I have been to this place. The good thing is the local authorities don't allow people to go near the site which won't further damage the site as it sits near a busy highway now. You can see the Sphinx from a distance and I must say the scale of it is Magnificent. Unfortunately we don't have much funds to dig deeper. Can anyone support/fund this program? I am sure we are looking a very important historical site.
I went to Gawadar - Balochistan 2 years back. The fact is that when I was driving by the coastal highway I saw the structures and outlines. The first thing that came to my mind was that these are too perfect to be just natural anomalies but in fact ruins from some ancient civilization. I just saw this now and I totally agree that there is a very high possibility and further investigation and excavation under the supervision of experts is very much needed.
The so called "experts" don't even have the facts of the Egyptian Sphinx straight. They blatantly deny evidence against their arguments. Guess its kind of hard for them to admit that they've been wrong for so long. We know nothing of our history. When you find nearly identical ruins in dozens of places across this planet, our history is far more complex than we've given it credit. Not only are amazing structures across the world, but the fact that they built these things with such accuracy. From the perfectly fitting stones that were somehow cut and transported, to the holes that were drilled, astronomical alignment.. our past is truly a wonder. Imagine the things buried under the sands of the deserts, under volcanic rock, and in the seas. Something truly remarkable was going on worldwide before the younger dryas.
@@johneli495 I don't know you're right or wrong but But how are you so sure about it. I suggest you to read more about Aadi Sanatan Dharma (called as Hinduism in western world) which never say bad words about other religions.
u can still find many temples in South and Eastern part of Indian they are over 800-1200yr old temples we would have more if Islam and British wouldnt be around lol. Abramic faiths are curse to this planet
The question you are looking for is when was the last time the area was submerged under water (under sea)? there are clearly visible water lines on the monument, just like on the sphinx of giza. Rain water errosion does not make horizontal waterlines.
What does it look like from the opposite side? If the so-called Sphinx looks very much the same on the other side, that would be interesting. Has anyone taken a look at the other side? Pictures?
this is definitely something to look into. if it's completely flat on the other side then it might just be another rock formation, but if it is somewhat symmetrical then it further adds more credibility to it being man-made
I'd usually go to Google Earth to discover such pictures at any site, but they have almost deleted all pictures due to an "upgradement". It is definitely interesting, too much adds up at the same spot. I'd advice to bring a drone and climbing equipment. Maybe if I had the money, a friend and a place to stay. Any Tomb Raider fantasies? Check.
Naw, Jimmy has been around, maybe posting one new video per week on average? ua-cam.com/channels/sIlJ9eYylZQcyfMOPNUz9w.htmlvideos I wish he posted more often though! ;-)
Funny, it’s an open site where hundreds of pictures are taken of it. Go on trip advisor and see the hundreds of pictures from other angles.....it’s neither of your assumptions, it’s a rock.
They are afraid that the egyptian civilization will then be connected to the Indus valley civilization, which in turn will be connected to the Hindus. And then they will have to throw the aryan invasion theory out the window. Unless they cook up story of how to link themselves to it, they won't do archaeological survey on it.
@Jeremy Kirkpatrick .....Cpt Kirk is wrong - beam him up, Scotty
5 років тому+2
Jeremy Kirkpatrick Dude, It’s been proven that’s how the community is. They bullied the fuck out of the father-son team who analyzed a layer of sediment and realized an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs somewhere near South America. Until the crater was discovered a decade later. Their careers were ruined and they were seen as clowns. And the same thing happened to the guy who did the same but with the Younger Dryas. He said it definitely happened and was caused by a comet hitting. He was made fun of and his TED talk from 2016 _still_ has a disclaimer that the scientific community declared him bullshit. They found the crater in Greenland in 2018. I know. It was hard to believe for me, too. Like...how tf do people not want to keep exploring this frontier? It’s so _weird._ But it is how it is.
Some rocks can be very angular and structured on a large scale, and, like cloud formations, may give the appearance of something that's not really there. Look at Devil's tower: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/46/Devils_Tower_CROP.jpg Creationists swear it the remnant of a petrified pre-flood tree of gigantic proportions (from the Biblical "the age of the giants" before the flood). If the Indus Valley rock formation is a man-made structure, it should have an entrance. Find it and I'll believe . . . if you convince me. Remember, not every elaborate entrance is man-made: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e7/Cave_basalt_formation.jpg
One of my favorite aspects of your personality is that you're willing to thoroughly examine and give your opinion on ancient history theories/claims even if you don't wholeheartedly believe them. I can't buy into this one myself.
The rocks are relatively soft sedimentary rock so it could be natural. It's very hard to tell but I'm open to both ideas. I just like to give my own opinion. I'm not arrogant in thinking I'm right about everything. I just want to learn the truth and am willing to use this platform to promote the research of others who also have ideas too.
Great video Matt. I like how you approach each video by delivering the facts and proposing alternative theories in an objective manner. It's difficult to tell if this is an example of people seeing what they want to see, or a real, albeit badly eroded, complex. Some of the details seem to be there from my perspective but we'll never know until more exploration is undertaken. Great video! Keep it up!
Funny thing about that. There are native American stories and Aztec stories which claimed a people very similar to the Egyptians showed up and made establishments around Arizona utah Grand Canyon area.
@@5000go2 there are actually known historical sites in the grand canyon and basically all 4 corner states you can visit them for yourself i think the main point though is that nobody says the grand canyon is manmade, and nobody says zion national park in utah is manmade now people probably lived there and maybe manipulated the terrain, personally i would have myself too if i lived in prehistoric or historic times, its a gorgeous place just as well with the grand canyon or this balochistan place, but as a person who lives in colorado and has personally visited national parks in all 4 corner states as well as historic cave village sites such as mesa verde, that im completely 100% confident that the place in this video is a natural formation just as almost all of these places in north america are
@@Kodama666 that is very understandable. Easily I can imagine how the grand canyon and surrounding areas would have been ideal as if theoretical just like others are theorisized to have traveled from the northwest portion of America towards the southern regions. Not only was there an adequate supply of water, but like the Native Americans of the region, lived within cave systems throughout the Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and Colorado regions. The natural cooling effect of these caves must have been very ideal. We should probably do something similar for construction in these states today as AC is very pricey, but that is besides the point. It is quite difficult to tell natural to man made features as erosion, populous, location and many other features from deep hystory are left to the discresion of those occupying the space.
