A Very Campy Bayonetta Trilogy Review

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024


  • @rionofbahamut9751
    @rionofbahamut9751 Рік тому +639

    My main issue with Bayo 3 is that they tried to do a "passing of the torch" like DMC4 tried to do with Dante and Nero but without letting the "nero" actually be portrayed as someone worthy. In DMC4 Nero was playable a lot more and ultimately he is the one that takes out the final boss. Viola gets 3 stages and constantly gets wrecked and doesn't even get a round in on the final boss and just has the shadow eve fight in the credits. None of that screams competent new protagonist and while letting her have room to grow in the first place is a good thing she still needs to be competent to feel like her replacing Bayo is the right move.

    • @holdenbobolden622
      @holdenbobolden622 Рік тому +130

      I know girl. When she did that thumb's up at the camera I thought "Damn I hope Jeanne is alive otherwise that universe is fucked."

    • @Pheonixess
      @Pheonixess Рік тому +100

      @@holdenbobolden622 Viola is such a weird character in that they try to make her both super competent, badass sword fighter, but completely goofy, awkward, uncoordinated. Those two opposite spectrums don't mesh at all. But tone problems is what the whole game throughout had so meh.
      still pissed bayo gets all the customization and viola/jeanne get nothing.

    • @jickboi308
      @jickboi308 Рік тому +99

      Honestly I feel the bayonetta series doesn’t work with a passing the torch thing, the series is called bayonetta, the bayonetta name has never been a name to just pass down and part of Viola’s whole thing was wanting to be called by her actual name. I think her theme even mentions this. I feel this series can’t comfortably continue unless bayo is our main character, not viola.

    • @Mattznick
      @Mattznick Рік тому +10

      Oh is that why I've been seeing people not like the ending to 3?

    • @jickboi308
      @jickboi308 Рік тому +29

      @@Mattznick it’s one of the many reasons people aren’t happy with the game.

  • @decusq
    @decusq Рік тому +881

    Bayonetta as a character to me is a much needed mentor for other female protagonists to follow. Not in her look but in her personality and attitude in general. In most games women are regulated to the arch types and usually kept there. Bayonetta is a new arch type that hasn't been explored before. A female protagonist who is not only aware of her femininity but also owns it and weaponizes it to her advantage both in and out of battle. Most women are conflicted with messages like "Your more then your body" "It's the inside that counts" and other vague half assed messages. Bayonetta tells you OWN YOUR BODY and use every advantage you can! Most female characters in games treat their bodies like shells or are made to be unaware of their own sexiness or beauty. Bayonetta is totally aware of her body and who she is which is a new standard for females in general in game media. In fact the only female characters in most cases that are aware of their bodies are the villains in most media, demonizing women who use their own body to their advantage. Bayonetta not only destroys that narrative but shows a women can be aware of her body and still be a good person.

    • @jurtheorc8117
      @jurtheorc8117 Рік тому +39

      I wonder what you might think of Nariko from Heavenly Sword, when it comes to female hack-and-slash type action games. She doesn't lean into owning her sexuality as such, but due to lore context of the story she's in, she is very much discriminated and shunned within her community for being born a woman.
      Well, that's a specific take, because there's this prophecy of a man who would wield the Heavenly Sword and slay the tyrant, and she's no man.
      So it's more that she's discriminated against because she's not living up to pre-written rules before her life even began, and these rules all tie back into the titular Heavenly Sword.
      Yet she has someone to love and to protect within her community, and however strained, her father still wants to be a father to her.
      And to protect these two people -as well as the very clan that demonize her, so it would be understandable if she chose to let them suffer- she takes up the very weapon of which the existence messed up her life before it had a chance to begin.
      And in a matter of days, it will claim her life. Like anyone else who isn't the predestined hero.
      So she wields the Heavenly Sword throughout the story, and at the last stand of her people, cornered by the tyrant's forces, the sword finally claims her life.
      That's how her story begins, actually. And from there it's recounting the events of how she got in the Heavenly Sword's afterlife.
      And the most awesome thing is this.
      She realizes that the sword is useless without a wielder. It would just be a trophy of war, safeguarded so tightly that never it would taste the battle again.
      It would break the vicious cycle of people fighting over the sword so that people would take up the sword to defend it.
      So essentially, Nariko intimidates the f*bleep* out of a shard of heaven itself to bring herself back from the afterlife. For long enough to defeat the tyrant and safeguard her few loved ones' futures.
      And in this contentment, she truly passes on. And her once thankless clan gives her a funeral worthy of a goddess of battle.
      Some might look upon the story more critically and I may be telling it in a more romanticized way here, and the game itself's got rough spots (like so many).
      But when it comes to female protagonists in games, for me, a random stranger on the internet, the story of Nariko sticks with me.
      Also Jade from Beyond Good and Evil.

    • @SaberToothPortilla
      @SaberToothPortilla Рік тому +52

      This is a great comment, but to be fair, I don't think there's anything particularly vague or half-assed about statements like "You're more than your body" or "It's the inside that counts", and neither is mutually exclusive with the equally, or at least very, important message that you own your body, and it's yours to use how you see fit.
      And the only reason that I bring this up is because asserting that people should feel comfortable using their bodies to affect change in their external world is a good message, but it rings a bit hollow for people who, for whatever reason, are limited in their capacity to do that.
      It's conspicuous that more women in games don't express an appreciation for their bodies (or at least the things they can do with them) in games, but only because more women are closer to Bayonetta in games than in real life.
      Because telling someone to not be ashamed for using their body as a tool to their own ends assumes that they *can* use that tool, but the ability to make use of a tool is dependent on the environment that tool exists in. You can't chop a tree with a hammer.
      Some people just *are* axes, others are knives, others are screwdrivers. That's not something that's in their control.
      I think the more important thing to emphasize, which I think Bayonetta also does (though maybe just implicitly), is the interaction between someone's body and their *internal* world, that is, how they feel about their body in relation to themselves.
      To return to the tool analogy, to recognize that your body is a screwdriver in a forest, and love the screwdriver anyway.
      Granted, this isn't a... terribly uncommon theme in media in general, but certainly so in games, and that's usually because the kinds of stories that games tell don't have space (or the characters) to focus on that sort of thing, and when they do, they usually opt for the, "It doesn't matter anyways" approach.
      Which, while I think that's true, I emphatically agree with you that it's a waste to disregard something that is yours, and that's often what people take away from that message.

    • @Tenchigumi
      @Tenchigumi Рік тому +42

      Man, I vividly remember the days when Bayonetta rang all the alarm bells for sexual "immorality" and "objectification of women," and the marketing and hype leaned into those controversies for big publicity. To be honest, before I played Bayo, I gave it a huge eyeroll because of how ostentatiously it tried to sell sex. Now, I'm not a prude, and I enjoy attractive female characters as much as any others who are so inclined. But my mentality was that if sex was ALL this game was selling, then it couldn't possibly be a good game.
      I was so wrong. About everything. It was a fantastic game that would become one of my favorites of all time. Its usage of sexuality wasn't a crutch to mask bad gameplay, but an endearing (and sometimes zany) compliment to a charismatic and powerful female lead. In the face of all the controversy and pontificating about morals and sexism, it kinda just shrugged, did its own thing, and presented compelling new arguments as to what female empowerment could mean.
      Pretty cool for a game about spanking angels with magic pistols and punching God with giant fists made of hair.

    • @NebLleb
      @NebLleb Рік тому +10

      I guess that's why fans will be pissed off at the ending of Bayonetta 3, isn't it? Bayonetta the character is genuinely progressive, using her body to her advantage and telling people that it's okay to be aware of it. But that didn't gel well with the writers of 3...

