What a beautiful, thought provoking video this morning Colette. The bird song is truly amazing and I can visualise Mr Fox visiting the Bealtaine diner 😊 My daily fix of calm. Bless you
I've been laying in bed with my early morning cup of tea watching your amazing, beautiful, wondrous, reflective video, of you Collette, Jack and Sophia. Truly amazing what you have so lovingly created at Bealataine. So much beauty surrounding you and so selflessly shared. I truly thank you and will be thinking and reflecting on your knowledgeable and heartwarming words, your wise words and shared so lovingly. Thank you Collette.
Sophia what a lovely name you have chosen I'm looking forward to seeing the sculpture craving too lovely walk with you and Jack again the birds are really busy and happy today and I'm happy a fox is visiting you it must feel very safe the frogs definitely know what a lovely Mother's nature home you have life is flourishing at Bealtaine cottage all around . Heavy rain last night in the north of England and very damp and dull today so lovely to see your sanctuary this morning Blessings to you Colette and Jack xx
Sophia , what a beautiful name . That was so interesting Colette , do you know , I had never even thought that we have no name , your right all the names are from the male line . I am so pleased you have found the name for your well . Everything is budding up beautifully. Have a wonderful Friday . Blessings to you and Jack xxxx
well my goodness, thank you. i’m immensely grateful for all you share, i’m a faithful long time watcher though not a commenter (having a green thumb is not my strength! so it’s gorgeous to see yours!) i had to pause when you began to talk about the feminine loss of a name. i’ve never heard anyone speak of this before. it’s in my heart everyday. i am a woman without a name. being estranged from an abusive father and now abusive ex husband i don’t want either family name. i keep writing lori ann, not being sure what to do. now i know, i will choose my own. xx
Wonderful video Colette! The name lineage - fascinating and food for thought. I had a good laugh when you shared about your fox and his cheese pizza! Love it. Have a gorgeous weekend!
As always, seeing your Woodland Sanctuary makes me happy and long for spring! And your talk about Sophia was truly inspiring. When you mentioned your thoughts regarding your mother and Starhawk -- wow, so awesome! I've been thinking about it all day and my life experiences and personal opinion of the patrilineal naming scheme that "rules" the humans on the planet. Thank you and have a lovely evening!
You are very special! I have been watching your channel for a while. You are an inspiration. You brought me to tears. It can be difficult when you are in touch and intuitive. Blessings for you! You made my day.
You have SUCH a soothing voice! What a glorious haven you live in. Fascinating chat too. I think I'm right in saying that Spanish women include the names of their female relatives, so that they are not lost. They end up with very long names! This might sound obvious to some but I only recently had a bit of an epiphany regarding Mother Earth - although I KNEW that all living plants grow from the earth, I hadn't realised that the actual planet is alive. Conscious too? Have you ever read the gospel of the essenes? It's a while since I read it but ever since then I greet trees, animals, even stars with 'Hail thee.' It's fun. Thank you 🙏
So much to soak in from this video offering. Beautiful Sophia, the pizza dinner for Mr. Fox, names and lineage and identity, bird song and flowers and trees and frog spawn! Wow! Thank you! I’ve researched Gnosticism and was very drawn to it. Weird that I never made the full connection with the family names and lack there of, but for a long time have felt dissatisfied with any of those that I am supposed to use and have been wondering what my “right” last name should be. Thank you so much for sharing clearly and deeply and honestly.
I chose my own name in my 20’s (50 now) because I didn’t want my fathers name. I didn’t think too deeply about it at the time but it was something I felt I had to do. Thank you for this video, Colette. I have been watching your videos for a couple years now and there’s always something to take away from each. Blessings to you too ❤️
This was so thought-provoking Colette, thankyou ❤. My eldest daughter is called Sofia, the name resonated with me long before she was conceived. I am British, but my husband is Spanish -before we married he suggested I keep my maiden name , like Spanish women do, but I wanted to be "traditional" and I chose his double barreled surname (both his father's and mother's surnames), aside from being traditional, I wanted to be "different", knowing that my surname would be unique here at home. But on reflection, even if I had kept my "maiden" name, it would only have been evidence of my patriarchal lineage as opposed to my mother's lineage, which as you quite rightly put it -gets lost through time, which is so very sad. I recently took a ancestry DNA test, and my results came back as Scottish, Irish, English, Welsh and a tiny bit of Scandinavian. I've always felt a strong Celtic connection, and a strong Celtic feminine energy about me, I am so pleased I was proven right. We as women, have no name 😢
Sophia 💕 Denise here - Yes, all of this came to me whilst studying in a very conservative Christian seminary. What I came to know instinctively had been shown to others. It was then that I named myself Amadahy (Cherokee for Forest water per my great grandmother's heritage and my propensity for woods and water). Sometimes we learn via negativa -- or rather through that which does not resonate. Hugs and blessings.
