Absolutely amazing, and how this spoke the truth. This short film is adorable. My hat is off to all your actors. They did a fantastic job. And Tyler is so adorable. Maybe this can and will help others that (know) and just to afraid or (ashamed) of themselves. Like she said no need to be ashamed, it's a special person and from that note live your life to the fullest. You have a purpose in life ,,, so dont listen to all the haters and homophobes out there... they can't and dont even know their own self. They dont have time to look into the mirror deep into their own eyes... hell if they did they might find some happiness, love, and caring for that soul that is bouncing around in that body. Stop wasting time, stop hurting people with those ulgy words. People are who they are and you (hater) cant change the world. No matter how much you hate on that special person. Love to all ....
That was very nice! It means so much to me that this story is being shared and motivating people around the world! Thank you for those words! And Btw, if all goes well, we will be seeing Tyler in a much longer production!
@@joeljunior.official great.. I really hope it will show up in my recommendations... I think you so much for sharing... my life experiences were pretty much like Tyler's. But back then it was not no where like today's Society. Back 40 45 years ago it was unheard of living a gay life. Most of my teens to early 20's I was so confused and miserable trying to fit in with the so-called straight Society, haters, homophobic and so on. My father what is a Southern Baptist preacher both my parents we're very religious. My mother ask me if I was gay. I asked if so would that change things? She said no son love is unconditional. From that point on I lived life to the fullest a d become a very successful businessman. And I'm loved but many of my clients and friends, I learned to bypass all the haters and such. That was and is a waste have time. I don't know why people don't sweep under their own doormat and just let people be people. Hell they might even make something of their lives if they would take the time they waste....LOVE TO ALL.... STOP THE HATE!!!!!!.
@John Jones I echo everything you said. Spot on about the haters. I would also add that this is a fantastic film for parents to see -- even parents that would end up being loving and supportive when the kid in question ends up coming out in their late teens. It's usually viewed as great outcome when a teenager comes out and the parents say "It's OK, we love you", but also add stuff like "we knew" and "what took you so long" or similar. Happy ending? Maybe. It could certainly be much, much worse. But I have seen too many coming out stories on youtube like this and it breaks my heart to think of all of those unnecessary years spent in the closet, learning at such a young age how to lie and deceive and create a false self. I went through that, and even though I had loving and accepting parents, I feel like I was kind of robbed of my childhood. This film is fantastic in that it can reach so many different people that are on different levels of understanding.
Michael W “I feel like I was robbed of my childhood” is the main reason why I wrote Tyler. I wanted that to be me, and you really understood the message. This make all the hard work worth it. Thank you!
@@joeljunior.official And now I'm crying again, but all in a good way, because you have validated my feelings... and on such a grand scale! I've been trying on and off for some time to have these conversations without much luck. When it comes to it, I guess it's a difficult topic for many. So I am overwhelmed by all of the positive comments you are getting. I've watched tons of LGBTQ short films and none have quite hit what I was looking for. But I tell you, I saw the thumbnail for this film show up in my feed and I just had a feeling this was the one. Thank you again.
Oh god the “You asked so I answered” struck a nerve with me because that’s how I came out to my parents- my mom asked so I answered My dad didn’t like the answer but it is what it is
my dad used to say "don't ask questions if you can't cope with the answers." So....some questions never got asked. But, that was, in a way, it's own dialog.
Omg almost same.. we were arguing and my dad was like “and one day you will have a husband “ and I mumbled, without really thinking about the consequences, something like “or a wife” and he was like “EXCUSE ME what did you say?!?” 😅
@Random Person :) No, that was awful. What business was it of the waitresses? She was very judgmental on a situation she knew nothing about. Sticking her nose into someone else's affairs. Then, that scene at the end when she spoke to the brother about the kid coming out was clichéd garbage. The fact that this is an award winning film just goes to show how low the film industry has sunk. Nothing original here at all. This was embarrassing to watch. So many stereotypes and hackneyed dialogue. Sigh. The writer wrote everything he thought the characters *should* say in a perfect scenario - like this is how he hoped real people would react. Cringey.
@@spellbindingcrashed Going to work to make money has become (always been) pointless. Governments start to produce FAKE FOOD, which normal, flesh and blood humans cannot consume. You MUST change in order to consume food meant not for flesh and blood. Taking the MOTB changes humans into machine like beings. (Human spirits trapped into machine like bodies, desiring to die, no longer can`t) = worst fate. Why to keep holding on form your work place? Why to keep looking or starting to look for a job? Government(s) of this realm WANTS YOU ALL DEAD! Where have you hide your ears that you not hearing? Where have you all hide your eyes that you all not see? Same with schools. Wise soul keeps far form both of those places? Why not trust CHRIST who says: Matthew 6:31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? Luke 12:22 And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. Matthew 6:25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Luke 12:29 And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. MOTB = MARK OF THE BEAST: Revelation 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Revelation 15:2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. Revelation 16:2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
@@guyincognito6786 Homosexuality isn't a choice.... Homosexuals know they're gay as early as straight people know they are straight. Please read widely!
I have a son, he is 10 right now, Im daring to say this because of the film, he has a good friend, a kid his age, they spend a lot of time together playing out and inside the house, one day I noticed them hugging and holding hands, they were inside my son's room, I pretend I didnt see or notice anything. They sometimes spend the night in each other houses. I dont know how to approach a conversation with my son because I dont even know if he feels the same way as Tyler and I dont want to miss it up. Thats all. Hello from Mexico. By the way, that was a wonderful film, it made me cry.
Reading this comment just warmed my heart! Your son is a very lucky boy for the mommy and dad he has! I know whatever he is feeling he will have a safe space to talk about it when he feels ready. It can be hard to find the right way to approach the situation, but just acknowledging it is the help your son needs! Thank you for sharing this with everyone here!
Hola Tinmar, de parte de alguien que estuvo en la situación de tu hijo, sólo puedo decirte que lo que necesita ver es que le queréis sin reservas y sin condiciones. De todas maneras, te aconsejaría dejar que sea él quién tome la iniciativa, ya que con 10 años seguramente aún no acaba de saber quién es ni qué es lo que quiere. Lo mejor es mostrarle amor y afecto y dejar que os lo diga cuando esté preparado. Aunque estoy seguro que queréis quitaros de encima "el problema" y no queréis esperar en hacer ver a vuestro hijo que lo queréis incondicionalmente, el proceso de aceptación empieza por uno mismo, y ha de ser él el que esté cómodo para dar el primer paso. Salir del armario no es para vosotros, ni para sus amigos, ni para su familia. Es para él. Por eso es importante darle amor, hacerle ver que aceptáis a otra gente diferente y crear un entorno en el que, cuando esté preparado, pueda sentirse seguro de deciros cómo se siente. Un abrazo muy parte de Barcelona, y felicidades por ser unos padres que van a criar a un niño respetuoso con los otros y que se siente querido!
Let them come out whenever he wants to. Being outed before you’re ready can feel really terrible, so the best thing to do is let him know that you support the LGBT+ community and let him tell you when he’s ready.
Apparently, kids are too young to know their sexuality, but as soon as a baby looks at a woman (because babies look at everything) it's "wow such a ladies man! He's gonna be having to beat the girls away with a stick!!"
Omg that's so true! My grandparents always refer to my cousin's friends(He's like 2 years old) as his girlfriends while I'm over here feeling incredibly uncomfortable.
We love how when a young child says "I'm gay" the parents are like "You don't know at this age" yet they still assume they're straight. Like I thought you said I shouldn't know that at this age.
@@ManWithTheCow I got kicked out when i was 17, trust me when they came back with apologies i gave them the same treatment they gave me!!!! (I am 19 now btw)
"Gays are often distinguished as high intellectual development and ethical culture" That hit hard. Man, I'm gay as hell and I'm still an absolute dumbass who laughs at fart jokes.
That's a laugh. Try living in the gay community. Far more of us are total idots by percentage than the straights. By a wide margin, too. I've moved among the gay communities in and around Chicago, Indianapolis, and six other areas not close to any major cities in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin. In each and every location, there were far more stupid gay men and women in the gay scenes than compared to any other group or community. That goes for 'ethical culture' as well. In fact, I can't think of a group with a worse 'ethical culture' than us gays. Gay men and women cheat far more than straights, use drugs far more frequently, engage in riskier sexual activities, and get into more fights with each other. The only group I can think of that is less ethical than the gay community would be politicians - and you may or may not be surprised how many politicians, married to the opposite sex or not, are homosexual.
people will say "youre confused. too young to be gay." but then turn around and ask a little boy "aww, do you have a girlfriend?" it's weird and gross. proud to to be an ally 🏳️🌈
@@irlbocchi this reminds me of when a little girl, like a 6 y/o, says she doesn't want children and people say shit like "You'll change your mind in the future." but if the same girl says she wants a child, they encourage her. like it's a whole ass child, she should be playing with toys or some shit, not thinking about having children. she can decide if she wants children in the future, and if she doesn't have any? well, that's no one's fucking business. why is this type of shit normalized, or am i being a snowflake?
I hate when people say “you’re too young to know/understand!” But normally you begin having first crushes around the age of 5-7. Then when you are 12 and older, you develop actual crushes and when you are around 15 or above you can fall in love. So when people say we don’t understand, I have to remind them, straight people get crushes early on too, and it’s no different for us lgbtq people.
I began to have actual crushes at 12yo. That's when I realized that I'm bi. I think it's really weird how we're expected to be cisgender and straight and have to come out if we're not cis or straight and want people to know that
@@potat099 literally I was like in love with this girl in my fifth grade class when I was 11 lmaoo and I never knew that it was even a crush until later on bc I never thought about the fact that YOU CAN LIKE WOMEN THAT WAY bahaha the hets be wild
i came out when i was 11 bc at the end of the school year my parents were helping me clean my locker out and they saw a love note from my 5th grade boyfriend aghajajshehndnduuncnfje
I came out when I was 11 as well, i haven’t told my parents or family, but I have told my friends. they accept me, but I’m not sure if my family will, any advice?
