Devastating news

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @franciet99
    @franciet99 6 років тому +15

    I am so sorry for your loss. Your daughter sounds like a wonderful blessing. I can see how proud you are of her. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  • @cindysplace
    @cindysplace 6 років тому +25

    I so very sorry. My baby son passed away 40 years ago and I still miss him and remember him on his birthday every year. To have a child for all those years and then lose her, I can't imagine. You are in my heart and prayers.

  • @dianecrumbley90
    @dianecrumbley90 6 років тому +11

    I am so, so very sorry for your loss. I can not imagine the pain you’re going through. I will think of you often and send prayers your way for peace.

  • @Ilostmyfob
    @Ilostmyfob 6 років тому +9

    I subscribed to your channel a while ago but I have never made a comment. I cannot really offer you the advice that you need. I am so so sorry for your pain. I enjoy listening to you and your wisdom. Sometimes I get wrapped up in trivial things and I let them consume me. When something like this happens it really makes you stop and think . I am ashamed of myself for carrying on about things that don't matter. I think you are beautiful and so intelligent and I am sure your daughter was a carbon copy of you. I just don't have the right words for you. I wish I could meet you and give you a hug. I know that won't make things better. I just wanted to reach out to you. I'm sorry.

  • @iyapoyapa
    @iyapoyapa 6 років тому +12

    I can not even BEGIN to put into words the sorrow I feel at hearing this. I DEEPLY offer my condolences for your loss, there are ABSOLUTELY no words! I have been blessed that I have not suffered such a loss. Even the loss of my most beloved mother a couple years ago, though devastating for me was still within the order of things.. the parent transitioning before the child. I would like more than ANYTHING to offer you words, but I have none... only what I am certain you already know... that your remaining children need you, and that unfortunately you will have to be strong for both them as well as yourself. Now is the time to find those who are closest to you... your TRUE friends and support system. Once again... I offer you my deepest, most heartfelt condolences at what I imagine can only be described as a nightmare from which you are unable to awaken.
    You are loved, and I for one am adding my voice to the MANY I'm certain are praying for you and your family.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Iyapo Yapa Thank you so much!

  • @guycore5478
    @guycore5478 6 років тому

    Never lose sight of the gift that you are a rare and brilliant expression of the universe, Fiona.

  • @user-xy4ff5yp7b
    @user-xy4ff5yp7b 6 років тому

    I cannot imagine your pain right now. All I can leave you with are the words of Tennyson:
    “I hold it true, whate'er befall;
    I feel it when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost
    Than never to have loved at all.”

  • @NikkiSellsRealEstate
    @NikkiSellsRealEstate 6 років тому

    Lord Have Mercy!....This news just knocked the wind out of me. Dr. Blair, I cry for you and your family and cannot begin to imagine your pain...Jehovah God, please give her the strength, the courage, and the peace that surpasses all understanding. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding...Rest in Heaven, your beautiful daughter!

  • @joseftrumpeldor6240
    @joseftrumpeldor6240 6 років тому +10

    My deepest condolences to you and your family! I hope you can make sense of this in your time of mourning.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Josef Trumpeldor Thanks!

  • @gladystoukie
    @gladystoukie 6 років тому +4

    So very sorry to hear this Dr. Fiona . I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers. Life is such a mystery and it is unfair in many ways particularly when parents lose a child. As a person of faith ,and I know you are as well ,we cannot fathom God's purposes or designs.We just have to believe that their is a reason for all of this pain and suffering!!! Stay strong in your faith and believe that you will be reunited with your daughter and all of your loved ones at the heavenly banquet where there is always peace, light, and joy. God bless you and your family💕💕💕

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Cathy G. Thank you Cathy.

  • @robing9278
    @robing9278 4 роки тому

    Dr. Blair, my heartfelt condolences to you and your family. I am just now seeing this, two years after your post. I hope that time has helped with healing.

