your not alone I only know the first 4 Arabic letters In sha Allah I will learn it fully and read the Quran in Arabic In Sha Allah you will learn, ask a mosque close to you for Lessons
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen. Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.) Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate* usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
Brother at one point in your life, you should really think like: "Okay I'm done with English. I can't rely only at English anymore and I'm a muslim" Start learning Arabic... the language of Islam
جزاااك الله الف خييير ،،رووعه اتمنى تترجمونه للانجليزي ،، كلام عميييق،، والمشكله قلبي يعورني الحينه لما اشوف الاجانب المسلمين الجدد وهم يتكلمون عن حكام العرب ويكفرونهم اعرف ان هو خذ تعليمه من الخوارج او بعض او بعض الاخونجيه او الجزيره ،،مغسول مخهم الله المستعان
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen. Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.) Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate* usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
Alhamdullilah for the dawah. May Allah bless all the brothers and sisters who strive on this cause. Amen. A recommendation though, I believe most of us don't understand the Arabic language so a subtitle caption might be helpful. Thank you. A brother from Ghana. May Allah bless the Muslim ummah. AMEN.
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen. Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.) Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate* usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen. Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.) Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate* usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
لو سمحتم ممكن احد يوصل الى الاخ شمسي عند محاورت الشيعة يجب ان يتفق معهم هل مصحفكم الذي عند المهدي و لم يخرج مثل مصحفنا و هل القبلتهم كربلاء مثل قبلتنا و غيرها لكي يتم الحوار معهم او البعد عن الحوار معهم
May Allah swa protect all muslims and grant them the highest of heavens and look after all our affairs in this life and the next As all swa is the best of planers Summa Ameen
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen. Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.) Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate* usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen. Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.) Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate* usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen. Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.) Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate* usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
speak for urself buddy. He can do madad and did madad us. Also sunnis also ask Ya Ali madad , No onr brings him to level of Allah. we are not stupid like you think we are. Everything is with permission of Allah
@@syedbaqir2687 Those are KAFIRS who say they r sunni LoL Those r Sufi Grave worshipers they say they Sunni but they aren't ya Ali CANNOT madad according to ur own shia belief
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen. Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.) Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate* usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen. Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.) Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate* usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
لماذا الحسين وليس الحسن ؟؟!!!!!! . لماذا الشيعة يمدحون ويقدسون الحسين فقط دون سائر أولاد علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه ؟ هل سألت نفسك هذا السؤال ؟ هل تعجبت من هذا الأمر من قبل ؟ معلومة قد تصدمكم وتصدم الكثير من المسلمين في العالم وتصدم الشيعة العرب خاصة وقبل أن أجيب على هذا السؤال خذ معلومات عن أبناء علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه الأبناء: 1- الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب 2- الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب 3- المحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب 4- العباس بن علي بن أبي طالب 5- هلال بن علي بن أبي طالب 6- عبدالله بن علي بن أبي طالب 7- جعفر بن علي بن أبي طالب 8- عثمان بن علي بن أبي طالب 9- عبيدالله بن علي بن أبي طالب 10- أبو بكر بن علي بن أبي طالب 11- عمر بن علي بن أبي طالب هل رأيتم رايات شيعية كتب عليها (يا حسن) مثلا؟ أو كتب عليها يا محسن ياعباس طبعاً لا لم نر ! طيب لماذا (ياحسين )فقط ولماذا الاستغاثة بالحسين مع العلم أن الحسن شقيق الحسين وأمهم فاطمة الزهراء وأبوهم هو علي رضي الله عنهم أجمعين وكلاهما من آل البيت؟ هل سألتم أنفسكم ياعرب ويا شيعة العرب بالذات هذا السؤال ؟ قبل أن أجيب على هذا السؤال خذوا هذه المعلومة المذهلة هل تعلمون أن الأئمة الاثني عشر عند الشيعة كلهم من نسل الحسين فقط! والشيعة يقدسون الحسين دون الحسن وباقي أبناء علي رضي الله عنهم وأرضاهم لأن الحسين تزوج امرأة فارسية إيرانية ابنة ملك كسرى (يزدجرد) واسمها شهربانو عندما أسر المسلمون بنات كسرى بعد سقوط الدولة الفارسية وقتل ملكهم يزدجرد فقد أهدى الخليفة عمر رضي الله عنه إحدى بنات كسرى شاهزناه للحسين رضي الله عنه وتزوجها الحسين ولهذا السبب الشيعة يقدسون الحسين والأئمة لأن جميع الأئمة من نسل شاهزناه الفارسية وليس كما يدعون أنهم يحبون آل بيت النبي العربي" فجميع الأئمة الذين يقدسهم الشيعه ويرفعونهم مع مرتبة الأنبياء ويدعون عصمتهم هم من نسل الحسين فقط من زوجته الفارسية وجميع أئمتهم الاثني عشر من الفارسية وهم يحبون الحسين والأئمة لأنهم يقولون فيهم عرق ودم فارسي وهم سلالة ملوك كسرى! دعوا الناس تعرف أن الشيعة (الصفوية في ايران) يحبون آل بيت كسرى ملك الفرس وليس آل بيت النبي صل الله عليه وسلم . لا تقرأ فقط بل أرسلها ليعلم الجميع بذلك ؟؟ " منقول من صفحة الشيخ محمد بن عمر بازمول حفظه الله "
My brother Shamsi, I love you for the sake of Allah alone. Ofcourse we can not compare a land of kufr with land of tawheed. Like you I’m against people that support kufr systems and and want to go against Muslims…. But at the same time never forget to speak about injustice even if done by muslkmsn
No brother, ask the god directly (Such is Allah, your Lord. and those whom you call upon, other than Him, do not possess even as much as the membrane of a datestone, If you supplicate to them they cannot hear your supplication, and if they heard, they cannot answer you. On the Day of Resurrection they will disown your associating. None can tell you like He who is the Aware. ) Sura 35: FATIR , vrs 13,14. Anything and everyone included in this verses, expect Allah.
@@--GP-- You , it means you asking hussein. As the verses says: On the Day of Resurrection they will disown your associating. but you allowed to ask Allah directly with the love of hussein, Like this you still asking the greatest directly .
@@aounallahlamin9099 But I still do not ask anything from Husseyn. You don't understand. I say this: "Ya Husseyn! peace and blessing of Allah be upon you!" What do I wrong?
The mustache fellow said in europe u can criticize the government thats y they leave muslim country. cuz what wrong they see, they have to be silent. Shamsi like usual jumps from the topic. and then he cries y people call him madkhali.
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen. Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.) Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate* usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
@@ShiaRafidhiAkhbariIslam more people would understand. I understand that Muslim should learn Arabic, but there will always be people that are not there yet and would benefit from this
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen. Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.) Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate* usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan) ..
كلامك فارغ. يعني ما عندك الا التنابز بالالقاب. إنك تعجز أن تستند إلى كتاب الله تعالى وسنة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بفهم سلف الأمة من الصحابة و التابعين و أئمة المجتهدين. عفا الله عنك وهداك الله صراطا مستقيما.
لو سمحتم ممكن احد يوصل الى الاخ شمسي عند محاورت الشيعة يجب ان يتفق معهم هل مصحفكم الذي عند المهدي و لم يخرج مثل مصحفنا و هل القبلتهم كربلاء مثل قبلتنا و غيرها لكي يتم الحوار معهم او البعد عن الحوار معهم
I wish I could understand Arabic and the Quran, brothers and sisters, please ask Allah to get me there and get you and others like this there, ameen
hamdoulilah for your guidance , from your brother in islam 🤎
your not alone I only know the first 4 Arabic letters In sha Allah I will learn it fully and read the Quran in Arabic In Sha Allah you will learn, ask a mosque close to you for Lessons
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen.
Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.)
Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate*
usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
Brother at one point in your life, you should really think like:
"Okay I'm done with English. I can't rely only at English anymore and I'm a muslim"
Start learning Arabic... the language of Islam
جزاااك الله الف خييير ،،رووعه اتمنى تترجمونه للانجليزي ،، كلام عميييق،، والمشكله قلبي يعورني الحينه لما اشوف الاجانب المسلمين الجدد وهم يتكلمون عن حكام العرب ويكفرونهم اعرف ان هو خذ تعليمه من الخوارج او بعض او بعض الاخونجيه او الجزيره ،،مغسول مخهم
الله المستعان
انا أظن ان اكثر الناس يكفرون الحكام ولدوا مسلمين وجاءوا من البلدات العربيه للأسف لقلت علمهم . المسلمين الجدد يركزون على تعلم دينهم اكثر والله اعلم
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen.
Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.)
Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate*
usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
جزاك الله خير وارحم الله والديك وبارك الله فيك ياشيخ شمسي
واعز ونفع بك الله الاسلام
Alhamdullilah for the dawah. May Allah bless all the brothers and sisters who strive on this cause. Amen.
A recommendation though, I believe most of us don't understand the Arabic language so a subtitle caption might be helpful. Thank you. A brother from Ghana. May Allah bless the Muslim ummah. AMEN.
و الله ننتظر كل يوم أحد بفارغ الصبر كي نشاهد الفيديوهات الجديدة للاخ شمس الدين تحية له ولكل الدعاة
اي والله حفظه الله
ونفع فيه الأمة
احضرها مباشر ههههههه
"Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish." Allah - Surah Al-Isra - 81
جزك الله خير اخونا شمسي بارك الله فيك ووفقك لما يحب ويرضى
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen.
Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.)
Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate*
usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
May Allah protect brother Shamsi
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen.
Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.)
Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate*
usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
لو سمحتم ممكن احد يوصل الى الاخ شمسي عند محاورت الشيعة يجب ان يتفق معهم هل مصحفكم الذي عند المهدي و لم يخرج مثل مصحفنا و هل القبلتهم كربلاء مثل قبلتنا و غيرها لكي يتم الحوار معهم او البعد عن الحوار معهم
May Allah swa protect all muslims and grant them the highest of heavens and look after all our affairs in this life and the next
As all swa is the best of planers
Summa Ameen
Not sure what that got to do with this video but good
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen.
Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.)
Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate*
usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
عند ما يكون الشيعي هادئ و محترم يكون الحوار لطيف كل الحب و الاحترام لشمسي
Brother Post the whole video don't just post half of it May Allah protect are brother shamsi
Brother please stop blocking the camera! Also, keep the camera closer to the speakers so that there won't be and disconnection with the audio.
That title is so wrong, "humiliated" what ?
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen.
Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.)
Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate*
usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
نشوف نقاش محترم لماذا تكتبون عنوان فيه اساءه ؟! هذا لا يليق بكم
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen.
Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.)
Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate*
usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
Sir, please upload English subtitles.
ya Ali CANNOT madad
He can, Ofc He does not madad you.
@@syedbaqir2687 I wrote CANNOT F00L
@@syedbaqir2687 CANNOT for Anyone LoL
speak for urself buddy. He can do madad and did madad us.
Also sunnis also ask Ya Ali madad , No onr brings him to level of Allah. we are not stupid like you think we are. Everything is with permission of Allah
@@syedbaqir2687 Those are KAFIRS who say they r sunni LoL Those r Sufi Grave worshipers they say they Sunni but they aren't
ya Ali CANNOT madad according to ur own shia belief
Please change the title to Da'waa Tawheed to the Shi'ah
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen.
Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.)
Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate*
usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
English subtitles would help please
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen.
Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.)
Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate*
usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
لماذا الحسين وليس الحسن ؟؟!!!!!!
