Oscar Reviews - Don't Look Up

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • Don't look up Adam McKay's rebuttal to critics.
    Levitz, Eric. "Don't Look Up Doesn't Get the Climate Crisis." nymag.com/inte...
    I tweet. / thesloopjoshb
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  • @dmeloche01
    @dmeloche01 2 роки тому +9

    My dude is out here still releasing videos under an hour out from the start of the Academy Awards!

  • @Whipitgood
    @Whipitgood 2 роки тому +8

    Thank you for continuing this series. I look forward to these every year!

  • @Armyjay
    @Armyjay 2 роки тому +8

    It’s also a movie about the inability, intentional or otherwise, or politicians and the media to admit and convey to the public the reality of any unwanted or embarrassing situation. It’s a satire on them.

  • @TuckerJohnson7
    @TuckerJohnson7 2 роки тому +4

    Love your channel! Just watched your Blade Runner analsys, you do a fantastic job. Makes me appreciate that movie even more now. Like the format, like the script, you're a talented writer.
    In a sprit of open discussion, I would like to offer a rebutle to your anylysis in this video.
    I agree that a comet approaching earth is a different situation to climate change in reality, and require different amounts of effort from different groups of people. However, I think you overlook some of the comparision's strengths. Climate change is a slow moving, predictable disaster, like a comet. As the comet gets closer, the mission required to divert it needs to get bigger and more drastic, and thus would take more time to organize/build.
    Specificlly, the fact of the response needed to combat a comet is less then for climate change strengthens the thesis of the movie, not weakens it. With the comet having a benefit of having a decicive outcome AND a hard deadline it strengthens the message of the movie by showing that we couldn't muster that amount of societal effort required to prevent catastophy, even as (realitively) simple as this. And thus it inlicits the image of the magnitude of societal change we need to face climate change by removing critical flaws with how we do things in society at the moment.
    As for what it's proposed solution to this problem it presents is and who the movie is for, this movie isn't about trying to convince people directly. It's desire is to see the flaws that are failing to deal with climate change in our societry- to stand up and point to them, in the hopes that fixing them that will help midigate climate change now that we see (and more importantly, admit) those flaws. You partially said it around (8:50);
    "The problem putting the blame for inaction on politicians and the media is while our politicians could certainly be doing more to mitigate, the effects of climate change, the reason they're not doing more, is because there's not a ton of public pressure on them to do so. the inaction from those in power is because the masses don't care enough, not the other way around"
    (btw, The Social Dilema pairs nicely thematicly with this movie)
    I read the Eric's NYT's article, and found it very interesting. The concept that "if in agregate, building a solar farm on top of someone's existing buisness (say, big corn farm), can save 100 lives over the next 50 years, is it not the morally right choice to make?" is very interesting and agreeable. These decisions to be made not at expense of the farmer, but everyone. So everyone needs to support that.
    For the movie, while it's not the strongest satire, I saw a lot of word-for-word similaries to my experiences in everyday life. "wow, that thing I witnessed the other day was actually quite crazy". Covid-realated events. While origionally made for climate change, I think why the movie got so popular was it's release durring covid, and so many people relating to it. As Adam McKay shared on his eposide in the podcast "How to save a planet", (Starts 31:00) BLOCK QUOTE:
    "[as COVID happened], We had to shut down production and then I went home, like, we all did and, and just watched as beat after, beat of the movie came and in some cases became so true that I had to remove it from the script and it and then I even had a moment where I'm like, do we still make this [after the changes]?"
    "But I mean, that's the environment we're in now, where change and cascading collapse is happening so fast that you write a movie, that's quite exaggerated, and quite silly. And then, in the middle of it, it it really like half came true."
    In other words: the blade of the movie's satire dulled because it was written too well.
    I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on my takes, if any. Thanks for taking the time to read this wall of a comment, I wish you the best!

  • @advithvashist9889
    @advithvashist9889 2 роки тому +5

    I think the most interesting part of the movie is the media parody portions. It’s fun seeing how the main issue is spun, packaged, and ignored.

  • @MrEmahony
    @MrEmahony Рік тому +1

    Please please please can you do a review/analysis of 'The Banshees of Inisherin'. I love so many of the films you look at, and honestly this film shot to my top 5 ever. Thanks for all the great content!

