no pay wage EVER has given any employer more productivity only more expense,, and yet the whole system of child care could be attached to every public school ,rent free for starters , qualified teacher's already being payed, public insured , and can never be routed or close unexpected ,, we need to stop propping up the private business especially when the public system suffers ..
Child care for my mother didn’t exist I was in a car I was taken by car to every farm job I stayed in the car or under vines child care is a joke my mum got up at early hours of the morning to prepare food clothes for work and load two kids in the car then come home at night to start it all over again after bathing and feeding us dad would be washing nappies get of your asses and have a back bone these migrants got no dole no support from government no house survived and raised in workers huts no windows and doors and the rest now all you generations sit and play your $2000 phones and waist your life away
Vari nice
no pay wage EVER has given any employer more productivity only more expense,, and yet the whole system of child care could be attached to every public school ,rent free for starters , qualified teacher's already being payed, public insured , and can never be routed or close unexpected ,, we need to stop propping up the private business especially when the public system suffers ..
Child care for my mother didn’t exist I was in a car I was taken by car to every farm job I stayed in the car or under vines child care is a joke my mum got up at early hours of the morning to prepare food clothes for work and load two kids in the car then come home at night to start it all over again after bathing and feeding us dad would be washing nappies get of your asses and have a back bone these migrants got no dole no support from government no house survived and raised in workers huts no windows and doors and the rest now all you generations sit and play your $2000 phones and waist your life away