@@5000go2 i guess that is true i probably shouldnt say 100% sure but im still like 99% sure, to me that place honestly just looks like most of utah, and i would like to see what a real geologist and archeologist would have to say about these comparisons as well as the feature itself before i was truly convinced, as much as i respect this channel, certainly my argument is not something everyone can understand cuz most people dont have the amazing land features found in the 4 corners area but i do think its a good argument for this feature
I wonder how many such ancient structures exist below current sea level since the sudden end of the last ice age, and might therefore be re exposed as a new era of glaciation brings sea levels back down again? This could conceivably happen in just a few centuries, and future generations would see them again for the first time in 12,000 years....
This is really interesting, at first I also thought that it must be a natural formation. But at second glance it does look like some temple complex deliberately carved out of the rocks. Nice to see something I had never heard of, I wonder what can be seen in the temple...thanks
This thing looks really ancient. Very beat up, but the higher up it is I imagine the more susceptible to exposeure to the elements. If you can get inside,if this is really a human feat, i wonder what it looks like inside.
That is a temple and sphinx, no shit, I can definitely it. That's not my eyes playing tricks on me. I saw the figures even before you pointed them out. Wow! That's awesome. You can even see steps all around it.
Great find and many thanks for bringing this to our attention. Some really high resolution still photos would help analysis (including aerial ones) but certainly what you have shown seems to suggest structure exits in areas of the site. Not sure that traditional archaeologists would help if it cuts across their dogma.
We definitely need an artist rendering of what the whole complex looks like and it's supposed original state. I can see the Sphinx easily, the pillars very easily and also the relief figures, and it doesn't look totally natural to me. It's actually very very cool. It reminds me of meteor crater in Arizona, which has been there for thousands of years but nobody knew it was actually an undisturbed crater -- they just thought it was natural mountainous formations until it was finally uncovered not too long ago.
I could see the eroded features clearly when they were pointed out. Freaking amazing. I don't know why but this kind of stuff is utterly fascinating to me the older I get. Great work on your videos. They are really well done in my opinion and edited nicely both visually and spoken word. Keep it up man.
Good documentary. The faith that presently known as Hinduism is very very old. This faith was followed by many civilizations outside India in the distant past. The countries like Pakisthan, Afghanisthan, Baluchisthan etc . had civilizations that followed certain aspects of Hinduism. I have strong belief that the Sphinx is a representation of the the half man half lion deity called Narasimha Murthy , the fourth Avatharhood of Lord Vishnu. This Avathar is worshipped by Hindus , even today, as the protector of humanity by winning the good over the evil. Many Hindus chant versus praising Narasimham in order to avoid calamities regularly. May be , the temple structure could be a Vishnu temple. Vishnu, one of the trinities of Hinduism , incarnate into various forms to protect humanity from evil forces.
I watched a video earlier in which Randall Carlson makes a pretty good argument for a large meteor having stuck the earth in the Indian ocean some 5,000 years ago, sending a tsunami thru Madagascar and all the way to western Australia. I couldn't help but notice that this Sphinx site would have been directly in line with the northern path of the tsunami wave.
According to History of Baluchistan written in Sanskrit scriptures , it was built around 11200 BCE. the time of lord shiva is also 11200 BCE. AS suggested by vedveer arya.
This is a massive complex covered in dirt from the flood. Anyone who looks close enough can see this. 1:42 Huge steps and pillars leading to a massive sphinx and temple complex. This is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. Does not matter what angle you look at it from, it is clearly a huge complex covered in dirt. This is the history that is being hidden from us in plain sight. Looking at the picture on 4:20 it is 100% irrefutable that this is a temple complex. You can see the doorway with shrines cut out next to it, the statues, pillars, and everything else.
Why the hell would anyone want to hide a temple complex with a sphinx that is thousands of years old? Do you know how much money it would bring from tourism? Nobody is hiding shit. No one talks about it because IT IS ROCK FORMATIONS.
Fun fact :a new civilization which is older than harappa civilization found in kunal village (haryana state of India) whose evidences are almost 5500-6000 ago. Edit:sorry for bad english.
It’s ur one of the great achievements to bring this site before world While visiting ghawader through coastal road everyone gets first impression that it’s definitely man made It must be defined by archeological lovers
If it turns out it is NOT an ancient sphynx fallen to ruin the too bad. But if so, why not make it one today? With our technology today we should be able to create a landmark that could last 1 million years into the future.
There are strange features [Yardangs or Ventifacts] in desert areas that sometimes look manmade but which are generally attributed to erosion of softer stone from harder by wind and sand. In one of the old History Channel films on the Giza Plateau the erosion features around the Sphinx are examined and it was suggested that the sphinx might have started as such but was later modified by the Egyptians. One hypothesis seems to have been that people moved into the Nile Valley from the Sahara and were already familiar with such things.
Good video. With new discoveries like the massive Mayan complex discovered this year, revealing other sites like this one to be ancient constructs by sentient beings seems less far fetched.
There are many things in Pakistan that have remained undiscovered and unregistered. I ,accompanied by a team discovered a canyon in north of Pakistan with fossilized shell fish and it wasnt even on the map!!!
For the Mishra researcher from India..... This structure is on Makran coastal highway which was very recently constructed by government of Pakistan to link Karachi with Gawadar. It was due to this highway, structure came into light. Its was a lifeless area prior to that, no signs of life, now if you travel on this highway you see strange Rock formations for 100's of miles, some looking like castles, some like plaster walls, so like arches and some like space shuttles. That's all amazing piece of art by nature..... The whole area for miles and miles is full of art by nature. Instead of researching from far way come a d see for yourself and then make documentary. Spreading false info based on religious effliations.
@naseer zarra bhai jaan what you saying is right. I hope you've visited Balochistan, coz there's so much area of Balochistan which lacks road access and those areas still withhold so many things from public eye like this particular structure which was unknown to human civilization at large only to be discovered and brought to lime light after this road was constructed. Which part of my comment you aren't you understanding. It's something supported by mere fact if you could show me even a single mention of this sphinx before this road was constructed, I'll take back my comment.
You need check the tremendous work of Misra on his FB profile before pointing his research as falseq, that too without even studying the site. He is an excellent observer when it comes to comparative studies.
@@anopoabednego6173 Yes, aliens built it.... because this area was never inhabited by humans.... Not work of nature my ass 🖕 Get out of your pot hole and travel and look with your eyes work of nature spread all over the globe which is irrefutable proof that nature has the capacity to build things like this, Passu cones and tonnes more.
