For those who are confused with the Khezu soundtrack thing, it's a joke. Khezu never had a soundtrack but we like to joke about it, calling it crisp, minimalistic, or the perfect alarm tone etc.
One not-so-fun fact for Gigginox is that they have only appeared in the third generation of mainline Monster Hunter games and Monster Hunter Explore. I'd really like to see them again. The armor you craft from them is so cool!
lol, Seregios being nicknamed Steve all because I asked Yuri for a localized name. And yeah, that was me, surprised my post could still be found today.
One very niche fun fact I noticed for Rey Dau is, since "r" is pronounced like "L", the Japanese pronunciation of Rey Dau sounds very much like 雷刀 (Léi Dāo) in chinese which means thunder knife or lightning blade
Plus, the fact that they do have "wings" but they are non-functional, due to the size of said wings. So, evolutionarily speaking, they are "flying wyverns" just not in the sense that they can fly.
Exactly. While the official phylogenetic tree can be a bit of a hassle for real world zoology sometimes, Akantor and Ukanlos being Flying Wyverns is something I like, as it's sticking to a focus on actual in-universe evolution since the 2 of them can trace back their evolutionary lineage instead of being complete anomalies like Elder Dragons.
One fun fact I found about about Shrieking Legiana is that if you poison the monster there will be a time in wich he will stop attaking and will vomit the poison, giving you an opotunity to deal more damage.
Bazelgeuse is named after the Red Supergiant Star Betelgeuse, which is a star located on the constellation of Orion. A thing about Supergiant Stars is that they are near end of life, and they go Supernova when they are at end of life, aka they blow up, which is fitting for a monster like Bazelgeuse who blows things up with its scales.
These videos bring me back to og times when you showed me how to use the charge blade in monster hunter generations while i was stuck to a bed due to my eye surgery. During tjat time i coildnt see so i used your voice as comfort. I really appreciate you man!! I hope you create evwn more content that you love. And god bless your daughter and you as well!!
25:49 since they still have the bits of wing bones in their arms, thats probably why tho to quote the phrase "You can't evolve out of a clade." Is fittinging here. Really only thing about them is that they are big and dont have any supernatural like Abilities like the other elders
@@LordShonji Though that's where it's a bit strange where to draw the line at flying wyvern. Because Akantor and Ukanlos split off before Wyvern Rex which is considered the first flying wyvern. So they technically never were in the flying wyvern clade to begin with.
Another fun-fact about Khezu: the red ones are the regular specimens because they’re seen way more often than the white ones, which should technically be the subspecies because of their albinism
Red Khezu lacking the albinism of regular Khezu is not mutually exclusive with being a subspecies. This theory has never been confirmed by official material
I really appreciate your videos. I always liked getting those small tidbits of information that usually dont make it out of japan or at least are hard to find in western media. I'm really looking forward to your Wilds content! ❤
Another fun fact about basarios: In 4u there was a glitch you could perform by toppling basarios and then ko it while it was still down. This created an invisible, but infinite mining spot near it's back. And you'd get different ores from it depending on what rank you fought basarios in.
Interestingly enough Akantor and Ukanlos split off before Wyvern Rex. If Wyvern Rex is truly the base ancestor of all flying wyverns, then that would make Akantor and Ukanlos not Flying Wyverns, but instead something completely unique. Ancient Wyverns or Basal Wyverns would be a more appropriate name.
Imo Akantor and Ukanlos should remain as flying wyverns because of their evolutionary origins and it's kinda cool that they're weird flying wyverns that don't fly
I think the reason the shrieking legiana are called that/shriek so much is because they watch over the nesting grounds of the legiana! so when there's a threat to the babies they call in reinforcements which i think is cute :')
Fun fact about Sand Barioth: in the 15th anniversary size comparison video, its size was actually changed to reflect 5th gen Barioth's average size! Also, Bazelgeuse's name has been officially said in 2 mediums: Navirou mentions it in the English dub for MHS2, and Seething Bazelgeuse's name is said aloud in the August 2022 digital event. It's official pronounced "Baz-el-geese" right now!
Personally I think Akantor and Ukanlos could be reclassified as Fanged Wyverns. As they seem to share a lot of anatomy with Zinogre and Magnamalo. In their general standing position their wrists are positioned bellow or sometimes even behind their shoulders. Their elbows are usually at or bellow their shoulders. They posses heavily reduced wing fingers and as a result of the early traits have given them a more erect leg posture then Pseudo Flying Wyverns do. This results in them having far more anatomicly in common with Zinogre and Magnamalo then Pseudo Flying Wyverns such as Tigrex, Barioth and Nargacuga who would have otherwise been the monster with the closest anatomy. This information was mostly gained via comparing my own gameplay footage and looking at footage online, I may have made mistakes. I think this conclusion also makes sense as Fanged Wyverns were not in the games when Akantor and Ukanlos were first created. While yes they could have convergently evolved, I think this and reclassifying Black Diablos would be a nice opportunity to show that the Guild is interested in updating their taxonomy and classifications. Additionally putting Gigginox, Kezu and potentially Pukei Pukei(its digestive tract really looks like it is attached to its tail) in a new "Tail Gut Wyvern" or "Tail Wyvern" group would be nice.
