Chiropractic Adjustment Physio Reaction

  • Опубліковано 4 вер 2024
  • In this chiropractic adjustment reaction video I discuss the good and the bad of Joseph Cipriano and one of his chiropractic adjustment video.
    Manual Therapy Article:
    Music by Patrick Patrikios
    / @physioplusfitness
    INSTAGRAM: / chrislendrumfitness
    FACEBOOK: / chrislendrumfitness
    This Video talks about manipulation and its role dealing with pain and spinal injury.
    • Chiropractic Adjustmen...


  • @clb5119
    @clb5119 2 роки тому +329

    I had awful headaches for years and went to a chiropractor and by the second visit they were gone, don’t care what anyone says they definitely have their place to help pain relief.

    • @twinpotracer
      @twinpotracer 2 роки тому +44

      Stop talking bollocks. Manipulation changes pain, doesn't get rid of it. Also major placebo effect.

    • @gumjuicee6746
      @gumjuicee6746 2 роки тому +15

      @@twinpotracer your the one talking bollocks lol

    • @twinpotracer
      @twinpotracer 2 роки тому +14

      @@gumjuicee6746 supply evidence, oh offended one...

    • @antizionist1293
      @antizionist1293 2 роки тому +4

      It’s effective for me for short term

    • @Griver69
      @Griver69 2 роки тому +11

      Das problem an der sache ist die abhängigkeit die mamche chiropraktiker mit ihren methoden aufrecht erhalten. Ich arbeite selbst als physiotherapeut und verwende manchmal manipulationstechniken um ein problem zu lösen. Langfristig brauche ich allerdings viele "aktive" therapiemassmahmen um den patienten
      1. Selbstständig werden zu lassen
      2. Langfristige ziele zu erreichen.
      Kurz gesagt eine manipulation verändert logischerweise eine fehlstellung aber nicht die fehlhaltung...muskelkraft, ergonomie, koordination, aufklärung und vieles mehr sind entscheidender für einen langfristigen erfolg.

    @LACHIROCROS 2 роки тому +19

    HEY ! 🙌I'm a French Chiropractor and like Cypriano I have a UA-cam Channel, honestly I never use the Y-STRAP, this is absolutly not specific and potentially very dangerous. The goal of specificity is to restore the range of motion of a fixed joint, not give an extra range of motion of a normal joint. Too mobility gives hyperlaxity...
    It's too bad, because many of his adjustments are correct.. but sometimes it's not the real chiropractic ! It could give some confusion..
    Sorry for my bad english ! 😄

  • @watermelonineasterhay
    @watermelonineasterhay 2 роки тому +54

    This is such a good and balanced analysis, it's good to see someone acknowledge that it has its benefits but in a limited way.

    • @angelabreitenbach8457
      @angelabreitenbach8457 Рік тому +2

      Its a stupid analysis by a guy who admits multiple times in the video that he doesn't know what is going on, you can't have an opinion about something you obviously know nothing about.

    • @ThaDonJsuan
      @ThaDonJsuan 4 місяці тому

      Its like accupuncture... natural pain relief. But with some risks.

  • @docgonzales
    @docgonzales 3 роки тому +110

    This guys improvement over 6 months has been incredible tho, i'm no fan of dr cips but theres no denying his posture is day and njight

    • @ickypowwow6635
      @ickypowwow6635 2 роки тому

      Cause these doctors and physical therapists are monopolizing scum bags. Why tf would anyone want to go get surgery and spend months in physical just to still have life long pain and have to take pills all for something that was treatable

    • @normajustin7167
      @normajustin7167 Рік тому +1

      Why aren’t you a fan?

    • @rabitoblanco
      @rabitoblanco Рік тому

      @PhysioFit , could you revisit this-- I really enjoyed this perspective, and I'd love more comments on how this patient improved/why!

  • @theonlymonkeymagic
    @theonlymonkeymagic 3 роки тому +196

    A well done breakdown of this chiro promo.. As a physio of 26 years experience in Australia, and having done my own informal survey of patients who have had chiro treatments, I've noted some common themes: patients have often been locked in to treatment schedules, going weekly for years, repeat treatments are 5 or 10 minute sessions of manipulataions only, cervical manipulations all too commonly performed without proper testing (particularly VBI testing - vertebo-basilar insufficiency) and/or account of co-morbidities. Then there's the 'tech' - like that clicker gun (what the ??), along with the esoteric terminology without scientific basis. Some chiro treatment, as for *anyone* performing spinal manipulation without due diligence, is outright dangerous causing death or permanent disability.

    • @Physioplusfitness
      @Physioplusfitness  3 роки тому +11

      Couldn't agree more Lenny 👏

    • @thehomefront1905
      @thehomefront1905 2 роки тому +5

      OK now tell us the pros of going to a chiropractor.

    • @physiomarcus6653
      @physiomarcus6653 2 роки тому +1

      I'm from hong kong, and I'm gonna study physio in australia soon, I wanna open my own clinic as my ultimate achievement, do you think that physios can wear scrubs? As some dude mentioned that it tricks others thinking that they are medical practitioners, like how chiropractors did.

    • @RJWM1999
      @RJWM1999 2 роки тому

      To make a statement. Like some chiro treatment causes death. You'd need to back that up with evidence. And provide an actual number. Otherwise you're just speculating and guessing off pure bias.
      Give data and sources of the data to back your claims. Not just sweeping statements.

    • @Griver69
      @Griver69 2 роки тому

      @@physiomarcus6653 ich bin physiotherpeut in der schweiz und kann dir folgendes dazu sagen.
      Wir verdienen fix pro stunde max 100.- weil wir krankenkassenpflichtig sind. Wir können den lohn nur nach taxwerten abrechnen die für bachelor, master oder prof. Stufe gleich hoch sind.
      Wir brauchen immer die ärztliche überweisung, können also im gegensatz zu den kollegen aus holland keine direkte aufnahme der patienten machen und diese dann kassenpflichtig abrechnen.
      Ja es wäre wünschenswert wenn die patienten direkt zu uns kommen könnten anstatt zu einem arzt, der sie nicht einmal mehr anfasst zu gehen und sie am schluss zu uns überstellt, für die überstellung aber noch einmal 5-10min berechnet... wir werden von der gesellschaft oft noch als "masseure" wahrgenommen. Dabei wäre es doch sinnvoller vor allem bei bestimmten verletzungen zuerst den physio zu treffen.
      Grüsse aus der schweiz und viel erfolg bei deinem studium

  • @aaronmoura1234
    @aaronmoura1234 2 роки тому +9

    Funny how this dude walked away from this visit with a fixed neck but yet dude over here questioning everything he does lmfao 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @TrillMatic187
    @TrillMatic187 3 роки тому +37

    You can say what you want, but the improvements and transformation on this man throughout the year is unbelievable. The man doesn’t stand the same.

    • @giacomosanguin392
      @giacomosanguin392 3 роки тому +16

      If you watched the last video in which this guy is featured, he's literally worse than during his first video. Spinal manipulation can give you some benefits, especially relief, but it's a short term relief. The next day, you'll feel exactly in the same way. To improve your conditions, you need to do something different, trying to imprpve your posture with specific exercise (that you have to do!)

