It seems like when you are calculating the values for the bands, you are reading off of the graph instead of using the numbers from which the graph is derived.
Thanks alot for this and many more videos. what if i want to draw more than one polygon for a class. for instance, i want to draw more than one polygon to represent water instead of just one to help icrease accuracy. how do i merge their specral class (for each class). i want to do maximum likelihood classification with it. as your other videeo on Max likelihod classification just used the classes you set here. i hope you can help me with a response
Great video! Really straight-forward and logical processing.
With much clarity, cool!!
It seems like when you are calculating the values for the bands, you are reading off of the graph instead of using the numbers from which the graph is derived.
Very interesting but could you please explain how did you calculate those numbers in band ratios.
Could you please explain how did you calculate those numbers in band ratios.
Thanks alot for this and many more videos. what if i want to draw more than one polygon for a class. for instance, i want to draw more than one polygon to represent water instead of just one to help icrease accuracy. how do i merge their specral class (for each class). i want to do maximum likelihood classification with it. as your other videeo on Max likelihod classification just used the classes you set here. i hope you can help me with a response