I think they had mishap in the bar well before that pull. That extra pack is the "security" that shows up. If that is the case, it wasn't the hunter's fault at all. The whole group F up by not waiting for that pack.
He didn't die and it wasn't him alone; there were several people at the top of the ramp where the patrol spawns, including the priest who is too slow to cast PW:S on himself and then whines
@@gp42846 even more considering that this was not a hunter pet pull, but rather, just the group that spawns and walks into the bar after some time. So hunter had nothing to do with it. Even funnier with how bad the priest and tank was. The priest had 3 mobs on him. What's up tank? And priest just plainly panicked.
i'm not going to act like i never miss-healed because i was flopping the targeting but man that was very big noob moment right there. i mean this is hardcore, you simply can't make rookie mistakes like that on this level of play.
Why are people so obsessed with trying to skip that one pack by the Dire Maul stairs? They always pull it, always break for the exit, always pull the guys on top the stairs, and someone always dies.
@@Kingmakerrr1337 maybe because if u had any knowledge of this dungeon you would know that it's not the hunter's fault, the pet was in stay and passive. The hunter was the one who was first on body pull but if it wasn't him it would have been the priest...
Last clip 😂 blames hunter, doesn't understand there's a fire patrol pat that comes to that door after it's opened. Had the pet not grabbed them the healer would've 😂 too funny
10:47 Classic exemple of players blaming others players on their lack of knowledge. Can't really be mad at people not knowing the in and out of a 20 years old game, but instantly blaming others will lead you nowhere. For those that don't know, killing the inn keeper (Plugger Spazzring) or any dwarves triggers an event that will make 2 fireguard destroyers and like 3 dwarves spawn at the door after a few minutes (and opening it, as this is one of the ways to progress through the inn)
I don't think the hunters pet pulled there. It looked like those npcs that spawn sometime after fighting the bar. The voice line even shows up in the chat. Also to add, they didn't even hit the cat.
You see the pet sitting on top of the stairs clearly forced into staying put. Then a little after they start fighting the pet is set to attack. It kills an enemy then returns to the spot it was before. Then enemies start pouring out of the tavern and immediately start attacking the hunter not the pet. I don't think it was the pet - I think the guy tabbed to target a new enemy and it selected one of the guys in the tavern and the hunter shot it, or used multishot or something and it hit something inside. You can clearly see a number of mob nameplates selectable through the wall
It wasn't the pet. You aren't supposed to fight on top the stairs by the bar when adds spawn there. Hunter was standing by the healer and the pet was by the hunter.
@@Thanatos2k it wasn't even the hunter who tab or everything, it's just the pat that got to the door and if they didn't aggro the hunter it would have been the priest, just a dumbass blaming hunter when they don't know anything
POS warrior in the second clip absolutely delighted at poor lowbies getting eaten by that harbor shark, put that psychopath on a watch list or something
Calm down you emotionally stunted weaklings. It was funny because they were dumb enough to just follow him to their deaths. It's called Schadenfreude. Go read a book.
9:00 some simple target prioritizing could have saved this group a lot of trouble. they didn't focus the low hp ones. worse yet, they were cleaving, causing almost all of the mobs that can enrage to hit their health percentage trigger and do just that. the golden rule when dealing with ogres (and troll berserkers) in wow is to save your stun/cc for the enrage (a mechanic about 90% of ogres/berserkers have) and focus dps them hard one at a time. if you split damage everywhere they will go mad and clap your group into next patch.. this is deliberately designed to punish people who arrogantly think they can pull big groups of mobs and facetank them while aoeing everything down ezpz. one of the first things you will likely notice if you make it past level 30 in hardcore is that ogres are an exceptionally dangerous mob type to deal with even in open world questing. their staple enrage mechanic combined with their naturally hard-hitting attacks (and crits) means they can take players by surprise and instantly chunk them for massive amounts of hp. god forbid the ogre in question has an actual randomly cast attack like mortal strike on top of that, because under the right circumstances - if the stars align - thats usually enough to 1-clap whatever he is hitting, even a warrior in plate, from 100% > 0%. if the ogre gets a string of 1 auto attack crit, 1 mortal strike crit and a parryhaste crit your 5k hp warrior is likely dead if he is not wearing a shield.
I disagree. The leader is calling for a warrior to get 2nd on threat when the only other warrior petrid and left group. He should have just called for them to petri and left earlier
yeah, leader is constantly making trivial calls, then he is completely silent as the debuff runs out. Also "Keep clicking crystals at the side" what the hell, that makes no sense. That's not how the fight works. Doesn't know the fight, just read it up on wowhead I guess. Any decent raid leader would have gone into shouty mode when the debuff is at 10 seconds and ossirian is nowhere near a crystal. @@astralmedian5957
That's me, its usually more out of the way to the left and out of the way. I was trying to keep an eye on stun CD's as a the shriekers have a silence. One silence on your healer in HC and someone's dead.
