The Maui Fires - REAL Reason They Happened

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 9 тис.

  • @TwoBitDaVinci
    @TwoBitDaVinci  Рік тому +209

    Thanks to ALL Who've Donated ... Look for the Fundraising Button ^
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    • @lovenloyalty777
      @lovenloyalty777 Рік тому +3

      Red cross is making them sign paperwork before they will help them and turning away donations from outside sources. The children are missing.
      Report the truth for the people, their phones didn't work all day, kids told to stay home from school, and a heavy amount of chemtrailing going on the days before.

    • @thelastaustralian7583
      @thelastaustralian7583 Рік тому +26

      Great Report ; )..It was amazing to see the Catholic Church and surrounding Tree's, 'untouched' !

    • @lunacave
      @lunacave Рік тому +5

      American Red Cross!? What a joke! First you refer us to the BBC for the truth and are now funneling us to these criminals.

    • @El_Cristofaro
      @El_Cristofaro Рік тому +11

      Salvation Army: Kahului

    • @AMyco-r5e
      @AMyco-r5e Рік тому +1

      The incompetence stems from your democratic leaders.

  • @auntieann6971
    @auntieann6971 Рік тому +2366

    School was cancelled in Lahaina on the 8th. Most of those kids were probably at home, playing video games, watching TV, sleeping, etc. They would've had no warning before the fires engulfed their houses without the sirens. Police also blocked the only road out of Lahaina after emergency texts advised residents to evacuate in their cars. They sat, waiting to be directed to safety, in long lines of cars. These burned out husks, drivers obediently waiting for directions as the fires overtook them, can be seen on video shot by residents along the streets. There are tens of thousands of military personnel stationed throughout Hawaii. In disasters past, aid & personnel were flown in as soon as the immediate danger passed. It's after day 8 & there's been no deployment or assistance. As a veteran & part of disaster teams, this is not normal. Those troops could build shelter, provide medical treatment, cook food, do recovery searches & clear debris. Why haven't they been utilized??? Something's not right here. In fact, things are very, very wrong.

    • @20LookInside12
      @20LookInside12 Рік тому +229

      100%, well said and thanks for posting this.

    • @bananapancakes311
      @bananapancakes311 Рік тому +434

      Because it was a planned genocide. The evidence is insurmountable at this point, and more just keeps being revealed. The real truth hasn’t even surfaced yet. And when it does, it will cause even more trauma. Praying for healing. Praying for justice. Praying for peace.
      This is when disclosure comes. This evil must end.

    • @studio107bgallery4
      @studio107bgallery4 Рік тому +86

      Agreed……..Unbelievable…….Sending Prayers and Love to the People of Lahaina…….❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @dancooper6002
      @dancooper6002 Рік тому

      @@bananapancakes311 Deranged tinfoil hat nutter theories. "Planned Genocide" seriously, just shut up, we don't need your kook theories poisoning any more minds.

    • @skylove1336
      @skylove1336 Рік тому

      Deliberately planned fire for land grabs, money, greed….IMO based off government officials maneuvering seems they knew it was going to happen…..nothing makes sense because this was planned by local government officials & possibly land developers. This makes more sense considering how this event has been unfolding

  • @niko36
    @niko36 Рік тому +857

    As a Lahaina resident I can tell you the guy that was responsible for not activating the sirens should be in jail with no bail, and for ever. I talked to so many people that nearly died, and they all said if the sirens went off , in the middle of a fire, they would have had more time to save themselves!

    • @nick248
      @nick248 Рік тому +44

      I hope you get justice for all the incompetence. And hope you and your neighbors can rebuild. Something smells fishy

    • @Steven_Herrmann
      @Steven_Herrmann Рік тому

      I hope you all become millionaires from giant lawsuits, and I hope that pos human roos in jail or worse.

    • @Steven_Herrmann
      @Steven_Herrmann Рік тому

      I also hope residents of Hawaii finally see Biden for the person that he is and has always been. A selfish, insensitive, criminal with zero concern for us Americans. $700 per household while simultaneously asking for another $25 billion for Ukraine is UNTHINKABLE. Then he wraps up the aid for Hawaii with money for Ukraine in one bill so if Congress rejects it, they can blame republicans for blocking aid to Hawaii. I surely hope not a single resident of Hawaii votes for this excuse of a human in 2024! He does NOT care about us, clearly!

    • @nonplayercharacter6478
      @nonplayercharacter6478 Рік тому +27

      This was a horrible tragedy caused by massive incompetence in every agency responsible, compounded over many years. And how that guy didn't activate the sirens is incomprehensible to me. It's an emergency alert siren, not specifically a tsunami warning, this was beyond incompetence into gross negligence range. That guy among many need to be held accountable, IMO. If they can't do the job, they shouldn't be in the job.

    • @MagPie0423
      @MagPie0423 Рік тому +42

      He's just a fall guy , that was taking orders! He was stuttering while trying to make that statement while the bosses stood over him and the next day he returns due to health issues !
      They might just kill him off next !

  • @NewsCrashers
    @NewsCrashers Рік тому +1119

    Kind of hard not to think it's a land grab play as the Hawaii Governor comes out saying they are looking into ways of buying up the land to make "workforce housing". He said that while the ground was still smoking.

    • @ivanvaldivia7140
      @ivanvaldivia7140 Рік тому +137

      Also they were already planning on doing the smartmaui

    • @theresedoherty8603
      @theresedoherty8603 Рік тому +104

      Oh dear, I don't trust him. Keep an eye on him & others like him.

    • @Patriot-od6xk
      @Patriot-od6xk Рік тому +1

      Exactly... 🤔.. and a Leftist Author a Dr Stone comes out with a book saying the 🔥 was caused by Climate Change all written published distributed Within 72 hours of the 🔥... Not physically possible unless it was previously written published and waiting to be distributed upon a 🔥... 🤔 Hmmmmm

    • @Shakespearelover1717
      @Shakespearelover1717 Рік тому +49

      I think you’re correct!!

    • @FreeSpeechXtremist
      @FreeSpeechXtremist Рік тому

      Plausible deniability is the most important term in modern information warfare.
      That is the reason so many things are conspiracies because cooperations are masters of keeping plausible deniability.
      Even the ones we find out are true are covered up for decades.

  • @jeremyboynowski3784
    @jeremyboynowski3784 Рік тому +224

    Hey Two Bit, I think you're forgetting something VERY VERY important. Hawaii had a similar fire happened a few years ago, that while nowhere near as deadly, it was STILL eye-opening. No alarms, no warning, water was turned off, everything was the same. The people demanded answers as to why there was no reaction from authorities in a townhall meeting, and the same Mayor that recently resigned, had no answers even then except to blame the locals for not obeying orders. Fast forward to now and same thing only worse happens and they improved NOTHING. This could have been prevented if lessons were learned. But nothing changed and now we have many people dead, possibly thousands of children missing or dead, and so much damage and lost homes. This is inexcusable. Period.

    • @travisgray9209
      @travisgray9209 Рік тому +10

      Opened someone's eyes to an opportunity. Aught check how those guys got their positions and if they should be able to afford what they have. If they lived there, did they lose anything? If they don't, did they move away some time after the first fire?

    • @jeremyboynowski3784
      @jeremyboynowski3784 Рік тому

      @@travisgray9209 A lot of the homes there have been homes of people who have had those homes for generations from what I understand. People like Oprah, Bill Gates, and others, including the US government have been TRYING to buy out that land for years, but the people didn't want to sell it. Then mysteriously these fires happen, and within DAYS they have realtors trying to buy off the land from these people that have just lost everything. It shouldn't matter if these people "could afford" the land or not. It was theirs. Pure and simple. For outside actors to try and take that land away from them, if thar is indeed what is happening, is criminal.

    • @jeremyboynowski3784
      @jeremyboynowski3784 Рік тому

      @@teknastyk people are DEFINETLY getting money SOMEWHERE. That's for sure. And it isn't the victims. Well... they ARE getting their "phat" $700 from Biden. I'm sure Biden would give more, but that would take away how much he could donate to the American state of Ukraine.

    • @FreshGrey-pm4vw
      @FreshGrey-pm4vw Рік тому +14

      must have been a test run

    • @vonshango6311
      @vonshango6311 Рік тому +2

      what year and location exactly? what's the mayor's name. can't find anything on it.

  • @pritchy007
    @pritchy007 Рік тому +374

    The most intriguing part to me is why the roads were blocked. There are videos of survivors trying to escape and being directed back to the fire direction!And literally looking like a death trap. It would have been more helpful if the authorities didn’t do anything, really. And so many days after the tragedy there are very few answers from the officials to all these questions. So, I can’t help but to think they are reheasing their narrative or waiting out for people to forget. Like a survivor said .. “ a mix of stupidity and evil”. I stand with the survivors account of what happened

  • @prefix808
    @prefix808 Рік тому +470

    I’ve seen two islanders share their stories that contradict what the MPD Chief said today…he said there was only one road closure outside of town. Maui people are showing videos of officers directing traffic and closing streets all over Lahaina, seemingly putting people into circles that got them stuck in the fire, especially on Front st. Is this a semantics game he’s playing? Or is he lying? Or did his officers lie to him? There is already proof that he didn’t tell the truth today at the press conference. Hate to say it, but it looks like MPD sent people to their graves with their incompetence and now are trying to cover it up. Mistakes happen, yeah? Is that what he was trying to say? Well the only way we learn is if we TELL THE TRUTH so we can move forward.

    • @maxsmith695
      @maxsmith695 Рік тому +23

      A few tankers dropping water on fields of dry grass would prevent this.

    • @colethewolfboy
      @colethewolfboy Рік тому +54

      Even with cell and fiber networks down emergency services have shortwave radio. They’d have to be completely incompetent to close off all the roads or it’s intentional.

    • @aussiegirl3473
      @aussiegirl3473 Рік тому

      @@colethewolfboy Never seen this dude before.. but imho this is part of the cover up.. it's BS and he KNOWS very well.. they can tell good 'stories' to cover for each other and they've been doing this since 1963 Dealy Plaza.. he's tooo smoooth for my liking.. didn't present ONE single piece of evidence coming from the locals who live there.. that's where you WILL get the TRUTH.. this guy is part of the problem imho..

    • @MarketImmersion
      @MarketImmersion Рік тому +10

      You're so right.

    • @hitmanskid-td4pg
      @hitmanskid-td4pg Рік тому +10

      you need to file a lawsuit and become a millionaire many times over.

  • @inikidaisy
    @inikidaisy Рік тому +1103

    Oahu resident here. Not sure if this is true, but I heard that the resorts in Maui have put their power lines underground. The fact that the water pressure in the fire hydrants was not up to par is awful. I hope the Hawaiians speak loud and clear about their vision for the land.

    • @Eyeswideopen11.11
      @Eyeswideopen11.11 Рік тому +215

      Way too many “coincidences” that happen to go wrong to make this not a planned event. Any criminal investigator would say this.

    • @argentum530
      @argentum530 Рік тому

      Beyond Human Control... water won't put this type of fire out because people have to direct the water and people die in this type of fire, witness the dead so far... Beyond Human Control.

    • @CrackaSlapYa
      @CrackaSlapYa Рік тому

      they put the lines underground because it's a clear fire hazard. @@Eyeswideopen11.11

    • @firefei87
      @firefei87 Рік тому

      I wonder where else “climate change” will strike next. My mind goes..see who’s buying after?

    • @msheart2
      @msheart2 Рік тому +33

      Maui islander would not agree with him at all.

  • @Jamesmoore-mj5ke
    @Jamesmoore-mj5ke Рік тому +43

    Let's be clear this was not a wild fire, very evil is at work here.

    • @barb.gerhard9501
      @barb.gerhard9501 4 місяці тому

      there was a green lght show a few days before the fire started, the Maui residents saw it thinking that was unusual. then thee is clear video footage of a huge shaft of bright light comng down and moving back and firth destroying everything in it's path.
      it was very creepy and horrific to watch. this was totally man made and all the factors in place showed that this was engineered by satanic evil people who wanted to destroy the old town,
      they had plans for up to a decade to remake Lahiana into the first smart city, but the residents would not sell their proerties to these criminals, so what does a criminal syyndicate do?
      they burn the property along with the owners to the ground killing or driving them out. this happens on a smaller scale when a business owner in places where gangs rule, doesn't want to pay "protection" fees to keep his business "safe" from fires of "uknown" origins.

    • @chaosXP3RT
      @chaosXP3RT 2 місяці тому

      It's a wild fire

    • @MisterClear-yc3on
      @MisterClear-yc3on 2 місяці тому

      correct,,,we know the names etc,,now.

    • @MisterClear-yc3on
      @MisterClear-yc3on 2 місяці тому

      aloha..BRUSH JUNKIE...I suggest to start when she starts to report, and work you way forward..aloha...BRUSH JUNKIE

    • @HiddenAgendas
      @HiddenAgendas 19 годин тому


  • @littlej77
    @littlej77 Рік тому +405

    This is the first time I’ve heard that police were on bullhorns telling people to leave. My 2 friends in Lahaina said there were absolutely no warnings. People just saw/smelled smoke. Videos are pouring out on social media from evacuees and all of us Hawaii friends and family are seeing all of this. Nothing about police except they directed cars back into the fire. I’m curious where this info about MPD bullhorn evacuations came from.

    • @courtneyblue15
      @courtneyblue15 Рік тому

      I believe the mayor said it and of course it’s being propagated by the lying media (where this guy apparently gets all his information from). This is a huge cover up!

    • @kimgarner2792
      @kimgarner2792 Рік тому +58

      Its a lie

    • @estradamurcielgo175
      @estradamurcielgo175 Рік тому +50

      He's lying

    • @sugarmagnolia6528
      @sugarmagnolia6528 Рік тому

      Probably CNN. Seems like this channel just kowtows whatever narrative is being pushed by govt and mainstream media, which lie as a matter of policy, as history makes clear.

    • @tinyshorts2360
      @tinyshorts2360 Рік тому

      That was No Natural Fire! The Metal doesnt Melt like that at normal fires ..also the high winds were unnatural.. also why they Closed the Water, Communication , the Exit Roads?! Where are all the Missing Children?! Where are their parents?! Anyone that Pushes the Narrative that what happened there was natural might BE Part of The Problem! We are Not all Sheep!

