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@@robertjackson1813 It's the way their infrastructure was built and it's not particularly warm other than recently. As far as I understand as an American viewer that's a bit of a fan of the Brits... Basically you could just open the windows when it was warm in the past.
His demonization of Native American religions and ancient forms of pagan worship is just another example of the colonial and expansionist attitudes of fundamentalist Christianity.
and actually goes back to the first codification of the old and new testaments when Christianity was the rising power in the Mediterranean world to spread out across as far as they could reach until the other desert lord showed up and the whole area got messy.
And I'm extremely confident that if I made a dreamcatcher-like object, but with Christian symbols, bible verses, and vials of 'holy water' etc, I could sell them by the thousands to people like him.
There is a recent Guardian article with the headline "They took part in Apache ceremonies. Their schools expelled them for satanic activities" that covers this quite well
My son went to a local Catholic school. After a few RE lessons, he started wearing a badge; "I believe in Satan.". When a teacher challenged him, he said "You have to believe in Satan if you believe in god". (He also had eyeliner and was an unrepentant goth.)
Fun fact: apparently Mister Rogers spoke in favor of D&D back during the satanic panic. He cited how it encourages imagination, creativity and teamwork, if I remember correctly. I’m more inclined to listen to Mister Rogers over this guy
RIP Mister Rogers. The was and will always be probably one of the sweetest people to ever exist. Also, the fact that there’s a non-zero chance that he played D&D just makes my heart happy.
I learned he was a minister a couple of months ago. I watched his show regularly as a kid and I can't ever recall him saying or doing anything that seemed religious. Such a nice guy.
True I have had that conversation with my greater family because I love Diablo, they said it's demonic, so this game about you being a templar fighting demons is Satanic yeah that makes so much sense now lol.
As a Native American viewer, I'm pretty annoyed at this guy. It's that sort of demonizing of non-christian religions that has caused many of our cultures to all but disappear (on top of colonization and such as well, of course.)
all the poor children who died at the hands of christian "schools" trying to erase their native-ness and forcing Christianity onto them so abusively they died and the families who never saw the bodies because they got buried in a mass grave in the school yard 😢 and they still insist on demonizing this culture when objectively looking at it we can tell who the real evil ones were >:c
Stop using certain object and handycap yourself even more It's not like you will get depressed or alcoholic. My country has a lot of alcoholic and feel fearing God could push a person into drinking, that or depression.
Yep I remember when a Christian friend of mine tried to convert me (I'm Buddhist) by sending me one of his videos with a bloke who claimed he was Buddhist but went to hell and saw Buddha on fire, funny thing is though I have noticed many Christians love saying very similar stories online so we know it's BS
I once had a church elder (he was a Elder and like 70 something) that spoke about the evils of D&D. I was a snarky 16 year old and asked "Is it just D&D that's bad? Asking because I have more than just those" He looked confused and said "Only D&D, but what other games ae there?" I proceeded to like my extensive rpg collection (at the time was 150+ books and about 5 or so different rpgs) He had no idea and told me to just bring them next week and he would look. Welp I did and boy was he pissed. I had my own pickup at the time and the bed was full of large boxes. He told me to bring them in I told him no way these are heavy boxes and I already loaded them up. That if he wanted to look them over he can hop in the back and flip through them. To his credit he did just that. He did not like what he saw and told me i needed to burn them. The next Sunday we had a whole lecture about the "Follies of youth" (summery was basically teenagers are jerks and parents need to do better) and more about letting evil into our homes, with a larger section on rpgs in general. He also tried to convince my parents to throw away all my books and allow him to come over to cleanse my room of the demons. Mom laughed and said no, and that he needed to not provoke her kids with nonsense propaganda. Mom liked playing D&D with her kids. We found a new church after that because this was not the first "backwards thinking" (my dads opinion) this particular group had.
Did you happen to have Call of cthulhu in that mix? That should really have set the man off. Happens to be my favorite RPG even considering how much my characters got sliced and diced.
@@scloftin8861 I did actually, it was the one done by Monte Cook so it was 3.5 rules. I had found in a used book store paid $10 for it. Never played it.
@@legosi2736 oh yeah my mom was great at not falling for static panic bs. She was all for Pokemon to. She would even tell off parents in the same church that they were ridiculous for thinking Pokemon was evil. She managed to shame a couple of them for ruining the cards. She wanted to start a viewing party to show them they were dumb for believing the nonsense, but none wanted to do it.
@@Barsoom1913I wouldn't have bothered loading up all that stuff but I enjoyed the story. Your mom is cool. My late sister was raised by my aunt and uncle, and it was a much more religious home and community. I hadn't realized how wacky her beliefs were until she told me D&D and Pokémon were "mind control."
My son has one, because my mom (who buys too much stuff). We use it as a bad dream catcher and if he has a bad dream he can empty it because it is full. What is fun about it is he (3yo) will get himself out of bed, pull it off the window "empty" it into the trash, hang it back up and goes back to sleep. Amazing self soothing parent hack.
That's an amazing use. I sort of did the same thing as a middle schooler. My sister and I had moved up to the third floor in our own rooms (old Victorian when we had extended family living with us) and made the mistake of watching an Outer Limits episode with aliens disguised as rocks who sneak up and absorb into your body and take over your brain. I told myself that the airplane avoidance beacon on the top of the only tall building near us was an alien repulsion beam so they couldn't sneak up on us while we were asleep.
My mom insisted that Enya was satanic. I pointed out she was singing in Gaelic and I couldn't understand it, she responded that my soul could understand it. My response was that I wanted my soul to teach me Gaelic then. I kept my Enya tapes
Gaelic is actually what People in Ireland spoke a long long time ago it along with Welsh is a very difficult language but now i want to learn both. i am 58 by the way
@@RS3isRealscape I did try learning through the "Learning Irish' book and tapes by Michael O'Siadhail. I got very discouraged about my ability to ever be good when I found out that name is pronounced "Meeal O'sheeal". And then it was pointed out that even among the Irish there are very few native Irish speakers
@@jonspeck4736 Don't get discouraged, you will eventually learn the rules on why the orthography is so far away from the pronunciation. Or if you want an easier challenge, try Welsh.
When I was a young tyke, I was really into He-man. I had a huge collection of MotU figures and then my mother's pastor hopped on the "He-Man is demonic" because of Skeletor, magic etc and she got rid of my toys. Months later he declared Barbies and Cabbage Patch kids were also evil and instead of getting rid of my sister's collection, my mother went to a different pastor. It just never ends. If someone is new, trendy and bringing joy to people, there will be people who declares them evil.
When you see why people cling to conspiracy theories, cults, delusions, its generally out of fear of something, whether it be disease, poverty, lack of control, chaos, etc. They are desperate for order and control, look at Covid, they can't stand the idea of a virus that is indiscriminate, they need it to be fake, or set up by some evil government they can point a finger at. It's why they come across as hateful because they need an easy enemy to blame all their problems on, it gives them comfort.
Because exposure to things outside of their religious bubble inevitably causes them to figure out that what they were believing before was nonsense. So, religious leaders proclaim that everything that isn't part of the religious bubble is evil.
I remember, in 1986, telling my girlfriend’s mom (who wasn’t crazy religious, but had heard all the satanic panic stuff & kinda believed it) that I was going to see Slayer in concert that night. Her eyes just about popped out of her head🤣 It was pretty hilarious & she calmed down a little after I explained to her that it was all theater.
@sheldorleconcher8870 as was I, although I wasn't really aware of the Satanic panic for some reason. I was a pretty naive teenager. That probably was due to being autistic but undiagnosed. I knew people thought that there were Satanic messages in rock music, but that was about it.
On a lighter note, Vlad had better stay away from Hawaii, the traditional Hawaiian gods would freak him out-he'd be way over his head! You NEVER mess with Pele the goddess of fire.
@@owlstead I've lived in Hawaii 4 times for a total of 11 years. My girls made a BIG mistake taking some pretty lava rocks from the big island when they were young. Pele wreaked havoc with my family for several years until I realized the cause and sent them back to Volcano National Park with a letter of apology to Madame Pele. Life got much better/calmer immediately. Are the traditional Hawiian gods real? I can tell you I have more faith in them from circumstantial evidence than the christian god!