@@aloeveil As a gay guy myself, I think it is best to come out to people that you trust first. If you feel like coming out to your family is unsafe or could impact your relationship with your family in a negative way then maybe you should come out when it's safe to do so. Hope that makes sense, sorry if I couldn't add more useful stuff. But good luck :)
when i was 9 i had a crush on a guy. I didn't realize i was gay until i was 13 last year. I haven't come out yet Edit: Thanks for all the support ... I really didn't expect this! It means a lot, thank you
Sam coming out is your journey!! Live your truth and come out when you are ready. We as the community are here for you no matter what!! You are so totally not alone!
the kid is also very smart and brave, no kidding. He found the solution to the matter like most people couldn't. guess being young also helps cause of the innocence?
@@anavillasenor8639 my trans grandchild came out to me - I am delighted they were able to tell me and we have been on quite a good journey since - was a little shaky for a short time while they were deciding what to do; but now our relationship is stronger than it ever was - my husband and I raised them since they were 4 days old; we love the soul that occupies that particular body
@@Elfkin57 You are amazing, and your grandchild is very lucky indeed. My grandpa just recently passed away - he and my grandma raised me for seven of the most formative years of my life. I never got to come out to them. My grandma died before I came out to anyone, and my grandpa simply wouldn't have been able to accept my gender identity for religious reasons. He was 98 when he died, and I didn't want to cause him the amount of sincere daily worry he would have experienced about my "eternal future" had he known I am trans. I know he loved me, though, and even knowing he wouldn't have been able to understand my gender, the way he was always there for me and the support he gave in so many other ways is one of the reasons I was eventually able to accept myself. It also gave me the courage to come out to others. Still, I wish I would have been able to share that part of myself with him. I'm so glad your grandchild is able to be themself with you. Your story made me smile.
I’m not homophobic. But I’m lucky to not be gay, I’m lucky to not have to worry if the guy I like actully likes girls, I don’t have to worry about my parents kicking me out because I like boys, I dint have to worry about being harassed because of who I like. To all of you Lgbtq+ you guys are so strong EDIT: Lets just say i was in deep denial 2 years ago, im a gay guy
Its a sad truth, but i understand what you are saying. Im bi and dating a guy, everytime i mention him in casual conversation there's this pause for a second where they comprehend what i just said and its the worst thing, the feeling of uncertainty about how they'll react is like a tiny knife through my heart. But i keep mentioning him in casual conversation because i deserve to be able to mention him just like straight people can mention their partners.
@@connorpayne7324 when i was dating this girl i kept my relationship a secret or i would have to say boyfriend (i cringed whenever i did that) but like there were many occasions where i could have come out to my family but i haven't. Its sad to know i have been lying since i was 8 years old. (ik so young, btw I'm pan)
that waitress just spoke facts. i kinda teared up when she gave a little speech about coming out a young age so u can grow up with confidence. i wish all people were like her. a kind heart and words with beautiful meaning.
I am amazed by how this film has included LITERALLY every single details about the experience of an LGBT, specifically gay in this case, would go through. Talking about having crush on a straight guy, struggled to come out, coming out and feeling the sense of relief, being rejected (even by their loved ones or family members), to being accepted by other people. This film represents the life of a gay person in every possible aspects. Nicely done! Must watch and end the stigma of LGBTQ+ community in this world!
I thought the exact same thing. They included so much in such a short couple of conversations. Very well done. Kids at that young and formative age should not feel forced to live a life of lies and deceit. It can be so harmful.
Juyi GunSanAwng And I am amazed how you put it. I am a straight person who often has to explain, protect, defend gay kids before homophobic ppl and friends. And I stumble when trying to answer them why, for ex, I watch such films. Usually, I say "to understand how they feel". Then later I rmmb and "how they struggle to come out". And later-later "and to learn abt parents' reactions". You named it all together. Thank you. Very much. And, of course, to the authors of the film who managed it. One more thing that cherish -- I read all the comments and see how ppl react to the topic, but the most treasured one is the stories gay people share here letting me become more understanding. Also, I heard in the film a very important idea --- *a young kid who comes out early can move on, grow and develop without the necessity of being traumatized on the way to his/her teen age* Peace and Rainbow.
truth not dogma If you are gay or know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this .The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is, therefore, born with a predetermined attraction. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural expression of our species & found commonplace in nature. Intelligent research in this area clearly explains this process. If you are truly interested in truth, based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay shows this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for yourself & others, that you are entitled to, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
I hate it when people say it's ok because it's not a choice......Even if it was a choice, shouldn't we still respect that person even if he/she chooses to be gay? A person chooses to be a Christian, and demands full respect for that choice! We need to keep out of peoples business and just care about each other no matter what!
OK. Can I just say, that when people see kids as old as Tyler 'date' everyone is all just "aww that's so cute, their learning about love!" But when kids of the same sex try to do the same thing, its all "aren't they a bit to young for that?" Or "he/she/they are so young, how do they know what they want?". love. Is. Not. A. Choice. Love is love, no matter what, but people treat it as a 'forbidden topic' when it should be expressed like a normal conversation. I am 14. I have a girlfriend, I'm transgender, and pansexual. But people like my dad think I'm not old enough to know what I want. (Sorry I just really wanted to talk about this. If your reading this, I hope your having a good day. And if not, I hope it gets better for you)
acer-chaser 01 I think it's because when people think of the gay community, they just think of sex, sadly. And people don't want to think about children and sex because, obviously, gross. So they think it's too young for children to feel this way.
@@np-cos4065 well, look, I am someone who struggled to come out to family and friends and such, but I'm not really an expert, but I CAN give you some advice to get started. First of all, I suggest you try something called 'testing the water'. Get friends or familys opinions on the LGBTQI+ community, that'll at least let you know its safe to talking about it once you build up the confidence in the future. Getting a good support system is good, whether its your friends, teachers, siblings, and other figures in you life that can help you or be there for you. If you have one, try talking to a school Chaplin or a nurse or a school councilor. There are many ways to star off, but remember that there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to come out. Take you time, at your own pace. If you need some websites that you can look at, I actually have a couple, but some of them are for transgender. Still a good place to star, if your interested. Edit: I thought you ment on coming out. I have some more advice. If people don't accept you for who you love, then their not worth it. Its your choice, and if they can't accept that, then that's their problem.
@@Ke1ranXx Thank you so much, your advice is helpful and I feel happy knowing that there are people like you who like helping and know what advice to give :)
This was amazing. It's so rare to see LGBTQ+ children represented because of the damaging belief that people are "too young" to know their sexuality. Yet if a young child has a crush on another child of the opposite gender, or they kiss or they pretend to get married, it's considered "cute" and "normal". People are starting to come out younger and younger because they are being more and more surrounded by LGBT issues, showing that it is not a case of being "too young" it's a case of "not understanding". This then cause a lot of pain and struggle and confusion as the child grows up and tries to figure out who they are. So it's important to represent LGBTQ+ youth in everyday entertainment, including this wonderful short film of yours. Therefore, thank you for making this. It was so sweet, and the casting was fantastic. Definitely hope to see more in the future ❤️
Aw thank you for replying! I can see why it was challenging, but you executed it perfectly, I mean I've been thinking about it a lot since I watched it (all positive things of course), which says a lot, and I'm excited to watch it again tbh
however some children may get it wrong like a girl may like another girl and think there a lesbian but they may not know that bisexuals exist and also like boys and be very confused or maybe they are pansexual really but dont know because they dont know that being pansexual is a thing
This movie was just amazing. Especially how Tyler went from so enthusiastic and energetic to so small, scared and frightened by his half-brother's reaction. Touching movie.
Shit , this kid is BRAVE, most kids would probably be to scared to come out , and most people would probably come out at teen ages like he said , cause my friend said knew his sexuality at 7 he said we didn’t wanna come out until he was 15 I agreed with him and his grandparents won’t talk to him now
This film shows so much, different races being in the same family, sexuality, a young child and understanding and that's what makes it great! It shows that everyone is different but that shouldn't drift us further away from each other, it should bring us closer.
It is certainly on-target in its messages, but there is something preachy about it, not sure what it is. It's as though each line is somehow predictable, and not very spontaneous... Am I making any sense?
Yes.....I always knew.....came out at 24 years old......and now at 63.....married to my husband of 17 years. Life is good. Cute movie. Will add to my fav list. Thanks for making it. Peace.
Guy Incognito it’s so sad to hear when people are like you. I wish I could help I; can’t imagine how hard it must be to be a homophobe. If I had money, I’d try to get you therapy or smth. Stay strong and get better luv💕✨
This is ingenious. My nine year old sister came out to me, her half brother, so this story hits a little closer to home. I'm just glad that there is something that acknowledges that younger children CAN be gay, that being gay is not a choice, that you can only be you and accept yourself for who you are. As a trans guy, the statements and themes of acceptance and being you really warmed my heart. Thank you to all of the cast, creatives, and crew involved in the making of the film for being a beacon of recognition and hope for the LGBTQIA+ community.