    • @shmarkpark5268
      @shmarkpark5268 Рік тому +3

      @@NebLleb yeah bayo 3 was so disappointing to me, it was not camp or as cunt as the two other games, at least not bayo herself. Her personality I feel was also watered down, I know it's little Cereza but it is still bayo and the romance between Cereza and you know who was just ugh, felt just forced and a little random after having shown bayo be indifferent to him.

  • @tatlxtael2303
    @tatlxtael2303 Рік тому +575

    The problem with Bayo 3, to me was just suffering from “multiverse” problems. It’s… really hard to write a good multiverse plot, and They did not. The Egyptian and French Bayo’s were steps in the right direction but they didn’t push it at all in the second world. It also jsut felt like it was missing her trademark sass and power, like constantly you’re just seeing everyone dying constantly and she doesn’t really try to intervene at all, to the point it feels like she’s just not there.
    Also god damn the ending just kept bouncing back and forth between amazingly good and amazingly bad- like borderline disrespectful to the character herself.

    • @sandy_carpetsthesecond5013
      @sandy_carpetsthesecond5013 Рік тому +78

      I kinda wish Bayonetta would invervene with the deaths of the people around her too. Like, I do get that she did say she's not the "saving type", But I also don't feel like she's the kinda person who'll watch pretty much an entire country get absolutely slaughtered infront of them.
      Like girl, it's just two big homunculi, just jump in the middle of the crowd and summon a demon. She's never had a problem intervening and being nude around people before, so It does seem a little out of character for her.
      I also wish the ending was slightly better- It kinda kept dragging on, and on, and on. Like, there were what, 7 almost-deaths? And each one of them slowed down the action. Despite that, I did cry a little at the ending though. Even if I was kinda annoyed that the galpals tension between Bayonetta and Jeanne didn't actually have any real conclusion other than Jeanne's death.

    • @meowy2k
      @meowy2k Рік тому +25

      yeah if they fleshed out the multiverse story even just a little bit, included new concepts regarding the story instead of new mechanics and didn't make bayonetta more of a watcher, i think it would've been a more enjoyable game.
      it felt like nothing was learned from 1 and 2 and we were supposed to just forget about them.

    • @shmarkpark5268
      @shmarkpark5268 Рік тому +8

      Agreed, like they did our girl wrong 🥲

    • @2yoyoyo1Unplugged
      @2yoyoyo1Unplugged Рік тому +4

      I think you’re out of your mind. She’s better than ever, and the ending was amazing. I think people just don’t understand what happened because they only watched it once and didn’t analyze it like the should have.

    • @2yoyoyo1Unplugged
      @2yoyoyo1Unplugged Рік тому +11

      @@sandy_carpetsthesecond5013Just because the Bayo we play as wasn’t into Jeanne as a lover doesn’t mean a different Bayonetta and Jeanne weren’t. I think the Egyptian ones _definitely_ were.

  • @nixuniverse5240
    @nixuniverse5240 Рік тому +448

    One of Bayonetta 3’s most annoying habits for me is it’s over reliance on giant enemies in almost every Verse. I get that it was done to incentivize using/summoning Demons, but it gets very old very fast. Very rarely do you ever have a chance to let loose with your combos because all the giant enemies don’t stagger, and even if there are humanoid enemies that CAN stagger they’re usually paired up with a giant enemy so you have to continue break your combo as to not get hit.

    • @dez87
      @dez87 Рік тому +26

      True especially in a game that has alot of combo potential with slaves

    • @paradocks23
      @paradocks23 Рік тому +14

      I mean, you can continue your combo by holding the button during a dodge. I'm bad at it, but learning.

    • @momentaryretrospect5967
      @momentaryretrospect5967 Рік тому +33

      Honestly I prefer big enemies over the block tastic voyage of Bayo 2 because if you have the parry accessory equipped you can still wail on the big ones without losing your combo or relying on demon slave.

    • @EustaceCerviart
      @EustaceCerviart Рік тому +11

      That's the thing you can style them with staggers but like Wonderfull 101 to get a stagger you need to know how to break the enemies defense using specific skills that's why using the Demon Slaves are essencial while taclking more complex mechanics of the game

    • @Tenchigumi
      @Tenchigumi Рік тому +31

      I think the problem a lot of players have is that "demons" and "normal combos" seem to be two separate things in their gameplay, but for me they were always intertwined. You can do a combo and easily insert Demon attacks between your normal hits that'll stagger/guard break pretty much all enemies, and then you can go wild with your normal combos. You don't always have to be standing still to summon a demon, nor must you use them in the form of combo enders or counters. You can literally just buffer demon attacks seamlessly between your own, making even the largest enemies absolutely helpless.
      And regardless, the sheer number of demons and their incredibly varied and unique tools for cracking shells and heads is just so much fun and adds so much depth that the notion of it "getting old" was hard to consider. There's just so much tech ready to be explored here.
      I think the real issue with Bayonetta 3 is, with all this in mind, it is ridiculously easy compared to prior games, but honestly I think that was the whole point. This is Bayo at her utter god-slaying peak, of course she's going to treat everything around her like trash. The very existence of Viola (who's is toned down to almost Bayo 1 levels) emphasizes Bayo's godlike status.

  • @Dethmaster64
    @Dethmaster64 Рік тому +437

    Bayonetta may not be real, but KBash maid always will be 😍

    • @jthrone7768
      @jthrone7768 Рік тому +11

      0:03 is iconic

    • @RetroRageasaurus
      @RetroRageasaurus Рік тому +3

      @@jthrone7768 Legit THE most iconic 3-4 seconds of my entire life rn

  • @bloodblues85
    @bloodblues85 Рік тому +210

    Yes, Bayonetta does embody Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent.
    PS: I liked the dance more than I'm comfortable admitting... I'm very uncomfortable now. 👍👍

  • @meowy2k
    @meowy2k Рік тому +106

    bayonetta herself is so iconic, i'm always taken aback to finding out how her game sales are never as high as they should be

  • @12345678abracadabra
    @12345678abracadabra Рік тому +242

    Bayo in 3 is written to be cool and badass all the time that they left out the campy and outrageous aspects of her personality that made her so endearing in the first two.
    Bayo in Bayo 3 is just your typical anime protag whose story took itself way too seriously

    • @NIHIL_EGO
      @NIHIL_EGO Рік тому +20

      One of the main appeal of the franchise is that it's basically a mix between a high budget action movie and a drag queen show. In 3, it leans a tad too much toward the sooner.

    • @Teybort
      @Teybort Рік тому

      In fact, I think this is the entry that that takes itself the least seriously, as events have no real consequence in the world once Singulariti was defeated (except for bayo and luka).
      I felt this game as a celebration, a goodbye, and an opening for the series to move on. Character deaths are metaphorical, it's the team's way of saying they want to try something different for the core game from now on, which is a logical step for a team like platinum games who doesn't like repeating themselves. The main titles will definetly stay as Hack'n Slash. I trush those guys too much, they put real hearth into their work.

    • @2yoyoyo1Unplugged
      @2yoyoyo1Unplugged Рік тому +2

      I disagree. I think she was more serious because the situation was a lot darker and she didn't go up against sentient enemies for most of the game. There's no point teasing a goop boi. She still does sexy moves enough for the player to notice, though. That's my take.

    • @malum9478
      @malum9478 Рік тому +11

      @@2yoyoyo1Unplugged we get it dude. you have a completely out of wack with the rest of the world perspective on the game. you don't need to go "i diSaGReE BEcauSe acTuaLly iTS GReAt" to every critical comment.
      and you're also wrong: the enemies are all literally singularity. there's more reason to shittalk them than any enemy before--not that that's a real argument since talking shit is it's own reward. and for a situation that's "darker" she _sure_ doesn't react to _anything._ riding around on a boat like a goofball while her hometown and the millions in it perish.