@Nikolai508 oh, it's a magical ritual. I was only pointing out that it's not automatically using "sympathetic" magic, but could be using a different sort.
@@Isaac-hm6ihyou're both right, since magic is about intent. it's purification if you're just getting rid of the "demon" attached to the item. It's sympathetic if you're trying to get rid of what the item represents to you.
My grandparents on my father's side are Hispanic/Native American. Grandpa made custom silver jewelry and Grandma did bead work. My home is apparently full of demons, hooray! 💜👻💜
Well him being "Christian" kinda requires to demonise other cults symbols, so not sure what people are expecting. I would have had criticised more the fact that there is no ghosts hunting, spirits summoning shenanigans in Christianity and any of his stuff listings are idiotic. Sure non Christian symbols are deemed pagan, but they are mostly defined as they dont count and not they have power. Because the later would imply there is a different power other then the 3 Christian entities. But then again expecting any of these less then bright "preaches" to know anything of substance is a stretch, most "Christians" dont know their dogma so they can say pretty much any BS.
I am very white and very British, and I used a certain amount of language that Vlad almost certainly would not approve of when that came up in the video. I would apologise for my ancestors, but it seems that my cousins are still working hard to keep your people down, so I’ll apologise for that instead.
Is that what we are called now? I thought we are the persecutors of the true xtians since their holy book says that they will be persecuted. Lol 😊, I guess I can learn something new every day. Peace 💚
The correct translation is "outside influences and support structures". To wit, anything that might help someone realize "Hey, this guy is trying to control you and your life."
Imagine going through your life, throwing things that you enjoy away and living in fear that everything is possessed by some kind of imaginary monster. It defies all logic.
That’s why they target kids. The average age of conversion is like 10? Raise them in fear and it’s harder to stray. Sadly from experience. It absolutely defies logic.
@rachelmoney4730 You're 100% right. I grew up in the pentecostal church. Everything was possessed, everything was from the devil, and you were taught to live in fear. I couldn't listen to music I wanted to listen to, watch movies or shows I wanted to watch, or play games I wanted to play. I realized when I got older than I had been in a cult.
I call it christian animism: the idea that everything has a spirit. The christian version just seems to think those spirits are demons instead of respecting them like most forms of animism.
Chris Apparenlty you've never watched those horrible JW cartoons for kids. Watch episode 2 "obey jehova" for some truly nightmarish abusive parenting on a child.
@@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 I'm an atheist, and even I don't see people giving money to churches as bad. Of course, churches shouldn't get hundreds of millions of dollars because mega-churches are bad, but most churches raise money for free healthcare (for America), school supplies, and shelter for the poor.
It's not even a revival. The satanic panic is an ongoing revolution that never loses any steam. In the eighties we had the Frank E Peretti types that brought demonic warfare into the mainstream in a way it hadn't really achieved before. With that demonic warfare focus came the satanic panic which is a direct result of "spiritual warfare media". Any time spiritual warfare media starts to get popular, the panic grows a new head. It's like a hydra, you can never kill it.
It must be absolutely exhausting to be constantly terrified of invisible evil spirits infesting everything around me. It must be so horrible to be paranoid of anything that is even remotely entertaining.
Can confirm. Grew up with a form of religious Christianity and used to be terrified of demons in everything including myself. I just feel sorry for anyone experiencing that cause it is highly exhausting.
@@chameleonx9253 Thanks 💚 I’m personally doing a lot better these days since I stopped having those beliefs but it still helps to hear it from others that it isn’t right.
You reminded me of watching the first Deadpool movie. Despite being clearly advertised as a film for a mature audience, there was a mother and young son sitting just down the row from me. They happily munched popcorn all through the extremely violent first scenes, but as soon as Wade started playing Doctors and Nurses with Vanessa, the mother hurriedly bundled the child out of the cinema. I laughed at that more than the film!
@@lidbass Yeah. I remember back in the 80s a youth pastor taking his flock to see one of the Rambo movies. Rated R for violence alone but ok because no profanity or nudity.
'If in doubt throw it out.' I did just that, now pleeease help me! My house is completely empty, I even threw the keys away. Can somebody please bring me something to eat, I'm starving so badly.
I'll leave it to God to spring clean the demonic influences from my life, after all, if he created everything then it's his fault that they're there in the first place
@@carlj95Yoga is demonic, as there’s a possibility that you could open yourself up to people who don’t think exactly like you. If you talk to them, you might start to think about things differently & we can’t have any of that.
@@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 there is a saying that goes something like this: "if you could reason with religious people, there wouldn't be any religious people."
For a long time when I was a kid, I had a very strong hatred towards Christianity. Oftentimes when I was going to sleep instead of praying to god I tried to call demons into the house. Guess what? Nothing ever happened.
@SalooanMatti exactly. and did it feel nice when i invalidated your belief? i hope not because that's what it feels like when you tell people that they're demon infested. keep it to yourself, unless you want to get bashed.
@SalooanMatti the only demons that exist are the ones Christians created with their own actions. I'm one of those demons. I was treated like something was wrong with me my entire childhood. They burned many of my things including pokemon cards, video games, and even all of my art. All because they thought it was demonic. And because of my mental problems I ended up believing that I was a demon. My mom attempted to perform an exorcism on me. When that didn't work my parents threatened to kick me out of the house. That is what a believe in demons does to people. I lost my humanity back then and I'm never getting it back.
That last one was extremely bad advice, especially if your partner has passed away. Telling someone in that position to throw out all their memories of their partner can lead to extreme depression as they might feel they have now lost all connections they had to their loved one.
Fun Fact: During the Renaissance, "daemon" was a generic term for spirits and ghosts, refering to both good and evil. EDIT: For example there is a famous thought-experiment by the Renaissance-era scientist Maxwell on thermodynamics and entropy. The thought-experiment is called... "Maxwell's daemon".
@@lazykbysI was going to reply the same. I’ve written probably over a hundred daemons during my career. So as someone who brought them into the world surely I am condemned to burn
If I took this guy’s advice about burning everything he thinks is demonic and then anointing the space with oil, my house would probably be the biggest MacDonalds fryer ever.
I wonder how he feels about The Passion of the Christ if he doesn't like violent films. I mean, the Bible is a collection of incredibly violent stories.
The bible has a lot of sex in it too. One time my mother bought one of those enormous ornate family bibles and decided she was going to read it. She didn't even make it through Genesis before deciding it wasn't appropriate for herself or anyone else to read.
26:29 wow as a Latino who grew up “catholic” I haven’t really thought about all the worship of idols in so long because it’s normalized here. There’s little Marys everywhere. But I remember my “religion” teacher in school (catholic school) saying the Bible said not to worship idols right in front of statue of Mary which was so confusing to my 8 year old brain.
How about the commandment of "You will have no other god above me"? Isn't that what Christians do with Jesus? They worship the son by calling him the king of kings. In England, try holding a placard that says "Long live King William" at a King Charles birthday celebration. You'd at least be brought in for questioning.
"The more people complain about my "demonic" stuff, the more I want to lean into that" Yeah, I'm with you on that. So far, here in Germany, where I live, that mindset seems to be predominantly online, though. At least in my little town, no-one so far has complained to my face. I really should prepare some snarky remarks for when that should ever happen 😂
40:26 for some reason this reminded me of when I saw a church sign that said “God wants full custody not just weekend visits” and I’m like “well then maybe he should start paying me child support”
Former Wiccan here, and it does fall under new age because most versions follow more modern covens and their beliefs that are based on older religions.