I think they had mishap in the bar well before that pull. That extra pack is the "security" that shows up. If that is the case, it wasn't the hunter's fault at all. The whole group F up by not waiting for that pack.
I actually lost a character there too, because I legit didn't know they spawned after just killing ONE neutral pack. I always assumed you had to pull half the tavern before they triggered.
I don't think it was the pet, I think someone (probably the hunter) tab targeted someone through the wall and attacked them. You can see the pet sitting on top the stairs but the mobs clearly go directly to the hunter not the pet. I bet the Hunter tab targeted something inside the tavern and shot it.
@@Thanatos2k your bet would be wrong. These mobs spawn right next to where the healer is standing. Since mage, pet and healer are all standing up there, it's hard to say who exactly body pulled them, but either one of them would have if the other ones had left.
@@Thanatos2k they spawn when you mess up in the bar. It takes awhile and they spawn at that door. There is no pack that had 2 guards and a fire guard near by. It has to be the security pack.
@@CaptainSweatpants90 The pet is closest to the door, so if anything body pulled it would be the pet - but they don't attack the pet they attack the hunter.
why is 1:20 in there? just a hostile, vile player enjoying someone else dieing from a mistake when he could have easily killed the shark? Getting that few clips now because SoD?
@@pisse3000 True, but you'd expect the one editing this whole video to know it. Unless the editor doesn't play WoW Classic... 🤔Now that would be a real plot twist! 🤣
Wow the Druid trying to pretend like the heals "weren't landing" when he was healing himself! He made sure he was topped off before starting to actually heal the Warrior again.
those aren't buffs, that's his party frame displaying available cooldowns. Like information you *Really* don't need but many people choose to throw on their screen anyways.
@@quineloe I was keeping an eye on stuns as the shriekers have a silence. One silence on me could mean someone in my party dies. It's usually further to the left though.
yeah it helps to track the position of the shriekers so you're out of range of the silence. Having your UI actually clutter up the center of your screen so you don't see them is probably a bad idea. Let's be honest here, three shriekers could hide behind those party frames@@TaterAFK Why do you even have the standard party frames still displayed on the far left of the screen if you have that UI? Even more clutter. You don't know how to turn them off I bet. This is an indefensible, half finished clutterUI.
@@quineloe What a rant, addons error out all the time, if that happens and I dont see their health they are dead and its my fault. At this point we were working on revered Argent Dawn rep, being 60 in HC speaks for itself that whatever each of the people here were doing had worked well enough thus far.
too many words for wittle baby priest?@@TaterAFK "being 60 in HC speaks for itself " ahaha the ego. The huge ego of an idiot who can't even set up his UI
Bored, 9 months later and im scrolling.. Anyway, what happened was that i pressed tab. And that for some reason makes me auto attack another unit when i am already in combat. i just got timed the fuck out basically. ggs
4:48 How on earth did he aggro a passive NPC? I didn't see him click it or demo shout... The dinosaur had JUST stopped attacking him to make it worse. He was free. To die by a passive NPC and knowing it's your own fault must have be a shit feeling.
Hardindi literally had swifty up that whole time and could have just dipped after the first mob died, instead of a shitty little WA that says "run bitch run" have one that says "Look at your util to survive dumbass". also, the dead clicking was funny af. deadclicks the swifty just before death and the shield wall
(I'm in the guild) The pull was rushed due to a miscommunication between the puller and an officer in voice. Two of the tanks still had their flask sets on. The voice admitting murderering the guild was trying to use a target dummy but misclicked challenging shout (you can see all the mobs b-line to him). Even if he didn't misclick, the pull was already scuffed. Bad pull led to some panic plays.
Except it wasn't the hunter's fault. There's a patrol that spawns at the top of the ramp and they should've all moved down, starting with the whiny priest.
You mean the tank that is asspulling cause he is using a charge instead of a ranged weapon? You mean the guy that has Taunt on 4 and AETaunt on 5 so he can easily fatfinger it everytime he taunts? You mean the guy that backpadels instead of sidestrafing in a kiting situation? The whole lbrs clip stems from the tank making a bad decision.
No. Asspulling with charge. Never uses shield block. Takes way more dmg than he needs to by facetanking mobs that are rooted while his party is oom + only using shield wall when half the mobs are dead.
8:30 That rogue was playing the safest game in existence. The very moment he took damage from that knock back he insta potted and was keeping his distance as much as possible, very quick on the vanish as well, too. Man wanted to fucking live so badly lmao It's nice to see some actual good play pov for once even if it was a wipe.
blaming the hunter for "pulling" mobs that _always_ spawn due to door event and then attempt to juggle petri flask for no reason causing you to die. big yikes. best part is that the hunter survived. that was a feign death lol.
As a 60 on skullrock horde who cant find endgame grps bc im not in SSP, that first clip is the exact reason id rather not play my 60 then join that guild. So many careless wipes in endgame content and they sit there and laugh as they wasted over 5+ peoples 200 hours sunk into their toons. Hard to tell if they are trolling or just genuinely that bad at the game. GG and RiP to the guys who died due to poor raid leading.