  • @dant5349
    @dant5349 2 роки тому +4

    Ok but what the fuck is Red Notice how has that managed to be the most watched Netflix movie and I've never heard of it

    • @couchpotato2222
      @couchpotato2222 2 роки тому +5

      3 reasons
      Hint: Look who's on the Poster

  • @simonmacomber7466
    @simonmacomber7466 Рік тому

    "The inaction of those in power is because the masses don't care enough, not the other way around."
    Every word of what you just said was wrong. Those in power are in power _despite_ the opinions and actions of the masses. *THEY DON'T CARE WHAT THE MASSES THINK.* They only care what the masses perceive. Therefore, I believe this movie was intended for those who think that "with more engagement, we can conquer climate change." And the message being, "not in this world you can't." Remember, at the end of the movie, _everyone dies._ The same is true about climate change. There will be nothing done because those in power don't want anything to be done. They would rather everyone on Earth die, including themselves, than give up one smidgen of their power. They can't take their wealth with them, but they damn well will make sure that there won't be anyone left to use their wealth once they are gone.

  • @kockoklosharcheto
    @kockoklosharcheto Рік тому

    Thank you for being honest!

  • @bobleponge9150
    @bobleponge9150 2 роки тому +2

    Sums it up nicely

  •  Рік тому

    I saw the movie's metaphore more as an excuse to explore the feeling of when you understand the problem and how serious it is, while being surrounded by people who just can't be bothered to care enough to TRY to understand. It wasn't satire, it was catharsis for climate anxiety. I get your take. But I felt really vindicated seeing my emotions validated on screen.

  • @Matu833
    @Matu833 Рік тому

    I would been great if you talked more about the movie and the character development, visuals, and storytelling. You focused to much in the climate issue, i understand that it is the central point of the movie, *how people react to the enviriomental issues, media, confort and politicians*, but you could make a
    more script based review.
    Yes this work is a satire, and you centered your video on that part and how it works with the genre, and you talked a little about the actors and their roles. For the most part i agree. But
    this type of análisis doesn't go with your channel style and its by no means an subjetive, artistic and philosophical take on the movie.
    Still love the content. Keep it up!
    (Sorry for the bad english lol)

  • @BloodlessWolf
    @BloodlessWolf Рік тому

    Why do so many people not understand this movie? The point of the movie wasn't to say, hey look, climate change, here's how we solve it. The point of the movie was to directly point at the politicians and media that have allowed climate change to go this far and saying to you, the viewer, "Look! We've explained it to them perfectly. We're all going to die!" Yet, they do not care. It isn't about, convincing the viewer to, I don't know...recycle. It was meant to make you look at media and politics and realize they aren't very smart, there is no plan other than short term profits, and they're only there to deceive you because that's easier than being responsible and more profitable.

  • @KelleyGreenEcstasy
    @KelleyGreenEcstasy 2 роки тому

    Long time viewer; my issue with this is movie was I felt like the whole time that I was waiting for my buddy to drop the bomb but it never did. Make anchorman or make the big short. Don't do both. Still watched it twice tho..
    edit: i did not realize you were gonna talk about the actual science behind climate change. With that, the (dumbing down) nonchalance of the central issue of climate change rolls the message because it trivializes its true message.
    editt: its been 8 years not 6, sucks.

  • @stewartkee6115
    @stewartkee6115 2 роки тому +6

    You dont like the movie because it shifts responsibility away from people and onto politician's? Those in power you mean? God forbid. Next we will be blaming the oil lobby for giving huge political donations to politicall parties and a fortune in advertising revenue to the media in order to discourge them from holding big oil responsible. This video is so insane its unbelievable. Im starting to wonder if its a review or an attack add sponsored by big oil.