I have a dear friend/soul sister who addressed this with me years ago. We were talking about how women can reclaim their female linage in their name and she told me of past matrilineal cultures and how some used 'daughter of' and then the mother's first name as a last name. So mine would be Trista daughter of Jo Beth and my daughter would be Maeve daughter of Trista. Of course I also like the simple suggestion of just a first name, especially for the Earth. I don't presume to know who her mother is. Sophia is lovely! Lovely day and Blessing to you and Jack!
The Gnostics were amazing.......Sophia is indeed feminine divine wisdom....within our Mother.......I absolutely love your musings of truth and wisdom....you really are a ray of light in these times...keep creating your magic.....lun n ligh always sister Xxx
Oh my Collette! The Divine Mother has seized your mind and tongue. What a grand Blessing ❤️ Did you know that the word “ignorance” has its Latin root in “to ignore”. Clearly if one turns their attention (as you have) towards the great Sophia the wisdom is fed to us like a baby bird 🐦. The Great Lactation Is Her Wisdom...The Mother’s Milk. ❤️This seems to me the reason the west has demonized the old world and pagan wisdom and ways, is to prevent such Revelation! . It is only through ignorance or “ignoring” her Creative Force, Beauty and abundance that one would follow those who wish to profit from our forgetting Her.I mean who would blindly follow the corporate offerings that spoil our home and bodies? God bless Our Dear Sophia and all of her children. May all beings ReMember....ReTurn to Her awaiting Arms. Your testimony and experience Is so appreciated. You show everyone the Peace and Joy that Comes from living within the Her Arms.❤️❤️💃🏼❤️❤️🌱❤️
Hello Collette, I got chills as you spoke of Sophia, that name does fit.. Looking forward to seeing the carving of her by the young man you mentioned. The grounds look so lovely this morning, active yet peaceful. So happy to hear a pizza eating fox has taken up residence there. He has chosen wisely and will have plenty of frogs soon. Do you know what type of frogs they are?
Colette, Now I'm feeling a little lost. I've Always loved my last name, Foley. I now want to choose my own name that represents me myself. Lots to think about! Blessings to you and Sophia
This is indeed profound what you've shared about women's names. I had never looked at it this way before. I never cared for my maiden name for various reasons. When I married I was (and still am) thrilled to take my husband's last name as that feels like a big part of who I am. While at the same time, I admire women who go with a different name - like a friend/teacher of mind who recently changed her "last" name to Star Feather. Thanks for this poignant point of view. It really resonates with me.
One more reason to love your videos. You can transition from the depths of discernment into woman’s place in the universe , to giving the fox a cheese pizza and immediately speak of compost , and do it all gracefully without sounding loony. 😁
I love watching these videos makes me smile for miles ! I just love what u do and have done and continue to do and share ! Really I’d love do have a lifestyle as so!
Uggghh! I'm STILL dealing with a snow-covered yard and it's 11°F! I am BEYOND READY to get outside and work some garden "magic" with Earth, Air, and Sunshine!! I'm getting "cabin fever" and a lil stir-crazy!
I'd like to think that the Feminine is the personification of Wisdom because She keeps her eyes on the big picture -- She's devoted to singing and knitting and loving Life into abundant existence. Birthing the stars, so to say, is a far grander task than keeping lineage records and conveying property (which is what tribalism is all about). (And this comes from an avid genealogist, whose very Y-chromosome was apparently conveyed from the same Niall of the Nine Hostages. Keep at it, cousin!)
From Sophia to pizza-eating fox. I have never laughed so much in my life, Colette. And right now I'm running back and forth trying to sort out and help my older sister who has a broken ankle and both bad feet so needs a lot of attention right now. I'm still tittering about that pizza. Good on you, my lady xx xx 😂😂😂
Interesting musings on the Gnostics & Sophia. Excellent name choice. Today when I flipped my Irish calendar (regrettably not yours) to March the picture is of Boyle Abbey! A coincidence? You decide...lol
Shire would've perhaps been 'of the Shire', or 'of the House or Village of'... which is still patrilineal. You could be Colette of the Woods, or Colette Woods! (I've used Hope Springs as a nom de plume.)