I doubt the guild will ever do something about it. The players are the real biologist, btw I disagree, I think akantor and ukanlos definitely seem like ancient pseudo flying wyvern, which has has a lot of time to get rid of the "wings". But, you can call whatever it doesn't matter.
With that logic we can also just reclassify hyraxes to rodents. Sure, from an evolutionary perspective they're most closely related to elephants and manatees, but have you considered that they LOOK like rodents? That OBVIOUSLY means that they must BE rodents. This is a mockery of taxonomy! You're shaving years off my life here! The entire idea behind Ukanlos and Akantor is that they are the basal most Flying Wyverns we see in the games, with Tigrex coming in second. That's why they share a skeleton (Nargacuga share's Tigrex's skeleton for reaons GaijinHunter himself states in this video. They are not close relatives) They, while highly specialised for their respective environments, retain archaic traits such as flightlessness that sets them apart from their fellow Flying Wyverns, but that does not mean they are not still Flying Wyverns, that is not how cladistics work, you cannot lose your ancestry, once a monkey, always a monkey, once a Flying Wyvern, always a Flying Wyvern
@@thegloriouskingkronk8422 I feel I covered this sufficiently, I acknowledged that they may have convergently evolved to resemble Fanged Wyverns and that *despite* this the opportunity opened by reclassifying them was enough to disregard that chance. Further in Monster Hunter the guilds do not have the ability to look at the genetics of the monsters and as such morphology/anatomy is something they will be going off. (To be clear on what I mean by my comment on the genetics, I am not suggesting that The Guild should misclassify an animal because of looks. Rather that we as the audience don't know the genetics, so why should we assume the genetics line up with what The Guild initially thought. Animals do get reclassified when later discoveries are made and research is reviewed with new knowledge. Fanged Wyverns were not a thing when Ukanlos and Ankator were introduced, as such they are the perfect monsters to reclassify into the Fanged Wyvern group and thus show growth on the part of the Guild. Do we really expect The Guild do not have progressed and learnt of earlier mistakes as time passes?) Regarding "this is not how cladistics works", I am suggesting moving them into another group. I am *not* suggesting making Fanged Wyverns into a group within Flying Wyverns that inexplicably stops anything within it from being Flying Wyverns. Regarding them "retaining archaic traits", how does the guild know that they didn't convergently evolve those traits? I would say it is more believable that they evolved from a wyvern that both predates Flying Wyverns/Fanged Wyverns and was capable of flight, but they ultimately evolved out of flight, they do have massively reduced wing fingers after all. Regarding Tigrex, I would be fine with it being a Fanged Wyvern that retained some flight traits but I assume it is a Flying Wyvern that started to convergently evolve away from flight leaving it as the Hydrax that resembles Rodents. An important feature on this is that "Living Fossils" do still evolve and some animals happen to resemble Fossils they are not related to, Polypterids do *resemble* Tiktaalik but they are Ray Finned Fish not Lobe Finned Fish. Edit: The bracket section was added.
@robertmacfergus9288 I would assume that, since the Guild is the one to process the Monsters we kill, they would have gotten a really good look at Akantor and Ukanlos's skeletal anatomy, and that that is why they're classified as Flying Wyverns. Also, since Bird and Flying Wyverns apparently diverged prior to the appearance of Wyvern Rex, that would mean that Akantor and Ukanlos would have to be secondarily flightless. In fact, Akantor does have a fourth finger on its hand jutting out to the side, like a vestigal form of Tigrex's wing. And in Ukanlos, that digit is even more vesitgal. For the record, Fanged Wyverns ancestrally have five fingers on their hands. You see this in Zinogre, Lunagaron, and Odogaron. Dodogama, Girros, Jagras, and Shamos have four. Also saying that they resemble Fanged Wyverns in any way other than flightlessness is a bit of a stretch. Akantor and Ukanlos hold their limbs in a way no Fanged Wyvern does, which is that the frontlimbs are sprawled to the sides, while the hindlimbs are kept underneath the body (like in Tigrex, and convergently Nargacuga, Barioth, Seregios, and possibly Arkveld. If Arkveld is a Flying Wyvern, that is). Dodogamas and adult male Jagras and Girros also sprawl, but with all four limbs. All other Fanged Wyverns keep their legs beneath the body (when walking or running, they may assume a sprawled stance when threatened). I'm sure in-universe there'd be a lot of room for debate for if Fanged Wyverns are actually just a kind of Flying Wyvern or not. But in terms of currently established Monster Hunter canon? That reclassification makes no sense.
I've played Monster Hunter all the way from the first game, and one of my favourite monsters is Monoblos. It really was the final boss of the village quests for that game, and it was such a cool story with him and the Village Elder, and being able to pull the sword from the stone after beating him was a cool touch. I really want to see him make a return at some point.
4:32 MHtriU was my second Game after MHTri and even at that time i thought it was weired that Azur Rathalos was the Cover Art Monster. But i do think that the western Cover Art feels much more like MHTriU. Probably because the Brachydios Artwork is a strong contrast to the main themes and locations you spend 90% of the Game in.
