One of your better guests. His is so insanely cognizant of nuance, idiom and basic use of precision grade communication. A scientifically trained intelligent mind is a wonder to behold.
A black hole's temperature, if it has one, doesn't matter because the heat can't escape. I don't know enough about hawking radiation to say how it would affect temperatures of any stuff around it. That might make it feel hot.
It's so interesting how we have transitioned from religion into untestable theories. Where the people whose paycheck is reliant on the public not paying attention to their lack of actually testable and provable output; keep asking people to have faith, in their untestable theory. In the exact same manner priests of Osiris kept telling people to have faith, in their theory, that paying taxes and sacrificing to their temple. Brings better floods.
There is a fundamental difference between "untestable" and "currently untestable." When Einstein predicted gravitational waves, they were untestable, and indeed, he believed they will never be testable. Yet here we are. The tribes of the Amazon rainforest can't test whether the earth is round or not. You can test that with stuff from your hardware store. It's a matter of technology. String theory is a goog and possible explanation of what we see, and thus is a worthwhile scientific endeavour, but no one wants you to blindly believe in it. To the contrary. People are actively working on ways to test it.
I am intoxicated, so take this question with a grain of salt. But what if the reason gravity is so much weaker than other forces is because there is only a finite amount possible? One of the fundamental assumptions of our current physics is that space/time is infinitely deformable...but maybe it isn't. Could it be possible there is a sort of "tension" on space-time that limits how strong gravity can get in a given area?
The best (an worst) questions and ideas come from outside the scientific "box". Dr. Beacham and a few other's aside, most scientists stick to mainstream ideas to keep friction to a minimum. I've asked so many questions that require a lot more salt than this one.
@@Kelnx I think that, like Newton, Einstein found a better model to explain and predict gravity but it's at the very least incomplete. Consider that gravity is cumulative and proportionate to the amount of matter in an area. It could explain why dark matter.'s influence is focused around all cosmic structures and possibly why the opposite affect occurs in the voids. I am so far outside the box that I doubt that there is a box at all. I wish I took physics instead of wood shop.
if light doesnt experience time, does it experience space ? Or is space not "space" since its together with time ? Does space experience time? How old is something that doesnt experience time? And if its invisible light and carries heat ,does heat experience space and time? And how about quantum entanglement? What is the instant connection through space ?Using only light another dimension? Is testing not in itsself a conception that limits to understand all? Like needing a mirror in the dark? Hence schience lasts forever? What does forever mean ? Endless addition of years? Does light last forever , because it has zero age? What is existence?
Wow, an hour and a half! A special treat! 🙂 Too bad Hawking is no longer around to get a Nobel prize for Hawking radiation if a black hole could actually be created and Hawking radiation be observed.
I feel like his dismissal of the question of fine tuning is more trying to keep a God out rather than a genuine desire to wonder and understand. Whether the is one or not is irrelevant to my point I'm just saying that he seems rather dismissal for a silly reason. People keep professing the idea of keeping an open mind but dude has shut his hard. It's such an interesting thing to think about.
In a recent interview with Curt Jaimungal, Leonard Susskind himself stated unequivocally that String Theory was dead and theoretical physics needs to move in other directions. I'd be curious what Dr. Beecham's opinion on that would be.
Statement made "if something is not measurable then it isnt real". And "String Theory is not dead" String Theory as it stands is not a scientific theory because its predictions cannot be tested using the scientific method. I view String Theory as a Mathematical Philosophy at the moment.
A funny tidbit is that while the black hole drive is less powerful than warp drive the Federation and other space faring races use, the Romulans stick with it because it was developed on Romulus and no one else wants to use it. They're using antiquated technology out of national pride 😂
Guy says "show me" because he needs evidence... and then talks about string theory... which has ZERO evidence and is completely untestable. You cant pick and choose which untested/untestable idea you want to believe... and THEN mock religion. Fyi, im an athiest, but i dont mock belief
I mock religion, because it is clearly Iron Age fan fiction. I don’t mock scientific theories because even though they are likely incorrect, they historically lead us toward actual discovery and are actually focused on knowledge rather than pretending that some supernatural guy did it, case closed.
Ligo disproves string theory. Of the black hole mergers gravity wave strengths/sizes of distortion, no loss was found (no tiny spaces where gravity would fill up and weaken over distances.
I love: 42.00: "what can test directly on particle physics experiments what we can do on earth". I wonder would there be a dreamer out there who'd talk of colliders in space. And what would be needed. Or did you do an episode about that kind of stuff already... Once upon a time I could remember all your episodes :D EDIT: 44:20! Ok, so he was talking of colliders in space. We need the good Dr. back with crazy*** plans!
"Our religion is founded on spiritual experience, seen and heard as sure as any physical fact in this world. Not theory, not philosophy, not human emotions, but experience." St Nikolai Velimirovicb
I live in both worlds and just laugh when I hear scientists trying to discuss religion or spiritual things. The two don't exclude one another. Einstein hated being labelled as an atheist, though he was not fond of religion, he was open to more.
Big fan of the channel. I need however to point out one thing that is sort of annoying with all these super clever scientists on the channel. Many namely seems to be hung up on this “we’re just monkeys so what do we know about the universe” line of argument. To me it seems misanthropic and frankly a bit dumb. Isn’t life itself the greatest achievement of the universe? And, isn’t it like the mystics of old theorised - that humanity is the way for the universe to observe it self?
