This happened to me not only with tarot but also with makeup and my doll collection. Its a big problem in almost every category of whatever people are collecting. I took a three month break from terot and oracle purchases. It was actually quite freeing. It allowed me to love what I have. For me it was the not seeing what i already had that drove my purchasing. All my decks were in a cabinet or in terot bags. I took all my decks and put them on my desk and really stated interacting with them. It was marvelous! Now I'm super picky with what I buy. But I had to get away from buying, from the FOMO fever.
Thank you, Candy. This video is a voice of reason I really needed. I found myself buying 3-5 or even sometimes 6 decks EVERY MONTH (mostly mass market, as I live in Poland and the majority of indie decks are extremely expensive) and my "bag of shame" grew to insane size. I have never been a shopaholic before, but now I find that there are decks that I don't even remember buying... Because I buy them, and then put them away- sometimes even without having a proper look at the cards! How crazy is that? You described it so beautifully: it is frenzy and consumerism, not passion for Tarot. I need to rethink my attitude towards buying decks. And I definitely need to stop watching most of the Tarotubers I follow, as their videos often make me wanna buy more and more cards.
One of your top ten pointers reminded me of the H.A.L.T. strategy. In the moment HALT, and decided if you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired before proceeding. Applies to many situations xo
Thank you for picking up litter. It makes me crazy that people litter, but they do. Good idea to get a litter kit!!! I thought I had lost my ability to concentrate and focus long enough to read because of what being on socials had done to my attention span. I had always been a voracious reader, but for the past couple of years I had lost my ability to focus long enough to read books. Last month I went on vacation and could not use my phone much due to internet access. In two weeks I read 14 books!!!!! I regained my ability to focus. What a relief!
I really enjoyed this video, very thought provoking! I'm struggling to make sure I do REAL LIFE things, like visiting museums and galleries and meeting friends (and even getting tattooed!) instead of living online and through inanimate things like I was doing during the last couple of very stressful years. My deck buying has calmed right down. I no longer look at kickstarter and I don't pre order mass market decks like I used to. I'll wait until everyone else has reviewed them and study them really carefully until I'm sure whether they are really for me or whether I already have a deck that serves the same purpose in my practice. It's so much more special to have a treat when you have them more rarely! I totally agree about death positivity (or at least acceptance) it is very grounding. Thanks for another fab video! X 💞✨
I agree 100%. Thanks for posting this. No one lives “in the moment” anymore and just stops to smell the roses, or look around them. They’re buried in social media. Hence why I don’t have it (except for this) haha
For me, social media is a mixed bag. I'm disabled by chronic illness and a military spouse. So all my friends are online. Being on social media has helped keep me from complete and absolute isolation, especially the past 2.5 years while it literally hasn't been safe for me to go out due to my chronic health issues. Yes, I do have to be careful to manage my social media time or it can impact my mental health negatively. But social media is where I have friends and social interaction. Without it I would literally be completely alone and isolated except for my husband. The past 2.5 years have given lots more people a taste of the life so many of us disabled people live. And many haven't been able to handle how many of us disabled end up having to live our lives. It's been quite eye opening to see how people have reacted to exactly how my life has been the past 10 years or so, without having all the technological supports that were rushed into place, even though when we disabled people begged for them we were told no, impossible, to expensive, etc.
Thanks. I really enjoyed this and a few points particularly resonated with me. Particularly curbing your social media. I've found a sort of 'keeping up with the jones' mentality creeps in. The more you see, the more you want. I now tend to skim or skip more walkthroughs. I know which decks I become more obsessive with. They're the ones that make me rewatch the walkthrough several times over a period of days until I can't stop thinking about them. Believe me, that doesn't happen very often. I feel blessed that I'm actually very picky. lol
I also have a small stack of 4 recently purchased decks in the last couple of months and they are positioned prominently, saying to me that I want to engage with those decks before I buy more. I have been mostly using one of them and am very happy with it, such that I don't even want to take the time with the others. But still, in my mind, there's a thought of 'I want to know them before I invite others in'.
lol. I also wanted to say that I love the background in this video and that beautiful lamp which might tempt me to say, if I could have that beautiful lamp, I'd want two! And if buying a mirror would solve the wanting of a second lamp, why not? Twice the joy at half the price!
This is such a wonderful and thought provoking video. I already watched it twice and I’ll probably watch it again :) I should probably start by saying I am not a collector. What I mean by that is that I never bought a deck with the intention to own it for collecting purposes. Each purchase I made was with the intention to use the deck I purchased. what helped me to decrease the number of purchases was focusing on working with the decks I already have. When I purchased the most, sometime in 2019, I pulled out all the decks I had, brainstormed why I bought each deck in the first place and made plans on how to use each deck in the future. I tried to implement my plan and soon found out that I had way too many decks to ever be able to follow through with the work plan I had assigned for them. On top of that I also found out that I wasn’t really passionate about actually working with more than half of the decks I had at that time. So I decided to not force myself and let those go I knew I didn’t really feel strongly about and kept those that I knew I really wanted to spend time with. Right now for example I am working with my Fantastic menagerie tarot, and my RWS and Thoth. For the Fantastic menagerie tarot I cut off all the Titels and have some journaling method to look at each image and guess which card it is. For the rws and Thoth tarot I read the entry to the 36 cards of the minor arcana (without the asses and the court cards) in the golden dawn resource called “book t” to compare what Waite and Crowley did differently with what they both were taught in the same secret society they were both members of. And I have my trusty Kaleidadope Tarot for all my personal readings and the outgrow yourself Tarot and oracle which I use for one card oracle pulls. These practices are giving me great joy, but they take up all my time. I know right now I don’t have the capacity to work with another deck so I don’t bring more decks in my collection. Right now I am not even using all five decks in my collection equally so there’s no need to add more. Personally I have the time and the mental capacity to form intimate connections with around 5 tarot decks, so I don’t have more than that. If I added more to my collection they would only end up unopened and unused on my shelves. So I stopped adding new decks. The place I live in is tiny and has no place for storage and I have no need to own decks I won’t use. At the same time I always keep a wish list for a time when one of my current 5 leaves, because I love to rotate. Most of my decks are only there for season or a reason. So when I see something new and shiny that tempts me it goes on my beautiful list rather than in a shopping card. In the past watching favorite videos or any deck related videos in general was the main reason I impulse bought decks. I thought I would have the same great experience with the deck the person in the video had. But instead I didn’t even look at the cards of most of the decks I bought this way. At the time the deck arrived I was already watching more videos and buying more decks. Now that I concisely try to channel my focus on spending my tarot time on working with the decks I have rather than looking for new ones, I am able to watch all the videos and I delight in someone else’s joy over a deck without having to have it myself. I have learned it’s okay to admire a deck from afar (by watching videos about it or buy looking at pictures of it on Instagram) and not own it.
Thank you so so much for sharing your buying habits and practice and how things have changed. It’s so useful to read and I really appreciate it. Yes admiring decks without needing to own them. Like loving flowers without picking them 🌸🌸🌸
You have such a beautiful way of explaining things. I am going to write "There is more magic in the world for free than you could ever buy" on the first page of my journal. Every point here makes sense especially the last one. Thank you for this video 💙
I keep watching this over and over. This is the video I didn’t know I needed. I am actioning most of your suggestions and already feeling less overwhelmed💚💚💚
I totally agree with you about concentration spans now a days. I sometimes find myself with the attention span of a goldfish! haha. I've started forcing myself to read, by telling myself, "Just read a chapter at a time every day". It has been helpful and find myself reading more, cause I've taken the pressure off. Reading one of the books you recommended, 'The girl who circumnavigated fairyland in a ship of her own making' and am now over half way through and loving it.
This was so helpful! I went a little overboard with spending this month and feeling kind of guilty about it, so this video came out at the perfect time. I love the tip on connecting with nature. I have a lot of nature decks...but I could be connecting more with nature in person. Also the social media curating. I've been really picky about what kind of content I'm watching and I do think that's been helpful to curb my spending. And the last tip you mentioned about the passage of time. It's interesting because usually I have the mindset of "life is short so why not let myself have this new thing" but I think I should shift that mindset into: I have enough things to last me a lifetime. Very insightful, Candy! Thank you for sharing ♥✨
I listened to this great video while I was going through my wardrobe deciding what clothes I actually wear and what clothes I only think i will wear. I particularly liked how you shared what you used your freed up money for. And the reality that our possessions will of course out live us. So what are we really doing when we buy more than we use or even enjoy. I think about this a lot. I am proud of your DY and how you have really gone so deeply into your tarot practice. Certainly inspirational.
Thank you for this video. I'm on another no buy deck year and failed by buying decks...ugh! I loved the idea so much about getting out into nature and step away from buying. I had to step away from watching video's on some deck walk-throughs/unboxings. I'm at a point I just want more experiences instead of stuff.
There have been so many thought provoking & inspirational conversations going on at the moment around this subject, and what you shared here has definitely added to it thank you 🙏 I think i’m finally reaching a place of understanding around what I actually will use vs being drawn in by someone else’s enthusiasm! I’ve had a massive cull and for me it’s felt so freeing. I almost have fresh eyes for the decks I know I want to put my energy into. Now, as long as I can maintain this new clarity long term … 😂
That was so interesting Candy. Thank you. I have been trying to buy a bit less this year. I have found May and June... not so much. I think being busy and stressed with work combined with mindless scrolling on facebook in particular leads to deck buying. I get on the groups looking to trade away some of my own and end up buying something I've sort of had my eye on 2nd hand. Storage is a factor so I can't just keep getting decks. It's not THAT easy to sell them for a decent price. I definitely get that feeling sometimes, that I'll not live long enough to USE all the decks I've got! Instead of scrolling facebook groups I could, oh I don't know, READ ONE OF THE NEW BOOKS / DECKS I'VE ALREADY GOT!