I love these videos, they teach me just a bit more about the Monsters I love to hunt lol. I know the bonus video you mention probably isn't going to be the otherwise missing spin-off Monsters, but i would like to request such a video from you only due to the fact youve already created a while series for this bestiary, you can upload it as a Volume 2 kind of deal and while there are a lot of Monsters included in the Spin-offs, im sure im not the only one who would at least like to see such Monsters as Oltura, the Razewing Rathalos and even.. whatever the endgame boss of Stories 1 was (sorry, havent gotten around to replaying Stories 1 since beating it on 3DS at release lol) even though they are also some of the least fleshed out Monsters (only due to inclusion in one or two titles)
Suggestions for future videos, go over more in-depth for the variants, like, lore or backstory or something. Like what's the deal with Raging Brachydios or Seething Bazelguese? Maybe Deviants could be done as well since they're...somewhat like variants I guess? lol
Imagine if one day there is Monster Hunter fighting game where the characters are just hunters with different armor based on themed monsters. The hunter can choose the top 3 set weapons of the armor in which each weapons carrying their own special effects. Their special moves would be summoning the armor related monster to attack the opponent. Example hunters with Red Rathalos armor, using Red Wing Great Sword, Effect fire blast. Special, summons Rathalos which bathed the opponent with multiple fireballs. That would be awesome.
I do like having Akantor and Ukanlos "missclassified", it gives a general feeling that at some point they had the ability to fly but their wings atrophied, but somehow still kept their classification. If there was another category to put them in besides Elder Dragon they would fit in as Fanged Wyverns, given theyre basically drakes and assume a general wyvern stance with the frontal legs instead of standing upright like a 6-limbed elder dragon.
I think Gigginox has a good chance of returning in Wilds, after Rise brought back Khezu. Granted, Wilds seems to have its fair share of weirdos already, mayhaps not...
Correct me if im wrong, but isnt Kezu also the actual Supspecies and the Red Kezu the "Main" monster. I once heard that the guild just found the white Kezu first and asumed he was the main monster and then they found red Kezu and said he is the supspecies but some time later realised that it is swapped but just sticked to the way it was? (PS. sry my english is by long sentences not the best but i think you know what i mean, maybe)
I've personally ALWAYS called Tigrex TAI-grex since his debut. It just makes more sense. Honestly, I think World just had a ton of bad voice recording.
Two things I'll point out: Rathalos world tour is definitely not a Japan only thing, we used the same term in the west. And two, Odogaron aren't hunting those Legiana, they're scavengers. The Legi fall down into the vale dying of natural causes, you can even see em fall if you're in the right place at the right time.
For me it always will be tigrex the way they pronnounce in the cutscene because thats the way is pronounced tiger in spanish "tigre" and they sometimes use spanish words for monsters so it's not unusual
So that fun fact about Flaming Espinas being a reference to Bahamut has me wondering if another Square collaboration happens will they make Bahamut a hunt in Wilds? If that ever happens I hope he would at least be more fun than Behemoth.
I think the 鉤 in 荒鉤爪 might be something like “hook” to possible the image of a rough hooked claws ripping its prey apart. I speak both Japanese and Taiwanese mandarin so I’m familiar with the kanji. “Fish hook” in Chinese is 魚鉤 (Sorry, I don’t mean to be a jerk leaving this comment)
About Tigrex pronunciation, in Spanish it is pronounced "Tee-gre" and "Tee-Rex", so the amalgamation "Tee-grex" sounds incredibly appropiate IMO, but maybe not so much for English speakers. I'm glad Capcom decided to rollback to the original pronunciation.
Here in Brazil, I call Seregios by "Serginho", that is a nickname for "Sérgio", a name very common here in Brazil hahaha. I also have nicknames for Teostra (Thelma), Chameleos (Camila), Royal Ludroth (Lourdes), Paolumu (Paloma) and others haha all names very common in Brazil
Might as well said this for another idea.. you did mention that bolt reaver astalos is the top deviant monster in popularity right? So can you make a seperate video of the popularity poll where you categorize or summarize each of the monster on whos who on top of each species? I know its a lot of hassle but i think most of us or just probably me will be happy to see it hehe Thanks if you will consider it!!
I just noticed it, but can Bazel's name be somehow connected to the star Betelgeuse? 😮 Yeah two minutes of research make it my head cannon. Betelgeuse is a star in the constellation of Orion THE HUNTER and it's second brightest after Rigel, which is called sapphire star. Betelgeuse is also a name of a nuclear test project or something
I'll probably sound dumb, but I was thinking that realistically it should be possible for monsters to have multiple subspecies and they don't necessarily have to be rare or something like that, so how do you you think they'd go about it considering every subspecies just called "ashu" in Jp? I'd guess the just won't, but it's pretty limiting imo as for example Barioth really deserves a good subspecies imo. Or they'll just push the changes further into a new species,, which is actually a great thing imo. Many people seem to not like the idea of it, but irl we have lots of different environments where specific niches are often filled with similar animals, so it'd make lots of sense to interchange some monsters like that between some areas or just games. For example Ludroth and Pokaradon are very similar monsters in lots of ways and could basically be versions of each other on different locals (not the best example, as Pokaradon has some very unique attacks, but I think it shows what I mean)
I miss my sweet giggiboy Also side note about your statement on lucent Nargacuga I have never heard it referred to as “Luna” in all my years people have always called lucent “Lucy” short for lucent Nargacuga in all my time playing online and within community forums.
