"Tanz der Vampire". Press conference in St. Petersburg

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • 8th June 2011, Russia, RenTV channel
    Another highlight of the week, which just can not say - in St. Petersburg comes to the famous project of the European theatrе, "Tanz der Vampire", and, coming only in September, and a press-conference already carried out for three months. All the secrets of the organizers could not be found, but some still tell.
    Press conference on the premiere of "Tanz der Vampire" in St. Petersburg, was turned into a mini-play - in the theater established pitch-dark and played ominous music. The world-famous musical starts in St. Petersburg only third of September, but tickets for it began selling this week.
    Uriy Shwarzkopf, director Theatrе of Musical Comedy:
    "For us, it will certainly test for yourself internally - and that, after all, is - a musical in our country? Do it the audience? Do it the authorities? Do it the city? "
    Petersburg, and throughout the country, will show the most complete musical format, and it will go on the stage of Theatre of Musical Comedy one week every day. By the way, in St. Petersburg have already appeared musical fans - some of the members of the fan club came even from Moscow: "We look forward to, perhaps, in the first place, something unusual, because such a large project has not been in this theater and in St. Petersburg, and that, finally, set not in Moscow".
    However, for such a complex project sponsors in Russia is very small. Of course, the city helping on behalf of the Committee on culture, one of the most prestigious hotels in St. Petersburg and dental company, which will make for actors individual vampires teeth.