This movie is so beautiful. I'm 19 years old and haven't come out to everybody yet, just my friends and my sister. Tyler's so confidant, he inspired me. Congratulations for the movie, it's truly amazing.
truth not dogma If you are gay or know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this .The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is, therefore, born with a predetermined attraction. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural expression of our species & found commonplace in nature. Intelligent research in this area clearly explains this process. If you are truly interested in truth, based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay shows this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for yourself & others, that you are entitled to, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
It's cute how Tyler is so adorable and annoying at the same time. Well, kids at that age usually are. 😄 It's beautiful that he trusts his brother so much that he can tell him that his crush is a boy. And I think that his brother handled the situation quite well even though he at first was shocked. I like this very much ❤️
I knew that I was gay before I was seven years old, when I did not even knew what being gay was supposed to be, and was deeply in love when I was twelve!!... So I will never be able to figure out why people see it as something wrong, when in my opinion, it is something perfectly natural that affects a small segment of the population, it is in every race and for all times!!... And nothing will never change!!... And is nothing different between heterosexuals and homosexuals, except that homosexuals prefer to love and share their lives with a person of the same gender, and that’s all!!...
Do you really think 7 or 9 year olds know who they will be attracted to when they hit puberty? They are most confused because the world says they are gay but they don't know that. These kids are often targeted by organizations who will give them surgery as early as 7 years old and they are mutilated and genitals removed permanently. This is evil. These kids will never have families and decided supposedly all this at age 7? It is not ok to tell children they are gay or should be changed! Let them grow up and find our on their own who they are! Do not support this film or sick lie.
*READ THIS! This is an interactive post! Hi, everyone! First thank you for watching Tyler and for those who shared, thank you for helping spread this message of love and tolerance. Now, with this post, I'd like to live open for anyone who wants to share anything that could help people who are struggling with their sexuality, other films, music, blogs, or even personal stories. If we can inspire in any way, then let's do it! We can make the world a better place! TYLER came from pain, but in a moment of peace in my life. I wanted to share that story in a way people would see and understand with different eyes, so the new generation doesn't need to go through what many of us had to go through before. Love wins.
@Mina Ashido I am so glad for reading this! As you said no one deserves to be treated differently for being who they are. Many of us didn't have the luck to have a supporting family (I have, fortunately), and they need to know that they have a family here, with all of us! No one must go through this alone, and we must speak up if we want to break this pattern of having to come out.
Thank you! But my family doesn't really agree with my decisions, they are still Christians, very conservative. But their love for me was never changed and they accepted, even though they don't agree. But that's already more than most people. And stories like yours can inspires others to look for the same!
I'm so glad I saw this post! I am 12 years old and I am still discovering my sexuality. I have had feelings for boys in the past, and then boys and girls, and now I honestly don't know what gender I am attracted to anymore. I would like to talk to someone about this, but I can't. The only person I can talk to is my invisible therapist. I feel lonely, but watching LGBTQ+ short films and videos make me feel really happy and welcomed. No one and I mean no one should treat someone differently due to their sexual orientation. It is like grounding someone for having brown eyes. I believe eveyone should be treated equally no matter their gender, religion or who they love. Love is love.
Here’s something. I relate to this so much. I’m literally the same thing I’m biromantic asexual I came out last month and I’m turning ten in a few months so yea das it
The best I´ve ever seen about that topic - brilliant cast, acting, music, message, technical realization - and the script is formidable - Oscars shall be won! Congratulations.
I was 11 when I turned out to be pansexual and transgender My mom also just thinks me being transgender might be a phase and it hurts me because I know it's not! And I like my dad and his girlfriend more now because they actually say the correct gender pronouns and they fully accept and they agree to me wanting to change my name kinda. Like not know but sometime.
@@winkelfishhh6764 sadly I'm still my natural gender. I'm only 13 right now. And I did come out recently as trans. But for myself I came to the terms that I was trans at the age of 11. My mom doesn't really understand, she just says, " your basically waving a sign around saying you want a * opposite gender part *" Which that isn't exactly the case. Being transgender doesn't just mean that. That is only a really small part of it. But right now me saying I'm trans means I want to be able to become the opposite sex. It can either mean a: you want to be transitioned, b: your transitioning, or c: you've fully transitioned and or now the opposite sex.
@@guyincognito6786 why don't you do something better with your time instead of spending it by deliberately clicking on a video to spread hate and misinformation
no one was ever born homophobic, racist, strait or gay its just how are minds develops and the situations we end up in 🏳️🌈 but in the end we are still all valid and don't let anyone tell you different✌🏻✌🏼✌🏽✌🏾✌🏿
@@RainbowQuartz2.0 ye, It's just know one is born with the knowledge that there gay like I didn't realize I was gay till I was 11 but now that I look back it's kind of obvious obvious
truth not dogma If you are gay or know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this .The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is, therefore, born with a predetermined attraction. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural expression of our species & found commonplace in nature. Intelligent research in this area clearly explains this process. If you are truly interested in truth, based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay shows this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for yourself & others, that you are entitled to, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
My favourite part is the brotherly love. "I would fight the world for him." Exactly how i feel about my foster brother. He is 25 years younger than me, and we are not even blood related. But family is not a flash and blood thing, we are tied by hearts. I will love you, baby brother, till the end of time.
I’m 13 and bisexual. I came out to my dad who was so shocked he couldn’t speak and I tried coming out to my mom twice but she didn’t understand. You’re never too young to know.
I'm also 13 and I'm lesbian technically I haven't come out to my parents I just told my mom like girls and she was cool with it I came out to my closest friends too and they are all very supportive ☺ apparently they all have a few friends that are also gay or bi Funny how I thought I was the only one And ur right, ur never too young to know
@@madhusmitapatra4817 Yeah, I’m okay. I’m almost 20 now, so I know that my parents can’t make my choices for me anymore. I still appreciate the support though!
Problem with being bi, most of us bi's still don't know what spectrum. And we're shunned by both the gay and straight community... so we just don't tend to answer. We really don't know what we are. And that's okay too.
Lmao yeah same, I kept switching from lesbian to straight when I was nine Then I realized I was bi and trans Also is that Yurio is your pfp? If so, love it!
Let me point out one of the details I loved. He took his glasses off when his confidence got knocked. Confidence is like glasses which we see our goal through. If we lose it, we lose focus of our goal. " now he can grow up with confidence ". Congrats on this amazing work!
Yikes I was 18 in 2011 and struggling to get a job I was broke that year gives me bad memories 😂. Selling books at the local college and flirting with women so they could buy jewelry 😅
I kinda feel like a fake bisexual bc I was straight, convinced that I was straight, then boom, a girl shows up and I'm bi... It's not like I always knew, like other people, I never knew
@@markysharkboy0261 same but the other way around, like i have so many male crushes and I am mostly attracted to males but I still like girls. There's this girls who's been in my class since 5th grade up until 10th and I like her but I can't think of doing "stuff" during a relationship but u still like her.
This is more than brilliant! Absolutely necessary but this short film needs to be shown and known around the world. It's sad to see only 7,000+ views. It needs millions of views so we eradicate all those misconceptions there are out there!
Thank you guys! It makes my heart smile when i read comments like this! Let’s keep sharing this story to the world that can help many who might be struggling ❤️
As a girl who grew up in a girls' school, I don't know if this affected me being more attracted to girls than boys. I was eleven years old when I felt for the first time "attraction" or something similar to falling in love with a partner, I only remember that I thought a lot about her and fantasized I also used to look at her a lot and it felt very good to be with her, shortly after I met another girl a little older than me who always made me nervous and I think I recognized I liked her, in high school the same happened with another classmate despite being in a mixed school, by that time I was old enough for that "crush" to have more mature thoughts. The thing is, I never thought it was weird, I saw it as something as natural as falling in love with a boy, I never felt confused or bad, that which everyone was ashamed of was something so normal that I didn't even care, maybe because I was too young when I fell in love for the first time but it was not until recently that I began to wonder more about this and maybe it is because of adolescence, I am fifteen and because many people including "the lgbti community" give it so much importance as if their personality was based on just that. Just let the children be, do not make them feel they should qualify as gay or lesbian or whatever because they want to or not things get complicated with age and it is better to try to pass that stage as something natural at least that is how I felt.
An extremely well made film and oh so relatable. I remember when I was 9, we'd just finished watching a very inspirational movie or tv show. I was filled with warm exuding emotion at the thought of the two hetro characters, being together as the story ended. I turned to my mum and said, "That was so sweet. Can I have a boyfriend like that some day?"; "Boys don't have boyfriends. Boys have girlfriends." was all she said. My simple response, "Oh" did not convey the gutted and crushed feelings that hit me in the pit of my stomach, and I was glad for that. Although well-meaning, and not meant to cast disparagement, she conveyed to me in that moment, that it was not ok, for me to be having those feelings. It would be another 40 years, before I'd have the courage to enter a proper relationship with a man that I love. Clearly, I was old enough to 'know' what I liked. I often wonder what life might've been like, if I was allowed to just be myself. Parents and potential parents; Consider well, the words you visit upon your children. They can have lasting and devastating effects.
Okay, but like, can we talk about how he's in for a long list of disappointments? Like, he's so fortunate to know who he is and everything, I would've loved if this happened to me too and I didn't struggle so much figuring myself out, but he's gonna have crushes on straight boys or at least boys who think they're straight for so many years, because this awfully heteronormative society makes most of us struggle with our identities for years, so we don't realize that what we feel isn't just admiration or friendly love usually until our teen years. I had so many crushes on straight girls but I never realized they were crushes, so I never really suffered... Anyway, I just felt like sharing my thoughts because the last scene about Sammy made me think that and I just, idk, felt a little sad. I really hope that Sammy feels the same and is aware of it
truth not dogma If you are gay or know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this .The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is, therefore, born with a predetermined attraction. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural expression of our species & found commonplace in nature. Intelligent research in this area clearly explains this process. If you are truly interested in truth, based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay shows this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for yourself & others, that you are entitled to, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
When Tyler’s brother started yelling at him and saying he is “10” and saying he was to young to know, literally made me start crying. I’m 10 years old and came out to my mom as bisexual a months ago
I love this short film. I knew since I was 8 so I can relate to this. I told my whole family in the car. Then I just forgot about it? Rejected it? I’m not sure, what I do know now is that I’m gay and it can finally be part of my identity. Now I’m 14 hoping to find a boyfriend soon!