    • @2yoyoyo1Unplugged
      @2yoyoyo1Unplugged Рік тому

      @@malum9478 Idk why you’re portraying my point of view as so snowflaky when I never called it perfect. You’re just making me out to be an unreasonable douchebag. Plus, who the hell are you to say what the “whole world” thinks of this game? Have you asked the whole world?

  • @C.L.Stinnett
    @C.L.Stinnett Рік тому +191

    My only real complaint is how toned down 3 was compared to 1. In 3 the most there are are some innuendos but in 1 the torture attacks always being played up, her sexuality being right there in your face. The game knew it was being overly sexy and campy and they embraced it. In 3 she just... Doesn't feel as sexually empowered but given the overall story it's not terrible.

    • @NIHIL_EGO
      @NIHIL_EGO Рік тому +19

      Except for the fight with Strider. Which just made things weird and awkward.

    • @Bane_Amesta
      @Bane_Amesta Рік тому +28

      When I read that the theme for her design was "cute", I was vindicated on this. But to be fair, I guess it fits.
      This is not Bayonetta, this is little Cereza from 1, grown up and trying to be like mommy (aka Bayo 1), to me confirmed in the final fight when she says "you didn't cried when I wasn't here right?".
      It kinda explains everything, even how this version chose Luka at all lmao. Bayo 1/2 would never xD

    • @2yoyoyo1Unplugged
      @2yoyoyo1Unplugged Рік тому +1

      @@NIHIL_EGO No, it was great, not awkward. The hell? So what kind of sexualization would you say should have been put in the game? How would you have done it different?

    • @NIHIL_EGO
      @NIHIL_EGO Рік тому

      I don't feel like interacting with the sixstringpsycho, could someone else tell him to flock off for me please ?

    • @2yoyoyo1Unplugged
      @2yoyoyo1Unplugged Рік тому +1

      @@NIHIL_EGO that’s awfully rude and kinda uncalled for. All I did was disagree with you and attempt to get you to elaborate on what was “weird” about how that fight handled the teasing side of Bayo’s personality

  • @jwilsthem.c3780
    @jwilsthem.c3780 Рік тому +79

    Bayo 2 is in my opinion the best looking animation wise and has some of the best Bayo scenes in the series that capture the flash and heart of the character.
    I've never loved Bayo more than how she is in Bayo 2.
    This being said the entire game is balanced to be way easier than the first and that honestly really hurts it's replay value.
    In Bayo 1 on a harder difficulty I can't really just mash the one combo and survive but in Bayo 2 her first punch combo with the swords, her first combo with the scythe and her entire moveset with the Chainsaws might as well play the game for you

  • @winra1217
    @winra1217 Рік тому +45

    Heres some tips for new people getting into Bayonetta:
    1. Learn dodge offset
    2. Wicked weaves reset the combo hit decrease, do them consistently to get a great combo score
    3. Taunt offset to show whos the boss
    4. There are many ways to hold your combo: shuraba charge, panther dash, taunting, and holding your gun button. Just keep hitting an enemy so the combo doesnt end
    5. Play how you wanna play !!! No combination is considered "bad", but if you wanna farm halos try kilgore x shuraba + gaze of despair. kilgore rockets are the same points, if not more than wicked weaves, they are the most broken thing in the game.

  • @Ineedgames
    @Ineedgames Рік тому +35

    Bayonetta is the kind of character gaming needed.
    Too many serious characters, with even Kratos losing what made him unique to other game characters.
    AAA gaming just doesn't have characters with a personality now.

    • @12345678abracadabra
      @12345678abracadabra Рік тому +21

      That's why Bayo 3 didn't work for me. Her character was so serious. I think they tried too hard to make her seem cool and forgot all about the other campy stuff that made her fun

    • @Ineedgames
      @Ineedgames Рік тому +4

      @@12345678abracadabra She does seem to be having less fun. But she is fighting a being strong enough to kill her.

    • @NeilAumaster
      @NeilAumaster Рік тому

      That's why xenoblade is amazing

    • @Gabry4777
      @Gabry4777 Рік тому +3

      ​@@Ineedgamesevery being she fought was strong enough to kill her

    • @Hawkatana
      @Hawkatana 15 днів тому

      Okay, I get the general criticism but Kratos has been actually improved in the Norse era. For all the shit you can say about GOW4 & 5, its handling of Kratos's character has been consistently great.

  • @twitchduke
    @twitchduke Рік тому +115

    This video might get me to go back and give 3 a bit more time.
    1 is jagged bombastic
    2 is smooth and has my favorite fight in the masked lumen sage brawls.
    3 is good on so many levels, but its lows ripped the legs out from every high for me.

    • @Dasaltwarrior
      @Dasaltwarrior Рік тому +24

      Going from the last Luka fight to the final boss is the wildest case of whiplash in this series

    • @holdenbobolden622
      @holdenbobolden622 Рік тому +12

      When I was playing 3, I kept telling myself that all of its flaws were forgivable as long as the ending was good... I know I'm being dramatic but I uninstalled the game shortly after I beat it.

    • @novustalks7525
      @novustalks7525 Рік тому +2

      There's no reason to replay 3. Its not good

  • @jacobo6652
    @jacobo6652 Рік тому +35

    What i love about bayo 3
    - demon slaves
    - new weapons
    - the customization
    What i hate
    - hard challenge rooms
    - large maps so large i miss verses
    - umbran tears of blood are hard to get
    - viola’s gameplay

    • @fuyufatins8333
      @fuyufatins8333 3 місяці тому

      I think on the one hand the idea of the katana really appealing but on the other hand its just way harder, less fun, and slow compared to bayo. And her demon is original but less good and fun.

  • @advmx3
    @advmx3 Рік тому +38

    I agree with reviewers in the sense that the story is horrible. And yes, Bayonetta is not about the story but when the game WANTS you to be invested in it and makes it a big huge part of it creating the most attention any game of the series ever created, you start edging us for a good ride and then, make us feel lost.
    Kamiya said players didn't understand the Bayo 3 ending and story, and I disagree. We understand what you want with it Kamiya, we don't understand the whole point of the plot. You could have written way better, and knowing that you didn't do much on Bayo 2 just shows why that game's story is better. The gameplay on 3 feels better and more enjoyable than 2 but the story on 2 feels more complete, compelling and never misses a beat. You have fun the entire time. Bayo 3 makes you feel like a wild ride gone wrong. The game starts serious and sad, then gets campy, then goes back to sad. That's usually NOT how they made both previous games. Especially the second game. The middle has the sadness but the best part is playing through the credits with that high pitched music making you wanna kill angels and demons and be happy with it.
    B3 ending is just sour.
    About Viola, I love her. She's a better Nero. she's not even THAT hard. Her problem are the challenge chapters with her. Especifically those you need to parry to use witch time to kill enemies. You can't equip anything in her, you have to play with what you got AND, they make sure to make one of these challenges the very first verse, and put the most horrible enemies EVER to kill because they bounce everywhere and their patterns to parry is just awful. Again, to me, her situation is more the parts where they knew we would try and give up. And I don't like that.
    I don't like the ambiguity of the story. I don't like how they wanted us to believe a romance we never see happening, EVER. I don't like how --SPOILER-- they make a different version of Viola's family understand right away who she is and feel instantly in love with her by the ending. And that's what I think makes anyone who loves Bayonetta feels sour about Bayo 3. We don't play Bayonetta to be sad at the end. We play because we want to have a good time. And bayonetta 2 was able to give us all, the Campiness, the Lesbian Aunts we always wanted, the sadness by the tragedy the protagonist went through and theover the top endings that makes us feel happy to play the game.
    So in the end, as a long-time fan of Bayonetta, since 2015 I think, when I met the game on Xbox and I know, too late I feel like, the best challenge is in bayonetta 1 but its too hardcore, the best story and presentation is on Bayonetta 2 but it's too baby easy, and the best gameplay is in 3 with the battle, which is a mix of both bayo 1 and 2. The thing is: The truth is that Kamiya rushed the story, or at least feels rushed in Bayo 3, and I really wish that they decided to go the silly routes like Bayo 1 and 2 instead of this serious, campy and huge drama we play just to be ripped off at the end and feel sadness. That's a new feeling for Bayonetta's ending, and it's not aa good feeling. It's not a good sad. So yeah.
    I love all games though. I just wish this game was better and I guess this is another example of: Keep your expectations low. We saw it with Kingdom Hearts 3, we saw it with FF7 Remake and we're seeing it now with Bayo 3 XD

    • @NIHIL_EGO
      @NIHIL_EGO Рік тому +1

      Big problem is that Kamiya had too many ideas imo.