  • @renewagoner1383
    @renewagoner1383 6 років тому +13

    No none of that matters not your nationality nothing. For life is a mystery to be lived and not a problem to be solved. That's what my father always told me. I had rough times with my daughter I had to literally sign her into a program or I gave my rights away to save her life I know that she was alive and I know your daughter is not. My heart is breaking for you lady. The only thing that is going to help you and you cherish all those good memories and you hold them and you think about them everyday all the time because father time is the only healer that you were going to have. I know you have to stay strong for your other children and I want you to know from the bottom of my heart and my soul if you need me when you read this let me know you like to talk to me and I'll be more than happy to give you my phone number if you just need someone to talk to. You never are guaranteed the next step in life for you will be with your child again but then again it will take time to be by her side again. Stay strong for your other children and yourself get through these daunting times. I will be there on the other side and even now. Take care of yourself make sure you eat something. And just know in your heart that you done the very best you could for your child. Do not beat yourself up please it's not going to help you be a parent to your other children it is what it is I will keep you in my prayers.💖

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      Rene Wagoner Thank you Rene!

  • @inugamiharuki
    @inugamiharuki 6 років тому

    I have I have been a follower of your videos for a couple months and I love your humor and your commentary on life. I'm sorry you had to go through this horrific experience. I love you and I hope you can find healing for you and your family.

  • @msmsmarketing
    @msmsmarketing 6 років тому +1

    Dear Doctor, my deepest condolences for your loss. Allow me to recommend a lecture titled, "Where are our departed loved ones," by Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the timeless spiritual classic, "Autobiography of a Yogi."
    The Kindle edition of that lecture is just about a dollar.
    Much love from Vienna, Austria

  • @ryans2kidz
    @ryans2kidz 6 років тому +1

    Bless your heart. My wife was killed after we were hit by a drunk driver. We were both ejected from the car and I crawled until I found her laying on the pavement. All of her internal organs were outside her body. I never got a say goodbye to her since it was a closed casket. That was such a terrible time in my life. But to lose a child is without a doubt the most horrific experience that anyone should have to endure. I sincerely hope that you can somehow find the peace that is needed to make it through such a tragic event. God bless you!

  • @tungue2deathmmm482
    @tungue2deathmmm482 6 років тому

    I am sorry to hear. My child (28 y/o son) was not baptized. The same with my atheist dad. I was lucky enough to baptize them both before they passed in the hospital. I'm not a "practicing Catholic" but I went to Parochial schools all my life. If anything they helped me discover I had a conscience. All I can do within my power is to hope & pray there is SOMETHING after & we ALL will see each other again.
    Again, my condolences to a beautiful, bright, respected woman.

  • @KristiBee
    @KristiBee 6 років тому +1

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Good, please bring this family comfort and minister to them. In Jesus' name. Amen.

  • @AppleSlicesUnite
    @AppleSlicesUnite 6 років тому +7

    Oh My God! My heart fell hearing this news. I am SO sorry, just SO sorry. I have not walked this path but I do have children who are my world and THIS... I just wouldn't know how to deal with it. My heart breaks for you. I wish you all the love and warmth in this time for you and for your family. Stay strong hun, stay strong!

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      Apple Slices Unite Thank you Sis.

  • @Tkimba2
    @Tkimba2 6 років тому +1

    This morning I found your video on my home UA-cam page, watched it, cried and went to work. l've been thinking all day what to write, and how l can give back to someone who, like you said, made me smile and laugh in some very bad moments in this past year, someone who l admire very much... And all day l've been thinking how wrong l've been this past few years for taking my family and close ones for granted, and how l failed to be kind to them and make them better instead of just wanting to feel better myself.
    I can only thank God I can't understand the pain you and your family are going through.
    In Italy we have a famous dialect saying, which is: "I figli so' piezz'e core", which means "children are pieces of our heart" and nothing can delete the bond and love that you shared. You were and are a gift to each other.
    Please, accept my condolence. may God bless you, your daughter and all your family and may he help you stay close and help each other in this moment and in the future. (forgive my English mistakes)
    Sendinghugs to you for Italy

  • @annainspain5176
    @annainspain5176 6 років тому +3

    Oh my dear--indeed, there are no words. I am not really a member of the group who can help, having lost my only pregnancy years ago and never had the opportunity to be a mother. I can come alongside anyway, and pray with you, and I will.

