I noticed you had a problem with removing the one pipe! Take a propane torch and Heat the base nut where the pipe is threaded into put your pipe wrench on it and put slight pressure on it heating this way you get the right amount of heat on it and not over heat it when it expands it will let go and you won't over heat it !
Killer video, thank you alot! Just wondering about your bench vise. Starting to collect and currently restoring a vintage wilton bullet vise. Just caught my eye is all! Thanks again
Hi. I have often received questions about possible jack failures. Most of the problems were due to the loss of the bearing balls from the jack valve. So I decided to disassemble a new hydraulic jack so that all the parts could be seen.
Is the o ring seal at the bottom of the cylinder required for it to work right? I have an engine hoist cylinder that’s similar to this, but mine has an o ring at the bottom. Do I need that? Mine was ripped in half.
The reason I watched and the one thing I really needed to see was the seal that goes around the release valve, it appears u just gave up on removing it, and most parts diagrams for these Jacks show a ball down in front of it too, all that I've seen, did this not have one?
I didn't want to break that seal, that's why I gave up on taking it out. There are several models of jacks. Behind that seal, some have a kind of conical piston, some have a ball bearing and others only have that cylindrical screw.
Saludos, disculpa migato tira el aceite por el tornillo qué esta cubierto por un plástico anaranjado pero ahí dise q no moverlo y vi en tu video q lo quitas y lo pones si lo aprito no pasa nada,el gato es nuevo y des pues de unos meses q lo necesitaba ya no tenia aceite,es pero tu respuesta gracias..
Hay una válvula de sobrepresión y está configurada en la fábrica para abrirse a una carga de más de 2 o 3 toneladas, para evitar fallas en el gato. Si aprieta la válvula con más fuerza, el gato podrá levantar 4 toneladas, pero existe el riesgo de que ceda y lo lastime. Si aprieta la válvula con más fuerza, debe tener cuidado de no exceder el peso máximo recomendado por el fabricante.
The cylinder rod only rusts if it is in contact with moisture. The gasket cleans the excess oil from the cylinder rod and there is no point in lubricating that rod.
I need to fix the valve under the large piston and you give up on removal of the cylinder where the valve is located. Nice video of I wanted to work on anything except that valve.
@@DorelBorlea Hi, and thank you for the quick reply. I really appreciate your quick response. Thank you for the video, it was detailed and well done, with the exception of the only thing I needed to know, which is where is the valve (ball) which retains the pressure when the jack is lifted. Mine bleeds down very fast and so I probably need to clean it or replace the ball or seat. I wanted to know where the valve was. Your disassembly provided everything except that. Thanks again.
I'm glad you liked this video. The pressure relief valve is located inside the cylinder. But that part is very difficult to disassemble. I don't think the ball or the seat is the problem. Probably a piece of plastic or dirt got stuck on the valve galleries. Try to clean them with air.
Gracias. Ese tornillo actúa como una válvula de sobrepresión. Si el gato no se levanta, la junta del cilindro principal puede estar rota o puede haber suciedad en las aberturas de la válvula.
Multumesc pentru video si explicatii! Eu am 2 cricuri de 2t similare cu cel din video si le folosesc de 4 ani ca sa ridic masini. De o luna nu mai ridica greutati. Le-am aerisit si umplut cu ulei pana la dopul de refill, se ridica in gol dar le pot apasa eu cu mana inapoi in jos. E stricata doar garnitura cilindrului principal sau si cea de la cilindrul mic pt pompare? Mai e altceva de reglat, de ex. supapa de suprapresiune sau garnitura de cauciuc din valva de retur?
Nu mai trebuie facut nici un reglaj. La supapa de suprasarcina nu trebuie sa umbli. Daca garnitura de la cilindru este sparta atunci trebuie inlocuita si curatat cricul de resturi de cauciuc.
For no name hydraulic jack is very difficult to find a seal kit. Disassemble the jack and see what the problem is. If you have a broken gasket then change only that one.
