As a veteran of playing the Fantasy Flight Wh40K TTRPGs, yes, Righteous Fury is the crit mechanic. When you roll for damage, should you roll a natural 10 on the D10, you get a chance to crit. You get to make a second attack roll with the same modifiers, and should you hit, you get to do another damage roll, which in turn can also Righteous Fury.
God I've been pouring over those things, such cool books. I'm trying to create a stratified environment using all my miniatures that lets dms start campaigns at any "tier" dark heresy, Rogue Trader, the space marine ones. Westmarch style 40k is such a tease, I'm glad I'll get a taste of that with this and hopefully their version of dark heresy/black crusade etc down the road.
@@cshumway1 Honestly, Rogue Trader is basically a Westmarch style game by default. The party can decide if what they want to do and in the Koronus Expanse, there is basically endless possibilities.
@@Raigan_Avalon I'm actually happy they aren't churning out new editions of that. The fantasy flight iteration covers so much ground its nice to have a ruleset that I don't have to chase like regular skirmish/army 40k. Print availability would be nice of course hah
Looks like a very promising system. And now I wish I had the Alpha, b/c that character creator by dialogue sounds fun. I wouldn't mind if they kept that for the full release, at least as an option.
I'd imagine it'll be pretty similar. The tabletop versions of rogue trader and dark heresy have you building your character through their background for the most part as well
This somehow flew under my radar, thank you for the overview videos. I am very interested and will be looking out for more content. You, Sir have a new sub.
FYI Righteous Fury is an "exploding dice" mechanic in the tabletop where if you roll maximum on your damage dice you roll it again before adding modifiers. So say you deal d10+2 damage. Roll a 10, you get to roll it again (say you got 7) then add your modifiers which would be 19 wounds (10+7+2=19). It's often open to slight variations; some GMs let you chain exploding dice, some don't, and it can get crazy silly on multihit/burst/full auto weapons - is there any indication what owl cat has gone for?
If i recall correctly, it’s not as simple as rolling 10 on a damage die. First time you roll 10, you have to confirm Righteous Fury by rolling again on the skill you used (either Weapon Skill or Ballistic skill). If you hit again, Righteous Fury is confirmed and you add the extra d10 damage. If you roll a 10 again, you don’t have to confirm Righteous Fury anymore but can roll again. And any subsequent rolls of 10 similarly do not require confirmation. In theory, this exploding die mechanic means that, if you’re ludicrously lucky, you could pull off amazing feats, like gutting a Daemon using a simple knife.
I don't know if you sent one of your gnomes out to boost you on Reddit or somebody just thought you needed more visibility, but I'm very upset that they didn't do it earlier. You're a fantastic reviewer for the genres you cover, and I never knew how much I missed CRPG's till I watched you play some of them. I've got high hopes for this game... But you've got me downloading Wrath of the righhteous right now so I can see about exploring that. Thanks for what you do! I'll look at becoming a channel member or Patreon!
Woah, I was not expecting such a dump of info to come out so soon. I'm still not entirely sold on the theme, but the mechanics sound solid. I can't wait to start experimenting with it. (Weirdly enough, the Momentum system initially reminded me of the Bravado system from Hard West 2 from earlier this year. Although both seem to incentive aggressive playstyles, it's clear from your description that they function pretty differently.)
Thx MG! I can't wait for this. I can't believe it's taken this long for a proper 40k CRPG. I love 40k lore, going to get lost in this. Owlcat is the perfect dev. They are so familiar with their engine now. Look how quickly they pumped out Pathfinder games/content, no surprise this is as fleshed out as it is already. You're my go to CRPG source these days MG, thanks for the great coverage!
@@albertdrevdal4233 Yeah, Larian would be my first choice too, but we wouldn't see it for years. Hopefully the snappier combat system here, and the legions of fellow 40k nutters will help Owlcat reach many more new fans.
glad to see turn based combat. for pathfinder I play with rtwp because it is actually balanced around that, with turned based it takes too long. i used to be a big rtwp fan until I played the divinity original sin games and it changed my preference.
This looks like it is heavily based on the Rogue Trader RPG from FFG that is now oop. That game had an amazing spaceship combat system that utilized the players assisting critical ship functions. I hope they have a version of that in this game.