Yes one line of thinking is that we are all one consciousness experiencing life, through many different people and experiences, in order to learn or understand itself. Alan Watts once said something along the lines of "A fruit tree fruits and the universe peoples."
If I understand Einstein's theory of gravity I wouldn't think there would be a force carrier for gravity thus no gravitons? As I understand it gravity according to him is a geometric ? force if I'm using that term correctly caused a ?geometric? displacement of spacetime due to mass so IMHO that removes it as a fundamental force? since it seems more of a reactive force if even the word force is a correct term for it. Also the "Force" of gravity seems to only have a single direction (vector?) to it , i.e. pulls only, as the other 3 forces are bidirectional i.e. + -, N S etc...
I don't want to quibble over language imprecision, especially when it comes to the forces we're talking about, but you're right that gravitons (i.e. a force carrying particle for gravity) are not required to make gravity work in Newton's or Einstein's gravity.
I'm jumping up and down with joy with that last answer about hallucinations. I had the same idea years ago after I had a sleep paralysis episode for the first time and saw an alien during the event. Thankfully because of how the event proceeded I was able to to recognize that it was a sleep paralysis episode and I didn't actually have a real visitation experience. Even since then I've wondered if there was some unknown condition that could produce hallucinations seemingly real as sleep paralysis. I absolutely don't think that would explain everything and I still entertain the possibility of aliens or even maybe visitation but I think a lot of legitimate sightings especially of the close encounter kind could just be a really big brain fart.
DMT, mushroom or Ayahuasca trips famously have experiences where people claim to meet entities. A lot of people feel they genuinely tapped into some other dimension to meet them. Something to look into if you find it interesting
Step 1: multiply miscellaneous physical constants together until you have only a unit of length remaining Step 2: ??? Step 3: this number defines the boundary beyond which quantum mechanics stops applying
Great talk. I really enjoyed his idea of grabbing on to a photon. It reminded me of a thought I had a while back about spontaneous emissions. Like... Say some atom does a spontaneous emission (lol) somewhere. The photon travels halfway across the universe and then is absorbed by another atom. One in the sensor of a telescope on a planet that didn't exist when the original emission occurred, for example. If you were to grab onto the photon as the spontaneous emission occurs. It would seem to you like you instantly teleported to the receiving atom in zero time. Regardless the distance. The way I read things, the receiving atom, or some component of it, would be entangled with the transmitting one. Through time. Is that right? Can atoms/particles be entangled with each other to some extent across halfway the universe, through space and time? Merely through radiant light shining on them. I mean for the photon no time passed. Emission and absorption occurs at the same time. One orbital loses energy, another so very very far away, gains energy - At the same time from the perspective of the photon. Just because we're looking from the frame of reference of the photon, doesn't make it not true. And then... How "spontaneous" is the emission really, if there's an instantaneous connection and exchange from one perspective? Where are the borders of the cause and effect?
Does cubic bent space curl back on to the cube to make negative space? Negative space is bent. What about it is bent? It's geometry is negative. Negative space is another dimension. We can get to other dimensions if we bend.
There is no singularity. Beyond the event horizon, there is simply reality going sideways into a new realm/region. The apparent impossibilities of the equations approaching the infinities is just to tell you that you have found a region of new directions.
Love how confidently this man says that atheism is humans default mode when for 99% of our existence it was totally normal to believe in Gods/Spirits/Fae
8:37 err, so, I'm seriously confused here, a Planck length, being the smallest measurable distance... If a sphere (like an electron?) were a planck length in diametre, whats its radius?
It isn’t exactly the smallest measurable distance, it is the smallest meaningful distance, and basically a usefully construction based on constants of the universe. You could think of Planck distance as the distance light travels in a unit of Planck time. Both are related to Plancks constant which has to do with an electrons angular momentum. Obviously light could cross half the distance in half the time, though. So to answer your question if something has a diameter of 1 Planck length, its radius is half of a Planck length. Now can that scale be measured? I’m not clear on that but it’s well understood that a black hole couldn’t be less than one Planck length, apparently.
You can talk about distances less than the Planck length … but there’s no way to measure something that small, because it’s theoricized that a photon or object of something small enough to measure it would collapse into a black hole (one quantum of energy at that wavelength has a Schwatzchild radius greater than that length).
Seems like maybe gravity is the sum of all the directionless magnetic pull of atoms? But you would probably be able to disprove something like that very easily
"i'm a hardcore empiricist" and right after "atheism is the default condition of humankind". I like that paranoia in the political rotten minds of new scientists
Let’s try fusioning up some pet Stars, first. 😬 Or it’s time for, ‘You were so preoccupied with if you *could*, you didn’t stop to think of you *should*.’
If you could make an apple sized black hole on earth. Could you stick your arm in it without the rest of you getting sucked in? Imagine feeling your arm getting spaghettified.
Seems like it would still only be the mass of an apple, but I have watched videos somewhere discussing microscopic black holes in the center of a star would keep growing. So dunno.