👍 Hope you do too. I knew when I was about 7 I think. But I did nothing about it (yup, rejected it) and didn't come out until I was 25 and didn't have a bf until I was 26. Wasted time. I'm pleased it's part of your identity now. Take care.
Manuel Martinez Patience for finding a boyfriend? Yes, I’ll try. I do have a crush on a guy at the moment started texting him 2 days ago. I don’t even think it’s worth it if he’s probably straight.
I know exactly how you feel because I'm Gay too since I was a kid and I understand you perfectly and I hope you can find the right guy for you I wish you the best sincerely.🙂👍
4 роки тому+2
If they try to tell you you're too young -- but they probably won't. I had a "boyfriend" at your age, and had a few more until I landed THE BIG ONE at age 24. Meanwhile, look up "Anochecer" on this sort films list. It's for you.
Such an amazing juxtaposition of being gay and being black in our society, Joel. Tyler could have easily asked Daniel, "When did you know you were black?" However, the more correct question would have been, "When did you realize that who you are was an ISSUE?" Tyler seemed to learn this at 9. Daniel likely learned of prejudice and inequality when he began school. Someday a persons sexuality will be as irrelevant as the difference in skin color between Daniel and Emily seemed to be, via their attraction for each other. Everyone is a human FIRST ... then the wonderful layers of differences are added with ZERO intent of "god", "nature", "the universe", to rank or judge one awesome "difference" against another. This filmmaker's depth and insight is BADLY need to help us get there. Thank you Joel!
I am speechless after reading all this. It's very motivating know that the pain I had to go through, once I put into art, has been causing this beautiful enlightenment on people. Thank you for those words, they meant so much more than you can imagine. Let's help spread love
Yes! Perceptive and non-judgmental. I loved that line for those exact reasons. This film has such a great way of showing us how we should be interacting and reacting, but did it in such a smooth, natural way. Much love and respect to Joel Junior.
Emily reminds me so much of my 7th grade teacher. Looks and personality. She was so kind and beautiful and always had a smile on her face. I remember one day when she told my class she's not teaching at the school anymore and she burst into tears. Miss her.
Beautifully done! It’s just like a short should be - a complete story from beginning to end. And it just left me smiling. Keep making films and telling your story!
This is very,very important film and hopefully it can be kept on UA-cam for many years so generations of kids can watch it (AND their parents) and find out about their lives as early as possible.
I remember when I was a kid, my mom thought I was either lesbian or straight. And she even said "Can you just come out already? I really wanna know!". She was really supportive of me and even told me "I love you and nothing can change that. If you choose to be gay that's ok. But if you want to be something else, that's also okay. It doesn't matter what you are, it just matters that you stay as my child." and It made me more confident about the future.
Wow!!! such a wonderful movies. Short movie but give us so deeply and so many information how we have to reaction on this situation. Thank you very much for this amazing movie.
Oh my goodness, this short movie is the most greatest short movie i ever seen! It deserved! Deserved to be a winner! Every messages sent it to audience who watch it clearly! Excellent! Lot of thumbs up👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏
I remember always knowing I liked guys but was always too scared to come to terms with it. Ever since I was outed and I went through hardships my entire world brightened and became so much easier. Like I could finally breathe... I wish I had the opportunity to come out at such a young age but I knew the reaction wouldn't be stable. I hope all children and teens even adults that decide to come out feel comfort and confidence in the people they are telling and in themselves.
Absolutely amazing, and how this spoke the truth. This short film is adorable. My hat is off to all your actors. They did a fantastic job. And Tyler is so adorable. Maybe this can and will help others that (know) and just to afraid or (ashamed) of themselves. Like she said no need to be ashamed, it's a special person and from that note live your life to the fullest. You have a purpose in life ,,, so dont listen to all the haters and homophobes out there... they can't and dont even know their own self. They dont have time to look into the mirror deep into their own eyes... hell if they did they might find some happiness, love, and caring for that soul that is bouncing around in that body. Stop wasting time, stop hurting people with those ulgy words. People are who they are and you (hater) cant change the world. No matter how much you hate on that special person. Love to all ....
That was very nice! It means so much to me that this story is being shared and motivating people around the world! Thank you for those words! And Btw, if all goes well, we will be seeing Tyler in a much longer production!
@@joeljunior.official great.. I really hope it will show up in my recommendations... I think you so much for sharing... my life experiences were pretty much like Tyler's. But back then it was not no where like today's Society. Back 40 45 years ago it was unheard of living a gay life. Most of my teens to early 20's I was so confused and miserable trying to fit in with the so-called straight Society, haters, homophobic and so on. My father what is a Southern Baptist preacher both my parents we're very religious. My mother ask me if I was gay. I asked if so would that change things? She said no son love is unconditional. From that point on I lived life to the fullest a d become a very successful businessman. And I'm loved but many of my clients and friends, I learned to bypass all the haters and such. That was and is a waste have time. I don't know why people don't sweep under their own doormat and just let people be people. Hell they might even make something of their lives if they would take the time they waste....LOVE TO ALL.... STOP THE HATE!!!!!!.
@John Jones I echo everything you said. Spot on about the haters. I would also add that this is a fantastic film for parents to see -- even parents that would end up being loving and supportive when the kid in question ends up coming out in their late teens. It's usually viewed as great outcome when a teenager comes out and the parents say "It's OK, we love you", but also add stuff like "we knew" and "what took you so long" or similar. Happy ending? Maybe. It could certainly be much, much worse. But I have seen too many coming out stories on youtube like this and it breaks my heart to think of all of those unnecessary years spent in the closet, learning at such a young age how to lie and deceive and create a false self. I went through that, and even though I had loving and accepting parents, I feel like I was kind of robbed of my childhood. This film is fantastic in that it can reach so many different people that are on different levels of understanding.
Michael W “I feel like I was robbed of my childhood” is the main reason why I wrote Tyler. I wanted that to be me, and you really understood the message. This make all the hard work worth it. Thank you!
@@joeljunior.official And now I'm crying again, but all in a good way, because you have validated my feelings... and on such a grand scale! I've been trying on and off for some time to have these conversations without much luck. When it comes to it, I guess it's a difficult topic for many. So I am overwhelmed by all of the positive comments you are getting. I've watched tons of LGBTQ short films and none have quite hit what I was looking for. But I tell you, I saw the thumbnail for this film show up in my feed and I just had a feeling this was the one. Thank you again.
"You're 10"
I shouldn't have laughed
I feel with you haha
Me too
Okay so that wasn't just me laughing over here
Oh god the “You asked so I answered” struck a nerve with me because that’s how I came out to my parents- my mom asked so I answered
My dad didn’t like the answer but it is what it is
Well, Daniel didn't like the answer either, but as you said, it is what it is!
I made 500
my dad used to say "don't ask questions if you can't cope with the answers." So....some questions never got asked. But, that was, in a way, it's own dialog.
Omg almost same.. we were arguing and my dad was like “and one day you will have a husband “ and I mumbled, without really thinking about the consequences, something like “or a wife” and he was like “EXCUSE ME what did you say?!?” 😅
Imma just ruin the mood real quick-
*it is what it is*
Love how she brings him the milkshake and asks “Hey, why are you sad?” while glaring at the half-brother like *“did you do this”*
@Random Person :) No, that was awful. What business was it of the waitresses? She was very judgmental on a situation she knew nothing about. Sticking her nose into someone else's affairs. Then, that scene at the end when she spoke to the brother about the kid coming out was clichéd garbage. The fact that this is an award winning film just goes to show how low the film industry has sunk.
Nothing original here at all. This was embarrassing to watch. So many stereotypes and hackneyed dialogue. Sigh. The writer wrote everything he thought the characters *should* say in a perfect scenario - like this is how he hoped real people would react. Cringey.
@@spellbindingcrashed Going to work to make money has become (always been) pointless.
Governments start to produce FAKE FOOD, which normal, flesh and blood humans cannot consume. You MUST change in order to consume food meant not for flesh and blood. Taking the MOTB changes humans into machine like beings. (Human spirits trapped into machine like bodies, desiring to die, no longer can`t) = worst fate.
Why to keep holding on form your work place? Why to keep looking or starting to look for a job?
Government(s) of this realm WANTS YOU ALL DEAD! Where have you hide your ears that you not hearing?
Where have you all hide your eyes that you all not see?
Same with schools. Wise soul keeps far form both of those places?
Why not trust CHRIST who says:
Matthew 6:31
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
Luke 12:22
And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on.
Matthew 6:25
Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Luke 12:29
And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind.
Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Revelation 19:20
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 14:9
And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
Revelation 14:11
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Revelation 15:2
And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.
Revelation 16:2
And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
There was like, no point in hating??
I thought Emily was going to say she was gay too when he asked for her number 🤣
Me too
Yup, yup, yup!!😂😂
I kind of wish she had said she was gay! Lol!!
Dude just look at her nails you cant tell me shes not gay
"When did you know you were straight?" Tyler's answer is definitely the best way to answer stereotypes that believe not being straight is a choice.
Homosexuality is a choice. Nobody is born homosexual. There is scientific proof of that.
Guy Incognito where? And if you are straight, can you choose to be gay tomorrow, then go back to being straight next day?
@@joeljunior.official It has been proven that there is no "gay gene", and that homosexuality develops from life experiences.
@@guyincognito6786 Please fact check things before typing. Proven by who?
What experiences are you talking about? You are clearly misinformed brother.