What is in a name? It’s the person that counts and I am so proud of my Celtic heritage and my mom she was stronger than any man I ever new and she lived till she was 98 years old and I thank GOD SHE PASSED HER STRENGTH ON TO HER CHILDREN 💕❤️🇨🇮kiss for jack
Dear Colette , it is true we women have only one name . It blew me away when I thought about it . The patriarchy sends greetings . We women have always been the property of our fathers , brothers and men , see suffrage . I mean until 1977 or 1978 , a men was still allowed to ban his wife from working in Germany , unbelievable . The frogs 🐸 are doing well , they are spawning in masses . Have some plants set as undergrowth today . The next plants are already planned . We wish you and Jack a nice day. Best regards and many hugs for you and Jack and your loved ones from Conny Braun and cat Felix from Germany. 🐝 ❤️ 🌺 👍 🌞 🙏🏼
The Ancients in what we now call India knew this too. Lakshmi. Kali. Tara. Shakti. The name might be male, the Mitochondria is female. What's in a name?
This video got me to take a quick look into matrilineal societies. I notice that many Northern European countries were once matrilineal and Iceland still traces people through the mother. Navajo society has always been and still is matrilineal. It seems many cultures began as matrilineal and were slowly eroded into patriarchal ones. Maybe it's about time this starts to change. Wasn't it your mother who said something about 'always knowing who the mother was but the father? Could be anyone......' I'll include a link to the Navajo info: prezi.com/ywp212spnwnn/role-of-women-in-the-navajo-matrilineal-culture/
Hi Collette I hope you don't mind me asking ,but have you ever seen or felt the " the good folk ' in your garden or house brownies etc in the cottage it would be so interesting to hear ..I think Dragonflies are very magical and are Fae like xxxBlessed xxxShaz 🌟🙏🌛🌝🌜
Colette you should download free app Tiktok on your phone it is a platform that allows you to upload and record and create video segments that are only 15 seconds in duration and they have lots of free editing tools its fun and entertaining that way you can showcase the beautiful grounds of Beltaine Cottage to millions using the app to see the plants or make it what you want
This was very interesting. In England (i'm not familiar with Ireland), surnames are quite modern. They were not introduced until the invasion of 1066 primarily for taxation purposes and to see which Saxon or Celt serfs belonged to which Norman gentry. I think this is why there are only 4 varieties of names; trade eg Cooper, place eg Dell, nicknames eg Black, parental name eg Stevenson. I do not like surnames myself as it gives you a totally biased view of family history and really is just an instrument of the State; in Britain anyway! There is a very good book by a lady called Susan Evasdaughter (great last name-she is getting her point across with that) about the Minoan civilisation in Crete, the ultimate flowering of Goddess culture in Europe. It's called Crete Reclaimed and is worth trying to get hold of. I have read a lot about Gnosticism and some of the Nag Hammadi Texts including the spectacular "The Thunder, Perfect Mind". Too much to put in a comment but Sophia is a lovely, classic Goddess name. The book by John Lamb Lash, "Not In His Image" is the best telling of the Gnostic story, which he terms the Home Story/Fallen Goddess Scenario. Lovely and inpiring video as always :)
I had never thought about this before. Women do not and never have had their own names! As you say, this is something that has been hidden in plain sight for so many years so thank you for shining a light in yet another dark corner of our history. I do have a question which I hope you'll be able to answer: given your rural location and all the trees and the water you have, do you ever have rats outside? I ask because I too live in a rural and remote location (Skye) and this year I've discovered that I have a rat living in my shed. I've seen her a couple of times in the daylight trundling over to the bird feeders to pinch some food and I know you've said you put down oats on the ground for the birds as well as seed. I'd be interested in your opinion. Please give Jack a cuddle from me - my dog passed away three weeks ago and I miss her loads. Blessings.
