Dear St Joseph please help me to get up for my last time to jump into the arm's of Jesus 🙏 My Pastor reminded me that we don't Go to Heaven, Our Lord Jesus Christ Comes to Get Us, and He beings Us into His Kingdom, and the place He's prepared for me 🙏 How cool is that 👍🙏
The world is in such chaos these days. I find the closer I follow Jesus, through prayer and meditation, the more I am blessed with the Peace of Christ within me. The closer I feel to Mary, through the Rosary, the more I feel strengthened and at Peace. The Blessings are there if you just seek them. This Lent is different for me. I don't see it as giving something up, I see it as giving something back, in thanks for the Peace I have received in the chaos.
I have been “lost” for a very long time. I thought I was following Jesus, but one day the person I was following finally turned around and I realized it was not Jesus! Good News, is that at that point, like the lost sheep, Jesus found me! God is awesome!
Life of a disciple needs to follow Jesus, so we don't get distracted by the world. If I do get distracted of lost, I immediately need to find Jesus to continue to be his disciple and live those things of the world behind that are not necessary to be the disciple of Christ. God bless everyone in your Lenten journey with God the Father, Jesus the Son and the power of the Holy Spirit.
My mom is 95 and as Matthew Kelly described following Jesus is like going to the largest bizarre in the world and trying to not get distracted and lost and at the end; its similar to the end of your life! I want so badly for Jesus to day well done my faithful servant.I suffer from distractions and yes I have been lost at times. I try to follow my mom’s legacy of her life and it is always choosing good over bad and keeping Jesus as my priority. Today’s difficult study reminds me again, to stay on the narrow path!
I find myself praying after communion, "Never permit me to be separated from you." I also began going to confession more often to help me stay close to Jesus.
I am reminded of the cords parents attach to the wrists of their children to keep them close in crowded busy environments. Our cord to Jesus is daily prayer. Morning prayer, evening prayer and night prayer as a minimum. Keep Jesus close, give Jesus a way to keep you close. Pray.
May my thoughts, words, and actions be a constant prayer to you, Lord Jesus. This is my daily prayer. Following Jesus in the grand bazaar of life is like the Christian Mediation practice taught by Fr. John Main in staying focused on the Maranatha in our time of meditation. There will be distractions but we keep focused or try and stay WITH Him through the time of quiet, in, with, and through Him. Thank you so much Matthew Kelly for your profound messages. God Bless you and your family!
The mistake I have made while trying to follow Jesus is sometimes I get overconfident and get ahead of Jesus and when I look back he’s no longer there.
Very true, and so well said Matthew. This world is like the Grand Bazaar, so easily distracted and tempted but keeping our eyes focused on Jesus and asking Our Mother to hold our hands, so when we do become distracted and tempted, she will give our hand a little tug and we will keep on the right path. Amazing Difficult Teachings.
What a wonderful analogy using the Grand Bazaar and following Jesus. Your last comment about Jesus knows we will sometimes get distracted but always welcomes us back to follow is very comforting. Thank you, Matthew.
Unfortunately I am one of those people who get easily distracted with those Shiney Things, it is a daily battle for me, but I never give up on getting back on track. I totally trust in Gods Mercy. thank you Mathew
Gosh it's a hard truth to admit we are not following Jesus...that we are following ourselves or no one.....thank you for your videos. they help me in my ever challenging battle to stay close to Jesus. Evil is working overtime these days. With one simple sentence from Jesus "Follow Me" He gives us more armor than we could ever hope for.
How easy it is to get distracted by Material Things when life has so much to offer if we turn to the gifts of God. Nature being the one that brings me back over and over again
A clear analogy of thrying to follow Christ. I have found that sometimes we believe Christ is not with us, when in fact we have left Him. God is right their next to us and all He is seeking is we open our hearts to Him in praise and thankfulness. The shiny objects blind us to seeing He is right here waiting for you and me! Seek and knock He will answer.