  • @cominup85
    @cominup85 6 років тому

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have no concept of how hard that must've been. I'm so genuinely sorry. I would listen to some music that reminds you of your daughter, it'll hurt but you'll feel close x

  • @alavinsky1
    @alavinsky1 6 років тому +1

    My heart goes out to you and to your whole family.
    While I have never lost one of my own children, as a clergyman (rabbi) I have done more than my share of funerals for children who predeceased their parents. There is no greater tragedy.
    There is no timetable for healing. Everyone heals at his or her own pace. In the meanwhile, try to find strength and inspiration in the sweet memories that your daughter leaves behind. May her memory be a blessing to all who were fortunate to know and love her!
    Both my wife and I share your pain and wish you strength and love during this most difficult time.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      Arthur Lavinsky Thank you so much. You know, my father is a bishop in the pentecostal faith, so I’ve seen him having to be at people’s side, counseling them after death has visited them. Also, I lost my mother when I was 9 years old. But even with all of that experience with death, nothing could have prepared me for this. Nothing.... Thanks for taking the time to reach out to me, Rabbi.

  • @boricuamom87
    @boricuamom87 6 років тому +8

    I'm sorry for your loss. There is no amount of feelings that I have experienced that can match yours but I am giving you through my soul hugs and hope.

  • @vikinorman317
    @vikinorman317 6 років тому

    O my goodness! I lost an infant at 3 months. It devastated us, but our faith kept us going. I said the psalms again and again and again. It hit one of my children very hard as she felt she was partially responsible. Daddy had told her to go check on her sister in her crib and she did not do it. She was only 6 at the time. We did not know that she felt responsible for her little sisters death until many, many years later (teens). Care and nurture your other children and help them mourn and grieve as well. Prayers for you.

  • @rhettsmomestablishedbymyla2686
    @rhettsmomestablishedbymyla2686 6 років тому +1

    It saddens me to welcome another grieving parent to this horrible club. My youngest son Rhett was three weeks from his 15th birthday when died in his sleep May 15, 2013. When we received the final autopsy report six weeks later we learned his cause of death Cardiac Arrhythmia due to Myocarditis. There are several support groups for parents and siblings. The Compassionate Friends and Bereaved Parents of the USA. I can assure you the pain will lesson with time. Hugs from one grieving mother to another.
    Rhett's mom, Vickie

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Rhett Lundy Vickie, thank you for reaching out to me, and thank you for giving me the support groups. I was actually thinking about starting my own, and I probably still will. I have to try to make some sense out of this tragedy. We are sisters now in a sorority that no one wants to join. If you ever feel like it, please feel free to contact me at God bless you.

  • @camban
    @camban 6 років тому

    Much love to you and your family. She will shine bright from above.

  • @SpiritDonkey
    @SpiritDonkey 6 років тому +1

    So sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing and for being so strong.

  • @tyson1chicken
    @tyson1chicken 6 років тому +5

    This is absolutely unbelievable. I can't believe something like this would happen to one of my favorite youtubers. Even in this video you exemplified amazing composure and power. It really shows how much you love your daughter and how much she loves you. Remember matter cannot be created nor destroyed, your daughter has merely transitioned into the next state of complete bliss. She will always be watching over you and guiding you. Celebrate her life and always honor her like I'm sure you will do.

  • @jesuschick305
    @jesuschick305 6 років тому

    Dr. Blair I apologize for your loss. You are an amazing woman. You have inspired me, saved the lives of several, and are an absolutely amazing human being. I/ We are praying for you.
    I once read, “And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in”

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Jesus Chick Amen to that, and thanks for your comments.

  • @peacebird1601
    @peacebird1601 6 років тому

    There are no words. I lost my son. My prayers are with you. A Course In Miracles helped me through it.

  • @ashgeorge2246
    @ashgeorge2246 6 років тому

    Ah hunny, I'm so very sorry for your loss!!! You are right, parents shouldn't loose their children! My heart breaks for you. I hope and pray that one day you will find healing. Much love to you and yours !

