MEMBER BERRIES- Birthday Party Clowns Lie Through Their Teeth About GOOD Movie They Didn't Even SEE

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
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  • @mr.selfimprovement3241
    @mr.selfimprovement3241 21 день тому +29

    I feel sorry for the viewers of the Birthday Party Clowns who legitimately are confused and sad that people like us exist, and outliers like Zack and Ethan are moving on.
    They legit can't understand why we are apathetic, or feel it's time. They just keep eating the chum thrown in the waters by the grifters/BPC and rail against shadows. It's sad too because some of em are good people.
    They truly cannot see that the market is course-correcting itself regardless of their outrage, and that after A DECADE of this stuff, it's time to take responsibility for finding joy in our own lives.
    The Woke movement is str*ngling itself, they lost tw***er, media companies are reporting record losses and dumping show runners. It's basically almost over. There is no advantage to being constantly outraged, it accomplishes nothing.
    I swear, some of these people cannot comprehend that there will ALWAYS be people who disagree with them, and they have to accept that at some point and move on.
    At some point the anti SJW thing was hijacked by politics and that's what's driving this now. Politics and BPCs. And in reality, there are FAR WORSE things in 2024 than annoying SJWs and bad reboots.
    They just can't accept people growing up and moving on with their lives to more pressing priorities and... ya know... trying to not be miserable all the time. They also do not understand that it's FUN to laugh at Tee Franklin or Heather Antos. 😅

    • @dannysummers4591
      @dannysummers4591 21 день тому +7

      Where is media getting better?

    • @Selrisitai
      @Selrisitai 20 днів тому +3

      Counter-point: Don't give them any quarter. Maybe we shouldn't get back to adequacy. Maybe we should only be satisfied with excellence.
      The "birthday party clowns," AKA, critics, are people who want quality. They wouldn't settle for mediocre even if SJW tripe never _had_ infested their media, only the angle at which they approach the movies would differ. The point is still the same: This Alien movie was mediocre with some moments of excellence. That's not worth celebrating over.

    • @Selrisitai
      @Selrisitai 18 днів тому

      @@koolaidbomber Troll? He's just agreeing with Ya Boi.

    @cAPSLOCKcHRIS 21 день тому +15

    How about addressing the dialogue lines that were taken from other Alien movies? Too obvious? I can see a narrative right here.

  • @pweddy1
    @pweddy1 21 день тому +28

    To be fair, none of gen Z asked for this. Because they have nostalgia for the alien franchise.
    The people who do have nostalgia seem to be an audience that most of Hollywood doesn’t like.
    But I haven’t heard any actors or actresses attacking the original series or the fans, which is an improvement compared to a lot of recent movies.

  • @PaulDozierZZoMBiE13
    @PaulDozierZZoMBiE13 21 день тому +45

    Wait a minute. Are you guys telling me that Zack was in the military? Why am I just now hearing about this? 😅😅😅

  • @randomcomment8086
    @randomcomment8086 21 день тому +11

    No idea what Birthday Clowns means or who specifically you're talking to/about, so I probably shouldn't wade in here, but ...
    Without knowing who you're talking to, this seems weirdly tone deaf, IMHO. It's not just a few haters talking about the nostalgia/fan service/memba berries (whatever you want to call it), it's critics and fans across the spectrum, from those who disliked it to those who loved it. Because there are a ton of quotes, scenes and callbacks that objectively go beyond just series continuity. It's a negative for some, not a problems for others and creates a mixed bag for many. It mostly didn't bother me, but it was a bit cringe at times. Again, IMHO.
    I was more troubled by some of the internal logic of the story, like starting with a setup establishing they're basically trapped and then they just take off in a spaceship (even if they can't get far). And a bunch of other expediency shortcuts in the storytelling, like the crazy fast gestation of the Alien that made AvP look like it was taking its time.
    But I liked the film - definitely a step in the right direction for the series and better than many or most of the sequels since Aliens. Not sure where to rank it yet - possibly as high as third or fourth overall.
    Nowhere near the caliber of Alien and Aliens, though - those two still stand alone in the canon.
    And interesting point about the auto-aiming pulse rifles helping with the character's inexperience.