Interesting. I'm curious how fast a psyker can dump their veil thickness. It's thematically cool, I mean untrained psykers don't know what they're doing so blowing themselves up or turning into daemon chow is a huge risk, but daemons are no joke. The momentum system is also pretty cool and very 40K. Glorious charge into the enemy and all that.
I had no idea the game was going into player testing already, let alone open to release content. Don't know much about Warhammer, but I didn't know much about Pathfinder either until Pathfinder: Kingmaker so I'm hyped. Edit: Game already looks a lot better than WotR graphically and I'm a huge fan of turn based combat, so now I'm even more hyped. Hopefully they stick the landing with encounter design and storyline/companions. I'm hoping it veers away from huge grandiose "space opera" type stuff and keep it a bit more grounded.
So far looks solid, the mechanics are pretty standard (it's a good thing, if it ain't broken don't fix it ), graphics and design are good. I like the overall "flavor" I got by watching the video. I wanted this to be good and by the looks of this Im not disappointed, who ever did this know what they are doing and have put some serious work into it. Im 90% in for now.
Hey Mort, I gotta say I love that you don't follow the modern trend of gaming channels to dogpile and capitalize on outrage. I get that there's a place for that, but it's nice to actually hear about GAMES themselves instead of the latest controversy.
I think I'll be playing some kind of shooty character just from what I can see so far. I think there will be some great ranged weapon options eventually
Ive always wanted to play a gunslinger in both dark heresy and rogue trader. The idea is duel wielding pistols taking advantage of the different weapon types available in universe like plasma, bolt, flamer, melta, venom, surriken, pulse... i wanna know if that's possible.
Ryan Robot i used to play space wolves so yeah, i know who cypher is, but i dont really like him. The character im envisioning is more like a romanticized pirate with a brace of like 6 different pistols for different situations. Like melta and lance pistols for vehicles and monsters, plasma for heavy infantry, bolt for lightly armored targets, and venom and flamer pistols for war crimes.
The thing I disliked about the Pathfinder games was that the two combat systems were a bit worst of both. RTWP was too frantic to micro all the abilities. TB was agonizingly slow for such a huge game. I ended up just turning down the difficulty and mass-attacking everything in RT to avoid the slog and felt like I missed out on the gameplay in order to realistically get through the game. Hopefully focusing on TB will lead to a better flow in the final product. I am a bit wary of TB games, but I love them when done right. The modern XCOM games were great at how they did TB combat.
Really like that is simpler than pathfinder games. I finished the first one but there were a lot of combat mechanics i didnt understand. It was a very complex game.
I had thought that Owlcat had lifted the rules directly from the out of print FFG RPG but, as the video mentions, the mechanics in this game are heavily inspired by, rather than a 1:1 translation of the tabletop rules. The health pool of characters, for example, is numerically larger than the Wounds stat (basically hit points) that their counterparts would have in tabletop (where 14 to 15 Wounds is considered remarkable and many starting characters have a lower number). Also, armor has more complexity in this game- the tabletop version just had a flat damage reduction and did not distinguish between “deflection” and “absorption”. In Owlcat’s game, armor works similarly to the system in Fallout 1 and 2, which had damage threshold (flat reduction) and damage reduction (a percentage of damage reduced). Action economy is also different. There are Action Points in this game whereas tabletop only had free actions, half-actions and full actions. It doesn’t look like characters have Fate Points either, which in the tabletop game could be spent for a variety of effects (e.g. healing, avoiding death, or re-rolling failed checks).
Also going by the whole "Veil Thickness" thing the Psychic Phenomena/Perils of the Warp mechanic has been rather notably toned down compared to its book counterpart. Not quite sure how I feel about that, certainly hope it means they're also toning down psykers as a whole because if not they are going to be insanely strong.
@@S3Cs4uN8 Right now, psykers have limited powers, as their advancement tree has not yet been developed. You can gain a few powers and increase your Psi rating and that’s about it. Because there is such limited use of their abilities, you’re never in danger of Veil thickness being depleted (as of now).
2 small things I'm not sure about. 1. is a typical CRPG thing for me and that is movement should be "free in an area." That if you miss clicked, you can return to your original spot or reposition inside your max range from the start. 2. I am kinda sad we don't get the EXP buy in system where you must buy your skills/attributes/upgrades with EXP just like the tabletop version.
