I am Mexican and I grew up in a low income community. I had never hung out with anyone that did drugs. As soon as I started grad school, a PHD program and was surrounded by white ppl, I was in awe at how many of them did drugs. Keep in mind, these were students in medical programs, pharmacology, neurobiology. My first experience with anyone that did drugs was at the age of 23 after beginning a relationship with a white Pharmacology student and our white colleagues. And most disheartening is that they shared stories with me of being caught with drugs as teens and not being apprehended but rather given warnings. Ppl that believe that there is no double standard are willfully ignorant. You know what was also sad, is that they did drugs bc as students they don’t have to deal with random drug tests. Trust me, if they did, half would be kicked out.
I have had that same experience in especially working in television production. White coworkers all young talking about all their drugs and smoking weed in the streets openly before all this legalization. They get away with so much I had to keep away from them a wrap parties because they would get high in the street in plain view knowing they will be ok.
Lili M So true... There are many white people who use drugs on a level black people couldn't even imagine yet they go about their lives without fear of imprisonment.
Fact!!! Yes, you can find this information from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration white people do more drugs than anyone else in this country. They also use drugs in an excessive amount than other races.
They do in Texas. False police report or something like that. I know some people that received a citation because their alarm system went off and because the police didn't see anything they called if a false report.
I’m a big fan of TIM WISE, but he has had a few major slip ups. Especially in regards to his response to overshadowing black anti-racism activists. I don’t point that out to dog him, just to note that even the most obviously well-intentioned white folks come up short. I know I do, a helluva lot more than Wise does.
@@tawdryhepburn4686 I thought he was a good guy. Due to death threats, had to move his whole family to keep them safe cuz he rose up for black people. please educate me on how he overshadowed black anti-racists.
mike lowe well, it’s the same kinda effect that Eminem had at the beginning of his career. Or how a man is a _chef_ while a woman is only a cook. Often, When a member of a dominant group participates in an activity associated with a disenfranchised group, the activity is granted special importance or validity. A validity that would never be granted to a disenfranchised person. By being a White anti-racism activist, Wise attracts more attention and praise. This can be useful because many white people will listen to a white man while they would ignore a PoC. But there have also been a few incidents where Wise has thrown twitter tantrums and come off as entitled when Black and Brown anti-racism activists complain about Wise sucking all the air out of the room and getting (almost) all the best paying speaking gigs. It’s not necessarily a big deal, but Wise’s words were... uh, unbecoming. He dismissed his accusers as lazy hacks who weren’t seeing his level of success because they were less capable in some fundamental way. It was all cringey and felt kinda “coded.” Does that make sense?
@Victor Mace Hey buddy, I get that he was wrong, but you're literally contradicting yourself. You're mad because he doesn't see this as racist so then you be racist towards him? I'm not agreeing with him by any means, but you don't attack someone's race when you get in an argument. You are part of the problem
Baffles me how the ones who have been the inflictors of the most horrendous acts of evil, are in fear of people who have inflicted no such horrendous acts on them or anyone else
Taunia Ford baffles me too! And they continue to be deceitful and blatantly lie about others' characters. And the other racists simply buy into it, with examining themselves. Make NO sense!
It shouldn't baffle you. For comedy and for insight of how South Africa was in the time of the end of their racist laws, apartheid, watch Trevor Noah's older shows. It's like, they caused so much harm that they are afraid the same harm would be dealt to them to make things even.
Okay this is the dumb down version of the video the police or not in the black community to protect and serve they are the overseers and the white Community they're there to protect and serve
There was a beautiful Black family at my job, who mind you was following all the rules, this young Latino woman who was a security guard said something to me I stated they are fine there is nothing wrong here. I am of Latino heritage and really hate that I see this from some Latinos. I've said it a million times and even had a teacher state, "If you don't know who you are or are questioning your validity with trying to fit in with White folks go to a Klan rally see what happens"
@@jasonberg5768 might as well be the KKK. I prefer me an honest racist to a hide behind the police racist. At least we can avoid those ones in the KKK because we know who they are. These white people are worse because they are everywhere.
Chill Cheque they are not everywhere. These reports by racist white people are very few. The media likes to bombard the public with these stories making it seem like there is some kind of epidemic of racist old people calling the cops on black people, it’s just not true. 25 years ago no one would have ever heard this story.
When they flooded urban areas with crack-cocaine, they filmed the results on shows like "cops", and "first 48", to redefine us. The opposite way they're dealing with the heroin epidemic.
Michael Brown I'm sorry that should say I never thought of that mr. Brown you are right when they show African American constantly in criminal shades we will never change our attitude
Well I mean they took it from the MLK playbook. MLK used the media to show the world America was not the democracy they were pretending to be. They used it to instill on this country we're the problem, while at the same time outsourcing jobs, and reagan began his "guest worker program". or "amnesty".
Exactly. Heroin, the drug of choice for white kids, is dealt with by rehab and such, but rarely by prison while crack cocaine was dealt with by prisons time and incredibly harsh sentences.