That's so profound Never really thought of it Yes so true we as women only carry on the males surname A few years back I actually changed my name completely..spiRit guided me..maybe this was another reason I changed it..on an intuit level Wow So true
the gnostic gospels are quite revolutionary Colette... Very much along the lines of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene... Well.. we know who's manipulated the original doctrines and literally "written out" many truths, including the importance of the divine feminine (such as Mary)...When will the balance of masculine and feminine every be reached?... When will the feminine be acknowledged for her importance?? I chose not to take my husband's name... (at the horror of his family)... It was an innate decision.. I never ever thought it necessary or even understood the logic about why any female should have to do that??... Perhaps all women should find a common thread to link them by name! :) ... Perhaps we should all have Sophia as our middle name! ;) I love your Sophia.. she has brought you, and all of us, an abundance of wisdom... x
Link to further information on Sophia: www.gaia.com/article/worlds-soul-woman-gnostic-myth-sophia#.XHkCCLR4xeA.link
Hi Colette
This is how we were all meant to live. Among trees flowers birds and the wee folk!
What a beautiful, thought provoking video this morning Colette. The bird song is truly amazing and I can visualise Mr Fox visiting the Bealtaine diner 😊 My daily fix of calm. Bless you
I've been laying in bed with my early morning cup of tea watching your amazing, beautiful, wondrous, reflective video, of you Collette, Jack and Sophia. Truly amazing what you have so lovingly created at Bealataine. So much beauty surrounding you and so selflessly shared. I truly thank you and will be thinking and reflecting on your knowledgeable and heartwarming words, your wise words and shared so lovingly. Thank you Collette.
Sophia what a lovely name you have chosen I'm looking forward to seeing the sculpture craving too lovely walk with you and Jack again the birds are really busy and happy today and I'm happy a fox is visiting you it must feel very safe the frogs definitely know what a lovely Mother's nature home you have life is flourishing at Bealtaine cottage all around . Heavy rain last night in the north of England and very damp and dull today so lovely to see your sanctuary this morning Blessings to you Colette and Jack xx
Sophia , what a beautiful name . That was so interesting Colette , do you know , I had never even thought that we have no name , your right all the names are from the male line . I am so pleased you have found the name for your well . Everything is budding up beautifully. Have a wonderful Friday . Blessings to you and Jack xxxx
well my goodness, thank you. i’m immensely grateful for all you share, i’m a faithful long time watcher though not a commenter (having a green thumb is not my strength! so it’s gorgeous to see yours!)
i had to pause when you began to talk about the feminine loss of a name. i’ve never heard anyone speak of this before. it’s in my heart everyday. i am a woman without a name. being estranged from an abusive father and now abusive ex husband i don’t want either family name. i keep writing lori ann, not being sure what to do. now i know, i will choose my own. xx
No one, to my knowledge, has ever spoken about it publicly, as I have today.
Wonderful video Colette! The name lineage - fascinating and food for thought. I had a good laugh when you shared about your fox and his cheese pizza! Love it. Have a gorgeous weekend!
As always, seeing your Woodland Sanctuary makes me happy and long for spring! And your talk about Sophia was truly inspiring. When you mentioned your thoughts regarding your mother and Starhawk -- wow, so awesome! I've been thinking about it all day and my life experiences and personal opinion of the patrilineal naming scheme that "rules" the humans on the planet. Thank you and have a lovely evening!
You are very special! I have been watching your channel for a while. You are an inspiration. You brought me to tears. It can be difficult when you are in touch and intuitive. Blessings for you! You made my day.
You have SUCH a soothing voice! What a glorious haven you live in.
Fascinating chat too. I think I'm right in saying that Spanish women include the names of their female relatives, so that they are not lost. They end up with very long names!
This might sound obvious to some but I only recently had a bit of an epiphany regarding Mother Earth - although I KNEW that all living plants grow from the earth, I hadn't realised that the actual planet is alive. Conscious too?
Have you ever read the gospel of the essenes? It's a while since I read it but ever since then I greet trees, animals, even stars with 'Hail thee.' It's fun.
Thank you 🙏
I am so glad to hear u speak on this ♡♡♡ I hope u talk more about it thru ur eyes as u discover more. I really value and enjoy your view ♡♡♡
My mother give me that name and she always love mother earth. Now i love my name even more. 💕
So much to soak in from this video offering. Beautiful Sophia, the pizza dinner for Mr. Fox, names and lineage and identity, bird song and flowers and trees and frog spawn! Wow! Thank you! I’ve researched Gnosticism and was very drawn to it. Weird that I never made the full connection with the family names and lack there of, but for a long time have felt dissatisfied with any of those that I am supposed to use and have been wondering what my “right” last name should be. Thank you so much for sharing clearly and deeply and honestly.