    • @wanda01141
      @wanda01141 3 роки тому +1

      Facts!! The doctor knows what he is doing

    • @ickypowwow6635
      @ickypowwow6635 2 роки тому +3

      @@giacomosanguin392 wtf are you talking about the most recent video of him looks so much better then the first

    • @patrykandrews5488
      @patrykandrews5488 2 роки тому +1

      I mean you literally said in the video manipulations dont actually move the structure but it literally did so either you were taught wrong or its a miracle

    • @TrillMatic187
      @TrillMatic187 2 роки тому +1

      @@ickypowwow6635 yeah he obviously has no clue what he’s talking about, that’s what he doesn’t deserve a reply😭

  • @GiveMeCoffee
    @GiveMeCoffee 3 роки тому +72

    In my experience with fibromyalgia and chiropractors, they help with quick pain release or when you feel numbness in an extremity, which you can use as a push to start exercising. After some months or weeks, the pain and/or lack of mobility is back. I've been more successful in avoiding pain and stiffness by simply stretching and exercising, as simple as that. I focused on improving my posture for the last 3 years and I can tell how much the pain has been reduced, I noticed which muscles were weak and those were the stiffest, so I've been working on mobility and conditioning. There are still issues, but I don't think of paying a visit to the chiropractic anymore, only of committing to what I can do and actually helps.

    • @Wabbelpaddel
      @Wabbelpaddel 2 роки тому +2

      There is no difference between acupuncture and chiropractic manipulation.
      Well discs and vertebrae are fused, so when one tries to disrupt these, you're essentially rapidly triggering stretch shortening cycle of the stabilizing muscles, causing a "shock" that desensitizes muscle spindles.
      Same mechanism as in whiplash.
      However, the acupuncture needles do the very same thing but more safely, as does massage.

    • @Griver69
      @Griver69 2 роки тому +1

      Ich denke du hast die richtige entscheidung getroffen. Ich als physiotherapeut lehre stehts nach anfänglich passiver behandlung die aktive richtung mkt training etc um auch eine unabhängigkeit auf patientenseite zu erzielen. Eine beratung durch einen guten physio hätte deine routine sicher auch bereichert. Grüase und weiterhin alles gute

    • @bos2697
      @bos2697 2 роки тому

      @@Wabbelpaddel how if u maintain the posture and muscle to keep the "good posture" that we get after the cracking sessions?

    • @straightouttadundalk
      @straightouttadundalk Рік тому

      How did you improve your posture?

  • @thatawkwardchick7848
    @thatawkwardchick7848 2 роки тому +15

    I’ve seen many chiropractors. There are good and bad but I think you are 100% spot on. A lot of smoke and mirrors a lot of claims. I’m lucky to have at worst had one that decided tapping lightly on my forehead would do something, so he did nothing and the best was very short term just a nice feeling. But never a cure hardly a treatment, simply felt good. I had one that had a massage therapist so whatever, insurance covered massages so pretty nice

    • @Cin9999
      @Cin9999 Рік тому

      You like being scammed

  • @Pedro-bu8xd
    @Pedro-bu8xd 2 роки тому +27

    All these experts - bagging chiros .... I remember the ongoing severe pain I had after a sailing accident (yes believe it or not a sailing accident) in which I tore my shoulder to bits, slipped a disk and tore my meniscus. I went to physios (they were a great help) I went to surgeons (they too were a great help) but I also went to a chiro for a long time and they were a great help also. I wasn´t something in my head or a placebo.Their treatment had a HUGE effect on my recovery and helped sooooooo much with pain and discomfort. I was a sceptic before but after I absolutely appreciate what a good Chiropractor can do.

    • @balluse
      @balluse 2 роки тому +2

      It can still be placebo - that's a real effect, mind you. So to determine wether chiro is placebo or not, you have to conduct an actual study. I don't know about the science and what it says, but in the video above there's an expert talking about it that should know.

  • @drewzimmerman5613
    @drewzimmerman5613 2 роки тому +5

    Newton's third law, for every force there is an equal reaction force. The drop table increases the amount of force that you can deliver to a particular segment. Not every segment needs additional force, but when delivering an adjustment that requires awkward hand positioning, the drop table can increase the amount of force that would otherwise be lost due to augmented biomechanics. You probably won't find a study published on drop tables versus standard manipulation, but this preference is up to the clinician. Albeit, many clinicians view the drop table as a crutch as they do with many other pieces of tech. As a chiropractor there are instances when a drop table is very efficient, but a good clinician should be able to discern when and why a segment needs additional force.

    • @mikeb9638
      @mikeb9638 2 роки тому +1

      Not single word you just said has anything to do with science.

    • @tomhorsefied7320
      @tomhorsefied7320 2 роки тому +3

      @@mikeb9638 newtons third law mate, get those brain cells moving

  • @persadsanjay
    @persadsanjay 2 роки тому +8

    It’s two different approaches to treat the same issues, definitely not smoke and mirrors. To the physio guy commenting, chiropractors are his direct competition with the addition of getting to call themself a doctor. I think both approaches are great whichever one provides long term relief and safe is the one to go with

    • @kehanvanvuuren7718
      @kehanvanvuuren7718 Рік тому +1

      There is a massive lack of literature supporting chiropractic methods. And more on the pseudo scientific methods they use, its not bias, its literally the lack on their side

  • @callummilne8380
    @callummilne8380 2 роки тому +40

    Very interesting video, I did about 9 month of physio and got pulse therapy and it did absolutely nothing. 2 chyro sessions and I was sorted.

    • @markmeloney2643
      @markmeloney2643 Рік тому +4

      Similar experience here. I think this physiotherapist is jealous because his speciality produces 0 results.

    • @stevenjohnson4283
      @stevenjohnson4283 Рік тому +2

      Yeah exactly, physio is absolutely useless, and they don't want to dirty their hands giving you a back rub because they don't want to be a masseuse with a university degree. They tell you like a Catholic Priest "Go home and do 20 stretches this way, and 20 stretches the other way, and do 20 bends this and that way". Physiotherapists do very little and they're lazy and the most complained about medical professional. My dad went into get a hip replacement, and THE NEXT DAY the physio was screaming at him to get up out of bed and to exercise. Day after day they were yelling at my dad to do xyz exercises and my dad knows his body. The hospital wants to get patients out of hospital as soon as possible and they use physiotherapists as their pitbulls to hound and bully patients.

  • @teeth87
    @teeth87 2 роки тому +10

    I understanding a lot of other professionals are salty that chiros call themselves as “doctors”, when their doctor title is only recognised within the chiropractic world. But I have to admit, the results I have had from my chiropractor massively out way any GP doctors advice when I have injured my shoulders and back in the past

  • @dannr8789
    @dannr8789 2 роки тому +5

    Joseph Cipriano is everything but a Doctor. He just applies the same procedure over all his patients. He’s focused only in the marketing side. Check his thumbnails and video titles. He’s just looking for clicks to get more views.