16:27- I don't. He got exposure in World, and even the regular one has terrible moves and hitboxes. I dread finally fighting this, and will hopefully only do it once.
I'm glad that I speak German, where Tigrex's and Bazelgeuse's names have only one possible pronounciation each. "Let's go hunt Steve" sounds really concerning when out of context.
Can't reclassify Akantor or Ukanlos, they both still have a stubby wing toes from their evolutionary trait, so there's a clear distinct reasoning why Capcom classified them as such. It was a design decision from the ground up for those. They also don't feel like Elder Dragons to me, they're just large. I guess one naming would be Ancient Wyverns which would be closely related to Extinct Species--- But yea, no need to reclassify due to the traits they still show.
Given the lore that Basarios are young Gravios, is there a lore-explanation as to why there are no Ruby Gravios? Are we tasked with hunting them all so they can't become too powerful??
Another fun bit of information I've heard about Khezu: Red Khezu is actually the normal variety, and the Khezu is an albino variant. I also heard it originated from a dream (nightmare) that one of the devs had.
Damn, never expected to share favorite monsters with Gaijin lol And yeah!! Boltreaver being most voted deviant is blasphemy!! Justice for the horns of fury!!
I too hate Legiana. But my reason is specific to my friend groups I played world with. Every time a new hunter came to Legiana they were like "Oh it's stuff looks so cool, let's hunt it" Me, several hundred killed and captured Legi later "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
For those who are confused with the Khezu soundtrack thing, it's a joke. Khezu never had a soundtrack but we like to joke about it, calling it crisp, minimalistic, or the perfect alarm tone etc.
Additionally, fight music usually begins when a monster sees you. And Khezu, being blind, never does.
One not-so-fun fact for Gigginox is that they have only appeared in the third generation of mainline Monster Hunter games and Monster Hunter Explore. I'd really like to see them again. The armor you craft from them is so cool!
Same, I love Giggi
That hunting horn was also perfection.
@@jenneldoodeldoo7803literally a giant coffin
So damn cool
I miss him so. I'm tired of Khezu favoritism.
And it has Two diferent sword and shields
lol, Seregios being nicknamed Steve all because I asked Yuri for a localized name. And yeah, that was me, surprised my post could still be found today.
I love the Khezu soundtrack you picked!
The rise rendition was the best imo
@@kamilion1 I love the instrumental cover !!! So beutiful !
One very niche fun fact I noticed for Rey Dau is, since "r" is pronounced like "L", the Japanese pronunciation of Rey Dau sounds very much like 雷刀 (Léi Dāo) in chinese which means thunder knife or lightning blade
Side fact : in French, they kept the Cherry Blossom part by naming her Rathian Sakura, which is pretty neat.
I think they're 100% right on keeping Akantor and Ukanlos as flying wyverns as it makes a lot of sense ecologically
Plus, the fact that they do have "wings" but they are non-functional, due to the size of said wings.
So, evolutionarily speaking, they are "flying wyverns" just not in the sense that they can fly.
Exactly. While the official phylogenetic tree can be a bit of a hassle for real world zoology sometimes, Akantor and Ukanlos being Flying Wyverns is something I like, as it's sticking to a focus on actual in-universe evolution since the 2 of them can trace back their evolutionary lineage instead of being complete anomalies like Elder Dragons.
One fun fact I found about about Shrieking Legiana is that if you poison the monster there will be a time in wich he will stop attaking and will vomit the poison, giving you an opotunity to deal more damage.
I will test this when I get home
Really?! I never knew of this before, maybe because I didnt use poison weps. The thing is, why only Shrieking tho?
@@SuperRitz44 I have no idea but It would be nice that poison had more interactions like this and not only damage over time
@@fernandoromeozaragozano4460 Can confirm! It stopped for like 4 seconds and vomited
Bazelgeuse is named after the Red Supergiant Star Betelgeuse, which is a star located on the constellation of Orion.
A thing about Supergiant Stars is that they are near end of life, and they go Supernova when they are at end of life, aka they blow up, which is fitting for a monster like Bazelgeuse who blows things up with its scales.
These videos bring me back to og times when you showed me how to use the charge blade in monster hunter generations while i was stuck to a bed due to my eye surgery. During tjat time i coildnt see so i used your voice as comfort. I really appreciate you man!! I hope you create evwn more content that you love. And god bless your daughter and you as well!!
Yeah, I'd be sad if he stopped especially now that arekkz has been gone for over a year
25:49 since they still have the bits of wing bones in their arms, thats probably why tho to quote the phrase "You can't evolve out of a clade." Is fittinging here. Really only thing about them is that they are big and dont have any supernatural like Abilities like the other elders
@@LordShonji Though that's where it's a bit strange where to draw the line at flying wyvern. Because Akantor and Ukanlos split off before Wyvern Rex which is considered the first flying wyvern. So they technically never were in the flying wyvern clade to begin with.