I chose my own name in my 20’s (50 now) because I didn’t want my fathers name. I didn’t think too deeply about it at the time but it was something I felt I had to do. Thank you for this video, Colette. I have been watching your videos for a couple years now and there’s always something to take away from each. Blessings to you too ❤️
This was so thought-provoking Colette, thankyou ❤.
My eldest daughter is called Sofia, the name resonated with me long before she was conceived.
I am British, but my husband is Spanish -before we married he suggested I keep my maiden name , like Spanish women do, but I wanted to be "traditional" and I chose his double barreled surname (both his father's and mother's surnames), aside from being traditional, I wanted to be "different", knowing that my surname would be unique here at home.
But on reflection, even if I had kept my "maiden" name, it would only have been evidence of my patriarchal lineage as opposed to my mother's lineage, which as you quite rightly put it -gets lost through time, which is so very sad.
I recently took a ancestry DNA test, and my results came back as Scottish, Irish, English, Welsh and a tiny bit of Scandinavian. I've always felt a strong Celtic connection, and a strong Celtic feminine energy about me, I am so pleased I was proven right.
We as women, have no name 😢
Sophia 💕
Denise here - Yes, all of this came to me whilst studying in a very conservative Christian seminary. What I came to know instinctively had been shown to others. It was then that I named myself Amadahy (Cherokee for Forest water per my great grandmother's heritage and my propensity for woods and water). Sometimes we learn via negativa -- or rather through that which does not resonate. Hugs and blessings.
I have a dear friend/soul sister who addressed this with me years ago. We were talking about how women can reclaim their female linage in their name and she told me of past matrilineal cultures and how some used 'daughter of' and then the mother's first name as a last name. So mine would be Trista daughter of Jo Beth and my daughter would be Maeve daughter of Trista. Of course I also like the simple suggestion of just a first name, especially for the Earth. I don't presume to know who her mother is. Sophia is lovely! Lovely day and Blessing to you and Jack!
The Gnostics were amazing.......Sophia is indeed feminine divine wisdom....within our Mother.......I absolutely love your musings of truth and wisdom....you really are a ray of light in these times...keep creating your magic.....lun n ligh always sister Xxx
Your wisdom gives me such peace and comfort. I love you Collette. Colette means people of victory. :-)
Wow! This is so True! The "family's" name... I agree. Thank you for putting words to my thoughts... 🌸💗
The Soul of the Earth Sophia is On - the Correction & Upgrade has Started - for the Good of All that is - and so it is - Blessings.
Your land is full so full with the Spirit of Life. Thanks for this spring morning tour when everything was waking up to life.
Oh my Collette! The Divine Mother has seized your mind and tongue. What a grand Blessing ❤️ Did you know that the word “ignorance” has its Latin root in “to ignore”. Clearly if one turns their attention (as you have) towards the great Sophia the wisdom is fed to us like a baby bird 🐦. The Great Lactation Is Her Wisdom...The Mother’s Milk. ❤️This seems to me the reason the west has demonized the old world and pagan wisdom and ways, is to prevent such Revelation! . It is only through ignorance or “ignoring” her Creative Force, Beauty and abundance that one would follow those who wish to profit from our forgetting Her.I mean who would blindly follow the corporate offerings that spoil our home and bodies? God bless Our Dear Sophia and all of her children. May all beings ReMember....ReTurn to Her awaiting Arms. Your testimony and experience Is so appreciated. You show everyone the Peace and Joy that Comes from living within the Her Arms.❤️❤️💃🏼❤️❤️🌱❤️
Hello Collette, I got chills as you spoke of Sophia, that name does fit.. Looking forward to seeing the carving of her by the young man you mentioned. The grounds look so lovely this morning, active yet peaceful. So happy to hear a pizza eating fox has taken up residence there. He has chosen wisely and will have plenty of frogs soon. Do you know what type of frogs they are?
My Cherokee name is CalmingDeerMeadow. I follow Native ways. We honor Nakoma, Mother Earth. Gaston Indiana
Beautiful and thought provoking. Thank you so much. Blessings to all at Bealtaine. 💋💋 Jack.