    • @antp2052
      @antp2052 2 роки тому

      Everyone knows how good cipriano is, marketing is a normal thing, on UA-cam, dann

    • @dannr8789
      @dannr8789 2 роки тому +5

      @@antp2052 “Everyone knows how good Cipriano is”
      Cipriano: “Proceeds to do the same thing with all his patients”

    • @antp2052
      @antp2052 2 роки тому

      @@dannr8789 because that's all he needs to do, look at his patients, swear by his work dann

  • @sogr73
    @sogr73 Рік тому +2

    i wasted money on physio, but chiropractors fixed my issues.. long term..

  • @DemonIIXII
    @DemonIIXII Рік тому +7

    as someone who has spinal degeneration, i see a chrio regularly to help me gain movement and reduce pain. on top of chiro treatments i use an inversion table in conjunction and i can tell i feel much better and have more movement from utilizing both.
    sure, some chrio could be a scam, but that mentality/theory applies to all practices.

  • @prime_comando
    @prime_comando Рік тому +1

    Since no one has answered yet the drop table is used for increasing the velocity and force on the manipulation. The end result being more pressure applied and adjustment and affecting the spine

    • @Optimus18
      @Optimus18 Рік тому

      The drop table is nothing more than an additional (laughable) gimmick, in that it satisfies the 'patient's' idiotic desire to hear loud clicking noises - which their gullible minds associate with 'good things' or a 'cure' for their 'problems'.

  • @themanwholovesmilk9630
    @themanwholovesmilk9630 2 роки тому +16

    Idk, I feel like manipulation actually helped me out a lot. And I only went once. Had a bad ankle problem that left me favoring it if I stood on it for longer than an hour. Went to the chiropractor and she fixed it within a half hour and I haven’t been back or felt the pain in years.

    • @Cin9999
      @Cin9999 Рік тому

      You like being scammed

    • @FlorisGerber
      @FlorisGerber Рік тому

      @@Cin9999 you like being unfriendly.

    • @themanwholovesmilk9630
      @themanwholovesmilk9630 Рік тому +3

      @@Cin9999 Dude I went once and it was like 50 bucks. Idc if it is a scam, my pain is gone so….

    • @Cin9999
      @Cin9999 Рік тому

      @@themanwholovesmilk9630 Its literally proven to just be placebo. And yeah most pain goes away over time.
      Again in NYC the „good ones“ are literally often 200$+ for ONE sesh

    • @themanwholovesmilk9630
      @themanwholovesmilk9630 Рік тому +3

      @@Cin9999 I really don’t care honestly. I went to 2 different podiatrists and they were telling me the price was gonna be up 5000-10,000 bucks for surgery. 500 for just the consultation and X-ray. I even almost did that except the second one told me to try a chiropractor first. Funny thing is people like you would’ve paid all that and now you’re telling me I’m the one being scammed when I only paid 50 bucks 🤡

  • @catherineharrison9441
    @catherineharrison9441 2 роки тому +13

    I have suffered for years with spinal issues, non of which had been eased by physio or drugs. No solutions from orthopaedic specialists except addictive pain meds.
    My first visit to a chiropractor was life changing, having been reduced to mobility aids I was finally free of pain.
    My body is balanced now and my muscles are not in spasm anymore.
    I also like osteopathy treatment also and now maintain with visits every 9-12 months. I hate the “professional “ opinion that this treatment is quackery.
    Don’t criticise if you haven’t tried it…..the practise has been around for centuries, long before physiotherapist.
    My advice to anyone in pain is to try it before you judge it.

    • @BitmapFrogs
      @BitmapFrogs 2 роки тому

      It's barely been around for a little over a century considering it was invented in 1890, certainly not "centuries" and physiotherapy was founded earlier, in 1813 in northern europe although modern physiotherapy didn't happen until the later years of the 19th century, around the same time chiroptractics were founded.
      Don't you see a problem with people lying to you to overinflate themselves? And it's not just the spoken lies - the drop table is used as a prop, not because it's effective but because it makes the manipulations feel more impactful. It theater.
      Here's the deal: chiropractic techniques have been found to be effective in managing back pain and represent an alternative to pain medication - cases like yours are miracolous one-in-a million happenings but the reality is most patients are lured in with promises of healing and all they get is their money sucked out.

    • @catherineharrison9441
      @catherineharrison9441 2 роки тому

      @@BitmapFrogs after 10yrs under muscular skeleton

    • @catherineharrison9441
      @catherineharrison9441 2 роки тому +1

      Specialists and physiotherapists with serious sciatica pain, I finally had enough and went to an osteopath. 2 sessions later and my sciatica was gone. People are entitled to their own opinions but I have proof of my experience.

    • @bos2697
      @bos2697 2 роки тому +1

      Agreed. They've never been in that injury. They never know how it feels being relaxed after years being unhealed stiff body. The feel when medicine and therapy don't work in our body anymore.
      The fact is med&therapy sucks, chriopatic can fix issues but it's dangereous if it's done in the wrong way.

  • @johntay3831
    @johntay3831 2 роки тому +3

    You looked at the wrong Chiropractor. There are many good ones out there that are safe and precise.

  • @georgebeck4
    @georgebeck4 2 роки тому +2

    It is the forever battle between trades. Surgeons want you in their surgery room, then on tramadol for the rest of your life. Chiro, on the other hand, want you every 2 nd week in their office for the 55 $ copay, and their 10 min adjustment. Both specialties have their place and time. In 2002, following a work injury, I was diagnosed with L4/L5 collapsed disk, and narrowing of the canal, and refer to a surgeon for surgery. During the consultation, the doctor told me that he is suffering from the same condition for over 30 years, but he chose to manage the pain instead of doing the surgery. I am a chiropractor client since 2002, and I can testify that adjustment of the spine is the best thing someone with backpain can do.

  • @videotapeses
    @videotapeses 3 роки тому +35

    My friend was 25 when she went to a chiropractor and when he adjusted her neck he split an artery and it sent two clots to her brain - causing 2 strokes and brain aneurysms. She was life flighted to a hospital and the Dr who saw her said it was the 6th case they've seen that year of cervical injury via chiropractic adjustment

    • @UniquelyMadeIAm
      @UniquelyMadeIAm 3 роки тому +3

      What?? You just don’t hear about this type of stuff? I know I seen one before, I didn’t even get 1/3 away through the adjustments. Until I was like NAH I’m good MAN I’m hurting worse before you started. He did the same ol song and dance. That all of these so called Chiropractor Doctors do to their Patients every visit.

    • @mamoochie7392
      @mamoochie7392 3 роки тому +5

      Any evidence? I google that and couldn’t find anything.

    • @mateuszdobrowolski7626
      @mateuszdobrowolski7626 3 роки тому +5

      Lmao thats cap

    • @victorrubennavarrocortes739
      @victorrubennavarrocortes739 3 роки тому +4

      Yeah, and I didn't hear one single complain in 18 years, so it's not the technique, it is the ego tripping little guys who want to prove themselves they are good enough, but they don't feel anything and don't really connect with the patient's body and nervous system, they just apply the same standard manipulations to everyone cause that's what they learned from the books, + many of them got into the profession for the big money 🤑 (these are the ones who just "keep them coming", just like lots of regular doctors do, don't give a fuck about the patients but all about the money and the ego social image.