Ah, good episode, some things I like to chew on. The current viable string theories I know of are M-theory and K-theory. Both have 3+1 versions. Never got to talk to anyone about manifolds and entanglement. Though a lot jump to mass to like to gravity, energy is a good chunk people seem to miss. Einstein mass and energy warping/bending space. Awesome, he got some of the plank limits. The hawking radiation part is good also, though skipped blast wave for references to another part. Also photon pressure and such. A black hole a future event cloaked in warped time. Also the virtual infinity/singularity. They have solution sets, though few talk about degenerate matter and time distortion and relations relative to the core going out. Natural limits, even the universe as a natural limit. Which also gets to the differences between the big bang and the universe as a black hole 12.5 light years in diameter with error bars ticking in a way to go off/explode/gravity melting into energy. The coldest to hotest phase transition, nuclear burn with 100%, and can cause some censorship along with production. Neutrinos falling into a black hole and condensing into a unique fluid before degeneracy/melt. Also gets to big bang and fluidic neutrinos CNB (cosmic neutrino background ). Personally I don't think there is a graviton, but still know about few of the theories. To the accelerator part. Yes huge, but can be reduced some by intergration of gravitational wave detection. But your still looking at big. I hope they link some of the gravitational wave detectors for triangulation and mapping, even gravitational foam and the contribution to quantum foam if any. Side note. Matter has a valley of stability and antimatter should have the same. The slight differences between them coming out with the heaviest elements, antielements. Also the recent report of Helium and anti Helium existing close together and not destroying each other Another side note. TOE, GUT, string theories, Penrose twistor, and a few others are all variants of hidden variables. Bell even argued for hidden variables after his results. Schrodinger time dependant equations, Hydrogen, Helium the easy ones. 3 body and up growing more complex as the atomic numbers go up. The slit/ double slit reinterpreted some. 1/137, fine grain constant/orbital shell, meets Hisenberg limit showing a banded defraction pattern that traces back to the slit/slits. The tripple polarized light trick is dependant on angles, but there is room for an argument of harmonics for interference and also manifolds. It's kind of like the quantum collapse fuss that's not really a problem. More of which one do you want to use or argue. Constraints. We can find them all over. Quantum foam/lumpiness/smoothness within the universe, Planck limits, limits on dark matter and energy and particle production and so on. Time a persistent illusion. Typically light and particles used to describe it. T=0 no particles yet and a natural cutoff at the energy level needed to create this universe. R=0 and virtual infinity from being able to be pushed further into the future. 1 particle CERN has found that fits for a core type. If you really want to go there. The universes size when the last particle decays and the work done. Or even further and no photons even close enough to interact and red shifting and photons getting to a sudo ground state. And the size then. Also a slightly different perspective. A boltzmann time bomb with time flows that can differ, but all end up in the same larger timeline in the end. The weirdness of when looked at a way, the amount of time that can happen shrinks as decay happens from matter and the total amount of stuff made, decays away. ( argument: how much time does the last 2 particles have vs the universe in its state now. Also if you use the size of the space(photons,quantum foam) at points like the last particle decaying. If the universe is a natural cutoff regime or limit. Then you get a few ways to calculate a probabilistic universe over. Things like universe artifacting helping with things like plains. 55:55 lol magic numbers reminds me of magic shell modeling, and islands of stability theories. 57:37 One for the quantum multiverse/manyworlds was quantum computers along with CERN search for dimensionality. There was a site from D-wave people called hack the multiverse about programming quantum computers. Showing the interests for some people even back then. Besides those move away from the shared reality we all exist in. 1:03:25 I love SETI, but wish it was expanded some. If alien is fleeting short sparks for intelligence and intelligent species lead to A.G.I. and then A.S.I.. That gives filters and techno signatures to look for. In a way it gets back to constraints and limits of types. I don't think they would be here in biological at first. But if you want to get into crazy WTF possibility. Memetic imprinting over time. Welcome to wonderland of science and mathematics. ALICE detector and almost perfect fluidity ( H3 superfluidity boojum) and the white rabbit timing ToF. O.S. Root and trees and libraries. Tweedle sets and quantum cats and snark graph theory and color theories. CERN the looking glass into wonderland. Alice strings and Alice rings and hedgehogs. Chemistry mirror, Cheshire molecules, the particle zoo and table of elements and isotopes. 1:17:56 When technology becomes indistinguishable from magic. 1:20:09 Humans are a highly delusional species. The internet is part of the proof of that. 1:21:40 Constructive. Gravitational wave triangulation, improved neutrino detection, the neutrino floor, CNB mapping. Antimatter valley of stability mapping. 1:23:45 Question. Can you make a metamaterial bubble? Casimir effect should link to dark energy and matter. ( constraints on such ). Part depending on framing/how it's framed. Also have they tried to make a metamaterial for photon wells or neutron lensing? Back to UAP. Intelligent species will want to send Von Neumann probes for networking back and bioprinting along with DNA/RNA printing and atomic printing. Data and through put. Why go looking for aliens when humans are already so alien from each other? Great episode. Keep up the good work.
@X85283 Not sure what got to you about posting the coment. I do seem to offend religious though. Christians got me locked out of Facebook and Twitter/X is locked also. No need for a podcast. Especially with only a cell phone lol. It would have been nice to have a grouping to talk with on parts, but A.I. is improving fast enough and then A.I. will be the better choice and no need for humans after, or a small select grouping like before. If you want to talk a point. Pick one and dislike enough so I and other people know which version/variant if a few paths or theories exist for the topic/point. To many talk past each other and not always talking about the same variant/thing. That's why I like this channel. They talk constructively and good science theories.
I did not know the term String Theory come from an Alternate model of mathematically understandable electron. Made of wicked small strings in some sort of perpetual motion and perhaps in some form of relating to all electrons state of dimensional perspective and it is impossible to get these string theorists to back down on any ground because they have answers for everything.