Colette, Now I'm feeling a little lost. I've Always loved my last name, Foley. I now want to choose my own name that represents me myself. Lots to think about! Blessings to you and Sophia
Lovely video. Sophia is perfection.
Thank you XXX
Such a philosophi(a)cal way to start the day;)- I feel like all that nature is passing on her message to you crystal clear. Thanks for sharing:)
This is indeed profound what you've shared about women's names. I had never looked at it this way before. I never cared for my maiden name for various reasons. When I married I was (and still am) thrilled to take my husband's last name as that feels like a big part of who I am. While at the same time, I admire women who go with a different name - like a friend/teacher of mind who recently changed her "last" name to Star Feather. Thanks for this poignant point of view. It really resonates with me.
One more reason to love your videos. You can transition from the depths of discernment into woman’s place in the universe , to giving the fox a cheese pizza and immediately speak of compost , and do it all gracefully without sounding loony. 😁
Thank you for sharing that. It's tragic and beautiful simultaneously. I claim my family name as Gia-Sophia. She is my family 💗
Beautiful! As always. Blessings to you x
Such a lovely story. Sophia is a beautiful name. I’ve always called her mother. Love it! 🗝
I love watching these videos makes me smile for miles ! I just love what u do and have done and continue to do and share ! Really I’d love do have a lifestyle as so!
Uggghh! I'm STILL dealing with a snow-covered yard and it's 11°F! I am BEYOND READY to get outside and work some garden "magic" with Earth, Air, and Sunshine!! I'm getting "cabin fever" and a lil stir-crazy!
I'd like to think that the Feminine is the personification of Wisdom because She keeps her eyes on the big picture -- She's devoted to singing and knitting and loving Life into abundant existence. Birthing the stars, so to say, is a far grander task than keeping lineage records and conveying property (which is what tribalism is all about). (And this comes from an avid genealogist, whose very Y-chromosome was apparently conveyed from the same Niall of the Nine Hostages. Keep at it, cousin!)
From Sophia to pizza-eating fox. I have never laughed so much in my life, Colette. And right now I'm running back and forth trying to sort out and help my older sister who has a broken ankle and both bad feet so needs a lot of attention right now. I'm still tittering about that pizza. Good on you, my lady xx xx 😂😂😂
Interesting musings on the Gnostics & Sophia. Excellent name choice. Today when I flipped my Irish calendar (regrettably not yours) to March the picture is of Boyle Abbey! A coincidence? You decide...lol
The Bealtaine Cottage calendar has three photographs and some March wisdom and folklore.
Wow. The not having a name thing has never occurred to me before. Seems crazy now.
Shire would've perhaps been 'of the Shire', or 'of the House or Village of'... which is still patrilineal. You could be Colette of the Woods, or Colette Woods! (I've used Hope Springs as a nom de plume.)
Yes of course ,Sofia🙏🏽🌱👏🏽
Interesting I never thought of us having no real name Colette you should do a goddess retreat it would be wonderful ⭐️💖
What is in a name? It’s the person that counts and I am so proud of my Celtic heritage and my mom she was stronger than any man I ever new and she lived till she was 98 years old and I thank GOD SHE PASSED HER STRENGTH ON TO HER CHILDREN 💕❤️🇨🇮kiss for jack
Blessings to you XXX
I agree the name is perfect. Blessings.
"And the wind whispers Mary."
Jimi Hendrix!
The one and only ;)
i love this so much!!!!
Sophia has a depth that has great meaning to me personally. It seems apt that a Goddess for the faery wood should have that name.
Dear Colette , it is true we women have only one name . It blew me away when I thought about it . The patriarchy sends greetings . We women have always been the property of our fathers , brothers and men , see suffrage . I mean until 1977 or 1978 , a men was still allowed to ban his wife from working in Germany , unbelievable . The frogs 🐸 are doing well , they are spawning in masses . Have some plants set as undergrowth today . The next plants are already planned . We wish you and Jack a nice day. Best regards and many hugs for you and Jack and your loved ones from Conny Braun and cat Felix from Germany. 🐝 ❤️ 🌺 👍 🌞 🙏🏼
The Ancients in what we now call India knew this too. Lakshmi. Kali. Tara. Shakti.
The name might be male, the Mitochondria is female.
What's in a name?
