It's midnight, 32 degrees n rainy in The Columbia River Gorge, north most Oregon. Mah fiah place stay riiiiipin .. To see the 'twin hump' back side cove wit 'da bush' where I went huli'o n jumped 85 ft into the cove .. sooo many times .. wuzzz just supah cool, aah !? B n R Kailua at Castle Memorial .. mahalos, aloha n GODSPEED !!
It's midnight, 32 degrees n rainy in The Columbia River Gorge, north most Oregon. Mah fiah place stay riiiiipin .. To see the 'twin hump' back side cove wit 'da bush' where I went huli'o n jumped 85 ft into the cove .. sooo many times .. wuzzz just supah cool, aah !? B n R Kailua at Castle Memorial .. mahalos, aloha n GODSPEED !!