of your story. That voice is so scary and enticing. Happy you’re still here! Praise the Lord 🤍
I am so happy you’re here! Praise the Lord! I completely understand your story, and I have been there too. 32 days in the hospital before I gave birth at 26 weeks to my twins. 96 days in the Nicu after, and we lived over an hour away with 2 kids at home already. This was also during Covid so visitors were very much sparse. I spent over 100 days on my knees during that time and I struggled immensely. Only by Gods grace are we all here today. Sending you lots of love, sister in Christ ❤
I am relieved to know that you survived. I have fought depression for many years and have been through those feelings many times. I've made it to 65 and doing well.
As someone who wouldn’t have my children if it weren’t for IVF. I don’t understand how anyone would be against it, and bringing beautiful babies in this world
Many people using IVF are letting their babies fetuses to be killed or frozen. You pick a child an killed others in the process. The octuplets happened because the mothers didn't want to go to an elective abortion
100% agree. A lot of misinformation about IVF and fertility who didn’t seem to know a lot about it.
Amen! When he said he heard evil and he discerned it wasn’t him, I have dealt with that too. The enemy comes but to steal, kill, and destroy. Praise God he is so gracious to hear our cry. Hallelujah!!
I was diagnosed as infertile at age 23 and did years of research before deciding to adopt at 43.. I always thought ivf was un natural and would cause problems down the road including cancer .. so glad I listened to my gut and adopted
That child is super blessed to have you for a mom, Ali.
As a former self mutilator and have had multiple suicide attempts- you are correct about self love- you hit the nail on the head - thank you and this message should go out everywhere !!! Brilliant statement
My husband and I are going through IVF. We had our daughter through IVF and I really wrestled with playing God instead of waiting on God’s timing. We had been trying for 5 years at that point. Our first embryo did not implant. We grieve our boy to this day. I’m blessed that we have 1 embryo left that we are trying to get pregnant with at the end of this year. I’ve heard a couple who had 17 embryos left! It is so unethical to fertilize that many and many get destroyed.
If you believe in Christ and read the Bible he closes and opens wombs. IVF is not from God and is man made. Repent and ask God forgiveness.
I'm a biomedical scientist and I know many embryos are lost naturally shortly after or before implanting into the womb. This happened to me, when i miscarried 3 times, until after much praying I conceived my twins by ivf with the help of the wonderful national health service in the UK where one cycle was given free of charge. I'm a grandma now. God can answer prayers in many ways. Praying for those who are going through the anguish of infertility.
I like how honest he is about spending a lot of time in nominal Christianity and how that bled into his life and time during being born-again but unlearned/ new to his own study of the Bible.
And how honest he was about doing things for the praise
The good Lord brought me to this interview! All that Granger spoke about his spiritual life gave me the understanding and gift of how to gain spiritual maturity! What a powerful gift!!! Thank you Allie!
He is so right about suicide. It is selfish. I’m so glad I walked through the pain no matter how horrific it was.
Ultimately, we are here to SERVE THE LORD - it's really just that simple. Everything else is a distraction from that. It took me many years to truly realize that....And while I start my day asking Jesus how can I serve you today ? And I think about the things I'm doing and how does this or that serve Jesus ...and there's things I do that I don't think serve God, they are not sins, but maybe don't serve God....but the important thing is is it your hearts desire to serve God ?
Our grandsons 7 and 4, love the song ‘buy a boy a baseball’. This song has lead to conversations about God and praying, this is glorifying God by speaking of Him and who he is! Please watch out for the pietism that is in so many churches. God created this world and there is a lot of good that points to Him!
I was conceived through IVF, I am fully against it.
I was conceived alongside 8 of my siblings, I’m the only survivor.
@@charliemcgann God bless you.
Thank you this. What a testimony! My baby girl was a snowflake. She is 17 now and one of God’s most beautiful blessing. God is so good.
I often wondered how Granger reconciled himself to the fact that they did IVF. It's good to hear him speak on it. Blessings to Granger and Amber for tackling the tough subjects. They've been thru so much and they still wake up every day and choose God and the goodness he brings.
Looking at this video I realized that every person goes through different struggles. I lost my husband tragically and I know that feeling of loosing hope but I have rhe greatest gift he and God given me becoming a mother of 2 beautiful boys. There is hope in God only in God.
I don’t listen to country music so I did not know Granger. His eyes and vulnerability was captivating. I loved the way he articulated his experiences and gave all glory to God. He was using scripture after scripture. Really cool to see his transformation.