  • @DoomRulz
    @DoomRulz 21 день тому +56

    Respectfully, I think you're off the mark here.
    Romulus' plot was effectively a re-telling of Alien but with more action-y moments. It was going for the same idea; workers in space who wanted something better out of their jobs. Parker's main complaint in the film was that he felt underpaid and should also have been compensated for responding to the transmission that the Nostromo's crew picked up. If memory serves, Brett and Lambert shared his sentiment. What does the crew onboard the Romulus want? To get off-world and explore a new opportunity. What do they encounter? Yet another Xeno, but this time they have some way of fighting back (even if it didn't entirely work out for everyone).
    Who delivers the exposition to them? Ash...except it's not Ash. I'm sorry, but I don't buy the film's excuse of "mass-produced model" hence why we see him and not a new android. Like I said on another recent video of yours about Romulus, seeing Uncanny Valley Ian Holm was a stomach-turning experience. It looked awful on-screen and yes, it was a fucking member berry. What else do you call that?
    That God-awful delivery by Andy at the end of, "Get away from her you, bitch" didn't help either. Mike Stoklasa made a great point about that in RLM's review of the film. There's no reason for him to say it, considering a Xeno drone isn't female (or at least, an egg-laying Queen). It's literally just there to appease the nostalgia of the older audience and it wasn't even well-said. "Get away from her...*oh yeah, I almost forgot*, youuuu...bitch!"
    That's the extent of what I remember because the film was completely forgettable. There's nothing worth writing home in this film. Beyond the slick visuals and tone of the film, what does it offer that Alien and Aliens didn't already do, and do better?

    • @brianbordon6419
      @brianbordon6419 21 день тому +9

      I saw it last night and agree with you. The first two movies are all I need.

    • @trenchmouse2438
      @trenchmouse2438 21 день тому

      TIL you can only call females ‘bitch’ otherwise there’s no reason. Andy has a stutter, and he gets called a bitch by Byorn repeatedly. There’s your in-movie reasoning. It’s completely personal preference if you like the line or not and it’s a subjective detraction of the movie anyways.

    • @AyumuNarumi75
      @AyumuNarumi75 21 день тому +2

      I guess you hate Terminator 2 then. Why do the old model Terminators look like Arnold? Didn't they use lines from the first movie?

    • @DoomRulz
      @DoomRulz 21 день тому +11

      @AyumuNarumi75 except T2 wasn't created as fan service. It was a logical sequel that followed the first film perfectly and Arnie was established as *the* Terminator. We also knew that there were other T models, hence why the T-1000 was played by a different actor. In the Alien verse, we know there are other android models and Ian Holm has been dead for years.

    • @Mr.Prowl.
      @Mr.Prowl. 21 день тому +1

      Same model androids in the franchise have been around for awhile. It was mostly in video games but made it too the films with Alien Covenant.
      Although the idea first came up with Alien3 with "is Bishop 2 an android " debate.
      But bringing Ian Holme as a CGI character? I'm not sure I'm cool with that, let the dead rest.
      The thing about the sex of the drones is something that never been properly addressed, the films starting with Alien 3 just get worse and more confusing with each movie when it comes to the biology of the Alien. The EU isn't much better.
      The franchise can' t keep it straight if queens are born or drones molt in to queens.
      But yeah, your post makes me think that I right about the positive response is a false positive and people are just excited for an Alien movie not polarizing.

  • @VarangianVigilante
    @VarangianVigilante 21 день тому +1

    A certain product is military grade...
    Civilians: "awesome, state of the art!"
    Military personnel: "oh crap..."

  • @DareToWonder
    @DareToWonder 21 день тому +26

    my flatmate watched the movie, he's a working actor and stuntman and he was not impressed, his girlfriend watched it with him and she read the books, knows all the lore and works as an illustrator for media, she also didn't like it.
    it seems the consensus among the criticism is that its too similar to the other movies, the odd thing is that that is also the consensus for the praise. what gives.

    • @Selrisitai
      @Selrisitai 21 день тому +7

      Because neither party criticizing the movie understands what makes a movie work. They get bored (or enjoy it) and just attribute it to the most obvious thing that their experience can perceive:
      Oh, it was bland and I've seen all this before, which = It must be because it's too derivative and not because, for instance, the characters are flat or have weak motivations.
      "It was great, and they did a lot of things like the older Alien movies" = It must be so good because it's using the same formulas that made the old movies great, instead of, for instance, the characters were strong with good motivations.
      Some liked it and some didn't. There's a good chance that it's a "perfectly serviceable movie with a few excellent scenes." This would account for the people who liked it, as the adequate characterization and plot would keep them generally interested while the few excellent scenes would stoke their enjoyment.
      Meanwhile, people who didn't like it would appreciate those few really good scenes, but wouldn't be happy with the merely-fair dialogue and characters.
      This kind of thing also accounts for "guilty pleasures."
      Taken has kind of the inverse problem: It's got solid dialogue, excellent acting and does a great job with its suspense and plot progression, and indeed, we don't see any real action for like 35 minutes, with the exception of a very short disarm, giving the action the benefit of build-up. Not to be crass, but you could compare that to Jurassic Park, which doesn't reveal a dinosaur until, something like 30 minutes, and then we don't see another one for maybe another 15 minutes or something.
      But Taken also has a couple of dud scenes. Necessary scenes that do indeed further the characters, story and plot, but which feel like a Hallmark movie and have no real tact. So a lot of really discerning people are turned off by that and consider it to be a "fine but cheesy action flick," and those are people with whom I heavily disagree, but at the same time, if those few weak scenes pull them out, then how can I begrudge them?
      I would argue other movies that have this issue of being either largely good but being brought down by certain issues, or largely mediocre with a few excellent scenes, would be Godzilla (1998), Disney's Chicken Little, Disney and Pixar's Brave, and Dredd (despite its massive accolades).
      Lastly, I just watched Drinker's review and his opinion can be summed up like this:
      1. It had fantastic lighting, cinematography, set design and special effects.
      2. The actors all did a fine job, while the black guy who played the android was excellent.
      3. It had a great plot setup and he was excited as the movie got started.
      4. Overall the characters were a bit flat and samey.
      5. The finale threw too much out there without proper build-up, explanation or pay-off.
      6. The movie is O.K.
      I don't see how that's even worth Zack making a million videos about anti-SJWs. The Drinker also plays a character, so even complaining about the Drinker's somewhat aggressive tone is folly. He's trying to be entertaining.