    • @drewzimmerman5613
      @drewzimmerman5613 2 роки тому +1

      @@UniquelyMadeIAm I perform orthopedic examinations that are comparable to what an orthopedic surgeon or PT would perform, and I take a detailed history to understand every aspect of a patients health. I'll agree with you that there are many terrible chiropractors, but a good one should tell you that there are many ways to accomplish the same goal. Increasing ROM and reducing pain doesn't require manipulation. So i'm with you until you lump all the chiro's together in the same crum bucket! It's a good profession overrun by scheisters.

  • @hawk2156
    @hawk2156 2 роки тому +2

    I been going to doctors for my back and very bad headaches 4 years and all i
    Got is a scrip of pain killers and spend thousands of dollars cuz problem never went away,I spend 150 dollars on a chiropractor and problem went away so I will be more than happy to spend 600 a year and not having to take pills,I'll take my chances of a chiropractor taking my head off with strap as long as problem is fixed.

  • @ciananosullivan57
    @ciananosullivan57 3 роки тому +55

    Perfectly explained. This needs to become public knowledge to help us all long term

    • @Physioplusfitness
      @Physioplusfitness  3 роки тому +3

      Completely agree, it is just not common knowledge at all, as is shown by the patients I see on a daily basis

    • @ciananosullivan57
      @ciananosullivan57 3 роки тому +1

      @@Physioplusfitness same really I spend far to much time explaining the actual evidence based treatment required

  • @chadrams1787
    @chadrams1787 10 днів тому

    I had a broken neck which healed and years later, my rib cage would be swollen after any type of work. Went to a chiro for 6 months weekly and all the pain and swelling was healed.

  • @cygnusx-3217
    @cygnusx-3217 2 роки тому +4

    His name is on the wall in giant letters because he's selling his brand. He wants views and subscribers. He gives patients ample time to tell their story because he wants to be seen as compassionate and caring. He knows that people in pain want to be heard. Again, this is marketing.

  • @clapdrix72
    @clapdrix72 2 роки тому +61

    Any time a chiropractor introduces themselves as "doctor" so and so, I think of the teenage girl doctors in Monty Python Holy Grail 😀 , "we ARE doctors."

    • @floridalife-livinginflorid6882
      @floridalife-livinginflorid6882 2 роки тому +7

      Well it shows you have zero clue about what you are talking about. Let me guess, go to a doctor and get a pill? Have type 2 diabetes, no problem take this injection instead of “stop eating sugar and carbs” chiropractors go through more medical training than a normal GP

    • @clapdrix72
      @clapdrix72 2 роки тому +2

      @@floridalife-livinginflorid6882 😆

    • @clemfn8652
      @clemfn8652 2 роки тому +6

      They are doctors if they get there doctorate degree tf

    • @paultaylorgolfinstruction
      @paultaylorgolfinstruction 2 роки тому +2

      @@floridalife-livinginflorid6882 no, no they don’t lol. I love my chiro but don’t say a dumb statement that they go through more school than an actually medical physician. My wife went to undergrad, med school, then residency, 12 years of schooling.

    • @floridalife-livinginflorid6882
      @floridalife-livinginflorid6882 2 роки тому

      @@paultaylorgolfinstruction lol and look at the medical advise doctors have given in the last two years. Wear a napkin it will protect you against covid, eat fat free foods, limit cholesterol, eat more grains, take this statin and all these drugs so us doctors can make money. Don’t use ivermectin it’s a horse paste. Is this your idea of education? The biggest killer in the USA year on year is heart disease, I see many fat doctors most chiropractors are in good shape! Here is more sound medical advise, Please keep using hydrogenated vegetable oils for cooking they are good for you! Your entire pharma industry was started by Rockefeller, doctors are like a mechanic, great for repairing broken bones, operating and again repairing. Family physicians are basically useless. Did you know all cause mortality is Not reduced by using a statin? Your medical degree did you so good you are a golf instructor and you say I make dumb statements.

  • @adambaker9550
    @adambaker9550 2 роки тому +10

    Hate to say it after playing rugby at a proffesional level and having used numerous physios and chiropractors. The majority of physios and their skills are very limited often no more than a sports massage. They tend to give a lot of generic poor advice and get paid for not a lot.
    Chiropractors differs so much on who you see. I have had ones that do very little and somw who have been very good and very effective.
    Basically a good chiro beats a good physio.

  • @larry6921
    @larry6921 2 роки тому

    Here is his latest progress video to campare his progress from that video till now

  • @rockthecasba16
    @rockthecasba16 Рік тому +7

    Having done physio, massage and chiro as part of treatment for chronic pain from car accident injuries, they all have benefits, especially together.

    • @israelsrealm
      @israelsrealm Рік тому

      Lol, you revealed it. The chiro only "works" together with other stuff - it doesn't ever work alone because it doesn't work 😂 It's nonsense.

    • @rockthecasba16
      @rockthecasba16 Рік тому

      @Daily Dissent I did multiple things because I had multiple issues ya twit. Chiro doesn't treat everything. 🤦‍♀️

    • @rockthecasba16
      @rockthecasba16 Рік тому

      @@israelsrealm literally never said it only works with other things. You made that up.

    • @israelsrealm
      @israelsrealm Рік тому

      There's never been a concrete study that shows chiro to be effective alone.

    • @rockthecasba16
      @rockthecasba16 Рік тому

      @Daily Dissent I couldn't care less if I tried. It helped me, I don't need a study to know that. Go bug someone else with your bs.

  • @personalinjuryshow
    @personalinjuryshow Рік тому +1

    Awesome analysis, thanks for sharing your feedback on chiropractic treatment.

  • @RatedP4P
    @RatedP4P 3 роки тому +6

    Mate... wait until you see the ring dinger after "an initial assessment" and then his post assessment... baffling.

  • @janbinas8602
    @janbinas8602 2 роки тому +1

    How can we block your channel so it doesn't show up anymore?

  • @bichonmomr
    @bichonmomr 3 роки тому +8

    who goes to a chiro for 20 years and doesn’t feel better? patients that say that are the chronic complainers who are never satisfied with any care. as far as teaching and giving tools to manage their pain, how many people do you know that follow home regime?? not too many. they goto chiro for relief and likely get it. that’s why they go back.

    • @Physioplusfitness
      @Physioplusfitness  3 роки тому +4

      Problem comes when they are told they are out of alignment and need adjusting back into place, this type of language breeds poor belief patterns that has a real impact on long term management of back pain. E.g if you think that any time you have pain you need someone to "fix" you then you give away the locus of control. This means people are less likely to look at the multifactorial, often lifestyle causes of their back pain which if worked on in the long term will have a much more dramatic effect. I see chronic patients in the NHS a lot, and trust me I have heard this from many, many patients over the years. Chiro can be very useful and helps people of course, but it needs to be with a chiro that knows his or her stuff, so that false beliefs and long terms problems are reduced not exacerbated.

  • @ryanstewart3316
    @ryanstewart3316 3 роки тому +8

    Also curious why did he get better?

  • @mariussielcken
    @mariussielcken 2 роки тому +1

    the massage gun is to relax the muscles before the adjustment.