لماذا الشيعة يمدحون ويقدسون الحسين فقط دون سائر أولاد علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه ؟
هل سألت نفسك هذا السؤال ؟ هل تعجبت من هذا الأمر من قبل ؟
معلومة قد تصدمكم وتصدم الكثير من المسلمين في العالم وتصدم الشيعة العرب خاصة
وقبل أن أجيب على هذا السؤال
خذ معلومات عن أبناء علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه
1- الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب
2- الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب
3- المحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب
4- العباس بن علي بن أبي طالب
5- هلال بن علي بن أبي طالب
6- عبدالله بن علي بن أبي طالب
7- جعفر بن علي بن أبي طالب
8- عثمان بن علي بن أبي طالب
9- عبيدالله بن علي بن أبي طالب
10- أبو بكر بن علي بن أبي طالب
11- عمر بن علي بن أبي طالب
هل رأيتم رايات شيعية كتب عليها
(يا حسن) مثلا؟
أو كتب عليها يا محسن
ياعباس طبعاً لا لم نر !
طيب لماذا (ياحسين )فقط
ولماذا الاستغاثة بالحسين مع العلم أن الحسن شقيق الحسين وأمهم فاطمة الزهراء وأبوهم هو علي رضي الله عنهم أجمعين وكلاهما من آل البيت؟
هل سألتم أنفسكم ياعرب ويا شيعة العرب بالذات هذا السؤال ؟
قبل أن أجيب على هذا السؤال
خذوا هذه المعلومة المذهلة
هل تعلمون أن الأئمة الاثني عشر عند الشيعة كلهم من نسل الحسين فقط!
والشيعة يقدسون الحسين دون الحسن وباقي أبناء علي رضي الله عنهم وأرضاهم
لأن الحسين تزوج امرأة فارسية إيرانية ابنة ملك كسرى (يزدجرد) واسمها شهربانو عندما أسر المسلمون بنات كسرى بعد سقوط الدولة الفارسية وقتل ملكهم يزدجرد
فقد أهدى الخليفة عمر رضي الله عنه إحدى بنات كسرى شاهزناه للحسين رضي الله عنه وتزوجها الحسين ولهذا السبب الشيعة يقدسون الحسين والأئمة لأن جميع الأئمة من نسل شاهزناه الفارسية وليس كما يدعون أنهم يحبون آل بيت النبي العربي"
فجميع الأئمة الذين يقدسهم الشيعه ويرفعونهم مع مرتبة الأنبياء ويدعون عصمتهم هم من نسل الحسين فقط من زوجته الفارسية وجميع أئمتهم الاثني عشر من الفارسية
وهم يحبون الحسين والأئمة لأنهم يقولون فيهم عرق ودم فارسي وهم سلالة ملوك كسرى!
دعوا الناس تعرف أن الشيعة (الصفوية في ايران) يحبون آل بيت كسرى ملك الفرس وليس آل بيت النبي صل الله عليه وسلم .
لا تقرأ فقط بل أرسلها ليعلم الجميع بذلك ؟؟
" منقول من صفحة الشيخ محمد بن عمر بازمول حفظه الله "
change title please
My brother Shamsi, I love you for the sake of Allah alone. Ofcourse we can not compare a land of kufr with land of tawheed. Like you I’m against people that support kufr systems and and want to go against Muslims…. But at the same time never forget to speak about injustice even if done by muslkmsn
Why don’t you have the talk in English
I have a question plz. Can I muslim say: Ya Muhammad? even if I say Ya Allah.
No brother, ask the god directly
(Such is Allah, your Lord. and those whom you call upon, other than Him, do not possess even as much as the membrane of a datestone, If you supplicate to them they cannot hear your supplication, and if they heard, they cannot answer you. On the Day of Resurrection they will disown your associating. None can tell you like He who is the Aware. ) Sura 35: FATIR , vrs 13,14.
Anything and everyone included in this verses, expect Allah.
@@aounallahlamin9099 but If I do not ask anything? Can I say "Ya Husseyn! peace and blessing of Allah upon you"?
You , it means you asking hussein.
As the verses says: On the Day of Resurrection they will disown your associating.
but you allowed to ask Allah directly with the love of hussein,
Like this you still asking the greatest directly .
