All those who will enter Jannah will see Allah s.w on every Friday though with different proximity to Allah. If few honoured people you mean al the people of Jannah u are correct, becoz they are indeed few compared to others in hell. In every 1000 only 1 will enter Jannah. May Allah make us among the select few in Jannah.
@@godisgreat1786 And the most unfortunate thing is that u will miss it all and end up in hell with molten rocks and boiling water as your forever abode. All becoz of being idiot.
Most people give shaytaan too much room in between their iman, myself included of course. May Allah grant us satisfaction with his religion Insha’Allah ameen
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives. Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong. Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives. Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong. Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
@@farahsiddique6702 No problem sister. So the answer in summary is one woman in paradise will have one husband but the husband will be equal to 100 men. And the husband will have the incredible beauty of the Prophet Yusuf peace be upon him.
Shahr ibn Hawshab reported: I asked Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her): "O Mother of the Believers, what was the supplication that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) used to say most frequently when he was with you?" She said: "The supplication he said most frequently was: 'O Turner of the hearts, keep my heart firm upon Your religion!'" يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك
Guys please make duas for me that Allah makes it easier for me and all muslims to become true muslims please Ya ALLAH give magfirah and jannatul firdous to every muslim who has passed away and give shifa to every sick living thing and turn all our sins into good deeds and make this life and hereafter easier for us that are still alive and give us afiyah and jannatul firdous and make us good muslims and give iman to all non muslims Allahumma Ameen ❤❤ Jazakumullahu khairan Guys copy this dua and share it with everyone please ❤️ J
I think it's a blessing that Allah didn't tell us females what we get because then the rewards for us females in Jannah are limitless, they come with no restriction from our human minds. Anything is possible. My daughter says she wants a flying unicorn that's gold and shiny and a house full of fluffy baby chicks. I tell her of course why not, Allah can do anything. Some people may laugh but Allah gave some of the angels horses with wings, then why not unicorns that we can fly around on in Jannah?! Allah gave the angel Gabriel jewels dropping from his enormous wings, then Allah can give us wings to fly around Jannah. We will never know until we get there, it's so exciting! My Ummah, please, human Life is very restricting, do not restrict Allah and do not restrict your thinking. Ask Allah for whatever you want to have in Jannah, work for it here and Allah always answers those who are sincere, patient and grateful towards him. To be Muslim, is to be truly blessed.
Women get boy servants in Jannah, Like men, they will be given angelic servants who will wait on their every desire. Allah said: وَيَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ وِلْدَانٌ مُّخَلَّدُونَ إِذَا رَأَيْتَهُمْ حَسِبْتَهُمْ لُؤْلُؤًا مَّنثُورًا There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them as beautiful as scattered pearls. Surat Al-Insan 76:19
Audobillah They dont. They are just serving them.they only get one husband because it wqw never allowed form them in this world..... Or are you also the one who says those serveants arw homosexual people who curbed their desirea???? What is haram in this world CANNOT be halal in the next
@@drasleona247 Do you wish that was my problem with it? If i told you whether it was a male or female feminist, the gender of the questioner wouldn't change how i feel? (For example, Amber Heards lawyer tried to gaslight the defendant into the same thing you are)
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives. Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong. Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
@thaknobodi MashaAllah brother (and I will assume you are a brother just as everyone assumed the questioner was a sister), you are not upset watching or being informed of Amber Heard but get upset if someone asks a genuinely good question. May Allah guide us all.
Ì will be sooo happy that if all my sins r forgiven and enter jannah through His mercy... that for me is MORE sufficient for me than worrying about how many wives will get husband!
It’s just in women nature they needs certainties, that’s why many questions regarding this, may not always comes from jealousy, Allah knows best. For our sisters insyalloh you will get what ever it is that your heart desire 🙏
@@addisachannel169 leaving islam will not change the fact that islam is the truth and everything Allah has said and what the prophet Muhammad ﷺ saw has said will come to pass. fear Allah please, you are consciously trying to want to die a disbeliever and spend eternity in hell rather than eternity in heaven, which Allah has promised to his righteous believers, where there are no sounds of distress or harm only peace. cmon sister, don’t let shaytaan trick you and feminism and all these new 21st century morality turn you away from Allah . you will not feel any pain distress in jannah, you will not even know about the hoors, all you will know is “salam, - peace a word from your Lord” the prophet said we will see Allah clearer than we see the full moon in the desert. do you not want to look at your creator? seek refuge in Allah from shaytaan May Allah bless you and keep iman in your heart and make you leave this dunya a muslim and mumin.
In jannah there is no jealousy no more .. Allah takes out all the bad stuff within us and only feel satisfaction.. if you think about it, it would be ridiculous to have a jealousy feeling towards others in jannah .. your already in jannah what else is there to jealous/ fight about
What we need to understand is that Allah SWT is the most just and fair and that should be enough. Be a good muslim and Allah will reward us Inshaallah.
Its only natural for muslim women to wonder. If the Quran only mentioned things that will make women happy but very little verses about rewards for muslim men in Paradise - its ok for men to ask correct? Anyway since Paradise is what we want - i believe that Allah will grant it to believing women. Condemining muslim women when they ask questions - but allowing men to ask questions - this is not correct
You judged the person because of asking a question. It’s very obvious question if a woman can be satisfied in heaven with just one man, why a man will need 40 hoors to satisfy himself.
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives. Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong. Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
@Soldier368 Yes, but what would you want? You would not want something that's against your nature as a man or woman. Men are polygamous by nature. Women are monogamous by nature. Men want multiple partners. Women want one husband. Prophet peace be upon him said, men in heaven will be equal to 100 men. So technically, women will have 100 men, but as a one husband.