Lo mas importante no lo muestran bien que es el cauchito que va en el tornillo que se aprieta para subir mas bien es unico que se daña y no se consigue
El círculo es nuevo y no tiene ningún problema. Lo desmontamos solo con fines didácticos, para ver qué componentes tiene. No pude quitar el manguito de goma del tornillo de elevación y lo abandoné.
Hola. Me podrás ayudar con una duda.. me compré uno de 20 toneladas pero cuando levanta el pistón se inclina hacía los costados. Eso es normal? También se mancha con aceite el pistón cuando se inclina y cuando sube al tope se baja unos centímetros y luego ya queda fijo
Salut, Esti cumva din Bucuresti si ai putea sa ma ajuti sa repar un cric de Mercedes sprinter. Scapa aer pe la oringul dintre primul si al 2 lea piston. Mersi
Salut, am un trolley jack 2.75T , se ridică f greu și vine jos înapoi , chiar și cand e levierul pe deschis. Am desfăcut doar pistonasele și arata f bine , mă poți ajuta cu un sfat ?
Salut. Pot fi 3 defectiuni. Depinde de modelul cricului. 1. Garnitura de pe piston este sparta, caz in care cricul nu mai ridica. 2. Supapa de eleberare a presiunii are o garnitura cilindrica si aceea este ciupita. Din cauza asta cricul ridica dar nu reuseste sa tina greutatea. ( la minutul 1:50 in videoclip am incercat sa scot garnitura cilindrica dar am renuntat ca sa nu o stric) 3. Impuritati care impiedica supapele sa lucreze corect.
La multi ani! Nu am insistat sa strang mai tare penru ca mi-a fost frica ca se va ovalizeaza teava. Am vazut ca mox-ul rupe din material si nu am mai deafacut acea piesa.
@@raduvernika3852Multumesc. l-am dezasamblat pentru ca am vrut sa vad mai in detaliu piesele din care este compus. Vreau sa ii fac cateva modificari. Sper sa nu il stric. :)
@@shekarmavathur9087 You're right. The jack looks like an old one now. To understand how a hydraulic jack works and what the components are, I had to sacrifice a new jack. It is important to know how to repair it and if we want it to look like a new one, it can be repainted. ;)
En este video quería mostrar todos los componentes del gato hidráulico. Por lo general, las juntas están dañadas o las válvulas de gato están obstruidas con suciedad.
You didn't understand anything from this video. :)) This jack is new. I just disassembled it to see the components of this jack. The jack had no operating problems.
Buy yourself some Knipex Cobra pliers..ZERO SLIPPAGE THEY BITE AND LOCK ON GERMAN MADE QUALITY I HAVE MANY SIZE FROM 5” up to there largest size the XXL those cost $125 but last a life time
Cred ca atunci cand schimbi bila trebuie sa refaci scaunul cricului. Sa lovesti cu un dorn si un ciocan peste bila de rulment astfel incat baza criculiu sa ia forma bilei de rulment. Eu nu am facut niciodata chestia asta dar asa am vazut ca se procedeaza.
Mr. Bliss. All the jacks you can find nowadays on the market are made in China, not only the HF. And of course there are crappy. Long gong are the days of good American, European or Japan made jacks. Shopping for a 12 ton unit on the market i only found one U.S made by U.S Jacks at over $200 a piece. That forced me to buy a China made for $35. Sad reality.
Sir thaks for the vedio...what kind of oil do you use
Hello. I'm glad this video was helpful. I used hydraulic oil or tractor transmission oil.
@@DorelBorlea l)) lop PP P
@@DorelBorlea lpppp
@@joaquimfernandosilva6227 qaဆေေ
@@DorelBorlea mm.m.mm.kmm.mmmnnj.jm
Thanks for your Video. You teach me How to repair the Jack,and also I learned is necessary to use the RIGHT tools for better result, 🙏
Glad you find inspiration into my video. 🥰👍
Podziękowania. Dobra robota. Akurat tego potrzebowałem.