See it's true tho. I have 3 teenagers.18 17 15 We've had "the talk" My daughter works full time, graduated two years early, still gets racism every single day. My sons are looking for work. They can't even walk into the store without "the look" . My youngest who is taking University classes this next year still gets the "cross the street" and pressed lip. It's like no matter how you carry yourself, how you dress, you will be treated as a to-be feared stereotype. We've got to fix this country.
Kristina M Bowen I’m sorry to hear that. My sister and her partner used to experience the same injustice when walking around together. People would stalk both of them in a supermarket because of his skin colour. That breaks my heart to hear your story. Thank you for sharing. Lots of support from Canada. #thisISamerica
One thought that popped into my head when I realized that the person said that he had a weapon is that they were doing the equivalent of "swatting", hoping that he would be harmed. I believe this because he did not have a weapon when the police approached him.
@CJ Walton Yes! But it's not the kind of fear they PRETEND to have when they get the police on the phone because they're "scared" yet not getting out yo' face. It's the fear of losing their top spot.
Malcolm Shabazz, Nah looks like you're just an ignorant fool. When i was younger I was late returning from a lunch break and ran back to the store. Before I even got 10ft a cop stopped me with some BS. Saying there's been robberies in the area. They made me late and followed me back to work to "prove" I told the truth. Even my boss apologized to me because he realized how dumb it was. People like you can't think outside the confines of your experience. So stfu and get a clue.
Mark London I live as a Black Male everyday so I know all about Racial Profiling your profile doesn't even look real and your profile videos are all White looks like a Troll hiding behind a Black person picture.
The IQ levels are dropping That low, whereas they need to have a sepcial education class about "when to call the police?" Lesson 1: not because someone is sleeping. #2: Not because someone asks to use the restroom. #3: Not because someone is eating a cheeseburger. Smh. Our species should be WAY more advanced than this by now.
9:05 "...you shouldn't call me or my officers unless you want an armed response...". The point is they call because they do want an armed response. They know who they're calling and the potential deadly consequences of that call. I would even go so far as to say some callers want to see someone die.
What kind of stupid conversation is this? America’s original sin is slavery - start the conversation from that point, not from a point of making other people comfortable
Tonedef St. James I beliveThe entirety of this country is built on "sin" or "evil". From the Natives Americans to Slavery to Big Banking fraud/ manipulation, etc, etc. The sin never stops. Its like a continiing sin loop. Christopher (Conman) Columbus' vouage here was even based on lies and manipultion. Even the journey here was the opposite of noble or righteous. But there should be a starting point.
It's Okay to Eat Mayo lol yeah because getting rid of all the black people some how gets rid of all the Native Americans and Latinos. America was built on death and cannibalism, whites in this country will always have to deal with varying races for the shear fact that this isn’t their homeland, but even if all the “minorities” were to leave it still wouldn’t be a Utopia, lol you just need to look at Russia to prove that.
Ancar Willis The US was 90% white in 1960. You are hating white people because we build better societies. And, any society brownies move to, they destroy. Literally the US was a white Utopia before the shitholer invasion.
It's Okay to Eat Mayo lmao you think the US was a Utopia in the 1960’s perhaps you should do some research and see what life was actually like back then. Nobody hates white people, I’m just point out the fact that even “all white societies” have major social issues. If it wasn’t the blacks or Latinos, it would be the Irish, or the Italians and that’s not speculation it’s historical fact. Heck look at the UK today. There’s no small number of prejudices against the Polish. Nobody cares about what whites “build” all people care about is what they do with it.
I grew up in London, a ethnic majority City like New York. Never saw hard drug's in my life. First year at University and every other White middle class student has a story of them or their friends taking hard drug's 🙄
........... while black" suggests that people cannot LIVE while black since all the above-mentioned activities "while black" are all activities of daily living a.k.a./ a.d.l. necessary and requisite while one is alive; hence my conclusion above. People do you see the impossible enormity of the problem/situation?!!!!!
@@lorenawilson2938 Never return racism with racism. It's not God's way, so it won't work toward making things better. The white women who marry black ball players aren't the ones who are the enemy. They have realized that there is beauty in us. You may say "It's about the money." However, these women usually have children with these men that they love and adore. Remember, beautiful women of color. Those men choose who THEY want to marry. Their reasoning is their right, and it's between them and God. Realize that whoever God has for you, no other woman will get him!!! You are never less than any other woman! You are never more than any other woman! WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN THE EYES OF THE GOD OF HEAVEN!!! He should know. He created all of us.
Black folks ima need y’all to look up my boy Tim Wise and Jane Elliot. These two right here y’all; are as real as it gets. They both stand firm with us and against white supremacy and bigotry.
I've had some white folk leave restaurants when I walk in or move to other seats, make stupid remarks when they think I don't hear them, and so on. And it's sad how we live in the 21st century, and we still can't get over other peoples' differences because we're too ignorant to do so.
NPC SJW 9000 did any of them call the cops on you for something trivial? Or how many white churches do you know were targets of black supremacy groups? Your comment, although appreciated, shows that you still don’t understand that the minority is reacting to the majority. Did you miss the two recent shootings? Have you tried to engage in a conversation with the black folks who are not so friendly right now or are you doing everything to avoid them? Change won’t come unless someone makes the first move.