  • @anatomyandphysiologyforyog3625
    @anatomyandphysiologyforyog3625 3 роки тому +32

    Agree with most things here.. I'm a 4th Year Osteopath Student, and I've had many aha moments when it comes to manual therapy.. Listening, Education and movement is equal to or more important than any manual therapy ! Manual techniques are lovely ... but in combination with the above! thanks for the video!

    • @Physioplusfitness
      @Physioplusfitness  3 роки тому +2

      No problem and thanks for watching

    • @victorrubennavarrocortes739
      @victorrubennavarrocortes739 3 роки тому +2

      Of course I can crack the hell out of you, but if you don't change the habits that got you in trouble in first place you can not say anything about chiropractic adjustments not working, then it is you lazy couch potato the one who doesn't really work.

  • @thehomefront1905
    @thehomefront1905 2 роки тому +6

    Really enjoyed the video, you make some great points, but I have to question the part where you keep saying people need to live with the pain, if you teach people they need to learn to live with it, it might stop them trying to find a better solution to their problem, pain normally let's us know there's a problem, most problems with the body can be fixed .

  • @timperez4542
    @timperez4542 3 роки тому +3

    I think in one of his videos he explains the drop table adds "extra thrust" force when pushing in.

    • @Physioplusfitness
      @Physioplusfitness  3 роки тому +2

      hahaha that sounds like something he would say for sure

  • @omax-sy8xp
    @omax-sy8xp 2 роки тому +6

    This video is irresponsible and clearly made for clicks. Here's something you can learn. Leg length assessment here is not used for diagnosis of source of pain. it's being used as an indicator (one of many out there) to compare pre and post tension in the dura, fascia, and muscles. Often a decrease in tension of thr Msk system will decrease leg length discrepancy (along with many other findings) You're making claims of what a doctor is doing that you have absolutely no idea about and presenting like you're some authority. It's incredibly irresponsible.

  • @moustapha8640
    @moustapha8640 2 роки тому +12

    In my experience, physio is mainly good for rehabilitation, however not so effective with the spine. On the other hand, Chiro is good with the spinal issues, however no so much for rehabilitation. In addition, it all comes down to the individual chiro or physio.

  • @abuabok7399
    @abuabok7399 Рік тому +3

    You were telling us how bad this was without showing us alternatives to what should have been done

  • @jelliottnesss
    @jelliottnesss 2 роки тому +1

    The drop table is designed to get a double impact and also has a threshold selling some people will need more force than office

    • @Optimus18
      @Optimus18 Рік тому

      The drop table is nothing more than an additional (laughable) gimmick, in that it satisfies the 'patient's' idiotic desire to hear loud clicking noises - which their weak minds associate with 'good things' or a 'cure' for their 'problems'.

  • @theofficialjayy389
    @theofficialjayy389 2 роки тому +1

    You should do a reaction to Dr. Ian. That man helped a lot of people with only a few adjustments. His videos were always different and never the same routine… just trying to solve the patients problem.

  • @hankhasemeier6887
    @hankhasemeier6887 Рік тому +8

    I've always compared chiropractic adjustment of this sort to massage therapy. They feel great and they can definitely help short term with pain. And they absolutely can be helpful for some very niche issues. But in general they should not be a solution to an actual medical issue. I don't go to a chiropractor very often but there are times when I feel like going to see a chiro and also get a massage and I love it. Feels great 👍

    • @mitchhills1244
      @mitchhills1244 Рік тому +1

      I agree, getting cracked feels amazing (like a massage) but it will only last 24 hours or so. I think of it as a relaxation thing rather than actual treatment. Don’t let them trick you into coming back often!

    • @Cin9999
      @Cin9999 Рік тому

      You like being scammed

    • @rockthecasba16
      @rockthecasba16 Рік тому

      @@Cin9999 chiro isn't a scam...

    • @rockthecasba16
      @rockthecasba16 Рік тому

      @@mitchhills1244 most people's pain returns because they're doing the same things that caused it in the first place. If your issue is chronic you will have to go frequently. This isn't a trick.

    • @Cin9999
      @Cin9999 Рік тому

      @@rockthecasba16 its literally even proven to be a scam by mainstream medicine…do you want me to link the study?

  • @stavrosbegetis2173
    @stavrosbegetis2173 2 роки тому +5

    The drop table helps to absorb the impact from the force. It's joint mobilization

    • @nineteenfortyeight6762
      @nineteenfortyeight6762 Рік тому

      I want the force in my body

    • @Optimus18
      @Optimus18 Рік тому

      The drop table is nothing more than an additional (laughable) gimmick, in that it satisfies the 'patient's' idiotic desire to hear loud clicking noises - which their weak minds associate with 'good things' or a 'cure' for their 'problems'.

  • @becca6030
    @becca6030 2 роки тому +8

    Hi, you mention that manipulations are effective for reducing pain and you somewhat believe in what chiropractors do. I myself have visited a chiro and had really positive results from lower back pain/glute pain but was told my SIJ was out of alignment. I myself as a physio in training realise there is little movement within the SIJ so I struggle to understand this but I have had problems since an injury/trauma to the area so im not sure what to believe. E.g has something moved? I Had exhausted the strengthening and stretching options through physio to have no relief which led me to visit a chiro. however i've found myself recently in a lot of pain again and have chosen to revisit the chiro as I really did have great relief from the session. Idk if I've done too much too soon when I was feeling on cloud 9 but i'm willing to go back to my chiro as i do think she was correct in that i needed release there before i can begin to rehab the area and strengthen the surrounding structures as the area was so aggravated, inflamed and sore.

    • @thehomefront1905
      @thehomefront1905 2 роки тому

      Chiropractors are bone specialists, if the bone structure is not aligned and moving well, all the stretching and physio won't do shit.
      Have you ever wondered why Chiropractors constantly get attacked? Its because they have the ability to earn more than most other therapists, you find most people that go to Chiropractors get results, and thats why they do well, the proofs in the pudding.
      But saying that, most of the rehabilitation comes from you with trial and error, getting to know what irritates your back and what it responds to, exactly what it can take before it gets inflamed again, it can take some time to find all this out thats why you must have a positive mindset a long the way, hope you get it sorted, good luck.

  • @willcoles1658
    @willcoles1658 3 роки тому +43

    Love this. More of these sorts of videos are needed to dispel the myths which are spread to the public about these sorts of “treatments” for pain. Manipulations can contribute to helping pain (acutely anyway) but not because it’s realigning anything, or putting anything back in place. Keep up the good work.

    • @Physioplusfitness
      @Physioplusfitness  3 роки тому +1

      Totally Will, the aim is to do a lot more of these vids to try to get the word out there more and more, thanks for the comment 👍

    • @wanda01141
      @wanda01141 3 роки тому +4

      The chiropractor helped this got immensely!!!!

    • @ickypowwow6635
      @ickypowwow6635 2 роки тому

      The real “treatment myth” is going and getting surgery then going to months of physical therapy just to still have life long pain and have to take pills. Chiropractic isn’t a fix all but can definitely set you on the path for recovery. Anyone who says chiropractic is a myth is just plain uneducated or trying to deceive you.