I noticed you had a problem with removing the one pipe! Take a propane torch and Heat the base nut where the pipe is threaded into put your pipe wrench on it and put slight pressure on it heating this way you get the right amount of heat on it and not over heat it when it expands it will let go and you won't over heat it !
,good job sir very helpful content..now i know how to repair hydraulic jack.keep sharing ang waiting for your next vlog.thank you.
Killer video, thank you alot! Just wondering about your bench vise. Starting to collect and currently restoring a vintage wilton bullet vise. Just caught my eye is all! Thanks again
you took it apart ,moved the pieces around ,and put it back together ,why didn`t you put a seal kit in it
because the jack is new. I disassembled the jack to see the component parts.
Thanks to you sir i managed to fix two trolly jacks. Many thanks
human is incredible. those small pieces put together can lift something 10 people cant even lift. great invention in human race
Thax for your simplicity in your nonverbal explanation. Greate was your video
Thanks. I'm glad you liked this video. ;)
A very helpful vedio sir
Hello nice new jack
une question witch parts did you change by this overhaul ?
Why this dismantling ?
Bonne soirée
Hi. I have often received questions about possible jack failures. Most of the problems were due to the loss of the bearing balls from the jack valve. So I decided to disassemble a new hydraulic jack so that all the parts could be seen.
Super tare clipul ! Chiar ma gandeam sa imi desfac cricul de 6 sau 8 t de la presa hidraulica...identic cu cel din video
Ma bucur ca ti-a placut.
Is the o ring seal at the bottom of the cylinder required for it to work right? I have an engine hoist cylinder that’s similar to this, but mine has an o ring at the bottom. Do I need that? Mine was ripped in half.
the stem of this jack has an o-ring at its base, that o-ring is covered with a kind of teflon gasket.
@@DorelBorlea is it needed to function properly???
@@DorelBorlea thank you
The reason I watched and the one thing I really needed to see was the seal that goes around the release valve, it appears u just gave up on removing it, and most parts diagrams for these Jacks show a ball down in front of it too, all that I've seen, did this not have one?
I didn't want to break that seal, that's why I gave up on taking it out. There are several models of jacks. Behind that seal, some have a kind of conical piston, some have a ball bearing and others only have that cylindrical screw.
Very helpful your this vedio. Thank you very much my Friend
Bhai iska cylinder pipe bhi kulta h us andar bhi goli h
Saludos, disculpa migato tira el aceite por el tornillo qué esta cubierto por un plástico anaranjado pero ahí dise q no moverlo y vi en tu video q lo quitas y lo pones si lo aprito no pasa nada,el gato es nuevo y des pues de unos meses q lo necesitaba ya no tenia aceite,es pero tu respuesta gracias..
Hay una válvula de sobrepresión y está configurada en la fábrica para abrirse a una carga de más de 2 o 3 toneladas, para evitar fallas en el gato. Si aprieta la válvula con más fuerza, el gato podrá levantar 4 toneladas, pero existe el riesgo de que ceda y lo lastime. Si aprieta la válvula con más fuerza, debe tener cuidado de no exceder el peso máximo recomendado por el fabricante.
@@DorelBorlea gracias
Maybe you could make a video on how to fix clamps if you know how.
Please be more explicit. What do you mean when you say clamps?
thank you very much for the step by step!
What a mechanic ! just Visegrip on everything,,,,,😀
foarte fain! super! un mare like!
Nice job ! You had open all,But why dont you change new oli ?🤣🤣🤣
Becouse the jack is new.
Buenas tardes amigo quiero hacerte una consulta enviandote fotos sobre el problema de mi gata hidráulica no sube el. Pistón
Very interesting experiment!
what is the diameter of the ball ?
I dont know.
Excelente tutorial de como NO se debe desarmar un gato hidraulico...!
¿Por qué no hice lo correcto? ¿Cómo lo habrías hecho?
Would it harm anything to rub this oil on the post to keep it from rusting?