Makes a die hard argument to prove how science has nothing to do with belief because of "evidence" @1:01:50 proceeds to state that there are lots of unexplained things in science @1:04:35.
Thanks for the great content, John! P:S: I recommend you listen to this at 75% speed. There's also an addon called "UA-cam Playback Speed Control" With this one you can set increments of 5%.
I've heard this before when physicists from Cern say that microscopic black holes are perfectly safe and will evaporate immediately due to Hawking radiation. They are probably right in their theories, but it is still just theories. If they are wrong, it could be an explanation for the Fermi paradox, as most intelligent beings out there might have made the same mistake and destroyed themselves. When they exploded the first atomic bomb, they feared that the bomb could create a fusion reaction in the atmosphere that could wipe out all life on Earth. They exploded the bomb even though they were still unsure if this could happen. When you start experiments that theoretically can wipe out all life on Earth, you should be 100 percent sure that it is not dangerous, 99.99999 percent certainty is no longer good enough.
Listening to these two talk about "Beautiful math" in theories is very ironic, when it is exactly the problem in particle physics and cosmology., "If you ask a particke physicist if he wants a new and bigger accelerator, he will say yes" I think i heard Sabine Hossenfelder say that once.
At one time, whether or not you could "understand" string theory was deemed a measurement of your intelligence. Now, it appears to perhaps not even exist. I wonder what non-existent concept is beeing deemed the new meause of intelligence
The are pictures and video taken with phones......unfortunately phones were never designed to take images of fast moving objects in the sky. So you end up with video with just a blurry object streaking past in a fraction of a second or an object in frame with nothing around it to compare speed or size
Is string theory dead or is it hanging by a thread?
I'd like to see this can go on. The internet has jokes and could spin this ball of yarn
It’s hanging by a 1 dimensional string
This all seems like a bit of woolgathering if you ask me
@@baahcusegamer4530 🤣🤣🤣 you win the internet today
One of your better guests. His is so insanely cognizant of nuance, idiom and basic use of precision grade communication. A scientifically trained intelligent mind is a wonder to behold.
Best channel on YT.
Thanks, Korey.
According to Hawking's theory, the smaller the black hole, the more radiation it gives off. Wouldn't a micro-black hole be extraordinarily hot?
And extraordinarily temporal?
It would radiate what it has faster than it can accrete more mass. It would be very hot, but tiny. Then it would be gone.
A black hole's temperature, if it has one, doesn't matter because the heat can't escape. I don't know enough about hawking radiation to say how it would affect temperatures of any stuff around it. That might make it feel hot.
It's so interesting how we have transitioned from religion into untestable theories. Where the people whose paycheck is reliant on the public not paying attention to their lack of actually testable and provable output; keep asking people to have faith, in their untestable theory. In the exact same manner priests of Osiris kept telling people to have faith, in their theory, that paying taxes and sacrificing to their temple. Brings better floods.
Very true seems to me his untestable theory is no different then religion
There is a fundamental difference between "untestable" and "currently untestable." When Einstein predicted gravitational waves, they were untestable, and indeed, he believed they will never be testable. Yet here we are. The tribes of the Amazon rainforest can't test whether the earth is round or not. You can test that with stuff from your hardware store. It's a matter of technology. String theory is a goog and possible explanation of what we see, and thus is a worthwhile scientific endeavour, but no one wants you to blindly believe in it. To the contrary. People are actively working on ways to test it.
I think you completely lost what he actually said
@@Frog89mad Quite intentional. Cognitive bias is very sly at times.
Except that Religion is a very old theory and disproven many times over and over again.
Short answer: No, string theory is not dead. It is also no more alive than any other unifying theory that cannot be tested.
It's great that you named your episode, "Is String Theory Dead?" when Dr. Beacham says only someone producing click bait would say that.
Dr Beacham believes what he is told. He is not a critical thinker. He does not have to think, only remember things.
@@digbysirchickentf2315 explain. Why the hate?
@@buddhamack1491 likely because he's a truther
I am intoxicated, so take this question with a grain of salt.
But what if the reason gravity is so much weaker than other forces is because there is only a finite amount possible?
One of the fundamental assumptions of our current physics is that space/time is infinitely deformable...but maybe it isn't. Could it be possible there is a sort of "tension" on space-time that limits how strong gravity can get in a given area?
Question taken with a few grains, a lime, and some tequila.
@@sagittariusa2008 Just don't mistake the salt shot with the tequila shot, cause...
@@sagittariusa2008 kek
The best (an worst) questions and ideas come from outside the scientific "box". Dr. Beacham and a few other's aside, most scientists stick to mainstream ideas to keep friction to a minimum. I've asked so many questions that require a lot more salt than this one.
@@Kelnx I think that, like Newton, Einstein found a better model to explain and predict gravity but it's at the very least incomplete. Consider that gravity is cumulative and proportionate to the amount of matter in an area. It could explain why dark matter.'s influence is focused around all cosmic structures and possibly why the opposite affect occurs in the voids. I am so far outside the box that I doubt that there is a box at all. I wish I took physics instead of wood shop.
if light doesnt experience time, does it experience space ? Or is space not "space" since its together with time ? Does space experience time?
How old is something that doesnt experience time?
And if its invisible light and carries heat ,does heat experience space and time?
