Listen up all you Ditherers. This is important. If you are learning how to record WavyWayne is the place to go. I’ve been pouring over the internet for years and I can tell you from a point of wisdom that there are countless mixers, masterers and ditherers that have infinite knowledge of recording but there are very few teachers. Just because you know things doesn’t mean you have the ability to impeccably impart that knowledge to others. You have to be a teacher to do that. WavyWayne is that teacher. He just might be the top of the list of individuals who have the ability to give you his knowledge in a way that you can actually utilize it with minimum confusion. We all know that people are born with the ability to play a musical instrument. We all know that people are born with the ability to sing. In the same way teachers are born with this gift of teaching. WavyWayne has this gift outright. I’m not telling you to avoid other tutorials. I’m saying that if you want the best the internet has for free, awesome learning WavyWayne is the place to go. Don’t take this lightly and don’t hold the fact that he does rap almost exclusively against him. (Yea, Wavy. I can joke too) Copy and paste this so others will know. Thanks Wavy!
You can also create another Aux track that all your tracks and busses are routed to and then feed that into the SubMaster (or MixBus as I label it). This allows you to create volume automation that will hit your compressor on the SubMaster. So during choruses for example, you can automate the aux track level going into the SubMaster to hit the compressor a little harder to get some more aggression.
you're the best pro tools teacher on youtube!!! I had no idea you couldn't change the level on your master fader. was wondering why my mixes weren't as lit as they should be!!! THANK YOU!!!!!! YOU'RE THE MAN!!!!!
Thanks so much for this info! I've been trying to copy a Pro Tools workflow into Cubase and was wondering why it sounded so different, the post fade FX on master fader is totally why, I wish I saw this hours ago!
Love all your vid brother. Thank you so much for all you do. I was wondering if there was a way to lock a floating fader on you screen. Meaning let's say I wanted the master fader to always be on the screen without ever changing the fader as I choose another floating fader without hitting shift to bring up another floating fader?
thank you so much! i kept running into the issue of a particular track not being quite the volume that i want it to be but when i get it where i want it, it would peak everything else. putting a submaster fader into a submaster is genius!
@8:15, you still have a compressor insert on the master, so I think what you're saying is true only if you didn't have a compressor insert on the master
Hey man even im not to much in to rap and hip hop music production I like your videos very much I like your perspective and your ninja pro tools techniques ! Haha
I only turn my master fader down At very end of my mix for mastering. I will watch over all levels and try to say between 3-6db etc. for headroom so normally turn MF down -2 threw -4db
It's normal to use master to adjust the level. Because Protools use 32 bit floating point mixer since 2016. You can experiment with this. Generate 0 dbFS signal on track, set channel fader to +10 and master fader to -10. And it wiil be OK on the output. You should only care to prevent overload on master, because it will provide distortion in DAC.
Very helpful. What if all my plugins are on insert A through E plugins on my master fader.. should i still do my fade out at the end of my song on a sub master? Thanks
hey bruh, love the info, new to this Producing, so how do i Master my songs from usb stick from my MPC X ? got the stems parts down, you have video on this? thanks
Great stuff as always. Question: just to clarify, sounds like what you call a "Submaster" is what i call a "Mixbus" correct?.. (Mixbus is a term i've seen used most often by engineers and what I learned with) - Or am I getting that wrong? I've never heard the term "Submaster" before but the way you're using it is the same as how I use a "Mixbus"...
Question!? what if I have vocal tracks already routed to a bus? do I Bus- out the bus to achieve the same volume fade out w/o effecting any plugins? and how can I fade - out an entire song without touching the master fader if the beat is still playing beyond the end of the vocal performance.
Great video my man!!! Very clear and usefull!! One question: how did you put some plugins on top of your searching multichannel list ? Is that a Pro Tools Ultimate featuring?