As a Christian I play World of Warcraft, own tons of fossils, rocks, and crystals (I'm a rockhound, what can I say), taxidermy, and even a few books on the occult/demons. Oh, and I also watch ghost shows lmao. And guess what? My house isn't haunted and I don't ever feel like I'm being watched or something. Christians who see Satan around every corner just make me kind of sad, because they're so fearful and insecure in their faith that they practically have none. God told us not to fear Satan or his minions. People who see Satan in literally everything are doing the exact opposite of that lmao
Love the idea of someone watching this video and being utterly convinced. They spend hours throwing away healing crystals, new age herbs, incenses, lucky charms, talismans, and totems. They stand on the street amidst trash bags piled high, satisfactorily clapping their hands together and say, "Alright, glad I got rid of all that new age woo woo spiritual stuff, time to anoint my house with holy oil and mumble about renouncing demons for a couple hours. Wait..."
@@Isaac-hm6ih And so begins the frantic rebuild of their Pegan protection as the "Christian" devils they've unknowingly been warding against gain strength. Turns out that the twist was neither religious belief mattered, but it was conviction alone holding forth the chaos of the unknown and they manifested their own evil. Movie comes full circle to the protagonist and her family rejecting the forces of "evil" based on their love for each other and it hints that the energy arranged against them was a purely alien force of entropy.
Fun program! I really enjoyed it. Thanks for your time and for the humor.😊 I can't tell if that young man is being seriously ?? I'm an archaeologist and I also acquire artifacts for museums. So in my house I have a showcase with lots of terracotta figurines from ancient cultures. I call them my Idol pleasures.
Did you even read Genesis, Emma? When Eve was tempted by the serpent to roll the dice and ended up on the space that made her slide on his back all the way down from God's grace?
Curious, I looked it up on Wikipedia. Seems Snakes & Ladders originated in India as a Hindu children’s game. So yep, I’ve got £10 says Pastor Vlad and his mental mates most definitely would consider it demonic.
Fun that he mentions tarots. My grandma, a woman born and raised in the rural Italy of the 40s, reads cards, not tarots but the traditional Italian playing cards. I once asked if she could read tarots and she told me that an old nun was the one who taught her card reading. She knew very well how to read tarots but would not teach to my grandma because, in her words, tarots are much more powerful and their reading must be taught only during a certain night of the year with the protection of a certain saint (I don't remember which night of which saint) or bad luck would curse the learner. Moral of the story: at least according to old Italian farming community folklore rooted in both Catholicism and pre-christian paganism tarots are dangerous things and need to be used carefully.
@@thehellyousayDogs definitely can tell if someone is friendly or poses a threat. Your dog can tell that Vlad is quite threatening-even though a screen.
@@thehellyousayDogs know whether someone is friendly or poses a threat. Your dog can certainly tell that Vlad is quite threatening-even though a screen.
@@wolvie1618I’d like to think that as well. However, the religion I grew up in would refer to spouses as “marriage mates”. Over the course of decades, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a reference to the conjugal act. Religionists have, after all, decided that there is one-and only one-purpose to a union between two people. This is why they insist that, if there is to be such an arrangement as marriage (which, historically is nothing more and nothing less than a human property transaction), it needs to be restricted to one man and one woman.
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, “Wow what a ride!" Hunter S. Thompson Demons included! Snark
Something in me, wants to find the original video and leave a comment along the line of: "Thank you for giving me the courage of removing my bible from my house. All the violence and sexual immorality depicted in it must surely be demonic."
@@TRLGamingRTS said _"but the bible has none..."_ Are you saying the bible has no depictions of violence or sexual immorality? Was there an implied /sarcasm tag there?
When I worked in Christian retail back in the 2000s, there were several customers who were appalled that we were selling Lion Witch and the Wardrobe stuff because "witch" was in the title. The hypocrisy wasn't lost on me back then. Christians were fine with LOTR, anything by CS Lewis, and even Passion of the Christ, despite all of them breaking some sort of "content code".
I'm an eclectic Pagan, but like many in the community, my first steps on my path were through Wicca. I think Rmma is great, and I don't find anything she says offensive either. I wish you bright blessings this Lughnassa. ❤
Or alternatively his current partner has held onto some stuff from her past and he is using religion to control her and needs to justify with a video. If your past relationship has a hold on your soul your current one does too so he is already lost.
i have a picture of one of my ex gf on my desk i miss her so much she left me because i was a bad boy and messed around with another girl it is a reminder to not do that again ever
When Emma mentioned she had zero demon related incidents I thought how cool it would be to have a sign that said "Number of days since last demon related incident" or "Number of demon related incidents thos week" and a space for a number!
I played D&D back in the eighties during the height of Satanic Panic and acquired two original rulebooks from a neighbor who's fanatically Christian parents forced him to toss in the garbage. Luckily my folks were the opposite. My mom loved the fact that I played a game that sparked creativity. She would even order pizza, grill burgers and give us free reign of the living room including late nite rated R movies and whatever music we wanted as long as we cleaned up after ourselves. Such great times. Still have all of those books after fortyy plus years.
As an old man who's granny's been dead for a long, long time, the thought of just throwing away a lucky rabbit's foot, or anything personal she gave me, brought a lump to my throat. That's just f*cking awful. What the hell is wrong with these people?
It’s classic thought control BS. You tell them to get rid of anything that isn’t glorifying to God, then position yourself as a middleman or spokesperson to god. That and religious bigotry when it comes to Native American stuff
There's an old saying here in Poland, if God wants to punish someone, He takes their brains away... I don't wanna be rude, but that "pastor"... He doesn't seem to have alot of it in between his ears 😂
@@hell3quin864 Careful there. I had a cup of tea last night without blessing it, half an hour later I felt a demonic spirit possessing me and had to exorcise it by urinating, then half an hour after that I was attacked by another demonic spirit that made me feel tired and I had to lie down and rest to regain my strength so I could fight it off.
He would have a fit at my Horned God statue. Cernunnos. Horns deer man and hooves with serpents. 😂Had him since 2015 and no demons.And my naked Earth Mother.
Demons are in fact convenient scapegoats for apologist to use as an excuse to attack stuff they don't like. That said, his list could just be summed up as one thing: stuff that deviates from [my] Christianity.
more like stuff that reminds him of an ex-girlfriend who just happened to be of indigenous north american extraction. it was undoubtedly the bundle of love letters she flung whilst driving home the point that "it's over" that knocked his eye askew ...
Every time someone says that Ouija boards are evil and scary my response is always 'but they're owned by hasbro'-- Probably the only thing you're going to contact through one is like. Megatron. or something 😂😂😂
@@rubenashleywesterhoff2664 explain the youth pastor with intimate and detailed knowledge of thing demonic. i'll wait while you/it/they/ ... make up some lame excuse as to how such an obviously "pure" man has amassed such detailed knowledge of the nether realms and their implements of corruption.
I love how he says "a lot of the time they have demons connected to them" rather than "they all have demons" because that implies that there is some kind of grey area or measurable difference. The arbitrary nature of it makes it far more amusing.
My party successfully killed a bulette at third level with clever positioning and good rolls, and then we nearly TPKed against like five hobgoblins because of their goddamn pack-tactics-alike ability. >:-(
If Hell is real and I was sent there and came back, I'd be a reckless, inconsiderate, insensitive jerk, who's emotionally detached from the rest of the world. Yeah, I just described John Constantine, and that was the best example I had.
I’m Christian: •I play DND •I am AroAce •I am going into STEM •I listen to rock music •I respect other religions •I love my neighbors as myself •i love magic •i believe in ghosts •i collect minerals •i enjoy fps, rpgs, and even gta Guess I’m going to the 8th ring of hell 😂
@@SlitWristMisfit_People are allowed to have spiritual beliefs lmao he’s clearly a good person and being atheist is certainly not a requirement of that. This is no different than the bible thumpers commenting “hopefully you will find jesus!!” lmfaooo
Im Christian. I listen to heavy metal, play WoW, play DnD, read fantasy, and love horror movies. I dont mess with ouija boards, but this dude is an extremist. He doesnt understand nuance nor context. Shoot, he doesnt even understand that some people play games with intense demon imagery so we can kill demons lol. *Doom music intensifies*
I used to have an air conditioner but it had a demon in it so I had to throw it out. Better to suffer the heat now than in the eternal hellfires of damnation... Hallalujah, Amen!