@@guyincognito6786 Homosexuality isn't a choice.... Homosexuals know they're gay as early as straight people know they are straight. Please read widely!
I have a son, he is 10 right now, Im daring to say this because of the film, he has a good friend, a kid his age, they spend a lot of time together playing out and inside the house, one day I noticed them hugging and holding hands, they were inside my son's room, I pretend I didnt see or notice anything. They sometimes spend the night in each other houses. I dont know how to approach a conversation with my son because I dont even know if he feels the same way as Tyler and I dont want to miss it up. Thats all. Hello from Mexico. By the way, that was a wonderful film, it made me cry.
Reading this comment just warmed my heart! Your son is a very lucky boy for the mommy and dad he has! I know whatever he is feeling he will have a safe space to talk about it when he feels ready. It can be hard to find the right way to approach the situation, but just acknowledging it is the help your son needs! Thank you for sharing this with everyone here!
@@joeljunior.official I am his dad, but mommy feels the same way, thank you for your beautiful words. Love from Mexico,
Hola Tinmar, de parte de alguien que estuvo en la situación de tu hijo, sólo puedo decirte que lo que necesita ver es que le queréis sin reservas y sin condiciones. De todas maneras, te aconsejaría dejar que sea él quién tome la iniciativa, ya que con 10 años seguramente aún no acaba de saber quién es ni qué es lo que quiere. Lo mejor es mostrarle amor y afecto y dejar que os lo diga cuando esté preparado. Aunque estoy seguro que queréis quitaros de encima "el problema" y no queréis esperar en hacer ver a vuestro hijo que lo queréis incondicionalmente, el proceso de aceptación empieza por uno mismo, y ha de ser él el que esté cómodo para dar el primer paso. Salir del armario no es para vosotros, ni para sus amigos, ni para su familia. Es para él. Por eso es importante darle amor, hacerle ver que aceptáis a otra gente diferente y crear un entorno en el que, cuando esté preparado, pueda sentirse seguro de deciros cómo se siente.
Un abrazo muy parte de Barcelona, y felicidades por ser unos padres que van a criar a un niño respetuoso con los otros y que se siente querido!
Let them come out whenever he wants to. Being outed before you’re ready can feel really terrible, so the best thing to do is let him know that you support the LGBT+ community and let him tell you when he’s ready.
@@ordinaryextraordinary9484 Yes!!!
Apparently, kids are too young to know their sexuality, but as soon as a baby looks at a woman (because babies look at everything) it's "wow such a ladies man! He's gonna be having to beat the girls away with a stick!!"
Omg that's so true! My grandparents always refer to my cousin's friends(He's like 2 years old) as his girlfriends while I'm over here feeling incredibly uncomfortable.
@@usernameiguess1831 thats... not good... you should tell someone about that
so true
I was a handsome baby and still handsome just not 7 foot tall so hence I am closer to 30 than 20 but still have no children 😂
@@mylesanderson2861 ... ok, bud
We love how when a young child says "I'm gay" the parents are like "You don't know at this age" yet they still assume they're straight. Like I thought you said I shouldn't know that at this age.
Wow, thank you!
lgbt sexualities aren’t just alternatives to straight
its just a pHAse
With that reasoning just assume kids are aromantic lmao
@@ManWithTheCow I got kicked out when i was 17, trust me when they came back with apologies i gave them the same treatment they gave me!!!! (I am 19 now btw)
"Gays are often distinguished as high intellectual development and ethical culture"
That hit hard. Man, I'm gay as hell and I'm still an absolute dumbass who laughs at fart jokes.
I'm actually a smart gay man who knows my penis size so I am very smart. Not every man knows the size
That's a laugh. Try living in the gay community. Far more of us are total idots by percentage than the straights. By a wide margin, too. I've moved among the gay communities in and around Chicago, Indianapolis, and six other areas not close to any major cities in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin. In each and every location, there were far more stupid gay men and women in the gay scenes than compared to any other group or community. That goes for 'ethical culture' as well. In fact, I can't think of a group with a worse 'ethical culture' than us gays. Gay men and women cheat far more than straights, use drugs far more frequently, engage in riskier sexual activities, and get into more fights with each other. The only group I can think of that is less ethical than the gay community would be politicians - and you may or may not be surprised how many politicians, married to the opposite sex or not, are homosexual.
Siempre hay una excepción a la regla, ni modo amigo 😜😜🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why is this so true tho
nobody was ever too young to be straight
people will say "youre confused. too young to be gay." but then turn around and ask a little boy "aww, do you have a girlfriend?" it's weird and gross. proud to to be an ally 🏳️🌈
@@irlbocchi this reminds me of when a little girl, like a 6 y/o, says she doesn't want children and people say shit like "You'll change your mind in the future." but if the same girl says she wants a child, they encourage her.
like it's a whole ass child, she should be playing with toys or some shit, not thinking about having children. she can decide if she wants children in the future, and if she doesn't have any? well, that's no one's fucking business.
why is this type of shit normalized, or am i being a snowflake?
Time to use that against my mom
I hate when people say “you’re too young to know/understand!”
But normally you begin having first crushes around the age of 5-7. Then when you are 12 and older, you develop actual crushes and when you are around 15 or above you can fall in love. So when people say we don’t understand, I have to remind them, straight people get crushes early on too, and it’s no different for us lgbtq people.
❤️🙏🏻❤️ Straight people. I don’t get them. Never have never will
amen sis
I began to have actual crushes at 12yo. That's when I realized that I'm bi. I think it's really weird how we're expected to be cisgender and straight and have to come out if we're not cis or straight and want people to know that
@@potat099 literally I was like in love with this girl in my fifth grade class when I was 11 lmaoo and I never knew that it was even a crush until later on bc I never thought about the fact that YOU CAN LIKE WOMEN THAT WAY bahaha the hets be wild
"you can't be serious, you're nine"
that was oddly funny
i came out when i was 11 bc at the end of the school year my parents were helping me clean my locker out and they saw a love note from my 5th grade boyfriend aghajajshehndnduuncnfje
more like forced out i came out july 5th of 2018 i was 17 at the time
I came out when I was 11 as well, i haven’t told my parents or family, but I have told my friends. they accept me, but I’m not sure if my family will, any advice?
@@aloeveil As a gay guy myself, I think it is best to come out to people that you trust first. If you feel like coming out to your family is unsafe or could impact your relationship with your family in a negative way then maybe you should come out when it's safe to do so. Hope that makes sense, sorry if I couldn't add more useful stuff. But good luck :)
You came out of the locker
Is he you're ex if so why did you still have his letter?
"tyler, you're ten"
"n i n e"
"You're 10"
- "9"
"Tyler, STOP!"
I laughed so hard xD
when i was 9 i had a crush on a guy. I didn't realize i was gay until i was 13 last year. I haven't come out yet
Edit: Thanks for all the support ... I really didn't expect this! It means a lot, thank you
Be strong tho🖤
Sam P Take your time! The time will come. God bless ❤️
Sam coming out is your journey!! Live your truth and come out when you are ready. We as the community are here for you no matter what!! You are so totally not alone!
Sam P I found out around your age I’m bi and I’m still in the closet at age 19
Sam, I came out 3 years ago. Everyone accepted very well. Take your time.
This is the most wholesome short film I've seen.
Evidently have not seen many movies film
This is one of the sickest videos I've ever seen.
@@guyincognito6786 Look inside.
*“…and that’s just who you are. I wouldn’t change a single thing about you.”* They captured what we all wish to hear perfectly 🥺🤚
"damn tyler was that you? I thought that was a dead raccoon, man"
"I told you, when i eat cheese"
"the earlier, the better"
Nah man you got it wrong, its "the more comfy, the better"
Ikr. My dad would drown me if I come out.
Wow, someone has got to make this waitress a therapist, she is really killing it!
this kid is more mature than most adults
Yes he is! More than me! that's why I wrote him, to make us realize that we can be mature at any age if we just see through other people's eyes.
That's what's sad
the kid is also very smart and brave, no kidding. He found the solution to the matter like most people couldn't. guess being young also helps cause of the innocence?
It is called acting
@@RRPL337 well-acted too, true :)
How long did you know you were straight?
I literally asked my grandmother this a couple minutes ago when I came out to her.
How did she react? Honestly that is very brave of you I could never come out to my grandma
@@anavillasenor8639 my trans grandchild came out to me - I am delighted they were able to tell me and we have been on quite a good journey since - was a little shaky for a short time while they were deciding what to do; but now our relationship is stronger than it ever was - my husband and I raised them since they were 4 days old; we love the soul that occupies that particular body
@@Elfkin57 You are amazing, and your grandchild is very lucky indeed. My grandpa just recently passed away - he and my grandma raised me for seven of the most formative years of my life. I never got to come out to them. My grandma died before I came out to anyone, and my grandpa simply wouldn't have been able to accept my gender identity for religious reasons. He was 98 when he died, and I didn't want to cause him the amount of sincere daily worry he would have experienced about my "eternal future" had he known I am trans. I know he loved me, though, and even knowing he wouldn't have been able to understand my gender, the way he was always there for me and the support he gave in so many other ways is one of the reasons I was eventually able to accept myself. It also gave me the courage to come out to others. Still, I wish I would have been able to share that part of myself with him. I'm so glad your grandchild is able to be themself with you. Your story made me smile.
People start to understand it's not a choice and they are confronted.
Elfkin57 you are a good person
I’m not homophobic. But I’m lucky to not be gay, I’m lucky to not have to worry if the guy I like actully likes girls, I don’t have to worry about my parents kicking me out because I like boys, I dint have to worry about being harassed because of who I like. To all of you Lgbtq+ you guys are so strong
EDIT: Lets just say i was in deep denial 2 years ago, im a gay guy
Its a sad truth, but i understand what you are saying. Im bi and dating a guy, everytime i mention him in casual conversation there's this pause for a second where they comprehend what i just said and its the worst thing, the feeling of uncertainty about how they'll react is like a tiny knife through my heart. But i keep mentioning him in casual conversation because i deserve to be able to mention him just like straight people can mention their partners.