    • @Bane_Amesta
      @Bane_Amesta Рік тому +10

      I'm wondering about why are you calling Viola a better Nero. It has to be gameplay alone, because the rest is just not even close to Nero. At least he fairly won his place and the love of the fans after starting as a whiny kid, becoming a true badass guy. Viola just took the glasses and the Bayonetta title off the ground and that's just not enough tomake her the new girl in the cover.
      Sadly I agree with you about the story. They hyped this and obviously we were led to expecting something good. But, is not even rushed, it doesn't make any sense. And Kamiya expecting us to be happy about it shows how disconnected he truly is from the fanbase. He was too busy having fun with his gameplay ideas and cramming the game with stuff, and I wouldn't be surprised if he forgot about the story until the deadline started to show. I mean, how many years we waited since the announcement?
      Specially that "romance" with literally nothing to keep it standing. Which I think can be taken down in two options:
      1° Kamiya had to justify Viola's existence somehow, but didn't wanted to create another male character for it (because Jeanne is a no no, he wouldn't cuck himself on his flat waifu... Enzo doesn't count of course, and Rodin... He's there -way more respectful and gentleman like, but he's not a white bishonen guy so ew I guess??),
      or 2°: He really believes that Luka's creepy-cringe behaviour is romantic enough, and worthy to sweep Bayo's heart. And honestly both options kinda sucks lol
      Eh, I'm ranting way more than I should, but honestly, I don't care if Kamiya has a million more Bayo games after this. I'm dissappointed already, because is painfully obvious the story will not get better after 3.

    • @NIHIL_EGO
      @NIHIL_EGO Рік тому +3

      @@Bane_Amesta Tbh we should stop breaking so much sugar on Kamiya's back, a lot of the problems probably came from the other writers/employess too. Also Viola should have been an Alternetta.

    • @HarryCasanovadevilhunter
      @HarryCasanovadevilhunter Рік тому

      How is viola a better nero?? She's a cartoon character.. Accomplished nothing in the whole game

    • @malum9478
      @malum9478 Рік тому +2

      "viola is a better nero" said no one with more than 2 braincells jfc. i mean they're doing different things, and i do like viola, but her goober slapstick shit is too excessive at times. nero, especially in 5, is a very enjoyable character all the way through. and if you mean GAMEPLAY PFFFTTT. this is just a wild take.

  • @masterseal0418
    @masterseal0418 Рік тому +39

    The Bayonetta franchise is amazing, and years before I started getting into the series, my child mind was amazed by the gameplay, cutscenes, cast, graphics, soundtrack, and story; and this was back in 2015(I think...)! Both Devil May Cry and Bayonetta, alongside other character action games like MGRR, etc are my go to when I want a challenge, and to entertain myself. Since Capcom and Platinum are working together on a new Dino Crisis game, I will continue sitting on my ass for that DMC x Bayo crossover to become realized!

  • @DeepVoiceKam
    @DeepVoiceKam Рік тому +91

    Personally this is in the top 5 games of the year for me. I love the combat, the summons were my favorite part as well as the transformations and weapons you get from the other Bayos. I didn't like Viola as a character but I LOVED her gameplay as it was different and a bit challenging, really had to earn everything. Also Jeanne's sections were amazing, she reminded me a lot of Faye from Cowboy Bepop. I think the only gripes that I had were the ending and the lock on got weird but otherwise 9.5/10.

    • @DIEFORME173
      @DIEFORME173 Рік тому +6


    • @novustalks7525
      @novustalks7525 Рік тому

      Jeannes sections sucked. And Viola is just annoying

    • @malum9478
      @malum9478 Рік тому

      completely wild take on a lot of these but hey: i'm happy for you bud.

  • @JuliusCaesar103
    @JuliusCaesar103 Рік тому +40

    Kbash and TheGamingBrit uploading Bayonetta videos on the same day, life's good

  • @EmpressOfTatertot
    @EmpressOfTatertot Рік тому +52

    "She's serving Cu--"
    just say Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent - and yass, she slays.

    • @MDonuT-of7px
      @MDonuT-of7px 11 місяців тому +4

      I wish I was able to provide a more eloquent response to this absolutely stunning comment, yet my lack in proficiency of the English language, due to not being an individual graced with it as my mother tongue, forces me to simply reply wish:
      "Werk, diva. Sniff. She ate."

    • @lizardqueen6041
      @lizardqueen6041 6 місяців тому

      ​@@MDonuT-of7pxStill eloquent, despite not being your mother tongue 😄

  • @VeritabIlIti
    @VeritabIlIti Рік тому +13

    I'm sorry how did we get through all of Bayo 1 and never talk about Jubileus, one of the craziest bosses in gaming history?

    • @lizardqueen6041
      @lizardqueen6041 6 місяців тому +1

      Getting punched across the galaxy, INTO THE SUN. You can't top that!

  • @EvanJamesAudio
    @EvanJamesAudio Рік тому +13

    I love Elden Ring, am loving God of War Ragnarok, but when I summoned the clock tower demon for the first time it was the most alive I have felt in years.

    • @NIHIL_EGO
      @NIHIL_EGO Рік тому +5

      Kratos: I have my boy.
      Bayonetta: I have a clock tower.
      Clock Tower: *_BONG_*

  • @TDJunkie226
    @TDJunkie226 Рік тому +65

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a reviewer get all of the praises and nitpicks I have for this series nailed down so precisely. Hats off Kbash!

  • @poundcake681
    @poundcake681 Рік тому +4

    I’m sorry but I never found myself able to enjoy Viola or her segments. I just found her unbearable😭

  • @Vastald
    @Vastald Рік тому +22

    9 seconds in and im already laughing my ass off
    props to you, kbash; your writing and humor is the reason why I can undauntedly click on half-hour videos on youtube about games i barely know anything about

  • @BeatGoat
    @BeatGoat Рік тому +25

    Bayo 1 is still my favorite after all these years. My first playthrough was just me bumbling through the game utterly confused and getting my ass handed to me. Now, I have Pure Platinumed it on most difficulties and platforms (yeah, I still enjoy it so much, I keep purchasing the ports), and all I can say is that, although the game can be extremely punishing, it's equally rewarding. If you're feeling frustrated with it on your first run, stick with it - it's so worth it when you finally "get it".
    As an aside, I don't think that switching up the gameplay every now and then was due to the combat not being able to stand on its own. Especially in Bayo 1, which, in my opinion, to this day, has got the tightest combat system in the series. It's just a Kamiya thing. Personally, I don't mind it, although Pure Platting the missile segment almost gave me carpal tunnel. And there is always Angel Slayer with hours of non-stop combat for anyone who just wants to fight. :D

    • @daryanguy
      @daryanguy Рік тому +8

      NGL my favourite addition to 3 is the ability to start from a specific verse, cause i HATE having to do the missile section just to get to that Jean fight.