Baalod is an incredible raid leader, you literally have no idea what you're talking about. One of the tanks fat fingered challenging shout so all of the mobs hit him and quickly killed him, so then the healers healing him had threat. Nothing the raid leader was at fault for. You're likely just a toxic nerd that's why you never played with anyone in that guild, everyone is great and will always give out petris and help people in dungeons. Don't talk shit about what you know nothing about
SSP is a great guild. If you think a death at 60 in a raid is wasting time then HC just isn't for you. It's about the journey of each character and a raid death is a good death. Anyone who died there could have died from a DC or a flight path bug or anything else, but they got a raid death. It still sucks but it's not the end of the world.. of warcraft. Almost all of them are leveling back up together.
SSP is awesome. Idk what else to do but laugh after a raid wipe; getting angry isn't going to help. Most of the players who died are going again. We're all friends enjoying the game together.
if people dieing because the mob they're trying to leash is still getting attacked isn't bad enough, now we have this guy hitting random passive mobs on the way back to Durotar.
Thinking about why many high level players die in the most noob way i guess is because most of them have leveled with people in party so they went hand in hand avoiding everything you can learn about your class and its gameplay because they have minimized the risks and since how few people are at 45+ they die without knowing what to do or what to press, they never had to before. lmao git gud
I was keeping an eye on stuns as the shriekers have a silence. One silence on me could mean someone in my party dies. It's usually further to the left though.
1:40 and people wonder why some players are so hilariously bad and blind in this game. they waste space with the default UI shit on the edges and then fucking MURDER the middle of the screen with shit like that. also: every ability is either on a number or shift+number?! how about make use of some of the more accessible keys like q e r t f g x c v b n and like 2 extra mouse keys how are you gonna find shift-5 and the fucking 8-key in a chaotic situation. even has the 0 - and = key bound, how do you bind that and not immediately think "maybe i should use Q and E first"? so many clips like that, it's like the people play for 200 hours and not once set up their game
RNG? just click the pillars and have 2 tanks. Thats it. Pillars are easy to see and if you dont run to the next as soon as you clicked one its a skill issue.
It is actually very easy. You can also cheese this fight hard as the tank if you play alliance (Crystal of Zin-Malor anyone???). They not doing that is a big fuckup on their part.
Raids on hardcore just seem not that fun. The minute anything goes wrong everyone just drops group and runs. Completing a dungeon must take ages. No thanks
Right? Bubble + Hearth isn't allowed because it's OP. But somehow dungeons being the safest place to play on Hardcore because of Petri + Leave group is completely okay. Honestly just can't wait for SSF (well I guess SF) Hardcore because people are going to have to chose between Petri or Engineering OR spend a ton of time farming all the materials needed for both Alch and Eng before dropping Herb and Mining. Going to be a much better version of the game and ACTUALLY Hardcore.
@@atrozzorta9602 I can only assume you dont play HC, and if dungeons are the safest place to play HC, then why are all the clips showing people dying in dungeons when they have petri's and I dont see any world deaths of lvl 60 characters, where you cant use petri's
@@IJJusion ahhh ofc the idiotic "you obviously don't play this game mode" response. Didnt see this idiocy coming from a mile away. Gtfo of here with this baby shit. I do play HC and still think Petri's are boringly op and too safe. And you see deaths in dungeons because people DON'T use their petris dumbass. Look at the priest in this VIDEO. He waited too long to use it and died. My god I lose IQ pts talking to morons like you.
I ask this every time I see one of these compilations. Can't wait for SF Hardcore servers. Will probably still see a lot of Petri abusing but at least they had to make it themselves compared to just buying it off the AH.
@@atrozzorta9602 Petri is a good thing, when you have no safeguards against mistakes, people will take even less risks than they do right now (the fact petri's exist likely result in more deaths :P) - a Petri doesnt guarantee a save, as shown by all the people dying in these comps (also when SF comes in, if its anything like the old HC addon, at lvl 60 there are no restrictions on trading) Also petri can't save you other in anything but lvl 50+ dungeons/raids, and they're not cheap. Feign Death >>>> Petri
It's a healthy part of hardcore. They cost 150g per on my server. Everything is still extremely dangerous. The game would be borderline unplayable without it.
Because Blizzard is too incompetent to remove the drop group exploit. A mechanic that was added to the game to clean up instances and reclaim server resources, not to give people a free teleport out of dungeons. Remove that and petri is completely fine.
11:00 I am a Hunter main myself and clips like that make me sick. You have 2 jobs in classic: Control your fucking pet, and Dispell rage effects on bosses. There is no excuse if your pet runs off and pulls something, you just failed at learning the basics of your class. So sick of having to deal with the bad reputation because of those Huntards
It's literally a scripted event that make 2 destroyer and some Dark irons spawn after you kill the Inn keeper, group was too fast and should have waited for them to spawn
@@Cipher8721 Ok, I trusted the narrative in the video, maybe it wasn't the hunter pet this time. Still too many clips of Hunters fucking up and giving us a bad rep because they can't learn the basics.