    • @rockthecasba16
      @rockthecasba16 Рік тому +1

      More should be done to speak of the bendifits too. Many of us have been helped immensely by chiropractors, yet most of what you hear about them is misinformation.

  • @kristiancook608
    @kristiancook608 Рік тому

    I don’t understand why this guy is hating I actually been to dr joseph for my scoliosis and it’s been helping me,went to my doctors and my doctor said my back has been improving my spine to make it straight I feel like this guy doesn’t understand stuff

  • @92kChick
    @92kChick 3 роки тому +23

    I went to him - I live 3 hours away. I was extremely disappointed- he barely popped anything on me when I always pop easily and I have scoliosis to the exact degree of another girl he did a video of and I told him that- he didn’t do even half the things that were in the video and I have no medical reason why, and even if I did, he wouldn’t know because he didn’t read my profile.
    He always acted like he got these great pops each time all the way through, when it actually didn’t even pop at all during several of the positions. The y strap wasn’t even good either. I mean maybe I was just too tense, but he basically sucked and we have better chiropractors in my town which barely has anything- and they don’t even do good either.
    My roommate can do better and actually does.
    He used the massage gun longer than anything and I’m not lying when I tell you he doesn’t do even half of the positions he shows in the videos. I probably got maybe 2 good pops out of the whole thing and even they weren’t anything special. Extremely disappointed.
    He spent 10 minutes telling us where we should go eat afterwards at some local pub nearby, almost felt like the owned it or something because he kept on and on about it and he brought up the topic.
    I had to sign and do a medical history, but he never read it. I did that at the reception desk and he came out of another room to get me without consulting the receptionist, and she had not even had time to enter anything into the computer because I wasn’t even finished with it yet, and they were just like it’s fine go ahead anyway. He literally did nothing. I thought since I discussed a specific video he did with him that maybe he would know what I was expecting and that he would actually do it. Nope. The pop he does while the patient is standing up, he didn’t do it at all. He also didn’t do the laying you back on his hand thing either. In the scoliosis video, he did a thing to help reposition the ribcage because it gets out of whack with scoliosis- he didn’t do that and it was one of the main things I wanted and even mentioned from the video before he started. He popped my back once, acted like he popped it 3 times but really only popped once. He popped one side of my neck, the other side didn’t pop but he acted like it did saying “good good there we go” - yeah no. The strap he actually barely pulled and it was nothing like in the video. Huge waste of money and driving all day. I write positive reviews for a living and never complain about stuff - but this was just a total sham.

    • @MecanicalEnd
      @MecanicalEnd 3 роки тому +3

      It's almost as though he takes his internet fame for granted and knows he's all set when it comes to customers and money. Lol

    • @josscarmichael4648
      @josscarmichael4648 2 роки тому

      @@MecanicalEnd kķhhihhhü000⁰000000⁰00⁰0⁰ⁿv

    • @Optimus18
      @Optimus18 Рік тому

      Just curious...why do you associate 'pops' and clicks with being cured?

  • @quiromasajista-wellnessmas5128
    @quiromasajista-wellnessmas5128 3 роки тому +7

    as a therapist, your method is very effective to remove pain

  • @dreamsofthedepths9789
    @dreamsofthedepths9789 Рік тому +1

    For someone who doesn't know anything about it, could you explain a bit which treatment would you recommend to a patient like that?

  • @bartolomeobernago4344
    @bartolomeobernago4344 2 роки тому +1

    love this video
    im a physio student and i need to listen to the opinion of different professionists

  • @blindminstrel7249
    @blindminstrel7249 Рік тому +1

    Sooo funny. A Physio is bashing that a chiropractic is just smoke and mirrors… and you know what? A Chiropractor will say that physio is only dealing with symptoms and not solving anything… and of course you know better.

  • @ajinla1576
    @ajinla1576 2 роки тому +5

    Ive seen the transformation hes gone through after several videos and he drastically looks better tho.

  • @williampeckham9838
    @williampeckham9838 2 роки тому +6

    Every physio I went to didn't do anything for me. They just spoke to me and gave me exercises. Felt like things I could have worked out myself. Every chiropractor I have visited has given me results.

  • @UniquelyMadeIAm
    @UniquelyMadeIAm 3 роки тому +10

    I feel the same way about the Drop Tables lmfao 🤣, they all use these tables. Common themes are really beautiful woman To: “Attracts attention of the Male UA-cam viewers”. I really wish someone would do a real study on the different patients 😒, the same routine they do, and the benefits of that damn drop table. My wishes, to many fan boys and girls who get massive attention from a so called Doctor.

    • @_.-_Crimpy-_..-.
      @_.-_Crimpy-_..-. 3 роки тому +2

      We all know that drop table is to make them seem more professional lmao. Gotta hide the quackery somehow. “Look at this drop table. I’m doing something!”.

    • @Physioplusfitness
      @Physioplusfitness  3 роки тому

      Hahah totally!

  • @Qwe-ni1kz
    @Qwe-ni1kz Рік тому +1

    I admit it feels good to get my bones cracked but some of these chiropractor act like they can cure cancer

  • @billfisher8647
    @billfisher8647 Рік тому

    You said: “I think” a lot. You didn’t present any peer reviewed evidence. I can tell you that chiropractic neck adjustment does provide pain relief, greater range of movement and has therapeutic value.

  • @trevelyanharper1373
    @trevelyanharper1373 3 роки тому +15

    This video is so good man. You call out bullshit but you also aren't a hater and give fair criticism and fair complements.

    • @Physioplusfitness
      @Physioplusfitness  3 роки тому +4

      Thanks, I am just trying to be honest without being unfair, I obviously have my biases but try to keep them in check (as much as possible anyway) haha

  • @user-ys8bu1li1r
    @user-ys8bu1li1r Рік тому

    it has its uses. But lots of effort, hard work and time is needed to really readjust your posture. Anyone who has been through the extremely difficult but immensely rewarding process can attest to this

  • @fisherg5955
    @fisherg5955 Рік тому

    Chiropractic therapy can bring remarkable changes through repetition, the Dr. has to tell the patients the number of visits recommended per week, per month, or per year as you/allopathic medicine prescribe a bunch of drugs like every 8 hours, 2 times a day, or once a day. Chiropractic is more than pain management, works best for the optimization of body function.

  • @CM-yz3ze
    @CM-yz3ze Рік тому

    I have never seen a physio or chiro that didn't have a team where there was a least one of each. I'm not sure why I consistently see so much online where there is invalidation of the other - my treatments have always included a plan where they get paired together to help do what they other doesn't address as well.
    On top of that, if one people do or don't have success with one or the other - that doesn't mean it will work for you. That goes for most things. There are just so many people - SO MANY, who have been mislead or even gaslit for years that there's nothing that can be done for them... and then a chiropractor resolves the issue. There are also many injuries- make sure you're seeing someone who is very well reviewed and who does proper tests and assessments before treating you. I get that costs can be pretty high, but don't choose your specialist because they're affordable. Your wellness in on the line.
    Can't it just be that SOME chiros aren't as good as others at what they do, and SOME are snake oil salesmen...but not all? That's the case for other medical professionals too- heck, it's the case with most things in the world.