I loved that the FF Tactics Advanced games let you snap back to your starting point if you misclicked. Tactic Ogre Reborn also made the first Chariot usage free, so basically the same thing.
Okay, I really like progression system, it looks fun and interesting, it goes well with Warhammer 40k in general and it seems very diverse, I am guessing the careers are separated in 2 tiers atm and you can have one Tier 1 and one Tier 2, so you can dual class at some point?
There any chance there'll be real time with pause? Like in reverse with Kingmaker. This is intensely disappointing to me, to have yet another turn based 40k game. It's as disappointing to me as finding out BG3 was gonna be turn based also
Hello. Can you spoil us with some information about weaponry ? I hope they will implement Claws and Power Fists ;) Challenges/duel system would be great too.
I must say I am extremely worried by the combat being on a grid. I like the free space movement that games like Pathfinder, Baldurs Gate and Divinity have. I guess it´s because of the cover system which could end up pretty janky with free movement. But the cover system is my actual big concern. It restricts in what kind of places fights can happen. Also I am not sure how they will handle free flow with exploration and combat. Will there even be a smooth transition between fights and exploration? Probably not. And if there needs to be a deployment phase and fixed combat areas will we even be able to have dynamic combat encounters or is it only scripted encounters. I guess what I want to say is that I am very worried that this game is more a tactics game than a hardcore crpg. Only time will tell but my hype has taken a nosedive and got replaced by a lot of being worried. Because I really do not want this game to be another XCom, Chaos Gate, Wasteland, Mechanicus or whatever tactics game you can think of.
The other thing is that this game shouldn't be about pre-buffing so that alone makes learning how to play it smoother as well as the speed of play. That's most of what makes Baldur's Gate or the Owlcat Pathfinder both slow to play and kind of hard to get into without knowing the base systems whereas this looks more like xcom which is fairly intuitive.
That all sounds promising. I played Warhammer 40k Mechanicus and enjoyed it, but it doesn't sound like it is going to benefit me much in my experience of this game, minus having just a bit more knowledge of the Warhammer 40k universe.
I know this is EARLY. i know this is not even close to done yet. But. I GENUINELY hope they fix some of the combat animations to look more impactful. They don't have to be crazy. BG3 and Divinity 2 have animations that are impactful but simple. (melee/ranged). But knowing the studio, it probably won't happen. Seeing someone *Charge* an enemy then the enemies dies before you connect is extremely immersion breaking for me :( But its warhammer, so i'll play it anyway.
I think they've already confirmed that there will not be a Tau companion. There's only one more non-DLC xeno companion unrevealed, and the most prominent theories based off the confirmed races we *won't* be getting are it either being a Kroot or a Dark Eldar.
@@nicholaswells4572 I hate to be that guy but the Tau empire is on the complete other side of the galaxy to the expanse and the Tau don't travel far from the empire. While it could be done it would be a stretch. Meanwhile the Dark Eldar and Kroot are known to travel the galaxy.
@@beardedtree4417 no, the far sight enclaves got lost in the warp and traveled into what is part of imperium held space. And regardless. The Tau use other Warp Sensitive creatures for accessing the Warp. It’s very easily doable. And it seems a weird move by owlcat to leave out one of the bigger factions. And one’s least immediately hostile to humanity.
@@nicholaswells4572 You're really grasping at the straws there, even the Q'Orl having a presence in the Koronus Expanse seems more probable. Also, "one of the bigger factions"? Despite their popularity, the Tau are tiny empire and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things and will never become a major power due to being surrounded by far greater forces on all sides, such as the Imperials, Tyranids and Sautekh dynasty
I like the character movement ... at around 11 min the guy eats a bolter to the face and even though he survived he gets blown back several tiles.
As a veteran of playing the Fantasy Flight Wh40K TTRPGs, yes, Righteous Fury is the crit mechanic. When you roll for damage, should you roll a natural 10 on the D10, you get a chance to crit. You get to make a second attack roll with the same modifiers, and should you hit, you get to do another damage roll, which in turn can also Righteous Fury.
God I've been pouring over those things, such cool books. I'm trying to create a stratified environment using all my miniatures that lets dms start campaigns at any "tier" dark heresy, Rogue Trader, the space marine ones. Westmarch style 40k is such a tease, I'm glad I'll get a taste of that with this and hopefully their version of dark heresy/black crusade etc down the road.