Another fun-fact about Khezu: the red ones are the regular specimens because they’re seen way more often than the white ones, which should technically be the subspecies because of their albinism
Aren't the white seen more often, that's why they became 'considered' the regular and the red the subspecies
Red Khezu lacking the albinism of regular Khezu is not mutually exclusive with being a subspecies. This theory has never been confirmed by official material
Here is another Spanish fun fact in here, for those who didn't know. Espinas literally means "thorns" in Spanish. An apt name, I would say.
I really appreciate your videos. I always liked getting those small tidbits of information that usually dont make it out of japan or at least are hard to find in western media.
I'm really looking forward to your Wilds content! ❤
Another fun fact about basarios: In 4u there was a glitch you could perform by toppling basarios and then ko it while it was still down. This created an invisible, but infinite mining spot near it's back. And you'd get different ores from it depending on what rank you fought basarios in.
the Khezu BGM joke never gets old 😂
Certified banger
Fun fact about khezu: its Japanese name, "furufuru," is the onomatopoeia of the sound effect of shivering.
That's a cute name lol
Interestingly enough Akantor and Ukanlos split off before Wyvern Rex. If Wyvern Rex is truly the base ancestor of all flying wyverns, then that would make Akantor and Ukanlos not Flying Wyverns, but instead something completely unique. Ancient Wyverns or Basal Wyverns would be a more appropriate name.
Is it possible for Akantor & Unkalos to be categorized under Brute Wyvern?
@Revenant1128 no, they're on different branches. Fanged Wyvern wouldn't be possible either.
@@kingofflames738 agreed.
Gigginox needs to come back already; they've been gone for too long!
I’m praying we can get Gigginox and Khezu in Wilds 🙏
in MH Stories 2 Bazelgeuse was officially pronounced "bah-zel-geese"
Imo Akantor and Ukanlos should remain as flying wyverns because of their evolutionary origins and it's kinda cool that they're weird flying wyverns that don't fly
I think the reason the shrieking legiana are called that/shriek so much is because they watch over the nesting grounds of the legiana! so when there's a threat to the babies they call in reinforcements which i think is cute :')
Odo doesn't really hunt Legianas. Those you can carve in the vale drop dead from the highlands and Odo just does what scavengers do
12:52 LMAO the Khezu fun fact 😂
Fun fact about Sand Barioth: in the 15th anniversary size comparison video, its size was actually changed to reflect 5th gen Barioth's average size! Also, Bazelgeuse's name has been officially said in 2 mediums: Navirou mentions it in the English dub for MHS2, and Seething Bazelgeuse's name is said aloud in the August 2022 digital event. It's official pronounced "Baz-el-geese" right now!
I was watching the previous three parts last night and was excited to see when this would come out. Cheers pal, this is some good work.
32:56 I can only imagine his reaction to seeing the hundreds of Legiana in Iceborne
Personally I think Akantor and Ukanlos could be reclassified as Fanged Wyverns. As they seem to share a lot of anatomy with Zinogre and Magnamalo.
In their general standing position their wrists are positioned bellow or sometimes even behind their shoulders. Their elbows are usually at or bellow their shoulders. They posses heavily reduced wing fingers and as a result of the early traits have given them a more erect leg posture then Pseudo Flying Wyverns do. This results in them having far more anatomicly in common with Zinogre and Magnamalo then Pseudo Flying Wyverns such as Tigrex, Barioth and Nargacuga who would have otherwise been the monster with the closest anatomy.
This information was mostly gained via comparing my own gameplay footage and looking at footage online, I may have made mistakes. I think this conclusion also makes sense as Fanged Wyverns were not in the games when Akantor and Ukanlos were first created.
While yes they could have convergently evolved, I think this and reclassifying Black Diablos would be a nice opportunity to show that the Guild is interested in updating their taxonomy and classifications. Additionally putting Gigginox, Kezu and potentially Pukei Pukei(its digestive tract really looks like it is attached to its tail) in a new "Tail Gut Wyvern" or "Tail Wyvern" group would be nice.
I doubt the guild will ever do something about it. The players are the real biologist, btw I disagree, I think akantor and ukanlos definitely seem like ancient pseudo flying wyvern, which has has a lot of time to get rid of the "wings". But, you can call whatever it doesn't matter.
they should be reclassified to Fanged wyverns, even REMOBRA was reclassified to Snake wyvern because Najarala was the only Snake monster in the class.
With that logic we can also just reclassify hyraxes to rodents. Sure, from an evolutionary perspective they're most closely related to elephants and manatees, but have you considered that they LOOK like rodents? That OBVIOUSLY means that they must BE rodents.