You have so much wisdom and insight to share, Candy! I’m quite new to tarot and I prefer to watch videos from people who explain how they use the cards and how that integrates into their wider life. You do that and this is why I follow you and some other people. I love watching all your videos, whether it’s garden, art, books or travel. The way we use tarot reflects our attitude to life, our journey through it and what we discover and learn on the way. And everything you post and say totally reflects that. The specific decks we use to support this, are kind of incidental. And I can translate that into using any deck I have and enjoy. This is the best way for me to not go shopping crazy: follow creators like you, who show this interface between tarot practice and integration into other areas of life. 💙 Other than that, I prefer to watch decluttering videos over unboxing, because people’s opinions on how useful decks were to them are more informed and realistic at that point. And then I still ask myself, how similar am I to that person and in my way of working with decks? Thirdly, it’s worth telling ourselves that if we really want something and it’s meant for us, there will always be a second chance. Most mass markets decks will still be around after they’ve sat on your wish list for a year. If not, (and this applies to indie decks) there’ll always be another one created that scratches that specific itch. I’m so rooting for you to make it through your no-but year!!!
Thank you, Candy! I really loved this video! Yours and Jessica (and the Moon/the story witch) 's video, about how we pay twice for the things we bring into our lives (once with money and then with the time we need to invest in them), have been the most impactful and thought-provoking videos I watched lately! :) xx
For me it really helps to look at my favorite things in online shops, think about what I would want to purchase, than allow me to choose some, put them in the Virtual shopping cart….and then immediately close the website and do something very different, offline, that brings me joy. The adrenaline kick of the act of „shopping without buying“ melts with the joy of doing something what I like, and I feel good - and completely forget about the things which are sitting in my shopping bag 😂👍
Thank you for sharing Candy! I was doing a no buy this year as well. I got caught up in the fear of what's coming & started prepping. So I have been really good with not buying any decks until this past month. A recent tragedy triggered past grief with memories & deep sadness. I looked at all my decks nothing helped me process my feelings, so i sat with my emotions trying to process everything & came to the conclusion I was looking back into the past & I was also fearing the future. I had stopped living in the present moment. By starting to live in the moment every day again, it has really helped. I do enjoy gardening & have been trying to organize it so it feels cozy & calming. I do enjoy visiting with friends as well. I also stopped watching the new releases of tarot decks & unboxings. I did however watch Rebecca Campbell go live with her The Rose Oracle Deck it had healing & gentle messages. I checked out some unboxings of it & the price on Amazon was on sale for $13 so i did buy this deck to help me through this season of grief & sadness. I want to enjoy the things around me so I have put a limit on my decks & if I feel i have some i'm not using i declutter them. I think having a quest is a good idea. I like taking my decks to a park, beach or our garden & spending time in nature.
Gosh I hear you about the push to prep I recently fell down the UA-cam prepping rabbit hole and it was so fear inducing. I’m trying to use wisdom now a little more not fear. I’m sorry you had a recent tragedy and I can see the rose deck helping. My friend brought it and I flipped through it it’s beautiful. Thank you for watching and the thoughtful and helpful comment it’s all appreciated 🌸❤️
Thank you Candy for this reminder. I didn’t buy any decks during the lockdown but I found this last year and January 2023 where I started buying impulsively again. I have to sit myself down and ask why do I need to buy more when I have more than enough. Of course, I went deeper and boom!! I identified the cause and made a decision to stop buying more, for another dopamine hit. It’s challenging at first. Yet. It’s possible. Happy New No Buy Year for new tarot & decks in 2023. ❌ No makeup ❌ No tarot/oracle decks ❌ No clothes ❌ No new purses and shoes ❌ No new kitchen items So help me God. Take care and we got this! ❤
I really appreciate you sharing your experiences and insights in such a supportive way. I remember your video showing space in your shelving unit and I love the idea of creating and cherishing space in between spending too. Thank you 😊 🌻
Thank you so much for this video! Thisis exactly where I am at mentally right now. I have a lot of emotional things going on in my life at the moment and I find that I am vulnerable to spending late at night!
I loved this so much, Candy! When I move and set up my new space, I'm planning to have a lot of my decks stored in a cabinet or something similar. I think it will help with the overwhelm or analysis paralysis that can sometimes overtake me when I see all the decks in one place.
So true Candy! I’ve started making an effort to go for walks to improve my overall health and well being rather than just sit and scroll on my phone. This morning in my tarot reading I pulled the Kookaburra card from the Animal Kin oracle. Well on my walk this morning kookaburras started singing their “laughing” song from a distant tree. And this afternoon I went for a walk to the supermarket and I heard two birds in a tree and I looked up and it was 2 Kookaburras that flew into the tree 🌲 I was walking past!! It was such a beautiful experience and it almost brought a tear to my eyes.
My priorities shifted dramatically this year with my kids' needs growing and now that I have significantly slowed down with purchases (and even sold some of my most treasured oop decks), I still have loads and I am finally using and enjoying them all. I was sorry to see some pieces of my collection go, but I feel "lighter" now and I am really happy with what I have. Thank you for being always an inspiration💜💜💜
Thank you for being so open and honest. I can really relate to your views on consumerism. I have been trying to be more conscious of my spending. You have really inspired me to continue. My mantra is 'I have enough and am enough'.😊
Such excellent thoughts Candy. Many times throughout your video I cold hear myself say "yep, that's me" . Just the other day I was pondering how I would feel if I put all my decks (other than the "current" one) in a pretty storage box, or one of my vintage suitcases. They are lined up 2 and 3 deep on a shelf. I can only "see" the front row and I cant reach the others. The visual clutter of the front row does not invite me to peruse. I used to work in print advertising. One of the golden rules is to "make the white space work for you"
Wonderful sage advice so necessary during these times 🖤💗🖤 Love you brought up finding a death positive state of mind. I looked into flylady and cleaning mama..must check out that Swedish technique🙏
Such a blessing for all of us new tarot users. Don't have a channel of my own but would love it if someone would start a tag of their quests or new ways to use decks we love. Thank you Candy for the great inspiration you are.
Am def taking your advice on board ... love tarot and decks and during a 'cleanse' of decks I have, I reconnected with many and realised I have more than enough ... so trying hard to stop now x
I agree so much candy, I bought 2 storage pouffe stools to put my decks in, and I agree putting them away eases the overwhelm. When I do go to get a deck out now it's like looking at decks a new because of not seeing them all the time. Now I really think carefully if I want a deck or to look at maybe a similar deck I already have. Love and blessings lovely candy 🙏💖😘
What a wonderful all around post. Applies beautifully to consuming in general. I have had so many of the same struggles. As I am turning 60, up to my ears in stuff - my great motivators are my two young daughters (I started late). If I pass, I don’t want them burdened by my belongings. It’s a slow process & complicated. I am curating my existence with the goal of creating space, cleaning up my finances, and limiting my material belongings to those that are truly essential or life enhancing. Love the JOMO expression! It’s hard though. I’m trying to be kind to myself & value the process. Lots of deep breathing. 😂
I'll watch this later but the title of your episode shows how "habits" can be curtailed or released. 👍 Good on ya, Candy! Yesterday, I walked into a local metaphysical shop in New Mexico that is filled with PLENTY of spiritual tools and books. You know that "kid in a candy store" feeling. :) I had a small arm full of books, but as I s l o w l y moved around the store and connected with everything.. I left with one book. It felt like it was the only thing I needed especially since I'm currently lowing the amount of items I work with for my practice.
I have shifted the vast majority of my deck collection out of sight over the last couple of months, originally because I was trying to tidy up my space and not feel overwhelmed with stuff packed on every shelf, and more intentionally recently to limit my options when selecting a deck to read with. And now that you mention it, I've been doing that with my books and art supplies as well. I started a job last year that I wasn't sure about at first, but I have grown to love even on dull days because it's in a remote location and there is no cell signal---I can't scroll even if I want to, and during down time while waiting for something to process, I can pick up one of my many books that have been on the to read list for years and knock out a chapter or two. I've finished 5 in the last few months and have noticed that when I get home, or even on weekends, I don't pay my phone any mind unless it rings and just wait to use the internet until I can boot up my computer. This daily unplugging has been incredible for stabilizing my emotions.
Oh so many gems! 💎 💎💎 The Swedish death cleaning thing really changed something in me when I read it too! I never thought about enjoying the spaces in spending; that is so helpful. I have a feeling I’ll be coming back to this video a few times. 🙏🏼
Such a great and knowledgeable video you so right even me do this what’s next deck and making me so attracted to new deck and am keep buying and all my savings I have spend currently not working am so worried am so obsessed I stop buying clothes and makeups stuff I save for my cards even I was planning to make video about am happy you talking all about it so true candy ❤️love and bless and peace for you and you so cute love your voice ❤️💖
Thank you very much for this video which comes just when I decided to sell a large part of my Tarots and Oracles because I felt almost like 'overwhelmed' and unable to manage it all yet.
Aww Barbara I’m sorry you feel like that. I really found getting decks out of sight really helped to view it more like a library to go browse. I’m glad the video helped a little and thank you so much for watching and commenting ❤️🥰
I have three different collections. Funko Pops, crystals and cards 😅. I know the struggle. I don‘t have my tarot collection on display and have them neatly arranged in drawers. I try to have a lot of free spaces in my apartment. As soon as I feel too cluttered, I get rid of certain things. I find myself getting rid of stuff especially when it‘s spring and summer. My boyfriend has a new found love for tarot now as well so that made it a bit hard for me to not buy more decks haha. But in the end I do what feels good as long as I don‘t suffer from it financially.