Turned around thinking I had no demonic artifacts in my house only to see a piece of demonic pottery staring at me while it held some probably now cursed flowers. I really need to be more careful what I buy at Walmart
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🍀 You can win a GAMING CONSOLE/DRONE/VR HEADSET ➡ by joining the event
can I get Raid on my Philips CDI?
I'm perplexed.The u k doesn't have a c is there a specific reason
We have no time for coffee, tea, or milk, we are DOOMED!
The Demon casually moving through your background (17:28) made me laugh so hard. Thanks for that.🤣😈👍
@@robertjackson1813 It's the way their infrastructure was built and it's not particularly warm other than recently. As far as I understand as an American viewer that's a bit of a fan of the Brits... Basically you could just open the windows when it was warm in the past.
I tried asking the Holy Spirit what demonic item I should remove from my home and it said my 7 year old. I don't make the rules. He's gotta go.
Lmfao 😮😂🤣🤣rules are rules 😮
if he is your first born, you know "ya lord" wants him as a sacrifice (I know, my parents realy don't like him, I'm still not a sacrifice)
This actually checks out. I had a seven year old once, the bloody thing just got older and it won't leave me alone.... bloody 22 year olds!
@@markgoodall1388 Sounds like a demons curse to me. My condolences.
His demonization of Native American religions and ancient forms of pagan worship is just another example of the colonial and expansionist attitudes of fundamentalist Christianity.
and actually goes back to the first codification of the old and new testaments when Christianity was the rising power in the Mediterranean world to spread out across as far as they could reach until the other desert lord showed up and the whole area got messy.
And I'm extremely confident that if I made a dreamcatcher-like object, but with Christian symbols, bible verses, and vials of 'holy water' etc, I could sell them by the thousands to people like him.
@@LostBrit_292 You are a genius. The world needs demon catchers (and you deserve the money)
There is a recent Guardian article with the headline "They took part in Apache ceremonies. Their schools expelled them for satanic activities" that covers this quite well
And perhaps the need for something dramatic to talk about...
My son went to a local Catholic school.
After a few RE lessons, he started wearing a badge; "I believe in Satan.".
When a teacher challenged him, he said "You have to believe in Satan if you believe in god".
(He also had eyeliner and was an unrepentant goth.)
your sons a fucking legend mate
Fun fact: apparently Mister Rogers spoke in favor of D&D back during the satanic panic. He cited how it encourages imagination, creativity and teamwork, if I remember correctly. I’m more inclined to listen to Mister Rogers over this guy
RIP Mister Rogers.
The was and will always be probably one of the sweetest people to ever exist.
Also, the fact that there’s a non-zero chance that he played D&D just makes my heart happy.
Mister Rogers for the win
I was 4 when our family got our first TV. Mister Rogers was the only show my very Christian parents let me watch at first.
I learned he was a minister a couple of months ago. I watched his show regularly as a kid and I can't ever recall him saying or doing anything that seemed religious. Such a nice guy.
Unfortunately no, he actually never said that, it's just a rumor. There is no credible evidence.
I don't care how many demonic items I have at home, the millions of demons I slayed playing Diablo games will make up for it.
But you killed all those demons with weapons and skills based on magic and witchcraft! So it’s still bad! 🤣
@nicolasandre9886 But that's part of Satan's game, like the Emperor putting Luke against Vader. Praise be to Yoda!
True I have had that conversation with my greater family because I love Diablo, they said it's demonic, so this game about you being a templar fighting demons is Satanic yeah that makes so much sense now lol.
And I listen to Ministry and Lamb of God while doing it. Im covered.
This is why I'm a Doom guy.
That obsession with Native Americans is utterly disgusting 😩 colonialism and racism in the purest form 😖
They are not native and they are not American.
As a Native American viewer, I'm pretty annoyed at this guy. It's that sort of demonizing of non-christian religions that has caused many of our cultures to all but disappear (on top of colonization and such as well, of course.)
It's a crying shame and definitely a crime against the peoples of America that Christianity was forced upon so many.
he doesn't value any other ideology and believes he's doing good by demonizing non christian thought.
That was the point of the colonization, Walker of the Red Road.
Native Americans are Americans. And your history is a treasure on Earth, and worthy of immense respect 🙏
all the poor children who died at the hands of christian "schools" trying to erase their native-ness and forcing Christianity onto them so abusively they died and the families who never saw the bodies because they got buried in a mass grave in the school yard 😢 and they still insist on demonizing this culture when objectively looking at it we can tell who the real evil ones were >:c
Get rid of the magic stuff in your house. Then do this magic ritual to purify your house.
Then go to their magic place every week and give them money.
Stop using certain object and handycap yourself even more
It's not like you will get depressed or alcoholic.
My country has a lot of alcoholic and feel fearing God could push a person into drinking, that or depression.
@@-suphur Magic money?
greatly summarized!
As a former Jehovah’s Witness, you should absolutely do a video on their children’s series, Caleb and Sofia. It would be so funny
I agree…
another Ex-JW here- I agree it woild be SO funny
Dude makes a living from fear-mongering. That’s lowdown and gross.
That's Youth Ministry in a nutshell.
Ah, youth ministry. Gotta get 'em while they're still too young to understand what abusive behavior looks like.
He's a representative of Donald Trump...........
Yep I remember when a Christian friend of mine tried to convert me (I'm Buddhist) by sending me one of his videos with a bloke who claimed he was Buddhist but went to hell and saw Buddha on fire, funny thing is though I have noticed many Christians love saying very similar stories online so we know it's BS
I once had a church elder (he was a Elder and like 70 something) that spoke about the evils of D&D. I was a snarky 16 year old and asked "Is it just D&D that's bad? Asking because I have more than just those" He looked confused and said "Only D&D, but what other games ae there?" I proceeded to like my extensive rpg collection (at the time was 150+ books and about 5 or so different rpgs) He had no idea and told me to just bring them next week and he would look. Welp I did and boy was he pissed. I had my own pickup at the time and the bed was full of large boxes. He told me to bring them in I told him no way these are heavy boxes and I already loaded them up. That if he wanted to look them over he can hop in the back and flip through them. To his credit he did just that. He did not like what he saw and told me i needed to burn them. The next Sunday we had a whole lecture about the "Follies of youth" (summery was basically teenagers are jerks and parents need to do better) and more about letting evil into our homes, with a larger section on rpgs in general. He also tried to convince my parents to throw away all my books and allow him to come over to cleanse my room of the demons. Mom laughed and said no, and that he needed to not provoke her kids with nonsense propaganda. Mom liked playing D&D with her kids. We found a new church after that because this was not the first "backwards thinking" (my dads opinion) this particular group had.
😂😂 good 👍 on your mom to telling him to back off 😂😂 your mom is incredible
Did you happen to have Call of cthulhu in that mix? That should really have set the man off. Happens to be my favorite RPG even considering how much my characters got sliced and diced.
@@scloftin8861 I did actually, it was the one done by Monte Cook so it was 3.5 rules. I had found in a used book store paid $10 for it. Never played it.
@@legosi2736 oh yeah my mom was great at not falling for static panic bs. She was all for Pokemon to. She would even tell off parents in the same church that they were ridiculous for thinking Pokemon was evil. She managed to shame a couple of them for ruining the cards. She wanted to start a viewing party to show them they were dumb for believing the nonsense, but none wanted to do it.
@@Barsoom1913I wouldn't have bothered loading up all that stuff but I enjoyed the story. Your mom is cool. My late sister was raised by my aunt and uncle, and it was a much more religious home and community. I hadn't realized how wacky her beliefs were until she told me D&D and Pokémon were "mind control."
My son has one, because my mom (who buys too much stuff). We use it as a bad dream catcher and if he has a bad dream he can empty it because it is full. What is fun about it is he (3yo) will get himself out of bed, pull it off the window "empty" it into the trash, hang it back up and goes back to sleep. Amazing self soothing parent hack.
That's an amazing use. I sort of did the same thing as a middle schooler. My sister and I had moved up to the third floor in our own rooms (old Victorian when we had extended family living with us) and made the mistake of watching an Outer Limits episode with aliens disguised as rocks who sneak up and absorb into your body and take over your brain. I told myself that the airplane avoidance beacon on the top of the only tall building near us was an alien repulsion beam so they couldn't sneak up on us while we were asleep.