Thank you Matthew, It’s like here in the old saying where the world like a loose garment. I almost feel like putting a tracker locator on Jesus but it turns off and then I really have to do some legwork. I live being a servant of Christ
Having taught elementary school PE (K-6) for six years, I worked with more than 650 children weekly, and many from K through 6th grade. My main passion was to help each one over whatever hurdle was in their way - to coach and encourage them into that next phase of life's journey. But most especially, on of my favorite things is to watch young families - at a mall, on the beach, in a park - wherever. You notice that the toddlers are rarely more than 4-5 feet from mom or dad - and frequently look up just to make sure they're there! The older the child, the more farther they could go, but always with a line of sight to mom & dad. Today's teaching underscores the need to heed another essential teaching of Jesus (in addition to "come follow me") - It is, "unless you become as a child, you won't enter the kingdom of heaven." Matt. 18:3. Lord help me to maintain a childlikeness (humility!) along with adult discipline and responsibility.
This was perfectly narrated and I see myself in the fray. The World Bazaar and distractions. What a great analogy. I am a follower and I love Jesus. But the distractions! Thanks for your inspirational words to help keep me close. God bless you always.
Good video on following Jesus. Lent is definitely a good season to be closer to him. He's very loving and humble. I pray and read the bible everyday. It is important. Also make sure to not get too distracted with this world. Have a blessed Thursday.💙💚
ABSOLUTELY AMEN, a lot of times My spiritual learning comes from analogies, and this is by far the greatest one. The Grand Bizarre. I love it! I love it
The analogy of the Grand Bazaar was so on point! What a great way to help us understand our constant struggle to keep our focus on following Jesus. Thank you Matthew and Dynamic Catholic for all of your help! You have been instrumental in helping me return my focus to following Jesus.
Loved it too! It also gave me the same feeling as when I lose one of my kids among many people. I need to be attentive not to lose sight of them. In the middle of the bazaar hold them tight... that is an image that I use very much in prayer and in life
I have been to the Grand Bazaar in Turkey, crazy place! What a superb analogy Matthew on our journey in life. It is so easy to get distracted. Stay close to Jesus and follow him through and out to the other side, heaven.
Foot Massage- What a great idea Matthew, I never thought about it before. I'm gonna give my wife one this evening when she gets home from work. Thank You for all you do. Mr. Matthew Kelly!!!
I think the analogy to walking through the Grand Bazaar speaks directly to my heart. I will never forget it and will try to use it to keep me from being distracted from the trinkets of my life.
This lesson made me think a lot about who I was following and my feelings about following Jesus. So often I follow either myself or no one, and I am not exhibiting excitement about following Jesus. I need to answer the question about why I am not showing excitement.
Please pray for me and for my godmother Diane and for all of our families and friends and neighbors for conversion and salvation and holiness and healing
The bazaar is a very powerful analogy! I sometimes feel I am going through the motions but I’m really not connected. In other words I show up for mass, I don’t break any major rules, I help others IF the opportunity presents itself but that’s not really following Jesus…I know there is more I could be doing but I need to get off the”ride of life” and follow and serve.🤔 this gives me much to think about and figure out where I follow Jesus next. Thank you
Wow…great analogy! It reminds me of an incredible phrase from the book The Man In The Mirror. It says “I buy things I don’t need with money I don’t have to impress people I don’t know.”
OH MY GOODNESS !!!! Matthew, the analogy of the Bazaar is SO GOOD !! I have been calling myself the queen of distractions and they happen in my thought life. Wow is this helpful!! Also, knowing that when we step out of the bazaar, having walked through it, that’s going to be the end of our life. And Jesus is there. I am lost for words to express to you how helpful this teaching is… ❤️🙏
Today's reflection makes me think about Jesus's apostles. They left everything to follow the Lord, even the despised tax collector, Levi, who became Matthew. Wouldn't it be great if we had that same fervor as the early disciples?
I've found being a follower more comfortable than trying to lead, with Jesus. Surrendering to His will, following Him , feels right, peaceful.Staying close to Jesus is necessary , you're right , or we get lost .