Reform the justice system, if you pick up a phone and report a bogus crime, you are committing a crime maybe serious. No crime calling cops when someone's moving in, but if you lie and say he is taking things out of the building or is doing things with doors that would make you think he was trying to break in you should have some explaining to do. The person should eventually be confronted with all the inaccuracies (from the recording) and asked to explain.
myko freder Confronting the person would definitely probably help and make them think twice about lying. But then again they could just call anonymously. It's ultimately up to the police to do a better job in dealing with people. They are too quick in always wanting to put their hands on people especially black people. They're always over compensateing trying to instill fear instead of actually dealing with the problem. They always overreact and use excessive force with blacks more often than not.
Tim Wise was born on October 4th, 1968, six months after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed (April 4th in Memphis, Tennessee); and Jane Elliott began teaching her third-grade students about the uncomfortability of racism (April 5th in Riceville, Iowa)...
A lady called the police on me for going into my own garage. I didn't film it, I was running late so I got on my bike and left, but she was still sitting in her car with the windows rolled up waiiting for the cops. I'd been living there for two years at the time.
People should get in trouble for some of these *BS 911 Calls!* Calling the cops because you don't recognize a black person sitting in the common room of your dormitory should NOT be acceptable.
One problem is that we see police as a separate life form. " The Police" They are white men in uniform. (Yes there are black police and others, less someone uses that statement to make like they don't get the point) Yet we keep talking about " Police Training" again, as if they are a separate life form. This is a racial issue, not just a police issue .
There need to be a law when someone calls the Police and report something false they need to be charged and fine. Black people need to start suing the person that called the Police and lied on you. Get a attorney send file open right act to get that person info in order to sue them.
I think everyone needs to turn down the immediate hostility. Speaking to each other in a manner that leaves both parties with their dignity would be a beginning point. Don’t automatically come at each other in an escalated tone. The tone does not have to be on a escalated level for an officer to effectively do his or her job. They are suppose to be the professionals in this equations. I think in a lot of times it is the obvious difference that in tones that is used that begins the defensive ways it is received. Why are POC spoken to in such a less dignifying way. As a kid ( to which I am much much older) I was taught the police officer deserved my respect and was my safe point. Coming in and being offending automatically removes any of that safety feeling and insights a whole new feeling. I pray everyday for a solution to this crisis because I have young adult children in this world. Do I School my children how to address officers? Of course I do!!! I go even so far to say they are the end all be all and it is up to you to regulate the level. But even I have witness where even that has not worked. At some point both parties should be equally held accountable and we know civilians pay the price but so should the officers if they are found to be in the wrong. We should always look up to officers to uphold the law in a professional and personal manner and they should never be above the law. That is the absolute wrong message to put out there because then the public will view them as vigilantes and not public servants
Being a Chicano, born and raised in East Los Angeles, I never seen this type of paranoia. Calling the cop's on someone cause they're black, walking down the street or in a yard being in a yard. We don't trip like that out here. Maybe if someone was White we should call the cop's. 🤣😂🤎💙🖤✌🏽👊🏽
This the best discussion on the fallacy of white supremacy that I've heard on American TV. Btw: it's also the only discussion I've heard that debates the real cause of disharmony of 'un-comfortable white folk'.
Maybe the question SHOULD be: When should the police respond to a call? In many of these instances it seems pretty clear from the call, that there is no crime being committed. Furthermore, when we see businesses call the police on people of colour - when there has been no commission of a crime - it amplifies the impression that the police serve as private security for corporations (while on duty and in uniform) and not for the community's citizens. We can blame people in our communities for calling the police on other people of colour - but, in the end, police are all too eager to respond to calls that involve minorities. We SHOULD be looking to minimise every and all opportunity to involve the police in our daily affairs.
When I was in my twenties I moved into a black community. I didn't know it was black. I didn't realize what would happen. I rode a bike to work. I got spit on. I got chased off the street. I had a group of male teens try to take me off my bike. I had a white female roommate and she disappeared for three days. She had been snatched off our driveway comming home from work and held for two days in an abandoned church. It wasn't pretty. It's not whites against blacks...it's both!
I'm so glad that this brother is a veteran, a retired police, and a real estate agent and knew exactly how to deal with these guys by the law. This video is a tutorial for blacks who don't understand how to respond in this kind of situation.
I had a few friends who were of opposing races. They left the military and found employment at the same construction company. While attending a social setting, predominantly of whites, at a bar on Craig Road, a fight broke out, between two white guys and the police were called. When the police arrived they immediately grabbed, manhandled and cuffed my friends. One of them to look at has the shaved head, long beard and mustache of the perceived skin-head and the other friend is simply black. They informed the police that they were not involved in the fight but the police did not believe them. The witness's told the police that they did not have any thing to do with the fight but again the police did not believe them. finally the actual combatants informed the police that they had nothing to do with the altercation but the police sergeant and his minions said that everyone at the bar was lying in an effort to say that the bar had no racial problems. Eventually the police released them after realizing that the two were actual friends, serving in the military together in the same unit and shop during their enlistment. The two combatants because they were white were told to leave the area and avoid anymore trouble in the future.
