As a kid i absolutely hate when people say “you’re just a kid” or think we aren’t good enough and can’t do things a “normal” person can, then when we bring up these amazing kids they either are speechless or think they are special or better. I’m 13 and I feel like I have no voice and I can’t make my own decisions. Kids are people too, not pets.
I attended the Convention for the elaboration of Children Rights in Chantilly, FRANCE, 1989; And therefore i would like to ask each one who reads this post to stand up for children, wherever you are...., whatever language you speak...., whatever knowledge you have..... , the hands are very few for all the work that have to be done if adults are no helping ... now children are speaking UP! . PLEASE do something ... whatever you do, it will help, even one child at the time... it will be HUGE!!!
This proves like no other that our adults are not really up to the job …. It’s sad but how brave are all of you … you young people are the best of where humanity goes from here on in ….. the more you debate the more you challenge the more adults will act accordingly ….. young people are the best of humanity & all species on this planet ….. your determination steadfastness actions are what will change humanity for ever ….. time for the dark ages to end
#Save_the_Iraqi_People Dear World, We are the Iraqi citizens trying to have our rights and brighten our future for the next generations, since 2003 we hoped to have a prosperous country due to the great potentials we have in Iraq, but since then all the corruption parties led this country and its people into dark unknown era. All we need in your support to have this country rebuilt by our own people. The smart, the professors, doctors and scientists should build this idea into reality not fleeing the country or to be killed here. We are the people that demonstrating in the streets to let the world see that we had enough, no more corruption no more killing no more poverty no more bad education no more poor medication no more torn down infrastructure. #Save_the_iraqi #save_the_iraqis_future_generations
Perhaps UNICEF could (with the consent of all countries) organize child relief troops to free children from war zones? Thanks to UNICEF ❤ All kids on earth are our children ❤
Happy Birthday! , think how you can help children lives around you... That old for now, later will be what you can do for choildren in your City and country ... You can do something if you call mnore frienmds . Contact your local UNICEF there are many projects , needs for many volunteers!
First! And ofc, if the adults did what they were supposed to do, the kids wouldn't have to go on streets, fight, inspire and propagate the scientific facts which most of the people question and say, "naee that ain't it". Respect to them and many other such kids getting out of their zone and reach and inspiring millions to do what the adults do. If being a kid is like this, I wish no one grew up. Let us all be kids #respect
Çocuk işçiliğine hayır hayır hayır hayır hayır çocuklar lar yatağa aç girmemelidir işçiliğine hayır hayır hayır hayır şikayetçiyiz çocuk çocuklar dünyanın en güzel insanıdır
Oh & i am an adult preparing a case for the International War Criminal Courts in aid of young peoples defence league ….. but i had an awful childhood & witnessed hundreds being ill treated by adults so there are some adults out there …….. still trying !
They keep taking away freedom from kids and teens in the name of protecting them, when in fact it often does the exact opposite. And even when it does work, there needs to be a limit of how much freedom we can take away from them. And we've long passed that limit. Especially in the US. The most secure system would probably be a benevolent dictatorship. But do you really wanna give up your freedom in the name of security?
الرجاء اخراجي لمكان ٱمن ..... او الرجاء إخراجهم من بيتي الى امريكا او اي مكان وساحاول جاهداً ان اتكفل بمصاريفهم لمدة 6 اشهر حتى يندمجون في المجتمع الأمريكي ويبدأون في الإنتاج وهنا تنتهي مهمتي وبإمكان الولايات المتحدة ان تبني لهم جزيره عائمه على نفقتنا اذا الامور مشت كما نحب بجوار السواحل الأمريكية اذا كانت لاتريد اختلاطهم بالشعب الامريكي خارج حدود الولايات المتحدة في المياه الإقليمية.... المهم اخرجوني او اخرجوهم
Also you can send awareness and contact me at any time , I will help you with all materials for your proyect! for you and your school because I was one of those who elaborate those CHILDREN RIGHTS back in 1989. in Chantilly France.
I am sure that there are many problems arounds and the one that worry you today is awful too... but this post was about children , maybe let bring the worry about the children under fear living in territories under war... we need help for them too.! Unicef protect children displaced by war and conflicts . help your local UNICEF office!
Esteban , it could be better if adults help!!! and children too at least to create awareness. Help a child in your life ... maybe even around your neighborhood.