It's so easy to feel like we're following Jesus only to look up and see he's not there. The difficult part is finding Him again.....and again.....and again. Stay close so as not to be separated. Thank you, Matthew.
Matthew, your message and the analogy of the Grand Bazaar brought tears to my eyes. I suppose that is because I have been lost in that Grand Bazaar and experienced the joy of again finding Jesus. Thank you. You are helping me to stay close & I truly am grateful!
Funny how when you said those words my heart became calm in a day that I have been seeing as anxious. But, yes Jesus I trust in you. These words are so calming and protecting for me. I follow Jesus every day but the world bothers me and yet I know that Jesus has his hand on my shoulder to guide me through the day. Bless you, Matthew, giving me this teaching.
Thank you. I could feel this physically as I walked with Jesus through the Great Bazaar. Also good advice to young people and parents about learning to be a follower.
Thank you for this one, Matthew. I almost didn't take the time to listen but thank God, literally, that I did. I will be able to keep this idea of the bazaar in my mind.
@@MatthewKellyAuthor Oh and I really have wanted to tell you how much I love seeing your children. (I'm assuming they are yours) It's now a habit to wait until I've seen your daughter say "have a great day!" before I sign off because, dammit, she really wants me to have a great day.
Thank you for the Best Lent Ever Matthew. This teaching of Jesus is so powerful. "Come Follow Me." Thank you for sharing and I pray that this is your Best Lent Ever.
I love this, follow and stay close. Sometimes so very hard when distractions abound in this world. Thank you Matthew for this video, and for always asking those questions that cause me to stop, pause and really think about where I am in my walk with Jesus.
Thank you, Matthew. That is a wonderful analogy. So often we get distracted in this busy, crazy world. We put things first and get distracted and God goes into second place. We have to make a constant effort everyday to put God first.
Thank you Matthew for Best Lent ever, for your are helping to make this my best lent ever and to remember to stay close to Jesus ..have a great day everyone!
Beautiful and clearly explained analogy of how i continuously live my life. Messages such as this are simple to reflect on each day - am I following Jesus? Where is He in my life? In every “step” we take , we must always focus on Him. Thank you Matthew.
Thank you for this Lenten program that gives such a great source of information and outlook on how to focus my life on Jesus. The insights on practical ways to live and serve God daily through the Lenten season and beyond are priceless. Thank you Matthew for sharing your wisdoms.
I love this analogy of the grand bizarre. My struggle is i don't realize i am getting distracted and forget to look for Jesus when i am lost or struggling to get through the crowd. And then at some point i rest, and then say why didn't i look for Jesus in those moments. When i am REALLY lost or in trouble I remember, but it is in those daily things that can accumulate that i am trying to work on
I love you, Matthew. Your reflections have truly changed my heart and my life. I've been following Dynamic Catholic for years, and your insights have had a significant impact on my spiritual journey, little by little, every year. I pray that God blesses you and everyone at Dynamic Catholic abundantly! You are truly doing the work of Jesus!
That reminds me of walking The Way of the Cross in the Holy Land. We passed by all the shops tempting us to buy things and to not care about what was really happening. That Jesus was giving up his life for us. I need to stay focused on the Cross. Thank you for all the reminders !
I would be the one to get side tracked looking at everything at the bazaar. Then I would feel terrible that He was no longer with me. But isn’t He always with us distracted or not?
“Come follow me” is a beautiful invitation to live the life God is calling you to live. I need to continue to follow Jesus closer and closer every day. I love Best Lent Ever. Thank you Mr. Kelly for all you do to help us become the best version of ourselves.
Another great reminder and daily habit - be mindful of my distractions and stay close to Jesus. I loved the analogy, it ties in perfectly with having child-like trust in God. Thank you and have a beautiful day!
Sometimes it's difficult to realize that He always accepts us back when we stray; but that's the awesomeness of His unconditional love & unbounded mercy.
How about the internet as a similar analogy? It is very easy to get distracted and lose track of time. It is a huge waste of time and draws people away from each other. There are good resources in this "grand bizarre", but far more distractions than resources. Thank you for your helpful and inspiring resources!
