I am so glad Obama came out and finally campaigned for Hillary. That definitely put Trump over the top, since Obama is so unpopular (contrary to the media lies about his popularity).
Ted Cruz, a principled person said "Vote your conscience". After months of questioning his conscience, he is voting for Trump. Stop buying into the crooked media and vote Trump to fix the economy so that we can get back to work rest assured.
And get rid of any incumbent Republican in Congress who supported Trump before the 2005 tape came out!. Why didn't they back away when he was putting down all the other women, Mexicans, Muslims etc?
This will be the first video I post on election night, after Trump is projected the winner in a landslide. The compilation videos of smug liberals that will be made will be epic.
And, Hillary had NO coattails. She didn't do a single thing for the dem party's chances of victory in down ballot races. She left the gop with the house, the senate, the white house, and the supreme court. I hope she runs again in 2020.
HEIL TWITLER ...Without the MSM as her hallelujah chorus, Hillary couldn't be elected dog catcher. Even with the MSM and the GOP establishment all shilling for her, she still lost.
People's president? Sounds like a dictatorship! You know Trumps father in law is a bigshot Communist Party official? Look it up. Trump has no history of being part of any organization that has helped people other than himself. Please research that as well. And people who are jot white are not welcomed by the alt right groups who support him, and who he refused to criticize: the American Nazi Party, the KKK, David Duke. Also available for you to research. Mexicans and Moslems are also people,msome of them American, none of them welcome by Trump's statements about a database for the police to track all Moslem citizen in the US! The people? Nonsense!
@Faisal R: It doesn't worry you that Trump has skipped due process and proceeded directly to putting his political opponent in jail? Who disregards the Sixth Amendment (along with the First). Who disregards pesky little things like evidence and will imprison folks solely based on popular sentiment? If that doesn't worry you, it does worry me. Because if Trump disregards the rule of law in one instance, what's to stop him from doing it to other opponents, institutions, or even regular citizens who have the temerity to criticize him on twitter?
I thought America has had enough of the Clinton two terms and the Bushes two terms in office. Surely the voters will want change and will vote for Trump who is an outsider opposed to the establishment status quo. For this reason alone the voters will vote Trump into victory come November 8!
Theodore Nicklas No more self-defense. No more freedom of speech. No more jobs. No more self-respect. When they shut down the Internet, just remember I told you so. Trump is the only anti-free-trade anti-open borders anti-globalism candidate. Trump is the only candidate acting like he cares about American workers and freedom.
john moore Controlling immigration is extremely relevant to poor working people. Taking jobs back from communist China and India is extremely important to working people and freedom.
Ask yourself a question .Why is Obama and his wife helping Hillary could it be the fact that Donald said if he wins the election he would see Hillary in jail? Who else might be implicated?
I can't believe these media hacks revel in the political prestidigitation that Obama and Michelle and Hillary are performing when the corruption in our government is as plain as the nose on their faces. Every other criminal activity aside this latest stunt with Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch and James Comey should have had scads of people on trial for federal crimes, yet the FBI handed out immunity to people like a department store Santa hands out candy canes Our country is headed for a catastrophic ending if we don't stop these criminals. Vote Trump for God's sake and the sake of your Country and family.
Margaret Cary Totally different. What do you think happened in Brexit and why do you think it happened. What were the main points of remain and leave camps. What voting system was used and how does if differ from the American system.
Ari said "this presidential race is virtually over ..the only thing that can save Donald Trump now is some kind of external intervention".. Yeah Ari boy there was an intervention - a Divine Intervention!
I understand people's insecurity and fear of the future and what it may bring. I'm not immune to it myself. BUT...Like it or not, globalism is here. You can't put it back in the box. The solution is to learn to understand it, work within it and use it to the advantage of a nation and its population. Pretending it doesn't exist and trying to make a country work in isolation of it will only mean that country will be left behind. All developed nations are struggling with this to a greater or lesser degree at the moment, but stepping out of the race simply means you have no chance of winning that race. Isolationism really isn't an option - look at North Korea.
+kez kezooie I understand that some people could not care less about their fellow citizens, they would rather save a dollar when they go to Walmart than keep jobs here at home and preserve our freedom. I understand that some people are fine with encouraging slave labor because they hate their fellow citizens earning a decent wage for labor. I understand that some people could not care less about their fellow citizens, so they are willing to flood our labor market with illegal immigrants, depressing wages and displacing American workers. The love of money is the root of all evil. Some people have been seduced by the corporate establishment into destroying their own. If the trend is not reversed, we will all suffer horribly. The elite will not reverse the trend, they love the idea of the rich and powerful controlling government. Trade should be based on natural resources and climate, not slave labor. One country has a lot of food. Another country has a lot of gold. So they trade food for gold. Civilized societies do not treat their people like slaves. Civilized government should not be sucking everything it can out of ordinary people "because that is the way communist China does it". Democracies flourish without taking advantage of slave labor or illegal immigration. Nothing to do with isolationism. The comparison to North Korea is absurd.