The cylinder rod only rusts if it is in contact with moisture. The gasket cleans the excess oil from the cylinder rod and there is no point in lubricating that rod.
Like 👌👍🤝🔔😀😀😀
@@DorelBorlea 😀😀😀
can you show the assembling process
In this video both procedures are presented, assembly and disassembly.
Sunteti tare priceput la hidraulica Felicitari
Multumesc. Nu pot sa zic sa sunt asa priceput dar cat sa repar unele chestii ma pricep si eu. ;)
I need to fix the valve under the large piston and you give up on removal of the cylinder where the valve is located. Nice video of I wanted to work on anything except that valve.
I tried but failed to untie that cylinder.
@@DorelBorlea Hi, and thank you for the quick reply. I really appreciate your quick response. Thank you for the video, it was detailed and well done, with the exception of the only thing I needed to know, which is where is the valve (ball) which retains the pressure when the jack is lifted. Mine bleeds down very fast and so I probably need to clean it or replace the ball or seat. I wanted to know where the valve was. Your disassembly provided everything except that. Thanks again.
I'm glad you liked this video. The pressure relief valve is located inside the cylinder. But that part is very difficult to disassemble.
I don't think the ball or the seat is the problem. Probably a piece of plastic or dirt got stuck on the valve galleries. Try to clean them with air.
@@DorelBorlea Excellent suggestion, thank you.
Selamat siang Pak, can you please tell me which part "sub screw" is? I have to know that for my thesis
What weight gear oil is best?
God job.....
Thanks, Will use this to service mine.
Nice videos👍👍👍💖💖💖
Buen vídeo bro!
Me puedes ayudar con algo, para qué sirve el perno en forma de estrella? La mia sube normal pero si le pongo peso no sube ya,
Gracias. Ese tornillo actúa como una válvula de sobrepresión. Si el gato no se levanta, la junta del cilindro principal puede estar rota o puede haber suciedad en las aberturas de la válvula.
@@DorelBorlea gracias por el dato💪🏻
I had a friend that had a pump put in his weewee. His name was Jack. We called him hydrolic Jack
Please making trolley jack video
Tank you. Foi muito útil para mim this vídeo. Fantastic
Estou feliz que este vídeo foi útil. Obrigado pela apreciação.
Multumesc pentru video si explicatii! Eu am 2 cricuri de 2t similare cu cel din video si le folosesc de 4 ani ca sa ridic masini. De o luna nu mai ridica greutati. Le-am aerisit si umplut cu ulei pana la dopul de refill, se ridica in gol dar le pot apasa eu cu mana inapoi in jos. E stricata doar garnitura cilindrului principal sau si cea de la cilindrul mic pt pompare? Mai e altceva de reglat, de ex. supapa de suprapresiune sau garnitura de cauciuc din valva de retur?
Nu mai trebuie facut nici un reglaj. La supapa de suprasarcina nu trebuie sa umbli. Daca garnitura de la cilindru este sparta atunci trebuie inlocuita si curatat cricul de resturi de cauciuc.
Hi have a 3 ton floor jack I have no name an no numbers on it how would I go about finding a seal kit for it if possible?
For no name hydraulic jack is very difficult to find a seal kit. Disassemble the jack and see what the problem is. If you have a broken gasket then change only that one.
@@DorelBorlea ok thanks
Go to your local hydraulic repair center ,they will size the shaft..and bore cylinder ..and give you its recommended hydraulic v shape seal
Nice work.
Thank you!
how to remove tank shell to complete disassembly,thnx
Heat The base with torch, worked with mine😉
Great ASMR.
Lo mas importante no lo muestran bien que es el cauchito que va en el tornillo que se aprieta para subir mas bien es unico que se daña y no se consigue
El círculo es nuevo y no tiene ningún problema. Lo desmontamos solo con fines didácticos, para ver qué componentes tiene. No pude quitar el manguito de goma del tornillo de elevación y lo abandoné.