@@connorpayne7324 when i was dating this girl i kept my relationship a secret or i would have to say boyfriend (i cringed whenever i did that) but like there were many occasions where i could have come out to my family but i haven't. Its sad to know i have been lying since i was 8 years old. (ik so young, btw I'm pan)
thanks dude
Thank you!
@@lyricxelijah5616 I hope you’re doing alright, I’m here in this comment section if you need to talk
It’s weird to see them at a restaurant without masks
Hahaha! I guess it is now!
Shut up
@@paperman2097 why u mad?
no, what is weird is that the vast majority seems to embrace too quickly that wearing a mask is "normal", not the other way around.
that waitress just spoke facts. i kinda teared up when she gave a little speech about coming out a young age so u can grow up with confidence. i wish all people were like her. a kind heart and words with beautiful meaning.
I'm so glad you picked on that!
“A good milkshake fixes everything.” *Wiser words have never been said, as far as I’m concerned.* 😌
I am amazed by how this film has included LITERALLY every single details about the experience of an LGBT, specifically gay in this case, would go through. Talking about having crush on a straight guy, struggled to come out, coming out and feeling the sense of relief, being rejected (even by their loved ones or family members), to being accepted by other people. This film represents the life of a gay person in every possible aspects. Nicely done! Must watch and end the stigma of LGBTQ+ community in this world!
I thought the exact same thing. They included so much in such a short couple of conversations. Very well done. Kids at that young and formative age should not feel forced to live a life of lies and deceit. It can be so harmful.
Juyi GunSanAwng
And I am amazed how you put it.
I am a straight person who often has to explain, protect, defend gay kids before homophobic ppl and friends. And I stumble when trying to answer them why, for ex, I watch such films. Usually, I say "to understand how they feel". Then later I rmmb and "how they struggle to come out". And later-later "and to learn abt parents' reactions".
You named it all together. Thank you. Very much.
And, of course, to the authors of the film who managed it.
One more thing that cherish -- I read all the comments and see how ppl react to the topic, but the most treasured one is the stories gay people share here letting me become more understanding.
Also, I heard in the film a very important idea --- *a young kid who comes out early can move on, grow and develop without the necessity of being traumatized on the way to his/her teen age*
Peace and Rainbow.
truth not dogma If you are gay or know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this .The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is, therefore, born with a predetermined attraction. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural expression of our species & found commonplace in nature. Intelligent research in this area clearly explains this process. If you are truly interested in truth, based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay shows this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for yourself & others, that you are entitled to, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
Actually, *not quite.* And the primary point of this is: *"RELIGION" and its bullshit.*
I hate it when people say it's ok because it's not a choice......Even if it was a choice, shouldn't we still respect that person even if he/she chooses to be gay? A person chooses to be a Christian, and demands full respect for that choice! We need to keep out of peoples business and just care about each other no matter what!
Thank you for this comment!
I agree with what you say but the fact is sexual orientation is NOT a choice.
Larry Harvey Off course it's not, I pointed that out in my comment :)
yeah the problem with choosing religion and sexuality is the former will denounce you for the latter. so hence, it's NOT the same thing
I love how they made the end conversation between the brother and the waitress more awkward then Tyler coming out XD
OK. Can I just say, that when people see kids as old as Tyler 'date' everyone is all just "aww that's so cute, their learning about love!" But when kids of the same sex try to do the same thing, its all "aren't they a bit to young for that?" Or "he/she/they are so young, how do they know what they want?". love. Is. Not. A. Choice. Love is love, no matter what, but people treat it as a 'forbidden topic' when it should be expressed like a normal conversation. I am 14. I have a girlfriend, I'm transgender, and pansexual. But people like my dad think I'm not old enough to know what I want. (Sorry I just really wanted to talk about this. If your reading this, I hope your having a good day. And if not, I hope it gets better for you)
acer-chaser 01 i agree, age doesn’t matter nor does gender or sexuality
@@upds_0851 glad to know someone else agrees
acer-chaser 01 I think it's because when people think of the gay community, they just think of sex, sadly. And people don't want to think about children and sex because, obviously, gross. So they think it's too young for children to feel this way.
@@np-cos4065 well, look, I am someone who struggled to come out to family and friends and such, but I'm not really an expert, but I CAN give you some advice to get started. First of all, I suggest you try something called 'testing the water'. Get friends or familys opinions on the LGBTQI+ community, that'll at least let you know its safe to talking about it once you build up the confidence in the future. Getting a good support system is good, whether its your friends, teachers, siblings, and other figures in you life that can help you or be there for you. If you have one, try talking to a school Chaplin or a nurse or a school councilor. There are many ways to star off, but remember that there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to come out. Take you time, at your own pace. If you need some websites that you can look at, I actually have a couple, but some of them are for transgender. Still a good place to star, if your interested.
Edit: I thought you ment on coming out. I have some more advice. If people don't accept you for who you love, then their not worth it. Its your choice, and if they can't accept that, then that's their problem.
@@Ke1ranXx Thank you so much, your advice is helpful and I feel happy knowing that there are people like you who like helping and know what advice to give :)
This was amazing. It's so rare to see LGBTQ+ children represented because of the damaging belief that people are "too young" to know their sexuality. Yet if a young child has a crush on another child of the opposite gender, or they kiss or they pretend to get married, it's considered "cute" and "normal". People are starting to come out younger and younger because they are being more and more surrounded by LGBT issues, showing that it is not a case of being "too young" it's a case of "not understanding". This then cause a lot of pain and struggle and confusion as the child grows up and tries to figure out who they are. So it's important to represent LGBTQ+ youth in everyday entertainment, including this wonderful short film of yours. Therefore, thank you for making this. It was so sweet, and the casting was fantastic. Definitely hope to see more in the future ❤️
I'm so pleased to read this... writing this short was very challenging. Reading these words made me so happy and fulfilled. Thank you for this!
Aw thank you for replying! I can see why it was challenging, but you executed it perfectly, I mean I've been thinking about it a lot since I watched it (all positive things of course), which says a lot, and I'm excited to watch it again tbh
A thousand thumbs up for your comments.
however some children may get it wrong
like a girl may like another girl and think there a lesbian
but they may not know that bisexuals exist
and also like boys and be very confused
or maybe they are pansexual really but dont know because they dont know that being pansexual is a thing
tHeM BeArS that’s why representation is important
This movie was just amazing. Especially how Tyler went from so enthusiastic and energetic to so small, scared and frightened by his half-brother's reaction. Touching movie.
I really like the waiter she said “a milkshake fixes everything” witch it does.
Hahaha! it does!
i was cringing because no waitress would do that e v e r
Yeah I was bad at spelling then now I know.
And... Waitress..
Shit , this kid is BRAVE, most kids would probably be to scared to come out , and most people would probably come out at teen ages like he said , cause my friend said knew his sexuality at 7 he said we didn’t wanna come out until he was 15 I agreed with him and his grandparents won’t talk to him now
He is brave
Indeed he is
im nervous to come out even though my parents aren't homophobic :/
This film shows so much, different races being in the same family, sexuality, a young child and understanding and that's what makes it great! It shows that everyone is different but that shouldn't drift us further away from each other, it should bring us closer.
It is certainly on-target in its messages, but there is something preachy about it, not sure what it is. It's as though each line is somehow predictable, and not very spontaneous... Am I making any sense?
Yes.....I always knew.....came out at 24 years old......and now at 63.....married to my husband of 17 years. Life is good. Cute movie. Will add to my fav list. Thanks for making it. Peace.
“It’s just a phase” said the homophobes who’s marriage ended sooner than yours ;) that’s a beautiful love story, and pretty inspiring!!
Get conversion therapy
@@guyincognito6786 no u💖🐝✨
homophobia can be really hard, be strong, you can still heal🌈
@@annalisafilini5053 Are you usually this confusing?
Guy Incognito it’s so sad to hear when people are like you. I wish I could help I; can’t imagine how hard it must be to be a homophobe. If I had money, I’d try to get you therapy or smth. Stay strong and get better luv💕✨
This is ingenious. My nine year old sister came out to me, her half brother, so this story hits a little closer to home. I'm just glad that there is something that acknowledges that younger children CAN be gay, that being gay is not a choice, that you can only be you and accept yourself for who you are. As a trans guy, the statements and themes of acceptance and being you really warmed my heart. Thank you to all of the cast, creatives, and crew involved in the making of the film for being a beacon of recognition and hope for the LGBTQIA+ community.
I couldn’t feel happier ❤️ Thank you for sharing your story! Together we will make the world a better place!
3:52 when he takes that pause and breaths hard, you know somthing made him a little scared. Trust me, i know that feeling 🤣🤣🤣 😭😭😭
Who else is watching just a bunch of LGBTQIA+ mini movies because they plan on coming out and use them for strength to come out
No one? just me
Retrodragon 2507 me too !!!
Wow I thought i was the only one.Hm Guess not😐
Be strong! We got your back!
Thank you for your support I am coming out today so wish me luck
I hope your coming out went well!
This movie is so beautiful.
I'm 19 years old and haven't come out to everybody yet, just my friends and my sister. Tyler's so confidant, he inspired me. Congratulations for the movie, it's truly amazing.