Mike Bolderstake How would you propose stopping the influence of globalisation in the US? If it doesn't involve islolation of your manufacturing and economiy, I'm truly interested in hearing your ideas. No sarcasm here, truly interested.
kez kezooie I already explained that. The objective of trade is not to subjugate your workers. Our workers are fed up with it. Politicians and women voters are being influenced. There is no way to "stop the influence". It is a choice.
After 11/8/2016 Mr. Trump will add on more title to his uuuuuuuuuuuuuge list...............Ex-pat!! He will leave the U.S. because of the vast conspiracy that has it in for Donald Trump.......we can only hope.
If Trump spoke like obama did in that video, he'd have been on snl the next weekend, being mocked for a stuttering, corney, finger pointing speech. And yet the snl writers continue to swear they just couldn't find funny things to satirize obama about. Pathetic.
To the stupid people voting for her+ prepare to be drafted, prepare to go to war, prepare to be nuked, prepare to watch your families die, prepare for the greatest economic crisis in the history of the world, thank yourself for being stupid for once in your brainwashed life think please
I will get back to you in 4 years and tell you whether her presidency did that if not I expect an an apology. I mean you guys said the same thing about obama and the world didn't blow up. Don't you get tired of being wrong?
I need the people to ask calm down, breathe deeply and ask themselves one question. Why does Mr Obama think it's okay for a person like Hillary Clinton to be in the whitehouse? The true answer to that question will tell you everything about the world we live in right now.
James Jamesbond Thank you for thinking about it logicaly. True but how can he just throw aside all she has done? Or campaign for her everyday? The answer she is the only one who will finish what he started . And that is something most Americans have been turning their eye from.
James Jamesbond Its hard to tell what their benifit in all this is, my guess is they have been promised dominion over large portions of the earth. That is up for speculation, but the fact is this is happening right now. Russia did a 40 million people nuclear drill, do you think that was just 'for fun?"
Republican leadership turned the other cheek on all of the other Trump antics cuz his insults weren't effecting their voting block. But eventually he insults EVERYONE that isn't himself.
Insults are *MUCH* better then murdering people. Trump is going to win in a landslide. NOBODY is voting Hillary. It's all rigged and set up. But you can't rig Millions and millions of votes. These are the numbers Trump will be ahead by November 8th. With the *REAL* polls.
Also, here is a real un biased news outlet. Alternative. That speaks *ONLY* truth.. Be prepared for these emails. The 33k Hillary deleted was hacked before she "bleach bitted" them. And will be released brilliantly in timing up to nov 1st. In 4- 5 batchs. Just so the democrats can't replace her. Yes that bad. Read this from the hackers themselves. ilovemyfreedom.org
Michael J. Bernard What'd you do, cut and paste that from a previous comment? Lol. You're being conned Gilligan. Donald Trump doesn't yield control to anyone!! When everyone else is wrong and you're the only one that's right then that's a good sign that your reality has been altered. Look. ..I don't like the coziness of big business and our government, we can agree on that. But Trump is an oligarch and his spent his life attempting to tilt the game in his favor, defrauding people and taking advantage of people that couldn't afford to fight back. For 70 years it's ALWAYS been about HIM! His new motive is to tilt the game in his favor from the INSIDE vs the OUTSIDE. Hillary is the quintessential politician but she's also the most qualified and can reconcile public vs private interests. Business is not the enemy but their influence has to be waned. Donald Trump does not represent change, he represents himself and his own interests. He's not proposing public financing or getting money out of politics. ..he's proposing tax cuts that largely benefit him and other oligarchs. Your cult leader IS the establishment!! He doesn't even have the self discipline that is necessary for a job like this, let alone the knowledge that is required. Trump qualifies for the job if you IGNORE his: words, behavior, actions, lack of knowledge, inexperience and a lifetime dedicated to inflating his narcissism! Wake up Dorothy...it's time to come home! !
Does anyone else see the childishness of these people? "Ohhh Michele Obama made a great speech!" etc etc... Gee! Thanks for your opinion. I'll make up my own mind, thank you.
The MSM is now so CORRUPT...the Presidential race now over for CNN, MSNBC, & CBS the dinosaurs ALT media is already out-gunning in viewership with extremely low budgets
Contrary to what is said here I suspect that Trump will stay in politics for at least four years since he was elected President. But what do I know compared to these experts.
BUUUAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA XD In the words of our great President Barack Obama = "Please proceed governor". Don the Con, by all means keep firing up your base (35% of the vote) till November = Go ahead...walk into the propeller. BUUUUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD
John Smith Don the Con, by all means keep firing up your base (35% of the vote) till November = Go ahead...walk into the propeller. BUUUUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD. Go get grabbed in the pu#@y, J Smith you Russian sh$# bag
John Smith He wasn't your choice but he is your President. That is if you are American. He is commander in chief, Head of the executive branch, and a black man. He's almost done but he won't be forgotten.