Ezekiel 35:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Because thou hast had a perpetual hatred, and hast shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their calamity, in the time that their iniquity had an end:
2020: Get over yourself and realize you don't have the right to "talk to" everybody you encounter, demand their name, ID, and proof of what they are doing in a place you are passing through. You are also passing through it, coming into or out of a space, is anyone demanding your name, ID and proof of what you are doing there?
I am Mexican and I grew up in a low income community. I had never hung out with anyone that did drugs. As soon as I started grad school, a PHD program and was surrounded by white ppl, I was in awe at how many of them did drugs. Keep in mind, these were students in medical programs, pharmacology, neurobiology. My first experience with anyone that did drugs was at the age of 23 after beginning a relationship with a white Pharmacology student and our white colleagues. And most disheartening is that they shared stories with me of being caught with drugs as teens and not being apprehended but rather given warnings. Ppl that believe that there is no double standard are willfully ignorant. You know what was also sad, is that they did drugs bc as students they don’t have to deal with random drug tests. Trust me, if they did, half would be kicked out.
great insider info
I have had that same experience in especially working in television production. White coworkers all young talking about all their drugs and smoking weed in the streets openly before all this legalization. They get away with so much I had to keep away from them a wrap parties because they would get high in the street in plain view knowing they will be ok.
Lili M So true... There are many white people who use drugs on a level black people couldn't even imagine yet they go about their lives without fear of imprisonment.
Fact!!! Yes, you can find this information from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration white people do more drugs than anyone else in this country. They also use drugs in an excessive amount than other races.
These people should be fined for calling police for nothing
Jaanya Gardner true.
The fact that they are not what does that say to black and brown people.
They do in Texas. False police report or something like that. I know some people that received a citation because their alarm system went off and because the police didn't see anything they called if a false report.
@Jaanya Gardner Agreed.
Tim Wise is always on point! Stop calling the police on black folks because you're uncomfortable.
They're calling the police because they don't want you there, point blank.
He agreed with her hair hatted,bootlicking butt!
I’m a big fan of TIM WISE, but he has had a few major slip ups. Especially in regards to his response to overshadowing black anti-racism activists. I don’t point that out to dog him, just to note that even the most obviously well-intentioned white folks come up short. I know I do, a helluva lot more than Wise does.
@@tawdryhepburn4686 I thought he was a good guy. Due to death threats, had to move his whole family to keep them safe cuz he rose up for black people. please educate me on how he overshadowed black anti-racists.
mike lowe well, it’s the same kinda effect that Eminem had at the beginning of his career. Or how a man is a _chef_ while a woman is only a cook. Often, When a member of a dominant group participates in an activity associated with a disenfranchised group, the activity is granted special importance or validity. A validity that would never be granted to a disenfranchised person.
By being a White anti-racism activist, Wise attracts more attention and praise. This can be useful because many white people will listen to a white man while they would ignore a PoC. But there have also been a few incidents where Wise has thrown twitter tantrums and come off as entitled when Black and Brown anti-racism activists complain about Wise sucking all the air out of the room and getting (almost) all the best paying speaking gigs. It’s not necessarily a big deal, but Wise’s words were... uh, unbecoming. He dismissed his accusers as lazy hacks who weren’t seeing his level of success because they were less capable in some fundamental way. It was all cringey and felt kinda “coded.”
Does that make sense?
Oh sweetheart, they know EXACTLY what they're doing.
Thank you !!!
A white man telling the truth about racism and really mean it from the heart.. Wow love it....🏆
Which is exactly why the demonize him and call him race traitor.
You didnt know, this brother has been at it for 20 years now calling out the problem, White People
Al-Musawwir-El: Bey yes he telling the truth racist ppl can never see the truth
@Victor Mace Hey buddy, I get that he was wrong, but you're literally contradicting yourself. You're mad because he doesn't see this as racist so then you be racist towards him? I'm not agreeing with him by any means, but you don't attack someone's race when you get in an argument. You are part of the problem
There's a lot more like us than you know about, and way more than the klan kucks want to know about.
Baffles me how the ones who have been the inflictors of the most horrendous acts of evil, are in fear of people who have inflicted no such horrendous acts on them or anyone else
Taunia Ford baffles me too! And they continue to be deceitful and blatantly lie about others' characters. And the other racists simply buy into it, with examining themselves. Make NO sense!
Taunia Ford Fear of retaliation. That’s why.
Taunia Ford Hypocrisy is usually accompanied with bigotry and hate!!!
It shouldn't baffle you. For comedy and for insight of how South Africa was in the time of the end of their racist laws, apartheid, watch Trevor Noah's older shows. It's like, they caused so much harm that they are afraid the same harm would be dealt to them to make things even.
Adnoto Litera she may not live in Africa your recessive genes continually to act up seek help immediately
I honestly don't think colonizers are suspicious. I believe they know exactly what they are doing.
Desirae Lee Abso-f*cking-lutely yes; they know their majority in US is fast shrinking and the fear is paying the piper
Freddy Sharky and they will nothing goes unsettled . it is time to pay for the heinous acts for the last 400 plus years
"colonizers" lol
Desirae Lee they do all this on purpose because they are so evil and full of hate
That's right.