  • @FreshGrey-pm4vw
    @FreshGrey-pm4vw Рік тому +282

    I watched a local man describe his experience watching the police block the exit for all the cars. He asked him and the police said he was under orders to not allow the people to escape! There are too many of these locals who share similar stories- if the local govt wanted people safe why did so many of their actions do the opposite?

    • @maxsmith695
      @maxsmith695 Рік тому +8

      i dont buy that

    • @skunkworks4u
      @skunkworks4u Рік тому

      noone cares that you dont@@maxsmith695

    • @amysbees6686
      @amysbees6686 Рік тому +25

      Look who the cop's boss is.

    • @maxsmith695
      @maxsmith695 Рік тому +2

      @@amysbees6686 Rudy Guiliani?

    • @briankistner4331
      @briankistner4331 Рік тому +38

      People, there comes a time in such situations to disobey what you're being told by these jerks particularly when you every instinct is telling you IT'S WRONG!!! The cops were outnumbered by distraught people. No way they can block all of them.

  • @kcuzz4091
    @kcuzz4091 Рік тому +147

    If true, that land developers have been calling property owners already, this is disgusting and shouldn’t be allowed. I worry the the insurance companies may pull out as they have in Florida and parts of California. Stay strong Maui!

    • @scottc1857
      @scottc1857 Рік тому +9

      It's very much true. There's a bunch of documentation that's extremely damning

    • @danielmonfort3235
      @danielmonfort3235 Рік тому +10

      This is very true. It's about the land by foreign investors.

    • @amac8237
      @amac8237 Рік тому

      Interesting how that happens isn’t it?
      Poorer residents on land with value.
      Aid is purposely delayed.
      The narrative is spun before the investigation.
      Investors swarm in before the smoke clears.
      All because of multiple fires that came up out of nowhere in the perfect conditions.
      It’s almost like a trend.

    • @TuTuFox
      @TuTuFox Рік тому +5


    • @lalani888blue
      @lalani888blue Рік тому +7

      ​@@frankfurtur5531Precisely. And that's what this is all about. They are ruthless and their God is money. That's all they care about. All the details of this fire are not just mere coincidences. These people will stop at nothing to have control.

  • @jamesrmorris1952
    @jamesrmorris1952 Рік тому +52

    The fact they said "should we give out water on the basis of equity" tells you everything as to why this was handled so badly

    • @questioneverything9535
      @questioneverything9535 9 місяців тому

      The elite want Hawaii to themselves.

    • @jockoharpo2622
      @jockoharpo2622 9 місяців тому +4

      @jamesrmorris1952 Thats not a fact. IT wasn't a matter of bad handling. They did exactly what they were tld to do by someone. And that somene knows what took place. The problems is nobody is going to do crap about it in law enforcement. I can assure you. The Twi Bit dude is helping to cover for it as well.

    • @Waynes-xt9gr
      @Waynes-xt9gr 5 місяців тому

      living on Oahu, I thought OUR county was FKD UP!!!!!

  • @fersuvious
    @fersuvious Рік тому +849

    Interesting detail about the Maui police chief being the one who oversaw the Vegas shooting. That is a tragedy that has never fully been explained and is now completely down the memory hole.

    • @theresedoherty8603
      @theresedoherty8603 Рік тому +87

      Humm, I didn't know that. Thanks for that powerful statement.

    • @number6223
      @number6223 Рік тому +109

      And he recently graduated from an fbi course.

    • @readdeeply9278
      @readdeeply9278 Рік тому

      Speaking of meth labs, in the meth capital of the world, not one bust of a lab has been made since 2004. Does it all make more sense now why it blew like a volcano?

    • @NikeAureliusSnow
      @NikeAureliusSnow Рік тому +140

      Right? The odds are astronomical of him being involved in both

    • @vickireynolds8309
      @vickireynolds8309 Рік тому +89

      please dont sell the land

  • @ROSE-mq3qd
    @ROSE-mq3qd Рік тому +227

    I was part of the rapid response team for the UK Grenfell fire incident and I can honestly the death toll was higher, but the actual death figures reported were kept low - all our paperwork and records were taken by the London Met Police, it was a turning point for me to not trust mainstream media and the state apparatus of police, coroners etc. There was a record keeper compiling all the dead individuals and he put the real figure at 432 against the government / msm’fact’ of 72 dead. I expect it will be the same for this incident…it is truly evil how much money is being given to Ukraine and not to US citizens and the disaster relief - I hope all Americans stand United and state clearly first take care of Americans who pay the tax…

    • @aWomanFreed
      @aWomanFreed Рік тому +15

      The only thing “United” about these states is the name.

    • @TheFourthWinchester
      @TheFourthWinchester Рік тому +21

      Ukraine isn't getting any money. The politicians are.

    • @maxpeterson8616
      @maxpeterson8616 Рік тому +3

      There were only 227 bedrooms in the tower.

    • @karensullivan8458
      @karensullivan8458 Рік тому +21

      The police chief in Mauai is newly appointed. He is also the coroner, which isn't supposed to happen because it's a conflict of interest and can lead to corruption. This guy can report anything that he wants as far as the death toll and there are no checks and balances in place. This is also the same police chief who was in Las Vegas during the Mandalay Bay massacre!!! Something is fishy here if it's just this guy. Then there are people's videos and accounts of them being blockaded in and turned back into the fire. Why did the water go off so they couldn't fight the fire? Why are supplies, food and water available and being withheld? Why is it taking more than 2 weeks for the government to take action? Why didn't the sirens go off?

    • @aWomanFreed
      @aWomanFreed Рік тому +2

      @@karensullivan8458 you know why.

  • @BassUndertow
    @BassUndertow Рік тому +378

    As a Maui resident, I greatly appreciate this video. Balanced, well-researched and full of empathy. Mahalo!

    • @fabioasterix750
      @fabioasterix750 Рік тому +5

      Akuna Matata

    • @mauimixer6040
      @mauimixer6040 Рік тому +10

      Same here 🤙, haiku, 25yrs Lahaina 😢

    • @doonstr1
      @doonstr1 Рік тому +21

      He lies to you ios a nice voice with a million possible reasons for total devastation. Don't be deceived! Praying for all of you!

    • @PeachesCourage
      @PeachesCourage Рік тому

      No shame why do you think this? @@doonstr1

    • @PeachesCourage
      @PeachesCourage Рік тому


  • @gschgvt2956
    @gschgvt2956 Рік тому +111

    It would be nice if you addressed the melted aluminum, melted autoglass, and untouched patio umbrellas/palm trees (super flammable) next to burnt buildings. Thanks!

    • @k-mixxx7927
      @k-mixxx7927 Рік тому +7

      I've only seen those blue things on pictures (umbrellas and what ever) and already thought they must be photoshopped.
      In the meantime I watched many videos of survivors, both during the fire and afterwards. On none of the approximately 6 hours of videos I saw ONE blue thing. No roof, no umbrella, no nothing. Not at the coastline, not inwards. The only blue thing that ever appeared on a video was a blue tiled fish pool - with death Koi fish inside.
      I'm sure it's all made up by weirdos who want to tell weird storys, making up some more conspiracy theories. As if the whole thing wasn't horrible enough.

    • @bernadettecrawford3656
      @bernadettecrawford3656 Рік тому

      DEW google it

    • @gschgvt2956
      @gschgvt2956 Рік тому +30

      @@k-mixxx7927 I said nothing about blue anything. The patio umbrellas that I mentioned happened to be blue but your entire comment is a strawman. I'm speaking strictly about the ranges things burn or melt at. Glass melts at well over 2000 degrees, wildfires max out around 1400 - clearly there is a discrepancy.

    • @k-mixxx7927
      @k-mixxx7927 Рік тому +1

      @@gschgvt2956 apparently the temperatures raise in strong winds - heard that from a colleague who works also as a fireman. That's his explanation to it.

    • @gschgvt2956
      @gschgvt2956 Рік тому +21

      @@k-mixxx7927 The point is, if the fire got that hot, why did the things that go up in flames the easiest (palm tree, petroleum products like patio umbrellas) not burn when everything around them did. The radiant heat alone should have torched that palm tree. Arborists have set them on fire with sparks from their chainsaws. I was an structural interior certified firefighter for a couple years. That's why this doesn't make sense. Wind cannot exceed the oxidation limits of a material increase. It can make it burn clean and to the fullest of its potential but it cannot make it hotter.
      edit: spare word

  • @mimib6253
    @mimib6253 Рік тому +125

    The fact the sirens NEVER went off, as well as phones were shut off. Plus the single road in and out of the town of Lahinna by government officials(please forgive my spelling) is highly highly suspicious to me....anybody else?

    • @kalimataan
      @kalimataan Рік тому

      Yes,I find it very suspicious, But those people ,if,they know all of this facts about the vulnerability of Maui to wildfires and can easily exploit the situation After 9/11 I do not trust any government or corporation. They are capable to do this ,the only question cui bono,

    • @ttdttd4211
      @ttdttd4211 Рік тому

      O Biden administration Government is not our friend.

    • @nick-oi1xf
      @nick-oi1xf Рік тому

      Dead people can't rebuild their properties.

    • @SN-bl6xm
      @SN-bl6xm Рік тому

      Well, the hurricane damaged power lines. That caused cell phone networks to crash. That’s why they have no cell phone connection. After the fire the government was and still is searching for dead, charred bodies. 1000 people still missing. They closed the streets because they can’t have people walking around in the charred town walking over dead bodies and hindering the authorities in searching for dead bodies. Nothing suspicious here!

    • @nordic7286
      @nordic7286 Рік тому +15

      And school's closed that day. How many children that stayed home alone that day are in those deaths? Horrible

  • @koruoverland
    @koruoverland Рік тому +180

    This event is turning into a massive scandal. So much went wrong via decisions made by officials. Whistleblowers are already talking and there are still over 1,300 people missing. They have found 480 remains but still have kept the official number low.

    • @Mssister00
      @Mssister00 Рік тому +30

      The fact that they kept the numbers lower than they are speaks for itself! The government doesn’t want to look bad for this because they know they are at fault. They know showing the real numbers would show how negligent the system has become!

    • @MinkSoda
      @MinkSoda Рік тому +14

      I hope people continue to keep up the pressure to come clean and spill the beans.

    • @nobodyspecial115
      @nobodyspecial115 Рік тому

      I've heard reports that supplies from small contributors are being blocked by fema and red cross over petty reasons like paper work. There's videos of people smuggling in fuel for generators and propane to cook with on jetski because they weren't allowed to send with the "charities"

      @WKLNETWORK Рік тому +24

      1300 missing = dead

    • @Baraka_Obama_
      @Baraka_Obama_ Рік тому +5

      No worries, Biden will fix the problem

  • @garyargabrite1562
    @garyargabrite1562 Рік тому +415

    It's interesting that you didn't bring up the moratorium on landowners being blocked from clearing brush and undergrowth, which is what the fire fed on. The same issue was a huge part in the Butte County/Camp fire. Brush must be kept cut down and cleared out. Small burns to clear the brush out.

    • @alexs7671
      @alexs7671 Рік тому +61

      Same for the Aussie bushfires. Land owners not allowed to clear, government lax in clearing and maintaining emergency tracks, traditional indigenous controlled fire burns not maintained. 90% government institutions failing the public. No consequences for those at fault.

    • @bigmacc523
      @bigmacc523 Рік тому +28

      Oakland hills fire, same culprit uncut dry brush

    • @samuelhowie4543
      @samuelhowie4543 Рік тому

      Trump got attacked when he mentioned clearing the underbrush from forest as a way to fight fires. Granted ,he could've said it in a more articulate way. Then Biden said the same thing in his interview with the weather channel and nobody noticed it.

    • @ccpanel
      @ccpanel Рік тому +21

      And the Tahoe fire 5-10 years earlier where the HOA mandated ZERO pine needle clearing-not allowed. so every house burned. CAMP fire wasnt the fault of brush clearing-it was too many factors to blame on one thing but the most significant after PGE sparked it with known faulty equipment was the hurricane force winds combined with fire to create a logarithmic wall of fire that hit the town early in the morning at almost 100 miles per hour...

    • @shelleyzoe8254
      @shelleyzoe8254 Рік тому +2

      You can see my comment above

  • @nadiacolova2777
    @nadiacolova2777 Рік тому +17

    This video misses a lot of important details. Sounds more like propaganda.

  • @helenhartshorn4205
    @helenhartshorn4205 Рік тому +98

    I have watched hours and hours of videos and even though you may have an explanation of the explosion of fires, the officials ALL made numerous mistakes to not help people!!! To have a whole road corral people in cars to die a fiery death is unacceptable!!! These people should be investigated by an outsider! They need to go to jail!!!

    • @lubystkaolamonola529
      @lubystkaolamonola529 Рік тому +7

      Or there was not a mistake. Just following orders was never an explanation or excuse. The officials who did not used sirens, proper evacuation techniques, blocked the roads have blood on their hands, and deserve death penalty.

    • @nicole6323
      @nicole6323 Рік тому +8

      Reminds me of Katrina!! We all know something was very wrong there. I don't wear a foil hat, but cmon now... After ppl found out mk ultra was a real thing, how can anyone be so dismissive of any conspiracy theories?
      All I'm saying is question everything! Always.

    • @jockoharpo2622
      @jockoharpo2622 Рік тому +6

      Thsi dude is a paid shill.

    • @anitabouldin6602
      @anitabouldin6602 Рік тому +2

      @@nicole6323 question it just don't believe it without doing your research! That's the difference.

    • @nicole6323
      @nicole6323 Рік тому +2

      @anitabouldin6602 l definitely agree with that!!! I would hope for most that would be just common sense. I know it's not tho, there are way too many ppl that believe everything they read & hear on the internet. Also, too many ppl ask Google & believe the 1st thing that pops up.
      There's too much trust in the internet IMO

  • @ChristopherThomas-c3e
    @ChristopherThomas-c3e Рік тому +198

    Very sorry for everyone's tragic losses in Maui.

    • @KAW101
      @KAW101 Рік тому

      Those losses were intentional by the white power structure, just like 9/11. Thanks to them being LASER-focused. Hey, at least now they can rebuild and make plenty of money off of the wealth of all races. Make no mistake about it, this was no accident or natural disaster.

    • @terryvalentine369
      @terryvalentine369 Рік тому

      Better get over that, your going see a whole lot worse.
      This administration is just getting started.