HIGHz RollAz You had me until ISIS war...girl bye. Iraq was Bush so you're done. Aren't the Republicans the ones who wanna bomb the entire middle east that it's sheet glass? Or whatever dumbfuck Ted Cruz said. Blaming Democrats....nice try.
You are obviously of course objectively wrong. Hillary is eminently qualified as is obvious to anyone bright enough to recognize it. Judging by your comment, I did not expect you to be aware of this fact, but it is a fact. You are welcome for the education. Try not to squander it.
LLJ x Right, but Trump has clearly no idea what he is talking about and has been wrong about pretty much everything, which is why he is going to lose the Presidential election badly. Or are you one of the profoundly stupid people who believe Trump speaks truth? Or were you talking about bbob and don?
btw, Hillary is not as 'unpopular' as you all like to spout. And those who listen to, and have encouraged the decades of indecent daily distortions and accusations by Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, Bassos Republicans are the problem.
She's said before she has no intention of running herself because she wouldn't wanna put her daughters through another 4-8 years of having a parent in the Oval Office. It's okay, I cried too.
The first LGBT president the US ever had. That sound about right as the water has emasculated the US male who has no balls and lets Israel and Soros make the rules and the elite have the nuclear bunkers. LOL all the best when the Sarmat and Satan missiles come raining down but at least it will be quick.
We'll never know what would have happened in the last 8 years had someone else been president for part or all of that time (say McCain or Romney), but what is for certain is that the president doesn't cause everything. Don't overestimate the effect one of our 3 major parts of (just) the federal government can have, the entire point of the balance of power is that one man can't ruin a nation (and also can't solve every problem). That's a king, not a president.
Honestly, I feel bad for those too ignorant to see the level of grace and dignity the Obama family restored to the big White House. One can argue and disagree with policy all they want, but no one can say they are not a good and decent America family who represented US proudly.
bbob70 You do know that the US would have had to put soldiers again in harms way to prevent all this carnage. It was and is a no win situation for the US. It is a consequence of an ill planned invasion, Iraqi Shiite corruption and weakness and an US President determined not to start another long intervention with US soldiers on the ground. Was it right? From a Syrian perspective, no. But we could not have simply prevented it either.
And if Hillary doesn't fight tooth and nail to get Obama on the supreme court, for which he is supremely qualified she can forget about a second term. You feel me? She may not be able to pull it off, but she better fight for it.
Richard Daugherty No offense taken mate , but this guy Trump is like Teflon he just keeps bouncing back up stronger and stronger. According to Rasmussen polls he is now 2 points ahead of Hill. Ofcourse mainstream media is now saying that Rasmussen are the worst polling source in history when just last week they lauded them and kept reciting the Trump fall 7 points behind on Rasmussen polls after lewd tape. I believe this guy is about to hit the unstoppable phase, if the voting machines aren't hacked he is going to win wether we like it or not.
Obama's non-confrontational, co-operative , environmental friendly, foreign policy will be followed by subsequent presidents. America has this only choice.
These guys (liberals) live in a fantasy world and talk in "wishful thinking" terms. They convince themselves of things that they "want" to be true instead of what they "believe" to be true.
to answer Obama's question why is that okay because you are taking his statements out of context and projecting a biased perspective on them like a professional politician
now they think that Trump's presidency will be chaiotic... don't you all think for a moment that maybe Trump's presidency will be successful than this showman president hhhh we'll have the last laugh
With their perversion of wanting boys and girls in the same bathrooms and locker rooms, I don't think Michelle should be lecturing anyone about being insulting or decent!
In retrospect, the media's cocky disposition about this race is hilarious. It is so delicious, especially knowing how heartbroken they are today.
Absolutely well said.
Joe Leicht , 🤣🤣🤣, I love ❤️ it.
It really cheers me up.
Ari said Trump, whose slogan was 'Make America Great Again', made the election all about him, but Hillary, whose slogan was 'I'm With Her' didn't? K.
Along with the "Break the glass Ceiling" theme......
Haha! Good point. They're that blind?
I am so glad Obama came out and finally campaigned for Hillary. That definitely put Trump over the top, since Obama is so unpopular (contrary to the media lies about his popularity).
No, he was popular.
Ari and the entire media are eating some humble pie now. Go Trump!!
The main thing to remember is that these people continue to be just as informed and accurate today as they were then.
Ain't that the truth!
LOL Almost a year later and reading through these comments has been hilarous.
This funeral planning always tickles my funny bone. I can’t stop laughing at these smug know-it-alls.
How enjoyable it is to watch a year later on MAGA day.
Ted Cruz, a principled person said "Vote your conscience". After months of questioning his conscience, he is voting for Trump. Stop buying into the crooked media and vote Trump to fix the economy so that we can get back to work rest assured.