@@cshumway1 Honestly, Rogue Trader is basically a Westmarch style game by default. The party can decide if what they want to do and in the Koronus Expanse, there is basically endless possibilities.
@@Raigan_Avalon I'm actually happy they aren't churning out new editions of that. The fantasy flight iteration covers so much ground its nice to have a ruleset that I don't have to chase like regular skirmish/army 40k. Print availability would be nice of course hah
Initial feeling - Pathfinder meets Shadowrun and it's very good feeling
I was expecting real time with pause, pleasantly surprised to see a turn-based tactical grid. A little less chaotic.
For me it's the opposite, I feel disappointed that there'll be another turn based 40k game.
I much preferred RTWP gameplay.
@@janvermaak87 very understandable. I think I'm just bad at managing a lot of moving parts at once
I don't write comments on UA-cam, but I have to say, your channel is one of the best around - I love what you're doing and how you're doing it
Having been a massive fan of CRPG's since BG1 and 40K since the original TT Rogue Trader I gotta say I'm super excited for this one.
I love how close they are to the table top rule set!
Love that you are focusing on this game! Looking forward to your guides.
I'm excited for this game. I like that they implemented the destructible cover system that was in Inquisitor Martyr.
love this type of video explaining combat mechanics
hoping you will do another once the full game drops
Probably, I'm holding off on more specific stuff until the beta drops
Illuminate the Heretic with Blessed Fire. What a treat 4 videos in 1 day crazy stuff! Good show sir indeed
Looks like a very promising system. And now I wish I had the Alpha, b/c that character creator by dialogue sounds fun. I wouldn't mind if they kept that for the full release, at least as an option.
I'd imagine it'll be pretty similar. The tabletop versions of rogue trader and dark heresy have you building your character through their background for the most part as well
This somehow flew under my radar, thank you for the overview videos. I am very interested and will be looking out for more content. You, Sir have a new sub.
FYI Righteous Fury is an "exploding dice" mechanic in the tabletop where if you roll maximum on your damage dice you roll it again before adding modifiers.
So say you deal d10+2 damage. Roll a 10, you get to roll it again (say you got 7) then add your modifiers which would be 19 wounds (10+7+2=19).
It's often open to slight variations; some GMs let you chain exploding dice, some don't, and it can get crazy silly on multihit/burst/full auto weapons - is there any indication what owl cat has gone for?
Not quite for RT. You need to confirm by hitting again, and you get the entire damage roll if you hit.
@@Raigan_Avalon Oh so like Ulric's Fury in WFRP 2e?
If i recall correctly, it’s not as simple as rolling 10 on a damage die. First time you roll 10, you have to confirm Righteous Fury by rolling again on the skill you used (either Weapon Skill or Ballistic skill). If you hit again, Righteous Fury is confirmed and you add the extra d10 damage. If you roll a 10 again, you don’t have to confirm Righteous Fury anymore but can roll again. And any subsequent rolls of 10 similarly do not require confirmation. In theory, this exploding die mechanic means that, if you’re ludicrously lucky, you could pull off amazing feats, like gutting a Daemon using a simple knife.
Ah yes, when our guardsman in Dark Heresy rolled ~87 damage against a khymera with full auto. XD
@@TaiLysana Yup
Thanks for the heads up, Mort. Downloading the Alpha now..............
I'm so excited for these Rogue Trader videos!
I love that it doesn't look as complicated as Pathfinder, which is a LOT for a newer player to the genre to sink their teeth into.
I don't know if you sent one of your gnomes out to boost you on Reddit or somebody just thought you needed more visibility, but I'm very upset that they didn't do it earlier. You're a fantastic reviewer for the genres you cover, and I never knew how much I missed CRPG's till I watched you play some of them. I've got high hopes for this game... But you've got me downloading Wrath of the righhteous right now so I can see about exploring that.
Thanks for what you do! I'll look at becoming a channel member or Patreon!
Woah, I was not expecting such a dump of info to come out so soon. I'm still not entirely sold on the theme, but the mechanics sound solid. I can't wait to start experimenting with it.
(Weirdly enough, the Momentum system initially reminded me of the Bravado system from Hard West 2 from earlier this year. Although both seem to incentive aggressive playstyles, it's clear from your description that they function pretty differently.)