And how about quantum entanglement? What is the instant connection through space ?Using only light another dimension?
Is testing not in itsself a conception that limits to understand all? Like needing a mirror in the dark? Hence schience lasts forever? What does forever mean ? Endless addition of years?
Does light last forever , because it has zero age?
What is existence?
Wow, an hour and a half! A special treat! 🙂
Too bad Hawking is no longer around to get a Nobel prize for Hawking radiation if a black hole could actually be created and Hawking radiation be observed.
So that is quite a list of theoreticals.
Question isn’t should we make a black hole. It’s can we make a black hole and hurl it into space, and hit a target with it accurately?
DARPA just got a chub
I'm gonna curb your enthusiasm and call it a nuclear cannon before it even starts being an idea. Cannon or rifle, you choose.
@@aserta gravity cannon has more of a ring to it
A small black hole hurled at the earth with speed would zip right through it with little damage. They would make for an excellent propulsion, though.
I feel like his dismissal of the question of fine tuning is more trying to keep a God out rather than a genuine desire to wonder and understand. Whether the is one or not is irrelevant to my point I'm just saying that he seems rather dismissal for a silly reason. People keep professing the idea of keeping an open mind but dude has shut his hard. It's such an interesting thing to think about.
In a recent interview with Curt Jaimungal, Leonard Susskind himself stated unequivocally that String Theory was dead and theoretical physics needs to move in other directions. I'd be curious what Dr. Beecham's opinion on that would be.
We should be so lucky...
String Theory is woke science and woke will never die, unless it takes everyone else with it.
Statement made "if something is not measurable then it isnt real". And "String Theory is not dead"
String Theory as it stands is not a scientific theory because its predictions cannot be tested using the scientific method. I view String Theory as a Mathematical Philosophy at the moment.
There's lots of things we know are real that we lack the ability to measure.
Love the longer talks ❤ thanks
Great conversation, i enjoyed from start to finish
We need something like the romulans with black hole drives.
can you imagine a more dangerous thing than antimatter? every romulan ship is a starkiller
You want interdimensional bugs? Because that's how you get interdimensional bugs.
A funny tidbit is that while the black hole drive is less powerful than warp drive the Federation and other space faring races use, the Romulans stick with it because it was developed on Romulus and no one else wants to use it. They're using antiquated technology out of national pride 😂
@@aserta Lana did it.
Good interview! Thanks for the episode!
How can someone so smart, be so stupid. So anything that can't be measured is likely not real.... like String Theory?
The eye and the visual cortex 😮well designed to do what it evolved to do
Guy says "show me" because he needs evidence... and then talks about string theory... which has ZERO evidence and is completely untestable. You cant pick and choose which untested/untestable idea you want to believe... and THEN mock religion. Fyi, im an athiest, but i dont mock belief
No but it's the only rational theory that can account for gravity.
Calm down, Tyler
Untestable!? Only because we don't live in a kardichev 3 galactic civilization! _SCIENCE!_
I mock religion, because it is clearly Iron Age fan fiction. I don’t mock scientific theories because even though they are likely incorrect, they historically lead us toward actual discovery and are actually focused on knowledge rather than pretending that some supernatural guy did it, case closed.
if military grade targeting system video and radar doesnt count as visual evidence then im not sure exactly what he wants.
JMG the imagery and video you show over these discussions is awesome
Ligo disproves string theory. Of the black hole mergers gravity wave strengths/sizes of distortion, no loss was found (no tiny spaces where gravity would fill up and weaken over distances.
I love: 42.00: "what can test directly on particle physics experiments what we can do on earth". I wonder would there be a dreamer out there who'd talk of colliders in space. And what would be needed. Or did you do an episode about that kind of stuff already... Once upon a time I could remember all your episodes :D
EDIT: 44:20! Ok, so he was talking of colliders in space. We need the good Dr. back with crazy*** plans!
I think string theory is fairly absurd, based on what we've discovered so far. A passionate and compelling guest, however
"Our religion is founded on spiritual experience, seen and heard as sure as any physical fact in this world. Not theory, not philosophy, not human emotions, but experience."
St Nikolai Velimirovicb
I live in both worlds and just laugh when I hear scientists trying to discuss religion or spiritual things. The two don't exclude one another. Einstein hated being labelled as an atheist, though he was not fond of religion, he was open to more.
Religion is founded in superstition and ignorance.
Perfect guest - part 2 please
Edit; for real John, what an amazing episode
Edit2: amazing hosting John ❤
Should we make black holes??
Dr. Beacham is wonderful! His talk on black holes is amazing. Nice video as always.
Glad you liked it!
Big fan of the channel. I need however to point out one thing that is sort of annoying with all these super clever scientists on the channel. Many namely seems to be hung up on this “we’re just monkeys so what do we know about the universe” line of argument. To me it seems misanthropic and frankly a bit dumb. Isn’t life itself the greatest achievement of the universe? And, isn’t it like the mystics of old theorised - that humanity is the way for the universe to observe it self?
Yes one line of thinking is that we are all one consciousness experiencing life, through many different people and experiences, in order to learn or understand itself. Alan Watts once said something along the lines of "A fruit tree fruits and the universe peoples."
I agree. Also, whenever aliens are brought up, they're always "so much more advanced than us."
That was fascinating until the guy managed to fit in a comment about DEI… as one of those so-called “oppressed people group”, I’m tired of that shit.