Don't get complacent. GO VOTE.
I agree. go vote and make sure Hillary wins.
Vote for Trump or Jill Stein. We cannot sanction corruption at the highest levels by supporting Hillary.
@Jake and LLJx: Exactly. VOTE, PEOPLE! And when you do, vote for the adult.
but...but...but, I wanna vote for orange head! mommy, get me orange head...wah!!!
And get rid of any incumbent Republican in Congress who supported Trump before the 2005 tape came out!.
Why didn't they back away when he was putting down all the other women, Mexicans, Muslims etc?
how wrong everyone was!
This will be the first video I post on election night, after Trump is projected the winner in a landslide. The compilation videos of smug liberals that will be made will be epic.
Rob Portman just won my vote. I was on the fence before this.
Democrats got ther clocks cleaned in 2016 and they didn't see it coming
And, Hillary had NO coattails. She didn't do a single thing for the dem party's chances of victory in down ballot races. She left the gop with the house, the senate, the white house, and the supreme court. I hope she runs again in 2020.
This thread is hilarious
I will come back and visit after Trumps election
It's even more delicious in July 2020, notwithstanding the so called pandemic!
I love coming back and watching these expert predictions. Just to remind myself how empty MSM really is.
WOW!!!! It didn't quite work out this way did it?
If MSM covers wikileaks fairly, Hillary won't have a chance.
Razib Baral JOY nobody cares about wiki leaks there have been nothing interesting in the emails
Theodore Nicklas She is going to be the 1st US president in under criminal investigation. What a shame!!
HEIL TWITLER ...Without the MSM as her hallelujah chorus, Hillary couldn't be elected dog catcher. Even with the MSM and the GOP establishment all shilling for her, she still lost.
We didn't see 35,000 of her emails.
Ari, virtually over? You know we're all laughing at you now.
As we say in France, "if my aunt had some, she would be my uncle"
We see how clowns like Ari Fleischer got their hats handed to them. Nice insight, Ari. Better tear up that soothsayer résumé.
well, this was made on 14 October. fast forward 17 October. time changes things. Trump, the people's president. vote Trump!
People's president? Sounds like a dictatorship! You know Trumps father in law is a bigshot Communist Party official? Look it up. Trump has no history of being part of any organization that has helped people other than himself. Please research that as well. And people who are jot white are not welcomed by the alt right groups who support him, and who he refused to criticize: the American Nazi Party, the KKK, David Duke. Also available for you to research. Mexicans and Moslems are also people,msome of them American, none of them welcome by Trump's statements about a database for the police to track all Moslem citizen in the US! The people? Nonsense!
So much for Ari's expert opinion.
I'm kinda curious on why y'all are not covering all the new revelations on Mrs Clinton? I thought this was a news channel,
Later. Right now PussyGate is breaking.
+LLJ x
You are the poster boy for repealing the anchor baby law.
It has been covered. Perhaps you missed it.
A News channel? Come on, you know better than that. These are paid political prostitutes.
True,that I can tell you.
This was awesome! Ha Ha Ha they were all wrong lol.
And now we know MSNBC didn't have a clue as to what they were talking about.
Yeh, they were just hoping they could convince people of a bunch of bs.
It's so sweet reading this thread, knowing how bad these pundits' predictions were prior to November 8, 2016!
The nice thing is there are so many of these videos to watch of these fools getting it all wrong on election night!
it's over for Hillary
Yeah, now she can focus on being President.
LLJ x now she can focus on being jail
@Faisal R: It doesn't worry you that Trump has skipped due process and proceeded directly to putting his political opponent in jail? Who disregards the Sixth Amendment (along with the First). Who disregards pesky little things like evidence and will imprison folks solely based on popular sentiment?
If that doesn't worry you, it does worry me. Because if Trump disregards the rule of law in one instance, what's to stop him from doing it to other opponents, institutions, or even regular citizens who have the temerity to criticize him on twitter?
Jeweled Bird well Hillary is criminal so she should be in jail and I think it's smart for trump to point this at the second debate.
Faisal R According to which prosecutor, judge and jury?
I thought America has had enough of the Clinton two terms and the Bushes two terms in office. Surely the voters will want change and will vote for Trump who is an outsider opposed to the establishment status quo. For this reason alone the voters will vote Trump into victory come November 8!
Trump was another bad Republican choice. They knew Hillary was up. They gave her a gift in the form of trump.
+LLJ x
Your mother should have never dropped anchor in the United States.
Theodore Nicklas
No more self-defense. No more freedom of speech. No more jobs. No more self-respect. When they shut down the Internet, just remember I told you so.
Trump is the only anti-free-trade anti-open borders anti-globalism candidate. Trump is the only candidate acting like he cares about American workers and freedom.
Igos Mosig Change is not always good. Especially someone who has no revleant policys
john moore
Controlling immigration is extremely relevant to poor working people. Taking jobs back from communist China and India is extremely important to working people and freedom.