  • @MusicaX79
    @MusicaX79 2 роки тому

    9:00 the issue is not the pressure the issue is it would require funding into massive costs that wouldn't pay back for years were talking 10 years+. Nuclear is incredibly clean and safe, more people have died from solar panel production in a year do to toxic chemicals then nuclear has killed in it's life time. But it's taboo in the public and the pay out takes a decade. By then your party maybe out of office or maybe they just shut the project down. Ether way the payout regardless of if it will work is not attributed to your actions. Which is a huge problem for politicians since they want to get reelected or go to a higher office. So instead of building the Plant they instead shut down production of natural gas as an example. To toot the horn claiming they did something and claim a win from the masses. Knowing fully well that at some point it's going to get turned back on since the Demand for that product didn't go away. You just made the production stop. You have to replace the demand for that one energy for another and properly ease it in. The problem is that this take years, that will last long past your administration. As such why would any politician invest in this technology only for someone else to get the benefit. Superficial solutions gain more votes.
    Like take Biden as a quick example he has shut down the creation of new fracking sites in the US. The result is instead of coal planets burning Natural gas which has significantly less carbon output they instead now go back to burning coal. Biden claims this is a win and will toot the horn for it gaining votes knowing fully well that before the production slows down to the point that the planets would have to switch to coal. The later on his administration or the next administration would allow new sites to be opened. While they can then make the claim that ether they were forced to by the "evil greedy" corporations or the "evil" republicans. Ether way the actions taken doesn't solve the problem that you need another source of energy.

  • @MissHeathen
    @MissHeathen 2 роки тому +3

    I honestly really enjoyed the film. It was the best satire I saw in a while, (besides Parasite which was a much higher quality film) and i don't like to believe the writers and director TRULY believed a killer asteroid heading towards earth in a month or two = climate change that we've been slowly doing since the industrial age and capitalism raping the planet.
    I really hope they know that and are just making a funny movie with an environmental message that's a bit more cosmic... "if we can't act on climate change then we definitely can't act on stopping an asteroid from slamming into us" type of argument. I'm sure other countries wouldn't have failed so easily to stop an asteroid, only the united states... That's all I'd make slightly different. But whatever, they're being dark. They're relying on your imagination a bit, I guess, that maybe the world was completely over-run with fake news not everyone had time to prepare and that's mostly the fault of the religious anti-science far right and the united states for pushing so much lies and chaos. See, I did it right there.
    To me the analogy being perfect wasn't really important to me because, it was made well at least and the asteroid is a plot device, and often a cleverly crafted spoof in a way similar to "Airplane" or "Top Secret!" with a different style of silliness. The film did more than just entertain it got people talking about it and discussing its message. I mean, it's written by liberal-progressives... What do you expect?
    Progressives and Liberals are not far left. They sometimes weirdly make their media more white leading characters than it should be, and make dramatic analogies to get people to give a shit about something, even if it's a bit manipulative; cuz that's what libs do, but the concern from libs about climate change reminds me of the more centrist liberal characters in the movie... satirizing them and maybe Sorta was mocking himself with the premise and thought... Fuck it, it's funny.

  • @9omargiugiangiugia5
    @9omargiugiangiugia5 2 роки тому +16

    "Shifting the blame away from everyday people and onto politicians"? You are clearly painfully unaware of the history of climates science and politics. Astonishingly bad take.

    • @MoviesILoveandsocanyou
      @MoviesILoveandsocanyou  2 роки тому +8

      If climate change were a bigger priority for voters, it would be a bigger priority for elected officials. Politicians chase votes. They focus on issues that their voters care about enough to get them elected.

    • @stewartkee6115
      @stewartkee6115 2 роки тому

      @@MoviesILoveandsocanyou what planet are you on. They focus on money to get elected, lie to people that they are going to do somthing, then take money from the Oil Lobby to do nothing.

    • @edkar7604
      @edkar7604 2 роки тому +1

      @@MoviesILoveandsocanyou good thing global warming will elevate standards of living. Please… just a little unbiased research goes a long way my misguided friend.

    • @ThanatosReturns
      @ThanatosReturns 2 роки тому

      @@MoviesILoveandsocanyou I see some are pointing out that "putting the blame onto politicians" effect. While I don't think it's been caused by people watching the movie "Don't look Up", we have witnessed here in Australia during the latest Federal Election (a few months back - about May), a big swing against the "Conservative Party" (mostly) towards what have been labelled as "Teal Independents". The Teal Independents are "Conservative reps" who branched out with much stronger Climate Change policies than the original Conservative Party.
      It has resulted in the mainstream conservative party losing a lot of the seats they should have typical held in certain electorates - and put the "progressive" Labor Party as a majority seat holder in Parliament.
      While I appreciate Politics is a very different animal in the U.S, imagine if some Republican Politicians started to listen to the more "sensible" republican constituents who actually believe we need to be doing more for climate? I've seen division between republicans over Trump in recent News-doco's - I can only imagine there are Republicans and democrats out there who are on the same page about Climate change.
      I guess in my mind, the tide seems to be changing.

