Backbiting And Slandering
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Islam is a religion of peace, love and compassion. Lies, suspicion, backbiting, slander and gossip are totally alien to Islam. In fact, they are considered amongst the major sins. This is so because these sins sow enmity and discord, hostilities between people of the same household, and between neighbours, friends and relatives. Watch the video to see the different how we can overcome this sin.
Lecturer: Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda
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May the Almighty protect us from Backbiting & Slandering
Islam The Ultimate Peace Official Aameen
May Allah protect us from backbiting and slandering
This is very common in Pakistani households. Inshallah Allah forgives and protects us.
same here with arab iraqi households.
Maori Muslim here and i am grateful for being unveiled and my children also.Thank you so much for your hard work in
the knowledge you are sharing,Not only in life but with the Quran allhumdulillah!!May Allah grant us all JANNAH InshaAllah
Wtf is he responsible for slander and spreading of lies
@@tammyphillips7885 aye what you on about?
Allah protect us from this trial since nowadays we can write out our thoughts using our hands too as well as mouth.
Already I have started and I'm trying all my best to convert A Christian into Muslim. Please pray for him that he accepts Islam and that I have to continue doing this thing
What's his/her first name?
Maseeha P
Our job is to convey the message of Islam through Quran & with our character, by following the Sunnah of our prophet Muhammad (saw) and Quran leaving the rest to Allah (swt)... meaning that the guidance of reversion comes only from The Creator Himself. And so
we cannot claim or give ourselves this credit, cos only Allah knows are intent & it better be exclusively pure for Him Alone, not for any worldly gain, accomplishment or acknowledgement of any sort from others.
May we all convey the message of Islam with the excellence expected in this course by accomplishing this duty for humility at large and not for any show off purposes. Aameen 💫
@@Rukhsana2056 I think that Maseeha just pointed it out in order so that we make du'a for those people, which we should after all.
Maseeha P Allah help you!!!
May Allah bless your channel immensely
Back biting is keeping records and using people's past to scorn and punish them for past deeds ignoring the fact they may have evolved into betterness.
Wallahi Allah is my witness I have family remember right now that threatened me saying Basically have all your files about you on this tablet.. they showed the tablet saying I have everything you done stored. That was infront of my dad.
We all as Muslims should try challenging ourselves and stop backbiting . Starting from today I will fast every time I backbite. 💪🏽 I am challenging everyone else 👍🏽
Masha Allah, sister I like your proposal I shall also fast if I backbite will try and see if I can do for 1 month first.
Fatima N'jaye it’s so easy to stop just remove anger and keep yourself busy at all times
Allah help us cause it's so hard to stay away from gossip allah please guide us
May Allah gift this person a beautiful place in Heaven.
Only Islam teach such manner to humanity, there no doubt this all came from The Almighty Allah SWT😊💙💙☝
My aim is to do dawah for this Islam. Please pray for me that I have to convert any non believers to Islam
This is actually a big topic in Islam
Alhamdulillah,few minutes ago we uploaded Chapter 9 Jami at Tirmidhi Book of virtues Of The Quran In English. Alhamdulillah
Masha allah
May Allah protect us from backbiting. Guys plz pray that I don't ever back bite again
if i say “muslims who don’t pray are casuals” is that backbiting?
Alhamdulillah we uploaded Chapter 11 and 12 Jami at Tirmidhi Book of virtues Of The Quran In English. Alhamdulillah
May Allah protect us. Ameen
SubhanAllahi Wa Bihamdihi SubhanAllah Al-Azeem
I used to think bad about a certain group of sinners. I thought it was okay because they were sinners but now I realise that i made a terrible mistake. Now i wonder how i can make it up to those people and atone for what i did
That sounds so creepy no way I would be getting any lashers for wearing my skirt he would have to be a fast runner lol
@@tammyphillips7885 sweetheart I think you are confused
May Allah(SWT) grant us strength to fight this filthy and wretched habit and replace it with some beautiful islamic habit!
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
Alhamdulillah, we uploaded Chapter 17 and 18 Jami at Tirmidhi Book of virtues Of The Quran In English. Alhamdulillah
sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me...
I try and and give Da'wah and advice to people, I try to be on good terms with people, I always try and help people, expecting nothing in return, what is the thanks I get NOTHING, they've all betrayed me, and then on top of that they got smack to say about me, well look I'm sick and tired of helping people, I'm not perfect NOBODY is, we all make mistakes, my destination is Jannah NOT Jahannam so it's not my concern if the whole of mankind accepts Islam or if they don't, that's between them and Allah SWT only He can give guidance...may Allah SWT guide us all to The Straight Path AMEEN...
as Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
Actions are judged by intentions so your intentions need to be pure. Part of that is to expect the reward from Allah Alone not from people
@@Ayesha______ spare me your god damn stinking hypocrisy, PERIOD...
@@Ayesha______I remember an event which is plaguing me with guilt right now. I was walking with my friends and I was talking about the open affairs of a internet celebrity (kafir), I saw a meme that they had recently went to jail and propogated this lie to the group of friends. Months later upon remembering the lie, I told them the truth. This lie did not effect the actual person, they are famous and very far away, however, I’m not sure of the gravity of my sin. What should I do? I originally made the lie to amuse my friends and didn’t mean to commit a sin and was a new Muslim. I’m very remorseful and am unsure of what to do.