I'm very glad we could inspire you! I wish I had this kind of inspiration to myself before too. I didn't come out until I was 26...
truth not dogma If you are gay or know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this .The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is, therefore, born with a predetermined attraction. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural expression of our species & found commonplace in nature. Intelligent research in this area clearly explains this process. If you are truly interested in truth, based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay shows this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for yourself & others, that you are entitled to, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
It's cute how Tyler is so adorable and annoying at the same time. Well, kids at that age usually are. 😄 It's beautiful that he trusts his brother so much that he can tell him that his crush is a boy. And I think that his brother handled the situation quite well even though he at first was shocked. I like this very much ❤️
I knew that I was gay before I was seven years old, when I did not even knew what being gay was supposed to be, and was deeply in love when I was twelve!!... So I will never be able to figure out why people see it as something wrong, when in my opinion, it is something perfectly natural that affects a small segment of the population, it is in every race and for all times!!... And nothing will never change!!... And is nothing different between heterosexuals and homosexuals, except that homosexuals prefer to love and share their lives with a person of the same gender, and that’s all!!...
That is very true
You said what I didn't know. Thank you.
bro i was holding hands with a boy every day on my way to class in 2nd grade
It is perfectly natural.
"Being straight is default"
True. A device comes with default settings. Well, but that doesn't mean you never change the settings from default.
I’m straight, but this film really moved me and made me realize things. Thank you for this short.
Do you really think 7 or 9 year olds know who they will be attracted to when they hit puberty? They are most confused because the world says they are gay but they don't know that. These kids are often targeted by organizations who will give them surgery as early as 7 years old and they are mutilated and genitals removed permanently. This is evil. These kids will never have families and decided supposedly all this at age 7? It is not ok to tell children they are gay or should be changed! Let them grow up and find our on their own who they are! Do not support this film or sick lie.
A must watch film. It is clever, ingenious, humble, fresh, current, sublime, honest, amazing, enlightening. Warm congratulations :)
Couldn't add nothing extra to your comment, just subscribe it as a "like" felt insufficient.
This is great, I love you guys, so much. It made me want to film a documentary last year. Its now online ❤️🌈
10/10 app review. Wow 🤩
That`s a lot of adjectives 0-0
*READ THIS! This is an interactive post!
Hi, everyone! First thank you for watching Tyler and for those who shared, thank you for helping spread this message of love and tolerance.
Now, with this post, I'd like to live open for anyone who wants to share anything that could help people who are struggling with their sexuality, other films, music, blogs, or even personal stories. If we can inspire in any way, then let's do it! We can make the world a better place!
TYLER came from pain, but in a moment of peace in my life. I wanted to share that story in a way people would see and understand with different eyes, so the new generation doesn't need to go through what many of us had to go through before.
Love wins.
@Mina Ashido I am so glad for reading this! As you said no one deserves to be treated differently for being who they are. Many of us didn't have the luck to have a supporting family (I have, fortunately), and they need to know that they have a family here, with all of us! No one must go through this alone, and we must speak up if we want to break this pattern of having to come out.
Thank you! But my family doesn't really agree with my decisions, they are still Christians, very conservative. But their love for me was never changed and they accepted, even though they don't agree. But that's already more than most people. And stories like yours can inspires others to look for the same!
I'm so glad I saw this post! I am 12 years old and I am still discovering my sexuality. I have had feelings for boys in the past, and then boys and girls, and now I honestly don't know what gender I am attracted to anymore. I would like to talk to someone about this, but I can't. The only person I can talk to is my invisible therapist. I feel lonely, but watching LGBTQ+ short films and videos make me feel really happy and welcomed. No one and I mean no one should treat someone differently due to their sexual orientation. It is like grounding someone for having brown eyes. I believe eveyone should be treated equally no matter their gender, religion or who they love. Love is love.
Here’s something. I relate to this so much. I’m literally the same thing I’m biromantic asexual I came out last month and I’m turning ten in a few months so yea das it
Snape’s wife-4-eva thank you for sharing this!!
This short film was AMAZING!!! I loved it!! Great job on it!
"i would fight the world for him"
no, u are crying
gonna be honest, tylers acting is way better than his brothers
The best I´ve ever seen about that topic - brilliant cast, acting, music, message, technical realization - and the script is formidable - Oscars shall be won! Congratulations.
I was 11 when I turned out to be pansexual and transgender
My mom also just thinks me being transgender might be a phase and it hurts me because I know it's not! And I like my dad and his girlfriend more now because they actually say the correct gender pronouns and they fully accept and they agree to me wanting to change my name kinda. Like not know but sometime.
I'm glad you hear you have a father that supports you! And give it time! Some people take more time to adapt, but they come around.
@@joeljunior.official thank you! 🥺 This means a lot
So you got the surgery and became transgender or you are the opposite gender without surgery?
@@winkelfishhh6764 sadly I'm still my natural gender. I'm only 13 right now. And I did come out recently as trans. But for myself I came to the terms that I was trans at the age of 11. My mom doesn't really understand, she just says, " your basically waving a sign around saying you want a * opposite gender part *"
Which that isn't exactly the case. Being transgender doesn't just mean that. That is only a really small part of it. But right now me saying I'm trans means I want to be able to become the opposite sex. It can either mean a: you want to be transitioned, b: your transitioning, or c: you've fully transitioned and or now the opposite sex.
Me tooo! Omg dude I was 11, pan and trans too oh ma gawd-
This is so sweet. I only had his courage at 45, when I came out. And he's only ten, opsss 9. Such a beautiful film.
Get conversion therapy
@@guyincognito6786 why don't you do something better with your time instead of spending it by deliberately clicking on a video to spread hate and misinformation
@@sabinatsang I am not spreading hate and misinformation. I am trying to help people.
Never too late.
@@guyincognito6786 helping people would be supporting them not telling them to change
Out of all the short films I’ve seen on UA-cam, I watch a LOT btw, there’s just something so special about this one.
I'm very glad you liked it! Thank you for leaving this comment here
no one was ever born homophobic, racist, strait or gay its just how are minds develops and the situations we end up in 🏳️🌈 but in the end we are still all valid and don't let anyone tell you different✌🏻✌🏼✌🏽✌🏾✌🏿
Danny Matthews I thought people were born gay or straight or bi or whatever. It's genetics right, not the environment.
@@RainbowQuartz2.0 ye, It's just know one is born with the knowledge that there gay like I didn't realize I was gay till I was 11 but now that I look back it's kind of obvious obvious
Danny Matthews ohhhhh, yeah, I didn't realize I was gay until I was like 13 lol.
@@RainbowQuartz2.0 the environment inside the actual womb can affect it aswell
truth not dogma If you are gay or know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this .The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is, therefore, born with a predetermined attraction. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural expression of our species & found commonplace in nature. Intelligent research in this area clearly explains this process. If you are truly interested in truth, based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay shows this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for yourself & others, that you are entitled to, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
What so people can be straight when they're young but not gay or bi.
I'm pan BTW
I know, right? The hypocrisy on this is off the scale.
I know right?
People must be who they are without questions.
Same and ik
Im pan and trans :D
Dam that milkshake looks good I can’t keep my eyes of it
I don't have words that expres how I feel about this shortfilm. fantastic, amazing, superbly filmed, and so much more, ..... Congratulations!
My favourite part is the brotherly love. "I would fight the world for him." Exactly how i feel about my foster brother. He is 25 years younger than me, and we are not even blood related. But family is not a flash and blood thing, we are tied by hearts. I will love you, baby brother, till the end of time.
I’m 13 and bisexual. I came out to my dad who was so shocked he couldn’t speak and I tried coming out to my mom twice but she didn’t understand. You’re never too young to know.
I came out as bisexual to my parents when I was 16. They laughed at me and said “well you’ll eventually have to pick one or the other.”
I'm also 13 and I'm lesbian technically I haven't come out to my parents I just told my mom like girls and she was cool with it
I came out to my closest friends too and they are all very supportive ☺ apparently they all have a few friends that are also gay or bi
Funny how I thought I was the only one
And ur right, ur never too young to know
@@AngryEnby I hope ur ok don't worry about what ur parents think of u
You do you!😄🏳️🌈❤
@@madhusmitapatra4817 Yeah, I’m okay. I’m almost 20 now, so I know that my parents can’t make my choices for me anymore. I still appreciate the support though!
Simply incredible! What an important topic! We need films like that, which incite love and respect above all. Congratulations!!!
Thank you so much! Minha tesåo!!!
I've shown my bisexuality since I was young and then realized how gay I was when I turned thirteen oof.
Problem with being bi, most of us bi's still don't know what spectrum.
And we're shunned by both the gay and straight community... so we just don't tend to answer. We really don't know what we are.
And that's okay too.
Lmao yeah same, I kept switching from lesbian to straight when I was nine
Then I realized I was bi and trans
Also is that Yurio is your pfp? If so, love it!
"I didn't know it was a problem"
We never really know if it's a problem if we don't try ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈
Let me point out one of the details I loved.
He took his glasses off when his confidence got knocked. Confidence is like glasses which we see our goal through.
If we lose it, we lose focus of our goal. " now he can grow up with confidence ". Congrats on this amazing work!
what scares me is that he was born in 2011
Haha! right!? Makes me feel so old!
Yikes I was 18 in 2011 and struggling to get a job I was broke that year gives me bad memories 😂. Selling books at the local college and flirting with women so they could buy jewelry 😅
That made me double take for a second
tyler is a FRICKEN legend
I’m 50 seconds in and I already love this kid😂😂😂😂
Hahaha! He has this effect! Some love him, some hate! I'm on your side! haha
So much you want to give the kid a sex change before puberty?
Great script and great acting! You can't ask for more! And I'm waiting for part 2. And 3, and 4, and 5!
me too that was a great film I loved it 🙂👍🎬
I’m waiting for a Netflix series tbh
There are not enough superlatives in my vocabulary to describe this film! I simply loved it!