Bro! Thank you for all the gems you drop! I was JUUUUST about to buy one of your packages on your site then I read that you use a lot of 3rd party plugs. Well, I cant speak for others but If you sold templates using pro tools stock that would be a game changer. I am still trying to learn the basics of what I have before I spend more $$ on more plugs. y'dig? Respect for you sharing knowledge, Peace.
Hey Wayne, I like the sub master fader bus, I like to do my fades on an acapella and instrumental aux or (HD an audio track for input monitoring option) to be able to have separate fade for vocals and instrumental. With a sub master bus I could sync the two tracks reverb and delay fades. Thanks for the ideas, great production value to your video.
What do you use that Clarity MkII for? Do you reference mixes Using LuFS? Or is that monitoring your video shoots? They're super common in broadcast setups now days.
Love the work you're doing sir, much respect! Can you tell me what you're using to record your video's and how are you recording your voice without headphones, do you have a separate mix going to your speakers? Thx Ash
Saying that you should never touch the fader on the mixbuss master is a bit short-sighted. It is quite classic to drive the 2buss inserts 0.5-1dB when going into choruses etc. It might not change the level, but it will make the compressor (if any) react a bit more, giving you the feeling of a more powerful chorus. And I really mean like 1dB at the most :D
Get your studio gear from the BEST place online! Sweetwater!
@Wayne.wav I hit your email 📧 Let’s work!!!
Bruh!!! Could you please do a beat mix from start to the end. Please please
oh hi ok xoi see ijeejehrheh
Hey @waynewav if the visual levels are peaking, but the music sounds good, isn’t that fine or am I missing something?
This man is giving GOLD right here. Please listen!
Listening 🎧🎶👌
Listen up all you Ditherers. This is important. If you are learning how to record WavyWayne is the place to go. I’ve been pouring over the internet for years and I can tell you from a point of wisdom that there are countless mixers, masterers and ditherers that have infinite knowledge of recording but there are very few teachers. Just because you know things doesn’t mean you have the ability to impeccably impart that knowledge to others. You have to be a teacher to do that. WavyWayne is that teacher. He just might be the top of the list of individuals who have the ability to give you his knowledge in a way that you can actually utilize it with minimum confusion. We all know that people are born with the ability to play a musical instrument. We all know that people are born with the ability to sing. In the same way teachers are born with this gift of teaching. WavyWayne has this gift outright. I’m not telling you to avoid other tutorials. I’m saying that if you want the best the internet has for free, awesome learning WavyWayne is the place to go. Don’t take this lightly and don’t hold the fact that he does rap almost exclusively against him. (Yea, Wavy. I can joke too) Copy and paste this so others will know. Thanks Wavy!
This is a fact 💯🎯
This was dope as hell man
Maaaaan… I was a terrible masterfader. I knew sumn wasn’t beating right. 😂💯☑️
You can also create another Aux track that all your tracks and busses are routed to and then feed that into the SubMaster (or MixBus as I label it). This allows you to create volume automation that will hit your compressor on the SubMaster. So during choruses for example, you can automate the aux track level going into the SubMaster to hit the compressor a little harder to get some more aggression.
you're the best pro tools teacher on youtube!!! I had no idea you couldn't change the level on your master fader. was wondering why my mixes weren't as lit as they should be!!! THANK YOU!!!!!! YOU'RE THE MAN!!!!!
Just got my SM7B and love it compared to old TLM103
Can’t believe it!
Very helpful - thanks! Although I feel like I’ll have to watch it five times to fully understand. We all learn at our own pace.
this made a lot of sense...i need to start using submasters again...thx man
Thank you Wavy! You da best! 🤙🏿 Blessings! 🙏🏿
Keep dropping them jewels... You the reason I enrolled in Full Sail
You sick wit the intros!! HAHAHAA 💯💯
Thanks so much for this info! I've been trying to copy a Pro Tools workflow into Cubase and was wondering why it sounded so different, the post fade FX on master fader is totally why, I wish I saw this hours ago!