  • @franklingrx
    @franklingrx Рік тому +208

    Thanks for the presentation:
    I lived on Maui for 30 years up until Covid. I was involved in wind and watersports as well as aviation so paid an inordinate amount of attention to the weather conditions for all that time. There are a few clarifications I'd like to make.
    Lahaina exists in a wind shadow most of the time as trade winds do not go up and over the mountains they wrap around. When there is sufficient velocity they do, but the dynamics of that effect is a substantial cooling of the downflowing air, not a heating effect. The air hitting the windward face is lifted and warmed by orographic dynamics, releasing its moisture, then as it descends it releases its heat sometimes by 20° as it flows down into Lahaina in this case as very dry & cool air.
    Every Summer that I can remember going back to the 80s there was always a few times that the pressure gradient between the trade wind highs and the tropical lows became very strong and we would see 50+ MPH days... not frequently, but nearly every Summer.
    Lahaina has always been hot and dry as is its East Maui counterpart, Kihei.
    The crossing of an Atlantic low pressure system to the Pacific is hardly unheard of, and occasionally the opposite where the isthmus of Central America is narrow.
    The Sugar Cane was removed from Lahaina starting in the 80s and was all gone by 2000-2004. The canefields would have been a huge barrier to this fire as they were irrigated. The irrigation system is still there but not in use. Ironically they used to harvest it by burning!
    A fire break was called for but never built a few years back.
    Most of the housing/buildings in Lahaina has no insulation, and often is built of what is know as single-wall construction... use your imagination.
    Palm trees do not usually burn easily.
    The structures that are still standing in lahaina are built of concrete or stone.
    The lot vs structure value/price is inverted. The value of any of those lots alone would be in the $300,000 - $400,000 range today, so the residents who lost their homes would be able to extract most of the value.
    Anyway thanks again.

    • @annawill1013
      @annawill1013 Рік тому +14

      The houses I saw unburned were not made of concrete or stone. Magic fences maybe?😂

    • @KidHorn7001
      @KidHorn7001 Рік тому +6

      Seems like this disaster has more to do with where the fire started and the weather that day than climate. It started just upwind from the town. Reminds me of a hurricane hits an urban area and it's deemed strong because of the monetary damage incurred.

    • @theresedoherty8603
      @theresedoherty8603 Рік тому +15

      I really enjoyed your analysis. My mother's twin brother lived in Hawaii & several of his children were born there. So I like to see what is going on when something big happens (we are from Michigan). I appreciated your knowledge etc... & found what you wrote interesting. Bless you & thanks for the time you spent to write what you did.

    • @franklingrx
      @franklingrx Рік тому +4

      @@annawill1013 some were lucky and some spacing helped too. Some were concrete.

    • @franklingrx
      @franklingrx Рік тому +16

      @@KidHorn7001 The weather that day was the cause, to me it had nothing to do with long term climatic changes. We've seen these conditions periodically for the 30 days I lived there.

  • @stevelindsay3643
    @stevelindsay3643 Рік тому +58

    Let's not lose sight of finding the truth.
    People get so wrapped up in trying to get people to side with them that the truth becomes an inconvenience.
    I noticed some of that in this video. It's also true that to find the truth you might have to pick a side depending on how the tragedy in this case is being handled.
    There are some incredibly hard-to-explain anomalies that I don't think could happen any other way except through sinister deliberate means with destruction being the calculated outcome.
    I see that there was negligence on matenence with the excuse that the old system is going to be replaced with an updated grid therefore they let the poles, wires, transformers, etc.... fall into a state of disarray. There must be accountability for those responsible. The alarm system was turned off so people were under the illusion the fires were being managed. BUT THEN THERE WERE THE ROADBLOCKS IN BOTH DIRECTIONS ON THE ONLY ROAD TO SAFETY AND THEY WOULD NOT LET PEOPLE THROUGH.
    Let's say some of the fires were ignited by the electrical grid and high winds but we are talking about fires that stretched the entire length of the street in areas where there was no electricity.
    So many had no warning and no way out. Those who dodged barricades survived but those who didn't were trapped and they died.
    I've avoided coming right out and saying that I believe based on all the investigative research I've done and many others that this was pre-planned. I cannot see it any other way and I wish I could share all the information I have but it's not mine to share and I have not sat down and written my opinion based on the facts yet.
    Whoever reveals all the truths in one comprehensive well thoughtout evidence based article is going to have the weight of the world on their shoulders

    • @purplefireweed
      @purplefireweed Рік тому

      @stevelindsay3643 "but we are talking about fires that stretched the entire length of the street in areas where there was no electricity." Non-islanders don't seem to be able to conceive what a tinderbox all of the leeward side of Maui is, has been, for years. Basic fire science: wind + sparks + dry fuel = FIRE. We have fires here in the islands ALL THE TIME but you don't hear about it because they get handled and *most* don't threaten communities. Absolutely agree with you on accountability and that there are some very sinister-seeming events that occurred that day. However, I'm more inclined to see ineptitude, lack of emergency planning, lack of leadership, and general local govt inertia where others see nefariousness. People died--that's evil. But I don't believe it was "planned" or "intentional" like so many believe. It makes zero sense once you dig into the weeds of history, culture, and local cronyism a bit.

    • @JL-to9vg
      @JL-to9vg Рік тому +7

      @@purplefireweed I hope the inept leaders and civil servants are removed and not allowed to work in a similar position until they receive the proper training and skills that they should have for their position. I hope that the grossly negligent ones are brought to justice.
      Now that I think about it. If these fires are honestly happening all the time then I think that makes their inability to perform their jobs competently a whole LOT more suspicious. It's understandable not to be prepared for a storm with watermelon sized hail- these things don't really happen; but with this in mind and the Maui fire just a few years ago, it's not understandable why there were so many terrible, significant, "blunders".

    • @adevore1971
      @adevore1971 Рік тому

      ​​​@@purplefireweedI see your comment has zero likes after 12 the comment below about gov Josh Green.. too many facts to type here that point to this being planned

    • @victoriastevens3166
      @victoriastevens3166 9 місяців тому

      ​@@purplefireweed😮 I disagree, if not planned certainly expounded upon. 😮 Too many😢 anomalies ~ .... aluminum melting, glass liquefied alot of buildings incineratoration, white ash everywhere. Road blocks, no military coming to aid. Fire Chief is the
      Coroner, no water, no sirens, NO help!😢😢😢😮

    • @victoriastevens3166
      @victoriastevens3166 9 місяців тому +4

      ​@@JL-to9vg😮😢😮😢 no, no until crap. They should never hold any public office whatsoever AGAIN, EVER!

  • @MikeTrieu
    @MikeTrieu Рік тому +446

    That's crazy that all those sirens were never activated. I visited Maui with my family just a few months before the fires and those imposing looking sirens were the first thing I noticed walking around Lahaina.

    • @BullSchitt
      @BullSchitt Рік тому +38

      Also that they sent out cell phone alert that the fire was 100% contained, and sent most of the fire trucks the other side of the island. They never issued an update that it restarted. Or if they did nobody I know got it, permit because power and cell service was down. That might also be why sirens couldn't activate. But it would have added confusion since we'd run up to higher ground to avoid a tsunami

    • @patpapa3204
      @patpapa3204 Рік тому +29

      Couldn't there be sirens that are different Signifying things or seriousness of surroundings?

    • @trafficjon400
      @trafficjon400 Рік тому

      What? They have back up Generators fire proof and could have automatically switched on but didn't? Foul things folded and did not have to happen to every single thing makes none sense.Yet its Possible and very well could have Happened.@@patpapa3204

    • @edward1967able
      @edward1967able Рік тому +59

      Is this a really wild fire or is it a conspiracy to rid all native’s property around the water front , idk mang , I bet you corporation will move in and sell properties to the highest bidder 😢

    • @theodorefreeman
      @theodorefreeman Рік тому +62

      Always interesting when something like this happens and all the safety mechanisms aren't working. The only time we have seen that is when money and power are involved.

  • @jason-hu9fe
    @jason-hu9fe Рік тому +76

    Regardless of how it started everything that happened afterwards was terrible..Police directing people back into danger is the worst part about it. Whoever is responsible for that call needs arrested immediately. You can't tell me they couldn't of directed those people to safety

    • @erinnelson434
      @erinnelson434 Рік тому +4

      All he would have had to do was at least get out of their way & let them get out of danger but he deliberately trapped them until they were incinerated in their cars & said he had orders to not let people leave.

    • @jamesrmorris1952
      @jamesrmorris1952 Рік тому

      They may have had to step on some celebritys land to get safe so thier eyes better they burn plus it will make the land cheaper for certain leftie celebritys to buy up cheap if the owners are dead and they can even ask ordinary people to pay to redevelop it too.

    • @sunvetr
      @sunvetr Рік тому

      If Hawaiians had guns they should have shot the police and then passed them. Family safety > the law

    • @Mahlak_Mriuani_Anatman
      @Mahlak_Mriuani_Anatman 11 місяців тому +4

      @@erinnelson434 i swear i would still ram through I'll worry jail later

    • @jockoharpo2622
      @jockoharpo2622 9 місяців тому

      Don't disregard how it got started. That is key to getting to the bottom of the crimial activity that took place. Is what you stated ringing a bell yet? Is there s pattern of malfeasance and murder beginnng to take shape?

  • @fleebin2794
    @fleebin2794 Рік тому +307

    Ok, but wasn’t the fire shaped like a crescent around the town?
    It’s aweful hard to believe that this wasn’t intentional, when you stack up all of the things leading up to it, how it was handled and what is happening now.

    • @lastofthebest5102
      @lastofthebest5102 Рік тому +3

      Stop making sense, corporate shill channels like this one dont like you to think for yourself.

    • @JennaLeeEquals3
      @JennaLeeEquals3 Рік тому +22


    • @christinavance1128
      @christinavance1128 Рік тому +34

      Also a book published on 8/10/23 called fire and fury the story of 2023 fire of Maui

    • @jerryhardesty9993
      @jerryhardesty9993 Рік тому +40

      it was on purpose!! land grab.

    • @razorman65
      @razorman65 Рік тому

      They'll blame climate change as the cause of circular burn pattern . 8!tch please !!!!

  • @jonnySmashes
    @jonnySmashes 9 місяців тому +6

    I noticed while searching Hawaii conspiracy this was like the only video over 5 minutes and it completely defends the narrative

  • @connordubsky
    @connordubsky Рік тому +275

    A lot of truth to this video. My family and I were in North Lahaina. Our power went out at 4AM on the morning of August 8th. We went to the Lahaina Cannery Safeway that morning that had emergency lighting and the express checkout worked. The wind was high, leafs blew through the store, but we were able to get a few necessities. Outside the cannery the wind was blowing the power lines....flapping. Some poles were down, the power was out, no cell service. Even though the wind was 40 to 60 mph, seems like the power poles could not handle that. No emergency claxons ever went off in Lahaina or North Lahaina. No police or fire vehicles made any announcements. Even the local radio station 93.5 just talked about the spirit of Aloha instead of providing public service announcements. Driving around the gas stations were all closed, no power, people walked around with gas cans looking for gas. That night, the wind continued and the fires started and began to spread. I think the absolute worst thing during this disaster was zero Communications from the Maui government or the state of Hawaii. We did not know which roads were open, the South "old route," the Lahaina bypass or the North route. I wonder if the local government communicated at all or much better, or used the radio stations, could people have been evacuated.??

    • @lastofthebest5102
      @lastofthebest5102 Рік тому +41

      Selling lies often involves telling select truths.

    • @mariabergdahl6898
      @mariabergdahl6898 Рік тому +20

      REVELATION: 13
      READ ROMANS: 10;9-13

    • @vladtheimpailer7979
      @vladtheimpailer7979 Рік тому +19

      My prayers are with you all!!! Make the government answer for this... If not I think some good ol vigilante justice is in order. It won't be hard to figure out those who sold their own people out!

    • @urmamasmamasmama
      @urmamasmamasmama Рік тому

      @@vladtheimpailer7979vigilante justice so the government can come and lock down the islands and invoke Marshall Law??? NO

    • @kylefishmoore
      @kylefishmoore Рік тому

      Government wanted people to die !!!! NO HELP

  • @larrylezon1590
    @larrylezon1590 Рік тому +112

    Great breakdown. The only thing I respectfully somewhat disagree with is the suggestion that newer buildings would fare better in a fire. In actuality, older buildings typically withstand fire better. Newer homes are built with prefabricated trusses that are lightweight, glued particleboard instead of solid wood. The 2x4 studs are actually 1-1/2" x 3-1/2", etc. Not to mention the use of plastics, that when heated, melt into a petroleum-based liquid fuel.
    The biggest issue was the wind. With a constant supply of oxygen, the fires can reach 1500⁰F+. In 30+ years of fighting and investigating fires, I have never seen such complete destruction. The only things remaining seems to be steel (melting point ~2500⁰F) and some bricks/concrete. Even that seems to be damaged/spalled in some of the buildings.
    A Maui FF was recently interviewed, and she said of 18 FF's who lived there, 17 lost their homes. They had no water to fight the fire. We need to contact our representatives and ask them to stop spending billions of $ on a proxy war and redirect the funds to support the recovery efforts in HI.

    • @lilmisskiss692003
      @lilmisskiss692003 Рік тому +3

      this is why my husband doesn't want to reside our home. our home was built in the 40s and has asbestos underneath the siding.

    • @theresedoherty8603
      @theresedoherty8603 Рік тому +2

      Very interesting. Thank you I enjoyed your message. 😊

    • @JoeGarcia-p9n
      @JoeGarcia-p9n Рік тому +5

      That's correct Larry, it sounds like like always the media tells us one thing, and then history proves the true evil with no regard for human live life, or any life at all 😢

    • @CatBeck-lg7gp
      @CatBeck-lg7gp Рік тому +2

      Wow Larry great 411!

    • @G1LifeStyle
      @G1LifeStyle Рік тому +4

      No one in that fire was thinking , imma photoshop this while it's happening to me. There are live shots of what happened, they barely escaped with there life's and any belongings , why would they save a laptop just to photoshop within the hours of the fire still happening.