UNICEF, what you portray are happy faces, facades of troubled pasts, past pains and untold abuse in upbringing where Kenyan mothers believe the only way to be a mother is by haranguing, caning and humiliating the child. You need be truthful, stop caning in schools.
Off course you can !!!! start with making post cards and send it to your local representtaives , ask mom , and dad to help , or any adult in your family. And locate a local Unicef office or Rotary club. or scouts they all care about!!!
لدي 0 ملل ماء ... انتهى .. لم يرسل لي احد شيء ... الامم المتحده لحقوق الطفل لم تفعل شيء ... هاتفي مفتوح فقط لسبب .. نحتاج فقط سبب ... ليس لدي ماء .... لدينا حلول أخرى قد تكون صعبة ولكن نحتاج سبب فقط سبب
اللص الللذي يسرق بيتي يتهددني في الخارج .... ويترصد لي يريد عملية سلب تحت تههديد السلاح لم يعد يشبعه ماسرقه في الماضي ويريد المزيد. ... والأخطر أنه مدعوم من كيانات واجهزه ومؤسسات .. وانا لا استطيع ان اخرج لانه مدعوم وقد جربت كم الدعم اللذي يحضى به ... واطلب المساعدة لإخراجه من بيتي أو اخراجي لمكان ٱمن لأنني احتاج الى الطعام والماء وهو يحاصرني بالاسفل... اذا كنت ترى أن الرساله هذه لاتعنيك فالرجاء تجاهلها ... سنجد طرق أخرى قد لا نفضلها
Indeed, we need to help them at least with companion, and if possible creating awareness so other can send help with m,edicines to those children .Well done keep helping other children.
لا تتردد الامم المتحدةلخقوق الطفل في ربط الكلبش والقيد وحماية الجريمه وسريعه الاستجابة في مصادرة الأموال الخاصه وربط الكلبش والقيد ....ولكنها متشككه قليلا في أسقاء. الضميان وإطعام الجائع المحاصر الأعزل ... هذه معضلة أسقاء وإطعام الأعزل مشكله عويصة لازم الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الطفل تفكر مليا ومليا وتراجع قرارها كثيرا ولاتتسرع حتى يموت الجائع و الأعزل...لكن قرار الجريمه يتخذ في 20 ثانيه.... قليلا واغلق الهاتف لعدم الجدوى
السماء ستسقط على الارض والكواكب سترتطم بقصرك العامر والشمس ستذوب وانت اول المغادرين .... قضيتك خاسره مذنب تاريخك غير مشرف موتك من اجل خطيئة وجريمه ولا فيه شي يشجعك على الموت لا نضال من اجل العدالة ولاقضيه مشرفه ولارساله خالده ولا قضيه عادلة ولا فيه شي يشجعك على الموت او تستحق ان تموت من اجله .. ستموت من اجل اغتصاب سرقه سطو حماية الجريمه وتعزيزها .... خطيئة لاشيء يشجع على الموت قضيتك عار ورسالتك جريمه وإنجاز ك خطيئة ...انا لا اطلب منك ان تتحدث معي حول تاريخ الحفلات الغنائية او ان تجي عشان نتحدث او تجي عشان نحضر ايفنت ...طلعني بدون حديث او كلام او سوالف وحطني في مكان امن وبس وتكون انجزت جزء من وضيفتك او طلعهم عني ورحلهم لمكان ينتجون لك فيه ويساهمون في اقتصادك
Request all the presidents and priministers all the countries all over the world and all UN secretary general I want to be the president of Bangladesh if i am the 7star owner doll owner gold star owner and aeroplane owner all over the , please
COMPLETELY AGREE ! We Must Also Love Them. And Respect Them. * And be Careful that we do not burden them with the World's problems. A. Which we can Solve Ourselves. B. And to Which They Have NOT Contributed. REGARDS, AAA SJ RRR LLL 2020 CE JANUARY 29 GGG
Adults always say “you are just a kid.” So what? We are the future of the world. We are going to make it a better place.
I'm crying during this video, so I hope to be a part of UNICEF to create a great generation
Same I want it too..:'(
Unicef is a manipulative organization.
I remember when Unicef tried to get trick or treaters to ask for money for Unicef and not candy. They asked teachers to brainwash us.
