yeah ^^XD!!! cool dude i like the way you make music with deeper meaning not like does other bands..... just pretending to be cool but stupid, no meaning at all haha KEEP IT UP AVA ^^XD!!!
yeah ^^XD!!! cool dude i like the way you make music with deeper meaning not like does other bands..... just pretending to be cool but stupid, no meaning at all haha KEEP IT UP AVA ^^XD!!!
These wires are reddish. 1864. Winslow, AZ. LOVE (this song).
От души 😊
Tom Prooves us that Pure Redbull drinks without any alcohol mixed in it could get the vocal job done, hehehe
OMG! You are awesome guys! (LLL) Please come to Spain!!! Love u guys :D
@davemorris48 he is never drunk for angels and airwaves concerts, just blink concerts
You can see him drinking in the Hallucinations Red Bull video lol
It's just an acrylic DW bass drum, unless it's one Atoms old OCDP kits with a AVA vinyl on the bass drum head
@davemorris48 i tihnk he's just not drunk
@davemorris48 He doesnt get drunk for AVA. He hasnt since like..2007 lol.
anyone know where i cn get the ava bass drum?
Tom has his voice back! =] or maybe he's not drunk for this performance haha
yeah ^^XD!!! cool dude i like the way you make music with deeper meaning not like does other bands..... just pretending to be cool but stupid, no meaning at all haha KEEP IT UP AVA ^^XD!!!
What movie or film is he talking about?
AVA put out a movie called LOVE. If you have Amazon Prime it’s on there. Search for love and look for the symbol from the album.
yeah ^^XD!!! cool dude i like the way you make music with deeper meaning not like does other bands..... just pretending to be cool but stupid, no meaning at all haha KEEP IT UP AVA ^^XD!!!