I have seen a video about this potential sphinx before. A few years ago. Some young Asian guy was raving about it. But at that time there was no mention of a possible temple nearby. Like yourself, I am undecided. Even a walk around and close up video or photography of the site would help impress and spur on a potential full scale investigation. Speculation is getting the world on knowhere.
I can definitely see the lines he is inspired by, it's so difficult to see through the erosion. I'd love to hear what a team on the ground there might find!!
I have my business in Gawadar balochistan pakistan and visit it every year.. I have seen this. Its in hongol national Park which is on the way. You have sparked my interest and next time when I will go there I'll stop here and maybe try to look more closely or something!!
@sy ed What has Moslem given to Humanity ? According to Hassan Nisar from Pakistan: in 1400 yrs Moslem have not even Invented needle or even wiper blade for car, they were cutting each other head, u people have left ur ancestors and accepted arab/afro religion as most advanced !! who is fool ?
@helan t hahaha Human Rights yar baat aisi Karo jo kamaz kam mananay k kabal Ho Muslims are being slaugter put on fire just bcoz of meat they eat what about Gujarat, samjhota express, killers are innocent declared and no one is ready to arrest them don't tell our ethics and purposes Bangladesh is still our Muslim brother country we love them, you people cry on mulla Why you don't cry on Bharat janta party who is full of Extremists and your Prime Minister is a good example of this what we are and how we are we are better than you
Well if video mentions indus valley its certainly depicts the start of indian civilization and you not expecting indian comments thats like if your talking about ancient greek civilization and are like no europeans please this video is certain not for the pakistanis who consider themselves as the people who came from arabia and ruled india for a period
Hello from Iowa.. I am loving your channel.. my 2 cents worth, it's an ancient temple complex !!! Sure hope it gets more attention from the world. Thank you ♥️👍♥️👏😁🌎♥️
Sure looks sorta kinda like it, from one really specific angle, but of course when you go to Higol National Park on GOOGLE Maps and have a 3D look around the park... Ohhh... but, thats probably only because of the conspiracy to suppress the truth, or something.
Great video.. if this was a temple of Lord Shiva then the ‘sphinx’ could be the ‘Nandi’ which is his vahana and is in front of all his temples.. but I agree there are no horns and the structure looks more like a sphinx rather than a Nandi. The South Indian temple building is so precise that the architects of the temple would not have just added a sphinx to a temple structure which makes it all the more intriguing. When we were young and were told of the stories of pralayam/ the great floods, it was just to imagine but there are more examples of this everywhere across the world. It is said that once man reaches sophistication as a race, the floods will happen again to erase all our memories and start all over again.
Literally, all you would need is to buy a plane ticket for one dude to go there with a shovel to dig down 5 feet. If it was man made, it would be utterly demonstrable under the eroded sediment. The fact that no one has done the least bit of physical research into this is really throwing me off to believe this is just pareidolia.
You do know it is situated in Pakistan's most unstable province Baluchistan, right??? The country which has already banned excavation and research on most prominent "Indus Valley Civilization" sites informally.
Good chance they would never release the info, it could discredit thousands of years of history and many scholars wouldn't like that. Fantastic video though, thanks!
Nancy Volker thought the same thing, you would think they would have looked. Just check out the opening and see where they lead or are there any man made walls inside the caves.
JamBone30 what would it discredit? the indus valley region was one of the first documented areas of human civilization; finding further architectural works constructed either during or after their prime would just further prove what great influence the indus peoples had. even if it were thousands of years older it would discredit nothing as gobekli tepe, a site believed to be more than twice as old as the earliest known civilization (the sumerians), is common knowledge at this point.
♡ ♡ ♡ Thank you so, so much for sharing the info. I'd say this site is obviously antediluvian (around 10 500 B.C. or even earlier), as most of the intricate megalithic structures we can find around the world. It's sure worth doing further deep investigations! I studied archeology and mesoamerican/prehispanic history and I visited over 60 different archeological sites with private local guides or archeological teachers... and I can tell you that THIS definitively look like and old archeological complex!!!!
Compliments, this is well thought out and well presented. In isolation a single item may be the result of natural erosion alone but looking at the rest of the area around it, it is highly likely that it is part of a larger complex of great antiquity.
Please check out the Sphinx in Sedona, Arizona. I have hiked there, and a very similar, and more well defined formation is there. On the side of the Sphinx, there is a laser cut looking crescent moon formation. When the sun sets just right at this site, from a distance looking at it from the West, the Sphinx can be seen looking directly at a lionshead formation right across from it.
I went to Chaco a few years ago with my daughter and it was pretty freaking amazing. It was worth the long, remote, and ultimately rough ass trip to experience the place for sure.
AWESOME! I totally believe it. I think it would be interesting to see if within all that weathering and debris, there's any sign of vitrification. That as you may know, is a sign of the stonework having been MELTED in some ancient, heated blast. Both Mohenjo Daro and the Harappa ruins in the fairly near-by vicinity show this and have been linked to the ancient Hindu legends of sky chariots and atomic wars.
very interesting, the evidence at least from the pictures is decently convincing. But given this is a real archaeological site, and being basically on the coast of an ocean, what could be under the water if anything?
mitchtheawsome Good point. The ocean nearby is definitely worth exploring. Maybe they will find the temples spoken of by the Chinese writer mentioned in this video.
Its kinda like the face on mars. You see it because you want it to be true. Your imagination fills in the rest. It is worth exploring. They could scan the mountian for chambers that could be inside.
Funny story about the face on mars, it is geometrical. The story about being a trick of the light was hurriedly published as damage control before the first picture was even released. You see what you are told to see, because you are afraid to think for yourself.
doltBmB Im just saying look at the grand canyon and the badlands the have similar rock formations on the side of cliffs and symetrical lines. If there are rooms inside i will be convinced. Every pic is from one side. What about from other angles. It must be explored more before people make up their minds.
We don't have anything like that in the grand canyon. Again you are simply repeating your conditioning. We do actually have face monuments on earth such as the "face of god" in Israel.
I wonder if years from now some other form of intelligence will be in amazement at these structures as well as things like mt. Rushmore, great video, even if this is natural it's still very beautiful and would be wonderful to experience
VibrationsfromMirror I just commented on that as well . I'll bet we both have seen the same one . I've seen it several times while on vacation ! Is been many years since I've been there , but I saw it while heading west ! I have photos of it . The location was on he left side of the road !