At least the Hunter died.. made it worth it at the end 😂
Check out our merch: classichardcore.com/merch 🔥
He feigned... he has buffs and not the "I'M DEAD" debuff.
did he die tho? looks more like feign death.
did not die
I think they had mishap in the bar well before that pull. That extra pack is the "security" that shows up. If that is the case, it wasn't the hunter's fault at all. The whole group F up by not waiting for that pack.
He didn't die and it wasn't him alone; there were several people at the top of the ramp where the patrol spawns, including the priest who is too slow to cast PW:S on himself and then whines
The druid healing himself instead of the warrior and being like "idk" lmao.
so bad
i laughed so hard after seeing 2 of the heals casted on himself
Has to be the worst thing... imagine not realising that...
most skilled classic player
A dead hunter that still has buffs, is not dead. That guy was happy for no reason
Haha that makes the clip even more cringe than initially thought
@@gp42846 even more considering that this was not a hunter pet pull, but rather, just the group that spawns and walks into the bar after some time.
So hunter had nothing to do with it.
Even funnier with how bad the priest and tank was. The priest had 3 mobs on him. What's up tank?
And priest just plainly panicked.
Yup ur right@@N4rha
Why didnt they finish the first 3 that were on thr priest? Mage, hello?
4:14 "Were those not landing?" ... "I don't know" as the druid was healing himself even though he was 100% hp.
i'm not going to act like i never miss-healed because i was flopping the targeting but man that was very big noob moment right there.
i mean this is hardcore, you simply can't make rookie mistakes like that on this level of play.
almost as bad as the clicker warrior that escapes the dinosaur and immediately autos a plant. 5:00
lol the druid healing himself instead of the warrior at @3:55
"were those not landing"
"i dont know"
He looks like a tauren, but definitely a troll.
And dude healed himself one more time at max health just to be sure he wasn't dying.
He made sure he was full health before going back to healing the Warrior. What a rat.
Probably had a mouse over macro, but panicked and forgor (💀) to hover the warrior
Why are people so obsessed with trying to skip that one pack by the Dire Maul stairs? They always pull it, always break for the exit, always pull the guys on top the stairs, and someone always dies.
Yeah this is soooo stupid
What's worse is if you get on that ledge they evade and reset so there is literally no reason to die there.
3:55 the druid was healing himself haha
1:15 what kind of bastard is that.... he could save him
1:30 thats why is called community toxic. I still remember days when players were helping each other.
Indeed, could’ve easily helped him out there…!
Instead he decided to laugh like a 400 pound virgin
He sounded like a total moron, cant expect more
Least deranged gnome player
@@Thantaros85 that laugh says everything about why they didn't help
Hardini pulled a magic trick called "Hit another mob while running from another"
Hardini *FOUND OUT*
How does a player that bad reach 52 i will never know
carried without a doubt @@jim8056
1:40 What a interface placement, huh?
Some people's UI make my head spin lol
That's me, its usually more to the left and out of the way.
The hunter still had buffs. That was feign death...
Shows the dunce of the priest.
@@User-hv5wm Why are people defending the huntard lol
@@Kingmakerrr1337 who’s doing that?
@@Kingmakerrr1337 maybe because if u had any knowledge of this dungeon you would know that it's not the hunter's fault, the pet was in stay and passive. The hunter was the one who was first on body pull but if it wasn't him it would have been the priest...
@@KuroiTenshi19 bro i've tanked this dungeon with my warrior on HC for like a week. don't be disrespectful lol
Last clip 😂 blames hunter, doesn't understand there's a fire patrol pat that comes to that door after it's opened. Had the pet not grabbed them the healer would've 😂 too funny
That kind of behavior is far to common, peopel without game knowledge randomly tossing blame around when they dont realy know what and why it happend.
Yeah trying to throw all the blame on hunter pet when he’s basically standing in the same spot
Oh no I finally made it into a clip. I was the warlock in the first one, also the one askin' what happened. It went so damn quick it was crazy
10:47 Classic exemple of players blaming others players on their lack of knowledge. Can't really be mad at people not knowing the in and out of a 20 years old game, but instantly blaming others will lead you nowhere.
For those that don't know, killing the inn keeper (Plugger Spazzring) or any dwarves triggers an event that will make 2 fireguard destroyers and like 3 dwarves spawn at the door after a few minutes (and opening it, as this is one of the ways to progress through the inn)
Also the cosmetic desperate prayer with no keybind sitting there
I don't think the hunters pet pulled there. It looked like those npcs that spawn sometime after fighting the bar. The voice line even shows up in the chat.
Also to add, they didn't even hit the cat.