The race is virtually over...
And then it was literally over, LOL
Ask yourself a question .Why is Obama and his wife helping Hillary could it be the fact that Donald said if he wins the election he would see Hillary in jail? Who else might be implicated?
Why upload a video of an interview with a guest if you're going to cut it off early?
it's a UA-cam channel. there's no exclusive content for subscribers
Drain the Swamp!... these talking heads are all like Sock Puppets in their Own Echo Chamber... same Yada.. Yada. Yada!
sneak a peek coming from a Trump's broken record voter's
wilbert kim .. How bout this if you want New Info.. www.infowars.com/how-americas-elections-are-hacked/
wilbert kim alex is so bad? what are you doing to make a better world?
I can't believe these media hacks revel in the political prestidigitation that Obama and Michelle and Hillary are performing when the corruption in our government is as plain as the nose on their faces. Every other criminal activity aside this latest stunt with Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch and James Comey should have had scads of people on trial for federal crimes, yet the FBI handed out immunity to people like a department store Santa hands out candy canes Our country is headed for a catastrophic ending if we don't stop these criminals. Vote Trump for God's sake and the sake of your Country and family.
Remember Brexit...
Margaret Cary Totally different. What do you think happened in Brexit and why do you think it happened. What were the main points of remain and leave camps. What voting system was used and how does if differ from the American system.
Ari said "this presidential race is virtually over ..the only thing that can save Donald Trump now is some kind of external intervention".. Yeah Ari boy there was an intervention - a Divine Intervention!
Now that trump has won. Where y'all at
, type English for starters
Sure MSNBC.....we believe you
That's why you watching
no. we watch to know the lies they are telling the weak-minded...so we can predict the next blm riot
&Free Speech How did this become BLM?
watch fox...those losers. ..I NEVER Watch fox...NOT Interested
&Free Speech is saying that BLM riots are staged to divert attention from the fraud, which is being perpetrated on us.
Watching these 'experts' are truly funny now.
The globalist agenda is killing American workers. Hopefully women voters will wake up and realize they cannot get by without their male counterparts.
I understand people's insecurity and fear of the future and what it may bring. I'm not immune to it myself.
BUT...Like it or not, globalism is here. You can't put it back in the box. The solution is to learn to understand it, work within it and use it to the advantage of a nation and its population.
Pretending it doesn't exist and trying to make a country work in isolation of it will only mean that country will be left behind.
All developed nations are struggling with this to a greater or lesser degree at the moment, but stepping out of the race simply means you have no chance of winning that race.
Isolationism really isn't an option - look at North Korea.
+kez kezooie
I understand that some people could not care less about their fellow citizens, they would rather save a dollar when they go to Walmart than keep jobs here at home and preserve our freedom.
I understand that some people are fine with encouraging slave labor because they hate their fellow citizens earning a decent wage for labor.
I understand that some people could not care less about their fellow citizens, so they are willing to flood our labor market with illegal immigrants, depressing wages and displacing American workers.
The love of money is the root of all evil. Some people have been seduced by the corporate establishment into destroying their own. If the trend is not reversed, we will all suffer horribly. The elite will not reverse the trend, they love the idea of the rich and powerful controlling government.
Trade should be based on natural resources and climate, not slave labor. One country has a lot of food. Another country has a lot of gold. So they trade food for gold.
Civilized societies do not treat their people like slaves. Civilized government should not be sucking everything it can out of ordinary people "because that is the way communist China does it".
Democracies flourish without taking advantage of slave labor or illegal immigration. Nothing to do with isolationism. The comparison to North Korea is absurd.
Mike Bolderstake
How would you propose stopping the influence of globalisation in the US?
If it doesn't involve islolation of your manufacturing and economiy, I'm truly interested in hearing your ideas. No sarcasm here, truly interested.
kez kezooie
I already explained that. The objective of trade is not to subjugate your workers. Our workers are fed up with it. Politicians and women voters are being influenced. There is no way to "stop the influence". It is a choice.
Mike Bolderstake
I mean in actual policy and action - what sort of solutions would you propose?
After 11/8/2016 Mr. Trump will add on more title to his uuuuuuuuuuuuuge list...............Ex-pat!! He will leave the U.S. because of the vast conspiracy that has it in for Donald Trump.......we can only hope.
Good point. He might try to run. They must take his passport away.
LOL... Wut?
I think you should leave, as Donald Trump has too much to do being OUR PRESIDENT to go.
If Trump spoke like obama did in that video, he'd have been on snl the next weekend, being mocked for a stuttering, corney, finger pointing speech. And yet the snl writers continue to swear they just couldn't find funny things to satirize obama about. Pathetic.
nan nan
nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan
hey hey heyyyyyy!
Good Bye!
nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan
hey hey heyyyyyy!
Good Bye!!!!