My mom insisted that Enya was satanic. I pointed out she was singing in Gaelic and I couldn't understand it, she responded that my soul could understand it. My response was that I wanted my soul to teach me Gaelic then. I kept my Enya tapes
Well Orinoco Flows blessings to you! She is just an awesome talent!
Gaelic is actually what People in Ireland spoke a long long time ago
it along with Welsh is a very difficult language but now i want to learn both. i am 58 by the way
@@RS3isRealscape I did try learning through the "Learning Irish' book and tapes by Michael O'Siadhail. I got very discouraged about my ability to ever be good when I found out that name is pronounced "Meeal O'sheeal". And then it was pointed out that even among the Irish there are very few native Irish speakers
@@jonspeck4736 Don't get discouraged, you will eventually learn the rules on why the orthography is so far away from the pronunciation. Or if you want an easier challenge, try Welsh.
@@RS3isRealscapeit’s still spoken, as is the closely related Scottish Gaelic I’m learning at 65.
When I was a young tyke, I was really into He-man. I had a huge collection of MotU figures and then my mother's pastor hopped on the "He-Man is demonic" because of Skeletor, magic etc and she got rid of my toys. Months later he declared Barbies and Cabbage Patch kids were also evil and instead of getting rid of my sister's collection, my mother went to a different pastor.
It just never ends. If someone is new, trendy and bringing joy to people, there will be people who declares them evil.
No need for things to be new or trendy. Look up what a heath is in the dictionary. A heathen was someone who lived there.
everything is evil
in it's own way-Ray Stevens
Dude is like "everything in life is demonic". This guy needs to get the demon out of his eye. Why are Christians so scared of life?
When you see why people cling to conspiracy theories, cults, delusions, its generally out of fear of something, whether it be disease, poverty, lack of control, chaos, etc. They are desperate for order and control, look at Covid, they can't stand the idea of a virus that is indiscriminate, they need it to be fake, or set up by some evil government they can point a finger at.
It's why they come across as hateful because they need an easy enemy to blame all their problems on, it gives them comfort.
cause everything around us is demonic, if you have love for the truth, it leads you to Jesus and these realizations.
He's high af
Because exposure to things outside of their religious bubble inevitably causes them to figure out that what they were believing before was nonsense. So, religious leaders proclaim that everything that isn't part of the religious bubble is evil.
I was a teenager playing D&D during the satanic panic of the 80's. Hard to believe that rubbish is still circulating. Love your DMG!
I wasn't alive yet, but I have an interest in the satanic panic. It's was interesting how mass panic can spread.
I remember, in 1986, telling my girlfriend’s mom (who wasn’t crazy religious, but had heard all the satanic panic stuff & kinda believed it) that I was going to see Slayer in concert that night. Her eyes just about popped out of her head🤣 It was pretty hilarious & she calmed down a little after I explained to her that it was all theater.
My 63y.o. mum still thinks dnd is demonic lol
@sheldorleconcher8870 as was I, although I wasn't really aware of the Satanic panic for some reason. I was a pretty naive teenager. That probably was due to being autistic but undiagnosed. I knew people thought that there were Satanic messages in rock music, but that was about it.
the only thing evil about D&D is the business practices of Hasbro/WOTC
maybe the true demons were the capitalism we made along the way
On a lighter note, Vlad had better stay away from Hawaii, the traditional Hawaiian gods would freak him out-he'd be way over his head! You NEVER mess with Pele the goddess of fire.
As someone who lives in Hawaii, agreed.
There's no party like a Pele Party! XD
Hope so for you as well, these gods are well known for their terrible aim ;)
@@owlstead I've lived in Hawaii 4 times for a total of 11 years. My girls made a BIG mistake taking some pretty lava rocks from the big island when they were young. Pele wreaked havoc with my family for several years until I realized the cause and sent them back to Volcano National Park with a letter of apology to Madame Pele. Life got much better/calmer immediately. Are the traditional Hawiian gods real? I can tell you I have more faith in them from circumstantial evidence than the christian god!
@@kendanielson7204They're real, but they're merely powerful spirit beings. There is only one TRUE GOD, but numerous lesser spirits.
The focus on Native American heritage was abhorrent. Made me feel sick 🤢
And Jesus did sayeth, "I'm dead with no saving throw?! This is the devil's game! I quit! Screw you and your tomb of horrors!" - Gygax 6 : 18
Too accurate!
I now headcanon that god and Jesus hate D&D because they had gygax himself as a DM,and he screwed them over
@@Jakepearl13 🤣🤣🤣
Seems the New Testament teaches people if you follow Gods will very closely, you’ll be tortured and murdered.
Burning things you don't like is a sympathetic magical ritual.
Not necessarily. It could be a purification ritual to disperse certain magical influences.
@@Isaac-hm6ihThere’s a reason a lot of historical magicians were in the clergy…
@@Isaac-hm6ih A "purification ritual" is literally a magical ritual. Christians not calling what they do and believe as magic, doesn't make it not so.
@Nikolai508 oh, it's a magical ritual. I was only pointing out that it's not automatically using "sympathetic" magic, but could be using a different sort.
@@Isaac-hm6ihyou're both right, since magic is about intent.
it's purification if you're just getting rid of the "demon" attached to the item. It's sympathetic if you're trying to get rid of what the item represents to you.
My grandparents on my father's side are Hispanic/Native American. Grandpa made custom silver jewelry and Grandma did bead work. My home is apparently full of demons, hooray! 💜👻💜
"And all the beads we made by hand are now made in Japan". I love that Paul Revire a d the raiders song. The Lament Of The Cherokee People.
Free friends.❤
A demon a day keeps the Christians away.
As someone from a native American background, I screamed FU at the screen when he mentioned my heritage
I have no Native American blood whatsoever and his arrogance and racism caused the same reaction in me!
I think we all did...
Well him being "Christian" kinda requires to demonise other cults symbols, so not sure what people are expecting. I would have had criticised more the fact that there is no ghosts hunting, spirits summoning shenanigans in Christianity and any of his stuff listings are idiotic. Sure non Christian symbols are deemed pagan, but they are mostly defined as they dont count and not they have power. Because the later would imply there is a different power other then the 3 Christian entities. But then again expecting any of these less then bright "preaches" to know anything of substance is a stretch, most "Christians" dont know their dogma so they can say pretty much any BS.
I am very white and very British, and I used a certain amount of language that Vlad almost certainly would not approve of when that came up in the video.
I would apologise for my ancestors, but it seems that my cousins are still working hard to keep your people down, so I’ll apologise for that instead.
@@lidbass Apologize for our ancestors? We should be apologizing to the US for Nigel Farage and Piers Morgan....
'Past relationships' sounds like code for non-Christian family and friends, i.e. suppressive persons.
Is that what we are called now? I thought we are the persecutors of the true xtians since their holy book says that they will be persecuted. Lol 😊, I guess I can learn something new every day. Peace 💚
Hail Xenu.
The correct translation is "outside influences and support structures". To wit, anything that might help someone realize "Hey, this guy is trying to control you and your life."
Cristal are just rocks! What a weird thing it is to boycott types of minerals.
Imagine going through your life, throwing things that you enjoy away and living in fear that everything is possessed by some kind of imaginary monster. It defies all logic.
That’s why they target kids. The average age of conversion is like 10? Raise them in fear and it’s harder to stray. Sadly from experience. It absolutely defies logic.
@rachelmoney4730 You're 100% right. I grew up in the pentecostal church. Everything was possessed, everything was from the devil, and you were taught to live in fear. I couldn't listen to music I wanted to listen to, watch movies or shows I wanted to watch, or play games I wanted to play. I realized when I got older than I had been in a cult.
I call it christian animism: the idea that everything has a spirit. The christian version just seems to think those spirits are demons instead of respecting them like most forms of animism.
Apparenlty you've never watched those horrible JW cartoons for kids. Watch episode 2 "obey jehova" for some truly nightmarish abusive parenting on a child.