I think people assume kids are "too young to know they are gay" because they think it's about sexuality but often it's about innocent love 💕
I kinda feel like a fake bisexual bc I was straight, convinced that I was straight, then boom, a girl shows up and I'm bi... It's not like I always knew, like other people, I never knew
I feel the same way, but remember that you are valid!
I mean I do believe I’m bisexual, it’s just I’m mostly attracted to females. I feel it’s just an occasional thing when I feel something for guys
I feel the same way to be honest
@@markysharkboy0261 same but the other way around, like i have so many male crushes and I am mostly attracted to males but I still like girls. There's this girls who's been in my class since 5th grade up until 10th and I like her but I can't think of doing "stuff" during a relationship but u still like her.
@@karabolefa9487 Yeah I get where you’re coming from 😁😁
“…and I’ll be right there.” “You better.” These two are just so sweet 🥺❤️
I realised I like girls when I was 9 and came out as lesbian when I was almost 14.
This is more than brilliant! Absolutely necessary but this short film needs to be shown and known around the world. It's sad to see only 7,000+ views. It needs millions of views so we eradicate all those misconceptions there are out there!
Mark Vella Gera It’s up from 7k to 26k views just 2 days later, that is a great start
@@RLucas3000 yes much better now but I still would like to see many more views
Thank you guys! It makes my heart smile when i read comments like this! Let’s keep sharing this story to the world that can help many who might be struggling ❤️
@@joeljunior.official I'm so pleased that now this video has raked up 300,000 views! WOW!
As a girl who grew up in a girls' school, I don't know if this affected me being more attracted to girls than boys. I was eleven years old when I felt for the first time "attraction" or something similar to falling in love with a partner, I only remember that I thought a lot about her and fantasized I also used to look at her a lot and it felt very good to be with her, shortly after I met another girl a little older than me who always made me nervous and I think I recognized I liked her, in high school the same happened with another classmate despite being in a mixed school, by that time I was old enough for that "crush" to have more mature thoughts. The thing is, I never thought it was weird, I saw it as something as natural as falling in love with a boy, I never felt confused or bad, that which everyone was ashamed of was something so normal that I didn't even care, maybe because I was too young when I fell in love for the first time but it was not until recently that I began to wonder more about this and maybe it is because of adolescence, I am fifteen and because many people including "the lgbti community" give it so much importance as if their personality was based on just that. Just let the children be, do not make them feel they should qualify as gay or lesbian or whatever because they want to or not things get complicated with age and it is better to try to pass that stage as something natural at least that is how I felt.
Sexuality is actually decided in the womb and influences during childhood don't effect sexual orientation in any way
@@woulf3168please be respectful and consider others
@@nkellegher1938 huh 💀
An extremely well made film and oh so relatable.
I remember when I was 9, we'd just finished watching a very inspirational movie or tv show. I was filled with warm exuding emotion at the thought of the two hetro characters, being together as the story ended. I turned to my mum and said, "That was so sweet. Can I have a boyfriend like that some day?"; "Boys don't have boyfriends. Boys have girlfriends." was all she said. My simple response, "Oh" did not convey the gutted and crushed feelings that hit me in the pit of my stomach, and I was glad for that. Although well-meaning, and not meant to cast disparagement, she conveyed to me in that moment, that it was not ok, for me to be having those feelings. It would be another 40 years, before I'd have the courage to enter a proper relationship with a man that I love.
Clearly, I was old enough to 'know' what I liked. I often wonder what life might've been like, if I was allowed to just be myself.
Parents and potential parents; Consider well, the words you visit upon your children. They can have lasting and devastating effects.
Thank you so much for this comment! All very true!
Yes, words from parents to their very young kids could either destroy or support them for the rest of their lives. Choose them carefully.
Okay, but like, can we talk about how he's in for a long list of disappointments? Like, he's so fortunate to know who he is and everything, I would've loved if this happened to me too and I didn't struggle so much figuring myself out, but he's gonna have crushes on straight boys or at least boys who think they're straight for so many years, because this awfully heteronormative society makes most of us struggle with our identities for years, so we don't realize that what we feel isn't just admiration or friendly love usually until our teen years.
I had so many crushes on straight girls but I never realized they were crushes, so I never really suffered... Anyway, I just felt like sharing my thoughts because the last scene about Sammy made me think that and I just, idk, felt a little sad. I really hope that Sammy feels the same and is aware of it
truth not dogma If you are gay or know someone who is, this is important information! Sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetus development. Various hormones are introduced at specific times to accomplish this .The fetus plays no part in this process. A person is, therefore, born with a predetermined attraction. It is, therefore, not a choice & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural expression of our species & found commonplace in nature. Intelligent research in this area clearly explains this process. If you are truly interested in truth, based on knowledge, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay shows this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for yourself & others, that you are entitled to, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & must defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance. Peace
When Tyler’s brother started yelling at him and saying he is “10” and saying he was to young to know, literally made me start crying. I’m 10 years old and came out to my mom as bisexual a months ago
same :o
I love this short film. I knew since I was 8 so I can relate to this. I told my whole family in the car. Then I just forgot about it? Rejected it? I’m not sure, what I do know now is that I’m gay and it can finally be part of my identity. Now I’m 14 hoping to find a boyfriend soon!
👍 Hope you do too. I knew when I was about 7 I think. But I did nothing about it (yup, rejected it) and didn't come out until I was 25 and didn't have a bf until I was 26. Wasted time. I'm pleased it's part of your identity now. Take care.
you will have patience you'll see.
Manuel Martinez Patience for finding a boyfriend? Yes, I’ll try. I do have a crush on a guy at the moment started texting him 2 days ago. I don’t even think it’s worth it if he’s probably straight.
I know exactly how you feel because I'm Gay too since I was a kid and I understand you perfectly and I hope you can find the right guy for you I wish you the best sincerely.🙂👍
If they try to tell you you're too young -- but they probably won't. I had a "boyfriend" at your age, and had a few more until I landed THE BIG ONE at age 24. Meanwhile, look up "Anochecer" on this sort films list. It's for you.
My heart ❤️ damn. Eff you for breaking me and well done! I feel guilty for not paying for this type of content. Well done!
Such an amazing juxtaposition of being gay and being black in our society, Joel. Tyler could have easily asked Daniel, "When did you know you were black?" However, the more correct question would have been, "When did you realize that who you are was an ISSUE?" Tyler seemed to learn this at 9. Daniel likely learned of prejudice and inequality when he began school. Someday a persons sexuality will be as irrelevant as the difference in skin color between Daniel and Emily seemed to be, via their attraction for each other. Everyone is a human FIRST ... then the wonderful layers of differences are added with ZERO intent of "god", "nature", "the universe", to rank or judge one awesome "difference" against another. This filmmaker's depth and insight is BADLY need to help us get there. Thank you Joel!
I am speechless after reading all this. It's very motivating know that the pain I had to go through, once I put into art, has been causing this beautiful enlightenment on people. Thank you for those words, they meant so much more than you can imagine. Let's help spread love
"Does he like you?" So perceptive. So unjudgmental.
Yes! Perceptive and non-judgmental. I loved that line for those exact reasons. This film has such a great way of showing us how we should be interacting and reacting, but did it in such a smooth, natural way. Much love and respect to Joel Junior.
@@michaelw6222 There was a cautionary note to that inquiry.
Emily reminds me so much of my 7th grade teacher. Looks and personality. She was so kind and beautiful and always had a smile on her face. I remember one day when she told my class she's not teaching at the school anymore and she burst into tears. Miss her.
A brutally honest story about the human condition told with such gentle care. You should be proud, Joel.
“YOU KNOW NOTHING JON SNOW” perfect, this is already a masterpiece
Waiter “oh you don’t like onions?”
Tyler “I do”
Also wtf this is the nicest waitress ever
Beautifully done! It’s just like a short should be - a complete story from beginning to end. And it just left me smiling. Keep making films and telling your story!
I honestly love Tyler's humour and how wholesome this is
okay but like this is so cute but also im here as a lesbian having a crush on the waitress sooooo.... great short film tho!!
Hahaha!! She is very cute!
“I wish i had your self esteem” hahaha, lil fella played his role so comfortably… brilliant. Educational, witty, high on manners… 9 out of 10 💫✨
Who else loves this kid :) PS. I am exactly like him
I'm so glad you can relate to him!
that kid is literally amazing
This is very,very important film and hopefully it can be kept on UA-cam for many years so generations of kids can watch it (AND their parents) and find out about their lives as early as possible.
I remember when I was a kid, my mom thought I was either lesbian or straight. And she even said "Can you just come out already? I really wanna know!". She was really supportive of me and even told me "I love you and nothing can change that. If you choose to be gay that's ok. But if you want to be something else, that's also okay. It doesn't matter what you are, it just matters that you stay as my child." and It made me more confident about the future.
“Yeah. And how long have you known you’re straight? Because it’s the ‘default?’”
My mans 9 and speaking facts bro
Out of all the short films I’ve watched, this has to be my favorite 🤍
you asked 🤨
Wow!!! such a wonderful movies. Short movie but give us so deeply and so many information how we have to reaction on this situation. Thank you very much for this amazing movie.
Oh my goodness, this short movie is the most greatest short movie i ever seen! It deserved! Deserved to be a winner! Every messages sent it to audience who watch it clearly! Excellent! Lot of thumbs up👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏
I remember always knowing I liked guys but was always too scared to come to terms with it. Ever since I was outed and I went through hardships my entire world brightened and became so much easier. Like I could finally breathe... I wish I had the opportunity to come out at such a young age but I knew the reaction wouldn't be stable. I hope all children and teens even adults that decide to come out feel comfort and confidence in the people they are telling and in themselves.