Snowflake family here! We have three beautiful kids thanks to that program. So glad you mentioned the need to adopt these babies!
God bless you.
We are in the process of snowflake adoption! ❤️
I wanted to perform a snowflake adoption but I couldn’t find information on it and we thought about adopting from China. They were so different. They wanted us to have a certain BMI, so much income, etc.
We ended up adopting domestically. We got the baby God wanted us to get.
Thank you!!!!
Absolutely transparent and humbling interview. I could listen to the both of you for hours. Allie - I glean so much from your interviews and greatly appreciate the honesty. Granger and Amber are the sweetest couple along with their darling children. They have all openly shared their heartache, trials and journey with others and that takes amazing courage. God Bless you all.
I love when believers see and seek the importance of reading and understanding the Bible. I follow the McCheyne Bible reading plan, too. I'm a little over a year of faithfully reading it daily, but the shared joy and excitement of the Bible is amazing. I never knew such a good, good Father existed.
I’m reading/listening to her Bible plan too. Very good to hear the word everyday
Thank the Lord for this biblically sound conversation!!! One thing that struck me is how we all work through issues anr the Lord speaks trough His Word. It is how He speaks to us. It is living and active. We are on solid ground as we trust in His Word alone❣️❣️🙏🙏. And I love how you changed your mind as studied and continued to grow. I love the Smiths
This was a wonderful conversation! I had not heard of Granger Smith before this interview, but he has earned my utmost respect because of his desire to follow Jesus and stay in His Word. Thank you to him- we need to see more male role models who are willing to give their lives to Christ.
This was a great interview! I’ve honestly never heard of him. I have so much respect for his wife when he said she’s never, ever blamed him for their son dying. I want to believe I’d be that strong, but I’m not sure.
I love the Smiths!!! Such a precious family! I started following them in 2019 after their sweet baby boy passed away. It was heart wrenching but also encouraging as they sought the Lord through it all. My brother died by suicide July 2019 & the smiths channel was an encouragement to me as I was grieving as well. They are a beautiful inspiration & I love how Grangers faith has grown. So proud of him for going where the Lord is calling him in ministry! Great job as always Allie Beth❤
Grateful for your discussion on IVF. I would only remind us that God can use anything for good. Social media bares evil fruit, and yet I also find Gods word through it at times. Ambers journey with IVF was a sweet time for me as I watched her faithfulness through the process. She gave me hope that I too could follow Gods promptings for more children despite my age and my husband’s vasectomy. Through much prayer and repentance we now have a beautiful baby girl! And Ambers sweet videos of her pregnancy journey were a part of my prayerful journey and needing a mentor. So though the IVF industry bares bad fruit at times, God can use it to bear beautiful fruit too!
Just because God can create good from evil it doesn't give us the right to do evil
I watched her journey with IVF too. I think that telling people not to use it--after they used it and got what they wanted from it--is highly hypocritical.
@@simfimpimthank you. I’ve noticed a trend- Christians get what they want through IVF and then later “repent”, telling the rest of us we’re sinners. Cool cool.
They are trying to help others. @@simfimpim
@@simfimpimit’s a hard thing to say. How many people look at their choices and say honestly if it was moral?
So so humbling hearing that he didn't turn the right direction in his own strength but because of God's grace.
Powerful interview! Absolutely love how these very tough topics were so respectfully discussed. Granger, the Lord has done GREAT THINGS IN YOU! Powerful… don’t stop sharing. Praise God for bold and faithful servants like the both of you!
Love this. I'm a follower of The Smith TV (Granger and Amber's family) and have been for a long time. I remember watching their IVF journey and feeling their pain and wanting what they wanted (another baby after tubal ligation.) However, the cost of IVF is just too much for us. So, I just started praying for God to restore my tubes and for God to bless us and create a miracle pregnancy. I'm believing for it. To all you women/Mommys out there... don't tie your tubes! Don't try to design your own family. God has plans for you and they are far better than the plans we have for ourselves ❤
For anyone here who has lost a child, i cant imagine what youre going through & i pray the Lord doesnt test me in this specific way, but i did lose my mother when i was 11 and it still hurts. But what helps the most is knowing this life is SO incredibly short. Like the blink of an eye. We will all be with our lost loved ones forever in God's kingdom
The Good Lord has a plan. He is so forgiving and loving. You're never ever alone. God Bless you Granger and your beautiful family. "Your" babyboy is safe, loved and in Jesus arms. You'll see him again❤️
Allie what a beautiful conversation!! So many things Granger said have made me think 🙏. I was just praising God this morning for the miracle of the Bible. I said to Him how would we know You and your character without it!🙏.