That's the whole point of religion, no logic.
Why does God always need money? Stop donating to these false religions and cults.
I will never understand why people donate to these kinds of places. It really makes me sad😞
@@mushypeeze3545 It's God's dirty little secret. Omnipotence is expensive.
I'm pretty sure God is coin operated....
@@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 I'm an atheist, and even I don't see people giving money to churches as bad. Of course, churches shouldn't get hundreds of millions of dollars because mega-churches are bad, but most churches raise money for free healthcare (for America), school supplies, and shelter for the poor.
@@johnsensebe3153this made me laugh uncharacteristically hard.
Be careful about the order of renouncing: annointing your house with oil before the ritual burning doesn't end well 😬
The revival of satanic panic is soooooo damaging.
It's so sad to see people actually believing in demons. In 2024.... In countries where there's supposed to be a decent education system.
It's not even a revival. The satanic panic is an ongoing revolution that never loses any steam. In the eighties we had the Frank E Peretti types that brought demonic warfare into the mainstream in a way it hadn't really achieved before. With that demonic warfare focus came the satanic panic which is a direct result of "spiritual warfare media". Any time spiritual warfare media starts to get popular, the panic grows a new head. It's like a hydra, you can never kill it.
It's the church's natural response to criticism. Historically -- from the Cathars to Q-Anon, Christians externalize their crisise
Ironically, D&D has never been bigger despite Hasbro trying their hardest to make it a VTT with micro transactions.
It is exactly what the Christian Fundamentalists want, to instill fear.
Demonic pottery? Must be that evil Harry Pottery! I love that my like on your video is number 666!
This is a very demonic pun, and it must go
Hairy Pottery is a relatively demonic Halloween costume, tho
the demi moore collection ...
@@shiny_cheyenne demonstratively
It must be absolutely exhausting to be constantly terrified of invisible evil spirits infesting everything around me. It must be so horrible to be paranoid of anything that is even remotely entertaining.
Can confirm. Grew up with a form of religious Christianity and used to be terrified of demons in everything including myself. I just feel sorry for anyone experiencing that cause it is highly exhausting.
@lys2303 That is horrible. Filling a kid's head with such toxic nonsense borders on emotional abuse. I'm sorry.
@@chameleonx9253 Thanks 💚 I’m personally doing a lot better these days since I stopped having those beliefs but it still helps to hear it from others that it isn’t right.
Fundamentalists aren't opposed to "sex and violence" in movies etc. They're just opposed to sex.
You reminded me of watching the first Deadpool movie. Despite being clearly advertised as a film for a mature audience, there was a mother and young son sitting just down the row from me. They happily munched popcorn all through the extremely violent first scenes, but as soon as Wade started playing Doctors and Nurses with Vanessa, the mother hurriedly bundled the child out of the cinema. I laughed at that more than the film!
We created the maturity rating systems for various forms of media for the people who never use them. @@lidbass
@@lidbass Yeah. I remember back in the 80s a youth pastor taking his flock to see one of the Rambo movies. Rated R for violence alone but ok because no profanity or nudity.
That is to prime the youth to go fight wars for the jew god.
It must suck being afraid of everything
It DOES suck. From personal experience
@mancave10369 bummer
'If in doubt throw it out.' I did just that, now pleeease help me! My house is completely empty, I even threw the keys away. Can somebody please bring me something to eat, I'm starving so badly.
I do have some cheese but there are cracks in it and it looks like a demon.
Better be local produce or your food is demonically possessed. 😤
I'll leave it to God to spring clean the demonic influences from my life, after all, if he created everything then it's his fault that they're there in the first place
As a native american, this is very disrespectful
Especially after the horrors western religion had wreaked upon the natives of north America.
Vlad or Emma?
@@ziploc2000What do you think?
Indeed! Vlad here takes quite the colonial and imperialistic attitude toward First Nations and aboriginal peoples. It’s downright sickening!
I can not think of a video game that does not at its core objective is to destroy evil.
Starcraft! Evil Zerg. And man they were bad vicious things
He forgot yoga mats. Yoga mats are definitely demonic.
What about the new trend of Goat Yoga? Were you do yoga in a field while goats wander around you?
@@carlj95Yoga is demonic, as there’s a possibility that you could open yourself up to people who don’t think exactly like you. If you talk to them, you might start to think about things differently & we can’t have any of that.
“It doesn’t bear up to logic..”
Emma, I believe you just explained religion.
tantric, the patron demon of back spasms ...
@@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 there is a saying that goes something like this: "if you could reason with religious people, there wouldn't be any religious people."
Imagine when he discovers that deleting a file doesn't acctualy erase it
Imagine when he discovers that because someone else discovered those files in Discovery.
Snakes & Ladders is called Chutes & Ladders in the USA, possibly because snakes were considered too demonic to be in a kid's game.
For a long time when I was a kid, I had a very strong hatred towards Christianity. Oftentimes when I was going to sleep instead of praying to god I tried to call demons into the house. Guess what? Nothing ever happened.
@SalooanMattiwhy would they? they don't exist after all.
@SalooanMatti exactly. and did it feel nice when i invalidated your belief? i hope not because that's what it feels like when you tell people that they're demon infested. keep it to yourself, unless you want to get bashed.
@SalooanMatti the only demons that exist are the ones Christians created with their own actions. I'm one of those demons. I was treated like something was wrong with me my entire childhood. They burned many of my things including pokemon cards, video games, and even all of my art. All because they thought it was demonic. And because of my mental problems I ended up believing that I was a demon. My mom attempted to perform an exorcism on me. When that didn't work my parents threatened to kick me out of the house. That is what a believe in demons does to people. I lost my humanity back then and I'm never getting it back.
@@zero69kage That’s awful. The part about art is especially hard, as an artist I would have died inside. Love and strength to you!
@SalooanMatti we already know that. stop being annoying.
All these people do is hit you with fear, guilt and shame 24/7
Give a child a photo with Vlad and Emma and ask to point to the demon. Hmm, wonder if it will be a clean sweep?
@@Earthling247idk what that means but they need you on the io base right now for interstellar tax evasion.
That last one was extremely bad advice, especially if your partner has passed away.
Telling someone in that position to throw out all their memories of their partner can lead to extreme depression as they might feel they have now lost all connections they had to their loved one.
Fun Fact: During the Renaissance, "daemon" was a generic term for spirits and ghosts, refering to both good and evil.
EDIT: For example there is a famous thought-experiment by the Renaissance-era scientist Maxwell on thermodynamics and entropy. The thought-experiment is called... "Maxwell's daemon".
In computing, a daemon is a program that runs as a background process. That guy needs to get rid of his PC and phone. :D
@@lazykbys yep everytime I reboot my NAS, I release the Daemons..... lol
@@lazykbysI was going to reply the same. I’ve written probably over a hundred daemons during my career. So as someone who brought them into the world surely I am condemned to burn
If I took this guy’s advice about burning everything he thinks is demonic and then anointing the space with oil, my house would probably be the biggest MacDonalds fryer ever.
Deliverance just makes me think of banjos.
I was about to point out we all have skulls - just as you started to say it! :D
I wonder how he feels about The Passion of the Christ if he doesn't like violent films. I mean, the Bible is a collection of incredibly violent stories.
The bible has a lot of sex in it too. One time my mother bought one of those enormous ornate family bibles and decided she was going to read it. She didn't even make it through Genesis before deciding it wasn't appropriate for herself or anyone else to read.
There’s Prince of Egypt, a PG film featuring a lot of blood and child deaths.
@@mancave10369 Prince of Egypt is an underrated masterpiece.
@@wizardsuth I love it when Christians get distraught by their own texts lol.
I have no idea what he means by demonic pottery. I do have forty demons sealed in a clay jar, but he can't mean that.
Maybe he means the ceramic baby head where I keep all of my D&D dice with pentagrams on them
What do you do with the forty demons?
@Thelastunicornlover Listen to them, mostly. I shake up the jar and they'll bitch for a little while. It's cheaper than Sirius and there are no ads.
