Channel Sponsor: You're showering anyways, so why not buy handmade soap from a sponsor that supports the creation of my content. Use code "COOPER" at checkout and Get 10% off Tactical Soap mentioned at the end of the video here: Amazon Storefront: Join my private community, support the channel, get premium videos, my private Facebook community, and exclusive content: Get 1 on 1 coaching with me: Get a free chapter from my book on 20 red flags to avoid:
Agree. I want success oriented/successful peers, partners, and friends. I've got nothing but blue collar bro's, which makes it hard to get into mindset. I'm working on being the best version of myself to fix that. Thank you Rich.
@Colonel Sanders I see what you mean. One of them is emerging into the CBD business now and that's cool to see. The others though... they're digging themselves a hole. I'm trying to be an example of success to them.
Easy - Build abundance, think in abundance = More freedom for yourself. Lucrative - Build value, share your value and receive compensation from it = More wealth, resources. Fun - Congrats. You can now enjoy the fruits of your labor. Don’t over think this, it’s simple.
Damn right RC! I’m 20 years old and 3 years into being self employed as a tree climber/landscaper. I’m made for this. Thanks for all the great content. My longest relationship was 3 weeks and I was most often the one that cut it off first. I’m not into being tied down with anything. No baggage and debt free. Can’t complain with the results I’m getting.
@Tarzan im worth $250/hr in a tree. the capitol gains this business gives me will be able to invest in whatever path. I want in life. you know nothing about my vision.
Maybe the strongest people are people whom cultivate wisdom...... wisdom is hard to generate if your not aware and you don't apply yrself, maybe subscribing to materialism cannot give you wisdom...... it can make you feel happy becuase you can become a gloater.... and more people chase you. The wisdom you get from awareness is the independence to live your life away from the negatives, becuase the negatives and the positives aren't outside yr body they are generated through yr senses which are dependent on objects that we see, think, hear, smell, taste, feel. Its ok to live you just need to see how it works, for that people should try some time reflecting on themselves, then they can experience a real reality instead of a blurred one. Then you can check through yr ideas n opinions about life and see how they change, maybe untrue.... and are unstable. If you get this far, you wont be driving work anymore.....
I am of the mindset that life is not about fun, but also get yourself into a place where you can do what makes you proud, not happiness. Happiness is short lived and shallow, pride can give you peaceful death. Make money, learn skills, forget fun, it chases you to knock you off your deeper purpose.
Read Spent: Sex, Evolution and consumerism by Dr. Geoffrey Miller It basically says women are Gold diggers. We've "evolved " this way and "evolved " to spend money(gain resources) because of it.
Once again Rich, you hit the nail right on the head!! You still have a bit of snow up there, ours is melting fast in northern Vermont! Can't wait to get my C7 Grand sport out!!!
I'm also planning to become a farmer I love farming it is what I grew up with! leaving city life for good but I still need to work and save money to start my farm
So true brother.... your video is spot on.... having a strong and emotional mindset... is key.... and yes when your in the drivers seat... that’s how you should build a life... be in the drivers seat... be in control and happy...
I'm blessed to be here, once you realize how you are blessed, this will always be the case until the next time around.... it's a slippery slope that leads to serving others, and the abundant joy and incredible people that are now present, it's a world that was not expected, but most welcome, indeed. Thank you
Great advice Rich, great channel, Live simply, with your eyes open, build bank, maintain frame, do the work, be the best version of you, get on with your life, be a Man.. enjoy it...Peace
I'm giving up the shackles of being tied to the old social contract which is focusing on finding a woman to settle down with. I'd rather take care of myself now and make myself my own mental point of origin. Thanks for the great content Rich, you're an inspiration.
It makes sense to you because you are self reflective and intelligent. Most people and I mean 90% are not self reflective. They stop growing and learning. The human body is no different than any other thing in nature. If you quit using something it will let it die. Thats what happens to the areas in our brains responsible for creativity, happiness, growth when we become "comfortable". Yeah, you might be firing up the average guy for a few minutes but the majority of people are too dumb and dull to live a full filled life. Good message ✌️
trudat, and ... it takes 'hard work' (of accurate thinking) to create a life-by-design, that's friction-free (easy), abundant (lucrative), and Fun! ... Let's not underestimate the 'hard-work' of Accurate Thinking "(Accurate) Thinking is the hardest work there is; which is why so few people will do it with any consistency for any length of time" (h/t H. Ford, who knew a thing or three ...