As a kid i absolutely hate when people say “you’re just a kid” or think we aren’t good enough and can’t do things a “normal” person can, then when we bring up these amazing kids they either are speechless or think they are special or better. I’m 13 and I feel like I have no voice and I can’t make my own decisions. Kids are people too, not pets.
@@ViktorYoshibro sent a picture of himself
it’s amazing kids are reminding adults of problems
I attended the Convention for the elaboration of Children Rights in Chantilly, FRANCE, 1989; And therefore i would like to ask each one who reads this post to stand up for children, wherever you are...., whatever language you speak...., whatever knowledge you have..... , the hands are very few for all the work that have to be done if adults are no helping ... now children are speaking UP! . PLEASE do something ... whatever you do, it will help, even one child at the time... it will be HUGE!!!
You are so beautiful speaking for all out there....Yes!! Let's support the children
Start in your neighborhood , city and country... from small to big ...! we count with you now...
As a kid i cried a lot in this video
We don’t talk enough about kids rights.
All that children can do it 💪🏻💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿
"Teach them well, and let them lead the way..."
What about you and us all together..?
What an inspiring video! Every child deserves an education and peace!
This proves like no other that our adults are not really up to the job …. It’s sad but how brave are all of you … you young people are the best of where humanity goes from here on in ….. the more you debate the more you challenge the more adults will act accordingly ….. young people are the best of humanity & all species on this planet ….. your determination steadfastness actions are what will change humanity for ever ….. time for the dark ages to end
Kids act, Kids aren't just dools you control, they need repect, and they knoe better.
I'll make this earth 🌍 more better place to live 🌟
I am a 13 year old kid and I think that all children need to have proper education
#FreeTheChildren ✊🏼🧸
Felt this 😔✊🏼
What beautiful minds
Dear World,
We are the Iraqi citizens trying to have our rights and brighten our future for the next generations, since 2003 we hoped to have a prosperous country due to the great potentials we have in Iraq, but since then all the corruption parties led this country and its people into dark unknown era.
All we need in your support to have this country rebuilt by our own people. The smart, the professors, doctors and scientists should build this idea into reality not fleeing the country or to be killed here.
We are the people that demonstrating in the streets to let the world see that we had enough, no more corruption no more killing no more poverty no more bad education no more poor medication no more torn down infrastructure.
JEEF ツ LANE true, we should save Iraq 🇮🇶 and 🇵🇰 as they both need peace right now
Cheers! we found you , you found us... lets do something for children in your neighborhood.
This is incredible I could keep watch this video over and over it’s so heart warming and I hope I will be one of the children to speak up
Perhaps UNICEF could (with the consent of all countries) organize child relief troops to free children from war zones?
Thanks to UNICEF ❤
All kids on earth are our children ❤
This video was posted a day before my birthday XD
Happy Birthday! , think how you can help children lives around you... That old for now, later will be what you can do for choildren in your City and country ... You can do something if you call mnore frienmds . Contact your local UNICEF there are many projects , needs for many volunteers!
First! And ofc, if the adults did what they were supposed to do, the kids wouldn't have to go on streets, fight, inspire and propagate the scientific facts which most of the people question and say, "naee that ain't it". Respect to them and many other such kids getting out of their zone and reach and inspiring millions to do what the adults do. If being a kid is like this, I wish no one grew up. Let us all be kids #respect
Indeed! you get the point ... unfortunatelly there are so many kids who need our help , lets do whatever you can to help children around you.
now this is AWESOME
Amen 👏🏽
Let’s take care of those kids, they should be treated as any other kid
Nice Speech बेटी जी 👏👏👍👍!!
What an amazin video. thanks UNICEF, thanks to kids everywhere!
Indeed it is amazing! And it even more amazing what you can do from your home to save children... Contact UNICEF!
well said 👏👏
This made me cry so bad. My heart felt that.
Everyone has cried once, some of these kids cry everyday ... and we can make the difference!!! Contact your UNICEF Office.
This organisation is the angel of god
Çocuk işçiliğine hayır hayır hayır hayır hayır çocuklar lar yatağa aç girmemelidir işçiliğine hayır hayır hayır hayır şikayetçiyiz çocuk çocuklar dünyanın en güzel insanıdır
As pessoas somente preta a atenção no GRITO!!!! Eu vou longo no GRITO, GRITANDO!!!!!!