  • @stevenjohnson4283
    @stevenjohnson4283 Рік тому +1

    I've had Chiro and physio. Chiro works, and Physio does not work. Physiotherapists are lazy to give you a back rub and work out problem muscles and knots, but they won't do this because they do not wish to be university educated masseuse's. They merely tell you to go home and do stretches and and bending so they don't have to do any actual work. I think physiotherapists are the laziest HANDS-OFF medical professionals of all. My worst experiences have been with physiotherapists, and I walked away in absolute disgust at the level of unprofessionalism I experienced.
    It does not surprise me that a physio would make a video complaining about a chiro video. A very unprofessional thing to do among medical professionals.
    At my former workplace EVERYONE went to chiro for back problems, and the older workers said steer clear of physio because it does very little.
    Either I go to a Chiro who's hands on and does an adjustment, or go to a physio and they barely want to touch my back and send me home to do stretches and bends, AND CHARGE ME EVEN MORE! For what? Physiotherapists do hardly anything, and its hard for them to do a half decent back rub. My physio who was obese thrust down on my lower back with all their body weight during a back rub, and I could barely get up after it. I told them to not do that ever again and steer clear of the area- which is where I have prolapsed disks. The owner of the business recently trained in acupuncture and did some of that and it did nothing. I've been to proper Chinese acupuncture and they actually can work miracles. Chinese pressure point massage is 1000 times better than Physiotherapist laziness.
    What works is this:
    1. Chiro back adjustments will work for most people, but for some it won't work and maybe make it worse.
    2. Deep Tissue massage works for most people, but for some it won't work and maybe make it worse.
    3. Chinese pressure point massage will work for most people, but for some it won't work and maybe make it worse.
    4. Chinese acupuncture with electrodes/tens really can produce miracles, and will work for most people, but for some it won't work and maybe make it worse.
    What does not work:
    1. Physiotherapy because they are trying to do as little as possible and do not want to be hands on, but rather tell YOU to go stretch and bend and use a heat pack, and you didn't need to pay $85 for that. Physiotherapists DO NOT have healing hands. If you need healing, you need healing hands and physiotherapists do not want to be a masseuse with a university degree.
    My father had hip replacement surgery, and the day after the operation the physio came in and started telling him he should be moving about and exercising. They started to yell at my father, and he told them off. The hospitals use physiotherapists like bulldogs in the hospital to try to motivate patients to start moving as soon as possible after major surgeries, to get them out of the hospital asap. Physiotherapists in hospitals are THE most complained about medical profession. Just google the hospital and read the reviews.
    My personal experience with Physiotherapists was terrible and I really should have lodged a formal complaint with the Australian Body regulating physiotherapists about the misconduct of the owner of the business. The guy was going around slandering me in the community. His employees misconduct was just as bad if not worse. The culture within the physiotherapist community is absolutely disgusting and its no joke that its the most complained about medical profession.
    Physiotherapist need to shut the F up and WORK for your money and actually give a damn AND BE THAT MASSEUSE and try to help people. At least Chiropractors are in there getting their hands dirty (so to speak) and getting stuck into your problems and looking over your alignment and doing something about it. Stretches and bending and heat packs won't align my spine.

  • @digitalobserved
    @digitalobserved Рік тому

    8:18 ''There is no change in bony alignment''. The paper linked in the description does not mention MRI findings before and after manipulations.

    • @Physioplusfitness
      @Physioplusfitness  Рік тому

      Here is a link to one such paper:

    • @digitalobserved
      @digitalobserved Рік тому

      @@Physioplusfitness n=10 in this paper, which is not really strong evidence for the claim that bony alignment can't change by manipulations.

  • @angadsingh3817
    @angadsingh3817 Рік тому +2

    checking leg length with shoes on... good job chiro!

  • @NoirHammer
    @NoirHammer 2 роки тому

    The problem is there aren't enough clinical studies to support many of the adjustments that they do. As far as I know, the decompression table is the only valid tool they have. Medical massage will do more than an adjustment

  • @kevinlackey7511
    @kevinlackey7511 Рік тому +2

    Quit hating on chiropractic care. It works. Y’all would rather someone spend hundreds of thousands on surgery that’s not guaranteed.

  • @coffeetime777
    @coffeetime777 Рік тому

    I just seen this a year later. My chiropractor gives the option for normal or drop table. I chose normal at first then, later the drop table. It did not seem as jolting and painful when on the table verses regular adjustment for me. The drop table took the same amount as time as a regular adjustment. It does the same thing. I would never allow straps to adjust me. I would think the risk of further damage could happen. I seen another video where this dr did this at the neck and the guy's leg spasmed for a couple minutes later. No thank you.

  • @KingKass2929
    @KingKass2929 Рік тому

    Drop table likely adds an acoustic/haptic placebo effect.

  • @Larremorechiropractic
    @Larremorechiropractic 2 роки тому +9

    I was in pain for 12 years and one chiropractic adjustment resolved it.

    • @giotto12scarponi43
      @giotto12scarponi43 2 роки тому

      Lmao why not earlier?

    • @LegendKingY2j
      @LegendKingY2j Рік тому

      @@giotto12scarponi43 lmao maybe because he didn't see a chiropractic before?

  • @mimicro83
    @mimicro83 Рік тому +1

    My chiropractic testimony is successful, she got me out of spine surgery three times, LUMBOSACRAL, THORACOLUMBAR and NECK. THANK YOU CHIROPRACTIC

  • @davidstewart8136
    @davidstewart8136 Рік тому

    I think the drop table has the same effect as the crack. People hear the noise and of the table slamming and think it's their body

    • @Optimus18
      @Optimus18 Рік тому

      Absolutely agree bro. The drop table is nothing more than an additional (laughable) gimmick, in that it satisfies the 'patient's' idiotic desire to hear loud clicking noises - which their gullible minds associate with 'good things' or a 'cure' for their 'problems'.

  • @raxit1337
    @raxit1337 Рік тому

    Good video! It's cathartic to see this after getting chiro videos in my shorts feed with millions of views, mostly peddling nonsense. Good to hear a european opinion as well, since most of the discourse around this issue comes from Americans, where chiro is very popular.

  • @beavisroadhog9629
    @beavisroadhog9629 Рік тому

    Vertebral Artery Dissection- guess what one of the most common causes is...

  • @Cody-et5xz
    @Cody-et5xz 2 роки тому +5

    Gotta say that my back and leg has been completely fixed by a chiro years ago and hasn’t returned. And the before and after X-rays of my spine showed an obvious correction.

  • @beans_dud3881
    @beans_dud3881 2 роки тому +11

    I saw a different chiropractor restore a man’s ability to walk by doing minimal adjustments and assigning specific exercises to do in a lot of volume every day, I think it’s like “Dr. Ian restores man’s ability to walk” and the way his condition improves with minimal adjustments is insane. And even dr. Cipraino helped another guy reduce pain in his muscles and allowing him to get up. So I think it definitely has its place. But it’s not done the right way as of now.

    • @Gammera2000
      @Gammera2000 Рік тому +1

      I highly doubt that video is truthful.

  • @DazedPhasesofLazerbeams
    @DazedPhasesofLazerbeams 5 місяців тому

    The drop table just makes people feel like hes done something when he hasn't.