  • @chiefkirk
    @chiefkirk 6 років тому +6

    Sis I do not know your pain. I hope I never do. I do know however that my heart breaks for you. I wish I was close enough to give you a hug. I am praying for your peace of mind and that God will wrap His arms around you and dry your tears. God Bless.

  • @dadette722
    @dadette722 6 років тому +2

    As another mother who lost a child about 6 years ago I can tell you that little by little you learn to manage. At first it feels impossible and you wonder whether you can ever feel happiness again, but you will. It takes time. Will your grief ever be over? In a word, no. People will move on and forget, but you will never forget. But, with grace, and luck, there will be wonderful things that happen and perhaps, at least there will be a balance of happy things along with this terrible sadness that is now part of your spirit. Happiness and sadness will learn to live together in your heart. Life won't ever be the same. Your family won't ever be the same, but it can still be beautiful. It is a process. Try to be kind to yourself. Keep a journal handy to write in when it gets really hard. Try hard not to blame yourself and go through the "coulda, woulda, shoulda" loop. It is an unnatural event, but this type of nuclear bomb happens to some of us. We have others who depend on us, who love us and needs us. That love that we have for them and that they have for us helps pull us through. XO

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Ruth Roth Thank you so much, Ruth. We are starting the process of adjusting to our new normal. One of the most difficult things is adjusting to the new description of my family. For years, I’ve been used to saying that we were a family of 6. Saying the number 5 is foreign to me. The other day, someone wanted to bring some individual salads for us, and asked how many. I answered 6 before I could stop myself. I broke into tears when the reality hit me. The good thing is that her life positively impacted so many people. There were over 1700 people at her Celebration of Life service. Also, my oldest son started a scholarship in her name for her high school and her county jurisdiction. We already have funding for 3 students per year to get a scholarship for the next 16 years! Thanks for your comments.

  • @annabodhi38
    @annabodhi38 6 років тому +4

    I am sorry this happened and I can't imagine the shock and pain of losing a child. I am sending prayers your way.

  • @markprincipe7440
    @markprincipe7440 6 років тому

    So SO sorry for your deepest are right. It is beyond words..

  • @erinmcg8716
    @erinmcg8716 6 років тому +2

    I cannot relate but i can pray and i will! God Bless u and ur family!

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Erin McG Thank you Erin.

  • @BooBoo-pu1jh
    @BooBoo-pu1jh 6 років тому +7

    I'm sorry for your loss.
    Praying for you at this time of grief that God's peace and comfort might surround you through the love of your family and friends.

  • @dhairston4151
    @dhairston4151 6 років тому

    My sister, I cannot even begin to fathom the depths of your agony. But my heart aches and my tears flow for your family and you. And even though I know it does not even begin to suffice, my heartfelt prayers go up for you pure and true filled with Christian love. God have you and your family my sister and He is sufficient💜

  • @iyapoyapa
    @iyapoyapa 6 років тому +2

    I am just touching base to let you know that I (just as I'm certain, MANY others), CONTINUE to have you in our thoughts and prayers (I have also sought the prayers of friends and family on your behalf). I have four children and can not even pretend to be able to relate to such devastation. It is my sincere hope that anyone who has, sadly, had to endure this unthinkable event and pain, has reached out to you to offer something... anything... helpful toward help and/or healing - this while understanding that grieving is a process, and that it is an extremely personal one... we ALL grieve in different ways. There is no "right" way.
    Please... in the midst of the strength we know you must show for your children... do not, in your private moments, forget to grieve and care for yourself.
    You are loved, cared about, and in many thoughts and prayers.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Iyapo Yapa Thank you, Iyapo.

  • @lah8067
    @lah8067 6 років тому

    I'm so saddened to hear of the passing of your beautiful daughter. My heart breaks for you, Ms. Fiona. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you much love.

  • @tabcobra
    @tabcobra 6 років тому

    Oh my god... I amazed on how well you are able to keep it together. Bless you and stay strong!

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      tabcobra Thank you. I’m only appearing to keep it together. I’ve actually fallen apart. 😒

  • @spchaledonnj68
    @spchaledonnj68 6 років тому

    I am very sorry for your loss, God Bless you and may you get through this with grace.