In both ˹Gardens˺ will be maidens of modest gaze, who no human or jinn has ever touched before. (Quran 55:56) Those ˹maidens˺ will be ˹as elegant˺ as rubies and coral. (Quran 55:58) ˹They will be˺ maidens with gorgeous eyes, reserved in pavilions. (Quran 55:72) No human or jinn has ever touched these ˹maidens˺ before. (Quran 55:74) Then which of your Lord’s favours will you both deny? (Quran 55:75) Is there any reward for goodness except goodness? (Quran 55:60)
Even if you lost your iman or even if you started doughting Allah's (stw) promises don't leave salah because its all because of shaithan playing with your mind to distract you from Allah. Don't let the saithan overpowered you, if shaithan try hard to distract you that meance you're are beloved of Allah (stw) don't disappoint him 🤍
@originalblizzardhawk644 if it's ok for to tell a man about these things it's ok for women to know too. you still live in stone age and have double standards. You don't understand equality
@@citizencan4444 it's not that women want several men it's just that why men are given so many when women are not. The question is not about sexual pleasure it's about justice
@@olive1355 Was there equality when Ukraine forced the men to stay to fight the Russians and let the women and children flee away? Is there equality when men are drafted to wars but women can stay within the confines of a relatively safe place? Is there equality when men have to do the dirty work in the coal mines and constructing buildings? Is there equality when men are expected to do chivalrous deeds towards their lady? Is there equality when women only want to marry taller guys? Equality but only when it benefits a certain group of people.
When your lord tells you that you will be satisfied, YOU WILL BE SATISFIED with your husband in Jannah. Tawakkul is really important for a believer. Having multiple husbands in dunya and on jannah is still haram, you may not be satisfied here in the dunya with your husband but trust me, for you he will be most handsome man in jannah with all the ugliness taken off and you will be looking at your husband and every time he goes out and comes back home, he will become more and more handsome and you will be SATISFIED sisters. This very thought of having multiple men for satisfaction will lead to darker paths where it is shayateen's playground. Allah knows what a believer wants, thats why Allah [SWT] made 4 wives halal and 72 hoors halal in jannah. Have tawakkul in your lord, for he [SWT] will give it to you and you will be satisfied.
There is no basis to say that having multiple husbands is haram in Jannah. That is unseen and making definitive statements baselessly about the unseen with regards to Islam is a major sin. We do not need to trust anyone else's claims concerning Allah SWT's promises
@TheWarrior-hj8vv And? Did he explicitly say that there can't be other husbands, servants, concubines, lovers, etc.? No? Exactly. Please refrain from bringing your personal biases against women into the faith. Yes In this duniya women follow their husbands as per Allah SWT instructions. There is no guarantee that's the case in Jannah.
This is totally unfair and Allah is not unfair when he promised women that they will get what ever they want surely they will. desire for loyal spouse is human nature but when man has desire for multiple virgin and loyal spouse they call it firah and if women have desire for loyal spouse they call it jealousy how hypocrite they are . desire for loyal and vergin husband is not jealousy and if Allah is able to create 72 virgin spouse for him then why man think that Allah is unable to create a loyal spouse for women as she is earning jannah for her self men are not giving jannah to her in charaty.Allah never said that he will set women desire according to man desire.every women don't want to be superior if she has to pay the price in the form of excepting such a used trash which is used by other women or Hur in the form of husband.if she has only one option why she will waste on such a used trash
Are you insane if you can't read properly then don't read where I mention that Allah is unfair read properly.i was pointing to the opinion that people like you are having and trying to impose on women. who do you think you are?Do you think you have All knowledge about Jannah when Allah promises to give what ever you ask then who are you to stop any one for desiring a loyal spouse
Are you insane if you are not able to read properly then don't read where did i say that Allah is unfair .I was pointing the opinion of others which they are trying to impose on women.Who do you think you are ? Do you think you have all knowledge about Jannah.i mention everything that Allah does not break his promise
So who said the promise from Allah isn’t for 10 hoors for women - he just said no without knowing the details of what the satisfaction of jannah will be - how do you know it isn’t 10 hoors… hoors are heavenly creatures - not necessarily only female
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives. Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong. Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
the hoors are females in every narration of them. this is only a newly invented deception you have been told. there are many hadith stating that a woman only gets her husband.
The thing is there is no negative feeling in Jannah. Feeling jealous,unsatisfied are feelinga that are non-existent in Jannah. So asking these type of ques are futile. If someone is admitted to Jannah, he/she will have maximised pleasure with the absence of all sorts of negative feeling.
Nobody's in denial. But polygamy is HARAM for women in this world and hereafter. If a woman want threesome or whateversome then she can just ask her husband to do the Naruto thing which is ''Kagebunshi no Jutsu'' The Shadow Clone skill.
@@SalafiReminders In heaven, as is promised, you'll get what you want, even if those things are haram in this world. For example, wine is haram in this dunya, but paradise is described as having rivers of wine where people enjoy it to their hearts' content. So, who are we to decide that polygamy for women in paradise is still haram? If the woman wished it (when she is already in paradise), and Allah wills it to happen, who can say it can't happen?
@@citizencan4444 Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives. Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong. Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
😏 I don't understand some people! Just to be saved from hell fire 🔥 is not enough for you idiots to wish for how many Hoors or men you will get ?! The only thing i would wish after being saved from hell fire 🔥 would be for my creator (Allah) to reveal himself to me 😢😢. Ya Allah grant me my wish 🤲. And leave the rest to Allah. If he has looked after you in this world time and time and time again, he will surely (In sha Allah) look after you in after life if you are saved from fire . سبحانالله و بحمده
Reddit is full of such "Muslim" women (better known as femenist "Muslim" women). And when you tell them that they shouldn't question Allah or His decisions, then the "progressives" start downvoting you. Sheikh answered this brilliantly. We should be very careful when asking or even thinking about these matters. I think it happens when people start thinking of it as men vs women. Lets be better than that. 💪
@@finessemerchant98 then you have disobeyed Allah, by rejecting his gift for you. So now you saying you know better than Allah, what you want. A true muslim accept whatever that has been decreed from Allah good and bad.