Most people want to be a leader no one wants to be a servant. Some of the good leaders I know are good servants as well.
Dear St Joseph please help me to get up for my last time to jump into the arm's of Jesus 🙏
My Pastor reminded me that we don't Go to Heaven, Our Lord Jesus Christ Comes to Get Us, and He beings Us into His Kingdom, and the place He's prepared for me 🙏
How cool is that 👍🙏
The world is in such chaos these days. I find the closer I follow Jesus, through prayer and meditation, the more I am blessed with the Peace of Christ within me. The closer I feel to Mary, through the Rosary, the more I feel strengthened and at Peace. The Blessings are there if you just seek them. This Lent is different for me. I don't see it as giving something up, I see it as giving something back, in thanks for the Peace I have received in the chaos.
I have been “lost” for a very long time. I thought I was following Jesus, but one day the person I was following finally turned around and I realized it was not Jesus! Good News, is that at that point, like the lost sheep, Jesus found me! God is awesome!
Life of a disciple needs to follow Jesus, so we don't get distracted by the world. If I do get distracted of lost, I immediately need to find Jesus to continue to be his disciple and live those things of the world behind that are not necessary to be the disciple of Christ. God bless everyone in your Lenten journey with God the Father, Jesus the Son and the power of the Holy Spirit.
My mom is 95 and as Matthew Kelly described following Jesus is like going to the largest bizarre in the world and trying to not get distracted and lost and at the end; its similar to the end of your life! I want so badly for Jesus to day well done my faithful servant.I suffer from distractions and yes I have been lost at times. I try to follow my mom’s legacy of her life and it is always choosing good over bad and keeping Jesus as my priority. Today’s difficult study reminds me again, to stay on the narrow path!
If you truly want to follow Jesus, simply pray a 7 minute Surrender (aka, Abandonment) Rosary every single morning. Bam! Done!
I find myself praying after communion, "Never permit me to be separated from you." I also began going to confession more often to help me stay close to Jesus.
I am reminded of the cords parents attach to the wrists of their children to keep them close in crowded busy environments. Our cord to Jesus is daily prayer. Morning prayer, evening prayer and night prayer as a minimum. Keep Jesus close, give Jesus a way to keep you close. Pray.
thank you as always we pray for all to keep on the track with Jesus ,Amen
May my thoughts, words, and actions be a constant prayer to you, Lord Jesus. This is my daily prayer. Following Jesus in the grand bazaar of life is like the Christian Mediation practice taught by Fr. John Main in staying focused on the Maranatha in our time of meditation. There will be distractions but we keep focused or try and stay WITH Him through the time of quiet, in, with, and through Him. Thank you so much Matthew Kelly for your profound messages. God Bless you and your family!
The mistake I have made while trying to follow Jesus is sometimes I get overconfident and get ahead of Jesus and when I look back he’s no longer there.
Very true, and so well said Matthew. This world is like the Grand Bazaar, so easily distracted and tempted but keeping our eyes focused on Jesus and asking Our Mother to hold our hands, so when we do become distracted and tempted, she will give our hand a little tug and we will keep on the right path. Amazing Difficult Teachings.
A ticket to heaven - follow Jesus!
What a wonderful analogy using the Grand Bazaar and following Jesus. Your last comment about Jesus knows we will sometimes get distracted but always welcomes us back to follow is very comforting. Thank you, Matthew.
Constant Conscious Contact .... when I have this, it's hard to not follow.
Lord, I believe; help my unbelief
Unfortunately I am one of those people who get easily distracted with those Shiney Things, it is a daily battle for me, but I never give up on getting back on track. I totally trust in Gods Mercy. thank you Mathew
Gosh it's a hard truth to admit we are not following Jesus...that we are following ourselves or no one.....thank you for your videos. they help me in my ever challenging battle to stay close to Jesus. Evil is working overtime these days. With one simple sentence from Jesus "Follow Me" He gives us more armor than we could ever hope for.
You are very very welcome.
These videos are great. Thank you. And thank you children for your bright and contagious energy.
