Is Seventh-Day Adventism Orthodox?

  • Опубліковано 26 лип 2024
  • Over the years I have encountered many Seventh-day Adventists who have told me that to worship on Sunday is to take the mark of the Beast. Far from being monolithic, however, Seventh-day Adventism is multifaceted. Hank Hanegraaff, the host of the 𝘉𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘔𝘢𝘯 broadcast and the 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘜𝘯𝘱𝘭𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘥 podcast, notes there are Adventists who are thoroughly orthodox. As such, they embrace the essentials of the historic Christian faith. While we may vigorously debate secondary issues, we are unified around the essentials for which the martyrs shed their blood. And there are Adventists who are thoroughly liberal. They not only compromise and confuse but consistently contradict essentials of the Christian faith such as the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, and the infallibility of Scripture. There are traditionalists who major on aberrant Adventist doctrines including soul sleep, Sabbatarianism, and the seer status of Ellen G. White. In sharp distinction to soul sleep, the Bible provides ample evidence that after death the soul continues to exist apart from the body (Philippians 1:21-24; 2 Corinthians 5:6-9; 12:2-4). Likewise, God Himself provided early Christians with a new pattern of worship through Christ’s resurrection on the first day of the week as well as the Spirit’s descent on Pentecost Sunday. Additionally, while Ellen White (1827-1915) claimed divine authority for her prophecies, she was obviously wrong when she prophesied that she would be alive at the second coming of Christ. "There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.” Hebrews 4:9-10 NKJV
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    #seventhdayadventist #christianity #sabbath


  • @christopherdenny5421
    @christopherdenny5421 4 місяці тому

    A few of these things you said are wrong. Also that verse you mentioned legit says for that rest in God in verses before is the Sabbath the seventh day.

  • @TheShutterbug1968
    @TheShutterbug1968 Рік тому

    Revelation 14:12-13 NKJV
    Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. [13] Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.”

  • @robertdavis3036
    @robertdavis3036 Рік тому +5

    Is Jesus really Michael the Archangel? No. Lbvs

    • @betterunderstandingthebibl830
      @betterunderstandingthebibl830 Рік тому

      Yes, Micheal is Jesus and I’m not a SDA

    • @robertdavis3036
      @robertdavis3036 Рік тому +1

      @@betterunderstandingthebibl830 Nope. Michael isn't Jesus. Michael didn't even have power to rebuke satan when they disputed over the body of Moses.

    • @betterunderstandingthebibl830
      @betterunderstandingthebibl830 Рік тому

      @@robertdavis3036 the body that was disputed was Israel, the whole body of Moses….not the human Moses. Just as it says, “I did not come to judge anyone”….Jesus didn’t judge but rather left that judgement for God.
      Do you know what Micheal means? Micheal means, the one who is like God…Do you realize that Jesus claims this very name? John 15….Jesus is the one who is like God.
      Revelation 12 and 13 is Jesus being born, and then gathers to Himself followers…who joins Jesus against Satan and his angels.
      Micheal is Jesus, Micheals angels are the apostles
      Satan is the High Priest and the priesthood (including the Pharisees and Sadducees, apostate Israel)

    • @robertdavis3036
      @robertdavis3036 Рік тому +1

      @@betterunderstandingthebibl830 Hebrews 1:5-8 “For to which of the angels did God ever say, ‘You are my Son; today I have become your Father’? Or again, ‘I will be His Father, and He will be my Son’? And again, when God brings His firstborn into the world, He says, ‘Let all God’s angels worship Him.’ In speaking of the angels He says, ‘He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire.’ But about the Son He says, ‘Your throne, O God, will last forever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.’”