I disagree. If muslim men can ask questions and write comments - then so should muslim women. Its bad enough that non-muslims oppress muslim women. Now our muslim brothers are going to add to this problem? Read the comments. Several ladies are advising other ladies to trust Allah. The comment section is important. Yes there will be foolish comments. But humans need to communicate and learn from each other. Muslim women just like muslim men are inclined to do the right thing to please Allah. But if you create a society where muslims especially females are "scolded" for asking questions and thus learning especially controversial questions - this will hurt the ummah in the long run.
@@lilyrosesoul0077 sister you misunderstood my point...i advised to turn off because most of the commenters will be layman wouldn't have knowledge and wll argue nonstop
@@lilyrosesoul0077 and i have seen this trend that men and women are arguing in the comments section in sheikhs fb to especially matters related to husband wife
I just want jannah i dont care if i have husband or no husband in jannah . If my husband would care about me whole life then its good to have him, i will choose him. I want my parents in jannah.
GHENGIS khan had 500 wives but can somebody give me example of an woman who had 500 husbands or atleast 70 husbands thats the reason why male get hoor in jannah because they got strong sexual drive
Men don't need multiple women to be happy. That's another sexual Myth. That a lot of muslims are buying. Man just need 1 righteous (or virgin) woman. Just 1 till death. All others are haram for him; including hooryies of paradise
@@AdrianMuslim If you come to this challenge and interpretation yes i reject it, for just 1 virgin or good non-prostitute woman in THIS dunya, (I don't care about 70 hoors in Afterlife; i really don't. Nobody with a functioning brain would ether).
@@Jesucristosi you are incredibly ignorant, PSYCHOLOGY tell us that men naturally want more women, thats a fact, and that relates to the law of attraction. Otherwise the human race would die out. There is something wrong with you.
@@razamughal9095 Why something wrong? I'm the best of muslims! I want a Righteous woman (1) for me in this dunya. I don't need any Escorts; or spiritual women (hoories) for the afterlife. And i don't care about these type of unreal women; in this world or after this world.
Learn more about Paradise in Islam, it's obvious that you don't have the correct knowledge. In Paradise there will be no maksiat/wrong doings/sins. Paradise is a holy place that cannot be compared to this world. If in this world we are not allowed to fornicate or having sex with someone else's wife then in Paradise you can't even see or talking to non mahram women. If in this world we are not allowed to do zina then in Paradise it will be the manifestation of that ruling of Islam. In this world even though it's prohibited to do zina but you can still break that rule, in Paradise you can't do zina whatsoever. You can have whatever you want but you will not asking Allah so that you can do maksiat/sins. Your heart will only desire good things like if you want to be Spider-Man then you can become Spider-Man, but you cannot asking Allah so that you can peek at someone else's wives. Only good people who honor the rulings of Islam can enter Paradise so there will be no bad people in Paradise. Understand?
Men and women have different wants. Women are much into having gold and luxury while men are more into having women...Allah knows what we humans want. If men get hoors , women get something that men wont get...also Allah has ranked women of the world(muslimahs) over hoors.
And Allah (swt) also states that HE will fill hell with jinn and men, jinn and mankind, jinn and men. So from those ayahs your husband may not even make it to Jannah. If they have so much takwah in this life to even get into Jannah, by all means what a reward. Because honestly many will not make it just on the fact of how they treat their wife, their mothers, their sisters, their sisters in Islam. How they sit with the women when they are commanded to stand up. So, don't worry sisters, Allah (swt) is a just God. And Allah (swt) knows best. Alhamdullilah Just keep your head on the ground and do what is commanded of you from our Rabb, and let HIM (swt) take care of the rest. You won't be disappointed. That is HIS (swt)promise, and Allah's promises are always true and fulfilled. Alhamdullilah
Unacceptable. This teaching totally unacceptable. This is against all reason. I side with shias on this matter; (that say there is no sexuality in paradise. It's all a myth).
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives. Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong. Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
So shias make women prostitutes on earth then? Can you tell me is it true that a bunch of women and men get together in one room and whoever sleeps with whoever is pot luck? It sounds absurd, but if it is not true how did this rumour come about?
Come on ladies.. what ladies want in this world? To be the most beautiful.. to have expensive beautiful jewellery.. and other material things. Even the Hoor jelous of your beauty cause you will be beautiful than them. As women in Jannah you get all these. Why bother with husband get the hoor. While you are more beautiful than the hoor. Hoor are the servants. They have to serve their master. And you women from this world who enter Jannah.. you already being the master never a servant. May Allah grant us Jannah
Ladies want loyalty, love and respect in this world. Have you never met a woman? Have you never heard of women complaining of their husband's affairs, polygamy, sexual dissatisfaction, etc.? Kindly stay way from women if this is how you view them in such a shallow way.
In Paradise it is HARAM to free mixing and this is absolutely because there is no maksiat in Paradise, men cannot see or talking to women who are not mahram, in Paradise every men will have their own exclusive Paradise with their wives from women of the dunya and from the hoor Al ain. We as men don't have to protect our wives anymore from the non mahram men because our Paradise will be exclusive only for us. We are safe in there, we're gonna have absolute protection from Allah, our wives from this dunya will be content with only one husband because women are not allowed to do polygamy, like I said, the other wives of your husband from hoor Al ain can become your friends because you shared the same husband, women are only staying in their husband's Paradise and the women are content.
@@MenkIsAMubtadiiDeobandi Really? I will not speak without evidence and correct knowledge, so which one is the that you have problem understanding what I said? That women are not allowed to do polygamy or maybe something else, c'mon let us talk and discuss this.