What an excellent testimony! Granger has obviously been changed by the Lord - I love his passion for God's Word! ✝️🙌
I've spent the last 45 mins reading through all these comments while listening to the podcast. Allie, honestly, your comment section has some of the most wonderful people in it and I'm crying reading these stories. Thank you to everyone sharing your experiences.
What an absolute amazing interview! Been a huge granger fan for many years and was grateful to have met him last year during his final tour. His testimony is beyond inspiring and praise the Lord for what he is doing in his life.
As far as Bible reading plans go, I started The Bible Recap in January 2024 and the intimacy I’ve experienced with God has been a tremendous blessing as He continuously reveals Himself to me. I highly highly recommend TBR chronological plan, because He’s where the joy is.
A friend in my small group just gifted me the Bible Recap! I’m on day 4! It’s so interesting!
As a person who has lost a child I know how your life changes and your faith grows stronger. I never was angry at God, I only prayed that I would be worthy enough to be able to be in heaven with my child. I’ve read the book and will be reading it again and again. I live what I believe. I try to teach the younger generation about grace, integrity, forgiveness and kindness
None of us is worthy enough. But by faith alone in Christ alone, we are promised eternal life as a free gift. That’s what “grace” means. It’s getting what we don’t deserve, eternal life. Please don’t try to get to Heaven by working for it. You’ve failed before you even start. Believe in Jesus Christ and you will see your child again for sure.
Really amazing testimony !! I have listened to him before and I followed them before they lost River. I remember him and his wife talking about why they did IVF and how they felt God calling them to do it and I felt sad because I felt like he was becoming so strong as a Christian but I knew this wasn’t the Godly path for them to take. So this is so beautiful how God is leading them to speak out about it! God is not done with them yet. Keep learning more and more about God. He really is incredible.
Granger Smith has a great UA-cam channel that shows his life with his family. It's called "The Smiths". It's a wholesome channel
Love this! Kieth green had to wrestle giving up his music for God too. And God gave it back to him. I love how God is on a quest for man's soul and either way he's going to get the glory through each crushed spiritual house that he's rebuilding.
Keith Green was an inspiration. I love his music it is from the heart. Tragically he died very young but his legacy lives on.
I loved and followed Keith Green in his day and still sing his songs and believe they're among the strongest and deepest truths in song out there. I've often wondered though if it was a grace that God took Keith in that crash because he was getting out of control in his judgments against anyone who was not signing up right away to go off to a mission field overseas, after having gone on a thoroughly out of control rampage against the Catholic Church. Not to say that either of his prophetic declarations against Catholics or against non-missionaries was not of God, but they seemed even at the time to be lacking in love. I am not a Catholic and I do (and did even then) support overseas missions, but was getting really uncomfortable with his message and not out of conviction, but out of concern about the lack of love. I hope God sweeps me out of here too if I go overboard in my prophetic preaching, which I do have an inclination towards. I only want to say the words of God. And, as you say, God has crushed my spiritual house a few times to rebuild it again, to the point that now I just sort of expect that as part of sanctification and when I sense it's coming I just relax my hold on whatever I'm doing and open my hands and say, "bring it on, Lord. I surrender." If Keith was saying the words of God, I'll find out when I see him again!! Blessings everyone.
The IVF topic doesnt start til 44:00 ... youre welcome ;)
This was a fantastic, challenging interview. Not a follower of country music, so had never heard of Granger. Very insightful and should cause many of us to examine our own hearts. Thank you both
He sounds very Catholic! It was very edifying listening to him articulate his conversion story.
He had an Interior conversion vs just an intellectual conversion. This is what saints are made of!
Litany of Humility is a prayer that matches his disposition. Also,
his devotion schedule sounds like what Catholics do when we read the divine office daily.
His view on contraception is in line what the Catholic Church teaches. His story and realization of the error of getting tubes tied and using ivf is exactly why the Church teaches against “playing God” when it comes to conceiving a child. There’s so much more to unpack here. The Church has always existed to save souls. It is a good thing to teach the wisdom of the Church on Natural Law to help others avoid these same pitfalls. It’s sad when people think they’re wiser than the Catholic Church. That’s one of the downfalls/errors of Protestantism. It’s harmful to throw away the old just so you can eventually (after it’s too late) figure out that the wisdom or deposit of faith was true all along. God Bless him and his family for wanting to do God’s will and not their own.