  • @ShantoShmento
    @ShantoShmento Рік тому +157

    Here are *13* reasons why I think what happened in Maui was intentional and *NOTHING* adds up:
    1. There was no power.
    2. The water was shut off.
    3. The kids were home because school was out for some reason.
    4. Supposedly the firefighters "contained" the fire.
    5. The largest alarm system in the world, yet no one decided to set it off.
    6. Realtors are calling to residents to sell their homes. (insane)
    7. Hearing word that there are blockades, people can't leave.
    8. Hearing & seeing that there is no government aid.
    9. Reporter asks biden about the fires, he says "no comment" and smiles.
    10. Biden is only sending a 1 time 700 dollars per house hold, when he has sent *BILLIONS* to ukraine.
    11. The fires that caused this is already being pushed towards "climate change."
    12. A piece of shit put a book up on amazon called "Fire and Fury, the Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change." which was published *JUST* 2 days after the fires broke out.
    13. In the beginning, the main stream media didn't even report it, or barely did once word got out.

    • @nicknazick5592
      @nicknazick5592 Рік тому +41

      They think we are stupid.

    • @smithn.wesson495
      @smithn.wesson495 Рік тому +1

      Direct Energy Weapons for Agenda 2030. That is what really happened.

    • @lizzym5187
      @lizzym5187 Рік тому +25

      I was saying this ain’t right!!! That alarm never fails and the way they prepared before hand is way off. This wasn’t a natural disaster I dont believe that at all

    • @kalanisarpi4731
      @kalanisarpi4731 Рік тому

      Agreed. The storm was TOO perfect, while the media stayed quiet. No one has much to say about the fires. And where ever they tell you to look, or not to, do the opposite. No military help is also very very weird. No money going towards rebuilding or help cleanup. Another thing is, there isn’t any answers. This whole video just told me it was windy,dry, don’t believe the conspiracy theories and pray for them.

    • @RoadsandRipples
      @RoadsandRipples Рік тому +11

      I think the video very clearly shows a combination of factors and mistakes that lead to a phenomenon that has rarely been seen before, except for maybe Paradise Camp fire
      1. Videos clearly show power lines being blown over combo of poor infrastructure and 60-80mph winds.
      2. Again poor infrastructure, Maui’s power network does not have multi system shutoff so when the power went out of some it went out for all, including the water system, also generator were not maintained and primed.
      3. School Was out because of hurricane winds. Maui should have shut off their power, a practice that California now does after so many people died there
      4. Maybe they thought they contained A fire not aware of others. Power lines were down everywhere.
      5. They are saying they hesitated bc sirens in Hawaii signal to head Mauka, inland. But why didn’t they use their texting system?
      6. Governor is stopping all real estate and permit transactions from predatory buyers.
      7. Definitely an over precaution of keeping people out of burn zone which is extremely dangerous. But in hindsight likely a mistake
      8. Government will never move as quickly as Hawaiian locals can because there is no one like them. Self sufficient and doesn’t ask for hand outs. Knowing many people who survived fires and flooding, FEMA and Red Cross will make people whole and be there for as many years as it takes.
      9. He’s old and didn’t think on his feet while he was already moving. Mistake in his part. Watch the interaction it’s very quick. But he addressed the disaster approve on tv and approved emergency assistance within 24 hours.
      10. FEMA will make direct deposits to victims for housing, living expenses for a very long time until people are whole. And they will stay there for years. Also they have cancelled all property tax and will be refunding those who already paid their taxes this year. That’s ALOT of money.
      11. The video explains this in better detail than I could. MILLIONS of acres have burned in the NW this year alone, every year has been worse than the year before for 8 years now. climate change has become a default explanation for more frequent natural extremes like drought and wildfires.
      12. Sounds like that book came out after a fire this year in Maui and too bad it wasn’t sooner.
      13. It was and is all the media is talking about and interviewing angry locals, constant questioning the government warnings and response. Main stream has been doing an even better job covering frustration of locals and asking response time questions than local news who seems to want to cool the waters.
      ADDED 14. Enough the conspiracy theories based in no actual facts that leave people feeling hopeless. All it does is lead to confusion, anger making you nothing but full of hate and sadness.

  • @wargasam4703
    @wargasam4703 Рік тому +7

    How is it possible the sheriff is first non native? Also this same sheriff was sheriff of the Los Vegas concert shooting...

    • @raphaelitaduckett4148
      @raphaelitaduckett4148 2 місяці тому

      You are so right and it's suspicious!!! Everything points to a laser. This fire was so bad it melted car metal ?? Hm. I don't think that's possible if it was just a wild fire... that man was in Vegas and now here? He resigned to get out of the case in Vegas. I think they should investigate him

  • @jentommyontheroad8089
    @jentommyontheroad8089 Рік тому +239

    It’s unconscionable that sirens were not activated! This entire situation is heartbreaking and the fact that some are attempting to take advantage and profit is disgusting. I hope that the local families are able to recover and rebuild their lives 😢💔

    • @sola4393
      @sola4393 Рік тому +5

      This is a problem sometimes with things involves with human element to make it work. People can have all the best equipment in the world but they fail to use it when needed.

    • @inikidaisy
      @inikidaisy Рік тому +12

      I just saw a first hand account of a guy named Fish being interviewed by Hawaii Real Estate. He said that hundreds of cars were lined up at the exit he was leaving from (on foot) and saw one police officer blocking the exit. He could not understand why. All of the cars were just stuck. Pure evil.

    • @cidquakenbush302
      @cidquakenbush302 Рік тому

      Water shut off! This was Demonrat planned!!!

    • @debistanley2791
      @debistanley2791 Рік тому +9

      Interesting the Governor changed hisortorcal land law 2 weeks before the fires. Eyewitnesses on foot are confirming police under orders were to keep traffic stopped in both directions on front street. Those walking or biking were permitted to keep going there was nothing blocking for the cars to escape. It's like they wanted them trapped. So let's see the list we have to request an investigation for the judiciary oversight committee
      1-Governor changes law taking away historical value of housing, this includes
      indeginous lands if they're zoned Residencial
      2-Police were ordered to block escape on Front Street before the fire arrived by eye witnesses and asking police
      3- Sirens were not deployed and residents and island locals say it's not true they are only for tsunami
      4-Water wasn't working for fire fighters to fight fire
      5-no electricity and no portable generators were deployed to quickly remedy to local community
      6-No cell service and here again no temporary satellite dishes were deployed to quickly remedy local community
      7- recovery incomplete and funerals not even started all the officials are talking redevelop?? Looks like they were ready to go when that law changed, screw the deceased? Screw finding the missing? Screw historical heritage?
      8-Emergency services are on the other side of the island in a fancy hotel? The locals without water for days and these people are going to wear them out instead of them setting up local where they can walk or at least centrally located.

    • @Steven_Herrmann
      @Steven_Herrmann Рік тому

      @@debistanley2791I would say investigate Biden, but we already have video footage of him on the beach for two weeks so that's a dead end.

  • @1fastmex
    @1fastmex Рік тому +102

    2 of my best friends we're ground 0 in Lahaina. They lost everything. They both heard of arsonist in the area. They also told me there we're over 100+ people dead 3 days before news reported this. They said media was covering up the death count and they were spot on. They are strongly convinced this was NOT a natural occurrence. It would obviously make complete sense on a business standpoint. Some of the most desirable beach front in the US. With families that have been there for centuries that would never leave unless something like this happened.

    • @paxhumana2015
      @paxhumana2015 Рік тому

      I heard that many of the wildfires were also set by arsonists. I would not doubt that China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, or any number of corrupt governments, and/or the environmentalists, among others, had committed numerous acts of arson, as well as occult and Satanic rituals, to alter the weather, either by spells or by using technology for evil purposes.

    • @jacs196405
      @jacs196405 Рік тому +13

      A democrat run state! Should tell you everything! Funny how the Governor, the police chief and mayor were gone from the area! And the guy who controlled the water should be charged with intentional murder and have the death penalty!

    • @jeniferjohnson7827
      @jeniferjohnson7827 Рік тому +7

      I have to say this makes sense As a resident of Ohau from 1975 many friends have said similar things from Maui.

    • @sandraheinz5609
      @sandraheinz5609 Рік тому +5

      Don’t forget, they passed a law about changing the zoning laws in the event of natural disaster for historical sites… A month before!

    • @HiddenAgendas
      @HiddenAgendas 19 годин тому

      This is a landgrab by blackstone and other investment bankers. Massive coverup. But yeah, keep believing the US Govt is all about human rights and democracy. What happened is clearly Ethnic Cleansing. Just like what lsrael has done to Palestine and what the US has been doing in America, Alaska and Hawaii.

  • @georgekane1985
    @georgekane1985 Рік тому +159

    Thanks for your coverage, please continue to dig and expect to dig up some DIRT. The information about the chief of police is extremely important and should be investigated further! Decades ago, I went to Hawaii, visited the islands of Oahu and Maui, and yes I survived the road to Hana, which for those who don’t know is a very rough road along the coast. Hawaii, has attracted more GREED than any other place I’ve been, and I was raised in New York City. FOLLOW THE MONEY!

    • @crforfreedom7407
      @crforfreedom7407 Рік тому

      @@froufroufeatherstone6291 This isn't hard to figure out. It's the new "Martha's Vineyard" for the elite. Winfrey, Bezos, several other's have estates there that didn't burn. They tried to buy the land from the property owners but they wouldn't sell. The government just announced they're 'taking over the land.' They got it, one way or another.

    • @bsmith5304
      @bsmith5304 Рік тому +8


    • @CerebralThinking
      @CerebralThinking Рік тому +4

      This is not digging! But it could be accurately described as regurgitation of general information already in the public domain. Digging requires strict objectivity if one is to find the real truth; not subjective comments dressed up as in the title of the video: "REAL Reason they [fires] Happened."

  • @rapidoodsdoodles
    @rapidoodsdoodles Рік тому +12

    I saw a footage of lahaina and It's hard to believe for a modern city/province to reach that scale, it's like they let the fire destroy alot of houses there. I want to believe this is a natural calamity but according to the residents stories and just by looking at the topview position of the houses you can tell that it wasn't a natural disaster.
    Sorry for my english not my native language.

  • @ralphpetry1745
    @ralphpetry1745 Рік тому +141

    As someone who has spent a lifetime living in an area of frequent fires, it is very apparent that zero thought and preparation from the authorities went into protecting the lives and property of Maui. It makes you wonder where the billions of dollars spent by the tourists ends up. I don't think you could write a script for how badly this was handled. Hopefully lessons will be learned for the future.

    • @NicholasTranscends
      @NicholasTranscends Рік тому +10

      Like Ohio.

    • @PoorBoyPennyShow
      @PoorBoyPennyShow Рік тому

      now them fatcats will have to loosen up those p urse strings and spend bilions of dollars if they want the tourist back, or maybe that was the plan

    • @Violet_Lotus_
      @Violet_Lotus_ Рік тому

      Hawaii is a very crooked place.

    • @benjantzen8910
      @benjantzen8910 Рік тому +13

      That’s the AGENDA

    • @bigmacc523
      @bigmacc523 Рік тому +6

      The fire departments should have learned, from the oakland hills fire in 90s then the firestorm we had in santa rosa 2017. Same exact factors. Downed lines, high winds, too much dry tall grass

  • @kylecullingham9200
    @kylecullingham9200 Рік тому +10

    Some of the most prestine Real-Estate in the world, worth Billion's.
    The Local's didn't want to sell.

  • @chriscomms.2399
    @chriscomms.2399 Рік тому +57

    Rick I am a Local from Hawaii now living in Palm Desert. I have to tell you that you’ve done an excellent job of breaking down and explaining things, job well done. What happened in Lahaina is absolutely heartbreaking 😭 I was crushed when I heard the news . We as locals already know that the greed of the wealthy and government have plans to take what does not belong to them. We have so much corruption going on back home that it’s a fricken sin !
    Please keep up the good work, I enjoy watching all your videos ! 🍺🤙🏽

    • @elenastaffy6119
      @elenastaffy6119 Рік тому

      This was all planned so they can make way for the smart city

    • @janetpartyka5968
      @janetpartyka5968 Рік тому

      @chriscomms.2399 Glad I'm not the only one that feels the greedy wealthy, big businesses and government want to steal the property of the Hawaiian people.

    • @theresedoherty8603
      @theresedoherty8603 Рік тому +5

      Beautifully said & much appreciated. Bless everyone in Hawaii & please help them!

    • @claudeyaz
      @claudeyaz Рік тому +2

      Since you are a local
      ...know any trustable non gov orgs to donate to?

  • @Hobo_X
    @Hobo_X Рік тому +7

    The part that breaks my heart the most about all these wildfires is the animals living in these ecosystems, that have no idea what's happening, can't understand warnings like humans can, and are often ignored by people. It's just tragic.

    • @victoriastevens3166
      @victoriastevens3166 9 місяців тому +2

      The animals instinctively for the most part know to run away!

  • @AllyWhiteArtist
    @AllyWhiteArtist Рік тому +9

    There IS a DEW research facility on the island, and China shined visible LIDAR lasers on Hawaii earlier this year, which freaked people TF out.

  • @mamabear9389
    @mamabear9389 Рік тому +62

    Peggy Hall shares some interesting theories on her channel. One thing she points out is how do boats out on the ocean catch fire.

    • @britth2236
      @britth2236 Рік тому +7

      that is what I was thinking

    • @mamabear9389
      @mamabear9389 Рік тому +8

      @britth2236 I guess it could be a photo shop job, however I am not ready to completely discount conspiracy theories. The fact that the sirens didn't go off seems like a conspiracy.

    • @williamsnyder1205
      @williamsnyder1205 Рік тому +10

      I think it was ash blown from the fire !! So sad

    • @adamkl20
      @adamkl20 Рік тому

      Directed Energy Weapons, it's what a lot of people on other platforms are saying. Not just to aquire the land that locals were unwilling to sell, but also to perpetuate an agenda. Yes, the earth is getting warmer as we enter new sun cycles, and yes, we as humans are speeding it up. But we do not need to be scammed and pay more taxes, when our govt and the major corporations that cause 90% of it should be paying.

    • @britth2236
      @britth2236 Рік тому +18

      @@mamabear9389 this is one of the few places that does not have a major resort hotel and investors have been hounding people for a long time for land here so I find is super interesting this happen and the sirens didn't go off plus climate change also doesnt help but still.