@@SalafiReminders brother there is no evidence wives of a beleiver will be friends and get to know each other, maybe they dont know about each other so that they dont become jealous. Also *edit* if im not mistaken some scholars are of the opinion there is hoor for women, but women are shy so its not mentioned
@@taimurahmad brother in Jannah there is what no eye has seen no ear has heard no mind has thinked of. I remember hearing that the reason its not mentioned is shyness, but likr you are I think the right interpretation is every woman has only one husband
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives. Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong. Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
The context of that hadith was when the Prophet was asking for more donations from the muslim women just before a battle with the non - muslims. He encouraged them to donate as much as possible to save themselves from the Hell fire.
In Jannah - the humam females will be double ( or more than) than the human males. Because in general - in most societies more females born than males and towards the Last Day - female population will increase exponentially.
Who are you to decide that women will get nothing? Are you not afraid to make up lies about Allah and give the non-muslim women the impression that Allah has so little Mercy towards humans especially females? Shame on you! People like you drive away the non-muslim women learning about Islam.
To all the woman that are still Muslim after that you should be ashamed of yourself. What is this paradise? There’s man on this earth that can get all the woman they want so I guess they’re already in heaven. It is not shaytan messing up with your head ladies this is common morals.
Men are interpreting things on earth how they want to / listen to his answer he doesn’t know what his has promised women but he’s still saying no it can’t be 10 husbands for her ( that’s his male human ego speaking cos god forbid a woman be satisfied in paradise with soemthing he thinks only men can desire) Other well known scholars have said the term hoor is a heavenly creature - it’s not necessarily females - thus the same can be promised to women in paradise)
You should also probably consider that women and men in Paradise will get ANYTHING they wanted as Allah promised, so I dont think you all should worry so much about what you are going to get in Paradise. I dont think you all should hate on the sheikh either. He made a good point by saying that Allah promised that everyone will be COMPLETELY satisfied in Paradise, so there is not injustice at all.
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of God had multiple wives. Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong. Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
@@itaz6276 "Men are interpreting things on earth how they want to " - So all the companions and those generations that came after them are wrong? all the scholars are wrong? all the people that know Arabic are wrong? And who are you? who are these "scholars" that you speak of?
Sheikh is being too kind. These people are literally lost. They need mental help. Women in Jannah are also submissive to their husbands. Just like Allah ordered them to be submissive to their husbands here. So is this woman saying she wants to be submissive to more than one man in Jannah? Is she saying that is what she desires? If that is so don't let them force their deviant desires onto Islam or the believers. They need help. Or maybe they just wish to distort the religion and guidance of Allah. Who knows. And btw there won't be any women protesting for feminism or power in Jannah too. There will be REAL FEMININE SUBMISSIVE WOMEN THERE ONLY! LITERALLY!
Seeing Allah himself in jannah is the highest rewards of all, highest than itself. Only some blessed people will receive that honour.
All those who will enter Jannah will see Allah s.w on every Friday though with different proximity to Allah. If few honoured people you mean al the people of Jannah u are correct, becoz they are indeed few compared to others in hell. In every 1000 only 1 will enter Jannah. May Allah make us among the select few in Jannah.
Jannah is a huge celestial brothel
And the most unfortunate thing is that u will miss it all and end up in hell with molten rocks and boiling water as your forever abode. All becoz of being idiot.
@@saidhashi2856 where is the evidence for different proximity from Allah?
No its not a brothel.
All of them married
Most people give shaytaan too much room in between their iman, myself included of course. May Allah grant us satisfaction with his religion Insha’Allah ameen
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives.
Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong.
Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
We shouldn't say in Shaa Allah in duaa.
May Allah save us from sins and forgive us our sins AMEEN
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives.
Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong.
Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
@@farahsiddique6702 No problem sister. So the answer in summary is one woman in paradise will have one husband but the husband will be equal to 100 men. And the husband will have the incredible beauty of the Prophet Yusuf peace be upon him.
Shahr ibn Hawshab reported: I asked Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her): "O Mother of the Believers, what was the supplication that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) used to say most frequently when he was with you?" She said: "The supplication he said most frequently was: 'O Turner of the hearts, keep my heart firm upon Your religion!'"
يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك
First trust ALLAH and 2nd lets hope we get into Jannah and then think about what we will get in Jannah...
Spot on.
Alhumdulillah, Sheikh gave a very good answer ❤❤
Guys please make duas for me that Allah makes it easier for me and all muslims to become true muslims please Ya ALLAH give magfirah and jannatul firdous to every muslim who has passed away and give shifa to every sick living thing and turn all our sins into good deeds and make this life and hereafter easier for us that are still alive and give us afiyah and jannatul firdous and make us good muslims and give iman to all non muslims
Allahumma Ameen ❤❤
Jazakumullahu khairan
Guys copy this dua and share it with everyone please ❤️
I think we aren't going to be thinking the way we think here.. let's just trust in Allah! He has always done what is right for us alhamdulillah
I think it's a blessing that Allah didn't tell us females what we get because then the rewards for us females in Jannah are limitless, they come with no restriction from our human minds. Anything is possible. My daughter says she wants a flying unicorn that's gold and shiny and a house full of fluffy baby chicks. I tell her of course why not, Allah can do anything.
Some people may laugh but Allah gave some of the angels horses with wings, then why not unicorns that we can fly around on in Jannah?! Allah gave the angel Gabriel jewels dropping from his enormous wings, then Allah can give us wings to fly around Jannah. We will never know until we get there, it's so exciting!
My Ummah, please, human Life is very restricting, do not restrict Allah and do not restrict your thinking. Ask Allah for whatever you want to have in Jannah, work for it here and Allah always answers those who are sincere, patient and grateful towards him. To be Muslim, is to be truly blessed.
Women get boy servants in Jannah,
Like men, they will be given angelic servants who will wait on their every desire.