I am opposite, very much sold on the theme but no much on the mechanics ... I trust Owlcal tho, since they have delivered two wonders before.
Been looking forward to this vid!
surprising that this game is in such a good shape already. systems are looking more than promising and over all this was way beyond what I expected.
Thx MG! I can't wait for this. I can't believe it's taken this long for a proper 40k CRPG. I love 40k lore, going to get lost in this.
Owlcat is the perfect dev. They are so familiar with their engine now. Look how quickly they pumped out Pathfinder games/content, no surprise this is as fleshed out as it is already.
You're my go to CRPG source these days MG, thanks for the great coverage!
Larian would be the dream, but owlcat is absultely my second choice
@@albertdrevdal4233 Yeah, Larian would be my first choice too, but we wouldn't see it for years. Hopefully the snappier combat system here, and the legions of fellow 40k nutters will help Owlcat reach many more new fans.
I am very excited for this game!
Thanks Mort! Thanks Owlcat! Looking forward to this one
Didn't know this was a turn based BG/fallout style. Now I'm interested in it
glad to see turn based combat. for pathfinder I play with rtwp because it is actually balanced around that, with turned based it takes too long. i used to be a big rtwp fan until I played the divinity original sin games and it changed my preference.
Was worth the wait
This looks like it is heavily based on the Rogue Trader RPG from FFG that is now oop. That game had an amazing spaceship combat system that utilized the players assisting critical ship functions. I hope they have a version of that in this game.
God am I hyped for this
thanks for the information. I am looking forward to this game!
Looks epic, can't wait to unleash my psyker
Interesting. I'm curious how fast a psyker can dump their veil thickness. It's thematically cool, I mean untrained psykers don't know what they're doing so blowing themselves up or turning into daemon chow is a huge risk, but daemons are no joke. The momentum system is also pretty cool and very 40K. Glorious charge into the enemy and all that.
I had no idea the game was going into player testing already, let alone open to release content. Don't know much about Warhammer, but I didn't know much about Pathfinder either until Pathfinder: Kingmaker so I'm hyped.
Edit: Game already looks a lot better than WotR graphically and I'm a huge fan of turn based combat, so now I'm even more hyped. Hopefully they stick the landing with encounter design and storyline/companions. I'm hoping it veers away from huge grandiose "space opera" type stuff and keep it a bit more grounded.
So far looks solid, the mechanics are pretty standard (it's a good thing, if it ain't broken don't fix it ), graphics and design are good. I like the overall "flavor" I got by watching the video. I wanted this to be good and by the looks of this Im not disappointed, who ever did this know what they are doing and have put some serious work into it. Im 90% in for now.
Hype is real!
Thanks man
Hey Mort, I gotta say I love that you don't follow the modern trend of gaming channels to dogpile and capitalize on outrage.
I get that there's a place for that, but it's nice to actually hear about GAMES themselves instead of the latest controversy.
Seems great so far.
I don’t know anything about Warhammer but I like this style of game.
I think I'll be playing some kind of shooty character just from what I can see so far. I think there will be some great ranged weapon options eventually
In other preview they pointed out that the abilitie are only buffs and stuff like that, i hope they create real abilities before release.
Ive always wanted to play a gunslinger in both dark heresy and rogue trader. The idea is duel wielding pistols taking advantage of the different weapon types available in universe like plasma, bolt, flamer, melta, venom, surriken, pulse... i wanna know if that's possible.
Are you familiar with Cypher of the dark angels?
Ryan Robot i used to play space wolves so yeah, i know who cypher is, but i dont really like him. The character im envisioning is more like a romanticized pirate with a brace of like 6 different pistols for different situations. Like melta and lance pistols for vehicles and monsters, plasma for heavy infantry, bolt for lightly armored targets, and venom and flamer pistols for war crimes.
The thing I disliked about the Pathfinder games was that the two combat systems were a bit worst of both. RTWP was too frantic to micro all the abilities. TB was agonizingly slow for such a huge game. I ended up just turning down the difficulty and mass-attacking everything in RT to avoid the slog and felt like I missed out on the gameplay in order to realistically get through the game. Hopefully focusing on TB will lead to a better flow in the final product. I am a bit wary of TB games, but I love them when done right. The modern XCOM games were great at how they did TB combat.
Looks interesting. Owlcat doing a RPG based in the wh40K universe, that's already an interesting combination.