  • @jaimejaimeChannel
    @jaimejaimeChannel 6 років тому

    Again, I'm so sorry, Fiona. Amazing that you could do this.

  • @timb9257
    @timb9257 6 років тому

    Prayers and thoughts. My only advice; mourn, remember, mourn, learn, mourn, live, mourn, love. Know you are not alone.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Tim TLS Coach Thank you, Tim.

    @FAUXHAIRFABULOUS 6 років тому +2

    I am so sorry. I too have four kids. Our second child who was 21 took his life by gun just this last January. I know how you feel. I have a channel which I speak of my son who ended his life. I am working through it. I deleted some of the videos because I've had some who have used them against me. I plan to start a new channel very soon where I will go through my healing process. I just heard the news via one of my subscribers and wanted to reach out. I'm experiencing the very same fresh pain as you are. I have good days and bad days. For months he's all I could think about. I still think about him at least 75 percent of the day. It's been six months for me. I'm getting better. I love you, friend.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      Kirsten's Hope & Heart Hello my sister, thank you for reaching out. We are now members of the same club. I pray that God continues to heal your heart and give you comfort. If your channel reaches someone and saves them from the same demise, then his mission in life will be realized. I am so sorry for your loss. This is a sorority that I never wanted to join. Peace and love to you.

    • @tag7592
      @tag7592 6 років тому +1

      Keep the faith and persevere🌹

      @FAUXHAIRFABULOUS 6 років тому

      You're handling this very well, and I too am praying for you as the time goes on and as the pain increases. It hurts, but God gets us through. I have felt pain, but yet so much grace from those who have prayed us through this. Amen to our Mighty God.

  • @meulula
    @meulula 6 років тому +2

    You are a very brave woman for posting this. There's a verse in the Bible that says something about our children being heritage of the Lord. Your daughter is the Lord's and so are you. May the good Savior bless your grieving heart. He has the answer. We join you with prayers. Peace and love from Brazil.

  • @BlackManRising
    @BlackManRising 6 років тому +3

    I am so sorry to hear about this, my heart goes out to you and your family. Thank you for letting us know what an amazing person your daughter is. God rest her soul and I pray that God heals your kind heart. Having lost some relatives at a young age, I have helped their parents walk that journey and It does get better. You never really get over this but time, along with love and support, does heal. I hope you can take some solace in the hundreds or thousands of comforting arms you have around you.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      Black Man Rising Thank you so much!

  • @mike48877
    @mike48877 6 років тому

    There are no words..... I'm so sorry for your loss.....
    God Bless +

  • @Fonthandler
    @Fonthandler 6 років тому

    Hugs and prayers for you my dear. So sorry for your loss. May your following bring great and fulfilling advice by those who have experienced this. Prayers to you and your family in this time. 🙏🏽🙏🏽💔💕💗

  • @vinirio
    @vinirio 6 років тому

    I'm sorry for your loss. I'm from Brazil, and found your videos 'by accident', and I do find them funny and illuminating. It's hard to say anything at such a delicate time, yet we can say that we hope and know you'll be able to make it and shine again. Please take your time to try to understand this if possible. Those are the moments we need to strenghten our faith in God.

  • @lkern6238
    @lkern6238 6 років тому

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful precious daughter...

  • @lumiere4460
    @lumiere4460 6 років тому

    I'm truly sorry for your loss. I'm stunned.
    Sometimes people are taken before their time. It feels incomprehensible-like you're in chartered waters-and it makes it harder to deal with the grief when you don't have a road map.

  • @kennydalton7824
    @kennydalton7824 6 років тому

    So sorry to hear that. It seems we all lost a special member of society in your special little girl. My heart aches for this loss for you and your family. I pray blessings upon you all!! Shalom

  • @markrodingmail.comrodin9661
    @markrodingmail.comrodin9661 6 років тому

    I'm sorry for your loss! God Bless you

  • @MystyleMycolours
    @MystyleMycolours 6 років тому

    I am so so sorry to hear about your loss. My prayers and thoughts with with you and your family. It is any Mother’s nightmare, I am so sorry that you are experiencing this...I’ll pray for your angel daughter. God bless