Hola. Me podrás ayudar con una duda.. me compré uno de 20 toneladas pero cuando levanta el pistón se inclina hacía los costados. Eso es normal? También se mancha con aceite el pistón cuando se inclina y cuando sube al tope se baja unos centímetros y luego ya queda fijo
Sir if we use mobile oil easily available. it will be harmful suggest. pradeep k shrma India
It will damage the seals
Tengo desarmada una gata caiman 2 toneladas..pero no encuentro la reparación...lo encargue por Internet y me enviaron los horrin que no corresponden
Manzil qaerda damkirat kerak
Kích thủy lực 1tan bao nhiều tien
Isme kon sa oil parta hai
Esti cumva din Bucuresti si ai putea sa ma ajuti sa repar un cric de Mercedes sprinter. Scapa aer pe la oringul dintre primul si al 2 lea piston.
@@roadless_wanderers salut. Nu sunt din Bucuresti. Ar trebui demontat si inlocuit o-ringul cu probleme.
Tenho um e ele não levanta vasa o óleo na válvula da alavanca
Graziereeeeeee! 😉
Para que sirve el tornillo de cruz
Es una válvula de suprapresión.
Kit kaha Malegaon ji
Sir can I use ATF?
Yes you can ,if you can't find hydraulic fluid 37 ~30 or W10
Removing while talking is important
Great 👍
La servodirecție curge ulei pe la un capăt la cilindrul lateral cum pot desface daca nu are filet?
Nu stiu ce fel de cilindru este. Nu am intalnit sa nu se poata demonta.
As vrea sa va trimit o poză ,dar din păcate nu e tractorul acasă,curge olei și curge că 2 l la zi când ară.
@@tomitadiaconu2218 trebuie schimbate garniturile.
Aveți yatap?
Trimit diseară o poză
Salut, am un trolley jack 2.75T , se ridică f greu și vine jos înapoi , chiar și cand e levierul pe deschis. Am desfăcut doar pistonasele și arata f bine , mă poți ajuta cu un sfat ?
Salut. Pot fi 3 defectiuni. Depinde de modelul cricului.
1. Garnitura de pe piston este sparta, caz in care cricul nu mai ridica.
2. Supapa de eleberare a presiunii are o garnitura cilindrica si aceea este ciupita. Din cauza asta cricul ridica dar nu reuseste sa tina greutatea. ( la minutul 1:50 in videoclip am incercat sa scot garnitura cilindrica dar am renuntat ca sa nu o stric)
3. Impuritati care impiedica supapele sa lucreze corect.
Very Nice
सामान कहां से मिल पाएगा 10 टन का 👍👍👍
Desarmar es fácil, pero armar es de maestro. Xd
very good
De unde se cumpara ulei hidraulic SAE 10W ? Gasesc doar cantitati industriale 20L...500L .
Nu stiu.
What is load capacity of the jack?
2 tons
What is the size of the o-ring in the drive shaft?
I don't know what the dimensions of the o-ring are anymore. You need to measure the size of the inner tube.
אולי תעשה סרטון איך מתקנים מלחציים אם אתה יודע
रिमोड चॅक चा व्हिडिओ पाठवा सर
Great video..
Buongiorno Dorel,
Salutare Dorel si La multi ani 2020 !
Toate cheile cu parghii, gen mox, holandeza, etc...stang mai bine la masea nu in varful falcilor
La multi ani! Nu am insistat sa strang mai tare penru ca mi-a fost frica ca se va ovalizeaza teava. Am vazut ca mox-ul rupe din material si nu am mai deafacut acea piesa.
Am vazut ca ai lucrat atent
Parca imi era frica sa nu-l strici ca tare-i frumos
Succes in tot ce faci !
@@raduvernika3852Multumesc. l-am dezasamblat pentru ca am vrut sa vad mai in detaliu piesele din care este compus. Vreau sa ii fac cateva modificari. Sper sa nu il stric. :)
@@DorelBorleavery very bad removing method its turned from new to old
@@shekarmavathur9087 You're right. The jack looks like an old one now. To understand how a hydraulic jack works and what the components are, I had to sacrifice a new jack. It is important to know how to repair it and if we want it to look like a new one, it can be repainted. ;)
I have all my doubts that the quantity of hydrolic oil you have put in would lift the jack more than 3".