    • @BibleAnswerMan
      @BibleAnswerMan  Рік тому +3

      @robertdavis3036 Not as a created being of the angelic species - Michael is an angel but the title archangel puts the creature in an exceptional position among all the other angels.
      Unlike the angels, Jesus, who is the Son of God, is uncreated. He is begotten not made.
      See these articles…

  • @AcademyApologia
    @AcademyApologia Рік тому +2

    Seventh-day Adventists who are baptized believers in Adventist doctrine (28 Beliefs) are not Christian. Adventism teaches doctrines which are cursed in the bible. For example, the Adventist gospel message of 3 Angels Messages is not found in the bible and according to Gal. 1:6-9 this gospel is cursed. A church which preaches a gospel which is cursed is not Christian. Adventism is not Christian and not part of the larger Protestant Christian community.
    Galatians 1:6-9: I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.

  • @justanotherlikeyou
    @justanotherlikeyou 9 місяців тому

    As a former Seventh-day Adventist of 11 years now an Orthodox Christian I would say that one needs to get into the details of the Adventist teaching of the Great Controversy and their teaching of the Trinity to truly understand the heretical nature of the denomination. It runs deep and is very serious. A few quick points that are easily verified:
    1. There are 3 divine beings
    2. "In Christ is life original, unborrowed, underived." _The Desire of Ages_ page 530. Christ is autotheos, God of Himself.
    3. Jesus did not become the Son of God until he was incarnated as a human being.
    3. Jesus gave up His divine nature in His incarnation.
    4. The Father has a form like that of Christ
    5. Satan was jealous of Christ in heaven before the earth was created and accused God of injustice and an evil character. This started the so-called Great Controversy.
    6. Satan is the "scapegoat" of Levitucus 16 making him and Jesus ("the Lord's goat") our "sin-offering" (verse 5) and atonement is made upon him (verse 10).
    All of these are blasphemous heretical teachings, and there are many many more. If you're interested check out the channel Answering Adventism right here on UA-cam.

    • @BibleAnswerMan
      @BibleAnswerMan  9 місяців тому

      @justanotherlikeyou Good point. Seventh-day Adventism has been very shaky with Trinity. Some early Adventist were anti-Trinitarian, the issue has been debated within the tradition, though SDA presently affirm the Trinity, some anti-Trinitarianism is still alive the among SDA ranks notwithstanding. SDA is far from monolithic as a denomination. See and

    • @justanotherlikeyou
      @justanotherlikeyou 9 місяців тому

      @@BibleAnswerMan They indeed affirm the word "Trinity" currently, but what they mean by it is very very different from the Orthodox understanding of it. It is colored by their understanding of the Great Controversy theme they hold to. Read what they say about the Trinity in their official 28 Fundamental Beliefs statement and you'll see what I mean.

    • @totallynotthebio-lizard7631
      @totallynotthebio-lizard7631 Місяць тому

      How is #4 blasphemous

  • @3cool2beans15
    @3cool2beans15 Рік тому +1

    Can anyone show me please a verse that Jesus resurrected on the 1st day of the week? Do the Gospels really say that after the stone was rolled away He walked out and said, "Here am I?"
    Was the stone required to be removed so He could go about His business after His resurrection or was it required to be a SECOND WITNESS for the women? Didn't the angels say, "He is not here, for He is risen"?
    Please show me the verse or verses that show us He rose on the 1st day.

    • @BibleAnswerMan
      @BibleAnswerMan  Рік тому +1

      @3cool2beans15 See Matthew 28:1ff, Luke 24:1ff and John 20:1ff attest to the empty tomb and appearance of the resurrected Lord on the first day of the week. Matthew indicates the angel moved the stone. Luke only recalls witnesses saying the stone had already been rolled away. But the women witnessed the empty tomb. An angel also informed the women that Jesus had already risen. John names Mary Magdalene as a woman who first witnessed the resurrected Lord. All Gospels are really complimentary but never contradictory.