Love the way this guy describes the process.
String Theory has kept Physicists in pocket protectors for decades and will continue to do so.
It's the Bigfoot of physics. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence $
Works on colliders and advocates for them :surprised-pikachu:
This needed to be 4 hours longer. Great episode!
Thank God, another Event Horizon episode
"The supernatural does not exist, because if it did, it would be natural."
Theology in shambles, I'm sure.
He's not wrong though
"There is no walls, only windows and doors"...
I do not trust PhD Beachams research.
"Infinity doesn't make any sense to me"
Sounds like a personal problem
"Earth is evil with its resurfacing."
Io has entered the chat.
If I understand Einstein's theory of gravity I wouldn't think there would be a force carrier for gravity thus no gravitons? As I understand it gravity according to him is a geometric ? force if I'm using that term correctly caused a ?geometric? displacement of spacetime due to mass so IMHO that removes it as a fundamental force? since it seems more of a reactive force if even the word force is a correct term for it. Also the "Force" of gravity seems to only have a single direction (vector?) to it , i.e. pulls only, as the other 3 forces are bidirectional i.e. + -, N S etc...
I don't want to quibble over language imprecision, especially when it comes to the forces we're talking about, but you're right that gravitons (i.e. a force carrying particle for gravity) are not required to make gravity work in Newton's or Einstein's gravity.
What a great episode 😊
Thanks for going to bat for the interest of mainstream science being applied to ufology, Missouri Man.
The unfortunate nature of militant atheism, inability to acknowledge I don't know what I don't know
I think somehow everyone knew it was dead but string theorists since the beginning
I'm jumping up and down with joy with that last answer about hallucinations. I had the same idea years ago after I had a sleep paralysis episode for the first time and saw an alien during the event. Thankfully because of how the event proceeded I was able to to recognize that it was a sleep paralysis episode and I didn't actually have a real visitation experience. Even since then I've wondered if there was some unknown condition that could produce hallucinations seemingly real as sleep paralysis. I absolutely don't think that would explain everything and I still entertain the possibility of aliens or even maybe visitation but I think a lot of legitimate sightings especially of the close encounter kind could just be a really big brain fart.
DMT, mushroom or Ayahuasca trips famously have experiences where people claim to meet entities. A lot of people feel they genuinely tapped into some other dimension to meet them. Something to look into if you find it interesting
Step 1: multiply miscellaneous physical constants together until you have only a unit of length remaining
Step 2: ???
Step 3: this number defines the boundary beyond which quantum mechanics stops applying
What replaces quantum mechanics at that level?
Seems like a stupid idea until we’re a space faring race.
1:28:45 I guess granite cut with cnc cut like precision isn't advanced enough for him
Good one this week :)
Great talk. I really enjoyed his idea of grabbing on to a photon. It reminded me of a thought I had a while back about spontaneous emissions. Like... Say some atom does a spontaneous emission (lol) somewhere. The photon travels halfway across the universe and then is absorbed by another atom. One in the sensor of a telescope on a planet that didn't exist when the original emission occurred, for example. If you were to grab onto the photon as the spontaneous emission occurs. It would seem to you like you instantly teleported to the receiving atom in zero time. Regardless the distance. The way I read things, the receiving atom, or some component of it, would be entangled with the transmitting one. Through time. Is that right? Can atoms/particles be entangled with each other to some extent across halfway the universe, through space and time? Merely through radiant light shining on them. I mean for the photon no time passed. Emission and absorption occurs at the same time. One orbital loses energy, another so very very far away, gains energy - At the same time from the perspective of the photon. Just because we're looking from the frame of reference of the photon, doesn't make it not true. And then... How "spontaneous" is the emission really, if there's an instantaneous connection and exchange from one perspective? Where are the borders of the cause and effect?
Does cubic bent space curl back on to the cube to make negative space? Negative space is bent. What about it is bent? It's geometry is negative. Negative space is another dimension. We can get to other dimensions if we bend.
Larger colliders is the best idea he can come up with? Clown world
Slow your roll, we're here to listen
There is no singularity. Beyond the event horizon, there is simply reality going sideways into a new realm/region. The apparent impossibilities of the equations approaching the infinities is just to tell you that you have found a region of new directions.
It is at best "String Hypothesis".
Also your channel is literally my favorite, just had to fan girl for a second 😍 your voice is 🤤
String Theory was asked if it is dead - it doubled itself up, frizzled out its hair and stated “I’m a frayed knot!”
Just about my favorite Doctor.
Bad audio from JMG on this one; guest sounds fine
Love how confidently this man says that atheism is humans default mode when for 99% of our existence it was totally normal to believe in Gods/Spirits/Fae
He could have explained it better. I think he means that you have to be taught a religion. If you were never taught one you would be an atheist.
Oh i can't wait to watch thisn
8:37 err, so, I'm seriously confused here, a Planck length, being the smallest measurable distance... If a sphere (like an electron?) were a planck length in diametre, whats its radius?
It isn’t exactly the smallest measurable distance, it is the smallest meaningful distance, and basically a usefully construction based on constants of the universe.
You could think of Planck distance as the distance light travels in a unit of Planck time. Both are related to Plancks constant which has to do with an electrons angular momentum. Obviously light could cross half the distance in half the time, though.
So to answer your question if something has a diameter of 1 Planck length, its radius is half of a Planck length. Now can that scale be measured? I’m not clear on that but it’s well understood that a black hole couldn’t be less than one Planck length, apparently.