  • @brianbordon6419
    @brianbordon6419 21 день тому +15

    The Jefferies Tube is named after Matt Jefferies, the production designer on Star Trek

  • @william5361
    @william5361 21 день тому +8

    I think this movie also did the best job explaining why Weyland-Yutani wants the xenomorph so badly. In the other movies and comics it’s always some nonsense about military applications. But it seems the Aliens can never be controlled and just end up destroying their own personnel and infrastructure. In this movie, their explanation of needing to use the black goo to make humans better able to survive space travel just clicks and makes so much sense. The future of the human race depends on it, and you can understand why they go through whatever means necessary to harness these Aliens.

    • @Kasparth
      @Kasparth 21 день тому +1

      I remember a comic that did that, they made a drug out of alien queen's stuff that made humans super strong, if im not wrong it was the one where they travel to a planet wich had like two different alien breeds fighting for supremacy (like red ants vs black ants kind of situation). I havent seen this one yet, but sounds to me that Fede Alvarez is a huge fan of alien, wich can be very good to a movie, but it can also be bad if you take fanboyary too far, im gonna see it as i watch everything alien eventually but i lost hope a while ago (nothing to do with party clowns, the franchise has been downhill for a while now).

    • @thisspaceforrent5737
      @thisspaceforrent5737 17 днів тому +1

      @@Kasparth That was "Aliens: Genocide" from Dark Horse. I saw the first issue for sale in a local mom-and-pop video store in the early 90s; the cover alone sold me, and the story did not disappoint. I went on to read several of their four-issue miniseries, most of which were better stories than any of the movies that followed "Aliens." I don't know how they're doing now, but at the time, Dark Horse was fairly new, and their strategy was to do a number of "sure things" (licensed books based on popular, R-rated sci-fi franchises) and use the profits to fund higher-risk, lower-return books that they felt deserved to be published.

  • @CatAtomic99
    @CatAtomic99 21 день тому +23

    Mike Stoklasa downvoted this when Ya Boi laughed at Jefferies' Tubes.

  • @sixsevenfour
    @sixsevenfour 21 день тому +5

    I got the impression that the Romulus pulse rifle was a kind of in-progress prototype, incorporating the aim assist that would later be moved to the larger smartguns.
    The rifle had a visible wire running down the side that would be probably be covered or run inside the frame/casing in a mass production model to keep it from being damaged in the field.
    It's also easy to imagine it being determined that the auto aim function was not financially feasible or necessary on what would end up being the standard infantry weapon for the trained military personnel.

    • @KhaosFrosty
      @KhaosFrosty 21 день тому +1

      Makes sense, especially since they found the gun in a lab onboard a ship that was primarily of scientists.

  • @alaricl.2667
    @alaricl.2667 17 днів тому

    BPC: "No one wanted this!"
    Alien Romulus: 2nd biggest horror movie in IMAX of all time.

  • @pweddy1
    @pweddy1 21 день тому +12

    Working title:
    “Just another teenage Alien horror movie.”
    Good research, the tech look like it belongs in a sequel to the original, good visuals, good practical effects.
    Actors and actresses meh, no one stands outs.
    Didn’t stick the landing.

  • @spacecat8341
    @spacecat8341 21 день тому +7

    Damn, wish those aim assisting rifles were real. Then I wouldn't have had to go four years with pizza boxes tarnishing my dress blues. Born too soon I guess!

  • @TheFantagonist
    @TheFantagonist 20 днів тому +1

    First two acts 6.5/10. The three consecutive third acts 2/10. Total over all 3.5/10. Worth seeing on the big screen if you loved the aesthetics of the original 2 movies.

  • @mateusbelmont5317
    @mateusbelmont5317 18 днів тому

    In order for it to be considered a member berry, it'd have to have been like hic's pulse rifle. Not just an in universe weapon.