@@johnsensebe3153 😎
Demon abuse! Poor things😢
26:29 wow as a Latino who grew up “catholic” I haven’t really thought about all the worship of idols in so long because it’s normalized here. There’s little Marys everywhere. But I remember my “religion” teacher in school (catholic school) saying the Bible said not to worship idols right in front of statue of Mary which was so confusing to my 8 year old brain.
How about the commandment of "You will have no other god above me"?
Isn't that what Christians do with Jesus? They worship the son by calling him the king of kings.
In England, try holding a placard that says "Long live King William" at a King Charles birthday celebration. You'd at least be brought in for questioning.
I'm so glad I can just live my life, and don't have to be concerned with what my imaginary friend will think about my behavior.
i love the idea of having a chart on the wall with "Days since last demon related incident" on it
And ripping the latest number off while growling “dammit, Abbadon!” under your breath. 🤣👍🏻
"The more people complain about my "demonic" stuff, the more I want to lean into that"
Yeah, I'm with you on that. So far, here in Germany, where I live, that mindset seems to be predominantly online, though. At least in my little town, no-one so far has complained to my face. I really should prepare some snarky remarks for when that should ever happen 😂
Why doesn't God get rid of the devil, much for the same reason Tom can never catch and kill Jerry, because without Jerry the show would be over.
Evidently, God isn't as all-powerful as he's claiming.
40:26 for some reason this reminded me of when I saw a church sign that said “God wants full custody not just weekend visits” and I’m like “well then maybe he should start paying me child support”
Former Wiccan here, and it does fall under new age because most versions follow more modern covens and their beliefs that are based on older religions.
As a Christian I play World of Warcraft, own tons of fossils, rocks, and crystals (I'm a rockhound, what can I say), taxidermy, and even a few books on the occult/demons. Oh, and I also watch ghost shows lmao. And guess what? My house isn't haunted and I don't ever feel like I'm being watched or something.
Christians who see Satan around every corner just make me kind of sad, because they're so fearful and insecure in their faith that they practically have none. God told us not to fear Satan or his minions. People who see Satan in literally everything are doing the exact opposite of that lmao
The ones who are relentlessly scared of everything clearly just rolled a nat one on their intimidation check
@@thatonetexanfemboy3302 this makes me laugh- I play Pathfinder and one of our group is notorious for almost always rolling low at crucial moments 😁
Fellow rockhound found! I thought nobody was as strangely obsessed with rocks as I am.
Love the idea of someone watching this video and being utterly convinced. They spend hours throwing away healing crystals, new age herbs, incenses, lucky charms, talismans, and totems. They stand on the street amidst trash bags piled high, satisfactorily clapping their hands together and say, "Alright, glad I got rid of all that new age woo woo spiritual stuff, time to anoint my house with holy oil and mumble about renouncing demons for a couple hours. Wait..."
To take this excellent idea on a tangent, they get back inside to find some demons have moved in now that the protective charms are gone.
@@Isaac-hm6ih And so begins the frantic rebuild of their Pegan protection as the "Christian" devils they've unknowingly been warding against gain strength. Turns out that the twist was neither religious belief mattered, but it was conviction alone holding forth the chaos of the unknown and they manifested their own evil. Movie comes full circle to the protagonist and her family rejecting the forces of
"evil" based on their love for each other and it hints that the energy arranged against them was a purely alien force of entropy.
Movie title : EVIL ADAPTS. We'll get blumhouse to produce.
I’m loving this thread.
i love luck charms but Trix are for kids
Fun program! I really enjoyed it.
Thanks for your time and for the humor.😊 I can't tell if that young man is being seriously ?? I'm an archaeologist and I also acquire artifacts for museums.
So in my house I have a showcase with lots of terracotta figurines from ancient cultures.
I call them my Idol pleasures.
Did you even read Genesis, Emma? When Eve was tempted by the serpent to roll the dice and ended up on the space that made her slide on his back all the way down from God's grace?
And Exodus. Those darn snakes are the real reason they wandered in the desert for so long.
Curious, I looked it up on Wikipedia. Seems Snakes & Ladders originated in India as a Hindu children’s game. So yep, I’ve got £10 says Pastor Vlad and his mental mates most definitely would consider it demonic.
damn that must be where snakes and ladders came from... :o
I read Genesis, and now I can't dance
@@DMPeteWookiee Agree. Men Without Hats is much better for dancing than Genesis. Don't get me wrong, Phil Collins is solid.
Fun that he mentions tarots. My grandma, a woman born and raised in the rural Italy of the 40s, reads cards, not tarots but the traditional Italian playing cards.
I once asked if she could read tarots and she told me that an old nun was the one who taught her card reading. She knew very well how to read tarots but would not teach to my grandma because, in her words, tarots are much more powerful and their reading must be taught only during a certain night of the year with the protection of a certain saint (I don't remember which night of which saint) or bad luck would curse the learner.
Moral of the story: at least according to old Italian farming community folklore rooted in both Catholicism and pre-christian paganism tarots are dangerous things and need to be used carefully.
He says to get rid of everything from a previous relationship. What if there are children? Do we put them in the bin?
Talking about "mating" and immediately relating that his experience is because he was a youth pastor is pretty wild.
my hackles are up, and my dog is growling at my monitor every time he appears on the screen ...
I'm sincerely hoping that he just picked a very bad phrasing of words
@@thehellyousayDogs definitely can tell if someone is friendly or poses a threat. Your dog can tell that Vlad is quite threatening-even though a screen.
@@thehellyousayDogs know whether someone is friendly or poses a threat. Your dog can certainly tell that Vlad is quite threatening-even though a screen.
@@wolvie1618I’d like to think that as well. However, the religion I grew up in would refer to spouses as “marriage mates”. Over the course of decades, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a reference to the conjugal act. Religionists have, after all, decided that there is one-and only one-purpose to a union between two people. This is why they insist that, if there is to be such an arrangement as marriage (which, historically is nothing more and nothing less than a human property transaction), it needs to be restricted to one man and one woman.
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, “Wow what a ride!"
Hunter S. Thompson
Demons included!
He didn’t mention Celtic and Norse objects 😏 my runes are rocks anyway, they’re not gonna burn 😂
what runeset is the one you use? i like to use the hrune set since it in silent hill and also has a "J" in the set.
It's hot because of all the demons
Florida must contain most of the demons then, it's hot as hell here lol
Demons must be trying to just straight claim Arizona as theirs. Somehow humans aren't getting the message.
LMAO. Thanks for the chuckle today.
Global warming is from all the demons gathering on earth due to our sinful behavior
@@FergieTheTaurusA demon once ate a homeless demon's face
Something in me, wants to find the original video and leave a comment along the line of: "Thank you for giving me the courage of removing my bible from my house. All the violence and sexual immorality depicted in it must surely be demonic."
but the bible has none...
@@TRLGamingRTS said _"but the bible has none..."_
Are you saying the bible has no depictions of violence or sexual immorality? Was there an implied /sarcasm tag there?
I might do that, in fact lol.
When I worked in Christian retail back in the 2000s, there were several customers who were appalled that we were selling Lion Witch and the Wardrobe stuff because "witch" was in the title. The hypocrisy wasn't lost on me back then. Christians were fine with LOTR, anything by CS Lewis, and even Passion of the Christ, despite all of them breaking some sort of "content code".
As a Wiccan of over 30 years, I can say I am not bothered. Bright Blessing.
I’m a Wiccan of 7 years blessed be!
Happy Lughnassa! Emma is my favorite skeptic, how bout you?
I'm not bothered when Emma says it.
I'm an eclectic Pagan, but like many in the community, my first steps on my path were through Wicca. I think Rmma is great, and I don't find anything she says offensive either. I wish you bright blessings this Lughnassa. ❤
Blessed be brother!
But why?
Burn plastic toys ( adult and otherwise) and photographs or anything in my neighborhood? NOPE!
We have air quality regulations here!