+chad Publicover Those are the two choices you give yourself? Obscure faith in ideas on one end, and then organized faith in ideas on the other? There's a lot of gray in the middle you seem to think doesn't exist. Furthermore, who's to say which is better? They're both faith based ideas, that require either willful or blissful ignorance. Are you insinuating one is better because YOU believe in it?
evbb no, i thought you may have been a bible thumper, but as i read through the comments i realized your just a pushy, opinionated troll. Have a good night telling people how to feel friend, love you!
+Chad Publicover I'd love for you to name a single thing I've said on this entire video that can be qualified as 'opinion'. I've made 5 posts, all of which were largely questions. Not a single one of those questions has been addressed, including the ones I directed at you here. Every single one of the questions is basic, and serves to flesh out the details within the topic being discussed. There isn't anything threatening or opinionated about them at all. If you aren't interested in talking about your ideas, why share them at all? What's amazing here, is all it took for you to drop all rational thought and put your fingers in your ears was me mentioning reality. YOU posted, and rather than defend whatever point you were trying to make, you fold like a house of cards. And why? Because I asked a few critical questions. Think about that. If your beliefs can't stand up to scrutiny, maybe believe something else. We haven't even gotten to the meat of the conversation here, and your already abandoning ship.
Not only was the flood part of our ancient history but I also believe there was a petrification caused by the cutting down of the giant life trees all over the planet. Trees topple, causing o2 levels to drop massively and the atmosphere change turned large areas to stone. All theory.
The person who wrote the article didn't visit the site and wrote from only images. totally disagreed with that. I have other places and look alike structure there in Balochistan. That whole region ( 800 KMs ) is look alike and similar structure are there they seem more natural. All of you have simple narrated his article. no research no nothing.
2022 Update: See amazing drone footage of the structure. Is it natural or man made? Find out here: ua-cam.com/video/NeJklo5ic-0/v-deo.html
So Beautiful Video. There is another famous naturally made Rock statue " Princess of Hope " which is even more famous than Sphinx.
Thank You!! 🕊️ Peace ☮️🎇💫🤯💥❤️
I saw your more recent video on this site before I saw this one. I was going to find and link it until I realized that you already did.
I have been to this place. The good thing is the local authorities don't allow people to go near the site which won't further damage the site as it sits near a busy highway now. You can see the Sphinx from a distance and I must say the scale of it is Magnificent. Unfortunately we don't have much funds to dig deeper.
Can anyone support/fund this program? I am sure we are looking a very important historical site.
I went to Gawadar - Balochistan 2 years back. The fact is that when I was driving by the coastal highway I saw the structures and outlines. The first thing that came to my mind was that these are too perfect to be just natural anomalies but in fact ruins from some ancient civilization. I just saw this now and I totally agree that there is a very high possibility and further investigation and excavation under the supervision of experts is very much needed.
The so called "experts" don't even have the facts of the Egyptian Sphinx straight. They blatantly deny evidence against their arguments. Guess its kind of hard for them to admit that they've been wrong for so long. We know nothing of our history. When you find nearly identical ruins in dozens of places across this planet, our history is far more complex than we've given it credit. Not only are amazing structures across the world, but the fact that they built these things with such accuracy. From the perfectly fitting stones that were somehow cut and transported, to the holes that were drilled, astronomical alignment.. our past is truly a wonder.
Imagine the things buried under the sands of the deserts, under volcanic rock, and in the seas.
Something truly remarkable was going on worldwide before the younger dryas.
Become the expert you wish would excavate it.
this is older than islam
@@gb2350 cry
True I have witnessed by myself there should be an proper archeological investigation
Why don't you fly a drone up there and get some good images that may show proof.
That's Pakistan..... They use drones for terrorist activities ...😂😂😂
Even the archeologist of Pakistan don't want to look at it because it looks like Hindu Temple......
@@akshaynile5205 Hinduism is not as ancient as your dirty lying priests would like you to believe
@@johneli495 I don't know you're right or wrong but But how are you so sure about it. I suggest you to read more about Aadi Sanatan Dharma (called as Hinduism in western world) which never say bad words about other religions.
This structure must've been a real beauty to look at when it was new. Wish i had a time machine and see
If christianity and islam wasn't around then you wouldn't need a time machine.
@@666drups true but i think it being so common without a status of historical gems would have lost it’s appeal, dont you think?
@@666drups well cry then
u can still find many temples in South and Eastern part of Indian they are over 800-1200yr old temples we would have more if Islam and British wouldnt be around lol. Abramic faiths are curse to this planet
i'm trying to build one, if it works, i'll pick you up last week.
The question you are looking for is when was the last time the area was submerged under water (under sea)? there are clearly visible water lines on the monument, just like on the sphinx of giza. Rain water errosion does not make horizontal waterlines.
What does it look like from the opposite side? If the so-called Sphinx looks very much the same on the other side, that would be interesting. Has anyone taken a look at the other side? Pictures?
dlbstl I can't find any. I'll keep digging!
You cant look at it from any other angle or its obvious its just rocks. 😂 shhh. Its a secret
this is definitely something to look into. if it's completely flat on the other side then it might just be another rock formation, but if it is somewhat symmetrical then it further adds more credibility to it being man-made
You can try google maps
I'd usually go to Google Earth to discover such pictures at any site, but they have almost deleted all pictures due to an "upgradement". It is definitely interesting, too much adds up at the same spot. I'd advice to bring a drone and climbing equipment. Maybe if I had the money, a friend and a place to stay. Any Tomb Raider fantasies? Check.
I am so glad I listened to Bright Insight and subscribed to your channel. Keep putting out content like this my good man.
Arrheni L.
But bright insight is Missing from some months ? Did you notice
Naw, Jimmy has been around, maybe posting one new video per week on average? ua-cam.com/channels/sIlJ9eYylZQcyfMOPNUz9w.htmlvideos I wish he posted more often though! ;-)
this isn't lost history it's hidden history
More like ignored because it didn't fit into the beliefs and understanding of the so called experts then & now!
This is simply a work of ' Natural Geological Formation '
Funny, it’s an open site where hundreds of pictures are taken of it. Go on trip advisor and see the hundreds of pictures from other angles.....it’s neither of your assumptions, it’s a rock.
@@AyanRoy143 ua-cam.com/video/94Kwwi61PIE/v-deo.html just a rock.
The archeologists don’t want to look at that. They are afraid it pre dates the lies they have been telling.
Yes, my thoughts exactly.
Ahahahahaha! That is soooo true!