You see the pet sitting on top of the stairs clearly forced into staying put. Then a little after they start fighting the pet is set to attack. It kills an enemy then returns to the spot it was before. Then enemies start pouring out of the tavern and immediately start attacking the hunter not the pet. I don't think it was the pet - I think the guy tabbed to target a new enemy and it selected one of the guys in the tavern and the hunter shot it, or used multishot or something and it hit something inside. You can clearly see a number of mob nameplates selectable through the wall
It wasn't the pet. You aren't supposed to fight on top the stairs by the bar when adds spawn there. Hunter was standing by the healer and the pet was by the hunter.
@@Thanatos2k it wasn't even the hunter who tab or everything, it's just the pat that got to the door and if they didn't aggro the hunter it would have been the priest, just a dumbass blaming hunter when they don't know anything
Thank you for continuing these compilations even with the rise of SoD. I still very much enjoy playing and watching HC.
SoD is very boring tho, there is no reason to play it
@@lel90 No reason to play HC either and people still do
@@Vhite Why are you watching HC when you think there is no reason?
@@lel90 to laugh at people
POS warrior in the second clip absolutely delighted at poor lowbies getting eaten by that harbor shark, put that psychopath on a watch list or something
By the way he laughs, you can tell he is a horrible person, in game and irl.
Calm down you emotionally stunted weaklings. It was funny because they were dumb enough to just follow him to their deaths. It's called Schadenfreude. Go read a book.
absolutely is@@vagmarMCXI
@@icebox1954 Schadenfreude is such a wrong and unethical word, no wonder it's German. Stop reading those books.
why would I help a lvl 12 who is in a lvl 40 zone. Just go againe ur 4 hours in.
11:05 watch the mage cast Ice barrier + hard casting frost bolts, while his healer is dying. Dog sht mage :(
1:25 most helpful rogue
That druid at 3:53 is healing himself twice and lying to his friend that he's trying damn...
9:00 some simple target prioritizing could have saved this group a lot of trouble.
they didn't focus the low hp ones.
worse yet, they were cleaving, causing almost all of the mobs that can enrage to hit their health percentage trigger and do just that.
the golden rule when dealing with ogres (and troll berserkers) in wow is to save your stun/cc for the enrage (a mechanic about 90% of ogres/berserkers have) and focus dps them hard one at a time.
if you split damage everywhere they will go mad and clap your group into next patch.. this is deliberately designed to punish people who arrogantly think they can pull big groups of mobs and facetank them while aoeing everything down ezpz.
one of the first things you will likely notice if you make it past level 30 in hardcore is that ogres are an exceptionally dangerous mob type to deal with even in open world questing.
their staple enrage mechanic combined with their naturally hard-hitting attacks (and crits) means they can take players by surprise and instantly chunk them for massive amounts of hp.
god forbid the ogre in question has an actual randomly cast attack like mortal strike on top of that, because under the right circumstances - if the stars align - thats usually enough to 1-clap whatever he is hitting, even a warrior in plate, from 100% > 0%.
if the ogre gets a string of 1 auto attack crit, 1 mortal strike crit and a parryhaste crit your 5k hp warrior is likely dead if he is not wearing a shield.
cool to see people staying calm like in the aq clip and the guy taking responsibility for it
I disagree. The leader is calling for a warrior to get 2nd on threat when the only other warrior petrid and left group. He should have just called for them to petri and left earlier
@@astralmedian5957Agreed. 2 people died because leader was clueless, but this looks like random pug made of people barely making it to 60 so..
@@astralmedian5957yeah, the leader is completely clueless.
@@EagleInFlames From his reaction to the AoE taunt he didn't even know taunt does nothing.
yeah, leader is constantly making trivial calls, then he is completely silent as the debuff runs out. Also "Keep clicking crystals at the side" what the hell, that makes no sense. That's not how the fight works. Doesn't know the fight, just read it up on wowhead I guess.
Any decent raid leader would have gone into shouty mode when the debuff is at 10 seconds and ossirian is nowhere near a crystal.
LOL - Moonkin called Oomchickaoom
You players are crazy and I cannot get enough of this content. Good luck to anyone who is trying to play classic WoW hardcore. That's just nuts.
The gnome tanking is a legend
What the hell is that priest UI blocking the centre of the screen in Strat? Also pretty sure hunter lived in last clip.
That's me, its usually more out of the way to the left and out of the way. I was trying to keep an eye on stun CD's as a the shriekers have a silence. One silence on your healer in HC and someone's dead.
I think they had mishap in the bar well before that pull. That extra pack is the "security" that shows up. If that is the case, it wasn't the hunter's fault at all. The whole group F up by not waiting for that pack.
I actually lost a character there too, because I legit didn't know they spawned after just killing ONE neutral pack. I always assumed you had to pull half the tavern before they triggered.
I don't think it was the pet, I think someone (probably the hunter) tab targeted someone through the wall and attacked them. You can see the pet sitting on top the stairs but the mobs clearly go directly to the hunter not the pet. I bet the Hunter tab targeted something inside the tavern and shot it.