This is a mockery of taxonomy! You're shaving years off my life here! The entire idea behind Ukanlos and Akantor is that they are the basal most Flying Wyverns we see in the games, with Tigrex coming in second. That's why they share a skeleton (Nargacuga share's Tigrex's skeleton for reaons GaijinHunter himself states in this video. They are not close relatives) They, while highly specialised for their respective environments, retain archaic traits such as flightlessness that sets them apart from their fellow Flying Wyverns, but that does not mean they are not still Flying Wyverns, that is not how cladistics work, you cannot lose your ancestry, once a monkey, always a monkey, once a Flying Wyvern, always a Flying Wyvern
@@thegloriouskingkronk8422 I feel I covered this sufficiently, I acknowledged that they may have convergently evolved to resemble Fanged Wyverns and that *despite* this the opportunity opened by reclassifying them was enough to disregard that chance. Further in Monster Hunter the guilds do not have the ability to look at the genetics of the monsters and as such morphology/anatomy is something they will be going off.
(To be clear on what I mean by my comment on the genetics, I am not suggesting that The Guild should misclassify an animal because of looks. Rather that we as the audience don't know the genetics, so why should we assume the genetics line up with what The Guild initially thought. Animals do get reclassified when later discoveries are made and research is reviewed with new knowledge. Fanged Wyverns were not a thing when Ukanlos and Ankator were introduced, as such they are the perfect monsters to reclassify into the Fanged Wyvern group and thus show growth on the part of the Guild. Do we really expect The Guild do not have progressed and learnt of earlier mistakes as time passes?)
Regarding "this is not how cladistics works", I am suggesting moving them into another group. I am *not* suggesting making Fanged Wyverns into a group within Flying Wyverns that inexplicably stops anything within it from being Flying Wyverns.
Regarding them "retaining archaic traits", how does the guild know that they didn't convergently evolve those traits? I would say it is more believable that they evolved from a wyvern that both predates Flying Wyverns/Fanged Wyverns and was capable of flight, but they ultimately evolved out of flight, they do have massively reduced wing fingers after all.
Regarding Tigrex, I would be fine with it being a Fanged Wyvern that retained some flight traits but I assume it is a Flying Wyvern that started to convergently evolve away from flight leaving it as the Hydrax that resembles Rodents. An important feature on this is that "Living Fossils" do still evolve and some animals happen to resemble Fossils they are not related to, Polypterids do *resemble* Tiktaalik but they are Ray Finned Fish not Lobe Finned Fish.
Edit: The bracket section was added.
@robertmacfergus9288 I would assume that, since the Guild is the one to process the Monsters we kill, they would have gotten a really good look at Akantor and Ukanlos's skeletal anatomy, and that that is why they're classified as Flying Wyverns.
Also, since Bird and Flying Wyverns apparently diverged prior to the appearance of Wyvern Rex, that would mean that Akantor and Ukanlos would have to be secondarily flightless. In fact, Akantor does have a fourth finger on its hand jutting out to the side, like a vestigal form of Tigrex's wing. And in Ukanlos, that digit is even more vesitgal.
For the record, Fanged Wyverns ancestrally have five fingers on their hands. You see this in Zinogre, Lunagaron, and Odogaron. Dodogama, Girros, Jagras, and Shamos have four.
Also saying that they resemble Fanged Wyverns in any way other than flightlessness is a bit of a stretch. Akantor and Ukanlos hold their limbs in a way no Fanged Wyvern does, which is that the frontlimbs are sprawled to the sides, while the hindlimbs are kept underneath the body (like in Tigrex, and convergently Nargacuga, Barioth, Seregios, and possibly Arkveld. If Arkveld is a Flying Wyvern, that is). Dodogamas and adult male Jagras and Girros also sprawl, but with all four limbs. All other Fanged Wyverns keep their legs beneath the body (when walking or running, they may assume a sprawled stance when threatened).
I'm sure in-universe there'd be a lot of room for debate for if Fanged Wyverns are actually just a kind of Flying Wyvern or not. But in terms of currently established Monster Hunter canon? That reclassification makes no sense.
They do have a pronunciation of Bazelgeuse, it was said in stories 2 when you fight him for the first time. It's pronounced like "Bah-zil-geese"
Man I always struggled with that fricking name
I've played Monster Hunter all the way from the first game, and one of my favourite monsters is Monoblos. It really was the final boss of the village quests for that game, and it was such a cool story with him and the Village Elder, and being able to pull the sword from the stone after beating him was a cool touch. I really want to see him make a return at some point.
Love the part about Khezu soundtrack and that you included part of it in the vid. Shit goes hard! 😂
Awesome! Thanks for these fun/insightful videos!
4:32 MHtriU was my second Game after MHTri and even at that time i thought it was weired that Azur Rathalos was the Cover Art Monster. But i do think that the western Cover Art feels much more like MHTriU. Probably because the Brachydios Artwork is a strong contrast to the main themes and locations you spend 90% of the Game in.