Really like that is simpler than pathfinder games. I finished the first one but there were a lot of combat mechanics i didnt understand. It was a very complex game.
i am hyped for this game, i like the UI the reason i still haven't finished pathfinder wrath of the righteous is that it's blindingly white
I had thought that Owlcat had lifted the rules directly from the out of print FFG RPG but, as the video mentions, the mechanics in this game are heavily inspired by, rather than a 1:1 translation of the tabletop rules.
The health pool of characters, for example, is numerically larger than the Wounds stat (basically hit points) that their counterparts would have in tabletop (where 14 to 15 Wounds is considered remarkable and many starting characters have a lower number). Also, armor has more complexity in this game- the tabletop version just had a flat damage reduction and did not distinguish between “deflection” and “absorption”. In Owlcat’s game, armor works similarly to the system in Fallout 1 and 2, which had damage threshold (flat reduction) and damage reduction (a percentage of damage reduced).
Action economy is also different. There are Action Points in this game whereas tabletop only had free actions, half-actions and full actions.
It doesn’t look like characters have Fate Points either, which in the tabletop game could be spent for a variety of effects (e.g. healing, avoiding death, or re-rolling failed checks).
Also going by the whole "Veil Thickness" thing the Psychic Phenomena/Perils of the Warp mechanic has been rather notably toned down compared to its book counterpart. Not quite sure how I feel about that, certainly hope it means they're also toning down psykers as a whole because if not they are going to be insanely strong.
@@S3Cs4uN8 Right now, psykers have limited powers, as their advancement tree has not yet been developed. You can gain a few powers and increase your Psi rating and that’s about it. Because there is such limited use of their abilities, you’re never in danger of Veil thickness being depleted (as of now).
At 10:26 that daemonnete just fucking became red must, nice
Looking good
Argenta reminds me of snipers in XCOM2: kills most of the enemy squad in one turn :)
downloading now :)
Sounds a lot like Wasteland 3's turn based system. That's a good thing imo.
Haven't played the tabletop, but the combat system reminds me a lot of x-com
2 small things I'm not sure about.
1. is a typical CRPG thing for me and that is movement should be "free in an area." That if you miss clicked, you can return to your original spot or reposition inside your max range from the start.
2. I am kinda sad we don't get the EXP buy in system where you must buy your skills/attributes/upgrades with EXP just like the tabletop version.
I loved that the FF Tactics Advanced games let you snap back to your starting point if you misclicked. Tactic Ogre Reborn also made the first Chariot usage free, so basically the same thing.
The combat system seems to look like the one in the Shadowrun trilogy.
Okay, I really like progression system, it looks fun and interesting, it goes well with Warhammer 40k in general and it seems very diverse, I am guessing the careers are separated in 2 tiers atm and you can have one Tier 1 and one Tier 2, so you can dual class at some point?
Just saw the end part, so Tier 2 is something available to you when you progress further in your tier 1 class
Turn based you say?
When is going to be released? For me is a sure buy.
I wonder how many Eldar characters are available and how many weapons for them we can use
As someone who has played a lot of cRPGs, what games that are out there now would you say this feels closest to?
I'd say Wasteland 3 in terms of gameplay systems
There any chance there'll be real time with pause? Like in reverse with Kingmaker. This is intensely disappointing to me, to have yet another turn based 40k game.
It's as disappointing to me as finding out BG3 was gonna be turn based also
It's like a pathfinder reskin and I'm totally ok with that.
From general description it sounds like system in Phoenix Point
Does anyone know if this game will allow you to get custom companions like mercenaries?
Hello. Can you spoil us with some information about weaponry ? I hope they will implement Claws and Power Fists ;) Challenges/duel system would be great too.
Hey Mort, how many companions can we have in combat? 4 or 6?
Can your main character be a psyker? I'm more inclined to "spellcasters".
Psykers arent fleshed out right now, but I believe you will be able too later yeah
I like what I see, solid base for, maybe, a great game
Hopefully we get a space marine character at some point.
Supposed to get one eventually
I must say I am extremely worried by the combat being on a grid. I like the free space movement that games like Pathfinder, Baldurs Gate and Divinity have. I guess it´s because of the cover system which could end up pretty janky with free movement. But the cover system is my actual big concern. It restricts in what kind of places fights can happen. Also I am not sure how they will handle free flow with exploration and combat. Will there even be a smooth transition between fights and exploration? Probably not. And if there needs to be a deployment phase and fixed combat areas will we even be able to have dynamic combat encounters or is it only scripted encounters.