Allah said:
وَيَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ وِلْدَانٌ مُّخَلَّدُونَ إِذَا رَأَيْتَهُمْ حَسِبْتَهُمْ لُؤْلُؤًا مَّنثُورًا
There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them as beautiful as scattered pearls.
Surat Al-Insan 76:19
They dont. They are just serving them.they only get one husband because it wqw never allowed form them in this world.....
Or are you also the one who says those serveants arw homosexual people who curbed their desirea????
What is haram in this world CANNOT be halal in the next
@@NiceGuy88 they are boys. not men. that are general servants. for men and women.
@@NiceGuy88 Assim al hakeem explains this. These boys serve the husband too. it is not a sexual relationship. It is just a servant
That question makes me upset, but sheikh answered without showing impatience.
@@FF-le3ps it’s always the latter unfortunately
Why/how can the question make you upset, because it's a female asking from their perspective??
@@drasleona247 Do you wish that was my problem with it? If i told you whether it was a male or female feminist, the gender of the questioner wouldn't change how i feel? (For example, Amber Heards lawyer tried to gaslight the defendant into the same thing you are)
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives.
Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong.
Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
@thaknobodi MashaAllah brother (and I will assume you are a brother just as everyone assumed the questioner was a sister), you are not upset watching or being informed of Amber Heard but get upset if someone asks a genuinely good question. May Allah guide us all.
Jazaq Allah
Ì will be sooo happy that if all my sins r forgiven and enter jannah through His mercy... that for me is MORE sufficient for me than worrying about how many wives will get husband!
It’s just in women nature they needs certainties, that’s why many questions regarding this, may not always comes from jealousy, Allah knows best. For our sisters insyalloh you will get what ever it is that your heart desire 🙏
All humans need certainties! Wouldn't you need certainty that your wife is loyal only to you?
That not we asking what we because we to pray and do good things like men men are promise but for nothing single promise that make sad why
me I'm about leave this religion because this things
@@addisachannel169 leaving islam will not change the fact that islam is the truth and everything Allah has said and what the prophet Muhammad ﷺ saw has said will come to pass. fear Allah please, you are consciously trying to want to die a disbeliever and spend eternity in hell rather than eternity in heaven, which Allah has promised to his righteous believers, where there are no sounds of distress or harm only peace. cmon sister, don’t let shaytaan trick you and feminism and all these new 21st century morality turn you away from Allah . you will not feel any pain distress in jannah, you will not even know about the hoors, all you will know is “salam, - peace a word from your Lord” the prophet said we will see Allah clearer than we see the full moon in the desert. do you not want to look at your creator? seek refuge in Allah from shaytaan May Allah bless you and keep iman in your heart and make you leave this dunya a muslim and mumin.
In jannah there is no jealousy no more .. Allah takes out all the bad stuff within us and only feel satisfaction.. if you think about it, it would be ridiculous to have a jealousy feeling towards others in jannah .. your already in jannah what else is there to jealous/ fight about
May Allah grant jannah to All Muslims.
What we need to understand is that Allah SWT is the most just and fair and that should be enough. Be a good muslim and Allah will reward us Inshaallah.
I am women, and i understend that qestion from diferent side
Its only natural for muslim women to wonder. If the Quran only mentioned things that will make women happy but very little verses about rewards for muslim men in Paradise - its ok for men to ask correct?
Anyway since Paradise is what we want - i believe that Allah will grant it to believing women.
Condemining muslim women when they ask questions - but allowing men to ask questions - this is not correct
why mention only men and leave women to ponder?
I disagree, she might just be asking because she wants to know.
Dont make assumptions Sheikh
You judged the person because of asking a question. It’s very obvious question if a woman can be satisfied in heaven with just one man, why a man will need 40 hoors to satisfy himself.
@TheWarrior-hj8vv No.
@@i10i60 yes
Sisters don't be sad.
We will get what we want.. More than a Lamborghini.. In paradise... 😄😉
If we get elephant sized kitties, then that's all I'll need Insha'allah 🥺
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives.
Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong.
Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
@@maisarashafiq9322 💀💀
i just wanna eat for one year straight in jannah and may Allah bless u all to be with me there too
@Soldier368 Yes, but what would you want? You would not want something that's against your nature as a man or woman. Men are polygamous by nature. Women are monogamous by nature. Men want multiple partners. Women want one husband. Prophet peace be upon him said, men in heaven will be equal to 100 men. So technically, women will have 100 men, but as a one husband.
In both ˹Gardens˺ will be maidens of modest gaze, who no human or jinn has ever touched before.
(Quran 55:56)
Those ˹maidens˺ will be ˹as elegant˺ as rubies and coral.
(Quran 55:58)
˹They will be˺ maidens with gorgeous eyes, reserved in pavilions.
(Quran 55:72)
No human or jinn has ever touched these ˹maidens˺ before.
(Quran 55:74)
Then which of your Lord’s favours will you both deny?
(Quran 55:75)
Is there any reward for goodness except goodness?
(Quran 55:60)
When you are in jannah? Enough you have everything there, trust to ALLAH tawakkal
People are just using lust to control men. And using fear to control women...
I just firmly believe and know that Allah is just…
That is enough
Shaykh Assimp
Even if you lost your iman or even if you started doughting Allah's (stw) promises don't leave salah because its all because of shaithan playing with your mind to distract you from Allah. Don't let the saithan overpowered you, if shaithan try hard to distract you that meance you're are beloved of Allah (stw) don't disappoint him 🤍
I wish some woman asked this question at the time of prophet s.a.w so we can get a clear answer. How come those women are not hurt 🤕🤔
@originalblizzardhawk644 some women are nymphomaniacs and actually need several men to be satisfied... Let's not be in denial....