@@Thanatos2k your bet would be wrong. These mobs spawn right next to where the healer is standing. Since mage, pet and healer are all standing up there, it's hard to say who exactly body pulled them, but either one of them would have if the other ones had left.
@@Thanatos2k they spawn when you mess up in the bar. It takes awhile and they spawn at that door. There is no pack that had 2 guards and a fire guard near by. It has to be the security pack.
@@CaptainSweatpants90 The pet is closest to the door, so if anything body pulled it would be the pet - but they don't attack the pet they attack the hunter.
2nd clip the dude sounds like a gnome irl
Warrior at 2:50 doesnt have intim shout on his bars lol
buy new glasses mate
Where is it then? Could have easily pressed at 3:00 but instead opens his bag to click a speed pot LOL@@georgesdiebiatch5243
Only Demo, Challenging and Battle shout are on his bars mate, check again LOL @@georgesdiebiatch5243
"No DPs guys!" Half the raid proceeds to DSP. "What happened?"
No one actually DPS'ed it was our healers that got killed for healing. We just had a terrible pull lol.
"This could end badly.."
_sOmeTimEs FoReShAdoWinG is RelAtivEly ObvIoUs_
why is 1:20 in there? just a hostile, vile player enjoying someone else dieing from a mistake when he could have easily killed the shark?
Getting that few clips now because SoD?
You sure the hunter died? I still saw buffs on him while it was "dead." That is an easy tell with the default UI frames that it used Feign Death.
Can't expect a clicker to know that
@@pisse3000 True, but you'd expect the one editing this whole video to know it. Unless the editor doesn't play WoW Classic... 🤔Now that would be a real plot twist! 🤣
Yea he died. Feign deathed earlier in the fight.
5:32 what is that floating purple orb around Rhine ?
Wow the Druid trying to pretend like the heals "weren't landing" when he was healing himself! He made sure he was topped off before starting to actually heal the Warrior again.
Lol that druid himself while warriors dieing and lieing about it he was at 17 hp 😂
2:00 how can this guy play with all the buff in middle of the screen & not expect to die ?? you dont even see your character >.>
those aren't buffs, that's his party frame displaying available cooldowns.
Like information you *Really* don't need but many people choose to throw on their screen anyways.
@@quineloe I was keeping an eye on stuns as the shriekers have a silence. One silence on me could mean someone in my party dies. It's usually further to the left though.
yeah it helps to track the position of the shriekers so you're out of range of the silence.
Having your UI actually clutter up the center of your screen so you don't see them is probably a bad idea. Let's be honest here, three shriekers could hide behind those party frames@@TaterAFK
Why do you even have the standard party frames still displayed on the far left of the screen if you have that UI? Even more clutter.
You don't know how to turn them off I bet. This is an indefensible, half finished clutterUI.
@@quineloe What a rant, addons error out all the time, if that happens and I dont see their health they are dead and its my fault. At this point we were working on revered Argent Dawn rep, being 60 in HC speaks for itself that whatever each of the people here were doing had worked well enough thus far.
too many words for wittle baby priest?@@TaterAFK
"being 60 in HC speaks for itself "
ahaha the ego. The huge ego of an idiot who can't even set up his UI
as a hunter it's always so tragic to see people die in DM north, there's so many evade spots on those ledges
5:07 wtf was that??? 😂 he almost made it out and then hit a neutral npc only to get killed by it 😂 how hard can u fail?
Bored, 9 months later and im scrolling.. Anyway, what happened was that i pressed tab. And that for some reason makes me auto attack another unit when i am already in combat. i just got timed the fuck out basically. ggs
@ ah damn… stuff like that is why HC is so punishing. You can’t lose focus once… which I constantly do when chilling with WoW
what are some of these UI's?
How did the hunter's pet aggroed? There is no pack like this behind them, did it teleport from the bottom?
It didn't. They body pulled the patrol that spawns after blowing up the door
Hunter pet only pulled because it was in front of the priest who would have pulled if the hunter pet wasnt there. Both to blame!
Hardcore in my hearts
the discord leave sound during ossirian
03:31 moar interrupts
The whole guild just died in that single clip
4:48 How on earth did he aggro a passive NPC? I didn't see him click it or demo shout... The dinosaur had JUST stopped attacking him to make it worse. He was free. To die by a passive NPC and knowing it's your own fault must have be a shit feeling.
Do none of these people have petri binded?
The priest of scolo
Hardindi literally had swifty up that whole time and could have just dipped after the first mob died, instead of a shitty little WA that says "run bitch run" have one that says "Look at your util to survive dumbass". also, the dead clicking was funny af. deadclicks the swifty just before death and the shield wall
I mean, at least the guy admitted it was him who murdered the guild.
Was it just that one guy? They had people dropping left and right through the whole fight.