They are afraid that the egyptian civilization will then be connected to the Indus valley civilization, which in turn will be connected to the Hindus. And then they will have to throw the aryan invasion theory out the window. Unless they cook up story of how to link themselves to it, they won't do archaeological survey on it.
@Jeremy Kirkpatrick
.....Cpt Kirk is wrong - beam him up, Scotty
Jeremy Kirkpatrick Dude, It’s been proven that’s how the community is. They bullied the fuck out of the father-son team who analyzed a layer of sediment and realized an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs somewhere near South America. Until the crater was discovered a decade later. Their careers were ruined and they were seen as clowns.
And the same thing happened to the guy who did the same but with the Younger Dryas. He said it definitely happened and was caused by a comet hitting. He was made fun of and his TED talk from 2016 _still_ has a disclaimer that the scientific community declared him bullshit. They found the crater in Greenland in 2018.
I know. It was hard to believe for me, too. Like...how tf do people not want to keep exploring this frontier? It’s so _weird._ But it is how it is.
I'm from Balochistan and believe me there are many ancient architects that are still undiscovered
100% Ancient Temple, you can clearly see all the monuments ! It is really in Plain Sight !!!! Wow
. . . and I can see ponies and fairies in cloud formations. Imagination is a good thing, but don't let it get out of hand.
I dunno i was trying to be skeptical but I trust my eyes on this one it looks like a whole complex, like really clearly to me
Some rocks can be very angular and structured on a large scale, and, like cloud formations, may give the appearance of something that's not really there. Look at Devil's tower:
Creationists swear it the remnant of a petrified pre-flood tree of gigantic proportions (from the Biblical "the age of the giants" before the flood).
If the Indus Valley rock formation is a man-made structure, it should have an entrance. Find it and I'll believe . . . if you convince me. Remember, not every elaborate entrance is man-made:
ye but that doesn't look man made, these rocks do
HAHAHAHAHAHA is your intellectual disability diagnosed?
One of my favorite aspects of your personality is that you're willing to thoroughly examine and give your opinion on ancient history theories/claims even if you don't wholeheartedly believe them. I can't buy into this one myself.
The rocks are relatively soft sedimentary rock so it could be natural. It's very hard to tell but I'm open to both ideas. I just like to give my own opinion. I'm not arrogant in thinking I'm right about everything. I just want to learn the truth and am willing to use this platform to promote the research of others who also have ideas too.
Ancient Architects I respect your way of thinking. As a subscriber to your channel, I very much appreciate it. Thank you!
Great video Matt. I like how you approach each video by delivering the facts and proposing alternative theories in an objective manner. It's difficult to tell if this is an example of people seeing what they want to see, or a real, albeit badly eroded, complex. Some of the details seem to be there from my perspective but we'll never know until more exploration is undertaken. Great video! Keep it up!
I don’t know... Parts of Utah look like this landscape. It’s a beautiful idea, but truthfully, it could all be natural.
@Rana Ali Akhtar Alam Khan the moon? How? Click some pictures or make a video on it.
Funny thing about that. There are native American stories and Aztec stories which claimed a people very similar to the Egyptians showed up and made establishments around Arizona utah Grand Canyon area.
@@5000go2 there are actually known historical sites in the grand canyon and basically all 4 corner states you can visit them for yourself
i think the main point though is that
nobody says the grand canyon is manmade, and nobody says zion national park in utah is manmade
now people probably lived there and maybe manipulated the terrain, personally i would have myself too if i lived in prehistoric or historic times, its a gorgeous place just as well with the grand canyon or this balochistan place, but as a person who lives in colorado and has personally visited national parks in all 4 corner states as well as historic cave village sites such as mesa verde, that im completely 100% confident that the place in this video is a natural formation just as almost all of these places in north america are
@@Kodama666 that is very understandable. Easily I can imagine how the grand canyon and surrounding areas would have been ideal as if theoretical just like others are theorisized to have traveled from the northwest portion of America towards the southern regions. Not only was there an adequate supply of water, but like the Native Americans of the region, lived within cave systems throughout the Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and Colorado regions. The natural cooling effect of these caves must have been very ideal. We should probably do something similar for construction in these states today as AC is very pricey, but that is besides the point. It is quite difficult to tell natural to man made features as erosion, populous, location and many other features from deep hystory are left to the discresion of those occupying the space.
@@5000go2 i guess that is true i probably shouldnt say 100% sure but im still like 99% sure, to me that place honestly just looks like most of utah, and i would like to see what a real geologist and archeologist would have to say about these comparisons as well as the feature itself before i was truly convinced, as much as i respect this channel, certainly my argument is not something everyone can understand cuz most people dont have the amazing land features found in the 4 corners area but i do think its a good argument for this feature
I wonder how many such ancient structures exist below current sea level since the sudden end of the last ice age, and might therefore be re exposed as a new era of glaciation brings sea levels back down again? This could conceivably happen in just a few centuries, and future generations would see them again for the first time in 12,000 years....
At the first i saw the sphinx and thought does kind of look natural but when they show the whole site?Yea that's not natural,it's a building alright.
It is worth at least looking into.
This is really interesting, at first I also thought that it must be a natural formation. But at second glance it does look like some temple complex deliberately carved out of the rocks. Nice to see something I had never heard of, I wonder what can be seen in the temple...thanks
Very interesting, ive looked at this before but laying out the structural similarities with Hindu temples really brings it all together. Thanks.
This thing looks really ancient. Very beat up, but the higher up it is I imagine the more susceptible to exposeure to the elements. If you can get inside,if this is really a human feat, i wonder what it looks like inside.
It is a huge temple for utterly sure. Look at the symmetry, the decoration!! Even spacing!
Just covered in piles and piles of earth
That is a temple and sphinx, no shit, I can definitely it. That's not my eyes playing tricks on me. I saw the figures even before you pointed them out. Wow! That's awesome. You can even see steps all around it.
Great find and many thanks for bringing this to our attention. Some really high resolution still photos would help analysis (including aerial ones) but certainly what you have shown seems to suggest structure exits in areas of the site. Not sure that traditional archaeologists would help if it cuts across their dogma.
What direction is the Sphinx facing, exactly ??
thanks For Watching This vedio and coming Pakistan
Amazing...Yet another golden nugget of a video you have brought us...
It must be in an alignment with other structures maybe along the equator...?
Craigy Gerrard Thinking the same thing. It would be interesting if there are astronomical alignments as well.