How easy it is to get distracted by Material Things when life has so much to offer if we turn to the gifts of God. Nature being the one that brings me back over and over again
A clear analogy of thrying to follow Christ. I have found that sometimes we believe Christ is not with us, when in fact we have left Him. God is right their next to us and all He is seeking is we open our hearts to Him in praise and thankfulness. The shiny objects blind us to seeing He is right here waiting for you and me! Seek and knock He will answer.
Excellent! Thank you, Matthew
God bless your work and God bless our brothers and sisters🙏
Thank you Matthew,
It’s like here in the old saying where the world like a loose garment. I almost feel like putting a tracker locator on Jesus but it turns off and then I really have to do some legwork.
I live being a servant of Christ
Having taught elementary school PE (K-6) for six years, I worked with more than 650 children weekly, and many from K through 6th grade. My main passion was to help each one over whatever hurdle was in their way - to coach and encourage them into that next phase of life's journey. But most especially, on of my favorite things is to watch young families - at a mall, on the beach, in a park - wherever. You notice that the toddlers are rarely more than 4-5 feet from mom or dad - and frequently look up just to make sure they're there! The older the child, the more farther they could go, but always with a line of sight to mom & dad. Today's teaching underscores the need to heed another essential teaching of Jesus (in addition to "come follow me") - It is, "unless you become as a child, you won't enter the kingdom of heaven." Matt. 18:3. Lord help me to maintain a childlikeness (humility!) along with adult discipline and responsibility.
This was such a beautiful analogy. " Stay close". I love your children opening and closing what a sweet gift. Thank you so much for all you do.😇🙏
This was perfectly narrated and I see myself in the fray. The World Bazaar and distractions. What a great analogy. I am a follower and I love Jesus. But the distractions! Thanks for your inspirational words to help keep me close. God bless you always.
So beautifully said. I love being a follower of Jesus. It’s what gets me through the day-to-day routine of life.
Good video on following Jesus. Lent is definitely a good season to be closer to him. He's very loving and humble. I pray and read the bible everyday. It is important. Also make sure to not get too distracted with this world. Have a blessed Thursday.💙💚
Come follow me! So simple yet, often difficult to do. My new prayer ~Lord, help me stay close to you!!!
Love that.
I definitely get the distraction part. Thank you Jesus for always pressing me.
ABSOLUTELY AMEN, a lot of times My spiritual learning comes from analogies, and this is by far the greatest one. The Grand Bizarre. I love it! I love it
The analogy of the Grand Bazaar was so on point! What a great way to help us understand our constant struggle to keep our focus on following Jesus. Thank you Matthew and Dynamic Catholic for all of your help! You have been instrumental in helping me return my focus to following Jesus.
That makes me so happy. Delighted it served you.
Thank you. I loved the analogy to the Great Bazaar. It really helps to visualize following jesus.
Thanks Laurel.
Loved it too! It also gave me the same feeling as when I lose one of my kids among many people. I need to be attentive not to lose sight of them. In the middle of the bazaar hold them tight... that is an image that I use very much in prayer and in life
Thank you. Great analogy to the Grand Bazaar. Love the reminder to Stay Close. This is one of the most difficult teaching. Simple not easy.
Perfect analogy!! I have been to the Bazaar and this is so so true!! You have To stay focused so you don’t get lost!
I have been to the Grand Bazaar in Turkey, crazy place! What a superb analogy Matthew on our journey in life. It is so easy to get distracted. Stay close to Jesus and follow him through and out to the other side, heaven.
Thanks again. May I always follow Jesus. A great reminder he is always there for us.
You are very welcome.
Foot Massage- What a great idea Matthew, I never thought about it before. I'm gonna give my wife one this evening when she gets home from work. Thank You for all you do. Mr. Matthew Kelly!!!
I think the analogy to walking through the Grand Bazaar speaks directly to my heart. I will never forget it and will try to use it to keep me from being distracted from the trinkets of my life.
Delighted it served you.