  • @barbarakingry9163
    @barbarakingry9163 6 років тому

    I’ve been following you for a while and I was blown away by your news. Although I have never lost a biological child I did lose a step-son I loved dearly. He was only 31 when he was killed in a senseless accident in 1999. I am also a 2 time widow. My hurt is deep but doesn’t compare to your loss. I want to be here for you but would prefer it to be more on a private level. My heart cries for you and want to do anything I can to help. I’m here and know it will be a hard road to travel. It’s a long road and for a while it seems you spend every waking moment thinking about it. In time that lessens but it goes by slowly. There will be a time when you may go a whole day without thinking of her but it doesn’t happen overnight. God bless you and I am hurting with you right now.

  • @shehitch4565
    @shehitch4565 6 років тому

    Sending love ❤️ and a big hug for you...stay strong lovely lady 😘

  • @harrypottergibbons
    @harrypottergibbons 6 років тому +1

    You are so strong to have told us. I am so sorry, my dad went through the same when my brother died. He was only 24. My dad was devistated. The same also happened when an ex gf lost her brother and father in the same crash. Don't worry about everyone else, just for now. Do what your heart feels is right. Talk to someone, if you need to. My love is with you x

  • @c.m.walker3480
    @c.m.walker3480 6 років тому

    I'm so sorry my're still exuding grace and strength.

  • @momsell8801
    @momsell8801 6 років тому

    No words yes I lost my only son. I have four daughters and I lost my only son. It’s been six years. The train you and I have been placed on we can’t get off. It does get better...eventually but your child is forever there, with you. The pain does not go away it just settles down and in somehow, at times unpredictably waking and screaming, needing to be comforted and quieted again. It’s just you and God in your journey. Painfully intimate. You will come through this either hardened and resentful or you will be more tender hearted. And I believe you will be with your daughter again. Apologies if my words are all wrong God send you comforting angels and some validation of your daughters presence with Him

  • @jerseygirl0869
    @jerseygirl0869 6 років тому +1

    I am here for you. And I am so sorry for your loss. It is indeed out of order, and out of time. My only advice for you is that understand grief is a process. Right now I think you’re probably in shock, and I will come and go. That’s when the reasons I think you were so put together in this very moment. But allow yourself to get out of sorts and feel the pain. And in the coming months and even years Grateful come in waves you willfunction and then you won’t function. And that’s OK and there is no time limit on grieving. Follow your own path with it. Try to focus on all the blessings that united in this one being. Indeed there is a loss about the future, but there was a blessing in the past. It sounds to me like she was a bright star, and That star will shine bright for the rest of your life. Try not to let the loss dim that light. You will be in my prayers

  • @CosmicXRay
    @CosmicXRay 6 років тому

    Beyond comprehension and words... From one parent to another, the worst fear becoming real. My heart and prayers to you and your family.

  • @Dyejob01
    @Dyejob01 6 років тому

    My love, simpathy, and prayers go out to you and your entire family at this most horrific time. You are so right that a parent should never bury a child. Your pain is your pain and none of us can know it. But please know you have love out here in the world. And we stand with you in your time of need. 💗💗💗💗

  • @jimramsey3279
    @jimramsey3279 6 років тому

    Like you said words won't do it. The raw truth is , Life comes, Life goes.

  • @natasha83196
    @natasha83196 6 років тому

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I have never experienced this, but I have a daughter the same age as your daughter and I cannot imagine what you are going through. I will be praying for you and your family - for strength and comfort through this difficult time.

  • @RichardandPaul
    @RichardandPaul 6 років тому

    I am shocked and saddened by your awful news. My mother in law lost one of her sons over forty years ago. She tells me it took her about eight years to feel ok. She is now 87. She got through it with the support of friends and family. I wish you love. I cannot begin to imagine how you feel.

  • @naycherdeb
    @naycherdeb 6 років тому

    I am so very, very sorry for your loss. A loss I cannot imagine. I am praying for you and your family. You are brilliant and beautiful, and I know she was, too.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Deborah G Thank you Deborah.