  • @nathancinder4508
    @nathancinder4508 21 день тому +3

    So I saw this today and yes there are a few member berries but nothing to be offended by. I appreciated the fact they used a lot of practical effects which reminded of the original movies which is a good thing. Actors were good, action was solid. There’s really only so much you can do with a movie centered around people trapped on a space station with an alien killing machine. Not a movie that will change my life but it was entertaining.

  • @sgtcomics
    @sgtcomics 21 день тому

    As far as mixed generations of weapons technology goes, I always liked in Ender's Game how the weapons got worse as they went along, because weapons could be designed faster than ships could travel through the vast emptiness of space. Things may occur in a sequence that doesn't superficially seem to make sense.

  • @katyushamarikov8819
    @katyushamarikov8819 21 день тому +4

    Smart guns have been around since the AVP video game. Literally, just a gun that aims for you. It's not even new to the franchise.

  • @bradleysmit1842
    @bradleysmit1842 21 день тому +5

    Of course the pulse rifle with a smart gun mod makes sense, it's an emergency security weapon on a secret science facility working on manipulating human biology to become better adapted to space- meaning, it's meant for a bunch of nerds who aren't soldiers or Marines to have some sort of defense, with minimal effort to use. The pulse rifle is the M4 of the series, it's a standard rifle. Should they have had dedicated security? Maybe they died, or more reasonably, Weyland-Yutani wanted only the barest essential personnel that it could trust, so cut cirners- like they always do in movies, books, comics.
    The Ark of the Covenant just appearing in the warehouse in Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, that was member berries, it makes sense being their in the facility - but it served no purpose being there. The pulse rifles are standard weapons, smart gun tech is technology that exists in the universe to the point a jabrony has seen it in videogames, the android on the science ship is a popular model and is a callback to an old actor, member berries-ish, but he serves as an antagonist instead of being an Easter egg.
    This movie had plot parts from all four originals and the prequels; 1. Scavengers finding derelict ship and infection point. 2. Multiple Xenomorphs and an ability to fight them. 3. Hellhole world you want to escape. 4. Genetic manipulation being a central theme, an abomination between humans and aliens.. Prometheus/Covenant, the black goo that's the baseline genetic code of the Xenomorphs.
    This was my Alien franchise Ted Talk, thank you for reading.

    • @bradleysmit1842
      @bradleysmit1842 21 день тому +1

      Fucking autocorrect, I see you, messing up my words.

  • @whangbar
    @whangbar 21 день тому +4

    You may be right about Alien: Romulus (I don't know because I haven't seen it yet) and these UA-camrs may be doing these things to keep the momentum of their audiences going. However, there are times when they might be right. In other words, their shtick and shitty movies can exist simultaneously. When the movies are shit, they seem like they're validated. When the movies aren't shit, they get exposed as having a shtick. Lots of moves are garbage. And all this doesn't mean you can't enjoy trash cinema. I think Ebert once wrote that if you like movies, you probably have a high tolerance for trash.

  • @dy031101
    @dy031101 21 день тому +2

    Your description of the movie's pulse rifle makes the movie sound pro-2A because it reminds me of the differences between a M16A4 and all the precision-obsessed AR15s in the commercial market.

  • @Kyle_Hastings
    @Kyle_Hastings 21 день тому +7

    It's sad that it has come to this. I basically quit watching movies and TV several years ago because I didn't like most of what Hollywood was putting out, but I went to see Romulus anyway. The Alien movies that Scott made are some of my favorite films of all time, and knowing he was a producer on this made me willing to give it a chance. The movie was fantastic. It was easily above Covenant, and I'd put it almost in league with Prometheus and the original. It did a great job of being both a sequel to the Alien story and the Prometheus story at the same time, while still having its own identity. For a while, the only thing lacking was that it didn't really have anything truly unique of its own, but the final stretch of the movie delivered in that regard, in a really creepy way.
    There was no gay propaganda, no humiliation of men, no forced race politics. Outside of two dumb lines in the final act, there were no horrid Marvel jokes. Instead, there were strong yet flawed characters, great pacing, good atmosphere, and tense moments. This movie was what I had been wanting Hollywood to do for years, and what (on the surface) youtubers claim to want. It's pathetic that they bash it on those grounds.

  • @user-iq2yp1dn1q
    @user-iq2yp1dn1q 19 днів тому

    birthday party clowns want to steal your enjoyment

  • @pavel_checov
    @pavel_checov 21 день тому +5

    In Aliens the marines did have 2 M56A2 smartgun

  • @michelians1148
    @michelians1148 21 день тому +2

    RLM said although it started well the script felt AI generated and collapsed in the second half. Most reviewers have said similar things. Doesn't sound like a good movie so I'm going to skip it 👍

    • @FailingDuke64
      @FailingDuke64 20 днів тому

      They came to the conclusion of fan film, where it feels like it plays it safe and doesn’t have too many new inclusions while taking from the world building of the other films.

