How to remove breathing noises in Pro-Tools

  • Опубліковано 9 лип 2024
  • Summary of 'How to remove breathing noises in Pro-Tools'
    - Intro section: what are breathing noises? And why do they happen?
    - Practical examples of fixes: manual cuts, or automated methods with plug-ins.
    Tools used: Pro-Tools, iZotope RX
    Big takeaway? Practice gaining control over your breaths with breathing exercises.
    "It's not about the tools, it's about understanding the processes!"
    We believe a deeper understanding of process is crucial. And with that, the 'How to edit voice overs: the series' was born.
    Visit | for the full piece on editing voice overs and audio post-production, 'How to make your voice sound better.'
    [00:00:00] Hello, my name is Jairo Pineda, an audio engineer who helps out at Voice123. We'll be talking about common voice over audio recording problems and its possible fixes. A link to our full, how to edit voice overs piece on our voice over guide is down in the description below. Today, we're going to be talking about breathing noises.
    [00:00:29] Quick definition- what's breathing noises? Why do they happen? As the name suggests, breathing noises are just breaths, but they can be very intrusive in voice overs to the point of being distracting from the performance. They can be louder if you don't have control on your breathing, or if you're doing a first read and haven't identified breathing spots in the script. Let's take a look at how to ease or remove breathing noises in post-production.
    [00:00:50] We're going to use Pro Tools and iZotope RX plug-ins for this. Let's dive into it. Here's a voice over with distracting breathing noises. It's a fortified [00:01:00] fruit juice in all your favorite flavors. No preservatives, and sugar-free. Let's zoom in and select these parts. Let's just slice this segment. We can do this in Pro Tools with the B-key and use the clip gain slider to reduce its volume by about 15 decibels.
    [00:01:16] Remember to always use a crossfade when doing these slices and volume changes to avoid clicks. Now let's do the same with the other segment. Let's listen to the final product. Fizz up. It's a fortified fruit juice in all your favorite flavors. No preservatives and sugar-free. Manual editing will always result in a more natural sound. There are times when manually editing everything is very tedious. You can use iZotope's RX breath control plugin to automate this process.
    [00:02:00] [00:02:00] Let's insert the audio with breath control plugin to this track. Select the region and click the preview button to listen to how it's working. It's a fortified fruit juice in all your favorite flavors. No preservatives, and sugar-free. Select gain and let's start dialling the gain reduction amount. It's a fortified fruit juice in all your favorite flavors. No preservatives, and sugar-free. It's a fortified fruit juice in all your favorite flavors. No preservatives, and sugar-free.
    [00:02:36] Click render. As you can see, the breathing noses have been removed from the audio file. Let's listen to the final product. It's a fortified fruit juice in all your favorite flavors. No preservatives, and sugar-free. And there you have it. These are tips on how to remove breathing noises in your recordings.
    [00:02:56] Remember, investing time and resources in your pre-production and recording stages [00:03:00] will improve your post-production experience. Comment down below if you have more tips and tricks to solve breathing noises, or if you have any additional questions. Be sure to check out our other videos in the series.


  • @village662
    @village662 2 роки тому

    Thanks for sharing

  • @DanChasingTheGlobe
    @DanChasingTheGlobe Рік тому

    How to *automate* the removal of breathing sounds in post-production in Descipt, or even like you have shown here in Pro Tools with this plugin? Keyword: "automate"