You've definitely opened up my perspective but your right we were taught to think this way we were suppressed from the start now we gota break out of this form and let the primitive side roar
It's interesting that the simplest thing is the hardest thing to do. I'm more of an Adidas fan more than Nike but I have to say Nike's "Just do it" slogan is the best🤙🏽
Rich, the counterpoint to this argument is that often “The Work” you often mention to DO... is hard, annoying, lame, and frustrating. But I get what you’re saying... don’t take deals that aren’t going to lead you to an ELF life. Good video!
You did a survey a few weeks ago about style or something. I left a comment saying why I watch you. This is why I watch you. Good shit and keep grinding.
You realistically could extend your shelf life by adopting the elf life! Especially since stress, as well as inflammation in the body, will dramatically decrease your longevity
Rich well said but it is easier said than done mate. Easy, lucrative and fun is absolutely correct in the matter of fact it's perfect but it's also whether you will manage to overcome the obstacles. And how.
Do the" hard" work that you don't mind doing. It should not make you miserable and unhappy all the time. It should be challenging not lead to a unhappy life, or a life that you don't want.
How can I find male friends who are focused on self-growth? Most guys I know are contempt with what they have and don't push for more. Rather, they're looking for ways to make their situation easier.
Build yourself into someone who will provide value to yourself first, others second, the world third and everything will follow. Make yourself so good they can’t ignore you.
Wish I heard this 15 yrs ago. It's all about choice. Just like red pull/blue pill and even Neo said it. It's choice. The trick to it I found, is that you don't believe you have one. But you DO. Something inside of you says "this isn't logical" or "rational" like marriage or a corporate gig because of divorce rates and layoffs. But you do it without maybe understanding you DO have a choice.
MOST of the time jobs that are easy, lucrative, and fun, pay piss poor. Why because MOST of the time fun and easy contradict lucrative because they contradict themselves by demand. EVERYONE idc who you are wants ALL three of these things even the most blue pill men want this Consciously. Its called the "dream" or a "dream job'' for a reason. Its unattainable most of the time, unless you make your own business and succeed with it. Which isnt easy. The truth is if something was fun and easy and lucrative you wouldn't need to pay people to do it, thats why jobs pay people. True these are things you should shoot for but choose wisely what you want because its damn near impossible to have all three where jobs are concerned. When it comes to women thats a different story. But work wise, take these as abstracts not absolutes. Something to chase but MOST of the time unattainable.
I personally don't think any job in the world can be ELF at the same time like you mentioned, and he is most likely referring to starting your own business as thats the only way to reach the elf model
Your thoughts of it being unattainable, are your own.. Don’t project your negativity on a channel about uplifting and improving one self. It’s unattainable because you’ve already quit before you began.
@@renebleu8711, Its not quitting, or negative. Thats blue pill conditioning. Examine reality with a red lens and you'll know what I say is true. Not everyone can have all three. Sorry to break that news to you. Im not saying don't improve yourself infact you just ignored the entire ending of my comment. Try for what you can get, become the best version of yourself, but don't live in delusion and fantasy. This is a mens community for mens topics, for men to discuss mens issues. Its not some safe space.
Easy, Lucrative, Fun is tough with a rote “job” that someone else gave you...they are paying you to do the hard trench work while they take all the profits (and the risks). ELF is more accomplishable if you start something of your own.
45 single, never married, no kids. Love my Job, have three cars I love. You have to create your bliss, many give me s**t for living the life I live. Funny thing is they are the most MISERABLE f**ks you have ever seen. All married to a lady whom you should NEVER marry, the bar fly lol.. great channel and content Rich 👍😎
Rich. Since stores are closing and people are self quarantined. Lets help everyone out. Men’s community entry membership will be 50% off for the next 2 weeks. Enjoy fellas. You’re welcome.
You said once your lawyer recommended to marry up, means with a wealthy girl. I see a couple of downsides there, if you marry a girl with money she will treat you like an employee, because you are. She is settling down with you. She will treat you / snap her fingers and way to give you orders
Things that are lucrative are not easy. Hard businesses are the ones with most reward, but also take the longest to build. Years of unprofitability. Everything you say is easier said than done. “Oh just find an easy lucrative business” ok…
Not sure I'm meant for running a business. Im in public service and make ok money. If i have a good career do I really need to change it just to make more money?