I love these videos, they teach me just a bit more about the Monsters I love to hunt lol. I know the bonus video you mention probably isn't going to be the otherwise missing spin-off Monsters, but i would like to request such a video from you only due to the fact youve already created a while series for this bestiary, you can upload it as a Volume 2 kind of deal and while there are a lot of Monsters included in the Spin-offs, im sure im not the only one who would at least like to see such Monsters as Oltura, the Razewing Rathalos and even.. whatever the endgame boss of Stories 1 was (sorry, havent gotten around to replaying Stories 1 since beating it on 3DS at release lol) even though they are also some of the least fleshed out Monsters (only due to inclusion in one or two titles)
I'm looking forward to part 5. Thank you for all the bestiary videos, I've been enjoying them very much
The Khezu remixes in every new game give me life.
ive been really enjoying this. thank you
lmao i literally just finished watching your last bestiary video and was wondering when this would drop, then i go to my home page and there it is
6:35 the King needs to return!
Excellent video as always.
super exited to watch this, really loving this series! thank you Gaijin ❤
Suggestions for future videos, go over more in-depth for the variants, like, lore or backstory or something. Like what's the deal with Raging Brachydios or Seething Bazelguese?
Maybe Deviants could be done as well since they're...somewhat like variants I guess? lol
Imagine if one day there is
Monster Hunter fighting game where the characters are just hunters with different armor based on themed monsters. The hunter can choose the top 3 set weapons of the armor in which each weapons carrying their own special effects. Their special moves would be summoning the armor related monster to attack the opponent.
Example hunters with Red Rathalos armor, using Red Wing Great Sword, Effect fire blast. Special, summons Rathalos which bathed the opponent with multiple fireballs.
That would be awesome.
"I play it for you right now"
*random MH village song in the background*
"what huh that ain't correct"
I do like having Akantor and Ukanlos "missclassified", it gives a general feeling that at some point they had the ability to fly but their wings atrophied, but somehow still kept their classification. If there was another category to put them in besides Elder Dragon they would fit in as Fanged Wyverns, given theyre basically drakes and assume a general wyvern stance with the frontal legs instead of standing upright like a 6-limbed elder dragon.
I think Gigginox has a good chance of returning in Wilds, after Rise brought back Khezu. Granted, Wilds seems to have its fair share of weirdos already, mayhaps not...
Khezu has my favorite theme in the Monster Hunter series!
Correct me if im wrong, but isnt Kezu also the actual Supspecies and the Red Kezu the "Main" monster. I once heard that the guild just found the white Kezu first and asumed he was the main monster and then they found red Kezu and said he is the supspecies but some time later realised that it is swapped but just sticked to the way it was?
(PS. sry my english is by long sentences not the best but i think you know what i mean, maybe)
Yeah it is possible, same goes with some other monsters as well, but hey the Guild be Guilding ^^
we're nerding out, let's gooo!
13:03- Oh no! it got removed due to copyright!
I've personally ALWAYS called Tigrex TAI-grex since his debut. It just makes more sense. Honestly, I think World just had a ton of bad voice recording.
I still think that if the one with only one horn is called Monoblos they should've called the one with two horns Stereoblos and not Diablos.
I'm now calling it "Stereoblos"
bonus video of best small monsters maybe?
Two things I'll point out: Rathalos world tour is definitely not a Japan only thing, we used the same term in the west.
And two, Odogaron aren't hunting those Legiana, they're scavengers. The Legi fall down into the vale dying of natural causes, you can even see em fall if you're in the right place at the right time.
Amazing series
I like the fact that Capcom actually let the community vote for Khezu in the "Best BGM" poll 🤣
28:44 Navirou did mention it's name towards the end of the story of MHS2 when you get ambushed by it
33:09 nah, not bite us in the ass, just scream in our ears until we have hearing problems or bleed from them, which ever comes first
Do small monsters! Kelbi deserves their spotlight!!!
For me it always will be tigrex the way they pronnounce in the cutscene because thats the way is pronounced tiger in spanish "tigre" and they sometimes use spanish words for monsters so it's not unusual
So that fun fact about Flaming Espinas being a reference to Bahamut has me wondering if another Square collaboration happens will they make Bahamut a hunt in Wilds? If that ever happens I hope he would at least be more fun than Behemoth.
Akantors outer forelimb digit looks like a wing vestige remnant. Hence flying Wyvern.
I think the 鉤 in 荒鉤爪 might be something like “hook” to possible the image of a rough hooked claws ripping its prey apart.
I speak both Japanese and Taiwanese mandarin so I’m familiar with the kanji. “Fish hook” in Chinese is 魚鉤
(Sorry, I don’t mean to be a jerk leaving this comment)
it's all really is Rathalos The Game
Question, is the Gajalaka King a Lynian? He’s from World/Iceborne, only in 1 DLC quest and also appears in 1 subquest.
Bloodbath is my favorite monster too! Masacre Demon Supremacy
Ooooh, so thats most likely why Monoblos hasnt come back. If everything is constantly connected, it'd be hard for it to be a Solo Quest
First time I saw the turf war between Odogaron and Paolumu I was laughing so hard I carted 🤣
About Tigrex pronunciation, in Spanish it is pronounced "Tee-gre" and "Tee-Rex", so the amalgamation "Tee-grex" sounds incredibly appropiate IMO, but maybe not so much for English speakers. I'm glad Capcom decided to rollback to the original pronunciation.