  • @rochelle7901
    @rochelle7901 Рік тому +172

    Mahalo nui loa Two Bit Da Vinci. Your thorough and researched review is very much appreciated. As a local resident of Maui for 62 years I am deeply saddened that precautions that could have been taken were not. Yes, as a Hawaiian we worry about our lands being taken away again and it's only natural to feel that way seeing and experiencing much of the fee simple homes being sold for over a million dollars and the starting point is near that amount. Our children cannot afford to buy a home unless their careers and salaries are over the $100k mark and as you know a very large percentage of Hawaii residents unfortunately depend on the service industry and no one makes near that kind of money unless you own the hotels, restaurants and other businesses or if one chooses to move away to pursue professions in other states. Please continue to bring us more of your research and knowledge and Thank-you for spreading the word of our dire need around the world.

    • @whitelotus2516
      @whitelotus2516 Рік тому

      Nice try. How do you explain the fact that none of the trees burned down and all the plastic hubcaps, fences etc. did not melt and steel cars did. Take a look at all the footage with your own eyes guys. Clearly this dude is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, beware his lies, he's working for the baddies

    • @sadhbhdelahunt
      @sadhbhdelahunt Рік тому +8

      Population increases exponentially and land is finite (earth, the planet, does not grow). Stands to reason standards of living in all countries will fall. In Australia we have same problem, high house prices, rising costs etc.

    • @fazole
      @fazole Рік тому +11

      Massive amounts of wealth from China has sought income in many major cities across the world. Also, large investment banks buying up housing and flipping or renting. Finally, massive money printing of all currencies combined with historically low interest rates has led to widespread real estate speculation.

    • @whowearereally6494
      @whowearereally6494 Рік тому +9

      Houses in the United States are also to the point where you can’t afford a house unless you move into the middle of the woods in a shack. I think this is going on all over the world.

    • @TalmudAtheistsHolyBook
      @TalmudAtheistsHolyBook Рік тому

      You must know how Europeans feel. They have Invaders coming into that countries by the millions taking over their neighborhoods. And if they complain about it their called racist. I know the native swedish in the native French to native Italians the road getting angry over this
      People just coming into their country snatching up their land.
      At least with Hawaii it's your fellow Americans

  • @danielgriff2659
    @danielgriff2659 Рік тому +6

    I wouldnt give this dude a dime for spreading the MSM cover-up.

    • @themadsneakerhead2370
      @themadsneakerhead2370 8 місяців тому +1

      You’re 100% correct but he did enlighten me to research a little more and I’m glad I watched this because I found out so much more than I could’ve ever imagined. It’s so sad what happened to these people it’s sickening it’s something you lose sleep over.

  • @TropicalPassionFruit
    @TropicalPassionFruit Рік тому +8

    Governor Green: I’m already thinking of ways for the STATE to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families or make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to the people who were lost”.

  • @gregmaslak7037
    @gregmaslak7037 Рік тому +83

    These fires look like the fires in California a few years ago that everyone forgot about. Trees survive, cars completely melted. Just saying...

    • @LAStreetPreacher
      @LAStreetPreacher Рік тому

      Yes, evidence suggests Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) were used. Trees hallowed out by fires are not indicative of wildfires or downed electrical wires but DEW.

    • @florag8529
      @florag8529 Рік тому +23

      Yes ,you are right... everything destroyed but the when you see the air pictures It looks like it was caused. And also we should look at who are the people that are investing in Maui, who is buying the land?

    • @Bigguns761
      @Bigguns761 Рік тому +17


    • @hereef1
      @hereef1 Рік тому

      @@Bigguns761It’s not any DEW, that’s fake conspiracy theory BS. If it was a DEW, show your proof and source. If you can’t do that and I know you can’t. Go back to drinking that conspiracy look-aid. Add a little ice and enjoy. Cheers

    • @243wayne1
      @243wayne1 Рік тому

      @@Bigguns761 Hahahaha!

  • @mgrantom
    @mgrantom Рік тому +116

    I enjoy your videos. I am an attorney and a retired fire investigator. When I retired in 1996 I held a Master Firefighter certification, Master Fire Investigator Certification and Master Peace Officer certification in Texas. I recently spent 9 days in Maui in May of this year and I would like to offer my observations. My wife and I and our friends spent several days in Lahaina and along Front Street and had a very memorable trip. I remember thinking when I saw the hundreds of acres of tall grass growing along the highway that it appeared to be a huge fire hazard. Even if the hazard was understood, I doubt that Maui could have adequately prepared for the danger given the fact that there are only 10 fire stations on Maui and only one road that circles the island. The most striking thing about this incident was the complete lack of any firefighting equipment in any of the videos. Given the fact that a fire grows in intensity at an exponential rate, time is of the essence in getting water on the seat of the fire. 60 seconds is an eternity in fighting a fire. It is critical to having a rapid response if tragedy is to be avoided. I know you mentioned trouble with water supply however, every pumper is capable of drafting water from any water source and many of the residences in the area had swimming pools. One pumper could have supplied enough water to keep many structures safe. Unfortunately, the 60+ mph wind that was blowing probably made this a fire that was simply impossible to contain given the small amount of firefighting equipment that was available. The biggest failing to me was the fact that the Civil Defense System was not activated to warn people to evacuate. I will be making a donation to King's Cathedral. I hope many others will do so as well.

    • @martinmegowan2026
      @martinmegowan2026 Рік тому +9

      Good on you brother. Take notice in the videos where not only is the plastic that’s next to metal totally melted but so is the metal but more suspect than that is the totally untouched plastic right next to all of this but since it was not attached to anything metal it was not super heated by their fucking DEW lasers.

    • @timewa851
      @timewa851 Рік тому

      well no one wants to cut the grass.
      bet they do now. proactive wins the war.

    • @drew7155
      @drew7155 Рік тому +28

      Im curious your opinion of Google image "maui fire cars." Have you ever seen entire cars melt including the engine blocks? I'm no expert like yourself, but the pictures to me look like the place got nuked or heavily bombed. And it bothers me that the only pictures available are through media outlets. Why are they scrubbing all the amateur videos? I still havnt seen a picture with a firefighter or first responder. Any thoughts as to why?

    • @drew7155
      @drew7155 Рік тому +15

      ​@@martinmegowan2026any links? I'd like to learn more about the DEW theory. This don't smell right and the fact that the same guy from the unsolved Las Vegas shooting is coincidentally the same guy in charge here. What are the odds? Anyway, any links would be appreciated. I don't mind going down rabbit holes

    • @pambp5978
      @pambp5978 Рік тому

      @@drew7155 There is no dew theory. There is conjecture by many that something unnatural must have taken place because they lack information about fire behaviour.. We are making decisions based on our past experiences. If we don't adapt our response to emergency situations we will continue to have unnecessary deaths and damages. This wasn't a planned event. It was a natural event made worse by human neglect and error.

  • @raylegg1728
    @raylegg1728 Рік тому +3

    According to the ceo of power company the power was cut after the 643 fire, it was declared extinguished by fire department. When the evening fire started the power had been off 6 hours.

  • @adventuretrails1ato
    @adventuretrails1ato Рік тому +30

    I've been to Hawaii the island of Maui few times. What a awesome experience it was. 30 + mph winds happen all the time over there. So the wind knocking over the power lines as possible. The fact that the hurricane Mist Island by 500 miles. 🙌Kind of throws a stick in the spokes ❗🤔
    The fact that people going to turn the water on to put the fire out is insane.
    The fact that there is no warning sirens.
    Those two things alone are beyond ridiculous!
    I see lawsuits getting filed against the state of Hawaii. Who knows how many people are actually dead 😢! People pay taxes to the city for things like water to put out fires 🙌!
    I hope these people get immediate help from the president of the United States.
    You can't blame people for not believing the mainstream narrative. After being lied to for the last 3 years .
    There is a massive miss- trust for government now ! and there should be! You really can't blame people for thinking outside the box nowadays.
    All the conspiracy theories were correct for the last 3 years 💯🙌..

    • @aussiegirl3473
      @aussiegirl3473 Рік тому

      🌀💯 You are so over the target..Oh i doubt they'll get much.. ByeDone just sent another $42 Billion off to Ukraine !!! Dead beat POS he IS.. corrupt as they come.. he and his will be Hunted son!!
      Same things happened over here a few years back and our then PM just happened to be on holiday IN of all places Hawaii.. Xmas time Dec 16.. i wonder if he was on a ;working' hol to attend the Maui SMART CITY Summit in Jan.. They've been planning SMART 15 min cities here for some time now..
      Too many coinky dinks to just be coincidence imho.. much cheaper to buy back from ppl who are traumatised and lost EVERYTHING (for many this time incl family) than buy back at the property's true value.. also no need to demolish to rebuild.. it's already done.. all in one foul swoop..🔥
      Prayers for ALL the victims..🙏

  • @Stacydsullivan
    @Stacydsullivan Рік тому +35

    Very true about land grabs! My mom died in a nursing home, but I had all her mail sent to my house. Not even days after her will was submitted to probate court, i was get text messages and tons of letters of house offers for her house.....which wasnt her house. It is my house, never her house. 6 months and i STILL get random men saying sell me your house now....really forceful. I feel bad for old people that get these.

    • @larrog8413
      @larrog8413 Рік тому

      You'd be doing the whole world a huge service, by turning those people in. What they're doing is illegal.

    • @feliciagaffney1998
      @feliciagaffney1998 Рік тому

      People and companies try to buy homes all over the country. They call home owners in general. I get calls and texts constantly for a property I am not associated with. 🙄 Somehow, they must have my local number listed as their phone number on their tax record or something. I don't know. Drives me crazy.

  • @enrichmentservices8463
    @enrichmentservices8463 Рік тому +89

    Good information; it matches what I've said from the beginning. It could have been prevented. I believe a main factor is that the pineapple and sugar cane industries managed most of the land in west Maui for decades; when they (mostly) left due to high costs, the government was left to manage it. Those industries had their own fire experts, crews, water trucks, dozers, and retention ponds for fire and irrigation. They managed their crops and most of the brush/grass areas. Keep in mind that sugar cane is burned before harvest, so they had to know how to control and prevent fire from spreading to brush/grass. Politics and money took over rather than proper land management.

    • @curtgomes
      @curtgomes Рік тому +10

      Absolutely accurate....

    • @DebbieOnTheSpot
      @DebbieOnTheSpot Рік тому


    • @theresedoherty8603
      @theresedoherty8603 Рік тому +2

      Thank you, I really enjoyed & learned from what you said.

    • @tonygavros3499
      @tonygavros3499 Рік тому

      Correction…….democrats took over, didn’t they? That seems like a very important unspoken fact. Democrat run California’s having the same wild fire issues……so odd. 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @michaeldautel7568
      @michaeldautel7568 Рік тому

      Thank you Ricky a fascinating History lesson on Hawaii. The levels of ignorance about fire characteristics is astounding,why is conspiracy the FIRST stop on the Crazy Train ? APATHY is the Enemy of survival .🤔

  • @barrygill5491
    @barrygill5491 Рік тому +8

    Power company failures are being thought to be the initiating of the fire, but there are a few strange things I have questions about. Normal forest/ brush/home fires burn at several hundred degrees as best I know. From the video I have seen, hundreds of cars had both the glass, and alloy wheels and engine blocks melted to dust and puddles. These have melting points of 2000-2500 degrees F. Isn't it odd that the fires seemed to jump long distances from hot/burn points to hot/burn points? Isn't what looked like pinpoint accuracy strange? Based on a military website report the US military has two bases that specialize in and have DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS, Vegas, and guess where else? MAUI!!!!!!! DEW generate lasers that are pinpoint accurate and operate at temperatures of 2500-3500 degrees. Is it possible the reason very few bodies are being located is because they were essentially cremated at temperatures of 1400-1800 degrees? DEW would do exactly that and this would explain many of the questions the citizens have. Between the major mistakes/coincidences that occurred coupled with this piece of information would result in everything that is being discovered daily in Maui. Pluss the secretive handling and behavior of the so-called emergency recovery teams? Share these questions so the good, God-Fearing people can help make those pure evil individuals are held accountable for their unbelievable acts that killed what I am sure will end up being 4000 or more.

  • @Lynnda86
    @Lynnda86 Рік тому +134

    Praying for all Hawaiians and especially those who lost loved ones. As well as those who lost everything. It's heartbreaking. 💔 😭 May God grant them peace and hope to pull together and persevere through this terrible tragedy. As for the greedy rich and elite trying to prey on their misfortune, I pray God will deal with them accordingly. We love you Hawaii! ❤🙏🏼

    • @priscillapastimes
      @priscillapastimes Рік тому +8

      This is a war between evil and good. God WILL take care of us and deal with those doing evil work. This isn't the first time. I sobbed for months after another fire. Keep praying.

    • @debistanley2791
      @debistanley2791 Рік тому

      God is on their side! Another way to help. Go on the Gov website ask the judiciary oversight committee to investigate. 2 weeks before the disaster the HI Governor puts an emergency law through taking away historical value on residential property?? How convenient they can now ignore the indeginous Hawaiians heritage!! Another story told by Fish, he walked Front Street before fire arrived there and police blocked cars from leaving in both directions. WTH? Were they trying to increase the deaths? DO NOT let this go without an investigation. Any US citizen can plea they investigate, it's this committee's job to hold government employees and elected officials accountable. God promises our feet will not be snared in evil plots. I believe these truths rising to the surface for all to see are to make sure the survivors will get exactly what they want and the evil will be prosecuted. For decades their mapping department has been stealing land in favor of the rich by land locking people's parcels=cut off access. They make it look like it's the owner of the land fault, but it's the other way around. It's against the law to develop without buying the land or creating an easement on your land to be sure they have access. I'd love to see this scam expanded to investigate all those land grabs. Mark Zuckerberg's Kaui purchase was the latest example. Look that story up. The HI subdivision mapping department is the problem and the new owners get title insurance it's their land. There was an article about how many parcels Zuckerberg took and his people offered to sell them to the locals which admits they mapped over their land. Another insult was his property cutting off beach access. I thought it was a law in HI all beaches are public. The judiciary committee can order A Quiet Title Action against all these fraudulent transactions, but not without people asking for their help

  • @dannydavis8889
    @dannydavis8889 Рік тому +15

    You didn't talk about the boats on anchor in the bay that caught fire. I have sailed into Lahaina. There is a shallow lee (downwind) bank extending for about a mile off the shore where, when I was there, were about 100 boats anchored and because of the congestion the anchorages extend way offshore but all of these distant boats caught fire. Then, have you studied car shells in residential fires? Have you ever seen cars burned as if in an inferno in such fires? I haven't and many of the Lahaina buildings were brick, which doesn't burn unless they reach a temperature far exceeding residential fires.
    So stop talking garbage and talk real facts!!!