(I'm in the guild) The pull was rushed due to a miscommunication between the puller and an officer in voice. Two of the tanks still had their flask sets on. The voice admitting murderering the guild was trying to use a target dummy but misclicked challenging shout (you can see all the mobs b-line to him). Even if he didn't misclick, the pull was already scuffed. Bad pull led to some panic plays.
lol so weird that after so many years of playing this game, the hunter stereotypes are still very true today as they were back then😂
Except it wasn't the hunter's fault. There's a patrol that spawns at the top of the ramp and they should've all moved down, starting with the whiny priest.
We need another Kungen clip ASAP
They actually raiding good
and then I'm sure everyone will be like, OMG people die in Kungen's raid EVERY TIME (even though it's one out of 50 raids he's led)
11:44 hunter not dead yet :D
that DM group.. i dont understand why they wanna try to skip that when they have a full group.
3:55 fire this guy immediately. Healing touched himself not once but twice LOL
Priest clicking could have saved the whole run if he just focused
how much the petri cost now?
150g on horde Skull Rock.
70g stiches aliance
how is this hc if you can press an item and just get out of the dungeon if it gets dangerous? xD
Hows the priest in strat tell at all what's happening lol
Very entertaining. "You better die, hunter. Good!"
that tank in BRS clip is a legend
You mean the tank that is asspulling cause he is using a charge instead of a ranged weapon? You mean the guy that has Taunt on 4 and AETaunt on 5 so he can easily fatfinger it everytime he taunts? You mean the guy that backpadels instead of sidestrafing in a kiting situation?
The whole lbrs clip stems from the tank making a bad decision.
No. Asspulling with charge. Never uses shield block. Takes way more dmg than he needs to by facetanking mobs that are rooted while his party is oom + only using shield wall when half the mobs are dead.
@@Sam-es2gf and .Amy victim.he don't lost their threat
.is curious people make opinion.when they don't play hardcore servers
rip cakeninja o7
8:30 That rogue was playing the safest game in existence. The very moment he took damage from that knock back he insta potted and was keeping his distance as much as possible, very quick on the vanish as well, too. Man wanted to fucking live so badly lmao It's nice to see some actual good play pov for once even if it was a wipe.
3:19 she didn't make it. RIP
blaming the hunter for "pulling" mobs that _always_ spawn due to door event and then attempt to juggle petri flask for no reason causing you to die. big yikes.
best part is that the hunter survived. that was a feign death lol.
4:43 the sound alerts they use are getting worse and worse…
Hunter didnt die, thats FD
What a pity
raid leader not calling petris earlier in that AQ20 is the most braindead thing i've ever seen. dude has no business raid leading in hardcore.
Nice video !
imagine leveling to 60 without disabling the error text.
Hunters don't die, they multiply. To our horror and detriment.
As a 60 on skullrock horde who cant find endgame grps bc im not in SSP, that first clip is the exact reason id rather not play my 60 then join that guild. So many careless wipes in endgame content and they sit there and laugh as they wasted over 5+ peoples 200 hours sunk into their toons. Hard to tell if they are trolling or just genuinely that bad at the game. GG and RiP to the guys who died due to poor raid leading.
Baalod is an incredible raid leader, you literally have no idea what you're talking about. One of the tanks fat fingered challenging shout so all of the mobs hit him and quickly killed him, so then the healers healing him had threat. Nothing the raid leader was at fault for. You're likely just a toxic nerd that's why you never played with anyone in that guild, everyone is great and will always give out petris and help people in dungeons. Don't talk shit about what you know nothing about
SSP is a great guild. If you think a death at 60 in a raid is wasting time then HC just isn't for you. It's about the journey of each character and a raid death is a good death. Anyone who died there could have died from a DC or a flight path bug or anything else, but they got a raid death. It still sucks but it's not the end of the world.. of warcraft. Almost all of them are leveling back up together.
SSP is awesome. Idk what else to do but laugh after a raid wipe; getting angry isn't going to help. Most of the players who died are going again. We're all friends enjoying the game together.
Prost layout at 1:41 is absolutely garbage.
I got to 60 in HC somehow.
@@TaterAFK it ain’t hard getting to 60 on hardcore. I’m working on my 3rd 60.
5:15 Guys, you know you can like.. turn your auto attack OFF manually.. right? While still targeting the enemy.
if people dieing because the mob they're trying to leash is still getting attacked isn't bad enough, now we have this guy hitting random passive mobs on the way back to Durotar.
Yo where's the videos....i need my fix
The amount of bad tanks in this video is staggering.
Thinking about why many high level players die in the most noob way i guess is because most of them have leveled with people in party so they went hand in hand avoiding everything you can learn about your class and its gameplay because they have minimized the risks and since how few people are at 45+ they die without knowing what to do or what to press, they never had to before. lmao git gud
1:50, what the fuck is this UI?
I was keeping an eye on stuns as the shriekers have a silence. One silence on me could mean someone in my party dies. It's usually further to the left though.
@@TaterAFK you make yourself sound woke but you can do that without having your UI messede up and center placed.