  • @kekzilla6669
    @kekzilla6669 20 днів тому +1

    I saw Romulus. It's "fine"😴, if *highly* derivative of earlier films in the franchise, to the point that the first hour feels like a near-verbatim remake of ALIEN (with minor framing modifications), while the last act is like a better-realized redo of the ALIENS 3 climax. The problem when borrowing so much from earlier films is that this movie has difficulty holding any suspense for the "been there, done that" viewer who has greater awareness of how events will unfold than characters on the screen: for all its technical craft, in the end its predictability makes it somewhat blasé.
    In my estimation its tone makes for a truer successor to the first film than Cameron's gun-ho "Aliens". Art direction looks great throughout -- couldn't ask for better of a hard-SF film. The performances are all acceptable, if the characters are forgettable boilerplate teen slasher-flick 'Redshirts', with exception of the mentally challenged android whose range was awesome. The female lead isn't bad either but her (baby)face is not world-weary enough for the role, doesn't project Sigourney's intensity or engrossing charisma.
    Story issues:
    👉 It makes no sense that a Weyland cargo ship in drydock is left totally unguarded with no anti-theft security features: the teens steal it without encountering any hint of resistance, not even triggering an alarm.
    👉 The nonsensical premise of the xenomorph (and the original android?) having survived the nuclear multi-blast at the end of the first film.
    👉 Absurdly concise gestation period and hyper-accelerated growth of the alien monstrosities, ready quick as if reheating a burrito: this Fast Food storytelling approach amounts to the film effectively admitting, 'We all already know how this revisited scenario unfolds, so let's just fast-track the waiting and cut to the chase action.'
    👉 It becomes unintentionally comedic that the resulting ravenous hybrid-xenomorph infant creature could have ever been proposed as the biologically idealized corporate astronaut replacement worker -- as if that slime-oozing spider-mutant thing could ever be trained to follow basic social courtesy, let alone company protocol. "Reminder to all new employees: Please don't bite off heads of human management. Thank you for your consideration." 😄

  • @dimitristselikis5525
    @dimitristselikis5525 21 день тому +1

    People that actually know their movie and comic book history don't get affected by all those hate merchants basically. It's just sad for all the new healthy mined fans that get poisoned by all the birthday party clowns and their constant negativity about everything.

  • @KhaosFrosty
    @KhaosFrosty 21 день тому

    Another thing to add is that in the movie, Aliens, before the Colonial Marines even encountered the Xenomorphs, they had to forgo their pulse rifles so that they wouldn't unintentionally set off the building's fusion reactor. So, they never had a chance to even use them.

  • @DocBrewskie
    @DocBrewskie 21 день тому +1

    Talking about movies , shows ect that you like , doesn’t get clicks. Outrage = currency.

  • @DIOBrando-ij2bp
    @DIOBrando-ij2bp 21 день тому +1

    The new Pulse Rifle, while more advanced than the one we see in Aliens, also seems to be a lower caliber Pulse Rifle; (and definitely a lower caliber than the Smartguns) when Ripley shoots that alien in Aliens the whole top of the alien’s head explodes. In Romulus this new aim assist Pulse Rifle doesn’t even kind of do that kind of damage to the aliens.
    This is funny, because I did see someone that said they saw the movie bitching about how Rain was able to kill so many aliens despite never having used a gun before. Which to me was a pretty big sign they never watched the movie, and probably got this talking point from somewhere else. When I said something about it to them, and explained how the movie explained how she could shot so many aliens, they got indignant about it and their problem with Rain killing a bunch of aliens changed completely from it being something she shouldn’t be able to do because of a lack of training to being an invention by the film makers so the movie could have a “girl boss” scene. This angle of bitching is especially funny given Aliens is a thing, Aliens is a movie these people bitching about girl bosses (ie, a girl being in a movie as a lead) seem to like, and space trucker Ripley is able to kill an alien with a Pulse Rifle despite also never using one before...and Ripley didn’t have a gun that aimed itself when you pulled the trigger halfway. The scene where they explain the new aim assist Pulse Rifle also happens to be one of the few scenes Fox (they really need to put Fox back in the name, because nobody is calling them 20th Century) has released on UA-cam, meaning it’s one of the few things about the movie you can easily know about even if you haven’t watched the movie.
    The aim assist also isn’t perfect, Rain is still missing a lot of shots too. Even without the aim assist it doesn’t seem unbelievable that someone that’s never shot a gun, that can shoot a gun without completely losing control of it, would be able to hit like ten targets coming down a single corridor when the gun their using holds over 400 rounds of ammunition. Writing that out, I hadn’t thought of it before, but I’m now reminded of a movie called I Am a Hero; it’s really good, you should watch it if you haven’t.

  • @josephmassaro
    @josephmassaro 21 день тому +1

    I used to think I liked the Alien movie franchise, but it was really just the first two and the rest were all obeying the law of diminishing returns. I was pleased with this movie. So now I can say I like three of them.