This video got me to take a quick look into matrilineal societies. I notice that many Northern European countries were once matrilineal and Iceland still traces people through the mother. Navajo society has always been and still is matrilineal. It seems many cultures began as matrilineal and were slowly eroded into patriarchal ones. Maybe it's about time this starts to change. Wasn't it your mother who said something about 'always knowing who the mother was but the father? Could be anyone......' I'll include a link to the Navajo info: prezi.com/ywp212spnwnn/role-of-women-in-the-navajo-matrilineal-culture/
Hi Collette I hope you don't mind me asking ,but have you ever seen or felt the " the good folk ' in your garden or house brownies etc in the cottage it would be so interesting to hear ..I think Dragonflies are very magical and are Fae like xxxBlessed xxxShaz 🌟🙏🌛🌝🌜
Spring has sprung - enjoy!
Beautiful place. I am amazed I found this. Hope your well ?🎩⚖ I thought of you when I discovered this.🔭🔬🏳🗽🌈🌏☘👻🕊🥀👃
Since a teenager I picked my future daughters' name "Sophia". I love that name. Alas, I birthed two sons! 😁
Dont know what happened to FB page Ill miss that but I know Ill find you here
How long from egg to hatch do frog eggs take?
Colette you should download free app Tiktok on your phone it is a platform that allows you to upload and record and create video segments that are only 15 seconds in duration and they have lots of free editing tools its fun and entertaining that way you can showcase the beautiful grounds of Beltaine Cottage to millions using the app to see the plants or make it what you want
This was very interesting. In England (i'm not familiar with Ireland), surnames are quite modern. They were not introduced until the invasion of 1066 primarily for taxation purposes and to see which Saxon or Celt serfs belonged to which Norman gentry. I think this is why there are only 4 varieties of names; trade eg Cooper, place eg Dell, nicknames eg Black, parental name eg Stevenson.
I do not like surnames myself as it gives you a totally biased view of family history and really is just an instrument of the State; in Britain anyway!
There is a very good book by a lady called Susan Evasdaughter (great last name-she is getting her point across with that) about the Minoan civilisation in Crete, the ultimate flowering of Goddess culture in Europe. It's called Crete Reclaimed and is worth trying to get hold of.
I have read a lot about Gnosticism and some of the Nag Hammadi Texts including the spectacular "The Thunder, Perfect Mind". Too much to put in a comment but Sophia is a lovely, classic Goddess name. The book by John Lamb Lash, "Not In His Image" is the best telling of the Gnostic story, which he terms the Home Story/Fallen Goddess Scenario.
Lovely and inpiring video as always :)
Exactly wisdom ....is Sophia in Greek!!! Also the word Gaia!!!
Have you ever thought about raising bees? Hugs Donna 🐝
I had never thought about this before. Women do not and never have had their own names! As you say, this is something that has been hidden in plain sight for so many years so thank you for shining a light in yet another dark corner of our history. I do have a question which I hope you'll be able to answer: given your rural location and all the trees and the water you have, do you ever have rats outside? I ask because I too live in a rural and remote location (Skye) and this year I've discovered that I have a rat living in my shed. I've seen her a couple of times in the daylight trundling over to the bird feeders to pinch some food and I know you've said you put down oats on the ground for the birds as well as seed. I'd be interested in your opinion. Please give Jack a cuddle from me - my dog passed away three weeks ago and I miss her loads. Blessings.
Hello, Sophia. :)
Completely agree. C🍀🍀🍀👻👻👻
That's so profound
Never really thought of it
Yes so true we as women only carry on the males surname
A few years back I actually changed my name completely..spiRit guided me..maybe this was another reason I changed it..on an intuit level
So true
the gnostic gospels are quite revolutionary Colette... Very much along the lines of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene... Well.. we know who's manipulated the original doctrines and literally "written out" many truths, including the importance of the divine feminine (such as Mary)...When will the balance of masculine and feminine every be reached?... When will the feminine be acknowledged for her importance??
I chose not to take my husband's name... (at the horror of his family)... It was an innate decision.. I never ever thought it necessary or even understood the logic about why any female should have to do that??... Perhaps all women should find a common thread to link them by name! :) ... Perhaps we should all have Sophia as our middle name! ;)
I love your Sophia.. she has brought you, and all of us, an abundance of wisdom... x
Keeping our "maiden" name is still keeping the patriarchal line. I think our last names should all be "Eve".