Just gave me chills
You bet... be creative ... make a proposal and act on helping kids around!
super video
I want to become part of this international forum to doing work for the world.
Where do you live? Contact you local Unicef Thre are opportunities out there for you to be part of. It is now or never..... jump in!
We do
Smart girl
Sure she is , and so each children in your neighborhood but not all of them have chances to be happy! try to help a kid!
language/??? wher are you from . English?
I went and would work for UNICEF
Did you Great , would you? what are you waiting for ... we need more people... contact your local office .
Great 👍
i like kids
Oh & i am an adult preparing a case for the International War Criminal Courts in aid of young peoples defence league ….. but i had an awful childhood & witnessed hundreds being ill treated by adults so there are some adults out there …….. still trying !
You say that yet we still haven’t seen much of a difference
They keep taking away freedom from kids and teens in the name of protecting them, when in fact it often does the exact opposite. And even when it does work, there needs to be a limit of how much freedom we can take away from them. And we've long passed that limit. Especially in the US.
The most secure system would probably be a benevolent dictatorship. But do you really wanna give up your freedom in the name of security?
الرجاء اخراجي لمكان ٱمن ..... او الرجاء إخراجهم من بيتي الى امريكا او اي مكان وساحاول جاهداً ان اتكفل بمصاريفهم لمدة 6 اشهر حتى يندمجون في المجتمع الأمريكي ويبدأون في الإنتاج وهنا تنتهي مهمتي وبإمكان الولايات المتحدة ان تبني لهم جزيره عائمه على نفقتنا اذا الامور مشت كما نحب بجوار السواحل الأمريكية اذا كانت لاتريد اختلاطهم بالشعب الامريكي خارج حدود الولايات المتحدة في المياه الإقليمية.... المهم اخرجوني او اخرجوهم
i want to download this video and i cant. why? i have a presentation based on this topic.. please help
Copy the url then go to a yt converter
Indeed it is more easy that you thing get your phone paly it and recorded it...:)
Also you can send awareness and contact me at any time , I will help you with all materials for your proyect! for you and your school because I was one of those who elaborate those CHILDREN RIGHTS back in 1989.
in Chantilly France.
حماية الاطفال مسؤولية الكبار
Corrigindo: As pessoas somente presta a atenção!
#There_are_people_Making #Revolution_now_in_iraq
I am sure that there are many problems arounds and the one that worry you today is awful too... but this post was about children , maybe let bring the worry about the children under fear living in territories under war... we need help for them too.! Unicef protect children displaced by war and conflicts . help your local UNICEF office!
UNICEF i have a question how long is childhood and who is a child?
Childhood is 18 yrs long so on your 18th birthday you are an adult so like anyone below the age of 18 yrs is a child
@@lyriccutee oh cool
@@Friendlyneighborhoodguy 😊
I also want to come in unicef and share my problems but I can't because I am a refugee
2020 triste para
Esteban , it could be better if adults help!!! and children too at least to create awareness. Help a child in your life ... maybe even around your neighborhood.
سيضل هاتفي مفتوح لوقت قصير ... ثم ساضطر لإغلاقه لعدم الجدوى وسنبحث عن حلول اخرى انت تسببت فيها
UNICEF, what you portray are happy faces, facades of troubled pasts, past pains and untold abuse in upbringing where Kenyan mothers believe the only way to be a mother is by haranguing, caning and humiliating the child. You need be truthful, stop caning in schools.
Tüm çocuklar okula giderken aç yoksul gençler perisandir çocuklar şiddete hayır çocuklara güçlü destekler verilmelidir artırılmalıdır
طلعوني او طلعوهم .... كذا ماراح يرتاح احد .... اخذوهم لأمريكا او إسرائيل ونحن نتكفل بمصاريفهم يخرجون بابنائهم وسياراتهم وحتى شبابيك نوافذهم واشارات المرور يخلعونها ويطلعون وحتا نتكفل بمصاريفهم الى ان يندمجون ويبدأون في الانتاج ... اخرجوني او اخرجوهم عشان الطبيعه ترتاح والأنهار تجري والامور تستقر
Can I be part of UNICEF please I want to make a different I want to see change and I believe that am part of that change that I want to see
Off course you can !!!! start with making post cards and send it to your local representtaives , ask mom , and dad to help , or any adult in your family. And locate a local Unicef office or Rotary club. or scouts they all care about!!!