    • @3cool2beans15
      @3cool2beans15 Рік тому

      @BibleAnswerMan yes I understand what you're saying, but I still can't see it. If Jesus was truly killed or cut-off in the midst of the week(4th cycle-Wed/Daniel 9:27) then you have to compromise and make the Sign of Jonah into three and a half days. Aren't you adding adding 12 hours to justify a 1st cycle Sunday resurrection?
      I'm saying He died on the cross @~3pm Wednesday 4th cycle of the week and rose @~3pm 7th cycle Saturday. The graves were thrown open and were the 1st witnesses to His resurrection. After Shabbat ended @dawn Mary witnessed the opening of the sepulcher to see and hear that Christ was in fact already risen and gone.
      The deciples and women could not have come during the Sabbath day and were still in hiding until Mary beckoned them to come see for themselves.
      I'm certainty not trying to start an argument but simply try to show you how I can only see a Saturday resurrection.

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 8 місяців тому

      @@3cool2beans15 He was not crucified on a Wednesday.
      That is not what was meant by the midst of the week.
      That week was a week of 7 years from Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy.
      The sign of Jonah applies because in Hebrew reckoning of the time, a day was counted by just a part of it not a 24 hour period.
      He was crucified on Friday, was physically in the tomb Saturday and rose early in the morning on Sunday.

    • @3cool2beans15
      @3cool2beans15 8 місяців тому

      @thenowchurch6419 He did not come out of the tomb like Lazarus. The stone was rolled away to witness that he was indeed gone, in fact, 12 hours earlier! The graves were thrown open during the quake and remained open for 3 days until Adoni resurrected about 3 pm on the 7th cycle Shabbat and those whom raised up were seen walking about the holy city as the first witness of the resurrection...Mary Magdalena was not allowed to touch a defile the first fruits wave sheaf offering while it was still dark. The Wave Sheaf Offering could not be given until the dawning of the 1st day of the week!
      Yahusha was crucified on the 13th of Abib on day before the Jewish passover on a Wednesday. The Jewish passover was on a Thursday, one day after... you can't prove a Friday crucifixion.

  • @Luke-hs3bf
    @Luke-hs3bf Рік тому +1

    I am not a Seventh Day Adventist. But I find it ironic that Eastern Orthodox are dissecting this specific protestant organization to determine whether it's "Orthodox" or not. I just watched a video clip of the Orthodox Church that was rebuilt in NYC after being destroyed on 911. One of the Church clergy for that location was inviting everyone from all faiths,beliefs, and religions to come for the grand reopening and participate in the service and pray with them. they are more than willing to have those who are pagans or don't believe in Christ to come and worship with them. Worship who or what? That's definitely not Christianity. That Orthodox church was a Greek Orthodox location.

    • @PunktusContrapunktum
      @PunktusContrapunktum Рік тому +1

      There are many problems right now in worldwide Orthodoxy, many of which are being promulgated by the Patriarchate of Constantinople for various political reasons, not the least of which involve the current situation in Russia and the Ukraine, and which also have seen interference from the U.S. State Department. That said, most of worldwide Orthodoxy rejects these manipulations.
      Having said that, I come from a mixed family where my mother was a nominal member of what is now the Orthodox Church in America (at the time a metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church) being of Rusyn (aka western Ukrainian) heritage. My father was from the Far East and was raised in a fundamentalist SDA household.
      Neither of my parents were outwardly religious, but my mom sent me to the SDA private school because she believed it would be safer than the American public schools (this was in the 1980s). When it came time for my class to be baptized, I declined and asked to receive catechesis in the Orthodox Church.
      What Mr. Hanegraaf says here is very correct, but I credit my time in the SDA school (with teachers who were sympathetic despite disagreeing) for sparking my interest in Christian history and adoption of Orthodoxy.
      I do continue to follow much of their lifestyle message, not for religious reasons, but because it makes good sense from a practical standpoint. Also, I remember their heavy eschatological bent and, seeing now the trials canonical Orthodoxy is facing on the world stage, it’s hard not to recall the things I learned in school as current events unfold. Fortunately Adventism was never under any illusion that America would be a witness for Christian faith in the latter times.