I want to know
@originalblizzardhawk644 if it's ok for to tell a man about these things it's ok for women to know too. you still live in stone age and have double standards. You don't understand equality
@@citizencan4444 it's not that women want several men it's just that why men are given so many when women are not. The question is not about sexual pleasure it's about justice
@@olive1355 Was there equality when Ukraine forced the men to stay to fight the Russians and let the women and children flee away? Is there equality when men are drafted to wars but women can stay within the confines of a relatively safe place? Is there equality when men have to do the dirty work in the coal mines and constructing buildings? Is there equality when men are expected to do chivalrous deeds towards their lady? Is there equality when women only want to marry taller guys?
Equality but only when it benefits a certain group of people.
When your lord tells you that you will be satisfied, YOU WILL BE SATISFIED with your husband in Jannah. Tawakkul is really important for a believer. Having multiple husbands in dunya and on jannah is still haram, you may not be satisfied here in the dunya with your husband but trust me, for you he will be most handsome man in jannah with all the ugliness taken off and you will be looking at your husband and every time he goes out and comes back home, he will become more and more handsome and you will be SATISFIED sisters. This very thought of having multiple men for satisfaction will lead to darker paths where it is shayateen's playground. Allah knows what a believer wants, thats why Allah [SWT] made 4 wives halal and 72 hoors halal in jannah. Have tawakkul in your lord, for he [SWT] will give it to you and you will be satisfied.
the 72 hoors is from a weak hadith
There is no basis to say that having multiple husbands is haram in Jannah. That is unseen and making definitive statements baselessly about the unseen with regards to Islam is a major sin. We do not need to trust anyone else's claims concerning Allah SWT's promises
@TheWarrior-hj8vv And? Did he explicitly say that there can't be other husbands, servants, concubines, lovers, etc.? No?
Please refrain from bringing your personal biases against women into the faith.
Yes In this duniya women follow their husbands as per Allah SWT instructions.
There is no guarantee that's the case in Jannah.
Women get the man who get hoors! As simple as that
Eww why would I like that man who is already surrounded by hoors?💀
This is totally unfair and Allah is not unfair when he promised women that they will get what ever they want surely they will. desire for loyal spouse is human nature but when man has desire for multiple virgin and loyal spouse they call it firah and if women have desire for loyal spouse they call it jealousy how hypocrite they are . desire for loyal and vergin husband is not jealousy and if Allah is able to create 72 virgin spouse for him then why man think that Allah is unable to create a loyal spouse for women as she is earning jannah for her self men are not giving jannah to her in charaty.Allah never said that he will set women desire according to man desire.every women don't want to be superior if she has to pay the price in the form of excepting such a used trash which is used by other women or Hur in the form of husband.if she has only one option why she will waste on such a used trash
Are you insane if you can't read properly then don't read where I mention that Allah is unfair read properly.i was pointing to the opinion that people like you are having and trying to impose on women. who do you think you are?Do you think you have All knowledge about Jannah when Allah promises to give what ever you ask then who are you to stop any one for desiring a loyal spouse
from what i read somewhere, women will get jewelry she never seen before in paradise
🤣🤣That might be sufficient to many of them I think so...
He has no direct answer to the question. Just beating the bush around. The leg of logic is made of wood.
He simply asks us to put our trust in Allah and that he won't disappoint any people of paradise, what's your problem?
Are you insane if you are not able to read properly then don't read where did i say that Allah is unfair .I was pointing the opinion of others which they are trying to impose on women.Who do you think you are ? Do you think you have all knowledge about Jannah.i mention everything that Allah does not break his promise
So who said the promise from Allah isn’t for 10 hoors for women - he just said no without knowing the details of what the satisfaction of jannah will be - how do you know it isn’t 10 hoors… hoors are heavenly creatures - not necessarily only female
Your claim is like a Christian who says things without any evidence
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives.
Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong.
Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
the hoors are females in every narration of them. this is only a newly invented deception you have been told. there are many hadith stating that a woman only gets her husband.
Hoors are females.
H*m*s*x**l*t* is forbidden in Islam.
some women are nymphomaniacs and actually need several men to be satisfied... Let's not be in denial....
The thing is there is no negative feeling in Jannah. Feeling jealous,unsatisfied are feelinga that are non-existent in Jannah. So asking these type of ques are futile. If someone is admitted to Jannah, he/she will have maximised pleasure with the absence of all sorts of negative feeling.
Nobody's in denial. But polygamy is HARAM for women in this world and hereafter. If a woman want threesome or whateversome then she can just ask her husband to do the Naruto thing which is ''Kagebunshi no Jutsu'' The Shadow Clone skill.
@@SalafiReminders In heaven, as is promised, you'll get what you want, even if those things are haram in this world. For example, wine is haram in this dunya, but paradise is described as having rivers of wine where people enjoy it to their hearts' content. So, who are we to decide that polygamy for women in paradise is still haram? If the woman wished it (when she is already in paradise), and Allah wills it to happen, who can say it can't happen?
@@citizencan4444 Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives.
Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong.
Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
Yeah, porn stars are FOR THE MONEY.
😏 I don't understand some people!
Just to be saved from hell fire 🔥 is not enough for you idiots to wish for how many Hoors or men you will get ?!
The only thing i would wish after being saved from hell fire 🔥 would be for my creator (Allah) to reveal himself to me 😢😢.
Ya Allah grant me my wish 🤲.
And leave the rest to Allah. If he has looked after you in this world time and time and time again, he will surely (In sha Allah) look after you in after life if you are saved from fire .
سبحانالله و بحمده
Imagine you are getting to enter Jannah and you are nagging about this or that... Nauzubillah! and that is IF we get into Jannah.
They will get married with men who enters paradise.
Reddit is full of such "Muslim" women (better known as femenist "Muslim" women). And when you tell them that they shouldn't question Allah or His decisions, then the "progressives" start downvoting you.
Sheikh answered this brilliantly. We should be very careful when asking or even thinking about these matters. I think it happens when people start thinking of it as men vs women. Lets be better than that. 💪
If men will have thier wife in jannah then will they also have hoors of jannah?i dont get this could anyone plz clarify my doubt.