To the stupid people voting for her+ prepare to be drafted, prepare to go to war, prepare to be nuked, prepare to watch your families die, prepare for the greatest economic crisis in the history of the world, thank yourself for being stupid for once in your brainwashed life think please
I will get back to you in 4 years and tell you whether her presidency did that if not I expect an an apology. I mean you guys said the same thing about obama and the world didn't blow up. Don't you get tired of being wrong?
Matt Mousasi whatever you just said is nothing but brainwashed crap
LOL! you killin' me... nan nan nan nan nan nan!
"Goodbye dems"
Ari is a joke. It's not over until fat lady sings. Wikileaks is not done. they are saving the good for last. Mark my word. It's gonna be huge!
just telling you something you need to hear.
Exactly. Cheney puppet and war mongerer
wanna bet?
Because Wikileaks are now tied by the CIA to Russia, espionage and Trump, they are now hurting Trump.
You mean "YUGE" Loser.
folks just go vote. if you don't it's a vote for Trump.
I need the people to ask calm down, breathe deeply and ask themselves one question. Why does Mr Obama think it's okay for a person like Hillary Clinton to be in the whitehouse? The true answer to that question will tell you everything about the world we live in right now.
Remember your emotional brain responds in the first 3 seconds, your logical brain answers after. Try Use the logical brain.
Party loyality and previous agreements.
James Jamesbond Thank you for thinking about it logicaly. True but how can he just throw aside all she has done? Or campaign for her everyday? The answer she is the only one who will finish what he started .
And that is something most Americans have been turning their eye from.
What is the grand plan?
James Jamesbond
Its hard to tell what their benifit in all this is, my guess is they have been promised dominion over large portions of the earth.
That is up for speculation, but the fact is this is happening right now. Russia did a 40 million people nuclear drill, do you think that was just 'for fun?"
Republican leadership turned the other cheek on all of the other Trump antics cuz his insults weren't effecting their voting block. But eventually he insults EVERYONE that isn't himself.
Trump being Trump.
Insults are *MUCH* better then murdering people. Trump is going to win in a landslide. NOBODY is voting Hillary. It's all rigged and set up. But you can't rig Millions and millions of votes. These are the numbers Trump will be ahead by November 8th. With the *REAL* polls.
Michael J. Bernard I hope you're just trolling because if you believe any of that then you're in a conspiracy bubble or just plain "high."
Also, here is a real un biased news outlet. Alternative. That speaks *ONLY* truth.. Be prepared for these emails. The 33k Hillary deleted was hacked before she "bleach bitted" them. And will be released brilliantly in timing up to nov 1st. In 4- 5 batchs. Just so the democrats can't replace her. Yes that bad. Read this from the hackers themselves. ilovemyfreedom.org
Michael J. Bernard What'd you do, cut and paste that from a previous comment? Lol. You're being conned Gilligan. Donald Trump doesn't yield control to anyone!! When everyone else is wrong and you're the only one that's right then that's a good sign that your reality has been altered.
Look. ..I don't like the coziness of big business and our government, we can agree on that. But Trump is an oligarch and his spent his life attempting to tilt the game in his favor, defrauding people and taking advantage of people that couldn't afford to fight back. For 70 years it's ALWAYS been about HIM! His new motive is to tilt the game in his favor from the INSIDE vs the OUTSIDE.
Hillary is the quintessential politician but she's also the most qualified and can reconcile public vs private interests. Business is not the enemy but their influence has to be waned. Donald Trump does not represent change, he represents himself and his own interests. He's not proposing public financing or getting money out of politics. ..he's proposing tax cuts that largely benefit him and other oligarchs. Your cult leader IS the establishment!!
He doesn't even have the self discipline that is necessary for a job like this, let alone the knowledge that is required. Trump qualifies for the job if you IGNORE his: words, behavior, actions, lack of knowledge, inexperience and a lifetime dedicated to inflating his narcissism!
Wake up Dorothy...it's time to come home! !
Mr. Fleischer with all do respect sir..........You were wrong.
Mr. Fleischer, with no respect at all, BOY, WERE YOU WRONG!
Ari Fleischer really???? How foolish u can be :)
Wiki leaks could be a game changer still
Where was wiki leaks when bernie was running
+Susan Verdon How?
Gary Anderson Now the knuckle draggers can add Sockgate and Risottogate to their list of Clinton conspiracies thanks to Julian.
Where was Wikileaks during the primary?? Its becoming obvious that wikileaks and Putin want Trump to win...
Don't jinx it!
Well when your political system is forcefully bipartisan and the vote is not mandatory someone had to carry the crazies who vote.
Who will the GOP throw up for 2020? Charlie Sheen?
He's far too sane and ethical. Drag your mind through a fascist gutter....and then pick someone else. You'll be closer.
Probably Ted Cruz. Nobody likes him and he has no chance of winning, perfect for the GOP candidate!