  • @Vicshade
    @Vicshade 21 день тому +2

    That documentary kind of sucks. Lot’s of rumors posted as fact. The family talks about the studio which they cleaned up after the movie.

  • @daxammight
    @daxammight 21 день тому +14

    B-Day Clowns greatest hits…
    1. Scream and shout. (Intro)
    2. Nobody ask for this.
    3. Member Berries.
    4. Reshoots.
    5. Go woke go broke.
    6. DEI.
    7. Make that money back.
    8. Ok, fine, whatever.
    9. Key jangling.
    10. It’s dead.
    11. Reshoots remix (feat. Puff Daddy)

  • @psaw40
    @psaw40 21 день тому +1

    This whole saga is to funny in my OP. I have no desire to see this movie regardless of the reviews,because I got burned watching Promethues and Alien covenant. The Aliens franchise has the same problem The Terminator franchise has. First 2 movies are just that good and ahead of their time. Everything else seems trash and mundane regardless of how good it is in compared to the first 2 movies. I'm glad people are enjoying the movie. Nerd fighting seems to be coming back....

  • @MrBelkanwar
    @MrBelkanwar 21 день тому +1

    The real question is why the US Army isn't developing it's own Pulse Rifle Aim Assist?

    • @lisaroberts8556
      @lisaroberts8556 21 день тому +2

      Exactly! Who told you the US Military isn’t on top of that? I even saw future specs for cloaking material for Snipers. Straight out of the Predator Movies. And I was blown away by it. 😮

    • @mr.selfimprovement3241
      @mr.selfimprovement3241 21 день тому

      Yeah. They got it covered like those Stargates and Flying Saucer tech! You ever used a microwave? Yup.

  • @Travelerr
    @Travelerr 21 день тому +1

    I watched the latest alien movie. Was fairly easy to spot its inspirations. Borrowed a bit from Isolation. Had some interesting ideas for sure. My two fairly larger gripes where 1. The sheer speed of how Fast it went from a face hugged person to BAM Chest burster, BAM Almost full grown alien. Within the span of 5 minutes IN the film. Not time cuts or hours as it should be. Then the final... Creature thing. Just... Yeah no wasn't a fan. For me it was a passible film, hopefully if it does well they'll do interesting shit and AVOID doing the wackier crap. Trying to avoid spoilers but... Eh. They could have tweaked a few things here and there and had longer passage of time and it would have dialed in a bit better. Gotta say the brother though was an absolute standout. But I can see why others hated it. For me, it was alright. Except the end. Hated that admittedly. I can see why some folks you call the Birthday party clowns hate it. I can see why some folks like it. Feels like you forgot though, We all have our different takes. Just like in comics. For some reason though you just seem to have taken it personally.
    Would love to see you do a comic take on an alien-esq thing though. Would love to see what you could cook up in that genre of Sci-Fi monster in the house. Been trying to get a buddy into your stuff, he's just hesitant after Marvel got him so pissed off with comics he quit them all together.

  • @PrivateCitizen84
    @PrivateCitizen84 21 день тому

    So the Pulse Rifle has the heavy smart gun technology from Alien 2 with some extra mods?

  • @trenchmouse2438
    @trenchmouse2438 21 день тому +2

    The advanced pulse rifle on Renaissance station is likely advanced because it was a science station filled with eggheads instead of jarheads. Minimal to zero training required.
    The likely reason why we don’t see the same rifle 30+ years later is because the tech went to the Smart Gun and maybe was too expensive to have every grunt have one.

  • @johnnybwrexter9828
    @johnnybwrexter9828 21 день тому +1

    Re Rifles, they have tracking atuo guns in Ailens.

  • @dantekinkade8765
    @dantekinkade8765 21 день тому +1

    I watched RLM review on it and it does sound like it has a mix of good and bad over all. But all around interesting sounding. I know watching a review on it won't effect me because it is something I will take ages to watch and will forget the review when I do see it.
    But it does sound like it is interesting and does a good job of showing more of things that we wanted to know about. Like everyones favorite scumbags Wayland Yutani.

  • @paulberry5750
    @paulberry5750 21 день тому +1

    Sure beats working for a living...

  • @TheSilverNoob79
    @TheSilverNoob79 21 день тому

    Haven't seen it yet but my sister said it was very good. Her opinion of the movie overshadows everyone so I'll go watch it when I can.

  • @thump.r
    @thump.r 21 день тому +7

    Saw this on Saturday and I enjoyed it, funny how they say a Pulse Rifle is some sort of cheap call back but never mention the repeated use of an E11 Blaster or a lightsaber in Star Wars. Why? Because that would be f*cking stupid. Also the lead lady was in that Civil War movie which was also a really solid almost kinda darkly fun movie, would recommend.