What if the minimum radius is one planck length?
Reductionist nhillism strikes mathematics again!
You can talk about distances less than the Planck length … but there’s no way to measure something that small, because it’s theoricized that a photon or object of something small enough to measure it would collapse into a black hole (one quantum of energy at that wavelength has a Schwatzchild radius greater than that length).
@@enterprisesoftwarearchitect Ah. Thanks for that. Kind of like the energy needed to pull apart quarks creates a quark?
Seems like maybe gravity is the sum of all the directionless magnetic pull of atoms? But you would probably be able to disprove something like that very easily
Guest was chill af lol
Yay longer episode thank you!
Don’t all humans have a single black hole?
@@sn-vj5wx No
My ex has one in her heart.
Not if you bleach it.
"i'm a hardcore empiricist" and right after "atheism is the default condition of humankind". I like that paranoia in the political rotten minds of new scientists
9:38 You can't beat..... gravity, John.
Let’s try fusioning up some pet Stars, first. 😬
Or it’s time for,
‘You were so preoccupied with if you *could*, you didn’t stop to think of you *should*.’
If you could make an apple sized black hole on earth. Could you stick your arm in it without the rest of you getting sucked in? Imagine feeling your arm getting spaghettified.
that sounds like Cunk
Seems like it would still only be the mass of an apple, but I have watched videos somewhere discussing microscopic black holes in the center of a star would keep growing. So dunno.
An apple sized black hole would weigh about 10 times more than the Earth, but it would only last a fraction of a second.
@_BLACKSTAR_ Where would all that material go when it didn't last anymore?
@@_BLACKSTAR_why would it last just a fraction of a second?
Ah, good episode, some things I like to chew on. The current viable string theories I know of are M-theory and K-theory. Both have 3+1 versions. Never got to talk to anyone about manifolds and entanglement. Though a lot jump to mass to like to gravity, energy is a good chunk people seem to miss. Einstein mass and energy warping/bending space. Awesome, he got some of the plank limits. The hawking radiation part is good also, though skipped blast wave for references to another part. Also photon pressure and such. A black hole a future event cloaked in warped time. Also the virtual infinity/singularity. They have solution sets, though few talk about degenerate matter and time distortion and relations relative to the core going out. Natural limits, even the universe as a natural limit. Which also gets to the differences between the big bang and the universe as a black hole 12.5 light years in diameter with error bars ticking in a way to go off/explode/gravity melting into energy. The coldest to hotest phase transition, nuclear burn with 100%, and can cause some censorship along with production. Neutrinos falling into a black hole and condensing into a unique fluid before degeneracy/melt. Also gets to big bang and fluidic neutrinos CNB (cosmic neutrino background ). Personally I don't think there is a graviton, but still know about few of the theories. To the accelerator part. Yes huge, but can be reduced some by intergration of gravitational wave detection. But your still looking at big. I hope they link some of the gravitational wave detectors for triangulation and mapping, even gravitational foam and the contribution to quantum foam if any.
Side note. Matter has a valley of stability and antimatter should have the same. The slight differences between them coming out with the heaviest elements, antielements. Also the recent report of Helium and anti Helium existing close together and not destroying each other
Another side note. TOE, GUT, string theories, Penrose twistor, and a few others are all variants of hidden variables. Bell even argued for hidden variables after his results.
Schrodinger time dependant equations, Hydrogen, Helium the easy ones. 3 body and up growing more complex as the atomic numbers go up.
The slit/ double slit reinterpreted some. 1/137, fine grain constant/orbital shell, meets Hisenberg limit showing a banded defraction pattern that traces back to the slit/slits. The tripple polarized light trick is dependant on angles, but there is room for an argument of harmonics for interference and also manifolds. It's kind of like the quantum collapse fuss that's not really a problem. More of which one do you want to use or argue.
Constraints. We can find them all over. Quantum foam/lumpiness/smoothness within the universe, Planck limits, limits on dark matter and energy and particle production and so on.
Time a persistent illusion. Typically light and particles used to describe it. T=0 no particles yet and a natural cutoff at the energy level needed to create this universe. R=0 and virtual infinity from being able to be pushed further into the future. 1 particle CERN has found that fits for a core type. If you really want to go there. The universes size when the last particle decays and the work done. Or even further and no photons even close enough to interact and red shifting and photons getting to a sudo ground state. And the size then. Also a slightly different perspective. A boltzmann time bomb with time flows that can differ, but all end up in the same larger timeline in the end. The weirdness of when looked at a way, the amount of time that can happen shrinks as decay happens from matter and the total amount of stuff made, decays away. ( argument: how much time does the last 2 particles have vs the universe in its state now. Also if you use the size of the space(photons,quantum foam) at points like the last particle decaying. If the universe is a natural cutoff regime or limit. Then you get a few ways to calculate a probabilistic universe over. Things like universe artifacting helping with things like plains.
55:55 lol magic numbers reminds me of magic shell modeling, and islands of stability theories. 57:37 One for the quantum multiverse/manyworlds was quantum computers along with CERN search for dimensionality. There was a site from D-wave people called hack the multiverse about programming quantum computers. Showing the interests for some people even back then. Besides those move away from the shared reality we all exist in.