    • @Adri564style
      @Adri564style Рік тому +5

      Yeah that missile part is absolute pain

    • @Raeyanetta
      @Raeyanetta Рік тому

      Out of curiosity, how long did it take you to get a 100% pure platinum run? I have around 270 hours between the Bayonetta games, 150 on the first, but I still haven’t gotten all pure plat on 1

    • @BeatGoat
      @BeatGoat Рік тому +2

      @@Raeyanetta My very first save file was almost at 300 hours when I completed PPing it on Normal, Hard, and Infinite Climax (the Xbox 360 version). It took a while before I actually decided to do a full Pure Platinum run, I was mostly just playing for fun, getting all the achievements, etc at first. Then I did both Easy modes too, but sporadically, in-between long Angel Slayer sessions.

    • @Adri564style
      @Adri564style Рік тому

      @@Raeyanetta in my first pure plat run (normal mode) took me 18 hours (because i was bad and use the killgore glitch) in my second pure plat run it took me 11 hours (without killgore) glitch, now i am doing pure plat in hard difficulty and it is tooking me 14 hours (also i need to beat the last 4 chapters)
      Pd: i speak spanish so my grammar will be bad

  • @jethiliusavalar6449
    @jethiliusavalar6449 Рік тому +7

    The only problem I have playing as Viola is her witch time cuz it's hard to retrain myself to hit a different button for witch time. Other than that, I love summoning Cheshire and throwing hands. It's great

  • @yeetkunedo
    @yeetkunedo Рік тому +24

    Another glorious breakdown by gaming YT’s genuine treasure

    • @Ayanamiame
      @Ayanamiame Рік тому

      gracious and glorious indeed

  • @Fidel_Cashflow
    @Fidel_Cashflow Рік тому +19

    The only Bayonetta game that actually functions as a videogame is the one that Kamiya didn't touch. I wish Bayo 2's combo and witch time system was more like 1's, but it's the only one I'm even remotely interested in replaying.

    • @novustalks7525
      @novustalks7525 Рік тому +5

      Objectively wrong. 2 was nearly perfect and 3 was a disaster

  • @witchwaist
    @witchwaist Рік тому +65

    More and more, I'm realizing that I'm in the minority of players for whom story comes first, gameplay second. I've started digging into the mechanics recently and I'm having a good time, but they weren't what drew me in initially. That was Bayonetta herself, her story & her character. And Bayonetta 3.. I think the direction of the games going forward is clear, assuming we get more games. But this was a clear warning, that if you don't like what Bayo 3 has to offer, you're not going to want to stick around for what's coming.
    I'll listen to the warning, and hop off here. It was a beautiful ride for the first two games, but 3 felt like falling off the back of the train.

    • @Val17282
      @Val17282 Рік тому +22

      Me too. If it wasnt the way Bayonetta was written, I would've never picked it up.
      I absolutely loathe 3.

    • @NIHIL_EGO
      @NIHIL_EGO Рік тому +18

      People keep saying that we don't play Bayo for scenario, but we definitely play for the characters.

    • @wayverleesoulsong
      @wayverleesoulsong Рік тому +6

      I do feel hopeful for Cereza and the Lost Demon, but if there will be a Bayo 4, and we have to play as Viola? Sorry, but no thanks

    • @NIHIL_EGO
      @NIHIL_EGO Рік тому +3

      @@wayverleesoulsong She's going to need to take her yass pills.

    • @confused9026
      @confused9026 5 місяців тому

      @@Val17282I played one and two just to prepare myself for three. Let’s say the visuals of three were better than the story. I’m very much a lore person. In my best universe three has a good story with a campy girl boss ending

  • @grimbobagman4133
    @grimbobagman4133 10 місяців тому +5

    Bayonetta 3 is possibly the most unapologetically fun video game I've ever played. I love all three games but none of them brought me as much pure joy as 3 did. I was ALWAYS excited to see each new weapon and transformation, the minigame boss fights either had me dying of laughter or just gleefully wide-eyed, waiting to see what they had coming next. I get that the story rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but it really gets to me that so many people could let that override the absurd fun factor Bayo 3 has. Sometimes all I'm looking for in a video game is fun and I can't think of many other games in recent years that deliver exactly that more than 3 did.

  • @SoManyHaystacks
    @SoManyHaystacks Рік тому +12

    I don't feel like I can give this a watch yet, because I haven't been able to play 3, but I gotta help Kbash boost those analytics!!

  • @887frodo
    @887frodo Рік тому +6

    This is my favorite franchise ever! And I’ve played the first and second game about 5 times each!
    Ranked, my favs are:
    1- Bayonetta 2
    2- Bayonetta
    3 to 9- Every single piece of media Bayonetta has ever appeared on. Including that phone shin megami tensei game where she was a summonable demon.
    10- Bayonetta 3 because it technically has Bayonetta in the name.
    Amazing, high quality video.

  • @twelvesevven4678
    @twelvesevven4678 Рік тому +4

    Nothing has beat 1 for me, which is a shame. 2 was good, but just not close enough. 3..3 was bad.

    • @dez87
      @dez87 Рік тому +9

      Disagree. 2 is the worst imo and 3 is second best. 2 legit dosent want you to combo for shit

    • @TheSeaBase
      @TheSeaBase Рік тому

      Ya 3 and 1 are my favorites. 2 had cool art direction but to me is largely forgettable. I think bayo is so similar overall that people's preferences among the 3 is really gonna show which game is ones favorite

    • @Kiddo_williams
      @Kiddo_williams Рік тому

      @@dez87 I couldn’t combo much on bayonetta 3 since enemies power through your combos lol

    • @dez87
      @dez87 Рік тому

      @@Kiddo_williams no they don't

    • @Kiddo_williams
      @Kiddo_williams Рік тому

      @@dez87 They definitely do combos do not stick they power directly through it also Also some of the gameplay is bad
      Her new guns are slow and bad and weak compared to other games and in order to play with love is blue or the first game pistols you’ll need a save what?????!
      Also no checkpoints before encounters
      The camera and autotarget is a complete mess.
      They also removed separate weapons for hands and feet which was a weird choice and bad at that why make such a silly step back?
      Also some enemies have really broken hitboxes and really is confusing to hit the dodge when you still get hit while mashing dodge lol a complete joke.

  • @LizardKingRequiem
    @LizardKingRequiem Рік тому +7

    I love this trilogy, and i was so ready to hail Bayonetta one of the best trilogies/franchises in all of gaming (i still might do so sometimes), but 3…. God the choices made for that game are baffling to me on so many levels.

  • @LizardKingRequiem
    @LizardKingRequiem Рік тому +10

    Im honestly thinking of making a Bayonetta 3 review/analysis as my first “big” youtube video so Ill try to toss my thoughts out rlly concisely here
    Story: 1&2 are underrated and 3’s is so frustrating and poorly handled that it makes me appreciate the other two even more
    Gameplay: 3 has so much insane creativity with weapons and the demons its so impressive, viola is like the B1 katana + bayos gun-punches and kicks and shes really fun! Sadly she feels incomplete next to Bayo’s thesaurus of moves. I just wish she was as important/capable as kamiya wants us to think she is.
    Great video KBash!! 🫶🏽

  • @math9172
    @math9172 5 місяців тому +2

    I am here a year too late but oh well.
    Regarding the difficulty of Bayo 2 vs 1 :
    The First Bayo game has the difficulties :
    - Very Easy
    - Easy
    - Normal
    Available at the start. BUT as you said the normal mode is absurdly difficult for a first playthrough, and I think it was Kamiya/Platinium being a bit sadistic and mentally manipulating players into thinking "What ?? No way I'm playing on Easy ! I'm gonna pick the highest difficulty right away."
    YET said difficulties *should* be named :
    - Easy
    - Normal
    - Difficult
    This is something the other two games change, with the available difficulties for a first playthrough being right away named :
    - Easy
    - Normal
    - Difficult.
    Here's where I'm getting at : *You picked "Normal" for Bayonetta 2, it's normal that the game felt easier to you than the first. You should've started directly with "Difficult" because it's equivalent to the first game's "Normal".*
    I swear to you if you had picked "Difficult" or tried Infinite Climax, you would've swallowed your teeth against quite a few enemies xD.