    • @dowright5645
      @dowright5645 Рік тому

      EXACTLY! people are so goddang blue-pilled and don't want to open their damn eyes and do a liiiittle bit of research about the world around them.. it's IN PLAIN SIGHT 🤦‍♀straighttt up directed energy weapon

    • @theresedoherty8603
      @theresedoherty8603 Рік тому +4

      Wow, well said. I appreciate your common sense about this.

    • @Patriot-od6xk
      @Patriot-od6xk Рік тому +1

      Well stated .... 🤔 Good points 👍

    • @cachelesssociety5187
      @cachelesssociety5187 Рік тому +5

      He did a good job of explaining what he could, and his conclusions seem reasonable without digging into the evidence associated with horrific theories - I don't want to believe it, when it comes to these "electric fire" theories, but I can't ignore the unexplained points his video here doesn't address. Although it is true that MOST live trees contain moisture and don't burn as readily as some other fuel sources, there are still aspects of this that defy conventional explanation. Forest fires in unmanaged forests contain underbrush to dry out the wood in the trees, and the resulting dried out trees provide the consistent fuel - in heavy winds then the mountainous flames produced in such fires will cross roads and damage vehicles. But in brush fires, low fuel sources like grasses burn up quickly. Yes, they do spread, and they can easily account for destruction of entire neighborhoods if carried by 80 mph winds. BUT when they encounter areas of paving and concrete they tend not to be able to produce steady "inferno" temperatures. If you ever tried to work with logs in a fireplace you'll know that fire doesn't create unlimited temperature and needs constant fuel. Aluminum can melt with constant temperature of maybe 1500 F. So my eyes accept seeing aluminum in auto wheels, or even aluminum car doors, being nearly incinerated when adjacent to a structure that could have concentrated gas or combustibles fueling it. But gas from homes and trees dissipates too quickly to provide a constant fuel source out in the wide roads, and to incinerate so much auto material there. (We see hundreds of such vehicles that weren't near any burned structures - just along roads that would have been lined with brush. ) In the local's pictures of the aftermath we even see melted engine blocks that require something beyond steady 2500 Fahrenheit temperatures. (Apparently glass melts at 2552-2912F and I see melted glass) Also, there are rare images where entire modern home foundations are melted away - even a gas explosion SHOULD not provide a consistent means for that. It's not like these objects we see were placed on a stove burner and given constant heat. And if you remove the heat even briefly the material will start to cool back down. I don't blame those without engineering degrees from wanting to discount and avoid facing the truth though. It's an inhuman situation.

    • @kalimataan
      @kalimataan Рік тому +2

      Wow that was really eye opening. It is true ,to accept that evil play is very difficult and the author has seemingly difficulties with that,although he finds some things not right.

  • @motorcitylady13
    @motorcitylady13 Рік тому +80

    Thank you for your research. I don't know what happened. But I do know evil is as evil does. Those who would try to exploit these precious people would do it without humanity. And they have been crawling out of the slime to take advantage like all poisonssnakes do. May the good guys win, and may those wonderful souls feel our love and support and know we are with them. 😢

    • @mulgakoldas2692
      @mulgakoldas2692 Рік тому +6


    • @PigeonLaughter01
      @PigeonLaughter01 Рік тому

      The elite live by the "Buy when blood is on the street." Mentality. Or put a corpo friendly way, "Dont let a disaster go to waste, time to consolidate!"

    • @jeffshof5108
      @jeffshof5108 Рік тому +2

      Too late
      Open ur eyes, instead of ignorance

    • @whitelotus2516
      @whitelotus2516 Рік тому

      Nice try. How do you explain the fact that none of the trees burned down and all the plastic hubcaps, fences etc. did not melt and steel cars did. Take a look at all the footage with your own eyes guys. Clearly this dude is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, beware his lies, he's working for the baddies

  • @BenKiefer
    @BenKiefer 11 місяців тому +2

    One thing to note with regards to burying power lines: I just purchsed land in Hawaii several months ago and in doing preparation for building my home I was informed that digging almost anywhere in Hawaii is incredibly difficult. Basically, at least where my property is on the Big Island, there is roughly 6-8 inches of dirt on the surface, and from that point onward is solid lava rock. This is incredibly strong stone which is very difficult to excavate, which translates to very expensive. Therefore virtually anything that would require digging anything substantial is almost guaranteed to be rejected for a less expensive alternative.
    The Big Island is obviously a different island than Maui, however they were both formed the same way so I doubt there are big differences to the geography there. Obviously outdated or poorly maintained infrastructure should be addressed, I just wanted to point out that anything requiring digging anything substantial is basically not realistic/feasible anywhere in Hawai'i.

    • @ружаИлиева-ы1ъ
      @ружаИлиева-ы1ъ 11 місяців тому

      So what is your point about this wildfire ?Do you think is accidentally happened?

  • @AKARazorback
    @AKARazorback Рік тому +9

    It's simple: caused by energy weapons, just like in Australia couple years back. Reason? Cheap property. This area of the Island hasn't had the big investment treatment... because people had their own community. Local aid is being blocked, while big firms are trying to buy the land for pennies on the dollar.

  • @davelindgren5245
    @davelindgren5245 Рік тому +159

    As a parent, it breaks my heart to think about someone losing a child. Losing an entire family is unthinkable.
    Anyone that counts on the federal government being there to help in the first 2 weeks (add 2 weeks for an island thousands of miles away from the main land) to help with their track record has their head in the sand.
    The incompetence in the local and state government is overwhelming.

    • @Ian-808
      @Ian-808 Рік тому

      Pearl harbor is 1 hour away not that far. They got a base on every island, where they at? What doing. Its bullshit

    • @Steven_Herrmann
      @Steven_Herrmann Рік тому

      Are you making an excuse for Bidens actions? $700 per household while simultaneously asking for $25 billion for Ukraine. Is asked about Maui days after the fire and responds "no comment" with a smile. Then shows up two weeks later and compares Maui to a toaster fire that could have taken his chevy "jokes aside." Then falls asleep in front of grieving families speaking about their loved ones they lost just two weeks prior in the most horrific way a human can die. It doesn't matter how far Hawaii is from the "mainland." That is irrelevant. They are Americans! You don't stay on vacation whilst being filmed on the beach for two weeks before acknowledging one of the worst disasters this country has seen. Especially as a parent, I can only hope that you will not vote for Biden in 2024.

    • @sofly7634
      @sofly7634 Рік тому

      They transported illegals in a day by plane often times

    • @feelyoung79
      @feelyoung79 Рік тому +7

      Sounds like you have your head in the sand if you think it's incompetence! It was carried out..
      When the wicked rule the people will mourn..

    • @basiam3248
      @basiam3248 Рік тому +6

      Tell me: a car had its glasswindows melted, but the tree next to it was untouched

  • @ericsamuelson5968
    @ericsamuelson5968 Рік тому +47

    17 years I lived in Hawaii, 13.5 of them on Maui. There is a awful lot of corruption in their governmental systems. I find it interesting (in a sad way) that many of the officials who could authorize the sirens and other measures were off island at the time... Also, Pastor Morocco of King's Cathedral is a good & honest man and is an excellent person to send funds too.

    • @maszkalman3676
      @maszkalman3676 Рік тому +7

      It wasn't accidental too much "accidents" first sorens are off there is no water pressure the busted electric lines are still on peoples were barred from making clearings areond their property.... seconds after disaster copmanies and realtors come to buy the land from owners.

    • @Keaweahe
      @Keaweahe Рік тому

      @@maszkalman3676 i live here, there were a lot of smaller fires around. It was natural and you cant do anything about Gods plans. The people trying to buy the land are just dirty, they didn't set up the fire. Dont talk like theyre smart and they planned it.

  • @HappyHermitt
    @HappyHermitt Рік тому +6

    How coincidental was it that: the Hawaii State Government formed a 36-member housing development approval panel, which was created under an emergency proclamation in July, just before the fires broke out on Maui.

  • @FloridaKatLady
    @FloridaKatLady Рік тому +16

    What's even worse about the details of this devastating "wildfire" is they cancelled school for the day. So ALL children were at home, many alone, and had no idea of what to do during a rare wildfire. 😢

  • @DennisDLDemskiSr
    @DennisDLDemskiSr Рік тому +52

    This is the same identical thing that happened in the fires of Santa Rosa in California. This is also the same reaction. What happen after the twin towers fell. If anybody recalls people stepping forward is to tell the truth it was Judy Woods. Maybe she could tell you what happened to these cars and structures that are just totally wiped out. I had saved several clips from the Santa Rosa fires, and it was rather strange that my phone had been erased from every video that I had ever downloaded.

    • @brigittebeltran6701
      @brigittebeltran6701 Рік тому +3

      Also in Paradise California!!! And that fire chief also stated "Not a normal wildfire."

    • @boundariessetinstone5893
      @boundariessetinstone5893 Рік тому

      But why would they want Santa Rosa is it a prime location for rich or tourists.

    • @boundariessetinstone5893
      @boundariessetinstone5893 Рік тому +1

      How was your phone erased

    • @boundariessetinstone5893
      @boundariessetinstone5893 Рік тому

      @@brigittebeltran6701But these two places aren’t prime locations anyone wants such as the elites or Gov the way Hawaii is.

    • @brucefalconer5773
      @brucefalconer5773 Рік тому +1

      Thats exactly right, i have dr. woods book. there was over a thousand vehicle fires up and down streets in new york.

  • @inikidaisy
    @inikidaisy Рік тому +12

    If you would like to hear an eyewitness account by a guy named Fish, watch Hawaii Real Estate where he is interviewed. He said that police officers blocked both exits in and out of Lahaina. He was on foot and said there was one police officer on one exit with hundreds of cars lined up, but this officer would not let any of the cars through. Fish could not understand why this cop was doing this. As he was walking he kept looking back and wondering why the cop would not let anyone through. It is a very compelling first hand account.

  • @asian_253
    @asian_253 Рік тому +3

    ⭐️The Maui fires 🔥 started on 8.8
    ⭐️Hawaii area code is 808 and it was assigned on 8.8.1957
    ⭐️Hawaii is one of the 8 big islands
    ⭐️The letter “H” is the 8th letter in the alphabet
    ⭐️Barack Obama was born in Hawaii on the 8th month
    ⭐️Kanye West recorded his 808 Heartbreak album in Hawaii
    ⭐️Marcus Mariota born in Hawaii has worn the #8 his whole career
    ⭐️The number 8 is symbolic to the Hawaiian islands
    ⭐️Wake up everyone. This wasn’t an accident. They premeditated murdered these people!

  • @islandmonusvi
    @islandmonusvi Рік тому +10

    Seeking a retirement…we explored Maui and performed due diligence. As a Architect/CivEngineer , I was appalled at the lack of disaster planning and awareness at every level. My final assessment included the statement that these people are living a Disney Mentality of the ‘Perfect Paradise’.

  • @StoriesOfSolitude
    @StoriesOfSolitude Рік тому +306

    Feel so bad for the victims and their families.

    • @Mr.EeToMyself
      @Mr.EeToMyself Рік тому +12

      The mayor needs to set up a fund... for the people... not the crooks.
      So "We the people" can support the families... not the United States... we the people.

    • @FloridaKatLady
      @FloridaKatLady Рік тому +7

      What's even worse is they cancelled school for the day. So children were at home, many alone, and had no idea of what to do during a rare wildfire. 😢

    • @kevreilly7
      @kevreilly7 Рік тому +6

      Coming to a town near you real soon

    • @EpicSwaggSwaggBossBabyGamer
      @EpicSwaggSwaggBossBabyGamer Рік тому +3

      My house burned down there I lived in komo Mai stree

    • @judyb950
      @judyb950 Рік тому

      ​@@kevreilly7Yep. This guy just knows for sure how this and that happened like the story of a transformer blowing up that started that fire in Chile(?)? So why did the transformer blow up?
      The world is under this "climate change" meaning nobody is allowed to burn off their dead vegetation. Doesn't matter if the USA planted sugar cane or pine apples. Like it's the fault of USA when it's not. Hawaii would of had other dead foliage even if it was never under control of the USA. Hawaii would of been apart of the "climate change even if the USA hadn't "stolen" the land.
      How about this "climate change" is more the culprit than anybody or anything else?
      Start having controlled burnings again of dead vegetation, foliage when there's no high winds in the forecast. These wild fires won't be as intense as they've become.
      Land of Hawaii had been stolen a few times before the USA "stole" it. The USA was stolen land before the Europeans came along. People just don't see how all that works or maybe they can't get past the "caucasion" part. It's ok for all poc but not the "Caucasians".

  • @Lazyazzdude101
    @Lazyazzdude101 Рік тому +16

    It's a lie when they say the Weather been hotter than normal when average temperature in Maui is 88° in August, and it's been low to mid-eighties all August.

    • @florenbaron7111
      @florenbaron7111 Рік тому

      It's all pl(ann)ed. Full of lie)s. In)tent)ional) fir)es). Ad)vanc)ed w(ea)pon)s.

    • @Lazyazzdude101
      @Lazyazzdude101 Рік тому

      @Eidelmania so the heat is a lie but drought is true 👍

  • @lorentamkin4354
    @lorentamkin4354 Рік тому +3

    This was done ON PURPOSE. PERIOD.

  • @landscapingspecialist
    @landscapingspecialist Рік тому +13

    I’m happy you realized there is, in fact, a land grab component to this.

  • @howder1951
    @howder1951 Рік тому +85

    You touched my heart with the story of a stolen land. On visiting Maui a couple of times, I really enjoyed the laid back lifestyle, but very sadly noticing that so little of Hawaiian culture exists to date and next to no local indigenous people haunts me. Excellent video of this tragic event.

    • @itiiyt
      @itiiyt Рік тому +1

      Thank the Governments.
      Demons in disguise.