Neither of these are on the current equator.
Craigy Gerrard Yeah, India definitely reaches the equator
@@anonb4632 probably at another time period it was on the equator.
ponderous tomes Do you know how big India is? This isn't near the current equator.
We definitely need an artist rendering of what the whole complex looks like and it's supposed original state. I can see the Sphinx easily, the pillars very easily and also the relief figures, and it doesn't look totally natural to me. It's actually very very cool. It reminds me of meteor crater in Arizona, which has been there for thousands of years but nobody knew it was actually an undisturbed crater -- they just thought it was natural mountainous formations until it was finally uncovered not too long ago.
I could see the eroded features clearly when they were pointed out. Freaking amazing. I don't know why but this kind of stuff is utterly fascinating to me the older I get. Great work on your videos. They are really well done in my opinion and edited nicely both visually and spoken word. Keep it up man.
Good documentary. The faith that presently known as Hinduism is very very old. This faith was followed by many civilizations outside India in the distant past. The countries like Pakisthan, Afghanisthan, Baluchisthan etc . had civilizations that followed certain aspects of Hinduism. I have strong belief that the Sphinx is a representation of the the half man half lion deity called Narasimha Murthy , the fourth Avatharhood of Lord Vishnu. This Avathar is worshipped by Hindus , even today, as the protector of humanity by winning the good over the evil. Many Hindus chant versus praising Narasimham in order to avoid calamities regularly. May be , the temple structure could be a Vishnu temple. Vishnu, one of the trinities of Hinduism , incarnate into various forms to protect humanity from evil forces.
Very true my friend but these westerners and the people of Pakistan will never believe this .
I watched a video earlier in which Randall Carlson makes a pretty good argument for a large meteor having stuck the earth in the Indian ocean some 5,000 years ago, sending a tsunami thru Madagascar and all the way to western Australia. I couldn't help but notice that this Sphinx site would have been directly in line with the northern path of the tsunami wave.
According to History of Baluchistan written in Sanskrit scriptures , it was built around 11200 BCE. the time of lord shiva is also 11200 BCE.
AS suggested by vedveer arya.
This is a massive complex covered in dirt from the flood. Anyone who looks close enough can see this. 1:42 Huge steps and pillars leading to a massive sphinx and temple complex. This is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. Does not matter what angle you look at it from, it is clearly a huge complex covered in dirt. This is the history that is being hidden from us in plain sight.
Looking at the picture on 4:20 it is 100% irrefutable that this is a temple complex. You can see the doorway with shrines cut out next to it, the statues, pillars, and everything else.
Why the hell would anyone want to hide a temple complex with a sphinx that is thousands of years old? Do you know how much money it would bring from tourism? Nobody is hiding shit. No one talks about it because IT IS ROCK FORMATIONS.
Fun fact :a new civilization which is older than harappa civilization found in kunal village (haryana state of India) whose evidences are almost 5500-6000 ago.
Edit:sorry for bad english.
It’s ur one of the great achievements to bring this site before world
While visiting ghawader through coastal road everyone gets first impression that it’s definitely man made
It must be defined by archeological lovers
If it turns out it is NOT an ancient sphynx fallen to ruin the too bad. But if so, why not make it one today?
With our technology today we should be able to create a landmark that could last 1 million years into the future.
There are strange features [Yardangs or Ventifacts] in desert areas that sometimes look manmade but which are generally attributed to erosion of softer stone from harder by wind and sand. In one of the old History Channel films on the Giza Plateau the erosion features around the Sphinx are examined and it was suggested that the sphinx might have started as such but was later modified by the Egyptians. One hypothesis seems to have been that people moved into the Nile Valley from the Sahara and were already familiar with such things.
I'm balochi and I love my Pakistan ❤🇵🇰
Balochistan zindabad Pakistan zindabad ❤
Waiting for the woke black American with no Egyptian ancestry to comment and say "Egypt wuz black"
Maybe you don't realize much of the DNA of people from the subcontinent has its origin in Africa
If you vote trump you aint black . -joe biden
Good video. With new discoveries like the massive Mayan complex discovered this year, revealing other sites like this one to be ancient constructs by sentient beings seems less far fetched.
It"s absolutely obvious that these are NOT natural formations. Would like to hear some speculation on the statue visible at 7:03
How obvious?
There are many things in Pakistan that have remained undiscovered and unregistered. I ,accompanied by a team discovered a canyon in north of Pakistan with fossilized shell fish and it wasnt even on the map!!!
Where did you discovered that. In which place.
@@AHSANALI-tb3hs I was not leading the camp. We got lost. Our team lead took longitude and latitude readings (this was before mobile smart phones)
@@umairusman can you tell me where in north Pakistan you started your expedition. Was it KP, Kashmir, GB or North Punjab.
@@AHSANALI-tb3hs as i remember it was KP
You can tell Misra that he's right on the money with his observations.
We never get a closeups look at anything. That’s a pretty telltale sign about what this really is.
Balochistan is rich in minerals, and natural resources. Its history is mesmerising for history lovers.
Oooh my Balochistan .....!
Jivy jivy balochistan
Pakistan zindabad
I would like to see more photos from many different angles. This photo’s angle suggests all of these idea but doesn’t confirm anything.
You wanna no I have all pics with angles
catch a flight and have a look with your own eyes before u die
For the Mishra researcher from India.....
This structure is on Makran coastal highway which was very recently constructed by government of Pakistan to link Karachi with Gawadar.
It was due to this highway, structure came into light.
Its was a lifeless area prior to that, no signs of life, now if you travel on this highway you see strange Rock formations for 100's of miles, some looking like castles, some like plaster walls, so like arches and some like space shuttles.
That's all amazing piece of art by nature..... The whole area for miles and miles is full of art by nature.
Instead of researching from far way come a d see for yourself and then make documentary. Spreading false info based on religious effliations.
@naseer zarra not region but this particular area where this structure was discovered. Read my comment again plz, your argument is utterly baseless.
@naseer zarra bhai jaan what you saying is right. I hope you've visited Balochistan, coz there's so much area of Balochistan which lacks road access and those areas still withhold so many things from public eye like this particular structure which was unknown to human civilization at large only to be discovered and brought to lime light after this road was constructed.
Which part of my comment you aren't you understanding. It's something supported by mere fact if you could show me even a single mention of this sphinx before this road was constructed, I'll take back my comment.
You need check the tremendous work of Misra on his FB profile before pointing his research as falseq, that too without even studying the site. He is an excellent observer when it comes to comparative studies.