"To calm that flow of consumerism, to be more calm, and peaceful." Yes! My heart is definitely calling me to stop buying decks and stop to enjoy the collection I have accumulated over the past 2.5 years in Particular. This post has inspired me to take a break from buying.
No 10 really resonated with me. Ive always loved reading but since ive retired I have become addicted to buying books! Its as though I want to read as many as I can before I die. I couldnt believe it when you described no 10 on your list! I completely agree with you. Our society does not like to talk about death unlike Buddhist societys that are very aware of Impermanence. I have been aware of death all my life as my mother died when I was very young. That changes your whole perspective. I love your channel because you are so down-to-earth and very wise. Thank you.
Aww I’m glad I mentioned it then. I’ve found that all the things I second guess talking about as I think nobody will get it are often the things that resonate with others. Funny isn’t it. Much love to you and thank you for watching ❤️
Started a no buy on 17 may this year. And sometimes really hard. I did put some away so I have enough for a whole year. But when i see a video it can be so triggering. It did change my perception allready on my shopping behavor. No clothes. No shoes. No decks. No candles. I do buy things for my son like clothes. … its really eye opening.
Doesn’t it make you realise how all the pause moments of stillness get filled with consuming. I wish you all the luck on this year. It’s magical I feel 🌸❤️
@@CandySoulAndSoil yes it does. But I do found I am getting much more creative now. Something I wasn’t before. Started a few journals and I love it. If you stop consuming beeing more creative is like the next step. But still. It is a struglle sometimes. I must say. I have been watching a few of your vids and thank you for your authenticity. It has touched me. I have ptsd as well and I love how open you are. You also have a very lovely voice to listen to. Thanks for all your inspiration vids and a big hug from little old Belgium 🇧🇪❤️
Oh Candy. I should watch tis on endless repeat really. I have a addictive personality and it isnt even funny anymore. Quit smoking. Started buying cristals. Then decks. And the passion for tarot is so big and the needing and greed also pffff. And the silly thing is I work as a nurse to teach people different emotional copingskills 😂. But my own 😂. Or I eat to much. Or buy to much. Or drink to much. Quited that to because it became a habbit that scared me. That endless void that needs to be filled. That constant circle of selfsabotage and starting all over again…. Stop buying is like more difficult then stop smoking. Temptation is every where with the internet. And like a single mother to I have to really stop it 😢. So once again a new year. New courage. New plans. I have my new decks for newyear and my bday and my quit smoking day and thats it. They are wrapped as presents and put away. And figgered out a study plan for the whole year. Even unsubscribed lots of channels. Selfcontrole is such a bitch 😂 I took your example and gave myself a word of the year also “ no more excuses “ is my frase voor 2024. No more procrastinating. No more fooling around. We will see. Enjoyed reviewing this. ❤ like allways bless you darling. @CandySoulAndSoil
Thanks for this. Interesting and helpful, I’m really taken by the idea of a quest, and calling it that! I live only 40 min away from a sheela na gig in Kilpeck, Herefordshire, I ‘m going to enjoy some outside time and go on a quest to see her. I’ll send you a pic 👍.
This was so very interesting. I really appreciate your vulnerability and openness in these videos. I have to say my feelings are in flux a lot atmo with decks and collecting. part of me is very content - I don't feel I need to be working with them all at once or even often for me to keep them. I still feel a bit guilty or shameful at the amount though sometimes. And I still see new decks I want. This year, I've bought some I've wanted second hand from ebay and prioritised some special indie decks. But for the first time recently I actually felt sick at the thought of spending £60 on an indie deck that I really wanted - I thought oh my goodness thats an expense that I really don't need. And I think maybe the game changer was Jessica's video about spending twice on a deck because it's the investment in actually bonding and getting to know the deck after too. I already feel so completely overwhelmed about the multiple areas and disciplines I want to study or deepen my knowledge and practice of. I have been immersed in a deep year long astrology course this year and I'm so behind just cus of work and family life, so now I think thats why I'm starting to get a little bit of a sick feeling when I consider the investment of money, time and energy into another deck or book I think I need, want and will love, but ultimately will it serve me and support my growth and learning and my offerings?! It's an ongoing question, and I think the answers will change. Love this conversation in our community. So many blessings Candy! Hope you're all well. Xx
❤️ Emily. It’s hard juggling everything we want to learn and being there for the people we love. I’ve been finding recently that I’m better able to weed out things I “should” learn/ know/ do and focus on the things which are actually bringing me joy and/ or are helpful for the people I love. But I go back and fore with this. A lot. Hugs 🤗
Emily I know. Prices have gone up haven’t they and with shipping and import fees it’s not even a decision any more for me. They are out of my price range now for sure. I think I would panic now if I spent that. Perhaps moving forward it may be a long save and only very occasional new decks ❤️🥰
brilliant candy, thank you! so much in this to take away; even though i am in a place where i very seldom bring in something new and am very peaceful with my collection and practice, i feel i can use your tips in other areas in life as well. also, isn't it fascinating how our mortality has come into focus and how it correlates with some of the buying frenzy many of us have gone through? i am going to follow your example and look for positive ways to deal with it, funny i didn't think myself that there's the possibility to do that, i guess i'm still in the "i'll just learn to endure it" mindset. thank you for reminding me that i don't have to stop there. and you are so right, replacing FOMO with JOMO is such a great idea, i'm so gonna cultivate that now! thank you candy for continuing to share your brilliance with us; i wish i would have had someone like you in my life when i was a child; i wish every child could have someone like you in their lives! ❤ have a beautiful summer evening! 🌷
It feels like a compulsion for me. The frenzy is a filling of my own void. It takes over because it's a huge pull but slowing down and breathing I gained control back but it's always challenging. :)
Thank you SO much for this excellent video. You are such a beautiful woman and soul and I love your genuine, heartfelt delivery - I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought I completely freed myself from the desire of purchasing any new decks (such a wonderful, liberating feeling when I was able to look at a video and see the lure but have no desire to bite), as I have been on a purge for over a year - the goal is to get to 60, then 30. But recently I found myself slipping into some old patterns - thankfully, I think I nipped it in the bud even though I did purchase a few decks. In the past, what was really helpful in slowing down and building that resistance muscle to instant gratification purchases was to write down the desired item (mostly tarot or oracle decks) and its price. My rule was that if I still wanted it a week or two later, I could purchase it. This resulted in a 98% or more reduction in purchases as most got crossed out. It is akin to taking our power over ourselves back and retraining our brain and impulsive actions by not getting carried away and giving in and then remembering it when those urges surface. As you mentioned, remembering our reasons why and being aware of our triggers and times when we may be weaker is really important. Celebrating those wins is also important. I loved the way you spoke about the nourishment of nature and the last point about the importance of facing our impermanence (mind you I imagine that one could go the other way too...LOL). Kidding aside though, it is a great practice to keep our fragile, temporary existence in mind. Many thanks!!!💖🙏🌺🍀
Thank you Sylvain’s for such a kind and fantastic comment. Implementing that pause and using a list to write down the deck and cost is such a great idea. It’s really easy to want every deck I find but so lovely to break yourself of that need and yes as you say to take back your own power 💜🥰
A lot of truth in this video… definitely something I am comfortable with overconsuming. Especially the point about anxiety from death and time… I get the same feeling when I think about all the books I haven’t read 😢 I’m 35 and feel the desire yet fear of whether I’m going to pull the trigger on kids… this leads to running out of time and soon I’ll be old and dying some day and YES! who will clean up my consumption mess! 😂
Really enjoyed the update. I'm so glad doing this is helping your mental health and your financial needs/wants/goals. I've been working on mindful deck purchasing/collecting. I take time and watch deck flip throughs to help be sure I'll really like a deck. I ask myself if I've got anything similar already and if I think I'd use the new deck as much or more than what I already have. I have a spending budget that I'm pretty good at sticking with. I also really enjoy pairing my Tarot and Oracle decks, so I keep that as a partial focus for curating my collection and purchases. I buy decks regularly, but doing this in a more mindful way for me works well. I enjoy my purchases and use them but I don't get overwhelmed or overspend.
A couple years ago I saw a recommendation on UA-cam for a Swedish Death Cleaning video and I was curious so I clicked on it. The creator actually interviewed a woman that had written a book on it and they went over the basic premise. The creator MAY have been 25 years old and did her room and her major concern was a IKEA kalix wall unit. She did not even have an apartment to do…. A bookshelf? I pains me to think a young person with hardly any belongings was Swedish death cleaning her bedroom that wasn’t even cluttered. Maybe it was to make content. This was an excellent video Candy! I see myself in a lot of what you said and I definitely have some take-a-ways. Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate your insight. 💕🥰Xx
This is such a wonderful video, thank you. I will try to remind myself to rewatch this everytime I feel like I'm slipping into that frenzy. I am very prone to hyperfixations and the last couple of years that's been tarot&oracle. This year I've managed to reign myself in a little bit - I've bought under half the number of decks than I did in 2021, and I'm proud of that, but I've still got a way to go. I don't think I could ever do a no buy year, but I might start with trying a no buy month and some decluttering. And maybe set my goals toward some bigger purchases; I've been dreaming of painting some of my furniture and getting a bathtub, but somehow I never seem to have enough money for either of those - because all my extra money always gets used on decks that end up sitting on a shelf and collecting dust. Oh dear. 😅 But anyway, thank you for this video. Your energy is so beautiful and soothing that I could listen to you speak for hours on end!
Aww I get every word you typed. Honestly it’s so right what you said to me too it can feel like hyper fixated frenzy. Just know you aren’t alone. I think painting furniture and new bath tubs sounds and awesome gosh to head for. Thank you so much for watching and your kind words 🥰
Thank You Candy for this grounding perspective. What decks would you say is for deep shadow work? I watched one of your videos about this couldn't remember which one, as your story resonates simultaneously to my own.💖
Ooo I think any deck that resonates for you can be used for shadow work. It differs for everybody. Personally I love the Iris oracle gir family abandonment issues, I love the reclaim oracle that’s great for emotion work, the Mary el tarot pushes me with my trust issues too. ❤️
I can do hard things 🙌🏼 As witches our words are so powerful and sticking to them really shows (ourselves and All That Is) we mean business. I have definitely found that with my attention span when reading after a scrolling rabbit hole. Space is an object 🤯 like the gap between breaths! The energetic states thing is key for me too. Often I’m looking for answers outside of myself because I don’t want to dive within more deeply. I do find it’s difficult to kind of view myself from the outside in those moments. And also to be embodied and get out of my head. I think that’s why I reach for food in those frenzied energetic states. I’m trying to ground and embody myself, but then I don’t like the results of that. Your suggestions are far healthier ❤️ I absolutely LOVE that quest with a deck. I’m definitely doing that ⭐️ 🤣 about the curiosity decks tag. Yes that’s so hard. So interesting about the death thoughts. That very real ticking clock. And having stuff for more than our lifetimes 😬 that’s one I need to think about more. Thank you for this Candy ❤️ this is beautiful and so helpful 🙏🏻
Interesting that flowers for queen are supposed to be left without wrapping - I don't know if you know what I mean, but I feel since blue planet 2 a few years ago, I've noticed a difference between British and USA youtubers in regard to whether they comment on sustainable packaging. Hopefully these small things keep adding up & making ripples. As well as seeing chagge happen, the thing that is most motivating to me is normal non-sanctimonious people making changes and talking about the emotional & personal process of change, friends doing things, fly less etc, but also people like you. Thank you.
Thank you so much. I love the companies that don’t feel everything needs to be wrapped ten times over in plastic. Personally I’d love to see arty recycled packaging 🥰❤️
Well, I have tried to watch this a few times... and I get interrupted. Last year I too wanted to have a "depth" year as I recognised I was consuming a crazy amount. Tarot & oracle alone, including books, was in the thousand of £. To think I didn't have any decks in June 2019, was a clear eye opener.... however as my mental health started to decline last year ( the stresses in my life paired with the lock downs - not having access to my coping mechanisms) my consumption went frenetic. Not just in financial transactions, but social media consumption that focused on these areas as well. By the end of last year I just stopped, well burnt out actually - a real 10 of wands & swords situation (helped to contextualise the differences and real life examples of both cards, silver lining and all that). Fast forward to this year and I haven't bought anything beyond the necessary. If I have seen anything that sparks my interest I have put on my wish list. I rarely watch unboxings but I have started to watch a few UA-cam creators reviews of decks I already have. I have separated the decks I have no interested in going deep with and will have to find a way to give away or sale. I'm not really looking to swap... I recently received a kickstarter deck that I had ordered last year in a FOMO frenzy, I opened the packaging box and only saw evidence of my perceived lack. Not the deck and goodies I thought I wanted. It is untouched and ready to go out to someone who would use it. Slowing down and truly processing the present has given me so much to work with and realise how I was seeking outside of myself. Now to start mindfully re - distributing some of this hoard. Of the stuff I want to keep I honestly have enough books, decks, art supplies for the next 10 years. So gauntlet has been thrown... game on 🤩
So much of this I recognise. Seeking outside of ourselves it’s so true isn’t it. And the more you do that the more it creates the need. It’s peaceful isn’t it to stop. Sending much love and thanks for such a great comment. Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to I’ve been down and out with covid 🌸❤️🥰
@@CandySoulAndSoil oh my 😱. How do you choose which to work with ? I found tarot about 18 months ago. I got completely swept away at the start. About 20 decks. I couldn’t work with any of them I felt bizarrely immobilised…. So I ended up re homing half and now it all feels manageable again. I like to pair an oracle and tarot together and do find that different decks have different energies. So I don’t think 2 would suffice but I’m trying not to be drawn down any rabbit holes. I brought I kickstarter deck and all the rest are mass market. It feels very special, it’s not very well known and I work with it more I think because it’s the only indie I have
This is SO helpful, Candy. Watched it a 2nd time & took notes. Looking forwarding to working on #s 5, 6, and 7 more this summer. And yes, #10 Death too…One thing that often really helps me is that I’m aware that the color palette and art style frequency combined is what ultimately determines which decks I really fall in love with and will use and work well with. And I’ve learned that I can feel this within my gut very quickly upon first seeing a deck online. As in wishing the first minute! So I remind myself to listen for this, to trust and honor it, even when other people are singing the praises of a deck. I did a video on this called- Color Chooses My Decks. I may do a part 2 of it as well to try to explain it in more detail. It’s quite subtle and magical so hard to put into words. 🌸🎨🕸🪶
Well, I have tried to watch this a few times... and I get interrupted. Last year I too wanted to have a "depth" year as I recognised I was consuming a crazy amount. Tarot & oracle alone, including books, was in the thousand of £. To think I didn't have any decks in June 2019, was a clear eye opener.... however as my mental health started to decline last year ( the stresses in my life paired with the lock downs - not having access to my coping mechanisms) my consumption went frenetic. Not just in financial transactions, but social media consumption that focused on these areas as well. By the end of last year I just stopped, well burnt out actually - a real 10 of wands & swords situation (helped to contextualise the differences and real life examples of both cards, silver lining and all that). Fast forward to this year and I haven't bought anything beyond the necessary. If I have seen anything that sparks my interest I have put on my wish list. I rarely watch unboxings but I have started to watch a few UA-cam creators reviews of decks I already have. I have separated the decks I have no interested in going deep with and will have to find a way to give away or sale. I'm not really looking to swap... I recently received a kickstarter deck that I had ordered last year in a FOMO frenzy, I opened the packaging box and only saw evidence of my perceived lack. Not the deck and goodies I thought I wanted. It is untouched and ready to go out to someone who would use it. Slowing down and truly processing the present has given me so much to work with and realise how I was seeking outside of myself. Now to start mindfully re - distributing some of this hoard. Of the stuff I want to keep I honestly have enough books, decks, art supplies for the next 10 years. So gauntlet has been thrown... game on 🤩 Great Video Ms Candy, hope your feeling better from the Covid. X
This happened to me not only with tarot but also with makeup and my doll collection. Its a big problem in almost every category of whatever people are collecting. I took a three month break from terot and oracle purchases. It was actually quite freeing. It allowed me to love what I have. For me it was the not seeing what i already had that drove my purchasing. All my decks were in a cabinet or in terot bags. I took all my decks and put them on my desk and really stated interacting with them. It was marvelous! Now I'm super picky with what I buy. But I had to get away from buying, from the FOMO fever.
You are so right it is like a fever isn’t it. Thanks so much for watching ❤️
Thank you, Candy. This video is a voice of reason I really needed. I found myself buying 3-5 or even sometimes 6 decks EVERY MONTH (mostly mass market, as I live in Poland and the majority of indie decks are extremely expensive) and my "bag of shame" grew to insane size. I have never been a shopaholic before, but now I find that there are decks that I don't even remember buying... Because I buy them, and then put them away- sometimes even without having a proper look at the cards! How crazy is that? You described it so beautifully: it is frenzy and consumerism, not passion for Tarot. I need to rethink my attitude towards buying decks. And I definitely need to stop watching most of the Tarotubers I follow, as their videos often make me wanna buy more and more cards.
Ania it really does feel like a frenzy doesn’t it. Thank you for watching and your lovely comment 🥰
Its nice to be honest with yourselfe!
One of your top ten pointers reminded me of the H.A.L.T. strategy. In the moment HALT, and decided if you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired before proceeding. Applies to many situations xo
Oo I like that Sarah 🥰
Thank you for picking up litter. It makes me crazy that people litter, but they do. Good idea to get a litter kit!!!
I thought I had lost my ability to concentrate and focus long enough to read because of what being on socials had done to my attention span. I had always been a voracious reader, but for the past couple of years I had lost my ability to focus long enough to read books. Last month I went on vacation and could not use my phone much due to internet access. In two weeks I read 14 books!!!!! I regained my ability to focus. What a relief!
Isn’t that losing concentration so scary ❤️🥰
I really enjoyed this video, very thought provoking! I'm struggling to make sure I do REAL LIFE things, like visiting museums and galleries and meeting friends (and even getting tattooed!) instead of living online and through inanimate things like I was doing during the last couple of very stressful years. My deck buying has calmed right down. I no longer look at kickstarter and I don't pre order mass market decks like I used to. I'll wait until everyone else has reviewed them and study them really carefully until I'm sure whether they are really for me or whether I already have a deck that serves the same purpose in my practice. It's so much more special to have a treat when you have them more rarely! I totally agree about death positivity (or at least acceptance) it is very grounding. Thanks for another fab video! X 💞✨
Thank you so much 🥰
I agree 100%. Thanks for posting this. No one lives “in the moment” anymore and just stops to smell the roses, or look around them. They’re buried in social media. Hence why I don’t have it (except for this) haha
Hi Ashley! Is your UA-cam image from Hawaii? Looks similar to one of the photos I have from my trip there! 🌅
@@sarahduckhorn hello! No it’s actually a sunset near my home in NY lol
@@mysticfox1105 So funny! Looks just like Hawaii!
@@sarahduckhorn teehee… I get really beautiful sunsets and sunrises where I’m at ; )
For me, social media is a mixed bag. I'm disabled by chronic illness and a military spouse. So all my friends are online. Being on social media has helped keep me from complete and absolute isolation, especially the past 2.5 years while it literally hasn't been safe for me to go out due to my chronic health issues. Yes, I do have to be careful to manage my social media time or it can impact my mental health negatively. But social media is where I have friends and social interaction. Without it I would literally be completely alone and isolated except for my husband.
The past 2.5 years have given lots more people a taste of the life so many of us disabled people live. And many haven't been able to handle how many of us disabled end up having to live our lives. It's been quite eye opening to see how people have reacted to exactly how my life has been the past 10 years or so, without having all the technological supports that were rushed into place, even though when we disabled people begged for them we were told no, impossible, to expensive, etc.
Thanks. I really enjoyed this and a few points particularly resonated with me. Particularly curbing your social media. I've found a sort of 'keeping up with the jones' mentality creeps in. The more you see, the more you want. I now tend to skim or skip more walkthroughs. I know which decks I become more obsessive with. They're the ones that make me rewatch the walkthrough several times over a period of days until I can't stop thinking about them. Believe me, that doesn't happen very often. I feel blessed that I'm actually very picky. lol
I also have a small stack of 4 recently purchased decks in the last couple of months and they are positioned prominently, saying to me that I want to engage with those decks before I buy more. I have been mostly using one of them and am very happy with it, such that I don't even want to take the time with the others. But still, in my mind, there's a thought of 'I want to know them before I invite others in'.
lol. I also wanted to say that I love the background in this video and that beautiful lamp which might tempt me to say, if I could have that beautiful lamp, I'd want two! And if buying a mirror would solve the wanting of a second lamp, why not? Twice the joy at half the price!
Lol I hadn’t actually realised the mirror gave me two lamps. 🥰❤️
This is such a wonderful and thought provoking video. I already watched it twice and I’ll probably watch it again :)
I should probably start by saying I am not a collector. What I mean by that is that I never bought a deck with the intention to own it for collecting purposes. Each purchase I made was with the intention to use the deck I purchased.
what helped me to decrease the number of purchases was focusing on working with the decks I already have.
When I purchased the most, sometime in 2019, I pulled out all the decks I had, brainstormed why I bought each deck in the first place and made plans on how to use each deck in the future.
I tried to implement my plan and soon found out that I had way too many decks to ever be able to follow through with the work plan I had assigned for them. On top of that I also found out that I wasn’t really passionate about actually working with more than half of the decks I had at that time. So I decided to not force myself and let those go I knew I didn’t really feel strongly about and kept those that I knew I really wanted to spend time with.
Right now for example I am working with my Fantastic menagerie tarot, and my RWS and Thoth. For the Fantastic menagerie tarot I cut off all the Titels and have some journaling method to look at each image and guess which card it is. For the rws and Thoth tarot I read the entry to the 36 cards of the minor arcana (without the asses and the court cards) in the golden dawn resource called “book t” to compare what Waite and Crowley did differently with what they both were taught in the same secret society they were both members of. And I have my trusty Kaleidadope Tarot for all my personal readings and the outgrow yourself Tarot and oracle which I use for one card oracle pulls.
These practices are giving me great joy, but they take up all my time. I know right now I don’t have the capacity to work with another deck so I don’t bring more decks in my collection. Right now I am not even using all five decks in my collection equally so there’s no need to add more.
Personally I have the time and the mental capacity to form intimate connections with around 5 tarot decks, so I don’t have more than that. If I added more to my collection they would only end up unopened and unused on my shelves. So I stopped adding new decks. The place I live in is tiny and has no place for storage and I have no need to own decks I won’t use.
At the same time I always keep a wish list for a time when one of my current 5 leaves, because I love to rotate. Most of my decks are only there for season or a reason. So when I see something new and shiny that tempts me it goes on my beautiful list rather than in a shopping card.
In the past watching favorite videos or any deck related videos in general was the main reason I impulse bought decks. I thought I would have the same great experience with the deck the person in the video had. But instead I didn’t even look at the cards of most of the decks I bought this way. At the time the deck arrived I was already watching more videos and buying more decks. Now that I concisely try to channel my focus on spending my tarot time on working with the decks I have rather than looking for new ones, I am able to watch all the videos and I delight in someone else’s joy over a deck without having to have it myself.
I have learned it’s okay to admire a deck from afar (by watching videos about it or buy looking at pictures of it on Instagram) and not own it.
Thank you so so much for sharing your buying habits and practice and how things have changed. It’s so useful to read and I really appreciate it. Yes admiring decks without needing to own them. Like loving flowers without picking them 🌸🌸🌸
@@CandySoulAndSoil ❤️
You have such a beautiful way of explaining things. I am going to write "There is more magic in the world for free than you could ever buy" on the first page of my journal. Every point here makes sense especially the last one. Thank you for this video 💙
I’m so so glad and thank you so much 🥰❤️
I keep watching this over and over. This is the video I didn’t know I needed. I am actioning most of your suggestions and already feeling less overwhelmed💚💚💚
Shauna I’m so pleased 🥰
I totally agree with you about concentration spans now a days. I sometimes find myself with the attention span of a goldfish! haha. I've started forcing myself to read, by telling myself, "Just read a chapter at a time every day". It has been helpful and find myself reading more, cause I've taken the pressure off. Reading one of the books you recommended, 'The girl who circumnavigated fairyland in a ship of her own making' and am now over half way through and loving it.
Ooo I’m so glad you are enjoying it, isn’t it amazingly creative 🥰
This was so helpful! I went a little overboard with spending this month and feeling kind of guilty about it, so this video came out at the perfect time. I love the tip on connecting with nature. I have a lot of nature decks...but I could be connecting more with nature in person. Also the social media curating. I've been really picky about what kind of content I'm watching and I do think that's been helpful to curb my spending. And the last tip you mentioned about the passage of time. It's interesting because usually I have the mindset of "life is short so why not let myself have this new thing" but I think I should shift that mindset into: I have enough things to last me a lifetime. Very insightful, Candy! Thank you for sharing ♥✨
Thank you so much 🥰
I listened to this great video while I was going through my wardrobe deciding what clothes I actually wear and what clothes I only think i will wear. I particularly liked how you shared what you used your freed up money for. And the reality that our possessions will of course out live us. So what are we really doing when we buy more than we use or even enjoy. I think about this a lot. I am proud of your DY and how you have really gone so deeply into your tarot practice. Certainly inspirational.
Thank you Renee 🥰
Thank you for this video. I'm on another no buy deck year and failed by buying decks...ugh! I loved the idea so much about getting out into nature and step away from buying. I had to step away from watching video's on some deck walk-throughs/unboxings. I'm at a point I just want more experiences instead of stuff.
Carrie yes experiences over stuff 🥰
There have been so many thought provoking & inspirational conversations going on at the moment around this subject, and what you shared here has definitely added to it thank you 🙏 I think i’m finally reaching a place of understanding around what I actually will use vs being drawn in by someone else’s enthusiasm! I’ve had a massive cull and for me it’s felt so freeing. I almost have fresh eyes for the decks I know I want to put my energy into. Now, as long as I can maintain this new clarity long term … 😂
If only it was a one and done kind of thing 🤣
@@JessicaandtheMoon Right?! 😂
Lol ladies it’s never as easy as one and done is in in anything! ❤️🥰
That was so interesting Candy. Thank you. I have been trying to buy a bit less this year. I have found May and June... not so much. I think being busy and stressed with work combined with mindless scrolling on facebook in particular leads to deck buying. I get on the groups looking to trade away some of my own and end up buying something I've sort of had my eye on 2nd hand. Storage is a factor so I can't just keep getting decks. It's not THAT easy to sell them for a decent price.
I definitely get that feeling sometimes, that I'll not live long enough to USE all the decks I've got!
Instead of scrolling facebook groups I could, oh I don't know, READ ONE OF THE NEW BOOKS / DECKS I'VE ALREADY GOT!
It’s so easy isn’t it to get stuck in scroll🥰
“There is more magic for free than we could ever buy.” 😍💜💜 So many good points!
Thank you ❤️
You have so much wisdom and insight to share, Candy!
I’m quite new to tarot and I prefer to watch videos from people who explain how they use the cards and how that integrates into their wider life. You do that and this is why I follow you and some other people. I love watching all your videos, whether it’s garden, art, books or travel. The way we use tarot reflects our attitude to life, our journey through it and what we discover and learn on the way. And everything you post and say totally reflects that.
The specific decks we use to support this, are kind of incidental. And I can translate that into using any deck I have and enjoy.
This is the best way for me to not go shopping crazy: follow creators like you, who show this interface between tarot practice and integration into other areas of life. 💙
Other than that, I prefer to watch decluttering videos over unboxing, because people’s opinions on how useful decks were to them are more informed and realistic at that point. And then I still ask myself, how similar am I to that person and in my way of working with decks?
Thirdly, it’s worth telling ourselves that if we really want something and it’s meant for us, there will always be a second chance. Most mass markets decks will still be around after they’ve sat on your wish list for a year. If not, (and this applies to indie decks) there’ll always be another one created that scratches that specific itch.
I’m so rooting for you to make it through your no-but year!!!
Aww I so appreciate this thank you for cheerleading as well ❤️🥰
Thank you, Candy! I really loved this video! Yours and Jessica (and the Moon/the story witch) 's video, about how we pay twice for the things we bring into our lives (once with money and then with the time we need to invest in them), have been the most impactful and thought-provoking videos I watched lately! :) xx
☺️ thanks Kleri! I loved Candy’s thoughts on this too.
Kleri isn’t Jessica fantastic I loved her video too. Infact you’ve just reminded me I don’t think I commented on it so will go back 🥰
Jessica ❤️🥰
@@CandySoulAndSoil Both of you are! I always watch your videos even if I don't always get to comment! :)
For me it really helps to look at my favorite things in online shops, think about what I would want to purchase, than allow me to choose some, put them in the Virtual shopping cart….and then immediately close the website and do something very different, offline, that brings me joy. The adrenaline kick of the act of „shopping without buying“ melts with the joy of doing something what I like, and I feel good - and completely forget about the things which are sitting in my shopping bag 😂👍
That distraction bit is so important isn’t it 🥰❤️
Thank you for sharing Candy! I was doing a no buy this year as well. I got caught up in the fear of what's coming & started prepping. So I have been really good with not buying any decks until this past month. A recent tragedy triggered past grief with memories & deep sadness. I looked at all my decks nothing helped me process my feelings, so i sat with my emotions trying to process everything & came to the conclusion I was looking back into the past & I was also fearing the future. I had stopped living in the present moment. By starting to live in the moment every day again, it has really helped. I do enjoy gardening & have been trying to organize it so it feels cozy & calming. I do enjoy visiting with friends as well. I also stopped watching the new releases of tarot decks & unboxings. I did however watch Rebecca Campbell go live with her The Rose Oracle Deck it had healing & gentle messages. I checked out some unboxings of it & the price on Amazon was on sale for $13 so i did buy this deck to help me through this season of grief & sadness. I want to enjoy the things around me so I have put a limit on my decks & if I feel i have some i'm not using i declutter them. I think having a quest is a good idea. I like taking my decks to a park, beach or our garden & spending time in nature.
Gosh I hear you about the push to prep I recently fell down the UA-cam prepping rabbit hole and it was so fear inducing. I’m trying to use wisdom now a little more not fear. I’m sorry you had a recent tragedy and I can see the rose deck helping. My friend brought it and I flipped through it it’s beautiful. Thank you for watching and the thoughtful and helpful comment it’s all appreciated 🌸❤️
Thank you Candy for this reminder.
I didn’t buy any decks during the lockdown but I found this last year and January 2023 where I started buying impulsively again.
I have to sit myself down and ask why do I need to buy more when I have more than enough.
Of course, I went deeper and boom!! I identified the cause and made a decision to stop buying more, for another dopamine hit.
It’s challenging at first. Yet. It’s possible.
Happy New No Buy Year for new tarot & decks in 2023.
❌ No makeup
❌ No tarot/oracle decks
❌ No clothes
❌ No new purses and shoes
❌ No new kitchen items
So help me God.
Take care and we got this! ❤
You’ve got it. I enjoyed it tbh. It was like mental space 🥰
I really appreciate you sharing your experiences and insights in such a supportive way. I remember your video showing space in your shelving unit and I love the idea of creating and cherishing space in between spending too. Thank you 😊 🌻
Thank you Emma 🥰
Thank you so much for this video! Thisis exactly where I am at mentally right now. I have a lot of emotional things going on in my life at the moment and I find that I am vulnerable to spending late at night!
Julie yes! Late at night when the kids are at their dads was danger for me. Sending you loads of hugs ❤️🥰
@@CandySoulAndSoil sending you loads of hugs as well!!! 💗💗💗
I loved this so much, Candy! When I move and set up my new space, I'm planning to have a lot of my decks stored in a cabinet or something similar. I think it will help with the overwhelm or analysis paralysis that can sometimes overtake me when I see all the decks in one place.
Yes it really helped me to get most out of sight 🥰
So much of this resonates; honestly, it gave me chills. And it is advice that applies to so much beyond decks. Thank you 🙏🏻
Aww I’m so glad 🥰
So true Candy! I’ve started making an effort to go for walks to improve my overall health and well being rather than just sit and scroll on my phone.
This morning in my tarot reading I pulled the Kookaburra card from the Animal Kin oracle. Well on my walk this morning kookaburras started singing their “laughing” song from a distant tree. And this afternoon I went for a walk to the supermarket and I heard two birds in a tree and I looked up and it was 2 Kookaburras that flew into the tree 🌲 I was walking past!! It was such a beautiful experience and it almost brought a tear to my eyes.
See that synchronicity is where magic lives. I love it ❤️🥰
My priorities shifted dramatically this year with my kids' needs growing and now that I have significantly slowed down with purchases (and even sold some of my most treasured oop decks), I still have loads and I am finally using and enjoying them all. I was sorry to see some pieces of my collection go, but I feel "lighter" now and I am really happy with what I have. Thank you for being always an inspiration💜💜💜
mina I get this is much. kids don't get cheaper as they grow up that's for sure. ❤️
@@CandySoulAndSoil 😅
Thank you for being so open and honest. I can really relate to your views on consumerism. I have been trying to be more conscious of my spending. You have really inspired me to continue. My mantra is 'I have enough and am enough'.😊
Yes yes and yes 🙌 ❤️ adore that mantra
Really helpful…thank you again Candy for your insight! 🙏🏻
Thank you 🥰
Such excellent thoughts Candy. Many times throughout your video I cold hear myself say "yep, that's me" . Just the other day I was pondering how I would feel if I put all my decks (other than the "current" one) in a pretty storage box, or one of my vintage suitcases. They are lined up 2 and 3 deep on a shelf. I can only "see" the front row and I cant reach the others. The visual clutter of the front row does not invite me to peruse. I used to work in print advertising. One of the golden rules is to "make the white space work for you"
Love that quote about white space yea so true. 🥰
Wonderful sage advice so necessary during these times 🖤💗🖤
Love you brought up finding a death positive state of mind. I looked into flylady and cleaning mama..must check out that Swedish technique🙏
Thank you candy 🥰
really appreciate you sharing and such an insightful, perceptive analysis. Very helpful, thank you so much !
Thank you Marian 🥰
Such a blessing for all of us new tarot users. Don't have a channel of my own but would love it if someone would start a tag of their quests or new ways to use decks we love. Thank you Candy for the great inspiration you are.
Aww Cheryl thank you so much ❤️🥰 I have an adventure tarot playlist. I’m hoping to add to it really soon ❤️🥰
Am def taking your advice on board ... love tarot and decks and during a 'cleanse' of decks I have, I reconnected with many and realised I have more than enough ... so trying hard to stop now x
Fran it’s just like coming up for air i think allowing a break isn’t it ❤️🥰
Candy, thank you, I love this video so much ❤️
Thank you awen ❤️🥰
Loved hearing your tips, lovely and what works for you. Really well thought out and articulated. Thank you for sharing them with us 🙏🏻❤️
Thank you so much Simon ❤️🥰
I agree so much candy, I bought 2 storage pouffe stools to put my decks in, and I agree putting them away eases the overwhelm. When I do go to get a deck out now it's like looking at decks a new because of not seeing them all the time. Now I really think carefully if I want a deck or to look at maybe a similar deck I already have. Love and blessings lovely candy 🙏💖😘
Thanks so much for watching sue 🥰
What a wonderful all around post. Applies beautifully to consuming in general. I have had so many of the same struggles. As I am turning 60, up to my ears in stuff - my great motivators are my two young daughters (I started late). If I pass, I don’t want them burdened by my belongings. It’s a slow process & complicated. I am curating my existence with the goal of creating space, cleaning up my finances, and limiting my material belongings to those that are truly essential or life enhancing. Love the JOMO expression! It’s hard though. I’m trying to be kind to myself & value the process. Lots of deep breathing. 😂
Absolutely get all of this. I started late too with my kids. My youngest only turns 13 this month. Yes I get this and breathe!!! 🥰❤️
I'll watch this later but the title of your episode shows how "habits" can be curtailed or released. 👍
Good on ya, Candy!
Yesterday, I walked into a local metaphysical shop in New Mexico that is filled with PLENTY of spiritual tools and books.
You know that "kid in a candy store" feeling. :)
I had a small arm full of books, but as I s l o w l y moved around the store and connected with everything.. I left with one book.
It felt like it was the only thing I needed especially since I'm currently lowing the amount of items I work with for my practice.
Honestly it’s so easy to want it all isn’t it though 🥰
@@CandySoulAndSoil Not for me. I'm very picky as a Taurus. 😉 ❤️🔥
@@mysticrosetarot888 my Sagittarius sun Leo rising mind cannot compute 😂🥰
@@CandySoulAndSoil Ahh, I can easily help you with that! 😉👍
I have shifted the vast majority of my deck collection out of sight over the last couple of months, originally because I was trying to tidy up my space and not feel overwhelmed with stuff packed on every shelf, and more intentionally recently to limit my options when selecting a deck to read with. And now that you mention it, I've been doing that with my books and art supplies as well. I started a job last year that I wasn't sure about at first, but I have grown to love even on dull days because it's in a remote location and there is no cell signal---I can't scroll even if I want to, and during down time while waiting for something to process, I can pick up one of my many books that have been on the to read list for years and knock out a chapter or two. I've finished 5 in the last few months and have noticed that when I get home, or even on weekends, I don't pay my phone any mind unless it rings and just wait to use the internet until I can boot up my computer. This daily unplugging has been incredible for stabilizing my emotions.
Daily unplugging is something I need to attempt more for sure. This sounds so wonderful. Thank you for sharing ❤️🥰
Oh so many gems! 💎 💎💎 The Swedish death cleaning thing really changed something in me when I read it too! I never thought about enjoying the spaces in spending; that is so helpful. I have a feeling I’ll be coming back to this video a few times. 🙏🏼
My heart goes out to you with the curious decks tag!!! 😅 💪
I know what was I even thinking! 🥰😂
Such a great and knowledgeable video you so right even me do this what’s next deck and making me so attracted to new deck and am keep buying and all my savings I have spend currently not working am so worried am so obsessed I stop buying clothes and makeups stuff I save for my cards even I was planning to make video about am happy you talking all about it so true candy ❤️love and bless and peace for you and you so cute love your voice ❤️💖
Aww thank you 🥰
Thank you so much for this. I am at the beginning of my Tarot journey and it is so easy to keep buying decks. Its not just me then!
Absolutely not just you for certain! How exciting to be at the start. Enjoy each step and don’t rush yourself 🥰❤️
I love this and I love the practical tips. Especially the adventure! ♥
Thank you orsi 🥰
Thank you very much for this video which comes just when I decided to sell a large part of my Tarots and Oracles because I felt almost like 'overwhelmed' and unable to manage it all yet.
Aww Barbara I’m sorry you feel like that. I really found getting decks out of sight really helped to view it more like a library to go browse. I’m glad the video helped a little and thank you so much for watching and commenting ❤️🥰
I’ve refrained from subscribing because I follow so many but this video got me. You really spoke to me, thank you! I’m now subscribed 🥰🤗
Wow thank you mimi that’s wonderful ❤️🥰
I have three different collections. Funko Pops, crystals and cards 😅. I know the struggle. I don‘t have my tarot collection on display and have them neatly arranged in drawers. I try to have a lot of free spaces in my apartment. As soon as I feel too cluttered, I get rid of certain things. I find myself getting rid of stuff especially when it‘s spring and summer. My boyfriend has a new found love for tarot now as well so that made it a bit hard for me to not buy more decks haha. But in the end I do what feels good as long as I don‘t suffer from it financially.
Ooo I collect funko pops too! I think I might have to do a collections video. Thanks so much for watching 🥰
@@CandySoulAndSoil Please do! Would love to see that! ❤️
"To calm that flow of consumerism, to be more calm, and peaceful." Yes! My heart is definitely calling me to stop buying decks and stop to enjoy the collection I have accumulated over the past 2.5 years in Particular. This post has inspired me to take a break from buying.
Aww Julie thank you ❤️🥰
No 10 really resonated with me. Ive always loved reading but since ive retired I have become addicted to buying books! Its as though I want to read as many as I can before I die. I couldnt believe it when you described no 10 on your list! I completely agree with you. Our society does not like to talk about death unlike Buddhist societys that are very aware of Impermanence. I have been aware of death all my life as my mother died when I was very young. That changes your whole perspective. I love your channel because you are so down-to-earth and very wise. Thank you.
Aww I’m glad I mentioned it then. I’ve found that all the things I second guess talking about as I think nobody will get it are often the things that resonate with others. Funny isn’t it. Much love to you and thank you for watching ❤️
Started a no buy on 17 may this year. And sometimes really hard. I did put some away so I have enough for a whole year. But when i see a video it can be so triggering. It did change my perception allready on my shopping behavor. No clothes. No shoes. No decks. No candles. I do buy things for my son like clothes. … its really eye opening.
Doesn’t it make you realise how all the pause moments of stillness get filled with consuming. I wish you all the luck on this year. It’s magical I feel 🌸❤️
@@CandySoulAndSoil yes it does. But I do found I am getting much more creative now. Something I wasn’t before. Started a few journals and I love it. If you stop consuming beeing more creative is like the next step. But still. It is a struglle sometimes.
I must say. I have been watching a few of your vids and thank you for your authenticity. It has touched me. I have ptsd as well and I love how open you are. You also have a very lovely voice to listen to. Thanks for all your inspiration vids and a big hug from little old Belgium 🇧🇪❤️
@@treeshuysentruyt1354 I love that thank you so much ❤️
Oh Candy. I should watch tis on endless repeat really.
I have a addictive personality and it isnt even funny anymore. Quit smoking. Started buying cristals. Then decks. And the passion for tarot is so big and the needing and greed also pffff. And the silly thing is I work as a nurse to teach people different emotional copingskills 😂. But my own 😂. Or I eat to much. Or buy to much. Or drink to much. Quited that to because it became a habbit that scared me. That endless void that needs to be filled. That constant circle of selfsabotage and starting all over again…. Stop buying is like more difficult then stop smoking. Temptation is every where with the internet. And like a single mother to I have to really stop it 😢. So once again a new year. New courage. New plans.
I have my new decks for newyear and my bday and my quit smoking day and thats it. They are wrapped as presents and put away.
And figgered out a study plan for the whole year. Even unsubscribed lots of channels. Selfcontrole is such a bitch 😂
I took your example and gave myself a word of the year also “ no more excuses “ is my frase voor 2024. No more procrastinating. No more fooling around. We will see.
Enjoyed reviewing this.
❤ like allways bless you darling. @CandySoulAndSoil
Really love ourselves as I am learning to do helps and then we do not need these materialistic things
This are Carl Jung words "death is not an end but a goal". I love your words about this topic, thanks for doing this video.
Thank you so much for watching 💚
Thanks for this. Interesting and helpful, I’m really taken by the idea of a quest, and calling it that! I live only 40 min away from a sheela na gig in Kilpeck, Herefordshire, I ‘m going to enjoy some outside time and go on a quest to see her. I’ll send you a pic 👍.
And i’ve just found another one not far, in Rock, sorry I seem to have jumped on the tail coat of your quest.
Ooo this is fantastic ❤️🥰
This was so very interesting. I really appreciate your vulnerability and openness in these videos. I have to say my feelings are in flux a lot atmo with decks and collecting. part of me is very content - I don't feel I need to be working with them all at once or even often for me to keep them. I still feel a bit guilty or shameful at the amount though sometimes. And I still see new decks I want. This year, I've bought some I've wanted second hand from ebay and prioritised some special indie decks. But for the first time recently I actually felt sick at the thought of spending £60 on an indie deck that I really wanted - I thought oh my goodness thats an expense that I really don't need. And I think maybe the game changer was Jessica's video about spending twice on a deck because it's the investment in actually bonding and getting to know the deck after too. I already feel so completely overwhelmed about the multiple areas and disciplines I want to study or deepen my knowledge and practice of. I have been immersed in a deep year long astrology course this year and I'm so behind just cus of work and family life, so now I think thats why I'm starting to get a little bit of a sick feeling when I consider the investment of money, time and energy into another deck or book I think I need, want and will love, but ultimately will it serve me and support my growth and learning and my offerings?! It's an ongoing question, and I think the answers will change. Love this conversation in our community. So many blessings Candy! Hope you're all well. Xx
❤️ Emily. It’s hard juggling everything we want to learn and being there for the people we love. I’ve been finding recently that I’m better able to weed out things I “should” learn/ know/ do and focus on the things which are actually bringing me joy and/ or are helpful for the people I love. But I go back and fore with this. A lot.
Hugs 🤗
Emily I know. Prices have gone up haven’t they and with shipping and import fees it’s not even a decision any more for me. They are out of my price range now for sure. I think I would panic now if I spent that. Perhaps moving forward it may be a long save and only very occasional new decks ❤️🥰
brilliant candy, thank you! so much in this to take away; even though i am in a place where i very seldom bring in something new and am very peaceful with my collection and practice, i feel i can use your tips in other areas in life as well. also, isn't it fascinating how our mortality has come into focus and how it correlates with some of the buying frenzy many of us have gone through? i am going to follow your example and look for positive ways to deal with it, funny i didn't think myself that there's the possibility to do that, i guess i'm still in the "i'll just learn to endure it" mindset. thank you for reminding me that i don't have to stop there. and you are so right, replacing FOMO with JOMO is such a great idea, i'm so gonna cultivate that now! thank you candy for continuing to share your brilliance with us; i wish i would have had someone like you in my life when i was a child; i wish every child could have someone like you in their lives! ❤ have a beautiful summer evening! 🌷
Thank you so much Gigi ❤️🥰
It feels like a compulsion for me. The frenzy is a filling of my own void. It takes over because it's a huge pull but slowing down and breathing I gained control back but it's always challenging. :)
It’s really abated for me that compulsion to buy, doing the no buy to be honest was amazing 🥰
Thank you SO much for this excellent video. You are such a beautiful woman and soul and I love your genuine, heartfelt delivery - I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought I completely freed myself from the desire of purchasing any new decks (such a wonderful, liberating feeling when I was able to look at a video and see the lure but have no desire to bite), as I have been on a purge for over a year - the goal is to get to 60, then 30. But recently I found myself slipping into some old patterns - thankfully, I think I nipped it in the bud even though I did purchase a few decks. In the past, what was really helpful in slowing down and building that resistance muscle to instant gratification purchases was to write down the desired item (mostly tarot or oracle decks) and its price. My rule was that if I still wanted it a week or two later, I could purchase it. This resulted in a 98% or more reduction in purchases as most got crossed out. It is akin to taking our power over ourselves back and retraining our brain and impulsive actions by not getting carried away and giving in and then remembering it when those urges surface. As you mentioned, remembering our reasons why and being aware of our triggers and times when we may be weaker is really important. Celebrating those wins is also important. I loved the way you spoke about the nourishment of nature and the last point about the importance of facing our impermanence (mind you I imagine that one could go the other way too...LOL). Kidding aside though, it is a great practice to keep our fragile, temporary existence in mind. Many thanks!!!💖🙏🌺🍀
Thank you Sylvain’s for such a kind and fantastic comment. Implementing that pause and using a list to write down the deck and cost is such a great idea. It’s really easy to want every deck I find but so lovely to break yourself of that need and yes as you say to take back your own power 💜🥰
A lot of truth in this video… definitely something I am comfortable with overconsuming. Especially the point about anxiety from death and time… I get the same feeling when I think about all the books I haven’t read 😢 I’m 35 and feel the desire yet fear of whether I’m going to pull the trigger on kids… this leads to running out of time and soon I’ll be old and dying some day and YES! who will clean up my consumption mess! 😂
Oh to all of this and that gets louder. I didn’t have my last baby till I was 42, didn’t have my first till 37. You have time 🥰
Really enjoyed the update. I'm so glad doing this is helping your mental health and your financial needs/wants/goals.