Bazelgeuse's name was said during MH stories 2, Navirou pronounced it as "Baysilgeez"
Here in Brazil, I call Seregios by "Serginho", that is a nickname for "Sérgio", a name very common here in Brazil hahaha. I also have nicknames for Teostra (Thelma), Chameleos (Camila), Royal Ludroth (Lourdes), Paolumu (Paloma) and others haha all names very common in Brazil
Might as well said this for another idea.. you did mention that bolt reaver astalos is the top deviant monster in popularity right? So can you make a seperate video of the popularity poll where you categorize or summarize each of the monster on whos who on top of each species? I know its a lot of hassle but i think most of us or just probably me will be happy to see it hehe
Thanks if you will consider it!!
I just noticed it, but can Bazel's name be somehow connected to the star Betelgeuse? 😮
Yeah two minutes of research make it my head cannon. Betelgeuse is a star in the constellation of Orion THE HUNTER and it's second brightest after Rigel, which is called sapphire star. Betelgeuse is also a name of a nuclear test project or something
I hope one day we'll get a Dreadprince Khezu deviant, which will be doing nothing else but flying around and yelling at you :)
15:59 I'm sticking with the Tie-grex pronunciation. You forgot(?) to mention that Brute Tigrex was in Iceborne.
28:39 I'm pretty sure they said it was the same pronunciation as Beetlejuice.
We will miss monster hunter frontier Z 😢
HOPEFULLY remake in swicth
Astalos best flying wyvern and Jedi Master Astalos best deviant! I'm part of the problem :D
It's funny that some of the members of the flying wyvern family don't fly.
You’re right, there IS a right way to say the B52’s name: it’s beetle juice.
I'll probably sound dumb, but I was thinking that realistically it should be possible for monsters to have multiple subspecies and they don't necessarily have to be rare or something like that, so how do you you think they'd go about it considering every subspecies just called "ashu" in Jp? I'd guess the just won't, but it's pretty limiting imo as for example Barioth really deserves a good subspecies imo. Or they'll just push the changes further into a new species,, which is actually a great thing imo. Many people seem to not like the idea of it, but irl we have lots of different environments where specific niches are often filled with similar animals, so it'd make lots of sense to interchange some monsters like that between some areas or just games. For example Ludroth and Pokaradon are very similar monsters in lots of ways and could basically be versions of each other on different locals (not the best example, as Pokaradon has some very unique attacks, but I think it shows what I mean)
I miss my sweet giggiboy
Also side note about your statement on lucent Nargacuga I have never heard it referred to as “Luna” in all my years people have always called lucent “Lucy” short for lucent Nargacuga in all my time playing online and within community forums.
16:27- I don't. He got exposure in World, and even the regular one has terrible moves and hitboxes. I dread finally fighting this, and will hopefully only do it once.
I'm glad that I speak German, where Tigrex's and Bazelgeuse's names have only one possible pronounciation each.
"Let's go hunt Steve" sounds really concerning when out of context.
Can't reclassify Akantor or Ukanlos, they both still have a stubby wing toes from their evolutionary trait, so there's a clear distinct reasoning why Capcom classified them as such. It was a design decision from the ground up for those. They also don't feel like Elder Dragons to me, they're just large. I guess one naming would be Ancient Wyverns which would be closely related to Extinct Species--- But yea, no need to reclassify due to the traits they still show.
25:52- And I oppose!
Khezu roar basically it BGM for me. That stupid flesh monster really like to roar when i hunt it
Imagine the flying wyvern MMO team: Barioth as DPS, Narga as rogue or ranger, Tigrex the tank. Idk who else to add lol, feel free.
Fun fact: Charge blade is called Charge axe in Japan
Given the lore that Basarios are young Gravios, is there a lore-explanation as to why there are no Ruby Gravios? Are we tasked with hunting them all so they can't become too powerful??
You forgot to mute the background music so you could hear the khezu theme better! lol
Another fun bit of information I've heard about Khezu:
Red Khezu is actually the normal variety, and the Khezu is an albino variant.
I also heard it originated from a dream (nightmare) that one of the devs had.
Red Khezu being the original species is just a theory, and the canonicity of that is very iffy.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but i thought 姫 in the dread queen means "princess" instead of queen?
Yes it does, but it's far too easy to overlook since Rathalos is reffered to as the King ;/
....Soooo, Khezu's theme is really just Pokke Village's theme? lol
You should’ve let the khezu theme run longer 😢. It’s my favorite theme.
Wait isn’t Brute Tigrex in world? I’ve seen it spawn in guiding lands and as an optional and event quest, so that’s three times.
Why did you pick the rise version of Khezu's theme over the rest? I personally like generatoins the best
Damn, never expected to share favorite monsters with Gaijin lol
And yeah!! Boltreaver being most voted deviant is blasphemy!! Justice for the horns of fury!!
I too hate Legiana. But my reason is specific to my friend groups I played world with. Every time a new hunter came to Legiana they were like "Oh it's stuff looks so cool, let's hunt it" Me, several hundred killed and captured Legi later "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
I wonder if all diablos are females and the monoblos are the fellas, based on the stuff from the evolution video