I don't believe in easy Even though I enjoy my profession and lifestyle I don't find comfort or any sort of ease when I know my life is limited and there is so much potential to fulfill Easy won't work for me Intensity does
This literally works on changing your state of mind, but committing to it is hard as F. Don't have sex or masturbate for a month, try to fast, take cold showers. Don't ease into the cold shower. Shock value is important. Embrace the uncomfortable experience. Before you thumb it down, try it yourself first. It's amazing, but like I said really hard to commit to.
I've never understood why it is that individuals who eventually marry a spouse and promise to forsake all others before forsaking a spouse can then turn around and go back to the mistress of an employer as though they never transitioned to a new team, namely I and my wife?
Am working marrying 3 young virgin Christain woman without government involvement, only the church. Mainly to shut down the attack on men and family and rub it in the face of a corrupt government system. Be a king with many crowns 👑 👑 👑
@@samuraisaint2360 Good luck with that. I prefer dogs for company, cars for fun, and large projects to fulfill my quota for self validation. Girls are a plaything to me, they're too damn expensive and troublesome.
Thump Er it’s why a lot of rich people just rent the girl for the evening then return her when their done.. and put their investment and time into more worthy endeavors... makes sense to me too
@@samuraisaint2360 I like to get them for free, at most its fuel and tire wear, and she goes home or I leave after. Sometimes its a repeat, sometimes not. Either way, I am not going to spend much money on her, if any at all. I'm 50 and last night I went to see my daughter's boyfriend and his band, my short gray haired ass was groped, eye fucked, and got tons of ioi. Happens everywhere I go, so I get it easy. I also get lots of flakes and attention seekers, but girls and sex are not a priority to me so I really don't care.
I'm truly impressed. I've watched a few of your videos for the first time tonight. I agree, the science proves that women seek partners of either equal or stronger dominance. Love your vibe. Although, I have my own opinions on some aspects, I think you message is on point. I'd be super curious to hear what you consider a high value woman and where would woman meet men like you? Not sure that you are after the female audience, but think it over. Looking forward : )
Just bought The Rational Male. Wife asked what it was, I replied this book will change my life and when I've finished reading it I'll decide if you're still going to be a part of it.
Think you have already decided. Or do you need someone to tell you how/when/why to make such an important decision? Or are you suggesting that 1 book will fundamental change your life? Or you just like to be cruel to her? Or need approval/guidance from this forum? Geninuely puzzled.
I'd like to suggest that you specify upfront who you are speaking primarily to, what age range for instance? I think a lot more people could potentially benefit from your videos if you could be more specific about the characteristics of your intended audience.
54 and living the half life. self employed and piss poor. Only can make so much in my business and it sucks. I enjoy what I do, but the money I want to make is not there.
I’m building a business now by myself and all I ever hear is detractors saying why I shouldn’t do it. When it does become successful they’ll be the first ones to come and ask for a handout. Ironic
Hey Rich. I'm 22 I have a job that pays 120k a year. I can work whenever I want take off as much time as I want. But I'm payed based on how much time I put in. My days from when I wake up and get home are 12 hours. I do 6 days a week. I pay a lot in taxes anually. I Have no time for fun or friends. I'm tired of working for other people. 80k net is not enough where I live (vancouver) a house costs 1.5 million how can I live good life from a job like that? It's not enough. Just started to go my own way this year. One thing I learned is working for other people gives you no time and you'll never get anywhere meaningful. I thought I was puting in the "work" but really I wasn't it's work that won't get me anywhere. On top of all that I go to the gym 5 days a week and have a physique I'm proud of. So I do have the drive just need to have a better direction then that job
what a great piece of advice. But do you think everyone has it in them to be an entrepreneur? I read about all these successful entrepreneurs and they tell stories about how they had a lemonade stand at 4 years old, or they bought sweets at the shop for 20c and sold them at school for a buck. I never did ANYTHING like that!!
Im a young woman and Im listening 🤚🏼 Its good to see there are men willing to get their head straight. Abusive, insecure men who can’t do nothing better than pull game and mess around are out here everywhere.
Channel Sponsor: You're showering anyways, so why not buy handmade soap from a sponsor that supports the creation of my content. Use code "COOPER" at checkout and Get 10% off Tactical Soap mentioned at the end of the video here:
Amazon Storefront:
Join my private community, support the channel, get premium videos, my private Facebook community, and exclusive content:
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ELF requires a lot of soul searching. What you said is the hard truth. Keep up the good work.
Men do not have enough male friends. You help fill that void.
Men need men friends not male friends. There's a difference. There's too many males and not enough men.
Agree. I want success oriented/successful peers, partners, and friends. I've got nothing but blue collar bro's, which makes it hard to get into mindset. I'm working on being the best version of myself to fix that. Thank you Rich.
@Colonel Sanders I see what you mean. One of them is emerging into the CBD business now and that's cool to see. The others though... they're digging themselves a hole. I'm trying to be an example of success to them.
Now a days having male friends are just as worst as having a female friend..
Easy - Build abundance, think in abundance = More freedom for yourself.
Lucrative - Build value, share your value and receive compensation from it = More wealth, resources.
Fun - Congrats. You can now enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Don’t over think this, it’s simple.
Rene Bleu: don't think abundance: think INFINITY. No limitation, let reality take care of that.
Damn right RC! I’m 20 years old and 3 years into being self employed as a tree climber/landscaper. I’m made for this.
Thanks for all the great content. My longest relationship was 3 weeks and I was most often the one that cut it off first. I’m not into being tied down with anything. No baggage and debt free. Can’t complain with the results I’m getting.
@Tarzan I don't really care for your negativity, I'm not the 40 yr old with regrets
@Tarzan im worth $250/hr in a tree. the capitol gains this business gives me will be able to invest in whatever path. I want in life. you know nothing about my vision.
@@billkrol Holy shit, that's a shit ton of money. How the hell?
tl;dw You are the driver. You can identify your hard/lame/frustrating habbits and life choices. Change them. Don't blame others.
A silver-spooner
Creating a business is hard AF in the first years and a lot of sacrifice needs to be made, but agree with the other two
The best thing I learned from life is that only the strongest survive
Thats so true!
Maybe the strongest people are people whom cultivate wisdom...... wisdom is hard to generate if your not aware and you don't apply yrself, maybe subscribing to materialism cannot give you wisdom...... it can make you feel happy becuase you can become a gloater.... and more people chase you. The wisdom you get from awareness is the independence to live your life away from the negatives, becuase the negatives and the positives aren't outside yr body they are generated through yr senses which are dependent on objects that we see, think, hear, smell, taste, feel. Its ok to live you just need to see how it works, for that people should try some time reflecting on themselves, then they can experience a real reality instead of a blurred one. Then you can check through yr ideas n opinions about life and see how they change, maybe untrue.... and are unstable. If you get this far, you wont be driving work anymore.....
@saganist The weakest survive but they don't thrive
Another word for "strongest" is the ruthless, sly, two faced, underhanded types who don't care about ripping you off to further themselves!
I am of the mindset that life is not about fun, but also get yourself into a place where you can do what makes you proud, not happiness. Happiness is short lived and shallow, pride can give you peaceful death. Make money, learn skills, forget fun, it chases you to knock you off your deeper purpose.
You've helped me raise my standards for myself. I know I'm not the only one who feels that way too.
This is the type of video I want you to make. Economic independence, strategy etc. Not so much about women! Thanks rich!
Read Spent: Sex, Evolution and consumerism by Dr. Geoffrey Miller
It basically says women are Gold diggers. We've "evolved " this way and "evolved " to spend money(gain resources) because of it.
Once again Rich, you hit the nail right on the head!! You still have a bit of snow up there, ours is melting fast in northern Vermont! Can't wait to get my C7 Grand sport out!!!
Rich you keep killing it my brother!!! Have a great week!
*ELF lifestyle* ... I like that, Rich. Definitely something to focus more on
The choices you make dictate the life you lead, it s that simple
I needed to hear this. Thanks so much for this! E.L.F. is my life from now on
I will make this life for myself.
Quitting my dead end desk job next week and starting something I want to do! It's been years in the planning Rich
What are you doing now?
What are you doing instead ?
I'm also planning to become a farmer I love farming it is what I grew up with! leaving city life for good but I still need to work and save money to start my farm
So true brother.... your video is spot on.... having a strong and emotional mindset... is key.... and yes when your in the drivers seat... that’s how you should build a life... be in the drivers seat... be in control and happy...
Build an easy, lucrative, and fun life. You get what you tolerate.
I can listen to you all day bro. It’s like you have cracked the code of life
A breath of fresh air
I'm blessed to be here, once you realize how you are blessed, this will always be the case until the next time around.... it's a slippery slope that leads to serving others, and the abundant joy and incredible people that are now present, it's a world that was not expected, but most welcome, indeed. Thank you
Great advice Rich, great channel, Live simply, with your eyes open, build bank, maintain frame, do the work, be the best version of you, get on with your life, be a Man.. enjoy it...Peace
I go back to this one time and time again. Keeps me on track! Thanks again Rich.
Elf. Easy, lucrative and fun.
Sounds good. :) 👍
I'm giving up the shackles of being tied to the old social contract which is focusing on finding a woman to settle down with. I'd rather take care of myself now and make myself my own mental point of origin. Thanks for the great content Rich, you're an inspiration.
Most guys are living a HALF life...
Half-Life 3 confirmed
It makes sense to you because you are self reflective and intelligent. Most people and I mean 90% are not self reflective. They stop growing and learning. The human body is no different than any other thing in nature. If you quit using something it will let it die. Thats what happens to the areas in our brains responsible for creativity, happiness, growth when we become "comfortable". Yeah, you might be firing up the average guy for a few minutes but the majority of people are too dumb and dull to live a full filled life. Good message ✌️
Nothing comes easy, you have to do the work!
trudat, and ... it takes 'hard work' (of accurate thinking) to create a life-by-design, that's friction-free (easy), abundant (lucrative), and Fun! ...
Let's not underestimate the 'hard-work' of Accurate Thinking
"(Accurate) Thinking is the hardest work there is; which is why so few people will do it with any consistency for any length of time"
(h/t H. Ford, who knew a thing or three ...
You've definitely opened up my perspective but your right we were taught to think this way we were suppressed from the start now we gota break out of this form and let the primitive side roar
Great perspective to have, it is very easy to lose focus of ELF lifestyle.
Excellent as usual Mr. Cooper, thanks for the great info & advice!💪🏻
*You need just 2 things, ownership and mentorship to live the life you want*
One of your most valuable talks I’ve heard so far bro
Might be your best video, dude. Short and sweet too. Thanks for this.
It's interesting that the simplest thing is the hardest thing to do.
I'm more of an Adidas fan more than Nike but I have to say Nike's "Just do it" slogan is the best🤙🏽
Rich, the counterpoint to this argument is that often “The Work” you often mention to DO... is hard, annoying, lame, and frustrating. But I get what you’re saying... don’t take deals that aren’t going to lead you to an ELF life. Good video!
You did a survey a few weeks ago about style or something. I left a comment saying why I watch you. This is why I watch you. Good shit and keep grinding.
Imma watch this when I get off work and probably take notes because I'm all about the title of this video.
You realistically could extend your shelf life by adopting the elf life!
Especially since stress, as well as inflammation in the body, will dramatically decrease your longevity
Great video !!! Perfect timing ! Keep it up
I'm in that HALF life right now and have been overrun by it. Finding it difficult to exit.
Rich well said but it is easier said than done mate.
Easy, lucrative and fun is absolutely correct in the matter of fact it's perfect but it's also whether you will manage to overcome the obstacles.
And how.
Do the" hard" work that you don't mind doing. It should not make you miserable and unhappy all the time. It should be challenging not lead to a unhappy life, or a life that you don't want.
I love this channel. Keep it up!!!
How can I find male friends who are focused on self-growth? Most guys I know are contempt with what they have and don't push for more. Rather, they're looking for ways to make their situation easier.
Sesshomaru25U at the gym
Build it and they will appear. Work on yourself and they will show up.
Build yourself into someone who will provide value to yourself first, others second, the world third and everything will follow.
Make yourself so good they can’t ignore you.
IN one of Jorden Peterson talks he said "There are no victims only volunteers" Rich is all over it cheers
Wish I heard this 15 yrs ago. It's all about choice. Just like red pull/blue pill and even Neo said it. It's choice. The trick to it I found, is that you don't believe you have one. But you DO. Something inside of you says "this isn't logical" or "rational" like marriage or a corporate gig because of divorce rates and layoffs. But you do it without maybe understanding you DO have a choice.
Thank you Rich!
Word up!!! Men live your best life....with or without a woman!!!💯☝🏆🏅🏁
Hey Rich, what kind of camera do you use to shoot your in car videos? The audio and picture quality looks great.
Short and sweet
Hit that notification bell ;)
MOST of the time jobs that are easy, lucrative, and fun, pay piss poor. Why because MOST of the time fun and easy contradict lucrative because they contradict themselves by demand. EVERYONE idc who you are wants ALL three of these things even the most blue pill men want this Consciously. Its called the "dream" or a "dream job'' for a reason. Its unattainable most of the time, unless you make your own business and succeed with it. Which isnt easy. The truth is if something was fun and easy and lucrative you wouldn't need to pay people to do it, thats why jobs pay people. True these are things you should shoot for but choose wisely what you want because its damn near impossible to have all three where jobs are concerned. When it comes to women thats a different story. But work wise, take these as abstracts not absolutes. Something to chase but MOST of the time unattainable.
I personally don't think any job in the world can be ELF at the same time like you mentioned, and he is most likely referring to starting your own business as thats the only way to reach the elf model
@@blackpillbishop5016 I agree, thats what I mean by abstract, not absolute.
Your thoughts of it being unattainable, are your own.. Don’t project your negativity on a channel about uplifting and improving one self. It’s unattainable because you’ve already quit before you began.
@@renebleu8711, Its not quitting, or negative. Thats blue pill conditioning. Examine reality with a red lens and you'll know what I say is true. Not everyone can have all three. Sorry to break that news to you. Im not saying don't improve yourself infact you just ignored the entire ending of my comment. Try for what you can get, become the best version of yourself, but don't live in delusion and fantasy. This is a mens community for mens topics, for men to discuss mens issues. Its not some safe space.
Easy, Lucrative, Fun is tough with a rote “job” that someone else gave you...they are paying you to do the hard trench work while they take all the profits (and the risks). ELF is more accomplishable if you start something of your own.
45 single, never married, no kids. Love my Job, have three cars I love. You have to create your bliss, many give me s**t for living the life I live. Funny thing is they are the most MISERABLE f**ks you have ever seen. All married to a lady whom you should NEVER marry, the bar fly lol.. great channel and content Rich 👍😎
Thankyou Richard. Very good video. I'm an elf in the making thanks :D
Excellent Video!!
Fuck yeah brother, that’s the only way! I used to call it creating filters for my life lol
What is your car recording rig? I like the sound 👍
Marriage is a business partnership if done wisely. Two incomes usually beat one. Choose wisely.
ELF life! Love it. No HALF! Got it!
Any advice on how to research businesses for profitability?
Case studies
Rich. Since stores are closing and people are self quarantined. Lets help everyone out. Men’s community entry membership will be 50% off for the next 2 weeks. Enjoy fellas. You’re welcome.
How you like the S5, Rich. I’ve driven it before and it’s faster than it looks
You said once your lawyer recommended to marry up, means with a wealthy girl. I see a couple of downsides there, if you marry a girl with money she will treat you like an employee, because you are. She is settling down with you. She will treat you / snap her fingers and way to give you orders
I needed to see this today
Things that are lucrative are not easy. Hard businesses are the ones with most reward, but also take the longest to build. Years of unprofitability.
Everything you say is easier said than done. “Oh just find an easy lucrative business” ok…
Your car is a beast !
Not sure I'm meant for running a business. Im in public service and make ok money. If i have a good career do I really need to change it just to make more money?
Wow ! I like the sound of you car dude !
I don't believe in easy
Even though I enjoy my profession and lifestyle
I don't find comfort or any sort of ease when I know my life is limited and there is so much potential to fulfill
Easy won't work for me
Intensity does
Spay or Neuter
All The Unnecessaries!
Thank you
If only merging doing things you like with making money out of it was that easy. You gotta do the work and build the value.
very inspiring rich. thank you !!
Latest Elf and safety recommendations...😁
beautiful video
This literally works on changing your state of mind, but committing to it is hard as F. Don't have sex or masturbate for a month, try to fast, take cold showers. Don't ease into the cold shower. Shock value is important. Embrace the uncomfortable experience. Before you thumb it down, try it yourself first. It's amazing, but like I said really hard to commit to.
I've never understood why it is that individuals who eventually marry a spouse and promise to forsake all others before forsaking a spouse can then turn around and go back to the mistress of an employer as though they never transitioned to a new team, namely I and my wife?
Huh , i must be paralyzed from the neck down sitting in a " cars driving seat" because I sure a/f cant go nowhere but in a straight line.