The republic never win pres until they relate to educate woman and blacks
Maybe Ted Nugent , perhaps Sean Hannity , possibly Kenny Rogers , more likely Roy Rogers .
LOL LOL LOL Ha Ha Ha Ha! You know, that's not so far fetched.
I still love watching this stuff! MAGA 2020
Neocons praising neocons in a neocon network. This network is virtually over.
Moonbats Spewing Nothing But Crap !!
The Morning Schmo.
Does anyone else see the childishness of these people? "Ohhh Michele Obama made a great speech!" etc etc... Gee! Thanks for your opinion. I'll make up my own mind, thank you.
boycott msnbc and cnn.
The MSM is now so CORRUPT...the Presidential race now over for CNN, MSNBC, & CBS the dinosaurs
ALT media is already out-gunning in viewership with extremely low budgets
I have since for years.
Contrary to what is said here I suspect that Trump will stay in politics for at least four years since he was elected President.
But what do I know compared to these experts.
Joe is insufferable.
I don't think Obama was qualified to be President - Mr. Community Organizer. Let's show the establishment and Keep America Great in 2020!
BUUUAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA XD In the words of our great President Barack Obama = "Please proceed governor". Don the Con, by all means keep firing up your base (35% of the vote) till November = Go ahead...walk into the propeller. BUUUUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD
Hahaha!! Funny. Cos Obama is a muslim ;) Right? Am I right? Hahaha! Good one!
John Smith Don the Con, by all means keep firing up your base (35% of the vote) till November = Go ahead...walk into the propeller. BUUUUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD. Go get grabbed in the pu#@y, J Smith you Russian sh$# bag
John Smith He wasn't your choice but he is your President. That is if you are American. He is commander in chief, Head of the executive branch, and a black man. He's almost done but he won't be forgotten.
Ur parents Brother and sister? Bet u they are....
***** they are they same with only slight differences, vote trump both parties hate him that shows u something u ball licking daisy
MSNBC is not serious. No Wikileaks coverage? BIG mistake.
Wikileaks and emails are not going to help PussyGate Trump.
So wrong lol
Seeing this now a year later is so funny.
No YOU vote for her.
Wow...we’re these people dead wrong on every quote. Why would people listen to them? How do they maintain an audience being such incorrect gas bags?
I'm not satisfied. I want the democrats to get the Senate and the house. Well the house is a stretch. Senate is more possible.
House isn't exactly out of reach....it's a stretch like you said but I think we can get it back.
I know, I agree. A Democrat controlled Govt will lead to a quicker Nuclear War for USA.
Gary Anderson
You know, you're not gonna make it when the Chinese and Russians come.
Lee Ntantu World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq Wars, ISIS War = Democrat started. That was some of a few.
HIGHz RollAz You had me until ISIS war...girl bye. Iraq was Bush so you're done.
Aren't the Republicans the ones who wanna bomb the entire middle east that it's sheet glass? Or whatever dumbfuck Ted Cruz said.
Blaming Democrats....nice try.
Just smugness did not work.
Trump is both extremely unpopular and extremely unqualified.
So is Hillary...
Hillary is corrupt. She is being propped by the media and neocons.
You are obviously of course objectively wrong. Hillary is eminently qualified as is obvious to anyone bright enough to recognize it. Judging by your comment, I did not expect you to be aware of this fact, but it is a fact. You are welcome for the education. Try not to squander it.
Like Trump said: Wrong!
LLJ x Right, but Trump has clearly no idea what he is talking about and has been wrong about pretty much everything, which is why he is going to lose the Presidential election badly. Or are you one of the profoundly stupid people who believe Trump speaks truth?
Or were you talking about bbob and don?
What a load of crap from these people.
btw, Hillary is not as 'unpopular' as you all like to spout. And those who listen to, and have encouraged the decades of indecent daily distortions and accusations by Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, Bassos Republicans are the problem.
Boy, Artie couldn't have read it more wrong.
Make 'em pay! Vote blue!
I guess blue is the way democrats felt after election night
I voted RED, WHITE & BLUE. And We Won!
*{Hillary, Huma, Bill & Weiner}* What goes up, must come down.
Hope Obama re-watch his Amazing speech every single day for the next eight years-
Yep, his speech was pretty nauseating to watch! I see why the country is so divided after 8 years of obama.
how sweet it is....even a year later....
michelle for potus 2020
She's said before she has no intention of running herself because she wouldn't wanna put her daughters through another 4-8 years of having a parent in the Oval Office. It's okay, I cried too.
she has no experience.
kate baxter I think that's an excellent idea, let's all write to her.
The first LGBT president the US ever had. That sound about right as the water has emasculated the US male who has no balls and lets Israel and Soros make the rules and the elite have the nuclear bunkers. LOL all the best when the Sarmat and Satan missiles come raining down but at least it will be quick.