  • @edtenorio100
    @edtenorio100 20 днів тому

    The only complaints I have of this movie(besides Andy being a slow robot instead of one that just doesn't have company access) have more to do with a couple of moments that added too much nostalgia for me, but not enough to pre ent from enjoy the whole movie.
    Alot of callbacks were done well in the way of lore or more specifically in the class system. From the regular people with outdated tech or junk and even Rey(n?) getting screwed over by the clerk. Yet the dead scientist and corpos having the best tech and resources to experiment on the extracted pathogen. Even the two androids were classes apart as well as being different models.
    Anyway, I like Alien Romulus its back to horror, even though it feels safe in story terms. I was not impressed with exposition dump from Rook when the same information couldve been displayed in way of recorded video and even paper documents and the characters could've read them out loud. The moment with the "Scorched" xenomorph getting close to Rey's face (Alien 3)and even when Andy used Ripley's line from ALIENS was too much for me. I thought those moments were unnecessary. Still, I just hope the next movie doesn't rely on references or nostalgia of the older films.

  • @TOAOM123
    @TOAOM123 21 день тому +7

    Part of the problem is online discussions have devolved to a point where nothing is allowed to be "average" or "good"
    Theres nothing wrong with people being discerning in terms of how their hard earned money is spent
    But equating every 7/10 with the halle berry Cat Woman is Scrooge levels of debbie downerism that's absurd and myopic

  • @jemhoare2105
    @jemhoare2105 21 день тому +1

    Every soldier always has the most up-to-date equipment. If your side devises some kind of new weapon or armor tech, every soldier's gear transforms into the new weapons, even in the middle of battle. And no training needed to use the new stuff. Just like in computer games.
    It's not like there's some kind of conflict going on right now where one of the largest armies in the world is fighting with substandard equipment. It's not like that particular situation provides the exact opposite example of a military auto-upgrading all their gear the instant a better version is discovered.

  • @milestrombley1466
    @milestrombley1466 21 день тому +1

    Both woke and anti-woke people are exhausting. We can't have nice things anymore. 😑

  • @pavel_checov
    @pavel_checov 21 день тому +2

    All Alien movies should have a female lead

  • @johnnietorch1598
    @johnnietorch1598 21 день тому +1

    I came to this conclusion a couple years ago when I realized that NOTHING COULD EVER BE GOOD ENOUGH with the same dozen "Talking Heads" on YT. I blame it on them grifting , of course. They built their entire existence on WOKE COMPANY BAD, so obviously they are not giving that Horse up without a fight.

  • @MrJgstoner
    @MrJgstoner 21 день тому

    I hope it's good. Some good ones seem to be slipping by in the last year or so

  • @smilerwithagun
    @smilerwithagun 21 день тому +1

    Hard-to-please, perennially butthurt pop culture gatekeepers are annoying af
    Loved it when they were wrong about Prey and HotD S1. So funny to watch them walk back their vitriol and begrudgingly admit that those 2 projects were actually pretty good.
    Now that Acolyte's been cancelled they're looking for something new to dump on...

  • @pavel_checov
    @pavel_checov 21 день тому +2

    Alien > Aliens > Alien 3 > Alien: Romulus

  • @djcogs697
    @djcogs697 21 день тому +5

    Aw man, Zack you've changed.
    Zack: No shit, I grew up. Now let me watch Emily in Paris in peace.
    I gave up on the party clowns when they continuously made videos about Snow White...Like, more than one a week.

  • @Scottyr37
    @Scottyr37 21 день тому

    I'm glad someone is saying this. Oh, and Happy Birthday

  • @theshuggie
    @theshuggie 21 день тому +1

    Great point about the cast of all the Alien movies being different. Never thought of it quite that way, and it’s one of my favorite movie franchises. And yes, I definitely asked for this, given the hundreds of dollars I’ve spent on Alien comics, video games and merch over the years lol. I’m pumped for the VR game this year and the TV show, Alien: Earth, next year! Noah Hawley’s a great writer and I know he’s gonna make a good show.

    • @kekzilla6669
      @kekzilla6669 19 днів тому

      Giving us something we've never seen in the franchise, I'm hoping the next instalment will offer another original perspective via an all-new cast departure populated entirely by bored housewife characters who must deal with the Xenomorph scourge moving into their WASP neighborhood and totally throwing a curveball into their weekly Bingo meetings. Rather than being armed with pulse rifles, these Karens combat the aliens with nasty gossip and peer shaming tactics. Tell me you wouldn't pay to see a Xenomorph gone native in a kitchen apron, chef's hat and oven mitts.

  • @joro3945
    @joro3945 21 день тому

    I’m not sure how something that is established lore is member berries. For example: Was Rey using the force member berries?

  • @donparedes9130
    @donparedes9130 21 день тому +6

    Two things that really irritate me about these 'reviewers'.
    1. Some of these reviews were still complaining that sigourney Weaver still is not appearing in any new alien movies. She's 76 years old, and she lost interest! If she did show up..... You guys would have complained about "key jingling", or elder abuse
    2. Some of these reviewers keep calling Hicks and Newt "legacy characters". They are NOT legacy characters. They were literally in one movie, and then they died. Just because you guys loved them does not make them legacy characters.
    It's the same stupid misconception like mad Max like 'Max and his dog and thier adventures.'