The jack was new. I was surprised to see how much oil was in this jack. I don't remember, maybe I put more oil but it doesn't appear in this video.
terima kasih video mya pak
А где самое главное - САЛЬНИКИ и Компрессионный кольца ?
Прокладки ни с главного цилиндра, ни с малого поршня не снимал. Если вы посмотрите внимательно, вы увидите эти прокладки.
Nice video
@@DorelBorlea sir koi esa Jack nahi milta kya jo jaldi upar uthe agar he to mujhko chahiye
@@saadataliali3457 main nahin samajh paaya kee aapaka matalab kya hai. pahale uthane ke lie? yadi aap kar sakate hain, to angrejee mein likhen.
@@DorelBorlea quick lift jack can I found
@@saadataliali3457 سلام علیکم!
جی ہا ہے ، ایسے مودل۔۔۔۔۔
Fast lifting jacks...such as double piston jacks,two stage piston jack ,air operated jacks
Hello broter
@@camboda-vi6zh hello
@DorelBorlea Thank you for liking me
9:20 what kind of oil or number of oil? please :)
I used hidraulic oil or transmision oil for tractors.
Who is naat kw
Bien pero te falto un detalle explicar paso a paso y decir como se llaman las piezas y xqe se descomponen....... No esta al cien
En este video quería mostrar todos los componentes del gato hidráulico. Por lo general, las juntas están dañadas o las válvulas de gato están obstruidas con suciedad.
Thanks man.
Wrecks everything with a pliers, puts crappy old oil back in and doesn't prove it works. Jacking it up with no load on it proves nothing.
What a hack.
You didn't understand anything from this video. :)) This jack is new. I just disassembled it to see the components of this jack. The jack had no operating problems.
Buy yourself some Knipex Cobra pliers..ZERO SLIPPAGE THEY BITE AND LOCK ON GERMAN MADE QUALITY I HAVE MANY SIZE FROM 5” up to there largest size the XXL those cost $125 but last a life time
Professional tools are great. Unfortunately, they are a bit expensive. I will try to buy better tools in the future. Thank you.
minimo utilisa las herramientas apropiadas un tipo inexperto por donde se le mire debio minimo poner aceite limpio y hasta el nivel cosa que no hizo
Desarmé este gato para ver los componentes. El gato es nuevo. Saqué el aceite y luego lo volví a poner. ;)
@@DorelBorlea insisto ocupe las herramientas apropiadas
@@DorelBorlea no hay excusa
@@fernandoconcha1822 Ok, ¿qué herramientas habrías usado? ¿Por qué las herramientas que uso no son buenas?
Jak me kon sa oil atahe
ATF and hydraulic fluid
Am un transpalet care ridica bine doar ca nu blochează pe poziția ridicat, și am tot schimbat la bile și arcuri și de geaba, nu știu ce sa ii mai fac
Cred ca atunci cand schimbi bila trebuie sa refaci scaunul cricului. Sa lovesti cu un dorn si un ciocan peste bila de rulment astfel incat baza criculiu sa ia forma bilei de rulment. Eu nu am facut niciodata chestia asta dar asa am vazut ca se procedeaza.
Thanks hope this helps me fix my piece of shit hydraulic jack from Harbor Freight
Mr. Bliss. All the jacks you can find nowadays on the market are made in China, not
only the HF. And of course there are crappy. Long gong are the days of good American, European or Japan made jacks. Shopping for a 12 ton unit on the market i only found one U.S made by
U.S Jacks at over $200 a piece. That forced me to buy a China made for $35. Sad reality.
Muito bom Campina e
I d'ont see ruber o ring.What's hapen.!.
Ja pierdole wlał stary olej
Vi muy tarde este video