  • @projectlanflys2965
    @projectlanflys2965 Рік тому

    If i'm not wrong.... Don't You get the same effects of these manipulations with an inversión bed...

  • @1973sophia
    @1973sophia 2 роки тому +7

    I had a sprained ankle and it was a chiro that finally made my ankle go back to normal and the joints made a full range of motion. When i shared this observation to an in-house physiotherapist at a previous nursing home where i worked, i didnt realize i touched on a physio's sensitivity and am told they can do what the chiro can do🤨 . I realized right away it was said in envy. Another time, I had a neck whiplash and i had severe neck pain with tingling in my arms that interfered with my sleep and day to day activities. I chose only to go two places, a good chiro (he didnt employ neck cracking but something else) and a massage therapist that was trained by this chiro to combine his chiro technique with deep tissue massage techniques. Boy, it definitely wasnt placebo! the tingling was gone within 2 weeks of intense treatments. Are all chiros good? no just as not all physiotherapist are good. in all profession, there are mediocres and there are giants in their profession.

  • @JojajoDam
    @JojajoDam Рік тому

    I think you can need the whole treatment. I had a physio working on me and a chiropractor. I did the excersises for my body and breathing. Than nutrition is important as well. Its not either of. You need to find out what is working for you. Specialists could get of there island and work together. Thats could be pro-active and new and helpfull.

  • @jodyjean
    @jodyjean 9 місяців тому

    Drop tables... if you're trying to crack someone's back, you have them lie on a flat surface. To have a collapsing surface makes no sense. They drive me crazy too.

  • @zenitsu9651
    @zenitsu9651 2 роки тому

    I have pain in my upper back and stiffness in the lower back what do u suggest a chiro or a physio.?

  • @lucasmaynard4738
    @lucasmaynard4738 2 роки тому +6

    The drop table helps create an oscillating force and it helps reduce the recoil of the adjustment. Uses gravity to assist in the adjustment. Chiropractic is very misunderstood because of Chiropractors who have a huge ego and don’t understand the principles chiropractic was founded upon. The amazing thing about chiropractic is that regardless of the doctor the principle works. Chiropractors are nervous system specialist, not neck and back pain doctors.

    • @hik.horticultures
      @hik.horticultures 2 роки тому +3

      But the principles are not scientifically based and have been tested for quite extensively with no results. Ego or not, the practice and techniques are for show with placebo/neurophysiological effects, which the drop tables clearly demonstrate.

    • @someopinionateddirt6561
      @someopinionateddirt6561 2 роки тому

      Neurologists are nervous system specialists. Chiropractic care was founded on the likes of DD Palmer who believed that manipulating the spine can cure all ailments, like cure deafness.
      Which is quite the claim since the nerves in your ears don't go through the spine.

    • @rug699
      @rug699 2 роки тому

      "Lucas Oscillating force Maynard"

  • @allisonsmith9050
    @allisonsmith9050 3 роки тому +4

    After I reach my yearly deductible, I go to the chiropractor quite often. I will say this…a lot of the stuff they do doesn’t make a noticeable difference and I def do NOT go there for a medical explanation of what’s happening with my back. If I thought I had a problem, I would see an MD. However, there are a few spots which they crack which feel amazing! I also disagree about the Y strap. It really helps me. Might be different for some people.

  • @JayJay-yf1rf
    @JayJay-yf1rf Рік тому

    Why would you react to this 🤣🤣🤣 nah but you are a genius I like how you broke everything down

  • @dr.johnkupper2049
    @dr.johnkupper2049 2 роки тому +3

    Interesting to see you physios hating on chiros, really good for the overall health of the community.

  • @antizionist1293
    @antizionist1293 2 роки тому

    I do enjoy getting chiropractic adjustments for short term relief but it’s not a long term solution

  • @ChloeASMR91
    @ChloeASMR91 2 роки тому +1

    i want a chiro to give me the Y strap i wanna feel my body come apart literally lol

  • @00joetrooper
    @00joetrooper 2 роки тому +3

    Look i dont care what anyone says i know it helps me from not being able to put ur socks on in the morning cant even turn around in bed without the feeling of being stabbed in the back it works for me no one know my body better than me

  • @edisont.picard4112
    @edisont.picard4112 2 роки тому +1

    A good chiropractor will change your life. It doesn't matter if agree with the theory. It doesn't matter if subluxations actually exist. What matters is the result.

  • @youneslhanchawi9373
    @youneslhanchawi9373 Рік тому +3

    Chiropractic treatment is a very effective and useful treatment for physical care and is very excellent for relieving the pressures on the cartilage Personally, I was suffering from a deviation of the spine and it was corrected with a chiropractor, thanks to God

    • @Physioplusfitness
      @Physioplusfitness  Рік тому +1

      Chiro is very effective for the right person, as long as the explanation used as to why it helps is not BS I am all for it :)

  • @grafzeppelin4069
    @grafzeppelin4069 2 роки тому

    I can just hear your bank account going up.

  • @robshoup
    @robshoup 2 роки тому

    How about a video on Koren Specific Technique?

  • @Joehunt28
    @Joehunt28 Рік тому +1

    Yh sure you don’t like the fact that he is stealing your clients and that they don’t have to go bankrupt or in huge dept to afford the surgery plus when you have a surgery you sign as paper which says that the people operating on you don’t keep accountability!
    But i ty hate the fact that chiropractor make you sign that ty
    Never been to a chiropractor but I’ve been to a surgeon actually he came to me at the ER while i was dying and if i didn’t have money he wouldn’t provide to me the care i needed

  • @PwnyDwn
    @PwnyDwn 2 роки тому +5

    The full medical history , xrays and all happened off camera to protect his information. You say a lot of smoke and mirrors is happening.. but it's not. As someone who is able go stand up right and walk again because of my chiropractor and my therapist I can personally tell you, your studies be damned it works. It helps people.

  • @badalkc4697
    @badalkc4697 3 роки тому +5

    looking this type of reaction for long time ..gud to see more. great one

  • @Nick-wf1je
    @Nick-wf1je Рік тому

    I'm curious what's your medical background? My chiropractor got me walking again but it's fake.

    • @Physioplusfitness
      @Physioplusfitness  Рік тому

      I am a physiotherapist, I have nothing against chiros as a profession and I have a video on my channel on why I love chiropractic, I just hate BS reasoning for WHY these things help, which in some patients can cause more problems than it solves.

    • @Nick-wf1je
      @Nick-wf1je Рік тому

      @@Physioplusfitness I feel like that's not how the video came off. Not trying to be rude it's hard to put emotion into letters.iI'm trying to figure out why it helps though and what the adjustments actually do. I haven't seen my chiro in about a year so I haven't had the chance to ask. The adjustable board is to allow less stress when adjusting instead of being on a hard surface. At least that's what I was told.

  • @CEGCsmite
    @CEGCsmite 2 роки тому +4

    Both fields compliment each other. I dont know why you tend to "debunk" ideas from chiropractic practices. You make it look like people just proclaim themselves chiropractors and then patients just come in the room and get "popped". Sheesh. No wonder people visit physios nowadays.