  • @Tenchigumi
    @Tenchigumi Рік тому +15

    I think thematically, the decreasing difficulty in each Bayonetta makes sense.
    In Bayo 1, Cereza has only been aware of the last 20 years after spending 500 years in a coffin: she's inherently powerful as the Left Eye of the World, but maybe a little rusty.
    In Bayo 2, Cereza learns the power of friendship and/or love, and uses it to demolish everything on the way to Inferno to save her best friend and/or super-special roommate, and thus has an easier time Umbran Climaxing on these losers on the way to saving the world on a whim. Again.
    In Bayo 3, Cereza reaches the absolute peak of power. Having already defeated two creation-myth Gods and the concept of death itself, she's now in her absolute prime, casually summoning kaiju monsters by Riverdancing, and happily trouncing a reality-devouring cosmic horror by OVERRULING ITS GRIP ON REALITY. With a Bayo this powerful, it's no wonder the game feels so much easier; most of the challenge comes from the framerate and lock-on shenanigans.

    • @Subukuru
      @Subukuru Рік тому +6

      Also bayo 3 didn't spend 500 years in a coffin like the others I think

    • @Tenchigumi
      @Tenchigumi Рік тому +3

      @@Subukuru Yeah, that part is a little weird, because I've seen compelling evidence to that notion, but at the same time the character bios state that the Bayos from 1, 2 and 3 all lived similar lives and had similar struggles (as a way to suggest that all three of them could have been the protagonist in every game), so I'm a bit torn.

    • @pablotomasllodra4423
      @pablotomasllodra4423 Рік тому

      @@Tenchigumi I think Alter Bayo 1 is from Bloody Fate while Alter Bayo 2 is from the Records of Time of her game, which is an alternate timeline in itself.

    • @Tenchigumi
      @Tenchigumi Рік тому +2

      @@pablotomasllodra4423 So they're all different people on different timelines, but I think what their bios implied were that despite being different people, they still lived similar lives with minor differences, so all three of them could have been the protagonist in their own versions of the first two games. It's not the most elegant or sensible explanation for continuity problems, but at least they sorta tried?
      Also, fun fact, the Bayo who dies fighting Singularity in the intro is Viola's actual mother, and despite looking like Bayo 1, is ALSO an entirely different person.

    • @LoliconSamalik
      @LoliconSamalik Рік тому

      @@Tenchigumi Yeah. Bayo 2's timeline looks like her universe is just a year ahead of Bayo 1's.

  • @hehehefunnyname9613
    @hehehefunnyname9613 Рік тому +7

    It might be just me but I think dmc is so much better after hideki kamiea got taken off of it. I feel like I can actually have fun in them

    • @lizardqueen6041
      @lizardqueen6041 6 місяців тому

      He only worked on DMC1 tho, and 2 was a stripped-down dumpster fire. 3 was a miracle, and the rest is history

  • @DoubleDeadMeat
    @DoubleDeadMeat Рік тому +230

    Seeing KBash in a maid outfit while dual wielding making me feel warm somewhere

  • @JuliusCaesar103
    @JuliusCaesar103 Рік тому +9

    No matter which parts you like most, that soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard my entire life.

  • @UnifiedEntity
    @UnifiedEntity Рік тому +2

    Bayonetta 3 drops the ball for me. This new girl just aint it for me and not feeling what they were going for with her.

  • @NoxiousDonny
    @NoxiousDonny Рік тому +3

    The year is 2022 and UA-cam critics are still missing the main mechanic of Bayonetta?
    It’s not a get witch time and punish type of game, you can play it that way on normal and hard but dodge offset is the main mechanic and where the real fun and genius of the game is. I really wish Platinum did a better job of teaching players

  • @Kuuribro
    @Kuuribro Рік тому +5

    That was fun XD 10/10 outro
    I liked Bayo 1 and LOVED Bayo 2 and I am huge supporter of her as a character, I just havent had the time or the pull to play 3.
    That said, KBash you have a really unique way of making everything you talk about sound like a genius level masterclass straight from the souls of the creators. Heard it first in the TWEWY video, and I've caught glimpses of it in every video since.
    Love it, keep doing what you're doing 💯

  • @JessieBlackheart
    @JessieBlackheart Рік тому +20

    Seeing KBashs egg crack in front of us is literally sex

    • @silverdrag0n_
      @silverdrag0n_ Рік тому


    • @JessieBlackheart
      @JessieBlackheart Рік тому

      @@silverdrag0n_ an "egg" is slang for a trans person who hasnt realized theyre trans, having their "egg crack" means they've realized it/come to terms with it. it was a joke

    • @silverdrag0n_
      @silverdrag0n_ Рік тому +1

      @@JessieBlackheart i know what it means, i'm trans myself, it is just commonly agreed among trans people that speculating in other people's "egg cracking" is something you shouldn't do

  • @ASwagPecan
    @ASwagPecan Рік тому +2

    I really enjoyed Bayonetta 3, though Bayo 2 has the best combat

  • @PanthalassaRo
    @PanthalassaRo Рік тому +5

    Great video never played a Bayonetta game because I suck at action games but I was curious enough to see the video, they seem dumb fun.

  • @sssdrake
    @sssdrake Рік тому +6

    excellent video as always.
    in my recent plays of all 3 games theres really something for everyone in each game.
    1 feels the tightest and sharpest but sharp in the way an old rusty knife is sharp, its sharp but after a time you notice the clunk tho at its core is a solid player skill driven experience.
    2 flows SOOO well but enemies seem to either be too squishy or too spongy because of the new climax button. and as noted you are rewarded less for witch time because it is so easy to get it. it feels like papa nintendo walked in and made sure to lower the skill floor so it was accessible to babby newbies which not a bad thing in this case is usually a toxic thing to do to a game, if it needs to be tight then let it be tight.
    3 has some of the most satisfying combat i think, the weapons feel better likely because they can be expanded upon due to the removal of the hands and feet system. the demon summoning is cool but i think its a detriment to the enemy and arena design, you spend most of the game pounding on fat guys in huge rooms. enemies in this are bland and unmemorable, i understand angels and demons only go so far but the homunculi all look the same. the game doesn't reach the same highs as the previous games but also aren't brought down by insanely annoying gimmicky 7 real life minute long after burner and space harrier segments, the Gomorrah grinding and spider distraction segments are there but are over in a flash.
    viola sections are just that, frustrating but playable.
    i wont bring up the stories in any of the games because they are all supposed to be cooky nonsense in the first place so in my mind the cookier the better. except the villain of 2. fuckin trash bag man.

  • @axelprino
    @axelprino Рік тому +6

    I only played the first Bayo game but I remember laughing my ass off whenever something crazy and out of left field happened, I never even considered that some people might dislike the side stuff with different gameplay styles, also hearing the Outrun music sneaking its way into any scene with a car in it made me smile like an idiot. I think I might share a sense of humor with Kamiya.

  • @kyonkochan
    @kyonkochan Рік тому +5

    Gotta say I love the maid outfit Kbash-chan. I hope most people just treat it as a cute thing and don't get too creepy.
    Also love your assessment of Bayonetta. I always argued like you did that it's a game that's on the whole a female empowerment game.

  • @sidar87
    @sidar87 Рік тому +2

    You could have at least said how underwhelming bayo3 enemies are compared to 1 and 2. Because honestly fighting power ranger goob monsters wasn't the direction I wanted to see in a bayo game.

  • @humbleheathen69
    @humbleheathen69 Рік тому +1

    Not big on viola's make up. She looks to much like the new Tanya from crash 4 and I think I realize I might not like colorful lipstick all together. But everything else about her is perfectly fine.