  • @marielynn5234
    @marielynn5234 6 років тому

    Omg! My heart is destroyed to hear this. What's left of my heart goes out to you. I'm a mother of 5 and I cannot fathom your pain. My parents and I lost my baby brother before he turned 25 and it wasn't real to us. I Love You in Christ, Jesus. He will strengthen you in this time of extreme loss. 💔 😭😪😥😢

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Marie Lynn Thank you Marie.

    @SOFLBOY 6 років тому +1

    I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she was an amazing woman. You should feel proud of all her accomplishments. Hold on to the memories that you built together and let them get you through your day-to-day. Relive those memories with family and discuss the happy times, the times that your daughter made you laugh out loud or the times that she reminded you most of yourself. Those memories are the times that you lived in the moment and were happy, so why not relive those precious times while at your saddest. You don't deserve to be in this pain, and there is no way myself, or anyone for that matter, can make sense of this terrible ordeal.

  • @normaanhalt144
    @normaanhalt144 6 років тому

    So glad that she was with you, under the same roof. And that you were able to hold her and be with her on that day. God made women superb, to go through childbirth and to be strong for her family. That bond between you and your baby will always be there, look for the signs. LORD BE WITH YOU.

  • @aawillma
    @aawillma 6 років тому

    I can't imagine. I am so sorry for your loss. Maybe there's no word because distilling that pain down into one word would be vacuous. Peace and love ☹️

  • @cattitude16
    @cattitude16 6 років тому

    I am so very sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers and heart. My deepest condolences to you.

  • @StellaMae-MissFitz
    @StellaMae-MissFitz 6 років тому

    I can’t even begin to imagine the depth of your pain. How do you even breathe again. Your life was blessed because your beautiful daughter was a part of you and her memory is yours to cherish forever. My deepest condolences.

  • @markpullano1984
    @markpullano1984 6 років тому

    I am so, so sorry. I will certainly say a prayer for your daughter, you and your family at Mass tomorrow. You are an mazing woman, mother and physician. He will take care of your daughter now.

  • @deanmorier5353
    @deanmorier5353 6 років тому

    I am so sorry for your loss. I just returned from a long trip and just saw this. Take care and my thoughts are with you.

  • @margaretbentley3937
    @margaretbentley3937 6 років тому

    Oh dear lady. I am profoundly sorry for your heartbreaking loss. As you said, there are no words. I am a mother of one and I cannot fathom what you are going through. You and your family are in my fervent prayers. I pray that the Lord brings you peace that surpasses all understanding and abounding comfort. I am so very sorry. 🌹

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      Margaret Bentley Thank you.

  • @ehwestonful
    @ehwestonful 6 років тому

    Very sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and your family.

  • @kas14244
    @kas14244 6 років тому

    So So Sorry for your loss. God bless.

  • @marilynreed7387
    @marilynreed7387 6 років тому

    My sincere condolences in this very difficult place. There are no words..... Praying for you and your family.....

  • @MagcAce
    @MagcAce 6 років тому

    I am so sorry for your loss. My mom recently also lost her daughter, my beautiful sister. I know only those that have gone through this journey can truly understand what you are and will be going through. She struggles everyday and not saying that I don't struggle but I understand that it is a different kind of morning. I will pray for you and your family for God to place the right people in your path and give you the strength.

  • @michaelb3870
    @michaelb3870 6 років тому

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m not sure there are any words to make this situation better. But it sounds like your daughter was an amazing person who lived an amazing life. My best to you and your family.

  • @bop9860
    @bop9860 6 років тому

    I am so incredibly sorry for you loss.... I will be praying for you :( your daughter sounds like she was and is a beautiful person.

  • @sagisli
    @sagisli 6 років тому +3

    I am so very sorry for your loss. May your precious daughter rest in peace and may you find peace. Give yourself time, if you need space, claim it. There really aren't words to comfort you even though people will clumsily try. May God surround you with the love and comfort that you need during this time. My heartfelt condolences.

  • @domingocavazos
    @domingocavazos 6 років тому

    I'm sorry for your loss. I've heard from a preacher that when our loved ones pass away, they are not in our past, but in our future. We will see them again through Christ. I pray God be with you and your family through this difficult time.