1:40 and people wonder why some players are so hilariously bad and blind in this game. they waste space with the default UI shit on the edges and then fucking MURDER the middle of the screen with shit like that.
also: every ability is either on a number or shift+number?! how about make use of some of the more accessible keys like q e r t f g x c v b n and like 2 extra mouse keys
how are you gonna find shift-5 and the fucking 8-key in a chaotic situation. even has the 0 - and = key bound, how do you bind that and not immediately think "maybe i should use Q and E first"?
so many clips like that, it's like the people play for 200 hours and not once set up their game
That Osirian boss has too many rng elements for hardcore lol.
RNG? just click the pillars and have 2 tanks. Thats it. Pillars are easy to see and if you dont run to the next as soon as you clicked one its a skill issue.
It is actually very easy. You can also cheese this fight hard as the tank if you play alliance (Crystal of Zin-Malor anyone???). They not doing that is a big fuckup on their part.
It doesn't help if you keep saying "Kushna"
bads dying in the easiest mmo ever made 😂
Raids on hardcore just seem not that fun. The minute anything goes wrong everyone just drops group and runs. Completing a dungeon must take ages. No thanks
9:27 This pull would have been much easier if the tank didnt needlessly drag the mobs into his group.
I wish they would remove petri and drop group as a mechanic, would be more "hardcore"
Right? Bubble + Hearth isn't allowed because it's OP. But somehow dungeons being the safest place to play on Hardcore because of Petri + Leave group is completely okay. Honestly just can't wait for SSF (well I guess SF) Hardcore because people are going to have to chose between Petri or Engineering OR spend a ton of time farming all the materials needed for both Alch and Eng before dropping Herb and Mining. Going to be a much better version of the game and ACTUALLY Hardcore.
@@atrozzorta9602 I can only assume you dont play HC, and if dungeons are the safest place to play HC, then why are all the clips showing people dying in dungeons when they have petri's and I dont see any world deaths of lvl 60 characters, where you cant use petri's
@@IJJusion you can petri anywhere
@@astralmedian5957 sure, but it doesn't save you like it can in dungeons.
@@IJJusion ahhh ofc the idiotic "you obviously don't play this game mode" response. Didnt see this idiocy coming from a mile away. Gtfo of here with this baby shit.
I do play HC and still think Petri's are boringly op and too safe. And you see deaths in dungeons because people DON'T use their petris dumbass. Look at the priest in this VIDEO. He waited too long to use it and died. My god I lose IQ pts talking to morons like you.
Good :)
clicker bots xD
lol at healbot positioning for that crap healer in stratholme and mostly of ppl move with S hahahahaahah they die because they are noobs
All HC clips are just.... pEtRI wE nEeD To PeTrI
Hunter was to blame for the pull but the priest death was on him for not fearing
The priest die because used maxim ranks in heals and take agro for these motive
imagine not being able to clear MC in 2023 lmao. time to start antoher game
What would hc be without petri flasks....
Nobody raiding
Why is Petri allowed?
I ask this every time I see one of these compilations. Can't wait for SF Hardcore servers. Will probably still see a lot of Petri abusing but at least they had to make it themselves compared to just buying it off the AH.
@@atrozzorta9602 what makes you think there will be SF servers
@@atrozzorta9602 Petri is a good thing, when you have no safeguards against mistakes, people will take even less risks than they do right now (the fact petri's exist likely result in more deaths :P) - a Petri doesnt guarantee a save, as shown by all the people dying in these comps (also when SF comes in, if its anything like the old HC addon, at lvl 60 there are no restrictions on trading)
Also petri can't save you other in anything but lvl 50+ dungeons/raids, and they're not cheap. Feign Death >>>> Petri
It's a healthy part of hardcore. They cost 150g per on my server. Everything is still extremely dangerous. The game would be borderline unplayable without it.
Because Blizzard is too incompetent to remove the drop group exploit. A mechanic that was added to the game to clean up instances and reclaim server resources, not to give people a free teleport out of dungeons. Remove that and petri is completely fine.
surprise to see ppl keep bring hunters.
Oh Frenzuh died, guy was annoying when he kept forcing everyone to get fire res buff for damn Beast/Drak my god.
2:55 finally some justice, the one who pull only die
some of the people filming these clips are so obnoxious and irritating.
11:00 I am a Hunter main myself and clips like that make me sick. You have 2 jobs in classic: Control your fucking pet, and Dispell rage effects on bosses. There is no excuse if your pet runs off and pulls something, you just failed at learning the basics of your class.
So sick of having to deal with the bad reputation because of those Huntards
It's literally a scripted event that make 2 destroyer and some Dark irons spawn after you kill the Inn keeper, group was too fast and should have waited for them to spawn
you have no idea what you talking about... those destroyers spawn there after a while no one pulled, standing there, it got pulled.
@@Cipher8721 Ok, I trusted the narrative in the video, maybe it wasn't the hunter pet this time. Still too many clips of Hunters fucking up and giving us a bad rep because they can't learn the basics.