I found something in my house, it had the demon of laziness attached to it. But it did nothing, the demon was too lazy to do anything. 😂
"No. 8, things that connect you to past relationships" = "I got dumped"
Or alternatively his current partner has held onto some stuff from her past and he is using religion to control her and needs to justify with a video. If your past relationship has a hold on your soul your current one does too so he is already lost.
Demonic dumped
i have a picture of one of my ex gf on my desk
i miss her so much
she left me because i was a bad boy and messed around with another girl
it is a reminder to not do that again ever
@@RS3isRealscape I hope you learned that lesson fully. Maybe you can do better next time.
When Emma mentioned she had zero demon related incidents I thought how cool it would be to have a sign that said "Number of days since last demon related incident" or "Number of demon related incidents thos week" and a space for a number!
I’d buy one.
@@Katarn84Me too👍❤️
@@Katarn84Me too👍❤️
That's a genius merch idea! ❤
#8 sounds like a personal issue. Who is the woman or man that broke his heart?
I got $20 that says she/he was a member of the youth group.
It must suck to be scared of EVERYTHING
I played D&D back in the eighties during the height of Satanic Panic and acquired two original rulebooks from a neighbor who's fanatically Christian parents forced him to toss in the garbage. Luckily my folks were the opposite. My mom loved the fact that I played a game that sparked creativity. She would even order pizza, grill burgers and give us free reign of the living room including late nite rated R movies and whatever music we wanted as long as we cleaned up after ourselves. Such great times. Still have all of those books after fortyy plus years.
Your mother is a queen for that!👑
Dieties and demigods. That was an amazing book.
I can only imagine that someone is mad that a partner had stuff from a past relationship, and that's why he put it on the list.
Hello, lovely Emma. It amazes and somewhat frightens me the amount of BS that people create and believe.
As an old man who's granny's been dead for a long, long time, the thought of just throwing away a lucky rabbit's foot, or anything personal she gave me, brought a lump to my throat. That's just f*cking awful. What the hell is wrong with these people?
They want to detach you from all family ties and make you one of their cult.
It’s classic thought control BS. You tell them to get rid of anything that isn’t glorifying to God, then position yourself as a middleman or spokesperson to god.
That and religious bigotry when it comes to Native American stuff
So what we have discover is this Pastor had his former lover leave him for a New Age Native American Dungeon Master.
i do believe you're onto something there.
When I was in school fifty years ago the Smurfs were banned for being demonic!
You mean the comic books? They weren't on TV until 1981.
@@wizardsuth They were toys as well, I'm not sure how long ago.
There's an old saying here in Poland, if God wants to punish someone, He takes their brains away... I don't wanna be rude, but that "pastor"... He doesn't seem to have alot of it in between his ears 😂
This video popping up on my feed 20sec after release? Demonic 😔😔
Emma is possessed by demons.Well all of you too but hers are stronger and more powerful.
@@keksi6844the demon had to actually sign a contract before Emma opened the gate
@@keksi6844yeh I got a weak sauce demon, can't even boil water for tea.
@@hell3quin864 Careful there. I had a cup of tea last night without blessing it, half an hour later I felt a demonic spirit possessing me and had to exorcise it by urinating, then half an hour after that I was attacked by another demonic spirit that made me feel tired and I had to lie down and rest to regain my strength so I could fight it off.
That guy is nuts! The most creepy thing is how devoid of emotion he is.
I have Tibetan art and statues all over my house, including many that look like "demons" - he would have a stroke walking into my house.
He would have a fit at my Horned God statue. Cernunnos. Horns deer man and hooves with serpents. 😂Had him since 2015 and no demons.And my naked Earth Mother.
Demons are in fact convenient scapegoats for apologist to use as an excuse to attack stuff they don't like.
That said, his list could just be summed up as one thing: stuff that deviates from [my] Christianity.
more like stuff that reminds him of an ex-girlfriend who just happened to be of indigenous north american extraction. it was undoubtedly the bundle of love letters she flung whilst driving home the point that "it's over" that knocked his eye askew ...
Every time someone says that Ouija boards are evil and scary my response is always 'but they're owned by hasbro'-- Probably the only thing you're going to contact through one is like. Megatron. or something 😂😂😂
Bell no! Those bastards own Rita Repulsa, now! We gotta get that shit out of here before we need to get the Megazord out!
The most evil thing about Quija boards is that they're owned by Hasbro
But Hasbro IS evil tho...
I know that logically, yeah....but I won't touch one just in case. Just superstitious, not religious
Hasbro also owns DND
"Tell me what they are so I can buy them." Love it!
"Everything I don't like or understand is Woke, I mean, Demonic!" 🙄
“These Kids Today are all infected with the Demonic Mind Virus!!” 😆
A vampire is telling me what is demonic.
good, he/she/..... should know
Right? If you asked Central Casting to send a preacher and a vampire, I know which one this "minister" would resemble the most...
OMG His name is Vlad, as in, the Impaler?! That settles it!
@@rubenashleywesterhoff2664 explain the youth pastor with intimate and detailed knowledge of thing demonic. i'll wait while you/it/they/ ... make up some lame excuse as to how such an obviously "pure" man has amassed such detailed knowledge of the nether realms and their implements of corruption.
I love how he says "a lot of the time they have demons connected to them" rather than "they all have demons" because that implies that there is some kind of grey area or measurable difference. The arbitrary nature of it makes it far more amusing.
there are two wolves inside of me, they are currently using pack tactics against the two skeletons inside of me
There are two wolves inside me. At least, I guess that must be the source of the tunnels that are being dug inside my bones.
My party successfully killed a bulette at third level with clever positioning and good rolls, and then we nearly TPKed against like five hobgoblins because of their goddamn pack-tactics-alike ability. >:-(
made a CON save at disadvantage
or take 2d6 damage
@@thefearedavocado damn Bulettes have good AC you must of got many lucky rolls. did you remember to take the skin of the bulette to make armor
Instructions unclear, I now have major brain damage after removing my skull😔😔
I’ll give it back to you 💀
If Hell is real and I was sent there and came back, I'd be a reckless, inconsiderate, insensitive jerk, who's emotionally detached from the rest of the world. Yeah, I just described John Constantine, and that was the best example I had.
I’m Christian:
•I play DND
•I am AroAce
•I am going into STEM
•I listen to rock music
•I respect other religions
•I love my neighbors as myself
•i love magic
•i believe in ghosts
•i collect minerals
•i enjoy fps, rpgs, and even gta
Guess I’m going to the 8th ring of hell 😂
You sound like and interesting and well rounded person... Sad that Fr. Niko Bellic says you're going to fry in the eternal pit 🤷
Welcome to the club
Hopefully, you see the truth and become a rational athiest one day. Seems like you're somewhat reasonable so I have hope for you. Good luck.
@@SlitWristMisfit_People are allowed to have spiritual beliefs lmao he’s clearly a good person and being atheist is certainly not a requirement of that. This is no different than the bible thumpers commenting “hopefully you will find jesus!!” lmfaooo
Im Christian. I listen to heavy metal, play WoW, play DnD, read fantasy, and love horror movies. I dont mess with ouija boards, but this dude is an extremist. He doesnt understand nuance nor context. Shoot, he doesnt even understand that some people play games with intense demon imagery so we can kill demons lol. *Doom music intensifies*
I used to have an air conditioner but it had a demon in it so I had to throw it out. Better to suffer the heat now than in the eternal hellfires of damnation... Hallalujah, Amen!
Turned around thinking I had no demonic artifacts in my house only to see a piece of demonic pottery staring at me while it held some probably now cursed flowers. I really need to be more careful what I buy at Walmart
I have a Anubis souvenir from a museum exhibition. Also a statue of Athena from a holiday to Greece.
So hear me out..
Deity fight club?
You're doomed 💀
@@thatonetexanfemboy3302 i would have to say Athena would win but it would be a close fight
As a pagan, I love it when Christians just hand us all the fun stuff.
Oh yes praise the gods. Their loss us our gain. Blessed Samhain or whatever the Heathen equivalent is.
Emma, you should have used the ouiji board to find out what too toss.😊
The Hungry Gen Church is what I imagine every building in hell to look like. Beige and grey with no identity or character.