It’s easy to get distracted , but we need to stay close
"If we don't follow closely, we DON'T have a chance." Wow! I love your quote.
This lesson made me think a lot about who I was following and my feelings about following Jesus. So often I follow either myself or no one, and I am not exhibiting excitement about following Jesus. I need to answer the question about why I am not showing excitement.
Very moving and oh so true. How many times do we get lost and then He finds us again. He never gives up on us.
I will Follow Close xxx
Please pray for me and for my godmother Diane and for all of our families and friends and neighbors for conversion and salvation and holiness and healing
Wonderful analogy for following Jesus
The bazaar is a very powerful analogy! I sometimes feel I am going through the motions but I’m really not connected. In other words I show up for mass, I don’t break any major rules, I help others IF the opportunity presents itself but that’s not really following Jesus…I know there is more I could be doing but I need to get off the”ride of life” and follow and serve.🤔 this gives me much to think about and figure out where I follow Jesus next. Thank you
Wow…great analogy! It reminds me of an incredible phrase from the book The Man In The Mirror. It says “I buy things I don’t need with money I don’t have to impress people I don’t know.”
A powerful video, Matthew. It really made me think of how one could develop soulful generosity.
What a great analogy! Easy to picture being a follower in that context. Jesus help us all to keep you within our site and follow you!
This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you.
I am so glad to hear that. Have a great day.
Thank you for your analogy! Sharing this so others can watch and follow God and not the things of this world.
OH MY GOODNESS !!!! Matthew, the analogy of the Bazaar is SO GOOD !!
I have been calling myself the queen of distractions and they happen in my thought life.
Wow is this helpful!!
Also, knowing that when we step out of the bazaar, having walked through it, that’s going to be the end of our life. And Jesus is there.
I am lost for words to express to you how helpful this teaching is…
Today's reflection makes me think about Jesus's apostles. They left everything to follow the Lord, even the despised tax collector, Levi, who became Matthew. Wouldn't it be great if we had that same fervor as the early disciples?
I've found being a follower more comfortable than trying to lead, with Jesus. Surrendering to His will, following Him , feels right, peaceful.Staying close to Jesus is necessary , you're right , or we get lost .
Loved the grand bazaar analogy. Daily life is distracting and can make us stray. Thank you for the great advice.
It's so easy to feel like we're following Jesus only to look up and see he's not there. The difficult part is finding Him again.....and again.....and again. Stay close so as not to be separated. Thank you, Matthew.
Spot on again! Thank you for showing things in a new light. Really enjoying BLE. Have a blessed day!
Matthew, your message and the analogy of the Grand Bazaar brought tears to my eyes. I suppose that is because I have been lost in that Grand Bazaar and experienced the joy of again finding Jesus. Thank you. You are helping me to stay close & I truly am grateful!
Amen,just stay close,and i would add stay focused on Jesus,it is easy to get distracted but Jesus is always there
Perfect anaology! Thank you DC! God bless!
Funny how when you said those words my heart became calm in a day that I have been seeing as anxious. But, yes Jesus I trust in you. These words are so calming and protecting for me. I follow Jesus every day but the world bothers me and yet I know that Jesus has his hand on my shoulder to guide me through the day. Bless you, Matthew, giving me this teaching.
Thank you
Thank you. I could feel this physically as I walked with Jesus through the Great Bazaar. Also good advice to young people and parents about learning to be a follower.
Thank you for this one, Matthew. I almost didn't take the time to listen but thank God, literally, that I did. I will be able to keep this idea of the bazaar in my mind.
You are very welcome. Delighted it served you
@@MatthewKellyAuthor Oh and I really have wanted to tell you how much I love seeing your children. (I'm assuming they are yours) It's now a habit to wait until I've seen your daughter say "have a great day!" before I sign off because, dammit, she really wants me to have a great day.
Thank you for the Best Lent Ever Matthew. This teaching of Jesus is so powerful. "Come Follow Me." Thank you for sharing and I pray that this is your Best Lent Ever.
Beautiful teaching!!!
Delighted it served you.