Yes they will have both In Sha Allah
@@layman-I'll only want my wife.
@@finessemerchant98newly married?
@@finessemerchant98 then you have disobeyed Allah, by rejecting his gift for you. So now you saying you know better than Allah, what you want.
A true muslim accept whatever that has been decreed from Allah good and bad.
Your wife will be a hoor
I highly suggest the admin of this channel to disable the comments.This causes fitna especially in this types of videos
I disagree. If muslim men can ask questions and write comments - then so should muslim women. Its bad enough that non-muslims oppress muslim women. Now our muslim brothers are going to add to this problem? Read the comments. Several ladies are advising other ladies to trust Allah. The comment section is important. Yes there will be foolish comments. But humans need to communicate and learn from each other. Muslim women just like muslim men are inclined to do the right thing to please Allah. But if you create a society where muslims especially females are "scolded" for asking questions and thus learning especially controversial questions - this will hurt the ummah in the long run.
@@lilyrosesoul0077 sister you misunderstood my point...i advised to turn off because most of the commenters will be layman wouldn't have knowledge and wll argue nonstop
@@khanhamid3744 you shouldn't be like that... it's normal for the women to feel jealous her husband getting hoors...the sheikh explained beautifully
@@lilyrosesoul0077 and i have seen this trend that men and women are arguing in the comments section in sheikhs fb to especially matters related to husband wife
@@khanhamid3744 brother due to their lack of knowledge they may ask such question but we shouldn't belittle that that's what I'm saying
I just want jannah i dont care if i have husband or no husband in jannah . If my husband would care about me whole life then its good to have him, i will choose him. I want my parents in jannah.
GHENGIS khan had 500 wives but can somebody give me example of an woman who had 500 husbands or atleast 70 husbands thats the reason why male get hoor in jannah because they got strong sexual drive
It's against the nature of a woman to have multiple partners, the heck u talking about
Delete ur comment
What did I just read 💀
@@NIKOVERRATEdNblacklungisdead why what’s wrong with you?! Brother Umar mentioned the correct things!
Men don't need multiple women to be happy. That's another sexual Myth. That a lot of muslims are buying.
Man just need 1 righteous (or virgin) woman.
Just 1 till death.
All others are haram for him; including hooryies of paradise
Quran says men will get hoor al ayn. You reject Quran?! And men are polygamous by nature. This is proven. Whether you want to say it or not.
If you come to this challenge and interpretation yes i reject it, for just 1 virgin or good non-prostitute woman in THIS dunya,
(I don't care about 70 hoors in Afterlife; i really don't.
Nobody with a functioning brain would ether).
@@Jesucristosi you are incredibly ignorant, PSYCHOLOGY tell us that men naturally want more women, thats a fact, and that relates to the law of attraction. Otherwise the human race would die out. There is something wrong with you.
Why something wrong?
I'm the best of muslims!
I want a Righteous woman (1) for me in this dunya.
I don't need any Escorts; or spiritual women (hoories) for the afterlife.
And i don't care about these type of unreal women; in this world or after this world.
Unlike you Christians, we have high testosterone and one woman is not enough
I thought there are no rules in paradise? You can do whatever you want, right?
Learn more about Paradise in Islam, it's obvious that you don't have the correct knowledge. In Paradise there will be no maksiat/wrong doings/sins. Paradise is a holy place that cannot be compared to this world. If in this world we are not allowed to fornicate or having sex with someone else's wife then in Paradise you can't even see or talking to non mahram women. If in this world we are not allowed to do zina then in Paradise it will be the manifestation of that ruling of Islam. In this world even though it's prohibited to do zina but you can still break that rule, in Paradise you can't do zina whatsoever. You can have whatever you want but you will not asking Allah so that you can do maksiat/sins. Your heart will only desire good things like if you want to be Spider-Man then you can become Spider-Man, but you cannot asking Allah so that you can peek at someone else's wives. Only good people who honor the rulings of Islam can enter Paradise so there will be no bad people in Paradise. Understand?
@@SalafiReminders well said
you cannot be a homosexual in jannah. all ill thoughts are removed. I could give you another very strong example that would make you agree,
@@SalafiReminders so there will be totally new rules? Do we still pray in jannah?
@@shadowstorm5261 how would someone feel living in jannah, but at the same time seeing his loved ones burning in hell?
Men and women have different wants. Women are much into having gold and luxury while men are more into having women...Allah knows what we humans want. If men get hoors , women get something that men wont get...also Allah has ranked women of the world(muslimahs) over hoors.
This complete nonsense. It takes one look at the sexual and romantic desires of women to see that you've zero experience with women's desires.
And Allah (swt) also states that HE will fill hell with jinn and men, jinn and mankind, jinn and men. So from those ayahs your husband may not even make it to Jannah. If they have so much takwah in this life to even get into Jannah, by all means what a reward. Because honestly many will not make it just on the fact of how they treat their wife, their mothers, their sisters, their sisters in Islam. How they sit with the women when they are commanded to stand up. So, don't worry sisters, Allah (swt) is a just God. And Allah (swt) knows best. Alhamdullilah Just keep your head on the ground and do what is commanded of you from our Rabb, and let HIM (swt) take care of the rest. You won't be disappointed. That is HIS (swt)promise, and Allah's promises are always true and fulfilled. Alhamdullilah
Imagine being in jannah and complaining about "what do the women get if men get hoors? "
How do you know that women would complain about that?
This teaching totally unacceptable.
This is against all reason.
I side with shias on this matter; (that say there is no sexuality in paradise. It's all a myth).
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives.
Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong.
Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
So shias make women prostitutes on earth then? Can you tell me is it true that a bunch of women and men get together in one room and whoever sleeps with whoever is pot luck? It sounds absurd, but if it is not true how did this rumour come about?