We'll never know what would have happened in the last 8 years had someone else been president for part or all of that time (say McCain or Romney), but what is for certain is that the president doesn't cause everything. Don't overestimate the effect one of our 3 major parts of (just) the federal government can have, the entire point of the balance of power is that one man can't ruin a nation (and also can't solve every problem). That's a king, not a president.
Thank you Mr and Mrs Obama for giving us Trump.
it's drumpf
In your dreams, Donald, who is the author of that ridiculous comment. You never give up trying to mislead the intelligent voters.
More like it was Clinton and Obama who were fired haha
You were saying? LOL!
keep dream'n lol
No. 26 reason she lost. Spits up gross green globule from her mouth into glass of water.
I'm gonna miss the Obamas! I never regretted voting for him he has fought a long and hard battle and his humor is still in tact. Love them
Pr C - some that don't even realize it yet will.
The Syrian christians dying because of him andown Hillary would not agree with your praise of Obama.
Honestly, I feel bad for those too ignorant to see the level of grace and dignity the Obama family restored to the big White House. One can argue and disagree with policy all they want, but no one can say they are not a good and decent America family who represented US proudly.
Yeah, and what are you doing for the Syrian Christians? Do yu do the same thing for the Aerican Christians? How absurd.
bbob70 You do know that the US would have had to put soldiers again in harms way to prevent all this carnage. It was and is a no win situation for the US. It is a consequence of an ill planned invasion, Iraqi Shiite corruption and weakness and an US President determined not to start another long intervention with US soldiers on the ground. Was it right? From a Syrian perspective, no. But we could not have simply prevented it either.
can anyone explain why trump gets more likes on Fb/Twitter
More people at his rallies?.
We're talking triple and quadruple what Hillary gets.
Man I'm going to miss this guy!!!Obama should be President for life!!!!😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
And if Hillary doesn't fight tooth and nail to get Obama on the supreme court, for which he is supremely qualified she can forget about a second term. You feel me? She may not be able to pull it off, but she better fight for it.
Hey!!! That is a good 💡!!!!!I hope so!!!
Rafael Vazquez What a joke!!! Are you serious?
Rafael Vazquez I wonder what he has done to deserve that position?
Yes I agree; He will get life in prison.
What does the fringe on the flag represent?.........It's over, and I don't mean Trump.....The charade is over.
The president is sensible and right.
Richard Daugherty
No offense taken mate , but this guy Trump is like Teflon he just keeps bouncing back up stronger and stronger. According to Rasmussen polls he is now 2 points ahead of Hill. Ofcourse mainstream media is now saying that Rasmussen are the worst polling source in history when just last week they lauded them and kept reciting the Trump fall 7 points behind on Rasmussen polls after lewd tape.
I believe this guy is about to hit the unstoppable phase, if the voting machines aren't hacked he is going to win wether we like it or not.
one poll...haha
Obama's non-confrontational, co-operative , environmental friendly, foreign policy will be followed by subsequent presidents. America has this only choice.
I hope your talking about Donald Trump because that's the only president I know.
I cannot recall Obama being right about a single thing.
WHHHHAAAAAT! Virtually over? I dont even have words.. This is pathetic..
These guys (liberals) live in a fantasy world and talk in "wishful thinking" terms. They convince themselves of things that they "want" to be true instead of what they "believe" to be true.
Like what you do when you most likely say that Trump is not a sexual predator?
It's all they have left to try an affect the outcome of the election... Pathetic. I hope no one buys this nonsense.
No, I do not. But thanks for asking. And I can also say that I've never sexually assaulted a woman.
parabola, I assume you like little boys then....I thought so...
Amazing how I look at the titles on this channel & I see nothing about Hillary & WLeaks or the real issues going on in America.
It is always an education to hear these arbiters of "political correctness" prattle on so convinced of their own propaganda.
to answer Obama's question why is that okay because you are taking his statements out of context and projecting a biased perspective on them like a professional politician
The dems lost....OMG- get the freak over it already !!!
You can tell at the end Joe was going to push Ari on his declaration that the race is virtually over. Joe desperately wants this race to remain close.
talk about taking things out of context but i guess i shouldn't expect any better from Obama
What has Obama been feeding US the whole 7 1/2yrs?LOL!!!!!
now they think that Trump's presidency will be chaiotic... don't you all think for a moment that maybe Trump's presidency will be successful than this showman president hhhh we'll have the last laugh
"...And to dismiss this as everyday locker-room talk is an insult to decent men everywhere." ~ Michelle Obama
With their perversion of wanting boys and girls in the same bathrooms and locker rooms, I don't think Michelle should be lecturing anyone about being insulting or decent!
Another Lancelot Link Speech?
2018, still watching, love how this smug elitists making fool of themselves
Who is laughing now 😂😂😂😂😂😂
It's October 13. How can this be published tomorrow Oct. 14 ?
Watching this now is Hilarious!!! The Democrats and Obama got what they deserved!!!! #MAGA!!