@@aounallahlamin9099 But I still do not ask anything from Husseyn. You don't understand. I say this: "Ya Husseyn! peace and blessing of Allah be upon you!" What do I wrong?
@@--GP-- This sentence is beautiful and desirable, since it does not contain a request, so it is not shirk. )
Not a respectful or dignified video title. "humiliate", is shameful and
aggressive language lacking akhlaq. Please change it.
Samir is there lol
The mustache fellow said in europe u can criticize the government thats y they leave muslim country. cuz what wrong they see, they have to be silent. Shamsi like usual jumps from the topic. and then he cries y people call him madkhali.
mma is haram, why are you against shamsi? just because he says that calling ali and doing like shia do is shirk???
Can someone tell Shamsi please that he should have these discussions in English
honestly you should start learning arabic, so you can understand what's being said.
@@Anas-be2vq very easy to say. I am a non Arab living in a non Muslim Country in the west.
@@shanksshanks6819 There are courses.
@@shanksshanks6819 No.
What will we learn from his discussions with Usulis it’s like a comedy show 😂
Don't say humiliated! This is not a good title.
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen.
Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.)
Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate*
usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
English pls
shamsi lying about abu hamza al masri may Allah take him accountable on judgement day
What a waste of time for the English speakers
Why don’t y speak in English 🤦🤦🤦
What would it change
@@ShiaRafidhiAkhbariIslam more people would understand. I understand that Muslim should learn Arabic, but there will always be people that are not there yet and would benefit from this
he is just praising saudi arabia and talking against someone who say he is working for the saudi regime
This is SPEAKER CORNER..speak English for everyone can understand what you talking.
No one will learn anything from it anyway but it sure is funny
But it's not English corner😂😂. Speakers corner so anyone can speak any language.
Shamsi is just salafi who shouts and do not listen.
Just to name few stuff about self made caliphs (even few sahabas were against them but they were killed on crimes of not paying zakat.)
Abu bakr + umer = Theif (Sahih bukhari 4240 stole fadak property) + liars (said that fadak belongs to charity) evnethough fadak was a gift and bibi Fatima daughter of Prophet is not an ordinary women to not know simple stuff, she is honoured by Allah to be leader of all women in paradise. *There is no hadith about abu bakr to prove its caliphate*
usman = corrupt (gave same fadak to his relative marwan)
ما راي شمسي في علماء السلفية الذين يقبعون في سجون ابن سلمان اين يذيقهم ويلات التعذيب …؟!
مثل من؟
@@Anas-be2vq القائمة طويلة
تعطيل واحد من علماء السلفية
@@Sami-bs1go و لم تذكر و لا واحد، كفى كذبا
@@Anas-be2vq اذا كنت جاهل وكسول فتلك مشكلتك ابقى على جهلك اذا واضحك الناس عليك. من لا يعرف علماء السلف الذين يقمعون في سجون ال سعود!
كلام مداخلة بامتياز مع الاسف…
روح نام حبيبي الله يهديك (خرفان المواقع)
@@aliloupsyc3850 ههه يا عليلو يا مدخلي …الخرفان في احلامك …
@@Sami-bs1go طفل صغير شوفلك شيء ثاني ما تتكلم في اشياء لا تفقه فيها شي
كلامك فارغ. يعني ما عندك الا التنابز بالالقاب. إنك تعجز أن تستند إلى كتاب الله تعالى وسنة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بفهم سلف الأمة من الصحابة و التابعين و أئمة المجتهدين. عفا الله عنك وهداك الله صراطا مستقيما.
@@aliloupsyc3850 ألست بالمدخلي قاتلكم الله يا طاعون الامة .
غير صحيح الإخوان لا يدمرون بلدانهم
لو سمحتم ممكن احد يوصل الى الاخ شمسي عند محاورت الشيعة يجب ان يتفق معهم هل مصحفكم الذي عند المهدي و لم يخرج مثل مصحفنا و هل القبلتهم كربلاء مثل قبلتنا و غيرها لكي يتم الحوار معهم او البعد عن الحوار معهم