Don't assume, don't spy, spread lies, gossip .. but this is today's corporate reality... It creates much negativity
I remember an event which is plaguing me with guilt right now. I was walking with my friends and I was talking about the open affairs of a internet celebrity, I saw a meme that they had recently went to jail and propogated this lie to the group of friends. Months later upon remembering the lie, I told them the truth. This lie did not effect the actual person, they are famous and very far away, however, I’m not sure of the gravity of my sin. What should I do? I originally made the lie to amuse my friends and didn’t mean to commit a sin and was a new Muslim. I’m very remorseful and am unsure of what to do.
Backbiting parents is better because they will forgive me opposite to people not because I want to give them my good deeds . And peace be upon the prophet and you
How do i repent from backbiting sins? 😔
ask Allah for forgiveness and if u can ask the people u spoke about for forgiveness then go for it but if u think it would cause problems then just pray for them
What if you tell your parents if something is going wrong at your house and or basically if my brother is doing something and his behaviour is worsening so is it backbiting if I discuss with my parent about your sibling..?
That's why sahaabas use to keep them silent and use talk very less even if when they are alone..
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
"Whoever constantly seeks forgiveness (from Allāh) (saying "astaghfirullāh | أستغفر اللّٰه"), Allāh will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from from sources he does not expect." [Abū Dawūd]
Make it a constant habit to say Astaghfirullāh | أستغفر اللّٰه (I seek forgiveness from Allāh) with a sincere heart and you'll see the blessings and positive effects of that habit in your daily life. We have witnessed people being relieved from the darkest and most difficult of situations through this habit, others who were blessed with unimaginable wealth and blessings through this habit, and others whose hearts found contentment and true happiness through this habit.
May Allāh 'Azza Wa Jall make us of those who continuously seek His forgiveness and accept from us - āmeen
Love from Mauritius 🇲🇺
Some of this I didn’t even know was backbiting.
May Allah bless him
assalamulaykum, please tell me the difference between backbiting and slandering, 3 reasons why people backbite and a link to the hadith about the bankrupt one. jazakallahukhayran.
If only people knew that they are doing it.
*A Palace in Jannah*
Mu’adh ibn Anas reported, That Prophet Muhammad(Sal) said, “Whoever recites the chapter ten times completely, ‘Surah al Ikhlas (Oneness), Allah will build a palace for him in Paradise.
Musnad Ahmad 15183
*Forgiveness of sins*
Abu Hurairah (ral) reported that Allah's Messenger (Sal) saying:
'He who recited after every prayer:
and completes the hundred with;
LA ILAHA ILLALLAHU WHDAHU LA SHARIKA LAHU LAHUL MULKU WA LAHUL HAMDU WA HUWA 'ALA KULLI SHAI'IN QADIR, his sins will be forgiven even if these are abundant as the foam of the sea.
Sahih Muslim 597.
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
Alhamdulillah, we uploaded 8 Chapters of Jami at Tirmidhi Book of virtues Of The Quran In English. Alhamdulillah
It’s usually your Family members
What if we repent?
Will be get our deeds back?
Do goods first . And at the sane time ask forgiveness from Allah.
@@AkramBaig2689 bro what if i say “people who don’t pray are casuals”
What if I am saying something about someone which is true just to warn others to be away from that person. Does it count under backbiting?
Yes. Esp. If that someone is mutual friends or a person that all of you know.
It's considered fitnah as well
❤ .
Is it still backbiting if the person is a non muslim?
Of course it is, people can backbite/slander anyone
You cant do any sin to anyone because we all are human
no, unless you're speaking about their looks/anything they can't change.
@@jahmed1999 slandering is not the same as backbiting.
What if someone is lying and say it infront of their face that you're lying, is this a sin?
This is quite confusing that's why I am asking this question.According to this video we can't even say any bad thing about anyone even not in front of him or her ,In that case how we gonna solve our problems & bad things about themselves when we don't have any right to point out their bad behavior. How can we say that they are doing it wrong or how can wr correct them when even pointing out their flaw or faults are being called backbiting. I am just confused about it thats why I am asking the question. May ALLAH ( SWT) forgive me whatever I asked here is wrong or I shouldn't have asked question like this.Hope someone will clear my doubts & I will get the clear idea about thid Dawah.
Backbiting is malicious talk about someone who is not present. So you probably can discuss it with them when they’re present.
@@Sam-nl1vi is it backbiting if i say “people who don’t pray are casuals” ?
You can probably discuss it with the person and try ro give that person feedback in a way which he doesnt feel wronged, in private
@@AbdulRahmanAlMubaarak Do You Need An Answer Or Do You got. One Already?
@@abdulazim119 yes please jazakh’Allah khair is it wrong if someone was to say for example “people who do not know how to swim are idiots” ?
this was a little confusing
Salam brother, what is it that you are confused about. Just ask and I shall try to answer to the best of my ability inshallah
Can you talk about the actions that world leaders committed? Or actions that historical figures have committed in a history class
When your wife backbites you that's worser
When your husband backbites you that’s worser