What if you want multiple women, not one...i dont like the idea of having one woman/girlfriend/wife
Cool, so have more...
Am working marrying 3 young virgin Christain woman without government involvement, only the church. Mainly to shut down the attack on men and family and rub it in the face of a corrupt government system. Be a king with many crowns 👑 👑 👑
@@samuraisaint2360 Good luck with that. I prefer dogs for company, cars for fun, and large projects to fulfill my quota for self validation. Girls are a plaything to me, they're too damn expensive and troublesome.
Thump Er it’s why a lot of rich people just rent the girl for the evening then return her when their done.. and put their investment and time into more worthy endeavors... makes sense to me too
@@samuraisaint2360 I like to get them for free, at most its fuel and tire wear, and she goes home or I leave after. Sometimes its a repeat, sometimes not. Either way, I am not going to spend much money on her, if any at all. I'm 50 and last night I went to see my daughter's boyfriend and his band, my short gray haired ass was groped, eye fucked, and got tons of ioi. Happens everywhere I go, so I get it easy. I also get lots of flakes and attention seekers, but girls and sex are not a priority to me so I really don't care.
I'm truly impressed. I've watched a few of your videos for the first time tonight. I agree, the science proves that women seek partners of either equal or stronger dominance. Love your vibe. Although, I have my own opinions on some aspects, I think you message is on point. I'd be super curious to hear what you consider a high value woman and where would woman meet men like you? Not sure that you are after the female audience, but think it over. Looking forward : )
Feminine, virtuous, and disciplined.
Family values, traditional, nurturing.
Sweet, joly, cook and caretaker.
@@Catholic-Redpilled-Spaniard This
Just bought The Rational Male. Wife asked what it was, I replied this book will change my life and when I've finished reading it I'll decide if you're still going to be a part of it.
Think you have already decided. Or do you need someone to tell you how/when/why to make such an important decision? Or are you suggesting that 1 book will fundamental change your life? Or you just like to be cruel to her? Or need approval/guidance from this forum? Geninuely puzzled.
I'd like to suggest that you specify upfront who you are speaking primarily to, what age range for instance?
I think a lot more people could potentially benefit from your videos if you could be more specific about the characteristics of your intended audience.
54 and living the half life. self employed and piss poor. Only can make so much in my business and it sucks. I enjoy what I do, but the money I want to make is not there.
Is your Instagram have been removed/deleted? I can seem to find it anymore
No, I'm shadow banned on search. Still there.
Entrepreneurs in Cars came here to ask can’t find you in my follow list either
@@EntrepreneursInCars same... Your not even in my friendlist anymore...
Thank you
I’m building a business now by myself and all I ever hear is detractors saying why I shouldn’t do it. When it does become successful they’ll be the first ones to come and ask for a handout. Ironic
How much is your coachi g
Good video nice one rich!
I agree, but what's the end goal?
Hey Rich. I'm 22 I have a job that pays 120k a year. I can work whenever I want take off as much time as I want. But I'm payed based on how much time I put in. My days from when I wake up and get home are 12 hours. I do 6 days a week. I pay a lot in taxes anually. I Have no time for fun or friends. I'm tired of working for other people. 80k net is not enough where I live (vancouver) a house costs 1.5 million how can I live good life from a job like that? It's not enough. Just started to go my own way this year. One thing I learned is working for other people gives you no time and you'll never get anywhere meaningful. I thought I was puting in the "work" but really I wasn't it's work that won't get me anywhere. On top of all that I go to the gym 5 days a week and have a physique I'm proud of. So I do have the drive just need to have a better direction then that job
How are you doing now?
Thank you.
The acronyms are interesting
what a great piece of advice. But do you think everyone has it in them to be an entrepreneur? I read about all these successful entrepreneurs and they tell stories about how they had a lemonade stand at 4 years old, or they bought sweets at the shop for 20c and sold them at school for a buck. I never did ANYTHING like that!!
Build an ELF Life to improve your shelf life
Im a young woman and Im listening 🤚🏼 Its good to see there are men willing to get their head straight. Abusive, insecure men who can’t do nothing better than pull game and mess around are out here everywhere.
So you're telling me I need to be an Elf?
You get bonus points to magic as a High Elf.
Are that broke that 2 minutes in this video and already 4 ads????????????????
Come on!
awesome video
Nice speed dealers Rich!