  • @madmanga64
    @madmanga64 21 день тому

    Hugh Jackman was on Hot Ones recently with Ryan Reynolds and he said he used to be a birthday party clown and said he only had 1 trick I fell out laughing 😆

  • @mrcheesebergur4239
    @mrcheesebergur4239 21 день тому

    "If you look at any X-Men movie or Deadpool & Wolverine, even The Avengers for that matter, they're not teenagers, they’re not in their 20s. Most of those actors are in their 30s and 40s. It still works. The premise that because the cast is young, it will attract a young audience because otherwise they don't, I would argue not necessarily."
    " It was just what made sense to me because that's what I enjoy doing in my films. Usually, I have a younger cast. I felt that it hadn't been done, and we needed to approach Alien from a standpoint that was slightly different for the fans that have seen the other ones; I have seen adults and truckers in space too many times. I was like, "Let's just do it differently." My original instinct of going younger, like I always do, made sense because it was gonna refresh the seventh installment in the franchise. Alvarez

  • @Mr.Prowl.
    @Mr.Prowl. 21 день тому

    OK, I have some disagreements with you on the pulse rifle issue, just not quite for the reasons you might think.
    1- Just calling the new gun a pulse rifle is boring and unimaginative, what kind of pulse rifle is it. The pulse rifles in Aliens are specific model: the M41a. Haven't seen the movie but all the solicits I've seen for prop replicas just call it a pulse rifle, I'm curious if a molded is given.
    2- What's being described about the gun and it's function already exist in the Alien universe in the form of the smart gun. They could have called it that or better yet a smart rifle which better because then something new is added to the world.
    Ripley syndrome isn't new and pointing out isn't clever, people still hate on the first AVP movie but at least it did something different and cast a black woman in the lead.
    Plus complaining about a female lead in an Alien movie is Brian dead but you got to get the views super Chad alpha who need wine in a shows any competency.
    The 'Membr Barry Meme should have died out years ago and is now a cliché.
    Not everything that's a call back or a care over is bad, in fact it's normal.

  • @johnbisges610
    @johnbisges610 21 день тому

    Saw the movie and thought it was very good. Solid thriller, the actions of all the characters made sense in the context of the story. It’s a good movie, and a fine way to spend a hot summer afternoon.

  • @TOAOM123
    @TOAOM123 21 день тому +4

    I didnt like platoon because it clearly only had m16s because of memberberries with apocalypse now

  • @justakidfrombrooklyn1517
    @justakidfrombrooklyn1517 21 день тому

    Thanks Zack, I’ll probably check it out this week.

  • @mrd5024
    @mrd5024 21 день тому

    Birthday Party Clowns are always lying, otherwise they would be out of a job

  • @inadisguise9824
    @inadisguise9824 21 день тому +1

    A lot of it is that saying a movie is good, you should go see it yourself, I am not going to spoil it for you, does not get clicks. What gets clicks is saying the movie is bad ( insert reason), that ussually involves predetermined critizism for this movie or from other movies that are out, cause their in it for the money. Money a great motivator.
    When you say the movie is bad you can put in spoilers. If you include spoilers, the people not going to see it don't know if your telling the truth or not as they dont see the movie. The people who are going to see the movie skip the spoilers, and very rarely people will go back to reviews they don't agree with to correct them, for varies reasons, one being if they dont agree with you opoin, they might just no longer consider you a good reviewer and stop watching you.

  • @Acdrop1
    @Acdrop1 20 днів тому

    You being on your bs is great for me because I’ve felt this way for a few years and thought it was just me.

  • @boobrancher9941
    @boobrancher9941 21 день тому +3

    YA BOI

  • @spider-ball
    @spider-ball 21 день тому

    Point 1: the Birthday Party Clowns really hate continuity because they're literal Bandwagon fans who are watching because it's a franchise and/or made by a large corporation like Disney or Netflix. The cries of "member berries" and "jangling keys" only works for cameos and other glimpses, but this is exactly the kind of detail I'd expect the movie to have.
    Point 2: if Alien: Romulus used a different kind of rifle they'd be screaming about breaking continuity they only skimmed in the wiki, but in this case they're complaining that civilians have a "newer looking rifle" than the one in a movie from the 80's. As in: they actually believe this is a rifle from that world (this is the same attack used against Star Trek Enterprise BTW).
    Point 3: funny how they're not praising the film for doing so well on an $80 million budget (it was originally made for Hulu), but praised Godzilla Minus One to the high heavens in spite of (or because of?) being the 33rd film in that franchise.

  • @DareToWonder
    @DareToWonder 21 день тому +3