1:03:25 I love SETI, but wish it was expanded some. If alien is fleeting short sparks for intelligence and intelligent species lead to A.G.I. and then A.S.I.. That gives filters and techno signatures to look for. In a way it gets back to constraints and limits of types. I don't think they would be here in biological at first.
But if you want to get into crazy WTF possibility. Memetic imprinting over time. Welcome to wonderland of science and mathematics. ALICE detector and almost perfect fluidity ( H3 superfluidity boojum) and the white rabbit timing ToF. O.S. Root and trees and libraries. Tweedle sets and quantum cats and snark graph theory and color theories. CERN the looking glass into wonderland. Alice strings and Alice rings and hedgehogs. Chemistry mirror, Cheshire molecules, the particle zoo and table of elements and isotopes.
1:17:56 When technology becomes indistinguishable from magic.
1:20:09 Humans are a highly delusional species. The internet is part of the proof of that.
1:21:40 Constructive. Gravitational wave triangulation, improved neutrino detection, the neutrino floor, CNB mapping. Antimatter valley of stability mapping.
1:23:45 Question. Can you make a metamaterial bubble? Casimir effect should link to dark energy and matter. ( constraints on such ). Part depending on framing/how it's framed. Also have they tried to make a metamaterial for photon wells or neutron lensing?
Back to UAP. Intelligent species will want to send Von Neumann probes for networking back and bioprinting along with DNA/RNA printing and atomic printing. Data and through put.
Why go looking for aliens when humans are already so alien from each other?
Great episode. Keep up the good work.
Equally great comment!
Jesus Christ bro, start your own podcast
@X85283 Not sure what got to you about posting the coment. I do seem to offend religious though. Christians got me locked out of Facebook and Twitter/X is locked also. No need for a podcast. Especially with only a cell phone lol. It would have been nice to have a grouping to talk with on parts, but A.I. is improving fast enough and then A.I. will be the better choice and no need for humans after, or a small select grouping like before. If you want to talk a point. Pick one and dislike enough so I and other people know which version/variant if a few paths or theories exist for the topic/point. To many talk past each other and not always talking about the same variant/thing. That's why I like this channel. They talk constructively and good science theories.
I did not know the term String Theory come from an Alternate model of mathematically understandable electron. Made of wicked small strings in some sort of perpetual motion and perhaps in some form of relating to all electrons state of dimensional perspective and it is impossible to get these string theorists to back down on any ground because they have answers for everything.
It's okay to believe in God and love science.
I don't know if this something we can observe more than something we're a part of.
Makes a die hard argument to prove how science has nothing to do with belief because of "evidence" @1:01:50 proceeds to state that there are lots of unexplained things in science @1:04:35.
I hope a black hole never gets any closer than Uranus.
Thanks for the great content, John!
P:S: I recommend you listen to this at 75% speed.
There's also an addon called "UA-cam Playback Speed Control"
With this one you can set increments of 5%.
solution to fermi paradox. every alien planet destroyed itself with a black hole 😮
I've heard this before when physicists from Cern say that microscopic black holes are perfectly safe and will evaporate immediately due to Hawking radiation. They are probably right in their theories, but it is still just theories. If they are wrong, it could be an explanation for the Fermi paradox, as most intelligent beings out there might have made the same mistake and destroyed themselves. When they exploded the first atomic bomb, they feared that the bomb could create a fusion reaction in the atmosphere that could wipe out all life on Earth. They exploded the bomb even though they were still unsure if this could happen. When you start experiments that theoretically can wipe out all life on Earth, you should be 100 percent sure that it is not dangerous, 99.99999 percent certainty is no longer good enough.
Gravity is a force? Is it not an effect of curved space time?
Poor Dr Beacham is in for some terrible ontological shock when he discovers The Telepathy Tapes :)
Tell that to James Randi.
@@drumhed Randi's debunking efforts have been exposed as rigged.
Listening to these two talk about "Beautiful math" in theories is very ironic, when it is exactly the problem in particle physics and cosmology., "If you ask a particke physicist if he wants a new and bigger accelerator, he will say yes" I think i heard Sabine Hossenfelder say that once.
Of course you did.
At one time, whether or not you could "understand" string theory was deemed a measurement of your intelligence. Now, it appears to perhaps not even exist. I wonder what non-existent concept is beeing deemed the new meause of intelligence
All that I really know about the outside world is relayed to me though my electrical connections.
Wow Kendrick is the GOAT even on Event Horizon.
Phantasies of Physico-phallacies.
The are pictures and video taken with phones......unfortunately phones were never designed to take images of fast moving objects in the sky. So you end up with video with just a blurry object streaking past in a fraction of a second or an object in frame with nothing around it to compare speed or size
Can we evtl. first build a Deathstar?!
It's not falsifiable and it's not a theory- hypothesis at best.
It would have been so easy if i could just say the universe is made up of a bunch of 10 dimensional strings but sadly its just not that simple
This guy puts the HYPER back in to hyperdimensional... And here I though I was gonna knock out fast. But I like him, ya?
1:29:50 I don't know about the planet itself being evil, it sure as heck isn't boring, either... 🙂🐕🐕
have on Hal Puthoff
he will blow your socks off
but you wont.
He's way beyond anything CERN related.
And you wont want to cover EED related tech.
My Man is “Ascending to the Reality”…
Olivia Newton Jon said - “Let’s Get Physical-Physical! - I Wanna’ Get Physical-Physical!”
Ya’ll Ready?
RIP Olivia
No mugs are available 😢