I've been working on mindful deck purchasing/collecting. I take time and watch deck flip throughs to help be sure I'll really like a deck. I ask myself if I've got anything similar already and if I think I'd use the new deck as much or more than what I already have. I have a spending budget that I'm pretty good at sticking with. I also really enjoy pairing my Tarot and Oracle decks, so I keep that as a partial focus for curating my collection and purchases. I buy decks regularly, but doing this in a more mindful way for me works well. I enjoy my purchases and use them but I don't get overwhelmed or overspend.
Thank you Renee ❤️🥰
A couple years ago I saw a recommendation on UA-cam for a Swedish Death Cleaning video and I was curious so I clicked on it. The creator actually interviewed a woman that had written a book on it and they went over the basic premise. The creator MAY have been 25 years old and did her room and her major concern was a IKEA kalix wall unit. She did not even have an apartment to do…. A bookshelf? I pains me to think a young person with hardly any belongings was Swedish death cleaning her bedroom that wasn’t even cluttered. Maybe it was to make content.
This was an excellent video Candy! I see myself in a lot of what you said and I definitely have some take-a-ways. Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate your insight. 💕🥰Xx
Lisa that does pain me to to think about. I still don’t want to at 53 with a cluttered house and packed loft! ❤️🥰
@@CandySoulAndSoil I don’t want that for either of us ♥️.
This is such a wonderful video, thank you. I will try to remind myself to rewatch this everytime I feel like I'm slipping into that frenzy. I am very prone to hyperfixations and the last couple of years that's been tarot&oracle. This year I've managed to reign myself in a little bit - I've bought under half the number of decks than I did in 2021, and I'm proud of that, but I've still got a way to go. I don't think I could ever do a no buy year, but I might start with trying a no buy month and some decluttering. And maybe set my goals toward some bigger purchases; I've been dreaming of painting some of my furniture and getting a bathtub, but somehow I never seem to have enough money for either of those - because all my extra money always gets used on decks that end up sitting on a shelf and collecting dust. Oh dear. 😅
But anyway, thank you for this video. Your energy is so beautiful and soothing that I could listen to you speak for hours on end!
Aww I get every word you typed. Honestly it’s so right what you said to me too it can feel like hyper fixated frenzy. Just know you aren’t alone. I think painting furniture and new bath tubs sounds and awesome gosh to head for. Thank you so much for watching and your kind words 🥰
Oh candy this is such a poignant video… thank you so much for sharing so honestly it’s much appreciated
Thank you penny. Btw I adore your name. My first dog I had for my 10th birthday was a lassie collie I named penny ❤️🥰
Thank You Candy for this grounding perspective.
What decks would you say is for deep shadow work? I watched one of your videos about this couldn't remember which one, as your story resonates simultaneously to my own.💖
Ooo I think any deck that resonates for you can be used for shadow work. It differs for everybody. Personally I love the Iris oracle gir family abandonment issues, I love the reclaim oracle that’s great for emotion work, the Mary el tarot pushes me with my trust issues too. ❤️
I can do hard things 🙌🏼
As witches our words are so powerful and sticking to them really shows (ourselves and All That Is) we mean business.
I have definitely found that with my attention span when reading after a scrolling rabbit hole.
Space is an object 🤯 like the gap between breaths!
The energetic states thing is key for me too. Often I’m looking for answers outside of myself because I don’t want to dive within more deeply. I do find it’s difficult to kind of view myself from the outside in those moments. And also to be embodied and get out of my head. I think that’s why I reach for food in those frenzied energetic states. I’m trying to ground and embody myself, but then I don’t like the results of that. Your suggestions are far healthier ❤️
I absolutely LOVE that quest with a deck. I’m definitely doing that ⭐️
🤣 about the curiosity decks tag. Yes that’s so hard.
So interesting about the death thoughts. That very real ticking clock. And having stuff for more than our lifetimes 😬 that’s one I need to think about more.
Thank you for this Candy ❤️ this is beautiful and so helpful 🙏🏻
Thank you lovely Jessica ❤️🥰
Interesting that flowers for queen are supposed to be left without wrapping - I don't know if you know what I mean, but I feel since blue planet 2 a few years ago, I've noticed a difference between British and USA youtubers in regard to whether they comment on sustainable packaging. Hopefully these small things keep adding up & making ripples.
As well as seeing chagge happen, the thing that is most motivating to me is normal non-sanctimonious people making changes and talking about the emotional & personal process of change, friends doing things, fly less etc, but also people like you. Thank you.
Thank you so much. I love the companies that don’t feel everything needs to be wrapped ten times over in plastic. Personally I’d love to see arty recycled packaging 🥰❤️
Well, I have tried to watch this a few times... and I get interrupted.
Last year I too wanted to have a "depth" year as I recognised I was consuming a crazy amount. Tarot & oracle alone, including books, was in the thousand of £. To think I didn't have any decks in June 2019, was a clear eye opener.... however as my mental health started to decline last year ( the stresses in my life paired with the lock downs - not having access to my coping mechanisms) my consumption went frenetic. Not just in financial transactions, but social media consumption that focused on these areas as well. By the end of last year I just stopped, well burnt out actually - a real 10 of wands & swords situation (helped to contextualise the differences and real life examples of both cards, silver lining and all that).
Fast forward to this year and I haven't bought anything beyond the necessary. If I have seen anything that sparks my interest I have put on my wish list. I rarely watch unboxings but I have started to watch a few UA-cam creators reviews of decks I already have.
I have separated the decks I have no interested in going deep with and will have to find a way to give away or sale. I'm not really looking to swap...
I recently received a kickstarter deck that I had ordered last year in a FOMO frenzy, I opened the packaging box and only saw evidence of my perceived lack. Not the deck and goodies I thought I wanted. It is untouched and ready to go out to someone who would use it.
Slowing down and truly processing the present has given me so much to work with and realise how I was seeking outside of myself. Now to start mindfully re - distributing some of this hoard. Of the stuff I want to keep I honestly have enough books, decks, art supplies for the next 10 years. So gauntlet has been thrown... game on 🤩
So much of this I recognise. Seeking outside of ourselves it’s so true isn’t it. And the more you do that the more it creates the need. It’s peaceful isn’t it to stop. Sending much love and thanks for such a great comment. Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to I’ve been down and out with covid 🌸❤️🥰
How many decks do you have Candy?
Oo penny so so many! About 90 tarot and probably about 50-60 oracle I think
@@CandySoulAndSoil oh my 😱. How do you choose which to work with ? I found tarot about 18 months ago. I got completely swept away at the start. About 20 decks. I couldn’t work with any of them I felt bizarrely immobilised…. So I ended up re homing half and now it all feels manageable again. I like to pair an oracle and tarot together and do find that different decks have different energies. So I don’t think 2 would suffice but I’m trying not to be drawn down any rabbit holes. I brought I kickstarter deck and all the rest are mass market. It feels very special, it’s not very well known and I work with it more I think because it’s the only indie I have
Timestamps would be awesome!
Angela sorry, I’m not sure how to timestamp or chapter as I do everything on my phone but I’ll look into it ❤️
This is SO helpful, Candy. Watched it a 2nd time & took notes. Looking forwarding to working on #s 5, 6, and 7 more this summer. And yes, #10 Death too…One thing that often really helps me is that I’m aware that the color palette and art style frequency combined is what ultimately determines which decks I really fall in love with and will use and work well with. And I’ve learned that I can feel this within my gut very quickly upon first seeing a deck online. As in wishing the first minute! So I remind myself to listen for this, to trust and honor it, even when other people are singing the praises of a deck. I did a video on this called- Color Chooses My Decks. I may do a part 2 of it as well to try to explain it in more detail. It’s quite subtle and magical so hard to put into words. 🌸🎨🕸🪶
Donna I absolutely love this idea and the way you chose decks. That’s fascinating 🥰
Well, I have tried to watch this a few times... and I get interrupted.
Last year I too wanted to have a "depth" year as I recognised I was consuming a crazy amount. Tarot & oracle alone, including books, was in the thousand of £. To think I didn't have any decks in June 2019, was a clear eye opener.... however as my mental health started to decline last year ( the stresses in my life paired with the lock downs - not having access to my coping mechanisms) my consumption went frenetic. Not just in financial transactions, but social media consumption that focused on these areas as well. By the end of last year I just stopped, well burnt out actually - a real 10 of wands & swords situation (helped to contextualise the differences and real life examples of both cards, silver lining and all that).
Fast forward to this year and I haven't bought anything beyond the necessary. If I have seen anything that sparks my interest I have put on my wish list. I rarely watch unboxings but I have started to watch a few UA-cam creators reviews of decks I already have.
I have separated the decks I have no interested in going deep with and will have to find a way to give away or sale. I'm not really looking to swap...
I recently received a kickstarter deck that I had ordered last year in a FOMO frenzy, I opened the packaging box and only saw evidence of my perceived lack. Not the deck and goodies I thought I wanted. It is untouched and ready to go out to someone who would use it.
Slowing down and truly processing the present has given me so much to work with and realise how I was seeking outside of myself. Now to start mindfully re - distributing some of this hoard. Of the stuff I want to keep I honestly have enough books, decks, art supplies for the next 10 years. So gauntlet has been thrown... game on 🤩
Great Video Ms Candy, hope your feeling better from the Covid. X