I'm not shia.
It's their issue not mine.
(But at least they are not hypocrites or dreamers of afterlife hoors or angelic men 🙄😆)
@@Jesucristosi DAMN RIGHT, we will get hoors and an afterlife. GET OVER IT.
@@JesucristosiYou want to be impotent for eternity?
Come on ladies.. what ladies want in this world?
To be the most beautiful.. to have expensive beautiful jewellery.. and other material things. Even the Hoor jelous of your beauty cause you will be beautiful than them.
As women in Jannah you get all these. Why bother with husband get the hoor. While you are more beautiful than the hoor.
Hoor are the servants. They have to serve their master.
And you women from this world who enter Jannah.. you already being the master never a servant.
May Allah grant us Jannah
Ladies want loyalty, love and respect in this world. Have you never met a woman? Have you never heard of women complaining of their husband's affairs, polygamy, sexual dissatisfaction, etc.? Kindly stay way from women if this is how you view them in such a shallow way.
In Paradise it is HARAM to free mixing and this is absolutely because there is no maksiat in Paradise, men cannot see or talking to women who are not mahram, in Paradise every men will have their own exclusive Paradise with their wives from women of the dunya and from the hoor Al ain. We as men don't have to protect our wives anymore from the non mahram men because our Paradise will be exclusive only for us. We are safe in there, we're gonna have absolute protection from Allah, our wives from this dunya will be content with only one husband because women are not allowed to do polygamy, like I said, the other wives of your husband from hoor Al ain can become your friends because you shared the same husband, women are only staying in their husband's Paradise and the women are content.
brother dont speak about details of jannah without knowledge
@@MenkIsAMubtadiiDeobandi Really? I will not speak without evidence and correct knowledge, so which one is the that you have problem understanding what I said? That women are not allowed to do polygamy or maybe something else, c'mon let us talk and discuss this.
@@SalafiReminders brother there is no evidence wives of a beleiver will be friends and get to know each other, maybe they dont know about each other so that they dont become jealous. Also *edit* if im not mistaken some scholars are of the opinion there is hoor for women, but women are shy so its not mentioned
There are no hoor for women. Which scholar said it????
The woman will be with the last of her husbands in paradise as said by the prophet.
@@taimurahmad brother in Jannah there is what no eye has seen no ear has heard no mind has thinked of. I remember hearing that the reason its not mentioned is shyness, but likr you are I think the right interpretation is every woman has only one husband
Men get Hoors. Women will become Hoors 😂
Don't make these types of jokes akhi
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of Allah had multiple wives.
Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong.
Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
Women will not become hoors, hoors are an incredibly BEAUTIFUL creation, they are NOT HUMANS. They will be the most stunning thing you can imagine.
Women will get nothing because most of them will be in hellfire for being ungrateful towards their husband
The context of that hadith was when the Prophet was asking for more donations from the muslim women just before a battle with the non - muslims. He encouraged them to donate as much as possible to save themselves from the Hell fire.
In Jannah - the humam females will be double ( or more than) than the human males. Because in general - in most societies more females born than males and towards the Last Day - female population will increase exponentially.
Who are you to decide that women will get nothing? Are you not afraid to make up lies about Allah and give the non-muslim women the impression that Allah has so little Mercy towards humans especially females? Shame on you! People like you drive away the non-muslim women learning about Islam.
To all the woman that are still Muslim after that you should be ashamed of yourself. What is this paradise? There’s man on this earth that can get all the woman they want so I guess they’re already in heaven. It is not shaytan messing up with your head ladies this is common morals.
Men are interpreting things on earth how they want to / listen to his answer he doesn’t know what his has promised women but he’s still saying no it can’t be 10 husbands for her ( that’s his male human ego speaking cos god forbid a woman be satisfied in paradise with soemthing he thinks only men can desire)
Other well known scholars have said the term hoor is a heavenly creature - it’s not necessarily females - thus the same can be promised to women in paradise)
You should also probably consider that women and men in Paradise will get ANYTHING they wanted as Allah promised, so I dont think you all should worry so much about what you are going to get in Paradise. I dont think you all should hate on the sheikh either. He made a good point by saying that Allah promised that everyone will be COMPLETELY satisfied in Paradise, so there is not injustice at all.
some women are nymphomaniacs and actually need several men to be satisfied... Let's not be in denial....
Women get one husband in paradise who will be equal to 100 men according to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Liberalism, feminism has crawled it’s way to all Muslim countries. What used to be the norm and standard, is now seen as evil. Polygamy has been norm throughout human history and no one had a problem with it. Many prophets of God had multiple wives.
Men and women are not equal. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Men are polygamous by nature and women are monogamous by nature. And men and women will be in their pure nature in paradise. So forcing equal things on two unequal things is injustice and wrong.
Another way of looking at it, is that *if Allah guarantees* that men and women will be completely satisfied in paradise, then you cannot question "how can this be satisfying in paradise?". Just leave it to Allah and earn your place in paradise FIRST!.
@@itaz6276 "Men are interpreting things on earth how they want to " - So all the companions and those generations that came after them are wrong? all the scholars are wrong? all the people that know Arabic are wrong? And who are you? who are these "scholars" that you speak of?
Sheikh is being too kind. These people are literally lost. They need mental help. Women in Jannah are also submissive to their husbands. Just like Allah ordered them to be submissive to their husbands here.
So is this woman saying she wants to be submissive to more than one man in Jannah? Is she saying that is what she desires? If that is so don't let them force their deviant desires onto Islam or the believers. They need help. Or maybe they just wish to distort the religion and guidance of Allah. Who knows.
And btw there won't be any women protesting for feminism or power in Jannah too. There will be REAL FEMININE SUBMISSIVE WOMEN THERE ONLY! LITERALLY!
so Jannah is basically hell for women