“911, I’d like to report a robbery, black male bringing furniture and boxes into a vacant apartment. Send them quickly, he’s almost moved in.”
Easy, im moving in a week!
Well said
Okay this is the dumb down version of the video the police or not in the black community to protect and serve they are the overseers and the white Community they're there to protect and serve
Christian Roman what’s being robbed is their sense of exclusivity and value.
White dude: "It just seems like non-white people commit more scary crimes."
Serial killers, CEOs, and mass shooters: "Hold my beer...."
I'll hold ur beer only if u promise to keep going we have time bro.
How about history itself.. So violent all of the time to countries and tribes
@@leelasmoochie look up African history
@Robert Roberts Are you implying American history is white history?
@Robert Roberts ok so you mean to tell me a black man can not live and thrive in America?
There was a beautiful Black family at my job, who mind you was following all the rules, this young Latino woman who was a security guard said something to me I stated they are fine there is nothing wrong here. I am of Latino heritage and really hate that I see this from some Latinos. I've said it a million times and even had a teacher state, "If you don't know who you are or are questioning your validity with trying to fit in with White folks go to a Klan rally see what happens"
I say the same thing if u are non white and think u r better than black ppl. Go to a klan meeting and see how much ch love you get
By all means let’s compare all white people to the KKK🙄
@@jasonberg5768 might as well be the KKK. I prefer me an honest racist to a hide behind the police racist. At least we can avoid those ones in the KKK because we know who they are. These white people are worse because they are everywhere.
Chill Cheque they are not everywhere. These reports by racist white people are very few. The media likes to bombard the public with these stories making it seem like there is some kind of epidemic of racist old people calling the cops on black people, it’s just not true. 25 years ago no one would have ever heard this story.
You can only understand oppression and racism from the bottom up... when you’re systematically at the top, equality feels like being “oppressed.”
HerSupreme Wow that's good lol well said
HerSupreme This Answer Right Though.🗣SAID IT LOUD TO THE CROWD IN THE BACK!
Maaaan you said a mouthful good buddy.
That true
When they flooded urban areas with crack-cocaine, they filmed the results on shows like "cops", and "first 48", to redefine us. The opposite way they're dealing with the heroin epidemic.
Michael Brown I never song was that Mr Brown 48 cop shows that show African Americans as being dangerous people will never break down these walls
Michael Brown I'm sorry that should say I never thought of that mr. Brown you are right when they show African American constantly in criminal shades we will never change our attitude
Michael Brown, you on the money, with that!
Well I mean they took it from the MLK playbook. MLK used the media to show the world America was not the democracy they were pretending to be. They used it to instill on this country we're the problem, while at the same time outsourcing jobs, and reagan began his "guest worker program". or "amnesty".
Exactly. Heroin, the drug of choice for white kids, is dealt with by rehab and such, but rarely by prison while crack cocaine was dealt with by prisons time and incredibly harsh sentences.
See it's true tho. I have 3 teenagers.18 17 15 We've had "the talk" My daughter works full time, graduated two years early, still gets racism every single day. My sons are looking for work. They can't even walk into the store without "the look" . My youngest who is taking University classes this next year still gets the "cross the street" and pressed lip. It's like no matter how you carry yourself, how you dress, you will be treated as a to-be feared stereotype.
We've got to fix this country.
Kristina M Bowen I’m sorry to hear that. My sister and her partner used to experience the same injustice when walking around together. People would stalk both of them in a supermarket because of his skin colour.
That breaks my heart to hear your story. Thank you for sharing.
Lots of support from Canada.
Kristina M Bowen there is no fixing it sadly.
Kristina M Bowen . You can't fix this country, no one can. It can't fix itself.
Kristina M Bowen You can't fix stupid.
Merlene Taylor I want to end racism not end a race. Besides suicide is against my beliefs. 🙏
0:59 I thought a US citizen had the right to know the identity of his or her accuser?
One thought that popped into my head when I realized that the person said that he had a weapon is that they were doing the equivalent of "swatting", hoping that he would be harmed. I believe this because he did not have a weapon when the police approached him.
They are afraid of us doing to them what they did to us.
No other way to say it. When you do evil, you are afraid of it coming back to you.
CJ Walton oh is coming soon
Absolute facts...
That's a Snapple fact
So... True.
@CJ Walton Yes! But it's not the kind of fear they PRETEND to have when they get the police on the phone because they're "scared" yet not getting out yo' face. It's the fear of losing their top spot.
That white man is preaching.
Erica Sims Tim Wise.
For a moment,he sounded like Loius Farrakhan dishing out a straight sermon!
He a righteous dude..
Keep preaching
How are you breaking in an apt when your putting things into it?
Black......that's all you need in white society.
Lol putting in the tools to do the job
Well in her opinion, blacks got no business being there.
Amazing point!!!!!
Your not. These haters just want us to be uncomfortable and to get shot
I’ll never fathom how one group can be afraid of the group their ancestors oppressed.