With that being said God uses this all for His glory and for the sanctification of our souls. He brings good out of evil. Jesus Christ died for everything that harms us (all evils) and that’s why we are redeemed by his sacrifice on Calvary. We are saved when we follow HIM (the truth and the light) vs our own thoughts and desires.
I believe he's Baptist
Commenting on the daily Bible reading time/“daily feast.” This is something I feel is so overlooked by Christians and it does need to be daily. God‘s word is like medicine to us. We would never skip a day of a medicine that was prescribed to us daily. We may not recognize how reading the Bible and prayer works in us each day to keep us healthy and close to the Lord and knowing Him. But if we begin to miss time, reading His word, it will reflect in our lives eventually. It causes weakness in our life and give opportunity for Satan to attack.
Loved this interview. First time watching Relatable but not the last! I absolutely Love Granger and Amber and everything they stand for and are doing in their lives. Through them I was encouraged to buy my very first Bible and I’m now working my way through it for the 2nd time. They changed my life by offering the Gospel. I’m a 50yr old mother of 2 who has always loved the Lord but as I now know….i never knew Him. I walk with him daily now and could never thank Granger and Amber enough for their kindness. They both have podcasts that are amazing, plus they have a UA-cam channel called The Smiths. If you’ve never watched strongly suggest you do. Amazing family full of God’s grace. Wishing you well ❤😊
This guys whole demeanor is different from years ago ❤️ he’s a changed man👏
We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
I am so pleased by this! The Smiths are a wonderful family! I am amazed at their spiritual growth. I learn so much from Amber and her Arise podcast. This has blessed me today. 🙏 Praise God for this family and I pray God's hedge of protection to surround them continually. In Jesus name, Amen!
He is such a great man it's been so awesome to see his transformation in christ!
Granger Smith is speaking at our church tomorrow!! Can't wait to hear his testimony!
I wish I was at your church tomorrow to hear G!!! LiveLikeRiv
Allie, I love that you and granger on! I just read his book in April and it was so encouraging and impactful and I’m so glad many others are hearing his story and understanding hope in grief!
Love seeing Grander's spiritual growth. The definition of genuine. Yee yee!
Well-said. I see the humility in Granger as well. So beautiful.
Certainly edifying!!! I woke up at 3:00 and the good Lord led me to this!❤
Yes and amen. I have been looking forward to this interview for a long time. It is such a delight to watch him and Amber live out their sanctification through their UA-cam channel.
My sister was having a hard time conceiving and turned to IVF. She now has two beautiful twin boys who are thriving and living their best life. I truly believe God had a hand in this miracle. Not everyone's stories are the same and God works differently in every individual's lives. You should not demonize because of your own personal struggles about something that has brought so much joy and happiness to others.
You should not use God to support your views, especially if scriptures clearly do not agree with that view
Your testimony has lifted, taught, help grow my faith
Oh I'm so glad you interviewed Granger. I follow his wife. Wonderful testimony.
For us folks still in workplaces, it’s very dangerous to admit to not needing praise. Evil will strike out on repeat.
I’m really sorry for what they went through. This is why solid Church teaching is so valuable- we don’t need to rely on our own logic because we can convince ourselves God wants just about anything. Like the tree seed planting story.
Perfect example of why I am Catholic. Clear set of what’s of God and what’s not. Clear boundaries work well and helps avoid so many problems. Again I sympathize and am sorry for them.
Thank you, Jesus for your saving grace. This interview blessed my heart.
YIKES. What a powerful episode😢 I'm bawling my eyes out
About 26 years ago, I was in my late 20’s and considered pursuing IVF but God clearly told me not to! I was confused about what it meant to be “faithful” to do MY part. But through Hagar and Sarah’s story, God showed me and assured me that what He wanted from Sarah was for her to TRUST and WAIT in Him. She decided to do HER part and got Hagar involved in the infertility treatment of her time. And literally the history of the world was changed as a result. God assured me that TRUSTING and WAITING in Him and His will WAS doing “my part”. And with that I let go of my striving and surrendered my will to His. I assumed and hoped that God would eventually do a miracle to give us children. But the miracle He did was in my heart. We never had children but we did have God’s peace and nothing can compare to that! 🙌🏼
Thank you for sharing. Being obedient honors the Lord so much and most people aren't willing to lay down their desires and truly trust the Lord. It's hard! So encouraged by your faithfulness
Yes Ty for sharing. I always knew when I read that Hagar ans Sarah story, people tried to be God and we must trust God ans be faithful …Church doesn’t talk about this to many Christian’s and that IVF is so relate to Hagar ans Sarah story. Even though God still blessed Hagar. …It’s all selfish reason and peopke don’t trust God…very rare in churches bc many pastors don’t want to get attended by people…🥵🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Wonderful testimony
Millions of networth makes it easier to move on from celebrityhood
I love Granger and Amber and family. I’ve followed them for a long time now and am always so encouraged by their walk of faith. Amber has a podcast called Arise that is so so good. Just a wonderful family!!❤️ Thank you Allie for all you do as well. GOD bless you my dear.
