Ndapanga Research Anthu Ambili Afuna Mary Chilima Ayimile UTM - Bon Kalindo

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • On Nyasa VoiceBox, Bon Kalindo says to MCP, "Malawi is a democratic country where people have political freedoms, including the freedom to vote for whoever they like." MCP may pay off top politicians and celebrities in the country to endorse MCP, but if Malawians do not want MCP, there is nothing MCP can do to win an election. He also insists that, according to his research, the best candidate for UTM is Mary Chilima. Do you agree?
    Pa Nyasa VoiceBox, Bon Kalindo auza MCP, "Malawi ndi dziko la demokalase momwe anthu ali ndi ufulu wandale, kuphatikiza ufulu wovotera aliyense amene wamufuna." MCP ikhoza kulipira akuluakulu a ndale ndi otchuka mdziko muno kuti avomereze MCP, koma ngati Amalawi sakufuna MCP, palibe chomwe chingachite kuti chipambane pachisankho. Iye wanenetsanso kuti malinga ndi kafukufuku wake, yemwe wapambana pa UTM ndi Mary Chilima. Kodi mukuvomereza?