I wanna play too! My answers: 1. The children of the Forest (by Lisa something) 2. Chronicles of Narnia! 3. I don't really remember the title exactly but it was something like the the barrow? This was the first book I regret finishing. 4. Sitting on the front porch with my brothers as our mom read the Hobbit to us 5. gonna have to go with Howl's Moving Castle on this one ;) 6. I can't think of anything specific? 7. Tom Bombidil would be an awesome friend! 8. .... so many places... 9. I don't read much non-fiction but I liked the book about Dewey the Library Cat 10. Tolkien was famous for loving long walks in nature and his extensive knowledge. he would have been fun to hang out with for someone like me who loves nature too!
🙆🏻 Your turn! What are your first answers to these questions?
This is a great tag!
I wanna play too!
My answers:
1. The children of the Forest (by Lisa something)
2. Chronicles of Narnia!
3. I don't really remember the title exactly but it was something like the the barrow? This was the first book I regret finishing.
4. Sitting on the front porch with my brothers as our mom read the Hobbit to us
5. gonna have to go with Howl's Moving Castle on this one ;)
6. I can't think of anything specific?
7. Tom Bombidil would be an awesome friend!
8. .... so many places...
9. I don't read much non-fiction but I liked the book about Dewey the Library Cat
10. Tolkien was famous for loving long walks in nature and his extensive knowledge. he would have been fun to hang out with for someone like me who loves nature too!
Great answers! Howl’s Moving Castle, what a surprise 😂