@@akifsyed17 Any fool with two eyes amd tell that much of what is here was clearly not the work of nature.
@@anopoabednego6173 Yes, aliens built it.... because this area was never inhabited by humans....
Not work of nature my ass 🖕
Get out of your pot hole and travel and look with your eyes work of nature spread all over the globe which is irrefutable proof that nature has the capacity to build things like this, Passu cones and tonnes more.
The formations look too symmetrical to be naturally formed. I reckon it's man made. Great video, really like your content.
Thank you
You can't see symmetry from 1 picture. The video just displayed the same picture over and over.
I'm convinced. It's right in front of us. Ancient humans are older and more amazing than we could ever imagine.
I have seen a video about this potential sphinx before. A few years ago. Some young Asian guy was raving about it. But at that time there was no mention of a possible temple nearby. Like yourself, I am undecided. Even a walk around and close up video or photography of the site would help impress and spur on a potential full scale investigation. Speculation is getting the world on knowhere.
This is why I love you tube!
I can definitely see the lines he is inspired by, it's so difficult to see through the erosion. I'd love to hear what a team on the ground there might find!!
Such a great video!!! Keep it up man!!
Dj Bilbrey Thank you!
I have my business in Gawadar balochistan pakistan and visit it every year..
I have seen this. Its in hongol national Park which is on the way.
You have sparked my interest and next time when I will go there I'll stop here and maybe try to look more closely or something!!
Any archeological journal (like nature) publication about this??
That is fantastic and beautiful. I would love to have been able to see this structure in it's peak glory. That is very cool. Thankyou for the vid:-)
Too bad work hasn't been done to safeguard and investigate the site. Pakistan, alas, is more interested in hating India.
Hi, Ancient Architects, search about Pedra da Gavea Sphinx,located in Rio de Janeiro.
Will do
Pakistan is mentioned the comments section is going to be flooded with indians😂
@sy ed What has Moslem given to Humanity ?
According to Hassan Nisar from Pakistan: in 1400 yrs Moslem have not even Invented needle or even wiper blade for car, they were cutting each other head, u people have left ur ancestors and accepted arab/afro religion as most advanced !! who is fool ?
@sy ed Well EXCUSE ME for hating terrorists and their sympathizers. Like we say in India, Osama Bin Laden is snake, common Muslim is the grass.
@helan t you people can only cry did nothing you people kill our hundreds of children in school India is only a land of Hindus black people 😁😁😁
@helan t hahaha Human Rights yar baat aisi Karo jo kamaz kam mananay k kabal Ho Muslims are being slaugter put on fire just bcoz of meat they eat what about Gujarat, samjhota express, killers are innocent declared and no one is ready to arrest them don't tell our ethics and purposes Bangladesh is still our Muslim brother country we love them, you people cry on mulla Why you don't cry on Bharat janta party who is full of
Extremists and your Prime Minister is a good example of this what we are and how we are we are better than you
Well if video mentions indus valley its certainly depicts the start of indian civilization and you not expecting indian comments thats like if your talking about ancient greek civilization and are like no europeans please this video is certain not for the pakistanis who consider themselves as the people who came from arabia and ruled india for a period
very interesting.. which universty/organiztn is bibhu misra associated to...?
Hello from Iowa.. I am loving your channel.. my 2 cents worth, it's an ancient temple complex !!! Sure hope it gets more attention from the world. Thank you ♥️👍♥️👏😁🌎♥️
Sure looks like it to me.
Sure looks sorta kinda like it, from one really specific angle, but of course when you go to Higol National Park on GOOGLE Maps and have a 3D look around the park...
Ohhh... but, thats probably only because of the conspiracy to suppress the truth, or something.
What an amazingly fascinating place!!!
PLEASE pray THAT they never use chemical weapons ever again Thank You. Thank You all for all your Loving PRAYERS.
Great video.. if this was a temple of Lord Shiva then the ‘sphinx’ could be the ‘Nandi’ which is his vahana and is in front of all his temples.. but I agree there are no horns and the structure looks more like a sphinx rather than a Nandi. The South Indian temple building is so precise that the architects of the temple would not have just added a sphinx to a temple structure which makes it all the more intriguing. When we were young and were told of the stories of pralayam/ the great floods, it was just to imagine but there are more examples of this everywhere across the world. It is said that once man reaches sophistication as a race, the floods will happen again to erase all our memories and start all over again.
Which direction is it facing?.....if directly east then you might have something
Literally, all you would need is to buy a plane ticket for one dude to go there with a shovel to dig down 5 feet. If it was man made, it would be utterly demonstrable under the eroded sediment. The fact that no one has done the least bit of physical research into this is really throwing me off to believe this is just pareidolia.
You do know it is situated in Pakistan's most unstable province Baluchistan, right??? The country which has already banned excavation and research on most prominent "Indus Valley Civilization" sites informally.
Reason is Indian funding to seperatists. Terrorists activities from Iran an Afghanistan. It's a hot political hub now a days
Damn this just blew my mind..i find it on google earth..really seem to be an ancient temple..thanks alot for this great content
if they found ancient anti chambers inside these cliffs then you will know for sure
All you have to do is take a ground penatrating radar team over there and find out.
Good chance they would never release the info, it could discredit thousands of years of history and many scholars wouldn't like that. Fantastic video though, thanks!
Nancy Volker thought the same thing, you would think they would have looked. Just check out the opening and see where they lead or are there any man made walls inside the caves.
JamBone30 what would it discredit? the indus valley region was one of the first documented areas of human civilization; finding further architectural works constructed either during or after their prime would just further prove what great influence the indus peoples had. even if it were thousands of years older it would discredit nothing as gobekli tepe, a site believed to be more than twice as old as the earliest known civilization (the sumerians), is common knowledge at this point.
♡ ♡ ♡ Thank you so, so much for sharing the info. I'd say this site is obviously antediluvian (around 10 500 B.C. or even earlier), as most of the intricate megalithic structures we can find around the world. It's sure worth doing further deep investigations!
I studied archeology and mesoamerican/prehispanic history and I visited over 60 different archeological sites with private local guides or archeological teachers... and I can tell you that THIS definitively look like and old archeological complex!!!!
Interesting, any updates on this?
Compliments, this is well thought out and well presented. In isolation a single item may be the result of natural erosion alone but looking at the rest of the area around it, it is highly likely that it is part of a larger complex of great antiquity.