Two years later and yet nothing has been learnt from this discussion.
living while black this the reality of black in america
Antonio Williams its a reality for all coloured brothers and sister of the world
No it is not.
More like SURVIVING WHILE BLACK in Amerikkka.. It's rediculous, let the brother live his life, stop snooping in someone elses business.
Perpetual victimhood. The media has warped many minds.
I can't even go jogging because cops will think I'm stealing.
Mark London you are a Troll hiding behind a Black person picture get lost Idoit.
Malcolm Shabazz, Nah looks like you're just an ignorant fool. When i was younger I was late returning from a lunch break and ran back to the store. Before I even got 10ft a cop stopped me with some BS. Saying there's been robberies in the area. They made me late and followed me back to work to "prove" I told the truth. Even my boss apologized to me because he realized how dumb it was. People like you can't think outside the confines of your experience. So stfu and get a clue.
Mark London I live as a Black Male everyday so I know all about Racial Profiling your profile doesn't even look real and your profile videos are all White looks like a Troll hiding behind a Black person picture.
We don't believe you or care , because we know you're not jogging...or being harassed , liar.
Malcolm Shabazz disgusting how you have to find a way to invalidate his experience
Tim Wise is always welcome to the bbq 👏
Artemis Word. He's said some things that have opened my eyes to realities I didn't even know existed.
Yeah he's shown people how far the rabbit hole goes.
Jane Elliot too.
@Maritza Piccarillo
He's probably Irish, lol, so he can't help it.
The IQ levels are dropping That low, whereas they need to have a sepcial education class about "when to call the police?"
Lesson 1: not because someone is sleeping.
#2: Not because someone asks to use the restroom.
#3: Not because someone is eating a cheeseburger.
Smh. Our species should be WAY more advanced than this by now.
9:05 "...you shouldn't call me or my officers unless you want an armed response...". The point is they call because they do want an armed response. They know who they're calling and the potential deadly consequences of that call. I would even go so far as to say some callers want to see someone die.
What kind of stupid conversation is this? America’s original sin is slavery - start the conversation from that point, not from a point of making other people comfortable
Tonedef St. James
I beliveThe entirety of this country is built on "sin" or "evil".
From the Natives Americans to Slavery to Big Banking fraud/ manipulation, etc, etc. The sin never stops. Its like a continiing sin loop.
Christopher (Conman) Columbus' vouage here was even based on lies and manipultion. Even the journey here was the opposite of noble or righteous.
But there should be a starting point.
jamarla bellinger True my sister, you are correct
It's Okay to Eat Mayo lol yeah because getting rid of all the black people some how gets rid of all the Native Americans and Latinos. America was built on death and cannibalism, whites in this country will always have to deal with varying races for the shear fact that this isn’t their homeland, but even if all the “minorities” were to leave it still wouldn’t be a Utopia, lol you just need to look at Russia to prove that.
Ancar Willis The US was 90% white in 1960. You are hating white people because we build better societies. And, any society brownies move to, they destroy. Literally the US was a white Utopia before the shitholer invasion.
It's Okay to Eat Mayo lmao you think the US was a Utopia in the 1960’s perhaps you should do some research and see what life was actually like back then. Nobody hates white people, I’m just point out the fact that even “all white societies” have major social issues. If it wasn’t the blacks or Latinos, it would be the Irish, or the Italians and that’s not speculation it’s historical fact. Heck look at the UK today. There’s no small number of prejudices against the Polish. Nobody cares about what whites “build” all people care about is what they do with it.
I grew up in London, a ethnic majority City like New York. Never saw hard drug's in my life. First year at University and every other White middle class student has a story of them or their friends taking hard drug's 🙄
........... while black" suggests
that people cannot LIVE while black since all the above-mentioned activities "while black" are all activities of daily living a.k.a./ a.d.l. necessary and requisite while one is alive; hence my conclusion above.
People do you see the impossible enormity of the problem/situation?!!!!!
Sad. In Canada we would have helped him move in.
Yup, pretty sure I would have said hi and offered some help.
Mario Stinger Racism exists in Canada. Take my word for it, as one who has experienced it.
Wrong Canada is plenty racist don’t go thinking we are any better.
Mario Stinger I've heard you all are pretty racist up there too.
Mario Stinger Plenty of bigots there too.
Why are white folk so intimidated by our beautiful COLOR?!! Just asking!
As they sit in the sun, get botox injections and marry the ball player's. JUST SAYING
The stories being told and portrayed about Africans is not good so the bias will Continue until good stories about us outweigh the bad ones.
@@lorenawilson2938 Never return racism with racism. It's not God's way, so it won't work toward making things better. The white women who marry black ball players aren't the ones who are the enemy. They have realized that there is beauty in us. You may say "It's about the money." However, these women usually have children with these men that they love and adore. Remember, beautiful women of color. Those men choose who THEY want to marry. Their reasoning is their right, and it's between them and God. Realize that whoever God has for you, no other woman will get him!!! You are never less than any other woman! You are never more than any other woman! WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN THE EYES OF THE GOD OF HEAVEN!!! He should know. He created all of us.