  • @jadebayoba7073
    @jadebayoba7073 Рік тому +2

    4:42 i don't like dmc BUT GOD DO I LOVE DANTE, i am so gay im sorry ohlordielord

  • @bel7090
    @bel7090 Рік тому +4

    Ok you kinda rock that costume at what the hell

    • @datguyuno98
      @datguyuno98 Рік тому +2

      Oh no, I've seen this play out before, one Pyrocynical is enough for the world

    • @bel7090
      @bel7090 Рік тому +1

      @@datguyuno98 lmao

  • @TrinSpin
    @TrinSpin Рік тому +2

    Have yet to (and likely never will since I lack a Switch and can't be assed to emulate) play Bayo 3 but just need to express my amazement at how similar the enemies look to the design of Mag - from Warframe - with an Asa syandana and maybe Nova's default helmet

  • @ag9953
    @ag9953 Рік тому +2

    Motherhood is sexism? Ugh

  • @bruhmoment4118
    @bruhmoment4118 Рік тому +1

    I'm not going to just dunk on it gratuitously, as the game didn't leave me angry and/or empty after finishing it and I genuinely had fun with the combat - but I can sympathize with people that fell out of love with Bayonetta because of 3. (I used to be a Silent Hill fan.)
    Bayo's combat wasn't half-assed and the music is as good as ever, but _everything else_ feels like such a half-measure that I wonder if Platinum lost resources during development. The graphics are washed out, the framerate is not stable, the story is tonally inconsistent and rushed, the characters are even more undercooked than they already were... over four years in development hell, and barely anything to show for it. Kingdom Hearts III spent about as long in development, and it still feels more complete than Bayo 3!
    It's a bitter pill for me to swallow, but PlatinumGames has run out of steam. I appreciate PG's efforts, but for my own sake, I've decided to move on from this company.

  • @thecrashtestgenius1
    @thecrashtestgenius1 Рік тому +2

    15:32 - "Bayo 2 goes down smooth. _Did you drink all that pineapple juice for me? Oh, you!_ "
    Sweet baby Jesus, this is some unhinged journalism.

  • @grimm_satisfaction1292
    @grimm_satisfaction1292 2 місяці тому +2

    Thomas is the best demon, fight me.

  • @DeadEye935
    @DeadEye935 Рік тому +2

    I'm really curious how you'd find Wonderful 101, as it has every kamiya-ism cranked up as hard as it can go. For better or worse.

  • @tiagocosmos
    @tiagocosmos Рік тому +8

    not KBash in a maid uniform making me feel all kinds of things as I am overjoyed to have one of my favorite series (1 and 2, i haven't played 3 and probably never will) ever reviewed by one of my favorite youtubers. Well done sir, sexy Gaming Jesus in Maid Uniform.

  • @Swishy_Blue
    @Swishy_Blue Рік тому +1

    Solid video. Funny video.
    That Raspberry lipstick is
    D I V I N E on you.
    12 outa 10.

  • @mewtlyon5492
    @mewtlyon5492 Рік тому +7

    Thanks for reviewing this series! Always thought Bayonetta was both cool and funny at the same time, with just the right amount of cheese, kind of like RE4 Leon.
    For me the first is still the best I actually beat it on all difficulties back on xbox 360 and got all 1000 gamerscore, it was the only game I have ever felt compelled to keep mastering through the higher difficulties like that. Katana + Ice skates so cool!
    As for the second I don't really remember much of it apart from the music being great, and some cool weapons like the chainsaws. Also playing it on the Wii U Fisher Price gamepad really ruined it for me lol, try being precise on that thing.
    Finally, the third for me was real high highs and real low lows. Any time I was not playing Bayonetta I wanted to stop playing and turn it off, but when I was Bayonetta it was such much fun. Love the demon forms so cool and creative, Madamma Butterfly is the best!
    However, Viola on the other hand as a character and to play as I found insufferable and obnoxious. The graphics really sucked on switch, just blurry and not much going on. But the ending... no spoilers actually had me feeling emotional. So all over the place for me personally.

  • @KhaosKontroller
    @KhaosKontroller Рік тому +8

    Hot take but I think Bayonetta 2 is the best pure hack n slash ever made.
    This whole trilogy is excellent. I'd rank em 2, 3, 1.

    • @gabrielsandor3474
      @gabrielsandor3474 Рік тому

      I haven't played 3 yet but I love how consistent was the overall quality of the first two games. Besides the platforming and driving/riding/flying sections which you rarely see I enjoyed pretty much everything those games had to offer. While DMC 1, 3 and 5 are really solid titles, the first game has very outdated mechanics, I never liked most enemies and bosses in DMC3 and hated the levels where you were forced to play as Nero or V in DMC5 (fucking hated V's combat). Revengeance was also really fun but sometimes it felt a bit unfinished in my opinion. I also dropped Nier:Automata, still have to finish a God of War title and Diablo-like games are just too different from modern hack and slash titles to even compare them. Haven't really played other hack and slash games worth mentioning so I have to agree with you here. :)

    • @TheHalloweenSpirit
      @TheHalloweenSpirit Рік тому +1

      Same opinion here 💙

  • @santiagoescalantealonso5962
    @santiagoescalantealonso5962 Рік тому +4

    For me the most fun parts and enjoyable aspects of the bayonetta series are the “endgame” parts, in the first game, the angel slayer that kind of works as an “endless” level to master all your skills and only focus on combat, so i dont have to replay the story to fight and that way avoid the parts of mobility in the story

  • @fnkyron
    @fnkyron Рік тому +2

    Yo straight up, having played all the DMC’s and fully S’d DMC5, easily my fav spectacle fighter, my first play through of bayo1 ALMOST made me hate the game. That said, I like it well enough and think Bayo 2 was excellent.

  • @najeejenkins7070
    @najeejenkins7070 Рік тому +17

    I actually loved all the different gameplay segments , I don’t want to just fight endlessly all the time, but once I do get to fight it’s def a treat. I really feel like 3 is such an enjoyable ride for me even the Jeanne sections.

    • @Tenchigumi
      @Tenchigumi Рік тому +4

      I agree; I feel like 3's little diversions are entertaining at best, and don't overstay their welcome at worst. Plus, if you're a Pure Plat hunter who only wants core gameplay, you can now effectively skip parts of every mission once you've gotten pure plat on the diversions. Everyone wins.

  • @novustalks7525
    @novustalks7525 Рік тому +1

    They should have kept panther within its way faster

  • @RyanBeardy
    @RyanBeardy Рік тому +1

    KBash... you look... different. 😳👉👈

  • @KellyRobotoson
    @KellyRobotoson 9 місяців тому +1

    “Hey Kamiya, why is Jeanne a centipede?” Might be my favorite kbash line of all time.

  • @heavenly2k
    @heavenly2k Рік тому +2

    Historically, Bayonetta was never my type of game ... Or so I thought. My gf was playing it and I tried it for a second and fell in love. The combat is so good. What game can you turn into a panther while sprinting then into a crow to glide and then also use your clothes that is hair to punch someone with a giant fist with the force of 100000 megatons?

  • @ilikestamps2978
    @ilikestamps2978 Рік тому +4

    If only the third game didn't ruin the entire plot...

    • @marcheharvey2301
      @marcheharvey2301 Рік тому +2

      What plot? The three games separate form each other now lmao

  • @k.constantine
    @k.constantine Рік тому +1

    Charge attacks aren't new. Neither is parrying. Both have been in Bayonetta since the first game.

  • @thegoose8663
    @thegoose8663 Рік тому +1

    Some might, but I don't respect the "vision". To hell all the "quirky" and "fun" gameplay switching and minigames.
    Ugh... When will there be any good character action indie games...

  • @carringtonpageiv6210
    @carringtonpageiv6210 Рік тому +1

    dang I struggled through Bayonetta 1 assuming normal was the default. then I finished and realized I can't play on normal competently and I HAVE to go to hard mode or restart the game with no items. so frustrating!