Thankyou for your daily sharing.
I always find that I can use these in my daily life.
We all need reminders on what Jesus would have us do.
Thank you for this. The bazaar analogy is spot on. What a great way of looking at this.
Very thought provoking.
Thank you for this reminder...the Great Bazaar metaphor/image very helpful!
Great analogy and oh so true! Thank you!
Love this analogy! So true!
I love this, follow and stay close. Sometimes so very hard when distractions abound in this world. Thank you Matthew for this video, and for always asking those questions that cause me to stop, pause and really think about where I am in my walk with Jesus.
What a wonderful analogy! Thank you!
Thank you, Matthew. That is a wonderful analogy. So often we get distracted in this busy, crazy world. We put things first and get distracted and God goes into second place. We have to make a constant effort everyday to put God first.
Wonderful analogy!
Thank you Matthew for Best Lent ever, for your are helping to make this my best lent ever and to remember to stay close to Jesus ..have a great day everyone!
Great message!
God bless you! This was pretty perfect!
Beautiful and clearly explained analogy of how i continuously live my life. Messages such as this are simple to reflect on each day - am I following Jesus? Where is He in my life? In every “step” we take , we must always focus on Him. Thank you Matthew.
Thank you for this Lenten program that gives such a great source of information and outlook on how to focus my life on Jesus. The insights on practical ways to live and serve God daily through the Lenten season and beyond are priceless. Thank you Matthew for sharing your wisdoms.
I love this analogy of the grand bizarre. My struggle is i don't realize i am getting distracted and forget to look for Jesus when i am lost or struggling to get through the crowd. And then at some point i rest, and then say why didn't i look for Jesus in those moments. When i am REALLY lost or in trouble I remember, but it is in those daily things that can accumulate that i am trying to work on
Love the grand. bazaar analogy
Love this analogy!
Loved this. It was like listening to a parable. God Bless
Thank you, Matthew. It is sad and discouraging when I realize I am not following Jesus. Thank you so much for this series. God Bless you.
Delighted it's serving you.
The bazaar is a great analogy.
I love you, Matthew. Your reflections have truly changed my heart and my life. I've been following Dynamic Catholic for years, and your insights have had a significant impact on my spiritual journey, little by little, every year. I pray that God blesses you and everyone at Dynamic Catholic abundantly! You are truly doing the work of Jesus!
If you think Matt is good, give Pastor Dan Mohler a good listen to. 💕
The song , BE NOT AFRAID
….. “come follow me and I will give you rest”
Comes to mind.
Thanks Mathew.
That reminds me of walking The Way of the Cross in the Holy Land. We passed by all the shops tempting us to buy things and to not care about what was really happening. That Jesus was giving up his life for us. I need to stay focused on the Cross. Thank you for all the reminders !
I would be the one to get side tracked looking at everything at the bazaar. Then I would feel terrible that He was no longer with me. But isn’t He always with us distracted or not?
“Come follow me” is a beautiful invitation to live the life God is calling you to live. I need to continue to follow Jesus closer and closer every day. I love Best Lent Ever. Thank you Mr. Kelly for all you do to help us become the best version of ourselves.
As St Paul says it-"Keep your eye on the PRIZE".
Another great reminder and daily habit - be mindful of my distractions and stay close to Jesus. I loved the analogy, it ties in perfectly with having child-like trust in God. Thank you and have a beautiful day!
The metaphor of the Istanbul Bazaar provided a powerful visual that will stick in my mind and heart. Thank you Matthew, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
I loved the analogy! I get distracted by shiney things quite literally, especially in prayer
Sometimes it's difficult to realize that He always accepts us back when we stray; but that's the awesomeness of His unconditional love & unbounded mercy.
El formato utilizado este año es super inspirador y dinámico. Gracias por tanta dedicación..Dios les bendiga siempre.
How about the internet as a similar analogy? It is very easy to get distracted and lose track of time. It is a huge waste of time and draws people away from each other. There are good resources in this "grand bizarre", but far more distractions than resources. Thank you for your helpful and inspiring resources!