لدي 0 ملل ماء ... انتهى .. لم يرسل لي احد شيء ... الامم المتحده لحقوق الطفل لم تفعل شيء ... هاتفي مفتوح فقط لسبب .. نحتاج فقط سبب ... ليس لدي ماء .... لدينا حلول أخرى قد تكون صعبة ولكن نحتاج سبب فقط سبب
#قانون_الطفل_مسموم #قانون_الطفل_مسموم #قانون_الطفل_مسموم #قانون_الطفل_مسموم #قانون_الطفل_مسموم
Çocuk hakları nerde çocuklar çalışıyor çocuk işçiliğine hayır hayır hükümet utansın
#transgender children rights
اللص الللذي يسرق بيتي يتهددني في الخارج .... ويترصد لي يريد عملية سلب تحت تههديد السلاح لم يعد يشبعه ماسرقه في الماضي ويريد المزيد. ... والأخطر أنه مدعوم من كيانات واجهزه ومؤسسات .. وانا لا استطيع ان اخرج لانه مدعوم وقد جربت كم الدعم اللذي يحضى به ... واطلب المساعدة لإخراجه من بيتي أو اخراجي لمكان ٱمن لأنني احتاج الى الطعام والماء وهو يحاصرني بالاسفل... اذا كنت ترى أن الرساله هذه لاتعنيك فالرجاء تجاهلها ... سنجد طرق أخرى قد لا نفضلها
Türkiye'de özgürlük yokdur özgürlük istiyoruz Türkiye'de
I’m a kid also I help other kids I stand up with kids with cancer
Indeed, we need to help them at least with companion, and if possible creating awareness so other can send help with m,edicines to those children .Well done keep helping other children.
لا تتردد الامم المتحدةلخقوق الطفل في ربط الكلبش والقيد وحماية الجريمه وسريعه الاستجابة في مصادرة الأموال الخاصه وربط الكلبش والقيد ....ولكنها متشككه قليلا في أسقاء. الضميان وإطعام الجائع المحاصر الأعزل ... هذه معضلة أسقاء وإطعام الأعزل مشكله عويصة لازم الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الطفل تفكر مليا ومليا وتراجع قرارها كثيرا ولاتتسرع حتى يموت الجائع و الأعزل...لكن قرار الجريمه يتخذ في 20 ثانيه.... قليلا واغلق الهاتف لعدم الجدوى
Allah uakbar Boom renoi sissoko
Baptiste le gay
no entiendo ingles ;(
السماء ستسقط على الارض والكواكب سترتطم بقصرك العامر والشمس ستذوب وانت اول المغادرين .... قضيتك خاسره مذنب تاريخك غير مشرف موتك من اجل خطيئة وجريمه ولا فيه شي يشجعك على الموت لا نضال من اجل العدالة ولاقضيه مشرفه ولارساله خالده ولا قضيه عادلة ولا فيه شي يشجعك على الموت او تستحق ان تموت من اجله .. ستموت من اجل اغتصاب سرقه سطو حماية الجريمه وتعزيزها .... خطيئة لاشيء يشجع على الموت قضيتك عار ورسالتك جريمه وإنجاز ك خطيئة ...انا لا اطلب منك ان تتحدث معي حول تاريخ الحفلات الغنائية او ان تجي عشان نتحدث او تجي عشان نحضر ايفنت ...طلعني بدون حديث او كلام او سوالف وحطني في مكان امن وبس وتكون انجزت جزء من وضيفتك او طلعهم عني ورحلهم لمكان ينتجون لك فيه ويساهمون في اقتصادك
pov: gin pa assignment kmo ni maam,....
uh-im just here for eb XD
adults so uselessly busy ignore big problem
Request all the presidents and priministers all the countries all over the world and all UN secretary general I want to be the president of Bangladesh if i am the 7star owner doll owner gold star owner and aeroplane owner all over the , please
me gusta la caca f por el 2020
rice eating life
Do you people help Roma people ???
Or your humanity only reserved for as per your narrative ??
Try again
We Must Also Love Them. And Respect Them.
* And be Careful that we do not burden them with the World's problems.
A. Which we can Solve Ourselves.
B. And to Which They Have NOT Contributed.
Try to change for good the life of at least one kid in your life time...