Black folks ima need y’all to look up my boy Tim Wise and Jane Elliot. These two right here y’all; are as real as it gets. They both stand firm with us and against white supremacy and bigotry.
Race hustlers. Malcolm x greatest fear. White liberals
I've had some white folk leave restaurants when I walk in or move to other seats, make stupid remarks when they think I don't hear them, and so on. And it's sad how we live in the 21st century, and we still can't get over other peoples' differences because we're too ignorant to do so.
TheLeslieMichelle some folk make comments knowing full well you can hear them
McRib because usually the white on black racism ends in the black person's harm, arrest or death!
@McRib you tried lol
NPC SJW 9000 did any of them call the cops on you for something trivial? Or how many white churches do you know were targets of black supremacy groups? Your comment, although appreciated, shows that you still don’t understand that the minority is reacting to the majority. Did you miss the two recent shootings? Have you tried to engage in a conversation with the black folks who are not so friendly right now or are you doing everything to avoid them? Change won’t come unless someone makes the first move.
NPC SJW 9000 BC " black racism " never lead to white being murdered
Reform the police
Reform the justice system, if you pick up a phone and report a bogus crime, you are committing a crime maybe serious. No crime calling cops when someone's moving in, but if you lie and say he is taking things out of the building or is doing things with doors that would make you think he was trying to break in you should have some explaining to do. The person should eventually be confronted with all the inaccuracies (from the recording) and asked to explain.
Nick Miles
That would be a start.
myko freder
Confronting the person would definitely probably help and make them think twice about lying. But then again they could just call anonymously. It's ultimately up to the police to do a better job in dealing with people. They are too quick in always wanting to put their hands on people especially black people. They're always over compensateing trying to instill fear instead of actually dealing with the problem. They always overreact and use excessive force with blacks more often than not.
Tim Wise is the man......... He always has something profound to say.....
Brenda Robinson Jane Elliott too!
Tim Wise was born on October 4th, 1968, six months after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed (April 4th in Memphis, Tennessee); and Jane Elliott began teaching her third-grade students about the uncomfortability of racism (April 5th in Riceville, Iowa)...
Whoever called should be arrested for making the victim uncomfortable!!!!!
A lady called the police on me for going into my own garage. I didn't film it, I was running late so I got on my bike and left, but she was still sitting in her car with the windows rolled up waiiting for the cops. I'd been living there for two years at the time.
Discussions are getting better ..FINALLY !
iLuv Visa
It’s a start...
Mary Rose Kent yea a start decades later 😒
iLuv Visa conversations ongoing and little seems to change
Sarah Miller yep the suffering continues for us
iLuv Visa 😢
He's right about those gentrifiers.
Gender + identifier = gentrifier.
They NEVER bother black people when they are sending out tax bills!!
This will never change until the most high comes and changes it
In the meantime we fight to try and change it.
Great Open discussion
I couldn't agree more.
Me agree
Find out who reported and sue them.
I really appreciated what Tim Wise added to the conversation. Hopefully the folks calling police will check themselves before risking someone’s life.
I was going to move to Brunswick, Ga for work. I have a son that just turned 25.....no thanks!
People should get in trouble for some of these *BS 911 Calls!* Calling the cops because you don't recognize a black person sitting in the common room of your dormitory should NOT be acceptable.
Tim Wise for President!
Racist hit dislike! 🤷🏽♀️🤷🏾♀️🤷🏿♀️
LWB and DWB is a real offense out here. It's a shame
carrottoponcrak You better Preach the Gospel
Wow! This is the best thing I have seen on MSNBC ever! Is there a part two or a full show link?
in the netherland if you call cop for nothing you get a ticket
One problem is that we see police as a separate life form. " The Police" They are white men in uniform. (Yes there are black police and others, less someone uses that statement to make like they don't get the point) Yet we keep talking about " Police Training" again, as if they are a separate life form. This is a racial issue, not just a police issue .
“I like how you think I’m comfortable with Police” Hilarious, 👍🏾👊🏾✌🏾🇳🇬🇺🇸
7:58-8:03 gave me the chills. That's a sobering statement.
There need to be a law when someone calls the Police and report something false they need to be charged and fine. Black people need to start suing the person that called the Police and lied on you. Get a attorney send file open right act to get that person info in order to sue them.
When a person calls 911 and they are found to lie they need charges.
77 people dislike living in reality.
6:42 - NOTE: As he says this, notice most of the White audience is NOT laughing at the joke.
"Perfect love casts out fear."
Excellent points made with this topic, conversation and informative discussion...Thank you
In the meantime, black people Still have deal with, "LIVING WHILE BLACK."
I love how that white man spoke up for us excellent!!!