  • @CactusBaby
    @CactusBaby 6 років тому +1

    So very sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Much love and hugs.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      VC SC Thank you.

    • @CactusBaby
      @CactusBaby 6 років тому

      fblairmd66 your very welcome

  • @lhopkins9916
    @lhopkins9916 6 років тому

    Condolences to you and your family. Your daughter sounds amazing. God is with you...He will carry you, and I will keep you and your family in thought and prayer.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Linda Hopkins Thanks, Linda.

  • @d.a.n.3086
    @d.a.n.3086 6 років тому

    How devastating! I am sorry! No words...

  • @msjones63
    @msjones63 6 років тому

    I am very sorry for your loss. Please try and keep your chin up and keep that wonderful smile.

  • @jennieanderson971
    @jennieanderson971 6 років тому

    God bless and hold you close in His arms every day! One day you will know WHY this happened ✨ You are a wonderful and wise woman 🌹✝️

  • @keiththompson2172
    @keiththompson2172 5 років тому

    Whar horrible news - hope your past year has brought you healing . Best from Scotland

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  5 років тому

      Keith Thompson Thank you so much.

  • @christineb.5286
    @christineb.5286 4 роки тому

    I am so very sorry. You're right, there are no words. What I am able to do is pray for your comfort and acceptance. God bless you and may He bring you peace.

  • @curawnthewise9349
    @curawnthewise9349 6 років тому

    Im gonna make two comments I've already told you what has helped me but I think what I'll say next will be more therapeutic watch your UA-cam videos from bottom to top and see how much you have grown and focus that energy on how much you can grow. Also watch your "His eye is on the sparrow " video that was beautiful and strengthening

  • @nicholashandfield-jones1837
    @nicholashandfield-jones1837 6 років тому +1

    I'm so sorry to hear this. I cannot imagine what this is like to go through. I've never lost anyone in my life like this, so I cannot even begin to think how devastating this must be for you. I send you all the love I can from Canada. You've brightened my day every time you uploaded, and so I can only hope to repay you by saying that you are strong, inspiring, and incredible. Lots of love! Peace and Love

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Nicholas Handfield-Jones Thank you.

  • @mikecowen6507
    @mikecowen6507 6 років тому +1

    Please accept my condolences for your loss. Your daughter sounds like an amazing young woman. I can only hope the sadness I feel in learning this tragic news can draw away some of the energy, and ease your burden in some small way. We all share your sadness. Blessings.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      Mike Cowen Thank you Mike.

  • @kathyhope5678
    @kathyhope5678 3 роки тому

    I lost my daughter just over 6 years ago. I have never been the same. It is something I would never wish on anyone. I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. Big hugs and lots of love to you ❤️

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  3 роки тому

      Thanks for your kind words. You’re right. I’ll never be the same. I just wake up every morning and try to get through the day. That’s about all I can do on some days. I hate that we had to be initiated into this undesirable sorority. Lots of love to you too. ❤️

  • @buddyneher9359
    @buddyneher9359 6 років тому

    My heart goes out to you in your devastating loss. May you receive tons of support while you learn to breathe again.... you are being held in the hearts of many until you are able to see the sun shine.

  • @SurvivalOnPurpose
    @SurvivalOnPurpose 6 років тому

    I just found your channel and saw this video. You have my deepest condolences and I pray that the Peace of God comforts you.

  • @anguasdilemma8753
    @anguasdilemma8753 6 років тому

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I really hope that people who have lost a child can help you over come this.

  • @TheSubygirl
    @TheSubygirl 6 років тому

    You have inspired me with your candor on a variety of topics. Thank you. I don't know what to say, because there are no words that will ease your pain right now. This is not the normal order. Though I am incredibly sorry for your loss the words "sorry for your loss" seem hollow, inadequate. I pray you find peace in your new normal. Please reach out. Talk. Express your emotions there will be many.

  • @sc-cg2wh
    @sc-cg2wh 6 років тому

    You are now a member of a silent but large group that lives out our existence never really getting over it. My journey began 28 years ago. I'm 61 now. It dulls with time, but is always there. I don't know how to pm on YT, but if you do, I'll be glad to give you a few thoughts.