Those are called wind indicators. You throw them out the plane when you are directly over your target, watch where they hit the ground, and use that to know how far the wind will push you away from your target while you are under canopy, and adjust your exit point accordingly.
Love the cheers getting louder and louder.
I have never been to the US but I WAS THERE TOO APPARENTLY
Truly awesome!
Love the reaction in the Death Valley
I was there in the gold end zone. Awesome!
was there, came right over me
I saw it actually happen. It was amazing!
Did he have the football the whole time or did the ref hand it to him?
Does anyone know what that is that's thrown out first? It looks like a towel.
Those are called wind indicators. You throw them out the plane when you are directly over your target, watch where they hit the ground, and use that to know how far the wind will push you away from your target while you are under canopy, and adjust your exit point accordingly.
I was there it was amazing!!!