  • @TheBandoBandito
    @TheBandoBandito Рік тому +1

    Astral chain review when?

  • @Kiddo_williams
    @Kiddo_williams Рік тому +1

    Hated bayonetta 3 story and certain gameplay mechanics

  • @BenOlsberg1995
    @BenOlsberg1995 Рік тому +3

    Absolutely loving these uploads. Bimonthly new KBash videos are a couple of the highlights of my months and I always look forward to them. And holy hell man did you effortlessly own that maid getup. You fuckin slayed it my friend.

  • @brainydiode
    @brainydiode Рік тому +1

    Didn't watch this video when it came out because I only beat Bayo 3 about a week ago, but I'm really glad to hear from somebody else who seems to have enjoyed 3, because while I agree that the story (and especially the ending) kinda sucks in 3, it's probably my favorite game in the series simply by virtue of being the one where I was thinking "I have no idea what's going on, but it's really cool and really fun" the most. I remember reaching the Umbran Clock Tower boss for the first time and laughing so hard that I could barely fight the thing. It was just the kind of absurd, over-the-top silliness that I come to Platinum for.

  • @Kozoku
    @Kozoku Рік тому +1

    Same character for 100 games/matches? I've played only Nightmare since Soulcalibur. You gotta pump up those numbers, those are rookie numbers.

  • @ryanmachell9688
    @ryanmachell9688 Рік тому +1

    Kbash going to try and get to the top of banter shitposty character-action critic. Look out Gamingbrit

  • @bill930505
    @bill930505 Рік тому +2

    The Bayonetta Stuff UA-cam channel has managed to master Viola in a Pure Platinum chapter for the first time, and how they managed to do it will leave you shocked. 😮 Plus, fellow Bayo YT analysts RakunX and Johto Jonny have managed to breakdown exactly how the story dialogues in the games, alongside the descriptions of characters, items, places, and enemies, directly lead to the next game, but also expand what the scope of the Bayo Multiverse is. Well, until Bayonetta 0 and Bayonetta vs. Dante (alongside others) will clear out the intended path.

  • @tim2timmy
    @tim2timmy Рік тому +2

    I choked on my food when I saw Kbash in the maid uniform🤣 !! hahaha great video as always~

  • @claudiegarnier4560
    @claudiegarnier4560 Рік тому +1

    Im new to the franchise, is bayonetta 3 a good entry for me?

  • @21minute
    @21minute Рік тому +1

    Please do a review of the Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy.

  • @teneesh3376
    @teneesh3376 Рік тому +1

    3 really feels limited by only having 2 weapons at the same time. With weapons now being even more limited, I want to swap between more weapons on the fly.
    Even if more than 2 can be too much, have it be an accessory you can unlock after the first playthrough. Just like DMC5

  • @Gamepersonality
    @Gamepersonality Рік тому +2

    Why is MaidBash scolding me with disapproving eyes? What did I do to deserve this?!

  • @Tb40556
    @Tb40556 Рік тому +1

    I don’t hate viola but I’d be lying if I said that going for pure platinums with such an unforgiving character was more fun that frustrated.

  • @mattedits3857
    @mattedits3857 Рік тому +1

    Just wanna point out red and blue make purple
    And enzos car is the color of the box art in every game

  • @davidhollowelljr949
    @davidhollowelljr949 Рік тому +2

    The Canadian bayo bit fucking killed me dude goddamn

  • @HRIgnomious
    @HRIgnomious Рік тому +4

    29:23 I like Viola's personality and style, but the main problem I have with her is that gameplay-wise she doesn't really have anything unique going on for her like Nero did. She basically just feels like a weaker Bayonetta; anything that Viola can do Bayonetta can do as well (and often better). Nero had the whole Devil Bringer moveset and the Exceed mechanic on the Red Queen, as well as moves that required inputs unique to him.

    • @Tenchigumi
      @Tenchigumi Рік тому +4

      I think the problem is that while Viola was teased to be "Bayonetta's Nero," it turned out that she was 100% her own thing and wasn't meant to emulate DMC's formula.
      If you recall when DMC4 first came out, people were passionately torn on Nero. As beloved as he would later become, when he debuted a lot of people resented him for appearing to replace Dante. They were like "who's this weird kid? We want Dante! Where are Dante's levels? You gave them all to NERO!? WRRRRRYYYYYY!!!"
      There was a genuine fear that this would be Dante's final outing, and people hated Nero for stealing Dante's spotlight during what could have been his last hurrah.
      So Bayo 3 did the opposite. Instead of forcing Viola into a starring role the fans weren't ready for and giving Bayo a bunch of half-assed levels, they made sure to give Bayo the most lavishly content-rich send off possible, and provided a preview of Viola that was interesting, but merely a glimpse of her future potential. After all, this was still Bayo's game, and Bayo was still the star.
      And thematically, the whole "Bayo can do it better" thing is intentional. Viola serves mostly to emphasize just how insanely powerful Bayo has become. Viola is young, untested, and has a lot to learn, and you can feel how awkward her learning process is as you, the player, awkwardly learn her mechanics.
      That said, I still think Viola has some pretty unique traits and plays VERY differently from Bayo. Her parry is obviously quite different and higher risk, demanding more positional precision and is far less forgiving than dodging (or Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa parrying). Her summon is powerful but can't be controlled, and removes almost all her defensive capability. Her gameplay is simply more difficult, and I think the theme in future games will be seeing her mature to her full potential, and eventually finding unique ways to stylishly crush her foes. It's just not her time yet.

  • @jrreplays77
    @jrreplays77 Рік тому +1

    I feel like 3 suffered due to the covid lockdown. The ending felt a bit rushed with so many unanswered questions,and a few things feel like they just didn’t have time to implement (ex: the datamined Jeanne voice lines found in game hinting that she was probably supposed to be playable outside of the extra chapters). Hopefully it gets dlc but I’m not holding my breath. Still fun as hell though

  • @ryandooley287
    @ryandooley287 Рік тому +1

    Why not play Bayonetta 2 on a harder difficulty than normal?

  • @Vonthenerd
    @Vonthenerd Рік тому +1

    My only problems is that 2 and 3 aren’t on multiple platforms

    • @ikedatike2533
      @ikedatike2533 Рік тому

      Like I definitely need that on my Xbox or PlayStation. The fact that two or three are in neither is insane

  • @thelaughingrouge
    @thelaughingrouge Рік тому +1

    That 10 minute afterburner sequence in bayo 1 legit made me sick. Never played it again after that.

  • @GojiGuy
    @GojiGuy Рік тому

    Homie's trying to say DMC and NG didn't have random ass bullshit inbetween fights as well? I had to drop DMC because there was so much not fighting!
    Dont get me wrong, I hate that shit in Bayonetta, but I'd rather apeshit space harrier than running around opening doors and backtracking.

  • @Blarglesnarfe
    @Blarglesnarfe Рік тому +4

    I'm really glad you like Viola. I can in *no way understand it,* but I'm genuinely glad.
    Bayonetta 3 disappointed me, but not wholly.

  • @alonsogonzalez1279
    @alonsogonzalez1279 Рік тому +1

    For Bayonetta 3; if you have Bayonetta 1 and/or 2 in the Switch’s caché, you can buy the guns from 1 (Scarborough Fair) and 2 (Love Is Blue) respectively getting back the panther and the crow for long walks!!!!!

  • @holy9781
    @holy9781 Рік тому +1

    Did he just say "women,weapons,weaves"? I officially died lmaoo

  • @ObaREX
    @ObaREX Рік тому +1

    Many thanks for not spoiling the 3rd game so I could still give you the view.

  • @UnifiedEntity
    @UnifiedEntity Рік тому +1

    Any version of Nero > Viole