  • @user-yl4lf9mh1w
    @user-yl4lf9mh1w Рік тому +1

    Don't look up was legit one of the best films i've seen in a long time. It worked, it was so damn good and original. Your take on this movie, is literally insane.

  • @troyounce3295
    @troyounce3295 2 роки тому +8

    This movie is cringe garbage

    • @edkar7604
      @edkar7604 2 роки тому

      Fudgin amen my brother. Who doesn’t want a slightly warmer winter? Who doesn’t want farming and seafood at a surplus like we’ve never seen? Who doesn’t want to save money and use less energy by not needing to warm their homes up? Oh right… absolutely everyone.
      2-3 degrees of global warming is the best thing humanity can hope for.

  • @father042
    @father042 2 роки тому +11

    One of the most terrible and preachy movies in recent years, I fully agree with YMS on this

  • @sudd3660
    @sudd3660 2 роки тому

    climate change is only one thing to take from this video, its the least of our worries.

    • @sudd3660
      @sudd3660 2 роки тому

      the movie is shit by the way, but the ideas and the way it makes you think is great.

  • @edkar7604
    @edkar7604 2 роки тому

    When the temp rises a few degrees, earth prospers. Farming is easier and more accessible. Winters are less grueling. Less people and animals die from the cold. Fish are happy as they have more water to swim in, also leading to more food, in this case seafood. This can solve world hunger, it will bring many out of poverty, and overall elevate our standards of living worldwide. I cannot sympathize with or stand people who have “existential crises” over things that 1- they don’t understand and 2- is actually s fantastic thing.
    Earth and its climate runs in cycles. And yes, humans have disrupted it. That’s there the global warming fanatics stop with the truth however. Earth has been due for another ice age. Human intervention stopped that. However bad you falsely thing global warming might be, it’s nothing compared to global cooling. That kills almost everything, especially agriculture. Polluting humans have saved humanity. That’s something no one talks about.
    What we also don’t talk about is all the suffering that will be brought by this “clean” energy craze. Living costs go up, all costs go up… people die. Crime and poverty washes over the world. And that’s not even to mention that clean energy in of itself is a ridiculous term. Wind turbines pollute more than fossil fuels at a phenomenal rate. Electric cars are powered by diesel generators, their batteries are disgusting and have to be shipped all around the world to be made and discarded. We already have the most efficient energy source - oil. And lots of it.
    All of you fanatics are horribly misguided. And I feel so badly on your behalf. Your mind is weak and misguided, and you will tear the world apart before you realize it.

    • @ThanatosReturns
      @ThanatosReturns 2 роки тому +1

      When the "temp rises" a few degrees - it doesn't mean it's even across the whole earth like putting a bit heater nicely in front of your cold feet on a winters night.
      It's like putting your dinner into a microwave for a minute, and finding half your dinner is piping hot like lava, and the other half still has cool spots in it!!
      It means local weather patterns will become more extreme and Un-seasonal. It might mean areas with lower rain might start getting a lot more on average, OR areas with higher rain might start getting less.
      You see, CO2 is tied into and affects things like how Warm/Cold water currents flow around our oceans. CO2 also affects acidity of the ocean. Now imagine the gigatonnes of CO2 that is now being dissolved into the oceans via human impacts, and you start to realise that we're affecting the way our over all Climate and ecology are impacted.
      But you've obviously got all the answers like those media personalities and politicians in the Movie "Don't look up" - so please don't let my information bother you as agriculture starts to fall short of the worlds needs and extreme weather events cause society to re-think how we build and plan communities.

    • @edkar7604
      @edkar7604 2 роки тому

      @@ThanatosReturns my answers come from the unbiased experts.
      Technology can handle everything you mentioned.
      It’s a weird mindset to have - we affect this thing, so it’s a bad thing! What?

  • @sorry987654321
    @sorry987654321 2 роки тому +2

    great first 5 minutes and then bad idiocracy.

  • @bharatnair15
    @bharatnair15 Рік тому

    Yo mate where are your Oscar movies reviews this year? Your videos are my some of my fav parts of Oscars season! I look forward to them every year!

  • @jusschiyaao
    @jusschiyaao Рік тому

    I find your channel through 7 year old comment on post refers to Assassination of Jesse James and now I am loving your channel.

  • @olsboiii
    @olsboiii 2 роки тому

    Great vids man, look forward to these every year but why do you never make videos on all the best pic noms and complete a years nom list?? Always bothered me