Amen to your views on IVF!!! Many don't understand the evils of it.
This was an encouragement. Thank you to both for using your platforms to encourage and direct followers to a closer relationship with Christ.
Praise God that we have access to the Word of God!
Can not wait for this!!! YEEYEE
What a powerful interview. A lot to think about.
Again Allie Beth!! Your interviews are incredible!
Thank you for this episode!
Such a powerful conversation! ❤ Granger and Amber are very strong humble and faith filled people who lead well. Praise God!
I'm with you. I had my tubes tied to please a worthless, faithless husband and when I had to leave him to save myself and my children, it left me unable to give the ensuing husband that God chose for me a child of his own that would have changed his life for the better.😢😢😢
Yeh. I had my tubes tied in my late 20’s and it’s the biggest regret of my life.
If your first husband is still alive, the Bible says that no other marriage you enter, is valid.
I had my first child 23 days before I turned 18. By 24 I had 4 children. My family pushed me to get my tubes tied, especially my mom's oldest sister who has no children of her own(lesbian). She felt that we were going to not be able to provide properly for the 4 or any more we might have. I scheduled the tubal and as I went into the hospital I prayed that if it wasn't what God wanted for me that I would already be pregnant and they wouldn't be able to proceed. I wasn't pregnant and I went ahead and did the procedure. After I regretted it so much for many years but the Lord brought other children into our lives through friends and family and foster care that we got to love on and care for. They are all grown now with the youngest being 20 on Christmas Day. We are in a time in our life where we are enjoying grandkids but last year I told my husband let's have my tubes untied and have one more before it's too late. He was in! I started having bleeding issues and went to the doctor. He said that my options would be birth control or a hysterectomy. I asked him about undoing the tubal and he recommended an ultrasound and biopsy beforehand. Those tests revealed that the doctor who tied my tubes all those years ago didn't actually tie my tubes, he removed them. In February I had my hysterectomy. To anyone who has read this far DONT TIE YOUR TUBES AND DON'T TAKE BIRTH CONTROL! IT REALLY IS HARMFUL TO YOUR BODY.
So thankful for my two perfect ivf babies!! 💚
It so interesting listening to you about suicide, I have a friend whose Pastor father committed suicide and she felt her father was saved even tho he committed suicide and being a Pastor who knew the Word. I always felt uncomfortable when she talked about her father in front of a group of people, because I felt it was sending the wrong message to young Christians. You opened up a whole new idea with saying this was a form of self love. Your testimony has really made me think of several things. Thank you for opening up.
My recommendation for someone who wants to start reading the Bible: don't be afraid to go through it fast. What I mean is, if one sentence or verse doesn't hit you with a deep insight, don't spend a lot of time camped there trying to wring something out of it. Move on to the next one. Maybe there'll be something that hits you in the passage as a whole... and even if you have a "dry day," you'll be back tomorrow!
A couple not trusting God to make a family in our modern culture and turning to IVF is the same as Sarah telling Abraham to go with her maid and save the family line through Hagar.
What a beautiful testimony! Enjoyed this conversation so much.
"oh, I think I have underestimated who Jesus is." Profound realization. Who of us hasn't experienced that? We probably all do constantly. And how many will not realize that until it's too late?
Love your neighbor as yourself. You can’t love others without first loving yourself.
Always had these incomplete thoughts related to IVF; he puts its very well the conclusion to my thoughts a belief at this point. But it’s a very difficult matter if one has experienced childlessness
A very touching testimony.
I can tell God is at work in both of your lives.
So grateful to hear this testimony. I would like prayer to read my Bible. I have discipline issues and I just have excuses. Need a breakthrough for this issue. Thank you
Congratulations to everyone who was able to move on and conceive naturally. However, God has placed medical breakthroughs and miracles in our path to help those people have the joy of a family if that is the path they choose. I find this interview highly disturbing because I watched every video on UA-cam and prayed for God to bless them with a baby with their only embryo left.