    • @claudiaCLO21
      @claudiaCLO21 Рік тому +4

      Thanks for watching.

    • @anthonyb5279
      @anthonyb5279 Рік тому

      Don't feel sorry for them. They cause there own problems many sold there land to Oprah and other land barrons for drugs and alcohol only to get jobs farming drugs for them. Then they go around murdering people just for the color of there skin. They do not deserve your sympathy they are the most raciest and hateful people in the world.

    • @RenzaissanceTV
      @RenzaissanceTV Рік тому +7

      Yes no Hawaiian culture exists as much as it did in ancient times, but there’s still a huge presence of “Hawaii culture” that formed over the years since the plantation days, Also known as local culture, thats why its best to preserve that culture, but the government thinks other wise, too much tourists, and too much people taking local and native hawaiian lands and homes

    • @Fullautofreedom
      @Fullautofreedom Рік тому +5

      If any of what you said is true then they didn’t lose any of their houses. Obviously they did. They were there, they don’t hang out at your tourist locations.

    @MARILYNANDERSON88 Рік тому +11

    My water stays working in multiday power outages. .
    Why would electric shut off affect water pressure or supply for most districts?

  • @colindeer4908
    @colindeer4908 8 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for making this video. To the lovely people and souls of Lahaina, much love from Australia

  • @watercarepro9610
    @watercarepro9610 Рік тому +6

    Very interesting that buildings and cars we're virtually disintegrated, well right next door there were trees not even scorched...

  • @Hysterical_Hens
    @Hysterical_Hens Рік тому +34

    As a FL resident who has lived through Cat 3 and 4 hurricanes, and also had close calls with brush fires, I have been absolutely petrified at the circumstances and outcomes of this catastrophic event in Maui 😕
    I truly hope that that homeowners insurance industry does not retaliate against the residents of that beautiful state the way that they have against Florida and California by making our homes essentially uninsurable due to the fact that we have natural disasters.

    • @sonicboom2723
      @sonicboom2723 Рік тому

      Do you honestly believe that the insurance companies should keep paying out for homes destroyed in a hurricane prone state .

    • @maxsmith695
      @maxsmith695 Рік тому +2

      Home owners insurance is not high in Beautiful CALIF.
      Thanks to Gov Newsom !

    • @sonicboom2723
      @sonicboom2723 Рік тому +1

      I believe that a major devastating hurricane will hit Florida within the coming weeks. I've lived through every hurricane and tropical storm since 1980 and I feel that it's coming .

    • @maxsmith695
      @maxsmith695 Рік тому +1

      @@sonicboom2723 Are you follow the weather is just a hunch. What area, east or west coast

    • @sonicboom2723
      @sonicboom2723 Рік тому

      @@maxsmith695 , I hardly watch the news . The extreme heat here in Florida and the rest of the country and the high temperature oceans and no tropical storms or hurricanes yet tells me the big one is coming . Just like last year when it hit Ft. Myers , I called that one before it hit and warned people to evacuate the area before hand . The weather service didn't give out a warning until it was to late which is very strange . I believe they wanted it to go down that way . I'm not positive which side of the coast it will hit but the average temperature in the Gulf is over 90 degrees Fahrenheit , with the rest of the surrounding water at 88 degrees . This is a scenario for disaster. If it comes into the gulf of Mexico it will be catastrophic.

  • @lindarobish7775
    @lindarobish7775 Рік тому +58

    To fully understand the situation requires an understanding of the geography and geology of Hawai’i. The roads in Hawai’i are near the coast because the center of each island is mountainous. (They are all volcanoes, whether active or extinct.). To get to the other side of the island involves going around the edge, not through the middle. It’s not easy to bury power lines there because most of the land is hardened lava. It requires drilling through solid rock, not soil as is often the case on the mainland.

    • @swordsman3000
      @swordsman3000 Рік тому +3

      that is an excellent observation

    • @SaneMillennial
      @SaneMillennial Рік тому +5

      True, but what does that have to do w/how many failures there were in this situation?? They should've shut off the power of the lines before they created more fires!

    • @lindarobish7775
      @lindarobish7775 Рік тому +4

      @@SaneMillennial Agreed. I was responding to the comments that there should have been more roads for evacuation and underground power lines.

    • @craigsymington5401
      @craigsymington5401 Рік тому +2

      First observation, is the wooden poles were probably waaay beond life expectancy, second is that the overhead cables themselves could be replaced with modern insulated cables (as in places like New Zealand) where most are. As an engineer (from Africa) I can't help but observe that there is a modern trend to feed shareholders trust funds and sacrifice infrastructure maintenance and upgrades. As a young man I used to see utility workers working on things that weren't broken, clearing undergrowth away from powerlines seasonally, nowadays power utility workers are only seen when things fail or when there is a new development, and then only adding new transformers. In South Africa, power infrastructure was systematically upgraded continuously until the '90s. Now SA is powerless, literally, with epic footage of lines down, even over motorways, and the fires that ensue.

    • @summersolstice884
      @summersolstice884 Рік тому +2

      @lindarobish7775 ... So If you can not bury the lines then reinforce the poles ... Make sure that they can withstand high winds ... Thru areas that are mountainous run the lines on top of the ground but thru reinforced, fire proof conduit ... For God's sake!!! We have educated engineers and construction people who could come up with solutions if they put their minds to it ... Instead of excuses that we are getting ...

  • @celeste-236
    @celeste-236 Рік тому +1

    Why did police block the roads, preventing people from leaving?
    I saw 3 different interviews with individuals who all said that the roads to exit the area, were blocked. One person said they had to go through a roadblock to get out. That’s not “incompetence” that’s deliberate.
    And land grab, is a very strong motive, when the land that was destroyed has a property value of
    $ 3.5 Billion.

  • @garyr1934
    @garyr1934 Рік тому +110

    Your content here is true unbiased journalism in these dark times
    Your research/visual Resources is of the highest order
    This is so necessary
    You are doing a great service
    Tragic doesn’t even begin to describe this and what’s led to it

    • @breft3416
      @breft3416 Рік тому +6

      My only criticism is in the article he cited, the paragraph below the quote he read mentioned the speed of this fire. No one can outrun a 10 mile an hour wind driven fire on foot, much less a 50 mph (some reports of 70mph).

    • @annawill1013
      @annawill1013 Рік тому +5

      Unbiased?😂 Hardly

    • @garyr1934
      @garyr1934 Рік тому +1

      @@annawill1013 ok

    • @saywhat8966
      @saywhat8966 Рік тому +2

      Explain the bias please.

    • @annawill1013
      @annawill1013 Рік тому +6

      He's intentionally glossing over certain areas of conversation, and suggesting we dare not talk about certain things. Just because someone explains something well and intelligently, doesn't mean that it's true. I think he's probably paid handsomely to say some fancy things about the weather to serve as a coverup for the hideous crimes intentionally being committed over there. And I think a lot of you are sucking it up, taking any kind of explanation that sounds rational just to avoid looking at the other stuff that this clown glosses over.

  • @tomthi2272
    @tomthi2272 Рік тому +7

    I was at the Lahaina Shores Beach Resort on Front Street on the 7th and 8th of August for my Honeymoon. Just to share my story of what happened:
    The winds were insane, probably 30-40 mhps, the winds were so strong that it was picking up and throwing around the resorts beach/lawn chairs and you can hear the whistling of the wind through gaps of the room doors. At around 0500, the was a power outage due to knocked down power lines. There was also a fire near front street at around 0400-0600, but was considered contained at around 0800. When we left to walk the streets to get food, winds were still roaring, it was like a dust storm. You can see the wind swirling especially when it went towards the water, it looked almost like a mini tornado. When looking at the streets on the 8th of August at 1000 the town was already a wreck, trees were uprooted, light pools knocked down, large tree branches all over the roads, house fences knocked over, over all it looked like a post apocalyptic scene. Leading up to 1630 we were without power and cell service, we occasionally got signal and before 1700 we got alerts about fires. We could see the fire moving towards the resort from the laundry room of the 5th floor, it didn't seem concerning until we noticed the fire was at first over half a mile away but umbers were jumping from tree to tree and reached 300 feet away from the resort in less than 8 minutes. During this time we were alerted to evacuate the resort and luckily we made it out as the fire was no more than 50 feet away from us as we were attempting to drive out. On the drive out it felt dangerous, winds were still roaring and shaking cars driving to escape the fires, and we had to also avoid all the debris on the road as well. You can see the power company and fire department driving towards the fires and ambulances driving on the opposite side of the road the to take the injured to the hospitals. That night over 100 packed cars were parked in a Walmart parking lot in Kahului to sleep for the night, the Walmart was understanding and stayed open later as well as opened earlier than usual to accommodate those escaping the fires.
    To my knowledge, some major reasons that prevented faster action towards the fire were:
    -downed power lines/poles and trees blocking the road, slowing down the firefighters
    -aggressive winds preventing firefighting helicopters
    -lack of water
    This was a scary and sad experience for many. I got to talk with some of the locals that ended up loosing their homes, many of them were still in shock and all they had with them were the clothes they had worn that day. Keep Maui in your hearts and donate if you can.
    *Sorry if this all seems difficult to read or sounds like rambling, a lot happened and I had a difficult time choosing what to write about.

  • @thefrontporch8594
    @thefrontporch8594 11 місяців тому +1

    NO! There were NO megaphones or anything else. Just a lot of silence from police with their little blue lights flashing/fire fighters not sounding sirens on their trucks/no tsunami sirens. People had NO warning. The first sign I had was when I heard neighbors in my front yard fighting fire there. Water was held back for "equity" reasons, The fire can possibly be explained, but the incompetence of responders, the police chief, and mayor can not. Fire fighters abandoned the early morning fire (because it was out???) on a day of terrible winds.That site should have been monitored all day , not abandoned, The power went out about 0430, and the electric company probably deactivated the lines shortly after that. The incompetence of authorities in this event is breathtaking.

  • @tainopr910
    @tainopr910 Рік тому +46

    Glad Bless you all and your families, I’m a Puerto Rican where my island was destroyed and help was so slow, we understand and stand behind all of you. I wish I could find a legit place to send y’all some help.

    • @llee8325
      @llee8325 Рік тому

      That was the fault of your corrupt PR gov't. P. Trump had rescue ship loaded up and fully stocked with supplies, food, water, tarps, etc, and they set sail the minute that Maria had passed.
      Your incompetent gov had not prepared the ports to receive help, except SJ. The Nat'l Guard didn't show up for work, and they didn't clear the roads of debris, so relief trucks could get through into the interior.
      Then people Like Yulin stole supplies and gave them to family and cronies, not to the people.
      PR is a disaster. It does NOTHING for the mainland. You don't even grow your own food. You never paid your immense debt, or kept PREPA well maintained, but you expect we mainlanders to rebuild your entire power utility.
      I want PR to get independence, to stand on its own. It's a dead loss to the mainland.

    • @adevore1971
      @adevore1971 Рік тому +1

      Eric west on UA-cam has many links to good places to donate. I'll donate right now myself as I said I would only now can actually afford to. Avoid the big organizations like red cross and fema

  • @Gimo76
    @Gimo76 Рік тому +42

    Thanks for this report. I was in Santa Rosa Ca for the fires and it was not natural. A natural fire would have burned all of the surroundings and yet the homes were burnt past their foundations BUT the stand of Eucalyptus trees right behind the one strip of homes. There were dozens of these trees. The fireman said that most house fires burn less than the temps of these because they melted the chrome into liquid which is a much higher heat. There were dozens of home security cameras showing lazier beams of light. One home was like it was cut in half. This is DEW attacks. Then when they tried to rebuild they were not getting building permits due to foundation damage. Hello put in a new foundation. We are really in for it this is all planned and they want any of us left to live in box apts and pay them high premiums for them. Has anyone put a report together of the massive amounts of fires in the last few years. Also lots of flood. Anyone checking out what HAARP is doing? God help us and protect us.

    • @martentrudeau6948
      @martentrudeau6948 Рік тому

      A lot of the fires in Canada this year, if not all, are known to have been caused by arson, we are being Eco scammed by a conspiracy to take our property and freedoms away. ~ The government secretly modifies the weather and the elite globalist media calls it Climate Change, THEY LIE!, IT'S MIND CONTROL! ~ Coal, gas and oil far more effective and much less harmful than windmills, solar panels and toxic, dangerous, environmentally hazardous EV batteries. ~ CO2 isn't a pollutant, it makes our plants greener and food better. Science is trustworthy when it tells the WHOLE truth, and doesn't cherry pick the evidence to change the conclusion to the Globalist desires.

    • @EpicRealistTV
      @EpicRealistTV Рік тому +5

      I believe you!

    • @KB-ke3fi
      @KB-ke3fi Рік тому

      The Canadian fires were intentionally set in several places by several people who disappeared. They had them on video sat. Then, the news reports vanished about the time they blamed it on global "warming"

  • @madeinhawaii
    @madeinhawaii Рік тому +21

    The water is diverted for tourism and development. Our wetlands are dry. Mokuula is an inland lake in Lahina that's currently a baseball feild. Colonialism has changed our environment away from self sustaining agriculture to hotels and military bases.

    • @avalerie4467
      @avalerie4467 Рік тому +5

      I agree with you that natural use of the land and agriculture are better than hotels and defense, since your State joined the US by majority vote in 1959 ( by almost 95% if i remember), you can hardly call it colonialism.
      We had fought and won independence from the British Crown well before you became a State.
      You can always seceded.
      I know i want my State to. But for totally different reason.
      Someday, all will be well
      People against corruption and evil
      That's where we all are

  • @matricci2256
    @matricci2256 18 днів тому

    I'm shocked how many people were under insured. Reports say the majority of people were under insured - covering only 60% of the rebuilding cost.

  • @suchitraroy1758
    @suchitraroy1758 Рік тому +62

    Having been in the middle of this situation, I greatly appreciate your insightful video. Having said that I am upset that there was absolutely NO warning of the early morning fire. We were renting a condo on Baby Beach in Lahaina and woke up on Tuesday morning to having no power. When the property manager was contacted all he said that the whole west side of the island was without power due to downed power lines caused by the winds. No mention of fire was made. My children checked their social media….nothing. There were no warnings from the authorities. Local and surrounding island radio stations were playing Hawaiian music! They could have used their source to at least the people. We left with just the clothes on our backs like so many others. Had we stayed just 15 more minutes, my family would have been caught in the inferno. I understand that the fire was caused by circumstances beyond our control, but the way it was handled was all WRONG!