Please check out the Sphinx in Sedona, Arizona. I have hiked there, and a very similar, and more well defined formation is there. On the side of the Sphinx, there is a laser cut looking crescent moon formation. When the sun sets just right at this site, from a distance looking at it from the West, the Sphinx can be seen looking directly at a lionshead formation right across from it.
Fire_Element You're fucked.
Fire_Element Cool.
I went to Chaco a few years ago with my daughter and it was pretty freaking amazing. It was worth the long, remote, and ultimately rough ass trip to experience the place for sure.
AWESOME! I totally believe it. I think it would be interesting to see if within all that weathering and debris, there's any sign of vitrification. That as you may know, is a sign of the stonework having been MELTED in some ancient, heated blast. Both Mohenjo Daro and the Harappa ruins in the fairly near-by vicinity show this and have been linked to the ancient Hindu legends of sky chariots and atomic wars.
What does it look like from the other side?
They are pretty convincing looking structures whatever they are.
If this is indeed a real site then its truly amazing. Wonder what it could have looked like
very interesting, the evidence at least from the pictures is decently convincing. But given this is a real archaeological site, and being basically on the coast of an ocean, what could be under the water if anything?
mitchtheawsome Good point. The ocean nearby is definitely worth exploring. Maybe they will find the temples spoken of by the Chinese writer mentioned in this video.
Perhaps if they found ruins below sea level that would only help corroborate these claims as well
Why don't you show different angles???
I love it, Matt. Great job!
Its kinda like the face on mars. You see it because you want it to be true. Your imagination fills in the rest. It is worth exploring. They could scan the mountian for chambers that could be inside.
Funny story about the face on mars, it is geometrical. The story about being a trick of the light was hurriedly published as damage control before the first picture was even released. You see what you are told to see, because you are afraid to think for yourself.
Check out its albedo in dawn and dusk photos. It's at least partially metallic or highly polished at least.
It couldn't be natural. You believe that because you were told to believe that. But the facts are different. Use your brain.
doltBmB Im just saying look at the grand canyon and the badlands the have similar rock formations on the side of cliffs and symetrical lines. If there are rooms inside i will be convinced. Every pic is from one side. What about from other angles. It must be explored more before people make up their minds.
We don't have anything like that in the grand canyon. Again you are simply repeating your conditioning. We do actually have face monuments on earth such as the "face of god" in Israel.
You can also check the video/pictures of PRINCESS OF HOPE in Balochistan that is amazing site ...
Thank you that really is an impressive sight to see
I wonder if years from now some other form of intelligence will be in amazement at these structures as well as things like mt. Rushmore, great video, even if this is natural it's still very beautiful and would be wonderful to experience
I am curious to know this site’s orientation, and what is directly between this site and the Egyptian Sphinx.
Pls give some more pics and details of this temples save it
There is a smaller one in Colorado, USA as well.
obviously an ancient site, meeting at rivers.. no question here.. good video and wish this man a great discovery!
VibrationsfromMirror I just commented on that as well . I'll bet we both have seen the same one . I've seen it several times while on vacation ! Is been many years since I've been there , but I saw it while heading west ! I have photos of it . The location was on he left side of the road !
The one I got to see was small but obvious. Western Slope, near Ouray. Yours? )
VibrationsfromMirror That is the same area as I recall !
Lun khao
Go see Sphinx
hope Balochistan will free
Instead of writing balochistan you should write free kulbhoshan yadev 😁
Baloch land, freedom of Baluchistan
Would it be so terrible if we are remnants of something else. Theres no way were as young as we're currently told
You can believe whatever you want to, whether or not it conflicts with reality is another issue entirely.
evbb its better than thinking some old dude obsessed with being worshipped snapped his fingers and created everthing
+chad Publicover Those are the two choices you give yourself? Obscure faith in ideas on one end, and then organized faith in ideas on the other? There's a lot of gray in the middle you seem to think doesn't exist.
Furthermore, who's to say which is better? They're both faith based ideas, that require either willful or blissful ignorance. Are you insinuating one is better because YOU believe in it?
evbb no, i thought you may have been a bible thumper, but as i read through the comments i realized your just a pushy, opinionated troll. Have a good night telling people how to feel friend, love you!
+Chad Publicover I'd love for you to name a single thing I've said on this entire video that can be qualified as 'opinion'. I've made 5 posts, all of which were largely questions. Not a single one of those questions has been addressed, including the ones I directed at you here. Every single one of the questions is basic, and serves to flesh out the details within the topic being discussed. There isn't anything threatening or opinionated about them at all.
If you aren't interested in talking about your ideas, why share them at all?
What's amazing here, is all it took for you to drop all rational thought and put your fingers in your ears was me mentioning reality. YOU posted, and rather than defend whatever point you were trying to make, you fold like a house of cards. And why? Because I asked a few critical questions. Think about that.
If your beliefs can't stand up to scrutiny, maybe believe something else. We haven't even gotten to the meat of the conversation here, and your already abandoning ship.
Thanks for exploring Balochistan ❤️
Super interesting, hope to hear about more research on this site and the Indus Valley in general in the future.
Very good video! I'm intrigued
That is definitely *NOT* a natural formation! One can only imagine what could be discovered there.
What makes you think that? You seem awfully certain for someone with no information.
Certainly interesting, and very possible I think.
Not only was the flood part of our ancient history but I also believe there was a petrification caused by the cutting down of the giant life trees all over the planet. Trees topple, causing o2 levels to drop massively and the atmosphere change turned large areas to stone. All theory.
How can they not see it? It will prove to be spectacular when they finally decide to have a dig. Thanks for the great vid.
Dear sir, there is a Very Sacred Temple of Shiva... So sacred that many Hindu come and Visit even till date..
We cant now....
This is simply a work of ' Natural Geological Formation '
@@mylifewithms145 shutt uppp
@@rajab4187 : you 2 shut upp
@@mylifewithms145 did education become the new brainwashing Bible?
I’d love to discover something like that.
Me too!
I cam provide you all data what you need. zaibi099@gmail.com
The person who wrote the article didn't visit the site and wrote from only images. totally disagreed with that. I have other places and look alike structure there in Balochistan. That whole region ( 800 KMs ) is look alike and similar structure are there they seem more natural. All of you have simple narrated his article. no research no nothing.
Good work...
Its hidden treasure of human history. Must be explored. There must be more
Absolutely love your videos, your ideas and concepts are brilliant. Keep up the great work.
Thank you