Yo Wavy Wayne thanks for the tutorials man. You teach me more than any other channel. Keep it up bro
Using the submix, you also can print in real time by recording to the print track, and you use reference tracks that aren’t routed through the submix.
How crazy is it that Pro Tools makes you do this? I’m getting tired of Avid lately 😅
Good explanation Mr Wayne, like always
Wayne the truth! I been using the Master Fader wrong for YEARS Lol
Bro, i feel like shit, but seeing your videos inspire me and makes me feel better, good vibes
Love all your vid brother. Thank you so much for all you do. I was wondering if there was a way to lock a floating fader on you screen. Meaning let's say I wanted the master fader to always be on the screen without ever changing the fader as I choose another floating fader without hitting shift to bring up another floating fader?
Big thanks about the brilliant lesson, really important understand post fader inserts about the master.
feeling the new intro
Thanks fam!
thank you so much! i kept running into the issue of a particular track not being quite the volume that i want it to be but when i get it where i want it, it would peak everything else. putting a submaster fader into a submaster is genius!
💯🖖🏾 Your Videos always answers my questions
wayne tough me pro tools in 2 weeks... he gifted
Wavy always coming with the heat!! Good info man!!💯💯
The beginning tho😂.also nice new intro
Thanks fam!
I was like what😂
Gems every time .. appreciate you bro
you done blewup , good to see you Prospering!! Salute...
The new intro live as hell big bruh RT!
That intro was hilarious!!!
Nice bro, cause my PT master fader has been clipping red, this opens up more options to deal with that issue
You are awesome. Learning a lot & gettin a laugh at the same time.
Love your channel bro. I've learned allot of different techniques to make my music go smooth. Thanks a million Boss
Right on fam!
Man haven’t seen video yet but thank u it’s all I need with my skill set is mixing n mastering n my protools
Shout out from Spokane Washington USA 🇺🇸 Thanks for your hard work
The shift+alt shortcut helped me a lot, thx man !
Good Stuff Wayne! This was a very necessary video. 👍🏽
Wavy out here giving analog signal flow for pro tools 😭😭😭 You're the goat Wavy! Keep doing what you're doing!
Wavy Wayne you saucy s.o.b. you!!! Thank you for taking the time to help us! Your videos are incredibly helpful
@8:15, you still have a compressor insert on the master, so I think what you're saying is true only if you didn't have a compressor insert on the master
helped me so much!! currently learning post-production for film and I had forgotten everything that's been taught so far :')
where did you go to school
Your sessions are really inspiring... ❣❣❣❣❣❣ From Africa with ❣
Hey man even im not to much in to rap and hip hop music production I like your videos very much I like your perspective and your ninja pro tools techniques ! Haha
Oh good looking out bro! I been using it wrong lol. Oh it's on now! Thank you! 💯
So helpful, man! Thank you! Subscribed!
Bro you the man
Can u do One of these videos for logic
Funny tech for the way you explain things, it totally works for me...✌💜😁
The video aint even started yet and i'm 'liking' it :X
amazing stuff - extra master faders is something i've just started hearing about.
The greatest UA-cam video intro of all times 😆 🤣 😂
Lol..I said the same thing!!🤣🤣
Good Info 👍
Good stuff man! Thanks
Good afternoon big brother, Thank you for today's inspiration & motivation 🙏
I only turn my master fader down
At very end of my mix for mastering.
I will watch over all levels and try to say between 3-6db etc. for headroom so normally turn MF down -2 threw -4db
Bro thank u I learn so much . Do u have any videos about preparing to master song and what are final steps for final mix
Pro Tools 110: Module 11 - Basic Mixing and Signal Flow. Get your certification folks
thank a lot man, can this be done on Pro Tools First? I got it free with my interface, thanks
Wavy-Gang! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thankx homie 🤟🏾
My pleasure
Bra you funny ash for the intro🤣 caught me off guard with the punchline…💯 much love from memphis
Very informative and easy to understand. Thanks Wavy. Great job.