I guess what I want to say is that I am very worried that this game is more a tactics game than a hardcore crpg. Only time will tell but my hype has taken a nosedive and got replaced by a lot of being worried. Because I really do not want this game to be another XCom, Chaos Gate, Wasteland, Mechanicus or whatever tactics game you can think of.
it looks like very close to the source transfer of Rogue Trader tabletop rpg to crpg
Bit of a shame they changed the career progression system, the one described in the video honestly sounds more inflexible than the book version.
The other thing is that this game shouldn't be about pre-buffing so that alone makes learning how to play it smoother as well as the speed of play.
That's most of what makes Baldur's Gate or the Owlcat Pathfinder both slow to play and kind of hard to get into without knowing the base systems whereas this looks more like xcom which is fairly intuitive.
What's available here was more about buffing in combat
As long as it is turn based, I'm satisfied.
That all sounds promising. I played Warhammer 40k Mechanicus and enjoyed it, but it doesn't sound like it is going to benefit me much in my experience of this game, minus having just a bit more knowledge of the Warhammer 40k universe.
I really hope I can get into this one coz Pathfinder system is too much for me. I tried to get into Pathfinder so many times.
I know this is EARLY. i know this is not even close to done yet. But. I GENUINELY hope they fix some of the combat animations to look more impactful. They don't have to be crazy. BG3 and Divinity 2 have animations that are impactful but simple. (melee/ranged).
But knowing the studio, it probably won't happen.
Seeing someone *Charge* an enemy then the enemies dies before you connect is extremely immersion breaking for me :(
But its warhammer, so i'll play it anyway.
so when is release ?
This actually might turn out to be brilliant as it gives some Fallout 2 vibes.
This does seem like it'll be easier to pick up than pathfinder was.
hopefully it comes to playstation asap
I'm a little concerend that I'm seeing a lot of Pathfinder assets...other than that it looks promising.
you can get an eldari ranger as a companion? i smell heresy
multiplayer planned?
I doubt it, and nothing theyve said at any point suggests it
I'd love to see the PVP builds people would come up with. Banner Saga Factions was really neat while it was still around.
Needs some polishing, but looks promising…
1 prefer this way real Time Is More chaotic
Kinda getting Fallout vibes here from the skill system.
I really hope they add a Tau companion. Either Greater Good loyalist, but more probable a Farsight Enclave Tau
I think they've already confirmed that there will not be a Tau companion. There's only one more non-DLC xeno companion unrevealed, and the most prominent theories based off the confirmed races we *won't* be getting are it either being a Kroot or a Dark Eldar.
@@Syenthros a dark Eldar over a tau? The fuck? Lol. They know what the dark Eldar do to stave off Slaanesh right? Gotta have another Camelia I guess.
@@nicholaswells4572 I hate to be that guy but the Tau empire is on the complete other side of the galaxy to the expanse and the Tau don't travel far from the empire. While it could be done it would be a stretch. Meanwhile the Dark Eldar and Kroot are known to travel the galaxy.
@@beardedtree4417 no, the far sight enclaves got lost in the warp and traveled into what is part of imperium held space. And regardless. The Tau use other Warp Sensitive creatures for accessing the Warp. It’s very easily doable. And it seems a weird move by owlcat to leave out one of the bigger factions. And one’s least immediately hostile to humanity.
@@nicholaswells4572 You're really grasping at the straws there, even the Q'Orl having a presence in the Koronus Expanse seems more probable. Also, "one of the bigger factions"? Despite their popularity, the Tau are tiny empire and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things and will never become a major power due to being surrounded by far greater forces on all sides, such as the Imperials, Tyranids and Sautekh dynasty
But can I play a Space Wolf...? ;)
I sincerely hope the pacing in this one is better than in Pathfinder. That game drags on forever.
Seems VERY slow. I was hoping for pathfinder-like battles, but what I see now is more Divinity OS looking.
warhammer meets xcom
no psyker options for the main character. im 95% less excited for the game now
Like I said in the video neither character creation or psykers are done, should be a thing later
Hype! ...why had the alpha to be that expensive. 🙄