I think everyone needs to turn down the immediate hostility. Speaking to each other in a manner that leaves both parties with their dignity would be a beginning point. Don’t automatically come at each other in an escalated tone. The tone does not have to be on a escalated level for an officer to effectively do his or her job. They are suppose to be the professionals in this equations. I think in a lot of times it is the obvious difference that in tones that is used that begins the defensive ways it is received. Why are POC spoken to in such a less dignifying way. As a kid ( to which I am much much older) I was taught the police officer deserved my respect and was my safe point. Coming in and being offending automatically removes any of that safety feeling and insights a whole new feeling. I pray everyday for a solution to this crisis because I have young adult children in this world. Do I School my children how to address officers? Of course I do!!! I go even so far to say they are the end all be all and it is up to you to regulate the level. But even I have witness where even that has not worked. At some point both parties should be equally held accountable and we know civilians pay the price but so should the officers if they are found to be in the wrong. We should always look up to officers to uphold the law in a professional and personal manner and they should never be above the law. That is the absolute wrong message to put out there because then the public will view them as vigilantes and not public servants
Being a Chicano, born and raised in East Los Angeles, I never seen this type of paranoia. Calling the cop's on someone cause they're black, walking down the street or in a yard being in a yard. We don't trip like that out here. Maybe if someone was White we should call the cop's. 🤣😂🤎💙🖤✌🏽👊🏽
Joy Reid, love your pointed questions...Keep up the work you do. May Blessings always be yours.
Gotta love Tim Wise and the work he’s doing and have done
When u steal something u spend everything to defend it
Tim WISE- man
This the best discussion on the fallacy of white supremacy that I've heard on American TV.
Btw: it's also the only discussion I've heard that debates the real cause of disharmony of 'un-comfortable white folk'.
Maybe the question SHOULD be: When should the police respond to a call? In many of these instances it seems pretty clear from the call, that there is no crime being committed. Furthermore, when we see businesses call the police on people of colour - when there has been no commission of a crime - it amplifies the impression that the police serve as private security for corporations (while on duty and in uniform) and not for the community's citizens. We can blame people in our communities for calling the police on other people of colour - but, in the end, police are all too eager to respond to calls that involve minorities. We SHOULD be looking to minimise every and all opportunity to involve the police in our daily affairs.
Tim Wise is a beast ❤😊👊👏
Tim Wise is my guy!!!
Here in 2020 RIP George Floyd
When I was in my twenties I moved into a black community. I didn't know it was black. I didn't realize what would happen. I rode a bike to work. I got spit on. I got chased off the street. I had a group of male teens try to take me off my bike. I had a white female roommate and she disappeared for three days. She had been snatched off our driveway comming home from work and held for two days in an abandoned church. It wasn't pretty. It's not whites against blacks...it's both!
I understand your point.
I'm so glad that this brother is a veteran, a retired police, and a real estate agent and knew exactly how to deal with these guys by the law.
This video is a tutorial for blacks who don't understand how to respond in this kind of situation.
Hi Chris and Joy.👋.
Exceptional, excellent, brilliant(smart) reporting.👍👏👏.
Keep on digging, Joy and Chris.👍.
👉👉Patience democrats, patience.👍.
Esau is the ending and Jacob is the beginning
They know. 400 years worth!
No one takes into consideration how uncomfortable we are on a daily basis.
If this is not racism,how come it only happens to black folks
After having this open forum. What’s to come of this?
Shavonda Lewis Good question.
Welcome to the neighborhood! Muffins would've been nice.
Legal Arm of White Supremacy
*"This won't ever end, until "we" end it!!!"*
Well what you waiting on man
When grownups sit at the table and have an honest conversation!
So glad these conversations are happening. And being televised.
Where are the racist white folks that are gonna disagree with this video
tim wise !!!!! amen
I had a few friends who were of opposing races. They left the military and found employment at the same construction company. While attending a social setting, predominantly of whites, at a bar on Craig Road, a fight broke out, between two white guys and the police were called. When the police arrived they immediately grabbed, manhandled and cuffed my friends. One of them to look at has the shaved head, long beard and mustache of the perceived skin-head and the other friend is simply black. They informed the police that they were not involved in the fight but the police did not believe them. The witness's told the police that they did not have any thing to do with the fight but again the police did not believe them. finally the actual combatants informed the police that they had nothing to do with the altercation but the police sergeant and his minions said that everyone at the bar was lying in an effort to say that the bar had no racial problems. Eventually the police released them after realizing that the two were actual friends, serving in the military together in the same unit and shop during their enlistment. The two combatants because they were white were told to leave the area and avoid anymore trouble in the future.
One of the most positive and honest conversations on an issue that's a constant blemish on project USA. More of the same is needed.
Ezekiel 35:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Because thou hast had a perpetual hatred, and hast shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their calamity, in the time that their iniquity had an end:
For the record....nothing about this conversation should be considered liberal.
KEY key they consider " facts", liberal, so they invented " alternate facts", or "alt- facts"!
Michael Brown when did common sense become "liberal"
This should be on replay at least once a month on every news outlet in this country for the foreseeable future.
This needs to be played on every channel.
After watching all this, my answer is separation, we will never live at peace together.
"Suspicious" is a state of mind! Whenever you hear a cop say the word suspicious, tell them it's in their head.
What gives them the right to walk up to you and demand a conversation. Oh yeah, I forgot. The plantation.
2020: Get over yourself and realize you don't have the right to "talk to" everybody you encounter, demand their name, ID, and proof of what they are doing in a place you are passing through. You are also passing through it, coming into or out of a space, is anyone demanding your name, ID and proof of what you are doing there?