Your video's are super helpful, thank you so much!
This intro made my day
Thanks again Wavy! Very informative. This man deserves some props now!
It's normal to use master to adjust the level. Because Protools use 32 bit floating point mixer since 2016. You can experiment with this. Generate 0 dbFS signal on track, set channel fader to +10 and master fader to -10. And it wiil be OK on the output. You should only care to prevent overload on master, because it will provide distortion in DAC.
That new intro video is sooo fire!
Thanks fam
Very helpful. What if all my plugins are on insert A through E plugins on my master fader.. should i still do my fade out at the end of my song on a sub master? Thanks
hey bruh, love the info, new to this Producing, so how do i Master my songs from usb stick from my MPC X ? got the stems parts down, you have video on this? thanks
Much appreciated Wavy
Great stuff as always. Question: just to clarify, sounds like what you call a "Submaster" is what i call a "Mixbus" correct?.. (Mixbus is a term i've seen used most often by engineers and what I learned with) - Or am I getting that wrong? I've never heard the term "Submaster" before but the way you're using it is the same as how I use a "Mixbus"...
@8:46 invaluable tip to prevent clipping!
That new intro slapping 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Great video. Thanks.
Question!? what if I have vocal tracks already routed to a bus? do I Bus- out the bus to achieve the same volume fade out w/o effecting any plugins? and how can I fade - out an entire song without touching the master fader if the beat is still playing beyond the end of the vocal performance.
Thanks bro! This was making me so mad! My music was getting affected by my plugins for my vocals. This helped!
Great video my man!!! Very clear and usefull!!
One question: how did you put some plugins on top of your searching multichannel list ? Is that a Pro Tools Ultimate featuring?
i just needed the 20 first seconds Bro 🤣💪
Bro! Thank you for all the gems you drop! I was JUUUUST about to buy one of your packages on your site then I read that you use a lot of 3rd party plugs. Well, I cant speak for others but If you sold templates using pro tools stock that would be a game changer. I am still trying to learn the basics of what I have before I spend more $$ on more plugs. y'dig? Respect for you sharing knowledge, Peace.
This was very helpful @Wayne.wav! Stay encouraged!
Hey Wayne, I like the sub master fader bus, I like to do my fades on an acapella and instrumental aux or (HD an audio track for input monitoring option) to be able to have separate fade for vocals and instrumental. With a sub master bus I could sync the two tracks reverb and delay fades. Thanks for the ideas, great production value to your video.
That’s a great idea too!
Do u have any videos on how to prevent vocals from clipping in the red..thanks
Awesome video 👍🏿
Thank you
best intro you ever made. had me dying haha 🤣
What do you use that Clarity MkII for? Do you reference mixes Using LuFS? Or is that monitoring your video shoots? They're super common in broadcast setups now days.
Best intro yet!! Lololol
Love your explanation of this...many thanks.
This is some sharp shooter stuff you're dropping here. Some stuff I've been doing for years, but some other things that I'm going start doing stat. 🔫
U da man!!!!!!!
I wonder if I can apply this to LPX🤔
Love the work you're doing sir, much respect! Can you tell me what you're using to record your video's and how are you recording your voice without headphones, do you have a separate mix going to your speakers? Thx Ash
Saying that you should never touch the fader on the mixbuss master is a bit short-sighted. It is quite classic to drive the 2buss inserts 0.5-1dB when going into choruses etc. It might not change the level, but it will make the compressor (if any) react a bit more, giving you the feeling of a more powerful chorus. And I really mean like 1dB at the most :D
Greetings! Great job, one question wich keyboard for use in Pro Tools do you recommend?
Thank you so much for this. It is exactly what I needed at this moment! Incredibly helpful.
Thanks for the dope Wavy
great video man