Scott Galloway & Liz Plank Talk Modern Masculinity & Feminism | How to Be a Man

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @zeppelin0110
    @zeppelin0110 5 місяців тому +8

    This was mostly a monologue, not a discussion. Galloway just rehashed his usual talking points.

    • @contracthit9839
      @contracthit9839 5 місяців тому +1

      He has become redundant and he has no credentials in the human behavioral sciences...

    • @frequentlycynical642
      @frequentlycynical642 5 місяців тому +1

      That's why he's a wanted guest. What he talks about.

    • @frequentlycynical642
      @frequentlycynical642 5 місяців тому

      @@contracthit9839 One doesn't have to have "credentials" to become an expert. The world is full of such people. They study.

    • @contracthit9839
      @contracthit9839 Місяць тому +1

      Galloway does not have the humility to acknowledge he is out of his field.Its a basic academic protocol..Mr. Lehman..

  • @ismaelhall3990
    @ismaelhall3990 4 місяці тому

    He is a real professor.

  • @yashpatel261
    @yashpatel261 4 місяці тому

    Guys we need to be less hateful and become more virtuous. This is what will make us better men.

    • @rootcanal7188
      @rootcanal7188 2 дні тому

      You have fallen for Galloway's red herring. He compares masculinity with feminism. He should be comparing the men's rights movement, as the antidote to feminism's dismissal of men and hate for men.

    • @rootcanal7188
      @rootcanal7188 День тому

      No, confronting feminist and societal hate for men, and dismissal of men, will make us better men.

  • @painunending4610
    @painunending4610 6 місяців тому +4

    Galloway is basically just a redpiller who peppers in a bit of 'respect women' to his words to make them more palatable to a progressive audience
    His ideas are essentially to go back to the way things where, completely ignoring the different world we live in now. He's an old man on his way out, and that terrifies him

    • @contracthit9839
      @contracthit9839 5 місяців тому +2

      Plus he is coward who goes to safe zones where he won't be challenged..

    • @frequentlycynical642
      @frequentlycynical642 5 місяців тому +1

      You couldn't by more wrong. He only points out with, like, you know, data of how things were and how things are. He constantly talks of the many problems of the years past.

    • @TK-gm2zr
      @TK-gm2zr 4 місяці тому +2

      He’s not red pill. He’s purple pill at most. He identifies some legit issues but his solutions focus on building a better beta.

    • @ag5415
      @ag5415 2 місяці тому +1

      I think this aptly describes the "ick" I felt when I first heard him on the Pivot podcast. People were like - oh he might not be your thing , he's crass but funny... I accept that he doesn't speak to me. He engages my ptsd from hearing tech sales bros on calls wax on and on - self important and speaking at you not to you. I like his points on finance and the economy - wish he would stick to that. His rants water down his points and make my eyes glaze over.

    • @ag5415
      @ag5415 2 місяці тому

      also weird that she is interviewing him , poor Liz.

  • @ashleyokurley2605
    @ashleyokurley2605 4 місяці тому

    "I'm only half-kidding (about lowering the drinking age)" -- he should get more assertive about this, with no kidding. MLDA21 has been a key contributor to the infantilization/coddling of young adults and led to an increase in alcohol-related fatality in higher ed. According to the NIH, there are over 1,500 fatalities per year among college/university students that involve alcohol. Surreptitious consumption habits and a fear-based chilling effect that delays calls to 911 are both key reasons for that and both are a direct result of MLDA21.

  • @brian_w
    @brian_w 6 місяців тому +1

    My father died when I was 10 years old. My mother done an amazing job in raising me, however I did pick up feminine mannerisms which have been really unhelpful. A lot of my friends thought I was gay ffs. I wish I'd have had a strong male role model growing up. It is important, and it should be respected.

    • @painunending4610
      @painunending4610 5 місяців тому

      You were just weak. There is no such thing as a 'feminine mannerism'

  • @painunending4610
    @painunending4610 6 місяців тому +3

    They keep talking about men in the protector/provider role while totally ignoring that most women can protect/provide for themselves. They wanna go back to 50s chivalrous benevolent sexism not realising it died for a reason

    • @frequentlycynical642
      @frequentlycynical642 5 місяців тому

      Ha ha ha ha ha! You whole life's comfort and safety revolves on men. Most public safety, your water and sewer, the production and maintaining your electricity,. If you have a car, who fixes it? How many 9/11 first responders were women?
      If men went on strike, in two days you would be shivering in the dark w/o your iphone working.

    • @yashpatel261
      @yashpatel261 4 місяці тому

      Dude what are you talking about ? There are dudes out there who are decent and chivalrous and not just to their woman but to everyone in general. I hate how many guys have become full of hate. We need to be better men.

    • @painunending4610
      @painunending4610 4 місяці тому +1

      @@yashpatel261 People have different definitions of 'better'. Mine isn't this outdated 1950's tripe

    • @rootcanal7188
      @rootcanal7188 2 дні тому

      He doesn't mention the harm done to men by feminism, and the frauds of feminism. Notice that feminists are not demanding that women be required to register for the military draft, or that men gain reproductive rights? That is the sexism against men, but Galloway will not call that out.

    • @rootcanal7188
      @rootcanal7188 День тому

      @@painunending4610 you are ignoring the discrimination against men going on today, and so does Galloway.