    • @yomamahouse7725
      @yomamahouse7725 Рік тому +5

      Glad you made it out . Seems like everyone is on their own now n days . Can’t depend on ppl to help us scary times

    • @stormysmurf
      @stormysmurf Рік тому +1

      Wow! Did they not set off the tsunami alarms due to lack of power??

    • @towm8tr
      @towm8tr Рік тому +2

      @@stormysmurfwhy would you set off tsunami alarms for a fire? They are TSUNAMI alarms. Where do people go during tsunami?….INLAND to higher ground, and they would have ran directly into the fire.

    • @stormysmurf
      @stormysmurf Рік тому +4

      @@towm8tr I don't know the intricacies of the alarms, but thought ANY alarm would be better than none. My bad. Thanks for so eloquently clearing that up.

    • @born4thstime
      @born4thstime Рік тому

      Fires were caused by DEW's, just like in CA a few years ago.

  • @rushshukla4636
    @rushshukla4636 Рік тому +19

    This has all the hallmarks of a direct energy weapon. Hurricanes and heatwaves don't cause this kind of damage.

  • @Atom-56
    @Atom-56 Рік тому +24

    There is now actual phone footage, being shown by people who survived the fires.
    One guy, who was filming the damage caused by the severe winds, he actually recorded a power line falling to the ground, which landed on parched grass and started to smoulder.

    • @doonstr1
      @doonstr1 Рік тому +19

      smoldering fires don't incinerate an entire town in 17 min and melt steel block engines

    • @trafficjon400
      @trafficjon400 Рік тому +5

      So what that does not stop help from Arriving? it also Doesn't Stop Water fire proof Caterpillar Generators that automatically switch on when power go's out ? YET, ANYTHINGS POSSIBLE.

    • @trafficjon400
      @trafficjon400 Рік тому

      Is this Why water fire proof Caterpillar Generators that Click on automatically when power go's out , FAIL? Yet any thing is Possible.@@doonstr1

    • @SN-bl6xm
      @SN-bl6xm Рік тому

      @@doonstr1 With the winds they had that day, fire spreads quite fast. And then the houses build out of wood, what burns quite fast. And yes, fire can make steel melt.

    • @drew7155
      @drew7155 Рік тому +6

      ​@@SN-bl6xmforest fires don't melt engine blocks and cars and make concrete bubble. No alerts given. Fire spreading at a rate of 100 yards a minute. The same police chief who was in charge during the las vegas shooting, where we still don't have a motive or know anything about, is the same guy who's in charge here.
      It's getting like that Epstien situation where it's like... "so he snapped his own neck on bedsheets, precisely at the moment when all the cameras that were watching his cell and the hallways leading up to his cell suddenly stopped working, coinciding with the precise moment that, not just one, but both guards responsible for watching his cell happened to fall asleep?" But hey 🤷‍♂️ anythings possible right?

  • @michaelpendleton7429
    @michaelpendleton7429 Рік тому +1

    An illigal land grab is bad enough but at the expense of lives of so many innocent people and children is an unforgivable CRIME.

  • @luckyspec2274
    @luckyspec2274 Рік тому +38

    lets take a deep dive into why 'authorities' wouldn't want to alert people. Canada fires were shown to not have lightning strikes at the time of fires, and here neither. I wonder who would benefit if people were unable to live in their homes and had to sell for cheap.

    • @gregorypenetrante1272
      @gregorypenetrante1272 Рік тому +8

      And let’s look at their vaunted alarm system which nobody was able to activate. Hmm.

    • @jordanstark2454
      @jordanstark2454 Рік тому +1

      The governments going to give them low interest loans to rebuild tho...

    • @luckyspec2274
      @luckyspec2274 Рік тому

      @@jordanstark2454 I'm going to go out on a limb and say, not all of those loans will be repaid, so foreclosures are going to happen. Also maybe not everyone can qualify for a loan. As for insurance claims, I do not know how that works, but hope they are covered and get their home rebuilt for no cost. On top of that, who is going to house them during that process. People are just normal earners, assuming most of them have family they can stay with this might not be an issue, but some might not have room, or money to stay in hotels indefinitely, of those that insurance pays maybe they cover the cost of hotel too.

    • @ShuRugal
      @ShuRugal Рік тому

      lol, it definitely isn't a case of imperfect equipment operated by imperfect people. You're right, it makes much more sense for it to be a case of perfectly operating equipment and perfectly operating people conspiring to defraud the citizenry.
      They just sit around all day, for decades, running their alert monitoring centers, waiting for a potentially profitable disaster to strike, so that they can rush in, cover it up, and make millions. Nevermind the fact that this would require coordination amongst hundreds or thousands of people. Nevermind the fact that it's damned near impossible to keep a conspiracy of just ten people from leaking. it totally makes sense to claim that some evil conspiracy has not only gained participation from thousands of people like this, but that it has NOT even ONCE brought someone into that conspiracy who turned out to have a conscience and reported the conspirators.

    • @teresagoodman-walters7720
      @teresagoodman-walters7720 Рік тому


  • @24KinfO
    @24KinfO Рік тому +18

    Based on your intro, the investors, etc burned it down. In a neighborhood that I drive pass in my city, the city was trying to pay landmark owners to move out, to build new things. The people didn't except the money. Next, it was a uprise in robberies near by and guess who eventually moved? Those small businesses and the new people built apartments and houses right there, like they wanted to. This sounds familiar.

    • @HoneyBadger80886
      @HoneyBadger80886 Рік тому +3

      Ferguson Missouri all over again.

    • @annawill1013
      @annawill1013 Рік тому +8

      Preach! This clown can talk til he's blue in the face about tradewinds and guinea grass. Still doesn't dismiss the fact that the millionaires' club want the riff raff off their island to pave the way for their new, first, gentrified, smart island.

    • @smoothassmooth
      @smoothassmooth Рік тому

      Ya billionaires never plot. They don't buy the most farm land in the United States like bill gates.

  • @Paparoxx
    @Paparoxx Рік тому +17

    I'm a retired radio man that worked in Hawaii on Oahu during the 70s and my heart is still there. I would like to commend you on the way you present your program. Very professional very well done very clear very precise no fluff no voice acting you're doing a great job I appreciate you. Thank you for the information.

  • @donelleweaver9230
    @donelleweaver9230 Рік тому +2

    Population control people were not aloud to get out of Lahaina all roads to safety was blocked by the authorities. The people who did survive was the ones who forced themselves through the road blocks and the people who jumped out of their cars and jumped into the ocean. The media I believe are not telling the truth. Just my opinion. Pretty fishy to me. I’m not blaming the police they were just following orders.

  • @Skibadger808
    @Skibadger808 Рік тому +35

    Well done! Calling out the government is important. What else are you for as a governing body if you do not manage infrastructure? 😮

    • @breft3416
      @breft3416 Рік тому

      If you are in the USA, the government serves the monied elite and has given corporations personhood, for goodness sakes. Those guys pay zero taxes; infrastructure takes a bit of money . The rest of us have no money left to tax.

  • @unboundbytiffany
    @unboundbytiffany Рік тому +74

    Lahaina is/was one of the newest/upgraded towns on maui, as in most buildings and homes along at least half of lahaina likely more than half was or should have been the most up to date and well constructed area on the island. To see these concrete buildings be burnt to the ground is just beyond suspicious in many ways. It definitely has me questioning a lot of what the media is claiming... having lived in lahaina personally for years and both grew up on as well as currently still live on Oahu, I can say for certain the situations unfolding throughout this tragedy are making the fires cause and everything since extremely questionable...

    • @JennaLeeEquals3
      @JennaLeeEquals3 Рік тому +13

      Yeah this dude sounds like he controlled opposition with his main stream media narrative “I’m sticking to it, and if you disagree or talk about it you’re fucked up” is what he basically said 😮

    • @RosyOutlook2
      @RosyOutlook2 Рік тому +3

      The wind speeds should also make people question the use of the wind turbines, I have a friend who's the only one I know who wonders where they running, how do they affect the wind? Also why are people not speaking of weather modification, cloud seeding for rain, surely there are clouds, water evaporation create clouds so why is Maui in a drought, as places like the western desert of saudi arabia is being greened?

    • @unboundbytiffany
      @unboundbytiffany Рік тому +4

      @RosyOutlook2 I'm more thinking there had to be an accelerant used, to move through concrete buildings with full new sprinkler systems installed within psst year etc. And vehicles etc so quickly. It just doesn't look like a normal fire at all, even the after math. It looks like an accelerant was used across almost all of Lahaina before the downed power line that sparked the flames etc. Seems a little too coincidental. But no really, I've never seen a wildfire burning from brush and dry conditions and high winds (which were high but not that high especially in such a dense population of buildings, how can wind speed even get that high with so many concrete buildings and whatnot as literal dampeners and redirects etc. But even that withstanding, it burned too hot and too fast. And the ridiculousness between HECO and emergency government personnel etc. It's just off. Notnto mention how green was being blocked for his prefab housing plans that were his big campaign promise etc but now in light of this tragedy he gets a faster than ever greenlight as now it became an urgent need?! Yeah no suspicious as f.

    • @unboundbytiffany
      @unboundbytiffany Рік тому +4

      @RosyOutlook2 although not sure what you're talking about with the turbines, those are pretty far from alot of the fires and usually don't serve much purpose from what i remember learning about them but I'm not well educated on them I just remember seeing them and thinking how far away they were and not very prominent nor that many of them etc. Also, what the heck does the droughts have to do with it? Lahaina is just always extremely dry, sunny, not rainy often, and is one of the driest hottest areas on Maui. No clue about how the weather could be suspicious though as if someone has the ability to manipulate that to cause fires, I'm sure as hell scared to death for us all, but also extremely extremely interested in exactly how that works? If you have any links in which could further educate me in what you speak if I'd love to read and learn for sure :)

    • @lonzoballcandoitall4132
      @lonzoballcandoitall4132 Рік тому +2

      I'm confused by your comment. Lahaina is mostly wood and is known for being an historical town. I don't think it is as up to date as you claim. Maybe you lived in an area that was? I stayed there twice in last 6 or 7 years, near Chessburger in Paradise. Pretty much everything is wood there?

  • @Cre8tvMG
    @Cre8tvMG Рік тому +2

    The problem with saying 'partly climate change' is that NO ONE has any idea what the baseline temp would be if there was no climate change, and even worse, no idea how much of that would be human caused. In addition we know that the climate is continually changing in a continually ice age cycle every 25-50,000 years and has done it dozens or hundreds of times. So there is literally no way to know if climate change had the slightest impact on the fires, or if it was simply weather, which is also continually variable. It's irresponsible for anyone - most of all any scientist - to blame climate change at all. It's ignorance and assumption without any factual basis.

  • @ChloeLukich
    @ChloeLukich Рік тому +5

    I used to live on Maui, in Paia.. those tall alarm polls went off every couple of months for testing. I find it BEYOND alarming that those alarms didn’t go off……

  • @bobf9749
    @bobf9749 Рік тому +11

    Directed Energy Weapons such as high-powered lasers exist. I have no idea whether they were used in Maui. A few years ago, three people were convicted of arson on Maui. It can’t be ruled out here. Developers have been coveting Lahaina but haven’t been able to build because of the historic nature of the town. Meanwhile, the governor of Hawaii and the World Economic Forum have had big plans to make Hawaii all electric, run everything by AI, have 15-minute cities, and so on. This is enough to raise suspicions in anyone’s mind.

    • @ttdttd4211
      @ttdttd4211 Рік тому +1

      I want to know who debunked the dews. . theory

    • @ttdttd4211
      @ttdttd4211 Рік тому

      POTUS obiden works for the Wef. He pretty much is working for king Charles the turd.

    • @kalimataan
      @kalimataan Рік тому +1

      I am so happy that you see the connection to the WEF. I am not from the States,I have no experience with fires,but the fire is not the focus it is their tool,many people talked about corruption and it also will be connected to climate change, but here in Lahaina seems another interest to be apparent.

    • @ttdttd4211
      @ttdttd4211 Рік тому

      @@kalimataan yeah Queen Charles the turd needs to be stopped and Klaus. Screw their 4th industrial revolution. I'm not eating no dang ole bugs man.

  • @BenjimenFranklin-r1h
    @BenjimenFranklin-r1h Рік тому +97

    Sounds fishy to me. To many things went wrong at the same time.

    • @randymarsh27
      @randymarsh27 Рік тому +5

      Power lines dude

    • @BenjimenFranklin-r1h
      @BenjimenFranklin-r1h Рік тому +12

      Emergency Alert System is battery powered.

    • @florenbaron7111
      @florenbaron7111 Рік тому +22

      You are rig)ht. The fi(re)s are being fie(ld by some adv(anc)ed wea)pon)s. Something that would get me c(ensore)d. It's being com(mit)ted in many places. It's an ag(en)da. The gre)at re(set.

    • @elainebradley8213
      @elainebradley8213 Рік тому +4

      Often disasters are caused by a multiplicity of errors and inattention. If you watch historical disaster videos this happens over and over. Now, to learn something from this and create change is so important.

    • @ZEUStheKingGermanShepherd
      @ZEUStheKingGermanShepherd Рік тому +9

      Yea..... fishy bigtime. Fema won't even let Cajun navy set up in a designated area !!!

  • @old4134
    @old4134 Рік тому +2

    In referencing the Paradise CA fire; it must be noted that in the past PG&E spent huge sums of money updating their infrastructure, much of which is old and dating back many decades as far as WW2. In recent years they have been legislated by the state into diverting vast sums into “green energy!” There is only so much money available, meaning much more potential for infrastructure failures to cause many more and widespread wildfires, As PG&E are forced by law to spend on chasing the green dream instead of where they would have otherwise updated older services, wildfires will continue to rage and become more and more common. It’s much more s case of well intentioned legislators and green radicals creating unintended consequences than it is so called and constantly fear-mongered “climate change!”

  • @two-strokesmoke7289
    @two-strokesmoke7289 Рік тому +16


    • @smgdfcmfah
      @smgdfcmfah Рік тому


    • @godman5043
      @godman5043 Рік тому

      So true. Just do some basic research on HAARP weather fascilities