The Real Reason Your Audience Is Zoned Out - It's Not Their Fault

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
    We have a massive attention problem in this country, don't we?
    Or do we?
    Last year, Forbes posted an article that debunked a myth that’s been around for a decade and a half. The belief is that you and I have the attention span of a goldfish. (To read the Forbes article, click here:
    Because we have all this technology; we're constantly staring at our screens, and it's obvious that we can't pay attention to anything.
    Why The Goldfish Attention Span Is A Myth
    First of all, this, so-called “study” was not a study. 25 people were observed in 2008 about their browsing habits. They clicked on their mouse every eight seconds on average.
    That was 16 years ago. Our browsing habits have changed. Also 25 people doesn't make a study.
    For some reason, somebody took that eight second number and tied it to a belief that goldfish have an eight second attention span. Their conclusion?
    We have that attention span of goldfish.
    Have you ever watched goldfish. Their attention span isn’t eight seconds - more like 0.8 seconds. They're constantly moving.
    A Kid With A Video Game And A Binge Watcher
    Have you ever seen a child engrossed in a video game?
    If so, you know they don’t have an attention problem. They're locked in.
    But that’s just kids. Adults - the people in our audiences - definitely have an attention problem, don’t they?
    Do you know someone who binge watches Netflix, Disney or Apple TV?
    Have you ever been guilty of this habit?
    Do you have trouble staying tuned in?
    Chances are, you give up eating, drinking or even going to the bathroom when you’re locked-in to a compelling program. (Ask me how I know this).
    This is compelling evidence, but, you don't have to take it for me. Let's look at the
    number one storytelling factory on Earth… Hollywood.
    Proof From The Movies
    If it's true that our attention spans are getting shorter, movies obviously are getting shorter too, right?
    In 1993, the top 10 movies averaged two hours and one minute in length. In 2023, three decades later, the top 10 movies average length, two hours, 23 minutes. They're getting longer!
    Because Hollywood figured out how to keep our attention.
    The REAL Problem
    We do not have an attention problem. What we do have is a material and delivery problem. Presenters are delivering information in 20th century and sometimes, 19th century fashion. They're standing up and lecturing, they're bombarding people with information, and they're doing it on PowerPoint slides that are impossible to read and have no relevance.
    Stop delivering your material in this fashion, and you’ll keep people's attention.
    Let's discount this idea that we have an attention problem and get to the crux of the matter, a delivery and material problem.
    Focus on delivering relevant material that is entertaining, engaging, and insightful. Do it in a way that engages the audience and keeps their attention from start-to-finish.
    Need Help Keeping Audience Attention?
    If you need help delivering your information in a way that's entertaining and keeps people's attention, let's talk. Schedule a complimentary, n-obligation call: